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7 signs that your preschooler loves you

7 signs that your preschooler loves you She acts up: You turn away to chat with a friend on the playground and your preschooler starts grabbing toys and throwing sand. If she doesn't have your positive attention, she'll take negative attention over nothing at all. "I call this the law of the soggy potato chip," says Karp. "In your child's eyes, a soggy potato chip is better than no potato chip." Frustrating as it can be, this behavior is another sign of how important you are to your child. You're his role model: As in toddlerhood, your child likes to copy exactly what you do – but this modeling has become more advanced. You'll see him "making an important call" while hammering away at his "computer" or even cursing while driving his ride-on car (oops). "To your child, you are a rock star," says Karp. She makes verbal declarations of love: Finally! At 3 or 4, many children begin to express their love with actual words. You may hear "I love you, Mommy" or "Your skin is so soft" or even "I want to marry you and be together forever." They all mean the same thing. 哈哈!沒錯!小馨已經會說我愛你了!我想這是她最直接表達愛的方式! He comforts you: Your preschooler may surprise you with his empathy. Perhaps he offers you his special blanket when he sees you in tears or gives you a kiss when you hurt yourself. He's aping how you treat him when he gets hurt or upset. This is partly a survival technique, says Acredolo. You are your child's world, and he doesn't like that world disrupted, so he's trying to set things right. But it's also pretty darn loving. She tries to hurt you with words: Love shouldn't hurt, but when it comes to our kids, sometimes it does. If you disappoint your preschooler or hurt her feelings, she may lash out with an insult like "Mommy's a poophead" or even the dreaded "I hate you!" It's not fun to hear, but – yes, really – it's more evidence of how much your child cares for you. Karp explains: "An insult is a more concise way of saying, You matter so much to me that you can make me more upset than anyone else, so I want to hurt you back." He gives you gifts: You may receive a flower plucked from the front yard, a sparkly rock, a crayoned self-portrait, or a "chocolate marshmallow sundae" created out of bathwater and bubbles. Your preschooler's funny and touching gifts are a way for him to show you that you're special. 我常常收小馨的禮物呢!在學校他完成的作品都會送給我,有時只是一張紙,畫著簡單線條,也不知道代表什麼意義,她也說要送我,這就是她表達愛的方式啊! She celebrates your return: After time apart, your preschooler is likely to give you the VIP treatment, hugging you and showing off her accomplishments. Bonus: This will happen even if she was screaming when you left!


Your 4-Year-Old: Excuse Me, Mommy

Excuse Me, Mommy The incessant chatter of a 4-year-old can be music to your ears, or — depending on your mood — can grate on you like bad Muzak. Sure, you're happy your child's language skills are growing, but must he demonstrate them every single minute? What you're hearing isn't showing off but a normal lack of self-control. Knowing when to talk — and when not to talk — is something your child still needs to learn. 快五歲的小馨過完年後又長大了一些,她的認知能力愈來愈強,我也愈來愈不能輕忽她的存在,以前大人們對話總想她還不懂,現在她可以加入我們的對話,十足像個小大人了! Your 4-year-old now Even quiet preschoolers are chatterboxes compared with older children. They love to sing, tell stories, and play word games. 上週買了UNO遊戲,我們教她玩,她慢慢也學會了如何玩,以後她就可以玩跳棋、撲克牌....小孩子長大真是不等人啊!They love to ask questions. 小馨常常在問問題,說「為什麼」的次數變多了,而且很多問題還不好回答呢!They're still refining the fine art of conversation, though. king part is not a problem; it's the listening part they need help with. 不過最近我發現,她常常看電視看到出神,我叫她都沒有回應,要好幾次後才回過頭來,這樣實在很糟糕啊!也許視力就是這段時間最重要,千萬不要近視啊! Unsure how to get and keep your attention, they butt in as needed and keep going whether or not you're listening and responding. Fours also take a full-steam-ahead approach to talking because the part of the brain that manages self-control isn't developed yet. Often your child interrupts because he'll forget what he wants to say if he doesn't spit it out quickly. While you don't want to discourage your child from talking, it is time to clue him in to conversational etiquette. Let him know that it's impolite to interrupt, that he needs to take turns in conversation just as he does in playing. If he needs to say something, teach him to wait for a pause and say "excuse me." Praise him when he does that or when he waits for you to get off the phone to ask a question. Your life now Take care when you're listening to the news on the radio or TV. Your child may not seem to be paying any attention, and then ask you later what "murder" means. Imagery that's upsetting or violent (a fire, a riot) can bring on fears or nightmares. If you need your news, consider watching it at a computer screen your child can't see, or waiting till after bedtime.


Your 4-Year-Old: Prepping for Shots

You've been through those dreaded shots before. By now, your child may be programmed to ask "Am I going to get a shot?" every time she sets foot in the doctor's office, even if it's been ages since the last one. Be warned that the injection schedule ramps up just before kindergarten. Your child will fare best if you prepare her for shots in a matter-of-fact way, and don't spring them on her once she's in the exam room. Your 4-year-old now A common obsession of kids facing doctor visits is, "Am I going to get a shot?" How can you help prepare your child? Kids who know ahead of time that they're getting a shot tend to do better than ones who get no warning. The trick is to not warn her so far in advance that she worries needlessly to the point of obsession. Instead, on your way to the office, mention the possibility. (There's always a chance she might not receive one, say, if she has a fever or the practice has run out of inoculations; leave the final announcement to the doctor.) Let your child know that shots protect her and keep her healthy. Don't lie if she asks whether it will hurt: "Yes, it will hurt. But it only for a second or two, and then it's all done." Studies have shown that children do better when parents have a matter-of-fact approach — not too much sympathy, not too coldhearted. Shots are necessary. Let's just get it done and move on. Use your favorite distraction technique to keep your child's mind off what's going to happen (a beloved toy, a song, or bubbles). Your life now Sticking to a consistent and early bedtime is one of the best ways you can prepare your child for school — and benefit from a little downtime yourself. Sometimes pre-kindergartners are allowed to stay up late so their working parents can enjoy more family time. But once kindergarten begins, your child will need to rise at a regular time having had a full 11 to 12 hours of sleep. If she's accustomed to a later bedtime, start inching it up five minutes or so every five days over a period of weeks and wake her up that much earlier in the morning.


Your 4-Year-Old: Getting Sleep Back on Track

Getting Sleep Back on Track Weekends and vacations are time for kicking back and having fun. But they can wreak havoc on a child's sleep schedule if you're not careful. Ideally, sleep routines would remain consistent 365 days a year — but that's just not always practical. The good news about sleep habits that go awry from time to time is that they're usually just as quick to get back on track, as long as you snap back to business as usual. Your 4-Year-Old Now: What can you do when your best-laid plans for consistent bedtimes and happy sleep routines during the week go right out the window on the weekend? It's a common problem for either a lax weekend schedule or a vacation to turn a once-champion sleeper into a cranky bedtime refusnik come Monday. The good news is that bad habits can be shed almost as quickly as they were developed. The key is to jump back into a consistent routine. If your child hasn't slept on his normal schedule for a couple of days in a row, try putting him to bed earlier than usual if he's tired. If the problem has been late-to-bed but also late-to-rise, return to his regular bedtime. Your child may be crabbier than usual in the morning, but don't let him oversleep. Your goal is to get him back on schedule. That said, the occasional routine disruption is easier for a preschooler to handle than a schedule that completely falls apart every weekend. Your best bet, if at all possible, is to stick to roughly the same sleep times on weekends that you have during the week. Save the disruptions for truly special occasions or when it simply can't be avoided. The same is true of sleep habits. If you don't want your child sleeping in your bed, for example, don't soften and allow it on weekends. It's best to not let the habit start in the first place. Obviously exceptions will crop up occasionally—say, if your child is sick or Grandma is visiting and using your preschooler's bed. Your Life Now: It's not too early to consider whether your child will enter kindergarten this year or next. Your decision can depend on where your child's birthday falls in the year, the school's cutoff ages for enrollment, and his maturity level and physical size. Call the school to collect the deadlines you'll need to help you decide. Ask your child's preschool teacher to advise you as well. Keeping your child back when he's ready will lead to boredom and behavioral problems. Sending him too soon may set the stage for frustration and poor achievement.


Your 4-Year-Old: How to Discourage Tattling

How to Discourage Tattling Tattling tends to rear its ugly head in a big way during the late preschool years. Your child has a strong sense of justice and sometimes a short fuse. The impulse to tattle can become a habit if she thrives on the attention it brings, so respond with care. Don't take a tattler's complaint at face value; better to show her how to handle playtime complaints on her own, unless it's an emergency. Your 4-year-old now "Mary won't let me have a turn!" "John's climbing on top of the slide!" Children spot wrongdoing faster than Superman zeros in on a bad guy — and they're not shy about telling on the offenders. Preschoolers may tattle out of a sense of righteousness. Or they may do it to get attention or make themselves look better in your eyes. Unfortunately, budding whistle-blowers don't understand how exasperating it can be for everyone involved. Our parents' favorite motto, "I only want to hear about it if there's blood spilled," may seem callous. But the underlying message — try to work it out by yourself first — is just right for your child's development. Set some ground rules. You only want to hear a complaint about a playmate if someone's doing something truly dangerous. Realize, of course, that preschoolers aren't always able to make those distinctions. So if she's truly trying to protect someone (even if it's not dangerous by your standards), praise her for coming to you. When the tattling is just that, don't punish the supposed wrongdoer. Your child's version of events may be a tad skewed, and you'll only reinforce the tattling habit. Obviously at four, your child isn't fully equipped to handle every conflict on her own. So step in, talk about it, work out some solutions together, and then back off. You'll gradually empower your child to try handling minor tussles on her own. Your life now Check the calendar to see if it's time to schedule a prekindergarten checkup, where your child will be evaluated for kindergarten readiness. Expect vision and hearing screenings, as well as a check for any other problems that might interfere with learning. Your child's immunizations will also need to be up-to-date before she can show up for the first day of school.


Your 4-Year-Old: The Generous Child

The Generous Child Parents naturally want their children to absorb their values. One that your preschooler is ready to learn now is generosity. As your child becomes more social, she'll be in more situations that demand sharing and cooperation. Through trial and error, and some nudging from you, she'll learn to be a generous friend. 小馨「在家」「對我們」一直很大方,為什麼強調「在家」、「對我們」?因為在家沒有別的小孩會跟她搶東西,我們都會讓她,她當然對我們好!但是她到園所和其他小朋友互動,是不是這樣?就不知道啦! 不過有點可以肯定,她對梓熏、庭琳及雅雅一直都很大方,上次回南投還說要送貼紙給她們.... Your 4-year-old now Your child is gradually becoming less selfish, but it's still developmentally normal for him to think of himself first. How can you teach him generosity? Here are some ideas: 我覺得generosity一部份是天性、一部份才是後天養成,generosity可以教嗎?可是怎麼有人怎麼教都沒用?霸道就是霸道!這真的很奇怪,也許這個小孩的天性難改吧! Set a good example. Offer to share a snack and find other ways to insert the word "share" in conversation. "Would you like to share this seat with me?" Talk about other people's wants and needs. In the grocery, for example, ask, "What do you think Daddy would like to have for dessert?" Make a dislike of selfishness clear. "I don't like it when one person takes all the crayons and won't share." Praise the generosity you see. "I'm so happy you shared your cars with your cousin when he visited." Make distinctions that help him feel more generous. If your child's train set is especially precious to him, explain that he can put it away before a friend visits but that all the other toys will be for sharing. 沒錯沒錯!這招我們也用過!在她表哥要來我們家之前,就先告訴她哪些玩具是不可以讓別人玩的,要先收起來,剩下的玩具就必須要分享...小馨也很聽話照做了,不過,還是有些不完美,在小孩子玩的過程中還是有一些爭執發生,對兩個獨生子女來說,「分享」真的不容易吧! Your life now You may find that asking questions about your child's day doesn't get you much information. If your child returns from a playdate and you ask what he did, he may just say, "We played." Try to reframe the question to probe more deeply — "What did you like best? What did you like least? What do you wish you could have done instead?" and you might still get a blank face. As much as we may crave details, sometimes all a 4-year-old does is play, and he really can't be any more specific than that. 對啊!每次問她在學校做了什麼事情,她總是不太願意回答,或者問她今天跟誰玩?跟誰睡?她都支乎其詞說不上來,更多時候是不願意說,雖然她已經待在園所四歲七個月了,我還是對她白天的學習生活很好奇...


Your 4-Year-Old: Why All the Bonks and Bruises?

(唉!怎麼一個星期過得這麼快?) Why All the Bonks and Bruises?怎麼一直受傷呢? Bruises, scrapes, and even broken bones happen — especially to 4-year-olds, for some very good reasons. For one thing, preschoolers spend a lot of time being active and working on new skills. At the same time, their judgment and memory are not fully developed. Your child winds up taking risks — cycling too fast downhill, attempting to jump off something that's too high — without even realizing it. 前幾天幫她洗澡時,無意見發現鼠膝部竟然有兩條凝血的痕跡?問她也問不出來原因,只能說這個階段的小孩,真的特別容易受傷,幸好我們家是女生,不然小男生一定更容易有傷口吧! Your 4-year-old now Some preschoolers seem to do everything in hyperdrive, exploring their world with daring, curiosity, and speed. Watch a 4-year-old on the playground and you'll see someone with ever more confidence in her body and movements. She jumps over things, climbs stairs more confidently, and can catch and throw more accurately. 哈哈!這種俐落的手腳梓熏兩歲前就是這樣了,小馨呢?也沒錯!到了四歲半以後在遊樂場玩也更厲害,常常可看見比她小的小孩在玩滑梯,好在她不是莽撞型的小孩,遇到比她更猛的小男生玩遊戲,她反而會停下來、會生氣,怪別人都不遵守規矩... The downside of this newfound confidence is that it's paired with a less-than-fully-mature brain. Net result: lots of risky moves. Fours love tricks and stunts, and their judgment hasn't caught up to their new physical skills. And while they can follow directions more easily, they don't always remember them. That's why 4-year-olds at play still need supervision, as well as plenty of reminders. Because they don't see the dangers that adults are aware of, it's important to set limits and talk about safety in very specific, concrete terms. Stress the importance of helmets when they bike. Go over water safety rules every time you step into a pool. You don't want to put a stop to any play that seems "wild." Just be aware that this is an accident-prone time, so keep your guard up. Your life now Do you ever find nutritious meals hard to prepare in a time-crunched life? Enlist your child's help! It might seem like a child underfoot would make mealtime prep take longer, and at first it might. But your four-year-old is increasingly capable of simple chores like tearing lettuce, stirring, or kneading dough. Kids who are involved in food preparation tend to be open to a wide variety of foods because they have pride and interest in the process of bringing it to the table. Try preparing extra dishes in the evening in order to speed up dinner preparation the next day — it's a great way to spend quality time with your child, too!


Your 4-Year-Old: Building Healthy Habits

Building Healthy Habits What are you teaching your child about nutrition? This is a good time to take stock of the habits in your household to make sure your child is getting the message you want. Are chips and sweets readily available? Are mealtimes a battleground? Is your child guzzling juice or milk all day? Even gentle adjustments can make a big difference at this age. Your 4-year-old now Your preschooler is absorbing all kinds of messages from you about nutrition. Here are some ways to reinforce good habits: If your child is still guzzling milk or juice at will, steer him away from the habit. At this age, liquids should be drunk sitting down and only when offered. Dilute juice to half water; if you do it gradually your child probably won't notice the difference. Make chips and sweets special treats rather than the everyday go-to snack. Instead, keep a supply of healthy snacks on hand all the time, such as low-fat cheese sticks, fruits to be sliced and eaten plain or dipped in yogurt, rice cakes, and graham crackers. Don't expect your child to sit at the table longer than 30 minutes. Don't force him to finish his vegetables or clean his plate. Help him associate mealtime with pleasant feelings, not tense food battles. Prepare and offer nutritious meals and snacks and let your child do the deciding about what he'll eat. If he skips a snack or refuses a meal, wait until the next scheduled feeding instead of catering to his whims. He won't starve. Your life now Want to endear yourself to a favorite babysitter? Be fair. Don't suggest a lower rate for the hours when your child is sleeping; the sitter's time is worth the same amount whether she's playing MouseTrap with your child or doing her homework after bedtime. Be specific about expectations, and tell her how much you appreciate her help. Round her fee to the next full hour. Offer bonuses for holiday work. Leave good snacks. And don't stay out later than you said you would without calling to alert her.


Your 4-Year-Old: Taming a Tiny Tyrant

Taming a Tiny Tyrant "Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Pick up your toys." Imagine if someone bossed you around all day. You'd want to rise up and take charge occasionally, too. 哇!開頭看到這裡,不免驚訝!四歲的小馨果然就是這樣,不過,幸好我很早就認知到這點,沒有太常嘮叨,但畢竟是四歲小孩,很多行為的確讓我很傷腦筋,我也要再次提醒自己不要在她耳邊叨叨唸唸,犯了這個錯誤!Four-year-olds often have flings with bossy behavior. In part they're copying you, and in part they're experimenting with their ability to get others to do things for them. 小馨最近講話就是這樣,彷彿在學我們語氣般,愛指使他人。前幾天我唱了一小段"frosty the snowrene",這次唱得比較好,沒有斷斷續續,她聽了之後就說,妳總算是會唱了喔!她說話那個語氣真是好笑,一副小大人模樣,想不到四歲半的小孩管這麼多啊!In a way, handling bossiness is about teaching your child social graces — before she becomes a tyrant nobody enjoys being around. Your 4-year-old now Your child absorbs and parrots back all kinds of grown-up behavior. Occasional bossiness is one of these. (Not that you necessarily deliver your commands as rudely as your child may play them back.) At four, kids start to experiment with power and how words can manipulate people. (這句話寫得太贊了!我完全同意!!)Combine this with a fondness for rules and order, and you might find a little dictator on your hands, lording over both her friends and your family. Dealing with this behavior requires patience and consistency. Point out bossy behavior; don't reward it. If your child demands lunch or help with something, insist that she ask you again politely. "I'll be more likely to do it if you ask me nicely." Prompt for words like "please." If your child is being unkind to friends, turn the tables and ask how she'd feel if a friend treated her that way. 小馨就是這樣!明明自己就會的事情,還要我幫忙,有時我已經忙不過來,她卻要我去拿遙控器給她,我絕對不同意!而且也不會幫她,我堅持到最後,她只好自己去拿... 這讓我想起:12/28看完電影買完東西後約六點多回家,全家想睡個覺,把拔已經在我們床上睡著,但小馨硬是不准把拔睡我們的床,但我堅持:如果把拔睡在客房,我也要去客房...小馨說不要!要跟馬麻...但我卻不再順從她,這個床是屬於把拔馬麻的,把拔讓妳跟馬麻睡,不代表把拔不能睡,以前老公總是順著她、也要我順著她,而他自己到客房睡,現在不行了!她已經4歲8個月,很多事情都要能夠理解、不能再小霸王下去了。只見她無話可說,流了眼淚,並用手擦乾眼淚...(此時我是有點心疼),不過她還是聽了我的話,讓把拔睡在我們的床。 Sometimes bossy behavior stems from always feeling like the underdog, so relinquish power where you can. Let your 4-year-old hold a younger sibling's hand when you take a walk. Offering choices helps her feel she's in control: "You can take your bath first and then we can read. Or we can read first. You choose." Your life now When buying birthday gifts for your child's buddies, try not to overthink. Giving the biggest, best present won't make friends like your child any better. A duplicate of something your child enjoys is always a good idea (and, as a bonus, it will be less likely to make your child jealous). Also ideal: consumable items (like a big bucket of sidewalk chalk, art supplies, bubbles, or movie tickets) that won't pile up in the toy box.


Your 4-Year-Old: Tall Tales

Tall Tales Your child's storytelling ability is growing now that he's using longer sentences rich with detail. His tales now have a clear beginning, middle, and end — at least most of the time. Most of all, they're nourished by a lively imagination that's reaching new peaks. Your child is learning that a quick story is a way to share information, to entertain, and sometimes, if he thinks fast enough, to get him out of a tight spot. Your 4-year-old now Pair your child's overactive imagination with his exploding language skills and you get some of the most fanciful tales you'll ever hear. He'll convincingly tell you all the details of his trip to the rain forest or how he flew to the desert to dig up dinosaurs before lunch this morning. You may want to write some of his favorite stories down or have him tell them to the video camera so you can giggle over them together someday. Some stories cross over into fibs — like the whopper he told about the mischievous leprechaun who broke your favorite vase. At this age, tall tales are mostly harmless. In this case, he's using his imagination to protect himself from the pain of guilt and the fear of punishment. He knows he's in trouble, he's nervous, and he doesn't know how to face it squarely. Gently tell him you know what really happened, have him help clean it up, and be done with it. If you confront him, he's likely to feel backed into a corner and will continue to deny any wrongdoing. Give him a way to handle misdeeds instead. Your life now It's not too early to teach your child how to use the telephone. Although you don't want to encourage random calls, knowing how to dial 911 in an emergency is an important safety skill. He can now remember three numbers in sequence (but probably not more — your home phone number is a little long for him). Show him how to turn your home phone and cell phone on and how to punch 9-1-1. Explain that he'll probably never need to call 911, because you or another adult will be there, but if something ever happened to you and you needed help, it would be okay to call. Stress why he must never make play or practice 911 calls. Some parents of 4-year-olds wonder if their child should have his own cell phone yet, and the answer is no. At this age, he'll always be in someone's care, so there's no need for him to check in, and outgoing phone calls should always be supervised by you.


Your 4-Year-Old: Get Fit Together

Get Fit Together Your 4-year-old is a great incentive to work toward building healthy habits as a family, regardless of how fit you are. Movement is as central to a 4-year-old as breathing — all her muscles are tuning up as she grows. Make the most of this natural tendency to work toward creating an active lifestyle for your whole family. Your 4-year-old now Four-year-olds are perpetual motion machines — running, jumping, hopping, wriggling, climbing. But this natural inclination to be active won't necessarily last forever. Take advantage of it while you've got it to develop healthy lifelong habits as a family. Join in the fun, stay active with your kids, and they're more likely to keep moving as they grow up. When you have family time, choose something that gets you all moving rather than sitting whenever possible. Think walks or impromptu soccer matches instead of movies. An evening family stroll through the neighborhood is better than TV or computer games. Even doing chores together like raking leaves or washing windows can get your blood pumping. The key is to keep it fun for your child. On walks, for example, keep him engaged by playing "I Spy" or letting him choose which way to go when you come to a corner. Also, try to avoid using food as a reward. Use something fun but physical as an incentive — a trip to the bowling alley if she keeps the floor of her room clear of toys for a week, say. You've got a lot going for you right now: Your child loves bouncing around and the chance to spend time with you. And that adds up to even more than good health. Your life now How long has it been since you made a mark in your child's baby book? Most parents abandon even trying to keep it up as daily life gets busier and milestones space out — or if they do it for the first child, the second and third go undocumented. Tonight, when your child asks for a book, pull out her baby book or infant photo album or visit the web page you created about her so long ago. Four-year-olds are fascinated to see what they were like as babies or toddlers. It makes them feel proud at how big and accomplished they are now. You might find yourself motivated to jot a few lines about her recent changes or funny things she says.


Your 4-Year-Old: Countdown to Math

Countdown to Math Before your child moves on to larger numbers and more complex math, he'll spend this year mastering two basic concepts: one-to-one correspondence (counting objects correctly without using the same number twice or missing an object) and cardinality (understanding that the final number when counting is the actual number of objects he has). 這個時期的小馨的確很愛數數,尤其特別愛問「3+5=?」、「4+8=?」...而簡單的1+1=2她已經會了(我高度懷疑這小妞是用背的),而她也樂此不疲想考我們(或跟我們玩)這樣的數學遊戲! Your 4-year-old now The average 4-year-old can count up to ten, although he may not get the numbers in the right order every time. One big hang-up in going higher? Those pesky numbers like 11 and 20. The irregularity of their names doesn't make much sense to a preschooler. Don't get caught up in trying to persuade your child to count much beyond ten or 20 right now. 哦是嗎?小馨已經會數到50、60、甚至70以上了,都沒有出錯,利用這個數數的遊戲,可以幫她吹頭髮,因為她不喜歡把拔幫她吹好久的頭髮,我就跟她說,數到30,頭髮就吹好了!她也很配合聽話呢! Most fours can't fully comprehend how larger numbers correspond to actual quantity. 這點沒錯!她對數字大小還沒什麼概念。They usually count between four and ten objects correctly. A child this age who rattles off numbers in sequence higher than 20 is generally doing so from sheer memorization. What's most important now is to practice with the smaller numbers your child can handle. "Would you rather have the bowl with four crackers or six? What happens if we mix both together? Do we get more?" A measuring tape is another visual way to show your child how ten is bigger than four. Give him lots of practice estimating, measuring, and counting in casual encounters at meals or while playing. 不過現在她四歲學校開始教思達數學,對她學習數字很有幫助。 Your life now What do you listen to in the car? Some families start popping in children's music during toddlerhood and then never move out of the habit. But life's too short to spend all your driving time listening to songs you can't stand to hear one more time. It's your car, too! Some parents simply listen to whatever they prefer, but not all music or radio programming is appropriate for young ears. Ideally, play a wide variety of musical styles, from classical to pop to jazz, to broaden your child's auditory palate.


Your 4-Year-Old: Playdate Refereeing

Playdate Refereeing Playdates require a different kind of supervision as your child gets older. Two 4-year-olds may not need much direction on what to play, for example. But conflicts will continue to erupt. When they do, it's sometimes less your role to solve the problem than it is to nudge the friends toward figuring out how to resolve it themselves. Teaching resolution skills can save you hassles later. 小馨真的好需要有playdates,最近因為特別忙,但是到了假日,小馨就會想跟表哥玩,不是說要到表哥家,就是邀表哥到家裡玩,其實有同伴一起玩,大人也會輕鬆很多。不過就像上面文字說的,四歲的小孩一起玩,不太需要一直盯著看他們玩什麼,大人這時的角色反而是去「化解衝突、化解紛爭」。小馨雖然喜歡和哥哥玩,不過也會有賴皮、不願分享的時候,有時她還是很難做到無私共同玩一個玩具。 Your 4-year-old now Playdates should be progressing more smoothly than they did even six months ago. Four-year-olds play more cooperatively and are more self-sufficient. They initiate their own play now, share more readily, and are beginning to empathize with their friends' feelings. That means you spend less time negotiating conflicts or thinking up things for them to do. That's not to say you're not needed. Conflicts will erupt. Toys will get grabbed. At this age, kids like to change the rules on each other, so you may hear cries of "That's not fair." To help playdates go more smoothly, set a few ground rules ahead of time. Before the kids get together, talk with your child about sharing, politeness, being a good host or guest, and what behavior is acceptable. Set a time limit of an hour or two — enough time for some healthy interaction but not enough that they get tired of each other. If conflicts do crop up, try to let the kids work it out for themselves as much as they can. They need to learn how to manage relationships. If you have to step in, guide them rather than issuing orders. Ask leading questions that encourage problem solving, like, "You both want the same toy. How can you take turns so that it's fair for both of you?" Your life now Now that your child can make it all too clear when she dislikes a food, it's tempting to give up on introducing new dishes you're sure she'll never try. It's wise to keep at it, though. Most children need to be offered a new food several times — as many as ten or 20 — before they'll accept it. If a child learns now that it's okay to not even taste something that's offered, she'll head into her school years refusing to try the new foods that will come her way in the lunchroom and at friends' houses. She'll have a harder time getting balanced nutrition and a more boring diet. It's not too late to develop an adventuresome palate. Start with small portions and don't get into a battle — you won't win. Above all, avoid becoming a short-order cook, whipping up individual meals for every palate at the table.


Your 4-Year-Old: Nipping a Lisp in the Bud

Nipping a Lisp in the Bud Knowing a lot of words is not the same as being able to pronounce them perfectly. It's normal for 4-year-olds to continue having some problems saying words properly. A few particular letters and sound combinations, such as s and th, are common stumbling blocks. How you react to a lisp or other speech difficulty can affect how long it sticks around. Your 4-year-old now Pronunciation difficulties are still common at four. For example, is your child is still saying "torry" instead of "sorry"? Many children don't master the initial s and z sounds until age 7 or 8. Other sounds that can cause a problem: f, v, l, r, and sh. Usually the culprit is immature control of the muscles used to form sounds. While you may think his baby speech is cute, don't say so to your child or mimic his pronunciation. He may stick to it even after he doesn't need to. Don't correct his words, either. You don't want to make him any more self-conscious than he may already be. Simply model correct speech. Lisping occurs when children push out their tongues when forming an s instead of letting their tongue rest behind their teeth. Most children outgrow lisping eventually. But if your child's speech makes him unintelligible or prompts teasing from other children, you may want to see a speech pathologist. In general, the younger a child starts speech therapy, the better the outcome. Your life now If it's been way too long since you had an evening out with girlfriends, send out an e-mail and get it on your calendar today. And if there's an activity, whether it's shopping, jogging, or attending a book club, that you once loved but have let fall by the wayside, it's time to work it back into your life. The old saying is true: You have to fill your own tank first.


Your 4-Year-Old: Artist at Work

Artist at Work People, houses, and rainbows are favorite subjects for preschooler artists. Now, not only is it easier to recognize what's in your child's pictures, she actually planned to draw that specific thing. Younger children start with random scribbling and progress to make-it-up-as-they-go pictures. These days, though, when your child grabs a crayon, she often has a plan. Provide lots of opportunities to exercise this blend of creativity, dexterity, and intellect. 之前說小馨不喜歡畫畫...倒也不盡然,正確地說應該是,只要我要求她畫出什麼,她就不會畫,而且也沒興趣,但若她自己坐在椅子上塗鴉,畫出的東西反而讓我驚喜!而且還畫得很好!玩樂高也是這樣,她說要拼城堡的階梯,我不會,但她卻利用創意拼了對稱的階梯,令人太驚訝了! Your 4-year-old now With improved control over pencils and crayons, your child can now make pictures you can understand without prompting. Her artwork is becoming more recognizable and more detailed. Plus, she probably starts off knowing exactly what she wants to draw: "I'm going to make a picture of our house." 沒錯!比起兩歲無意義的塗鴉,現在的確可以畫出「比較」具體的物品了 People are also a favorite theme for 4-year-olds, especially the ones who are most important in their lives. (Yes, that means you.) Your child will probably start with a large circular head. Limbs may be simple lines sticking out from the body, perhaps not in the correct position. Drawings will evolve as she matures and figures out where to put everything. At 4, kids usually show at least three body parts, perhaps as many as eight. And don't be surprised if your child also depicts genitals, often disguised as belly buttons, as they're of major interest. Things or people who are most important to a child are often larger or more central or shown in more detail. This means the child is likely to draw herself as the biggest thing on the page, and smack-dab in the middle. 所以對小馨來說,愈重要的人、或她愈有興趣的物品她會愈仔細描繪,可能是在圖畫的中間,那我下次要注意看看囉! Keep supplies handy and reachable. Offer your child a mix of watercolors, crayons, chalk, erasable markers — the more the merrier. Provide colored paper as well as white and sheets of different sizes. 這就難怪家裡總是畫畫的紙張一堆,蠟筆也是收了又被拿出來....桌面永遠不會整齊似的,家裡愈亂他們愈高興! Your life now Four-year-olds may love rules and order, but sometimes parents have to veer from the predictable. Give your child a heads-up as early as possible: "Mommy can't read a story tonight because she has to go to a meeting. We'll read again tomorrow after your bath." Four-year-olds deal with change better when they have advance warning. Giving a ten-minute warning for any transition, planned or otherwise, will cut down on the tantrums and the resistance. 沒錯!事先告訴她即將要發生的事情,對小馨而言總是可以被她接受,與其突然的改變,不如事先預告,效果將會好很多,而且她也能理解這些改變,這樣一來,大人的生活才會輕鬆一點。


Your 4-Year-Old: Engrossed in Play

Engrossed in Play Wondering why it's so darn quiet in the play area? Often, kids this age stick more attentively to a single activity than they did months ago. Attention spans lengthen at 4. This is especially true for video games, which attract some preschoolers like a flame draws moths. If you decide to buy some for your child, be sure to check game ratings first. Your 4-year-old now: Some 4-year-olds spend noticeably more time with games and puzzles than they would have a year ago. They get up from their play less often and can become so engrossed that you wind up being the one interrupting. But don't raise your expectations too high. The average 4-year-old's attention span is still just about five to ten minutes. That may not seem like much — but compare it to three or four minutes a year or two ago. Keep these numbers in mind when you plan projects or group events like birthday parties. Even if your child can stick with a game for a half hour, on average you should expect less. Exception: Chances are your child's attention span is much longer when it comes to computer games. Their constant "rewards" make them hard to resist. Because of this, it's wise to set pretty strict limits on time of play now. Get your preschooler in the habit of playing only for a set amount of time. Avoid keeping game systems in your child's room. Always check to be sure the games your child plays are age-appropriate — look for content rated "EC" for early childhood, or "E" for everyone. Your life now: Don't feel guilty about having to say "no" or "stop" to your child. Setting limits is your job. It's not your responsibility to make sure your child is happy all the time. Not only is that an impossible goal, it's undesirable. Kids never like to be told no — but there hasn't been one born yet who didn't need to hear it. Discipline is as important as love in raising a child.