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Rita(六)24-2 課程重點(Topics): 1.Listening Fun 2.Rhymes (MFSB)1-8 3.Pizza (下次報告) 3.錄音稿 Hello, Rita. My name is _________. Today is _________. It is ________(日期). It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read " Rhyme 1to Rhyme 8 " Rhyme 1. Rain Rain, rain on the train. Rain, rain on the plain. Rain, rain on the grain. Rain, rain on the chain. Rain, rain down the drain. Rain, rain ... what a pain! Rhyme 2. Grandpa, How Are You Today? Grandpa, how are you today? What's that? What did you say? Grandpa, how are you today? No, I can't come out and play. Grandpa, how are you today? Yes, I know a horse eats hay. Grandpa can't hear what I say. He's put his hearing aid away! Rhyme 3. What do you see? One, two, three. What do you see? I see three apples on the tree. One, two, three. What do you see? I see two apples on the tree. One, two, three. What do you see? I see one apple on the tree. One, two, three. What do you see? No more apples on the tree. Rhyme 4. A Treat To Eat Sauce on the pizza is a treat. Meat on the pizza is a treat. Tomato on the pizza is a treat. Cheese on the pizza is a treat. Heat,heat,heat! Have a seat and eat,eat,eat! You can't beat a pizza. A pizza is neat. Rhyme 5. Mice Like Rice Mice like rice. Rice and mice! Mice like ice. Ice and mice! "Rice is nice," said the mice. "Ice is nice," said the mice. Mice like rice and mice like ice! Rhyme 6. I Ride Outside I ride outside. I ride inside. I slide outside. I slide inside. I hide outside. I hide inside. I hide upside down! Rhyme 7. Hop To The Shop I hop, hop, hop to the shop, shop, shop. I hop, hop, hop to get a pop, pop, pop. I hop, hop, hop to the shop, shop, shop. I hop, hop, hop to get a top, top, top. I hop, hop, hop to the shop, shop, shop. I hop, hop, hop. I do not stop. Hop, hop, hop! Flop! Rhyme 8. The Frog And The Dog The frog went for a jog. The dog went for a jog. The frog went over the log. The dog went over the log. The frog went into the fog. The dog went into the fog. Can you see the frog and the dog in the fog? That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: *.Write : Rhymes 1-8*1+中 *.Read : Rhymes 1-16 *.Record(錄音):內容如上#4 錄音稿 。 。 。 。 。



@永和國小 營隊特色: 三、二、一 戰鬥∼開始!這是小朋友目前最耳熟能詳的一句話!戰鬥陀螺是小朋友的最愛,但是戰鬥陀螺五花八門,每個陀螺各有優缺點,怎樣才能成為最強的陀螺戰士呢?在戰鬥陀螺營裡,小朋友會學到許多關於陀螺的知識,例如陀螺轉動會保持巧妙的平衡、摩擦力的降低讓陀螺轉得更久、動力來源、陀螺的重心…等,原來有這麼多的因素影響陀螺轉動。最後還會讓小朋友透過陀螺比賽,學習到勝不驕、敗不餒的運動家精神喔!更多關於戰鬥陀螺的秘密即將被破解,就讓我們一起來研究,邁向最強的戰鬥陀螺王者之途吧! 第一天 時間 活動內容 09:00~09:15 早安!報到時間 09:15~09:45 相見歡 分組及小組默契培養 09:45~09:50 休息,補充水分 09:50~11:50 陀螺萬花筒-從古至今,陀螺千變萬化,讓我們來好好認識陀螺吧!小朋友你們知道古時候也有戰鬥陀螺嗎?這堂課會介紹陀螺的歷史、陀螺的演變。陀螺隨著時代的進步,動力也有所不同,讓小朋友體驗使用不同的動力來驅動陀螺,比賽誰的陀螺最會轉,並且利用生活用品-棉花棒與細紙條來製作有趣的”紙捲陀螺”。 11:50~12:00 收拾+準備吃午餐 12:00~13:20 午餐及午休 13:20~13:30 起床,活動筋骨 13:30~15:30 旋轉魔力-是什麼原因影響著陀螺轉動呢?我們一起找出來吧! 15:30~16:00 點心時間 16:00~16:30 腦力激盪 + 大家來搶答 16:30 放學 大家明天見 http://secedu.com.tw/course/Course_125.php



暑假前翔翔學校發了幾張展覽的優惠票訂購單 不知道賽爾號是什麼的翔翔,選了要看這個展 而且,他很堅持 本來媽咪咪很反對的,因為翔翔根本不知道什麼是賽爾號去看實在沒意義 但爸比比說,要尊重翔翔的選擇,而且搞不好可以學到一些太空的知識.... ㄟ!好吧!就只好讓翔翔訂票了 後來媽咪咪知道翔翔的好朋友耀翔也有買這個票 就跟翔翔說那你跟耀翔約約看要不要一起去看展,這樣你有個伴也好 於是乎,我們就約了一起去看展。 華山藝文特區媽咪咪聽過很多次 但是沒來過 坐了672在光華商場下車後,還問了路人才知道怎麼走∼^^" 在等好友的空檔,展場外先照一張吧! 租了手環進去後,兩個小孩就去闖關啦! 說實在的,這裡面,根本跟什麼太空知識沒啥關係 都麻是這款線上遊戲有關的一些人物 而裡面好玩的只有其中的一關:體感遊戲 因為人不多,所以兩個小孩完了一次後,又再次重新入場再玩一次! 玩了兩次後已經中午啦! 太陽又大又熱,就在華山藝文特區裡吃義大利麵再回家吧∼ 兩個小孩進了餐廳後還是繼續賽爾號 玩得不亦樂乎 吃飯前,耀翔媽媽聊到說為什麼翔翔跟耀翔會變成好朋友? 原來有一天翔翔跟耀翔說:「我們來當永遠不會吵架的好朋友,好不好?」 於是乎,他們就成了好朋友了! 而且,據他們說,到目前為止,沒有吵過架喔! 很好!要繼續這樣保持下去喔!



Rita(五)24-21 課程重點(Topics): 1.Rhyme 1-15 2.Plural nouns + 不可數 n. (UC) 3.錄音稿 Hello, Rita. My name is _______. Today is _________. It is ________(日期). It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read " Rhyme 1-15 " " Rhyme one " I see the moon. The moon sees me. God bless the moon. God bless me. " Rhyme two " Do you love me ? Or do you not ? You told me once. But I forgot. " Rhyme tree " Ring the bell. Knock at the door. Lift the latch. And work in. " Rhyme four Rain" Rain, Rain go away. Come again some other day. Little Johnny, Little Johnny, Little Johnny wants to play. " Rhyme five " Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream. " Rhyme six " Jack be nimble. Jack be quick. Jack jump over the Candlestick. " Rhyme seven Teddy Bear" Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear. One step, two steps, Tickle you under there. " Rhyme eight Niddles and pins" Niddles and pins. Niddles and pins. When a man marries His trouble begins. " Rhyme nine Going to bed" Go to bed late. Stay very small. Go to bed early. Grow very tall. " Rhyme ten Roses are red" Roses are red. Roses are blue. Sugar is sweet. But not as sweet as you. " Rhyme eleven " Star Light Star bright, The first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight. " Rhyme twelve Little star " Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like the dimand in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. " Rhyme thirteen Three little monkeys " Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One feel off and knocked his head. Mama called the doctor. And the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed. " Rhyme fourteen Little Teapot " I'm a little teapot. Short and stout. Here is my handle and here is my spout. When I get all steamed up. Then I stout. Pick me up and pour me out. " Rhyme fifteen Pease porridge hot " Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold, Pease porridge in the pot, Nine days old. Some like it hot,Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, Nine days old. That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: *.Write : 1.Word search ex.4 2.Reading Fun B-1 ex.6 *.Read: 1.Word search ex.1-4(背) 2.Rhyme 1-15 3.Plural nouns (+ 不可數N) *.Record(錄音):內容如上#3 錄音稿 。 。 。 。 。