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Rita(六)24-7 課程重點(Topics): 1.Rhymes (MFSB)1-24 2.TV show 3.Phonics : -ar, -or 4.錄音稿 Hello, Rita. My name is _______. Today is _________. It is ________(日期). It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read " Rhyme 21 to Rhyme 24 " Rhyme 21. Grandma Can Knit See my Grandma sit. See her sit, sit, sit. See my Grandma hit. See her hit, hit, hit. See my Grandma knit. See her knit, knit, knit. Grandma! It does not fit! Rhyme 22. The Ice Cream On A Stick Tick One ice cream on a stick. What a clever trick! Lick! Two ice creams on a stick. What a clever trick! Lick! Lick! Three ice creams on a stick. What a clever trick! Lick! Lick! Lick! Four ice creams on a stick. What a clever trick! Lick! Lick! Lick! Lick! Five ice creams on a stick. What a clever trick! Lick! Lick! Lick! Lick! Lick! Six ice creams off a stick. Quick, lick, quick! Rhyme 23. The Clown In Town "Come down to town," said the boy. "Come down to town," said the girl. "Come down to town," said the man. "Come down to town," said the woman. Come down to town and see the clown... See the clown with a frown. See the clown upside down! Rhyme 24. Ker-thump! I trip on a stump. Ker-thump! I hit my head, bump. I get up with a jump. Now my head has a lump. But I'm not a grump. Next time I will jump over the stump! That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: *.Write : 一.Rhymes 21-24*1+中 二.Phonics : -ar, -or *3+中 -ar : star, card, car, arm -or : corn, short, fork, thorn *.Read : Rhymes 1-24 , Phonics p.1 *.Record(錄音):內容如上#4 錄音稿 。 。 。 。 。



小蜜的嬰兒床是翔翔哥哥小時候用的 上頭鋪的夏天草蓆也是翔翔哥哥小時候,媽咪咪跟BBH媽媽買的二手草蓆 (好像是麗嬰房的,上面有米奇的圖案) 上週發現不知道是草蓆年紀大了?還是小蜜太會ㄘㄥˋ?! 草蓆上頭已經有一大一小的破洞 也有一些碎屑弄在床上 為了大家良好的睡眠品質,還有小蜜的健康 媽咪咪很心砸錢買了一床評價很好的狐狸村涼蓆 另外,汽座上的涼蓆也不是很理想,小蜜坐在上面常常整個背都是汗 媽咪咪索性一併換了,再買一個狐狸村傳奇古典皇家透氣汽座涼蓆 希望砸錢砸的值得啊! ---------------------- ★狐狸村傳奇古典皇家透氣涼蓆(台規中床用)$1180 •天然紙纖涼蓆,透氣舒適,材質特殊,夏天使用涼爽不悶熱,可取代傳統蓆類製品。 •紙纖涼蓆適用於各式嬰兒床、推車。 •上層紙纖、下層蜂巢式透氣網的設計,輕鬆解決床墊悶熱不透氣的問題 •材質柔軟不會凸出或折斷,收納簡單,外出攜帶方便。 •古典歐風設計質感典雅,禮盒式包裝,送禮自用皆宜。 < 規格 > •規格:120*60 cm。 •材質:上層 / 紙纖、底層 / 蜂巢式透氣網。 •適用:台規中床。 •產地:台灣。 < 注意事項 > •請定期用溼布擦拭後蔭乾,以延長產品的使用期限。 •紙纖是天然材質,請勿使用過濕的布擦拭,不可直接水洗或太陽下曝曬。 ※ 如需日曬請勿超過2小時。 ★狐狸村傳奇古典皇家透氣汽座涼蓆 (手推車.汽座兩用)$600 •天然紙纖涼蓆,透氣舒適,材質特殊,夏天使用涼爽不悶熱,可取代傳統蓆類製品。 •紙纖涼蓆適用於各式嬰兒床、推車。 •上層紙纖、下層蜂巢式透氣網的設計,輕鬆解決床墊悶熱不透氣的問題 •材質柔軟不會凸出或折斷,收納簡單,外出攜帶方便。 •古典歐風設計質感典雅,禮盒式包裝,送禮自用皆宜。 < 規格 > •貨號:301-3018 •規格:25 * 81cm。 •材質:上層 / 紙纖、底層 / 蜂巢式透氣網。 •適用:五點式推車 / 汽座 兩用。 •產地:台灣。 < 注意事項 > •請定期用溼布擦拭後蔭乾,以延長產品的使用期限。 •紙纖是天然材質,請勿使用過濕的布擦拭,不可直接水洗或太陽下曝曬。 ※ 如需日曬請勿超過2小時。



Rita(六)24-3 課程重點(Topics): 1.My Pizza 2.Rhymes (MFSB)9-16 3.Fruit and Vegetables 4.錄音稿 Hello, Rita. My name is _______. Today is _________. It is ________(日期). It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read " Rhyme 9to Rhyme 16 " Rhyme 9. Where is the snail? Here is the snail trail. But where is the snail? Here is the nail. But where is the snail? Here is the pail. But where is the snail? Here is the tail of the snail. And here is the snail in the pail. Rhyme 10. We Are The Same. ?We are twins. We look the same.? ?Our hair is the same.? ?Our face are the same.? ?Our glasses are the same.? ?Our dresses are the same.? ?But our names are not the same.? My name is Fame and her name is Flame. Rhyme 11. What Happened Then? A mother fox and her fox cubs ten... went out walking from their den. They saw a hen in a pen. What happened then? They saw some men. What happened then? The mother fox and her fox cubs ten ran and ran back to their den. Rhyme 12. A Pet You Have Not Met. Let me get you a pet. A pet from the vet! Let me get you a pet... a pet you have not met. This pet likes the wet. This pet likes the TV set. This pet likes the fishing net. Come to the vet to get your pet. Rhyme 13. A Dark , Dark Night It's a dark, dark night. There's no moonlight. There is nothing in sight... to the left or the right. Look! There's a bright light... a bright light in the dark dark night. It's a monster from the moon. It gives me a fright! Rhyme 14. Granny's Legs Are Thin See my Granny's legs. They are thin, thin, thin. See my Grandpa's whiskers on his chin, chin, chin. See my little sister. She can grin, grin, grin. See my little broter. He's my twin, twin, twin. See my friend with bruises on his shin, shin, shin. See us all with different-coloured skin... to keep our insides in! Rhyme 15. What Is Hot And What Is Not The sun is hot... but the snow is not. Soup is hot... but salad is not. Chocolate is hot... but lemonade is not. Ice cream is not hot...but we like it a lot. Rhyme 16. The Cook Book What will I cook? Let's look in the book. A pie? No! What will I cook? Let's look in the book. A pizza? No! What will I cook? Let's look in the book.A chocolate cake? That's what I'll cook. A chocolate cake -look! That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: *.Write : Rhymes 9-16*1+中 *.Read : Rhymes 1-16(背句子) *.Record(錄音):內容如上#4 錄音稿 。 。