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各位家長 好 隨信附上職業探訪通知 紙本通知單將於下週一發給孩子。 怡婷 台北史代納學校三四年級 職業探訪課程通知 課程說明:透過與農夫的互動及真實的職業體驗,帶領孩子感受農夫孕育植物的辛勞,以及早期人類與土地的互動關係。 探訪對象: 黃宇君 農夫 部落格:http://farmergoodfriends.blogspot.tw/ 地點:宜蘭縣冬山鄉照安路209號 日期: 4月18日 週五 重要的時間點: 7:40學校集合 8:00準時出發 18:00回到學校 參訪行程: 8點從學校出發 9點30分下羅東交流道 10點抵達友善小舖---聽聽阿君仔農夫說自己的務農故事 12點在友善小舖用餐—聊聊友善生活小舖裡,人、土地及食材的故事 14點捲起褲管,下田插秧去。 16點收工,吃午點心。 17點啟程回台北。 18點到校。(回家用晚餐) 費用:700元 (說明:費用包含車資及午餐,每位孩子實際費用為671元,多出的部分將成為班費。請將費用放置於本通知信封袋,於4/11前交給怡婷老師。) 攜帶物品: 背包、水壺、早午點心、個人換洗衣物一套、手帕或小毛巾、衛生紙、遮陽遮雨帽、兒童輕便雨衣、零用錢 其他備註:有家長詢問”參訪活動當天的課程是否補課”之問題,教師團隊認為一次性的停課並不會影響孩子整體的學習,唯當學期多次活動皆停到同一課程時,該科目老師才會評估是否有補課之需要。



We are the Arcturian group and we are hereto assist those of earth in their ascension into the higherfrequencies of love and light...frequencies that many do not yeteven know exist.Many stilllive lives enmeshed in unawareness, hypnotized by the picturespresented within third dimensional vibration because a "veil offorgetfulness" is in place on earth.Mankind isstruggling to remember who they are while in the densityof believing they are separate and apart fromeach other as well as their God...or if even there is such a thing as God. 我們是大角星人團體,我們來這為那些地球人在他們揚升進入更高的愛和光的頻率中提供協助…那些許多人甚至還不知道存在著的頻率。許多人仍然在沒有覺知的過著生活,被呈現在第三維度振動中的畫面催眠了,因為在地球上有「遺忘的帷幕」運作著。人類正努力回憶起他們是誰,同時又處在(第三維度)密度中,在這樣的密度中他們認為他們是與彼此分離的,也是與他們的神分離的…或即使有像這樣的事情。 Fear not dear ones, for you are alwaysloved and protected even when it may seem that you are not, even achild must be allowed to fall and skin his knee at times.Your Divinity is your protection as you can neverbe separate from who and what you are regardless of how manymillions of years it maytake.Noperson, experience, or belief can ever separate you from what youare.This realization is your protection andsupport in all things and will deflate every balloon of nothingnessyou may face. 親愛的人們,請不要害怕,因為你們總是被愛的總是受到保護的,即使似乎看起來情況也許不是這樣,甚至有時一個孩子一定要允許他摔倒、允許他擦傷他的膝蓋。你們的神聖性是你們的保護,因為你們絕不可能被與你們真正的身份你們真正的本質分離,不管它花了多少百萬年。沒有任何人、任何經歷、或信仰可以讓你們與「你們是誰」分離。這一認知是你們在所有事情中的保護和支持,會讓你們也許會面對的所有虛無的氣球洩氣。 Always remember that the physically andemotionally painful experiences you encounter are life lessons setup by you with the help of your spiritual Guides and teachersbefore entering into this particular incarnation.As an individual evolves the harsher life experiences begin tolessen for he is now manifesting from a higher state ofconsciousness and can learn in easier ways. 請總是記住,你們遇到的那些在物理上和情感上痛苦的經歷只是人生課程,由你們自己在你們靈性指導天使和靈性導師的幫助下在你們進入這一世特定的投生之前設定好的。隨著個體進化,那些比較嚴厲的人生經歷會開始變得緩和,因為他現在正從一個更高的意識狀態出發去顯化,並且可以以更容易的方式來學習。 Always know that the intense,painfulclearings many of you are experiencing right now are positivethings, graduations-signs that the soul is now evolved enough torecognize and clear energies long kept deeplyburied. Now is about letting go of the past andlearning to love and honor all facets of self in the journey toknowing SELF. 請總是知曉,你們現在許多人正在經歷的強烈的痛苦的清理是正面積極的事情,是畢業—標誌著靈魂現在進化得足以認出並清理那些長久以來被埋藏的能量。現在是關於釋放過去,在認識自我的旅程中,學習愛和榮耀自我的所有面向。 There are those that read metaphysicalbooks, go to classes, and spend a great deal of time talking aboutmetaphysics and mystical truth but then continue to live theirlives as they always have.Truth must belived.It must be practiced with every experienceof daily living no matter how mundane, until it becomes your stateof consciousness at which time living it becomes automatic and willbe who you are.Truth is not just an interestingtheory to be discussed, compared and then dismissed, the time fordiscussion is over. 有一些人,他們讀超物理學書籍、參加課程並且花大量的時間談論超物理學以及神秘的實相,但是,之後他們又繼續像往常一樣繼續過他們的生活。真相一定要被經歷。它一定要用日常生活的每個經歷中來練習,不管日常生活經歷有多麼平凡,直到它成為你們意識狀態,在那個時間裡,它變得自動並將成為你真正的身份。真相不只是一個用來討論、比較、然後又不予理會的有趣理論,紙上談兵的時間已經結束了。 Truth cannot be discussed in general groupsbecause every individual is living out from their attained state ofconsciousness and groups will always have thosewithout "ears to hear", who simply want to argue.Truth is never to be argued or imposed onanother.This does not mean that you should notshare with those on your level of awareness, but in general thespiritual journey is a silent, secret, and verysacred one-a living, moving, and having one's being inOneness. 真相無法被在普通的團體中討論,因為每個個人都從他們所取得的意識狀態出發去生活,並且團體中將總會有那些「沒有心思聆聽」的人們,他們只簡單地想要辯論。真相永遠不能被辯論或強加給其他人。這並不意味著你不應該與那些人在你的認知水平上分享,但是,大體上,靈性旅程是一個無聲的、秘密的並且非常神聖的一個旅程—讓某人的存在生活於、移向並讓它居於一體性之中。 Change comes in the outer world asmankind's inner world evolves.An example of this can be seen inchanges now taking place with regard to animal cruelty and otherissues heretofore considered unimportant.What you observe is whatthe consciousness of mankind globally and individuallycreates.There are no victims.War,cruelty,dishonesty,power struggles etc.etc.are the manifestations ofseparation/duality consciousness.Us versus them...all sounnecessary in light of the fact that all is ONE and that ONE doesnot embody ideas of discord.The war lesson is onethat many are painfully learning right now. 當人類的內在世界進化時,改變在外在世界發生。一個這樣的例子可以在有關虐待動物以及其他迄今為止還認為是不重要的事情上現在所正發生的變化中看出。你們所觀察到的是全球人類的意識和個體意識所創造的。沒有受害者。戰爭、殘忍行為、不誠實、權力鬥爭等都是分離性/二元性意識的顯化,我們vs他們…一切都是「一」,並且這個「一」沒有包含不和諧的想法,鑒於這樣的事情,一切(二元性意識)都是如此沒有必要。 Mankind is ready to create a new world bypulling back from and releasing all that is old and finished,fearlessly embracing new and higher concepts of oneness. 人類準備好創造一個新世界,通過從所有舊的已經完了的事情中收回並將其釋放,勇敢地擁抱一體性的更高的新概念。 We wish to speak of the healing energy oflove. Love is the activity/interconnectedness energy of the Onemanifesting ITSELF as the many.As this truthbecomes your attained state of consciousness, it automaticallyaligns you with the higher frequencies...displacing the dense andheavy false vibrations of duality and separation which have no lawto hold them in place.Sincecomplete and harmonious Divine Consciousness is the true essence ofevery individual, the more aligned with truth you become, the morethe outer will begin to reflect it...physically, emotionally, andmentally. 我們想說說愛這個療癒力量。在「一」將自身顯化成許多個時,愛是那個行為/連接的能量。當這個實相變成你們已經達成的意識狀態時,它自動地將你們與更高頻率校準…取代稠密沉重的二元性分離性的錯誤的振動,沒有什麼法則支持著他們。因為完整和諧的神聖意識是每一個個體的真正本質,你變得越與實相校準,外在世界就越會開始反應它…包括物理上、情緒上以及心智上。 This is the work, this is thejourney.Truth begins simply as mental knowledgebut must be practiced and lived until it becomes your state ofconsciousness at which time it then begins to appear outwardly aswhat is needed...health, ideas, companionship, homeetc. 這就是要做的工作,這就是旅程。隨著心智層面上的知識一定要被實踐和活出,直到它成為你們你們的意識狀態,真相就開始了,那事,它開始在外在顯現成所需的事情…健康、想法、友誼、家等等。 Meditation is the best healing and beautytreatment you can give yourselves because in meditation you areresting in the higher resonating and harmonious frequencies ofOneness. 冥想是你們能給予你們自己的最好的療癒愈和美麗的療法,因為在冥想中,你們在一的更高振動和和諧頻率中休息。 Most of mankind is ready to stop seekingoutwardly in the realization that the substance of everything lieswithin.Understand that these words are notsimply a nice quote from some mystical poet.Learn to never again seek your good in the outer for all that youwill ever need is forever and permanently already embodied withinthe Consciousness that you are.When youunderstand this but then continue to seek your good from the world,you create a spiritual gap between your sense of self and your realself. 大多數人類已經準備好停止在外在尋求,意識到一切事情的實質都存在於內在。請理解這些話語不是從某個神秘主義詩篇中摘抄的優美句子。學著永遠不要再在外在尋求你的好,因為,你需要的一切永遠並且永久地已經具體表達在你所是的意識中。當你理解了這一點,但是然後仍繼續從外在世界尋求你的好,那麼你就在你對自我的感覺以及你真正的自我之間創造了一個靈性間隙。 Once an individual attains the realizationof Oneness, the outer experiences of will begin to reflect joy,health, happiness, and fulfillment which the world will see ashealing.Outer change can only manifest after thestate of consciousness is attained because the substance of allthings is consciousness...not someone else's consciousness-yours.A healer working on a high level of awareness may temporarily lifta person's energy, but unless the individual himself keeps itthere,his issues will return, re-created by his own state ofconsciousness. 一旦一個個體達成了對「一」的實現,外在的經歷將開始反應喜悅、健康、幸福以及滿足,這些會被世界看做是療癒。外在改變只有在意識狀態達成之後才會開始顯化,因為一切事物的本質是意識…不是某個其他人的意識—是你的意識。一個工作在一個較高認知層次上的療癒者也許會暫時地提升其他人的能量,但是,除非這個個體本身把它保持在那,否則他的問題會回來,會被他自己的意識狀態重新創造出來。 You say what does this mean,how caneverything I need be within...car, house, job? Divine consciousness (which is what you are),embodies every spiritual idea.These spiritualideas in turn manifest outwardly in the forms you can understandand appreciate.A car is the material sense of Omnipresence.A homeis the material sense of consciousness-I live and move and have mybeing always in Consciousness. The person who loves the solitarylife, will not suddenly manifest a partner because that would notrepresent completeness for him. Music, art, medicine, science,ideas and inventions of every form and variety can and will flowfrom the infinite Source within if the door isopened.Divine Consciousness—yourconsciousness is Self sustained and Selfmaintained and is ever complete and manifesting Itself. How you seethese manifestations is determined by your awake or unawake stateof consciousness. 你們問這意味著什麼,我需要的每個東西怎麼可能在內在…車、房子、工作?神聖意識(是你們所擁有的),包含著每個靈性想法。這些靈性想法之後以你能理解和領會的形式在外在顯化。車是無所不在的物質形式。家是意識的物質形式—我生活、移動以及我的存在總是在意識中。喜愛獨居生活的人,不會突然顯化一個伴侶,因為那對他來說並不代表完整性。音樂、藝術、醫藥、科學、想法以及任何形式任何種類的發明可以並一將從內在無限源頭流出,如果門是打開的話。神聖意識—你們的意識是一個自我維持的自我保持的,是完整的,並顯化其自身。你如何看待這些顯化是由你覺醒或未覺醒的意識狀態來決定。 Begin to claim your birthright, recognizeand manifest it.Your good is not going to fall down from theheavens the minute you go to church, say the right prayer words, ordo a good deed. It can only manifest the higher and better forms asyou realize you already are it. 開始宣稱你與生俱來的權力,認出並顯化它。你的好不在會在進到教堂那一刻、說出正確的祈禱詞那一刻、或者做一件好事的那一刻從天堂降落下來。它只會在你意識到你已經是它的時候開始顯化更高更好的形式。 This is the lesson and the time isnow. 這就是需要學習的課程,時間就是現在。 We are the ArcturianGroup4/27/14 我們是大角星團體2014年4月27日