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思念系列(Love Never Fails)

Love Never Fails By Hong-Hai Kirby Long before our eyes met for the first time When I held you tenderly in my embrace To welcome you into this would with joy And long before I felt your first stirrings within me I loved you I loved you then still love you now Because Love never fails 遠在我們第一次的四目交對之前 當我把你的柔軟﹐放在我的懷抱 歡喜的迎接你來到這個世界 遠在我第一次感受到你在我身體裡的運動 我愛你 過去愛你﹐現在依然愛你 因為愛﹐永不止息 I love you for the precious gift of life through which you came For the miracle of love that grew with you And for all the wonders in life we shared I love you for the priceless treasure you were And for the richness of life you brought I love you more then words can tell Because Love never fails 我愛你﹐因為你是從生命來的最珍貴的禮物 因為神奇的愛﹐也隨著你不停成長 也因為我們共同經歷的生命奧妙 我愛你﹐因為你是無價之寶 也因為你豐富了我們的生命 對你的愛﹐超過文字可以形容 因為愛﹐永不止息 I love you for the courage you displayed For the peace and serenity you exhibited in your sufferings For shining as a bright light amidst dark times I love you for being you For all that you were, and still are in my heart I love everything about you Because Love never fails 我愛你﹐因為你所展現的勇氣 因為你在痛苦時的從容和平靜 就像在黑暗中閃亮的光 我愛你﹐只是因為你是你 所有以前的你﹐和現在在我心中的你 我愛你的全部 因為愛﹐永不止息 I love you for all the wonderful memories you left behind Even through the deep pain of losing you And the sad tears of missing you I love you for the joy of remembering your life For the blessings and smiles you still bring I love you forever Because Love never fails 我愛你所有留下的美好回憶 即使經過失去你的沉痛 以及思念你的眼淚 我愛你﹐因為回想起你的快樂 因為你仍然帶給我們的祝福和微笑 我永遠愛你 因為愛﹐永不止息 I entrust you to God whose name is Love Who has called you on to His eternal home Into the strong embrace of His everlasting arms I love you with all my being And I long to see you again when my time comes To spend life with you for eternity Because Love never fails 我將你託付給神﹐祂的名字是愛 祂帶你到屬祂的永生之家 到祂永恆臂膀的牢固懷抱中 我全心的愛你 而且我渴望再次見到你﹐當屬我的時間到來 便可以永遠地和你在一起 因為愛﹐永不止息


Back to school night

今天晚上﹐是學校的"back to school night",嗯﹐應該就是家長會的 意思吧!!不過﹐只有家長可以來﹐所以圓圓只好留在家裡陪爸比囉!! 一開始﹐principal先大致報告了一下基本的校務狀況﹐教育理念﹐小朋 友的學習方式等等。接著是各個募款活動的收入狀況﹐然後又預告新的 募款活動﹐最後是介紹老師﹐然後把家長分成兩半﹐一半先和老師下去﹐ 針對各個班級由老師介紹班上狀況﹐媽咪是先留在樓上的一半﹐先看這 一個多月以來的一些生活照片﹐由照片了解小朋友在學校的上課方式和 情形。 基本上﹐由於是preschool,當然上課就是玩﹐玩各種東西﹐但是﹐在大 銀幕上看到圓咪的照片﹐媽咪還是有VBS結業時那種感動﹐看著圓咪和同 學快樂相處的照片﹐果然是小女孩長大了﹐朋友已經成為圓咪生活中重 要的一部分。 接著﹐輪到我們下去參觀教室﹐Mrs. Eagen跟我們介紹教室﹐各種佈置﹐ 小朋友的作品﹐他們每天的流程﹐活動﹐小朋友會負責的工作等等﹐老 師也歡迎家長隨時有各種關心和參與﹐包括不上課時間的電話﹐上課時 的暗中觀察﹐或者直接來陪一天課等等﹐從老師開朗的態度﹐媽咪真的 覺得﹐難怪圓咪會這麼喜歡上學呢!! 接著﹐老師讓所有的家長自由發問﹐媽咪關心的當然是圓咪的英文有沒 有了解或是溝通上的困難﹐老師不但說圓咪沒有問題﹐所以在學校有很 多好朋友﹐還稱讚圓咪很sharp﹐呵呵﹐雖然阿嬤說幼稚園的老師都是稱 讚小朋友的﹐但是媽咪還是覺得開心﹐哎呀﹐哪有稱讚自己小孩不開心 的媽咪呢? 經過今晚﹐媽咪對圓咪的學校生活有了更進一步的認識﹐和圓咪也有了 更具體的話題可以聊﹐對媽咪﹐可是受益匪淺呢~~


思念系列(We do not need a special day)

We Do Not Need a Special Day by Connie Dyer We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find 我們不需要特別的日子 來想你 因為不想你的日子 很難找到 Each morning when we awake We know that you are gone And no one knows the heartache As we try to carry on 每天早上睜開眼睛 我們知道你已然離開 但沒有人知道心痛 卻依然繼續 Our hearts still ache with sadness And secret tears still flow What it means to lose you No one will ever know 我們的心因悲傷而痛 秘密的眼淚依然滑落 失去你的感受 沒有人會知道 Our thoughts are always with you Your place no one can fill In life we loved you dearly In death we love you still 我們的思念仍緊緊追隨著你 沒有人能取代你的位置 活著時﹐我們如此愛你 離開後﹐我們還是愛你 There will always be a heartache And often a silent tear But always a precious momery Of the day when you were here 不停的心痛 無聲的淚 但有你的日子 都是我們珍貴的回憶 If tears could make a staircase And heartaches make a lane We'd walk the path to heaven And bring you home again 如果眼淚可以變成樓梯 心痛可以修成道理 我們一定可以走到天堂 帶你回家 We hold you close within our hearts And there you will remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again 把你放在心裡 永遠在那裡 和我們共度此生 直到我們再見 Our family chain is broken now And nothing seem the same But as God calls us one by one The chain will link again

