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100 12 30 Rita(三)24-21 課程重點(Topics): 1.Dialoge (對話) 2.錄音稿 ( Dialoge with my parent ) Hello, Rita. My name is _______. Today is _________. It is Dec 30, 2011. It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read Dialoge with my mom 1. What's your name? My name is ____________. 2. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you? 3. How old are you? I am 7 years old. 第3組,可延伸 How old is your brother/sister ? My brother/sister is 2 years old. (8 months) 4. How's the weather today? It's sunny. (rainy, cloudy, windy) 5. What day is it today? Today is Wednesday. 6. What day is it tomorrow? Tomorrow is Thursday. 7. What day was it yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday. 8. How did you come here? I came here with my grandpa on foot. (mom/mother, dad/father, grandpa/grandfather) (by car, by motorcycle, by bus, by bicycle) 9. How do you feel? I am happy. (sad, scary, angry) 10. What month is it now? It is December. What year is it now? It is 2011. That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: 1.Read : Dialoge 2.Record(錄音):內容如上#2 錄音稿 。 。 。 。 。 Dear all, 今天發回的對話,可請家長自行調整順序, 並請孩子依您的問句給予正確的回應。 (下次則反過來,由孩子問問句。) 練習過並請錄音您與孩子的對話過程,請放輕鬆, Rita主要是想了解孩子回應問題的狀況。 如有需要可利用附加檔案的錄音。 Happy New Year! Rita



100 12 30 Rita(三)24-21 課程重點(Topics): 1.Dialoge (對話) 2.錄音稿 ( Dialoge with my parent ) Hello, Rita. My name is _______. Today is _________. It is Dec 30, 2011. It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read Dialoge with my mom 1. What's your name? My name is ____________. 2. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you? 3. How old are you? I am 7 years old. 第3組,可延伸 How old is your brother/sister ? My brother/sister is 2 years old. (8 months) 4. How's the weather today? It's sunny. (rainy, cloudy, windy) 5. What day is it today? Today is Wednesday. 6. What day is it tomorrow? Tomorrow is Thursday. 7. What day was it yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday. 8. How did you come here? I came here with my grandpa on foot. (mom/mother, dad/father, grandpa/grandfather) (by car, by motorcycle, by bus, by bicycle) 9. How do you feel? I am happy. (sad, scary, angry) 10. What month is it now? It is December. What year is it now? It is 2011. That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: 1.Read : Dialoge 2.Record(錄音):內容如上#2 錄音稿 。 。 。 。 。 Dear all, 今天發回的對話,可請家長自行調整順序, 並請孩子依您的問句給予正確的回應。 (下次則反過來,由孩子問問句。) 練習過並請錄音您與孩子的對話過程,請放輕鬆, Rita主要是想了解孩子回應問題的狀況。 如有需要可利用附加檔案的錄音。 Happy New Year! Rita src="https://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD2/38478/38477.203336041.wav" loop=infinite>



100 12 30 Rita(三)24-21 課程重點(Topics): 1.Dialoge (對話) 2.錄音稿 ( Dialoge with my parent ) Hello, Rita. My name is _______. Today is _________. It is Dec 30, 2011. It is ________(天氣). I 'm going to read Dialoge with my mom 1. What's your name? My name is ____________. 2. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you? 3. How old are you? I am 7 years old. 第3組,可延伸 How old is your brother/sister ? My brother/sister is 2 years old. (8 months) 4. How's the weather today? It's sunny. (rainy, cloudy, windy) 5. What day is it today? Today is Wednesday. 6. What day is it tomorrow? Tomorrow is Thursday. 7. What day was it yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday. 8. How did you come here? I came here with my grandpa on foot. (mom/mother, dad/father, grandpa/grandfather) (by car, by motorcycle, by bus, by bicycle) 9. How do you feel? I am happy. (sad, scary, angry) 10. What month is it now? It is December. What year is it now? It is 2011. That 's all. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye,Rita. *Homework: 1.Read : Dialoge 2.Record(錄音):內容如上#2 錄音稿 。 。 。 。 。 Dear all, 今天發回的對話,可請家長自行調整順序, 並請孩子依您的問句給予正確的回應。 (下次則反過來,由孩子問問句。) 練習過並請錄音您與孩子的對話過程,請放輕鬆, Rita主要是想了解孩子回應問題的狀況。 如有需要可利用附加檔案的錄音。 Happy New Year! Rita src="https://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD2/38478/38477.203336041.wav" loop=infinite>



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