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School Weekly Rpt.


Montessori This week in Practical Life we were learning on how to greet and introduce somebody. We did it through dramatization. And on Sensorial we work with Geometric Cabinet #1 and Geometric Cabinet #2 matching it with the corresponding cards. Everybody had a chance to work with it during circle time. We were learning about dolphins in Science, its characteristics and the similarities and differences of dolphins and whales. And In relation with our topic about dolphins we watched the movie Free Willy 2 in the internet. We are still in the continent of South America in Geography/Culture. We were learning the country Brazil, its geographic location, the people, language, population, religion and economy. We also had an activity “pinning the name of different countries of South America. English In English class we have continued on our way through the Explode the Code 2 book. The first few lessons focus on consonant blends like fl, gl, cl, cr, fr, br, bl, etc. We have been learning 4 and 5 letter words using these combinations. In the morning more time will be spent on creative writing, making pictures and telling stories. Chinese 1.复习上星期学的《鹅 鹅 鹅》、《我的小书架》里面的汉字,要求能按笔顺写下来。 2.故事《兔子王国运动会》根据故事的内容来孩子来表演,加强对故事的记忆 3.仿编儿歌《小雨点》,要求能背下来,学习里面的个别汉字。 Math 1.学习数式,20~30以内的加减法。 2.感知乘法,感知相同数连续相加,2+2+2+2=? 以前我们遇到这种问题是用加法的方式运算,但是今天老师介绍一种乘法的运算,2×4=8 又如:1+1+1+1=4 用乘法表的形式就是1×4=4 就是这样来计算的,这一周先让学生做这些简单的练习。



大陸長城有很多段, 今天感謝Rita阿姨 幫大家安排了河北省金山嶺長城之旅 參加人員: Rita Rtia爸媽 2位韓國同事 1位美國人男友 & 我們一家3口 天氣: 晴 稍有沙塵 因為金山嶺長城距離北京較遠所以我們今天8:30 就出發車程約2.5小時,司機不小心走錯路稍微耽擱了一下所以約11:30到達, 很不巧的是大夥一下車就遇到下泥(就是天空中太多塵土雨下下來夾帶著土就變成了泥了), 媽咪的米色外套馬上變成了"大丹狗"趕緊去旁邊店家買了像垃圾袋的紫色雨衣立刻穿上, 但還好就下約10分鐘就停了不影響我們爬長城, 大夥兒買了門票準備好就出發囉! 雖然遇上51連續假期這裡遊客不太多聽說老外比較喜歡爬這金山嶺長城, 風景美且遊客較少, 能量十足的小班從頭走到尾也沒喊要抱抱值得嘉獎喔! 但一路上都有"阿姨"跟著充當響導(但這阿姨是不請自來的下山後就得跟她買東西,是說她生活貧苦山上沒活幹請我們遊客幫幫忙買些紀念品...卻有點霸王硬上鉤的fu)爬著爬著肚子餓了大家席地而坐來個野餐囉! 媽咪帶了些麵包水果吃完接著繼續往上爬, 長城風光以前都是在電視上看到,第一次欣賞到長城美景身歷其境感覺真不錯, 只是覺得以前年代的人真是辛苦啊以土法煉鋼方式一磚一瓦的把長城砌好給他們一百個讚啦! 金山嶺長城有一段經風吹日曬較嚴重已成了破長程且兩邊已無欄杆看似危險我們就打住了,接著下山時大夥兒走了捷徑約30分鐘就到了(上山爬了約3小時呢!). 接著大夥兒即將前往在"果園"(在順義區一個種滿蘋果的地方)的餐廳吃晚餐-- The orchard, 這是一家很棒的餐廳建議可以選在湖邊靠窗的位置一邊吃飯一邊欣賞外面的景色再來杯紅酒就是一完美組合啦! ps.http://www.the-orchard.com.cn/index.html 餐廳附近有一outlet(賽特奧萊)但價格都比美國貴

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori This week in Practical life we had a review on table eating manners and how to eat in a buffet which includes on how to queue and to get food. We are working with the curved figures like quatrefoil, oval, ellipse and the curvilinear in Sensorial In Science we were learning about the sea horses. Its characteristic, body parts, uniqueness, how they reproduce and food they eat. We were learning the geographic location of South America English English this week has focused on introducing new consonant blends for initial sounds of 4 and 5 letter words and the proper grammatical structure of questions and answers (using simple question words like Can, May, Do, Does, Will – combined with a pronoun). In circle time we have been playing games like Simon-says and the Name Game. We have also been practicing the singing the song Yellow Submarine to go along with our underwater theme. Chinese 1.学习《小书架》,要求有感情的背诵下来,书写里面的汉字:书、用、中、下,个别同学要写拼音,在朗诵的时候要看着拼音来朗诵,养成看拼音来朗诵,这样以后遇到不认识的字看拼音来认读。 2.继续学习笔画横折钩、竖钩、竖弯钩,这些笔画在古诗《小书架》里面的汉子学习完了后让学生画下自己心目中的小书架。 3.学习句型,因为……所以……,先讲解再让学生造句,不要求会写只要能理解这个句型就行了。 Math 1.学习时间,学习时间之前先5个5个的数,先打基础,时间是过一格就是5分钟,1时=60分。1分=60秒。 2.学习20以内用竖式来运算的加减法

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori This week in Practical Life, everybody is participating in establishing ground rules for the field trip last April 20, 2011. We also had some feed backing on the field trip. In Sensorial, we had a review of Geometric Cabinet #5 and started working on Geometric Cabinet #6– curved figures In Science we had a review on corals and we watched a video on octopus vs. shark. Almost all of the students guessed that octopus will win. Last April 20, 2011, we had a field at the Botanical Garden. It was a whole day affair and the students had a great day. We also had a drawing activity of what they saw in the Botanical Garden. In Geography/Culture we were learning about the continent of South America. English class We have finished our work in Explode the Code 1 and have moved on to the second book. We are focusing on proper grammar in asking and answering simple questions in speech and in writing. Thus we have practiced our use, and identification of, punctuation (the question mark, the period, and the apostrophe). The second book will also focus on the combination of consonants for initial sounds (i.e. dr, tr, gl,…) and the combination of consonants and vowels for ending sounds (i.e. ck, ed, es, ing,…) with new vocabulary. Chinese 1.学习古诗《鹅 鹅 鹅》,要求有感情的背诵下来,书写里面的汉字:白、毛、水、向,个别同学要写拼音,在朗诵的时候要看着拼音来朗诵,养成看拼音来朗诵,这样以后遇到不认识的字看拼音来认读。 2.学习笔画横折钩、竖钩、竖弯钩,这些笔画在古诗《鹅 鹅 鹅》里面的汉子。 3.学习句型,如果……就……,先讲解再让学生造句,不要求会写只要能理解这个句型就行了。 Math 1.学习统计,能看图来做出统计。 2.学习人民币,会单位换算。

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori This week in Practical life we played again the “Silent Game” and we reviewed on how to pass paper/things clockwise and counterclockwise. In Sensorial we worked on the Geometric Cabinet # - the parallelogram. We were learning in Science about the corals – what are they, its characteristics, its uses and how to take care of them. And in Geometry we are learning the geographic location of Central America this week English This week in English class has been a review of all lessons thus far. We will end the week learning new punctuation – the difference between a question (?) and a statement (.). Fridays homework required the children to distinguish between the two, while reading sentences using all sight words and short vowel sounds learned up to this point. Chinese 1.学习古诗《晚春》,要求能背下来。 2.学习笔画提、竖钩、弯钩等,在学习笔画的同时要求能根据笔画想出自己认识的汉字,如:提这个笔画能想起虫这个字,竖钩能想起小这个字,能让学生在学习笔画的同时要学习汉字 3.学习句型因为…所以… 只要…才能…先讲解再让学生造句,不要求会写只要能理解这个句型就行了。 Math 1.20以内的实物相加相减运算,如:8+7=? 13-7=? 会20以内的加 减法应用题。 2.5~10以内的口编应用题为基础,老师在黑板上演示,学生来练习做 20以内的口编应用题,同时要求能用算式的形式来运算。 3.每天留学过的加减法作为作业来加强练习。



地點: 國貿service apartment Grace's place 媽媽s: Grace, Vickie, Vicky, Sharon, Julian, Cafe, 嘉玲 and me 國貿酒店公寓聽說是個歷史悠久的高級服務住家很多名人住於此 早上跟好友鄰居Vicky 帶著茶點一起走路去國貿公寓Grace 家, 今天是入春以來最熱的一天(25度)天空上大量的漂著柳絮像似下雪般,看似美麗但卻令人不舒服氣管不好者與易過敏者會非常痛苦的. 今天又多認識了一位台灣朋友Julian,第一次見面知道老公也是美國人(因為去年才結婚的Cafe也是嫁給美國人)而且都是帥老公我們都期待她們趕快有小寶寶, 肯定都是非常可愛的呢! Grace 媽媽老公是日本人所以不論是穿著或家裡佈置都很日本味, 嗯, 其他都是台灣老公囉! 早茶中Grace 媽媽還約了一位裁縫師父訂製衣服(這位倪師父大部分是為在北京的一些日本媽媽訂製衣服手工還算細緻但費用也不便宜呢). 聊天中才知這些貴婦們興趣真的都是些: 插花(學的可又是媽咪沒聽過的冷凍花) 國畫 書法 SPA 做指甲....太多了 早茶時間很快的在大家七嘴八舌中過了, 接著就去中國飯店午餐(聽說這裡的餐非常好吃但卻貴), 沒想到剛好今天巧遇某些領導們在此用餐服務生直接跟我們說別等了, 大夥們失望的轉往國貿樓下的台菜店--古早味 哇! 好久沒吃到台灣的炒米粉了尤其今天吃的是辣炒米粉真是特好吃,好懷念台灣菜呢! 期待下周四同時間聚會唷~~

Ben's news


學習進度 自從小班轉班上幼小銜接班後,可能上了一整天的課憋太久了每天4:30去接小班他一定要在學校的playground跟他的好朋友們瘋狂的玩上半小時(小孩真的很快就可以結交到好朋友呢!)直到uncle喊要關門小朋友才紛紛離去, 但小班跟Aimee這時候都會一起前往住家樓下的playground玩溜滑梯, 最近天氣轉好了傍晚時刻這裡擠滿了小朋友很多媽媽也在這時候出來溜小孩,再加上那些國際學校放學的小學生小孩們玩在一起完全不分國界了, 每天都要玩到快6:00才回家,搞的媽咪提早在下午就得開始準備晚餐(出去逛街吃飯都得匆匆趕回家準備,唉! 為了小班能頭好壯壯媽咪的犧牲可真大呢!) 今天的小班算是乖巧, 回到家竟然說要先寫homework(讓媽咪著實嚇了一大跳) 小班仍然是先寫英文作業, 就是看圖認字彙(譬如說: 看到拖把就要在單字堆裡找出mop圈起來然後拼寫在圖旁邊, 但另外看圖說話這部分小班還不會自己完成都要聽媽咪念完才會圈選答案,譬如說: 圖示是: 一隻小蟲困在蜘蛛網裡 答案1 : A big, wet bag fell 答案2 : A bug sat in the web. 這種題型可發現小班的reading得加強但聽完全沒問題, 因為每次媽咪一念完 小班就立刻毫不猶豫的選出正確答案 15題的英文作業很快的就寫完了,接著竟然拿出他的ipad 找出數學題繼續練習加法(明明就還有數學作業還沒寫就是要先玩ipad), 因為ipad數學題是一種賓果遊戲也就是一邊要算加法一邊在九宮格選答案最後連成一條線可以選貼紙, 所以小孩的學習是需要有趣的枯燥乏味是提不起他們的興致的... 6:45吃晚餐8:00吃完(正確一點說法是餵完!!)媽咪心想小班今天應該可以9:30躺平吧! 沒想到還是拖到10:00才睡著, 唉! 這點還得用力改進才行,(同學們好像9:00以前都躺平呢!) "教養大震撼" 那本書裡寫著: 小孩睡眠不足對身體造成的害處比鉛中毒還嚴重...