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Charles在Chico Enterprise-Record的文章


諾貝爾經濟學獎得主揭曉 他的領域正好跟Charles相同 於是Charles在Chico ER寫了篇短文介紹他 並用這兒很普遍的作物-米當例子 Letter: More rice variety means more profit Chico Enterprise-Record Article Launched: 10/19/2008 12:00:00 AM PDT On Monday, the Nobel Foundation announced that Paul Krugman won the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics "for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity." Although Krugman is more popularly known for his sharp criticism of the Bush administration, his "New Trade Theory" in 1979 has undoubtedly affected how economists see the trade flows. In his phone interview with Nobelprize.org, he said, "It (the theory of the New Trade Theory) requires the math to get into plain English." Luckily, I know math, and I will try using the rice industry to illustrate the New Trade Theory. The New Trade Theory argues that countries with similar economy size are more likely to trade similar products with one another (sometimes called two-way trade). I study the model and further find that industries having higher two-way trade are the ones with a wide range of variety such as automobiles. Industries with lower two-way trade are the ones with limited variety such as plastic funnels. Hence one would think the rice industry should be characterized by low two-way trade. Surprisingly, the U.S. was the world's second-largest exporter and the second-largest importer in the rice industry. What does it imply? Rice consumers worldwide now desire more variety than ever: brown rice, jasmine rice, short grain rice, Kalijira rice, and more. The wide demand of different variety of rice creates an ample opportunity for finer specialization of rice grains, and more economic profit to explore. — Chi-Hung "Charles" Liao, Chico



小恩點的喝奶習慣還真得有點像"snakers" 他倒是不會每次只吸個5分鐘 不過也不長就是了 應該說 如果他沒有在喝奶中間睡著的話 只要有一點點飽了 就會開始玩 不是一直對我ㄧㄚㄨㄛ 就是一直呵呵笑 最過分的是一直用舌頭亂舔我的奶頭,舔一舔還會抬頭對我賊笑 然而 只要他有一點點的"沒"飽足感 他就不肯睡 所以常常上演"該喝奶時不喝奶,該睡覺時不睡覺"的戲碼 弄得我好累 過去一個月(Charles回去上工後) 每天Charles要出門時 我都有一種想苦苦哀求他不要走的衝動:S 最近我開始努力拉長小恩點"一次"的喝奶時間 我發現只要他精神好 玩一玩之後會願意再喝一些 有時還喝不少 這也證明了我的奶水沒有我想像的少 我之前多半都在他開始玩的時候就不餵了 有時是沒耐性 有時是以為他已經飽了 有時則是以為沒奶水了,便換成餵罐裝母奶或是配方奶 總之 帶小孩還真不是簡單的事ㄚ 也難怪Day Care那麼貴囉:P Is it normal that my baby breastfeeds for only a few minutes at a time? Expert Answers The BabyCenter Editorial Team Yes, short nursing sessions are normal — and perfectly fine unless your baby is having trouble gaining weight. "As long as your baby is growing well, it's okay if she only wants to nurse for two minutes," says pediatrician Tanya Remer Altmann, editor of The Wonder Years: Helping Your Baby and Young Child Successfully Negotiate the Major Developmental Milestones. "Some babies are snackers — they nurse for a minute or two, take a break, and then go back," says Altmann. "Other babies can drain the breast in two minutes and be satisfied for a few hours. It depends on how much milk you have and your letdown." If your newborn baby falls asleep at the breast after just a few minutes of nursing, however, it's a good idea to wake her up so she can have a full feeding — and reach the fattier, more satisfying milk that comes toward the end of a feeding. To keep your baby awake and eating, gently tickle her feet or blow on her face. Or, as Altmann suggests, strip your baby down to her diaper before your nursing session. Keeping her cooler may prevent her from snoozing. You'll know your newborn's nursing pattern is too short if she isn't gaining enough weight. Your baby's doctor will pay close attention to this — it's why weigh-ins are such an important part of her doctor appointments. Altmann says there's no harm in an older baby continuing to "snack" — as long as the mother is all right with it and it fits with her schedule. It can be challenging to meet the needs of a breastfeeding snacker, however, because nursing sessions will be more frequent. If that's true for you, Altmann advises encouraging your baby to lengthen her feedings by lifting her back to your breast after that first pull-away to see if she'll keep eating. Says Altmann, "Sometimes all your baby needs is an extra burp and she'll nurse longer."

2-months check


今天是兩個月的檢查 要做例行檢查和打預防針 今天天氣有點冷 幫他穿上看起來很有氣質的針織外衣 From 小恩點11週大 From 小恩點11週大 From 小恩點11週大 渾然不知要去看醫生的小恩點 From 小恩點11週大 一到Dr. Gannon的診療室 就全身脫光光(剩尿布)量身長,體重和頭圍 分別是: 身長: 24" (72%) 體重: 15磅9盎司 (96%) 頭圍: 41cm (62%) 體重比起身高的百分比應該是超重啦 醫生說還好 反正開始爬了之後體重增加速度就會降下來 我自己則是覺得還是應該好好檢討一下是否overfeed他 醫生接著做了很詳細的訪問 像是奶粉喝啥啦?用什麼水泡啦?有沒有固定每天三次Tummy time啦? 會不會笑啦?是不是仰睡啦?(oh-oh) ... 這之間小恩點都還是光著身子 包著毛毯趴在我胸前 感覺得出他很不安 醫生後來把他放在台子上檢查 我們發現小恩點平時頭比較喜偏左邊 (我們猜他是左撇子) 特別請醫生檢查一下 她說小恩點的頭形是對稱的 應該沒有問題 後來她還叫小恩點表演tummy time給她看 結果小恩點超不合作 一放下去就安適地一直趴著 頭一點都不肯抬起來 只好算啦 接著就是打預防針啦 今天一口氣要打四針 包括:Dtap(白喉,破傷風,百日咳), IPV(肺炎雙球菌疫苗), HIB(蛋白質結合疫苗), and PCV7(小兒麻痺) 由Charles抱著小恩點讓護士打大腿 一邊打兩針 我則在旁邊讓小恩點抓 結果 小恩點哭得好淒烈喔 小手緊緊我著我的手指 聽到他的哭聲 真是不忍心 我還心疼地流淚了哩 一打完針 我就趕緊把小恩點接過來 把他緊緊抱在懷裡安慰他 From 小恩點11週大 還好這小子一會ㄦ就不哭了 From 小恩點11週大 也還好我有帶出門前擠好的罐裝母奶 當場餵他讓他平靜一番 來看看打過針的小肥腿吧 左腿 From 小恩點11週大 右腿 From 小恩點11週大 醫生說打完針的baby 60%會沒有任何異狀 只是比較愛睡覺而已 但有40%的baby會感到不舒服而哭鬧,或是發燒 為防小恩點是這40% 她給我們Infant Tynanol 交代說最多每晚一劑不要overdose了 看到剛剛小恩點哭得那麼慘烈 又擔心他有狀況 本來中午要去上Bittie Bbay & Me的 想說還是回家讓他好好休息好了 六週後再去上吧 回家後 小恩點果真一整天都很嗜睡 From 小恩點11週大 不過還好沒有其他不舒服的症狀 想想對他而言 也算是繼割包皮之後的另一個驚魂記吧:P 所以晚上餵完奶後 我還特別用親密背巾把他包起來 聽說這樣他會比較有安全感 半夜比較不會因為白天的overstimulation而哭鬧 From 小恩點11週大 From 小恩點11週大 Charles也有好好地抱抱他 From 小恩點11週大 結果 小恩點果真很乖喔 還睡過夜呢^^

Tummy Time 2


我覺得小恩點的tummy time好像太少 雖然說他是趴睡 比較不需要這樣的workout 不過看他愈來愈胖 實在需要多一些運動比較好 小恩點目前的tummy time 只有大概2-3次把頭抬得高高的 其他時候都不是很認真 要不是不爽地在掙扎 From 小恩點10週大 就是開始啃自己的手 From 小恩點10週大 From 小恩點10週大 From 小恩點10週大 還有一次竟然還不大平衡地翻到一邊去 From 小恩點10週大 From 小恩點10週大 From 小恩點10週大 From 小恩點10週大 From 小恩點10週大 放在Boppy上也沒好到那兒去 不是懶懶地趴著 From 小恩點10週大 就是開始啃Boppy From 小恩點10週大 真是傷腦筋阿 Five Ways to Boost Tummy Time What's tummy time? Think of it as baby's first workout! Some babies hate it and squall indignantly when placed belly-down on the floor. Others seem to enjoy the view. Still others are indifferent, cooing happily no matter which end is up. Whatever your baby's reaction, he needs to work his way up to 15 to 20 minutes on his tummy every day (always under your watchful eye) to practice his push-ups and develop the muscles in his arms, shoulders, upper back, and neck. Tummy time also sets the stage for motor skills like reaching, rolling over, and crawling (and it helps prevent flat spots from forming on the back of his head). By three months, most babies can lift their heads 45 degrees (leaning on their forearms); a month later, they can go to 90 degrees (pushing up on their hands). If your baby protests tummy time, try several brief (one- to two-minute) stints a day, gradually working up to longer belly sessions. He might also tolerate — or even enjoy! — his playtime more if you: Get down on the floor with him, face to face, and talk to him. Place an unbreakable mirror in front of him so he can see his own fascinating face. Tempt him with enticing toys. Prop him up by placing a nursing pillow (or other firm cushion) under his chest and arms. Place him on your own tummy while you lie on your back (but watch out for drool!).

Bittie Baby & Me - Infant Massage


本來懷著很大的期望去上這門課的 還先買好了一瓶Baby Massage Gel 結果超無聊的 讓我頂失望 可能是因為上課的Heidi還有另一門真正教怎麼幫baby按摩的課 是要錢的 所以這門免費的她就用混的 首先她問大家有沒有啥其他的問題 像是餵奶或是啼哭 這明明之前都上過了 但因為這課是循環的 今天來了很多是還沒上到這些topics的新手媽媽 所以她們就一直問一直問 然後我就一直聽到已經聽過好幾遍的information 其實這樣我本來是無所謂啦 有些information第一次也不見得聽得很清楚 再聽一次無妨 只是Heidi一直東扯西扯就是不扯正題 直到快兩點了(下課時間)才放一捲又就又無聊的錄影帶 然後拿出一個娃娃按摩他的腳給我們看 下課時都快兩點半了 很多有事的人只得先行離開 等於是完全沒聽到正題 感覺那些先離開的媽媽們超不爽的 我自己本來計畫下課後要去找地理系的chair讓她看看小恩點 所以也有點不耐和心急 不過她倒是有釐清一個觀念 她說上一代(我想是美國)被告知的觀念是不要太常抱小孩 否則會把小孩寵壞 她說其實抱他,拍他,讓他知道爸媽愛他對小孩的發展有很大的幫助 尤其三歲前是關鍵時期 所以不要怕抱小孩 要給小孩親密感 她舉東歐某一個國家(好像是阿美及利亞)的孤兒院做例子 那兒的孤兒雖然有吃有穿 但因為人手不足 都沒人抱,也沒人唱歌給她們聽 甚至沒人叫她們的名字 結果baby的求生意志都很薄弱 很多會自我傷害,所以必須把她們綁在床上 一些歐美國家的善心人士會去領養這些孤兒 但是領養手續曠日費時 帶回家時往往都已經超過三歲了 結果這些小孩長大後發覺很多都有低IQ的問題 所以三歲前的愛撫,觸摸和擁抱真得很重要 對這一點我是沒啥意見 因為雖然我很少站著抱小恩點 不過我很常坐著抱他和拍他 Charles也是 小恩點也很喜歡賴在我們身上睡覺 但到目前為止並沒有出現他一定要在我們身上才能睡覺的情形 所以我想注意一點應該就不會寵壞 反倒是可能因為我們長時間陪他 小恩點現在已經會認我們倆了 看到我們都會一直笑喔^^ 至於baby massage的部份 Heidi說不要用嬰兒油 要用可以加在沙拉裡的食用油 像是橄欖油或是杏仁油之類的 可以加一點點精油 讓自己也跟著放鬆 但baby boy六個月內不可以用薰衣草的精油 據說會影響赫爾蒙 幫娃娃按摩的部份 我本來以為可以跟著一起按摩的 結果是Heidi示範我們看 而且她只重複兩次 所以效果很差 我當場很認真記 一回家就忘啦 不過我還是有憑著記憶幫小恩點馬了幾節啦 他好像不是很喜歡倒是 可能不大習慣吧 今天上課期間小恩點也很乖 一開始有哭個幾聲 餵他一點點配方奶就開始出現想睡覺的樣子 我沒把他放在carseat上 而是用親密背巾把他包在身上睡覺 因為Heidi說白天多這樣包一包 可以幫助釋放過多的刺激 晚上比較不會哭鬧 結果 小恩點當場在背巾裡比在carseat裡睡得沉 只是晚上好像沒啥差別嘛 下課後照例去體重 重14.1x磅 1x是因為我真得忘了是多少了 而且是一出教室就忘啦 只記得是快接近15磅啦 唉,自從生完小恩點,記憶力好像變差很多耶 然後因為時間有點遲了 我便推著小恩點急速朝學校前進 我推stroller時 小恩點一直對我笑喔 好可愛^^ 在Charles辦公室睡覺的照片: From Cellphone From Cellphone From Cellphone

Parenting Small Group 1


今晚第一次去參加教會的young couple小組 聚會在一位農夫Steve家 他家挺漂亮又挺大的 總共有二十幾個快三十個人來 竟然不會有擁擠的感覺 分小組時 我們參加Parenting那一組 是Paster Will帶 他準備挺認真的 講得以不錯 這次主題是: God's perspectives of Parenting 用的經文主要是Psalm 127:3-4 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. 印象比較深的一點是 牧師提到有時父母盡了一切努力教養孩子 孩子卻還是走偏了 (他舉撒姆耳和他兩個兒子的例子) 這是很有可能的 很多這樣的例子 最好的例子就是上帝本身是個完美的父親 但祂的兒女(i.e.亞當夏娃)仍然悖逆祂 所以如果這樣的事情真得發生了 不要覺得guilty 而是應該禱告求 神能將他們挽回 我覺得這是一個很好的提醒 也跟最近BSF的note內容相呼應 這家有隻小狗 聽說很喜歡baby 我想也是啦 牠不斷地聞小恩點的carseat和blanket 雖然不怕牠要小恩點 但還是覺得不大妥 所以Charles從頭到尾把小恩點抱著 小恩點今晚也很乖 可能是因為我們把他餵飽了才出門 他不吵也不鬧 分小組的時候 就安然地躺在Charles懷中睡大覺 加小恩點 總共有4個babies/toddlers: Kelly的女兒比小恩點大一星期 一個6 month old的小男生 還有大概2歲的Brooklin 等他們長大些可以一起玩時 應該會很熱鬧喔^^ 今天讓小恩點穿這件safari的onesie去小組 From 小恩點9週大