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Ben's news


小班今天很有自制力唷! 早上起床後吃完早餐自己玩lego 組了一台車車 一間房子後收拾好lego接著寫英文 homework, 哈! 上了一個月幼小銜接班第一次自己完成英文作業,作業內容是看圖拼音(單字放在一堆裡找出圈起來然後把單字寫在圖畫旁邊) 雖然都是3個letter 但是有進步了再加油喔! 聽說國際學校(譬如英國學校加拿大學校..5歲小孩都會寫出一整個句子了,小班自從離開台灣oxford學校後媽咪就不知道正常進度應該到哪了? 況且小班初到北京英文也退步了, 還好及時轉班最近才有點成績出來(但值得慶幸的是小班聽跟說還可以現在班上兩位外師上課都還聽得懂)好里加在. 另外中文拼音媽咪是一整個都不會小班好像也不是很感興趣中文字倒認識了幾個,但身在大陸還是得學學才行啊! 今天小班跟媽咪小小抱怨了一下說新的班級上太多課很累而且中午沒睡午覺所以到下午circle time時候就想睡覺...想要轉回舊的班級,媽咪當然說不行啊! (舊的班級每天以玩樂為主小班當然開心呀! 但已經5歲了明年要上小學了不可以再玩下去了) ************************* 小班講著講著又想起oxford學校附近的那家義大利麵店(以前小班最喜歡的義大利麵店)所以媽咪今天晚上就帶小班去世貿天階 巴黎貝甜吃義大利麵, 小班一入口就說: 我就是喜歡吃這種義大利麵超級無敵好吃, 一整大盤都吃光呢! 真是難得的景象.唉! 媽咪又想起去年上班太忙了常請學校Ms Debby 幫忙買那家義大利麵給小班吃, 真的是謝謝學校老師課後的幫忙呢! 因為今天7:30就吃完晚餐就讓小班在世貿天階廣場玩scooter, 媽咪也在旁邊認真看起來想不到小班滑的還真不錯轉彎姿勢特美還可以滑花式,厲害唷! 滑了一會兒小班就說: 媽咪, 我陪你去逛街買衣服吧! (世貿天階是一很大的Mall) 哈! 這兒子真貼心呢!

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori We had another round of “Silent Game” this week in Practical life for the benefits of the new comers. We also had food tasting activity, in which all parents who came including us teachers brought food/foods that are famous in their home town and explain about it; where it come from, what are the ingredients and how does it made. After presentation of the food, everybody had to taste it. In Sensorial, they draw and label different Geometric forms. In Science, we studied the jelly fish, its parts and its uniqueness. We were learning about the country Canada, its geographic feature, languages spoken, population and national anthem in Culture/Geography English We have continued to work our way through the Explode the Code 1 book when practicing reading and writing. Focus on proper use of pronouns and possessive adjectives continue. Wednesdays are now a period to improve speech and creativity; we create a story as a class, each student contributing to the creation of the sentences and their writing. Chinese 1.复习上周学过的汉字。如:毛绒绒、轻飘飘、笑哈哈、气哼哼 2.复习四字格词。如:蹦蹦跳跳、漂漂亮亮、干干净净、欢欢喜喜等 3.游戏的形式复习学习词汇接龙,提高学生学习的积极性,积累词汇量。 Math 1.这周主要学习10以内结合实物连加连减运算,能够知道2个以上连续相加相减的方法,能够正确进行10以内数的连加连减运算,如:3+2+4=? 8-2-4=? 会10以内的加减法算式填空,加强对20以内的运算,能在《 》中填上合适的数字,10以内的混算,如:6-2=3= 2.同时继续学习用算式运算的形式来计算,主要学习减法的算式,介绍退位的应用 3.每天以减法算式的作业给学生加强练习。

Ethnic food party


今天是民族風味品餐會, 上星期學校就通知了這週四要媽媽們準備自己國家或家鄉特色菜到學校跟同學分享,這道題真的難倒媽咪了,尋求親朋好友協助感謝大家提供各種台灣料理菜單給媽咪,不論是蚵仔煎 滷肉飯 瓜子墩肉 三杯雞 鹹蛋炒苦瓜 牛肉麵 ...這些媽咪真的都沒親手做過呢! (尷尬) 這些天媽咪還真是苦惱呢! 乾脆到附近台菜餐廳金湯匙訂菜算了, 想想不可以丟台灣人的臉(因為班上只有小班一人是台灣人)而且還要介紹菜餚材料與做法, 就翻出寶典-食譜,哈哈找出一道簡單又味美的菜餚---滷牛肉, 就是將牛腱肉 馬鈴薯 紅蘿蔔 少許大蒜 糖 醬油 水放在鍋裡在大同電鍋燉煮就行了. 哈哈! 煮的非常成功 博得嘉許呢! 加拿大提供的菜餚是魚三明治(勉強) 菲律賓菜餚是馬鈴薯沙拉 還有印度餐(很特別) 但這些媽咪只是看看卻不敢下肚, 有一北京同學媽媽做的可樂滷雞翅還真不錯吃呢!小班還吃了2隻呢! (材料:可口可樂 醬油 雞翅) 每個小孩都吃的津津有味的(唯獨那挑嘴小班真難伺候) 胃口超好怪不得都長得頭好壯壯的,小班可要加點油了... 杯盤狼藉之後家長們陸續離開接著廚房ㄚ姨開始上甜點 水果,當媽咪也要走時奇怪的是小班又哭起來了喊著要回家,真是給它8條線都這麼大了還愛哭, 媽咪心一狠還是走了哭泣的小班奔來親兩下說byebye後也就不哭了... 媽咪做的紅燒牛腱(老師說好吃呢)中間那碗是印度菜

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori. We did listening and silent exercises in Practical life this week. In Sensorial, we had a review on the different geometric shapes that we learned and had an “I Spy” game on the different shapes. We finished the lesson on squid and started to make a three dimensional submarine in Science. In Geography/ culture we took up up the geograhic location of Canada. English Now that our new classmates have become familiar with class rules and routine, we have continued to move forward to the end of the book, Explode the Code 1. This week focused on reviewing sentence structures using possessive adjectives, pronouns, and of course the vocabulary using short vowel sounds (a, e, i, u). Wednesdays will now be story making day. We will practice good grammar in speech by creating a story orally as a class, then each student will take turns writing as well. The story we begun this week is a variation of one we read at circle time titled Always In Trouble. Chinese 1.学习双音尾词。如:毛绒绒、轻飘飘、笑哈哈、气哼哼 2.学习四字格词。如:蹦蹦跳跳、漂漂亮亮、干干净净、欢欢喜喜等 3.游戏的形式学习词汇接龙,提高学生学习的积极性,积累词汇量。 Math 1.这周主要以复习为主,继续练习5以内的口编应用题,10以内的加减法,10以内的口编应用题 2.同时介绍用算式运算的形式来计算,这样也是为10~20以内的加减法,先理解退位跟进位的理解,以前学生只会10以内的加减法,到20就不会了,所以为了学生会算10以内的加减法就得先学会退位跟进位 3.在介绍算式的同时多给学生这样类型的题目,加强练习,对算式运算的理解

School weekly Rpt.


Montessori We had a movement games for the children to practice on how to follow instructions. During spring festival we went to the playground played “Catch the Dragon Tail”, “What time is it Mr. Wolf?” then after that we made a flower picture frame by using their hands as patterns as reinforcement on how to follow instructions. We continued learning about the polygons and their names in Sensorial class. In Science, we had a review on the parts of a crab and we were learning also about octopuses and squids. We were reviewing about the continents of Africa for the benefits of the new students and those who were returning from vacation. We were studying in particular about South Africa, its location, the people, the weather, animals present and the country’s emblems in Geography/Culture. English In English class we have continued our work on the short vowel “u” and sentence structure. Friday’s homework was difficult for them, but we will continue encouraging creative sentence writing. By the end of this term I want to see most students able to write simple 3-5 words sentences and be able to write many 3-4 letter words simply by hearing them. Chinese 1.复习上星期学过的象声词跟反义词 2.再学过新的东西,学习丰富动词跟丰富形容词,让孩子能更一步的喜欢汉字 3.能根据动词来造句,让孩子积累更多的词汇量,同时学习一首古诗《春夜喜雨》 4.个别学生继续学习拼音跟简单的汉字 Math 1.5以内加减法口编应用题,根据老师的演示来让学生来编题,在黑板上画出不同5以内的实物来编题 2.10以内加减法口编应用题,同5以内一样的方法,5以内加减算式运算,5以内看数列式,10以内加减法算式运算,加强她们的灵活学习数学。 3.练习5~10以内的加减法



這星期媽咪"行程"排滿檔今天一整個早上在學校跟著小班上課唱唱跳跳年紀大了還真有點累了... 春天到了學校今天辦了"春日"活動,家長與小孩一起同樂 早上跟小班說今天要跟他一起上課他開心極了也不帶玩具了(每天出門前都要選個玩具要求媽咪下午去接他時帶去學校跟同學玩因為學校規定星期五sharing day 時才可帶玩具), 一樣騎著scooter咻咻咻到學校把車停好媽咪陪著進教室, 9:30開始上課兩個外師開始介紹季節, 阿菲介紹菲國一年只有兩個季節Partick是加拿人也介紹加拿大的天氣一邊講一邊用電腦Demo給小朋友看一群孩兒們紛紛坐在Partick 跟前仔細聆聽, 唯獨小班老是跟在媽咪跟前不理會老師(深怕媽咪偷偷離開),看起來小班好像沒在聽講整個人像條蟲似的扭來扭去令媽咪很苦惱,但說也奇怪當老師講到有趣的部分時他立即又跟上注意聽了起來,接著開始唱歌跳舞吃點心再去Playground玩, 時間安排得很緊湊接著又回到教室做美術, 待Partick將完成品拍完照活動就結束了,近中午小朋友開始吃飯飯家長們離席, 但黏人的小班不讓媽咪離開落下傷心的眼淚媽咪只好坐在遠處"陪"他吃,吃完才讓媽咪離開 學前班的老師真的把這些小孩當大小孩看待, 日常生活方面的照顧相對減少包含吃飯如不想吃了就可自行倒掉(不喜歡吃飯的小班這對他來說是個好消息幾乎每天都倒掉 氣死我也啊)也沒有按時提醒小孩喝水, 他們觀念是小孩夠大了必須學習自己照顧自己, 另在課程方面安排的也像小學生活一樣每天都有homework每天早上8:30檢查作業...,種種的這些媽咪應該自己也要學著適應了 唉! 媽咪又開始想念起台灣的oxford 了Ms Debby Ms. Carina Mr. Adlof Mr. Tristan.... 點心時間