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School Weekly Rpt.


Montessori This week in Practical Life, we were learning how to make way for someone to pass. And in Sensorial we were working with Constructive triangles/ Rectangular box A and B. We were finishing the topic about starfish and we watched the Planet Earth about freshwater animals. We were learning also about water cycle. We were learning about Spain its people, geographic location, language, currency, ways of living and education in Culture and Geography. English We continue to move through the lessons of the Explode the Code book 2; initial consonant blends in 4 and 5 letter words. We continue practicing the use of sight words to improve grammar in simple sentence structure. This is reinforced with story making and reading exercises with the More Primary Phonics books. Also I have introduced something new for weekend homework; a drawn picture of what the students did on the weekend, and a sentence or two describing it. I’ll have the students do this for their homework every weekend until the end of the term. Chinese 1.我们复习了我们学过的汉字,让孩子能默写下来。 2.我们学习了句型:像……一样……,因为……所以……上课的时候我用图片的形式来让孩子来造句子, Math 1.学习40~50以内的加减法,继续学习,并以作业练习为主,现在孩子的加减法进步很大,已经掌握了用算式的计算了,还需要加强联系就行了。 2.学习九九乘法表,要加倍的形式来学习,比如说2是每次加二,以我们以前学过的基础,2个2个数,3个3个数,这样找规律的同时来学习九九乘法表。

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori This week in Practical we were learning on how to offer a seat and food to the guest. We did it through dramatization. And on Sensorial we work with Geometric Cabinet #3 and Geometric Cabinet #4 matching it with the corresponding cards. Everybody had a chance to work with it during circle time. We had a new topic in Science, we were learning about starfishes. And in Geography/Culture we also had a new topic. We are now in the last continent Europe English We are continuing our way through the number 2 book introducing more consonant blends for initial sounds. The students are much more confident in their reading, therefore more time will be spent in the morning reading short stories in small groups of 3 – 5 (the More Primary Phonics books – which have varying levels of difficulty). During English class I will also introduce some dramatic plays, to have the students read more but more importantly practice speaking with proper grammar. Chinese 1.复习我们学过的《小雨点》能背下来,并能书写里面的汉字,同时以春天的形式来巩固这首儿歌,加深印象。 2.故事《两只手套》《金色的房子》,讲完之后让学生来表演,并学习《金色房子》脸面“红的墙,绿的窗,金色的房子亮堂堂”。重点还是在汉字上面。 Math 1.继续学习推进位的加减法,强调借位跟进位,同时以题例为主来讲。 2.以上周学生对乘法表的感知这周来进一步来认识乘法表,介绍九九 乘法表,从1~6的出示乘法口诀图,讲解乘法口诀的意义,尝试看图朗诵,数学版乘法口诀表,让学生回家把乘法表背下来。 1×1=1 1×2=2 2×2=4 1×3=3 2×3=6 3×3=9 1×4=4 2×4=8 3×4=12 4×4=16 1×5=5 2×5=10 3×5=15 4×5=20 5×5=25 1×6=6 2×6=12 3×6=18 4×6=24 5×6=30 6×6=36