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[故事繪本]Little White Duck (A Sing-along Story)


看文章也可按 這裡 Reading level: Ages 2-8 Hardcover: 32 pages Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; 1st edition (April 1, 2000) Language: English ISBN-10: 0316032271 第一次聽 Raffi 唱這首歌時就很喜歡這首歌. 不斷重複的旋律述說著一隻小白鴨, 小青蛙, 小黑蟲和紅蛇在池塘邊發生的故事. 後來在整理二手書時發現這首 classic sing-along song 居然有 picture book 了, 當然要收藏起來囉! 因為故事繪本更有趣了, 用一隻彈吉他的老鼠來敘述整個故事. 雖然歌曲結局有點難過--所有的動物都因為紅蛇的攪亂不見了, 可是在故事的版本裡, 孩子們會很開心的發現原來這只是四位主角演的戲, 舞台下還有動物觀眾們喊 "Bravo!" 呢! Sarah 現在才知道這首歌由 Walt Whippo and Bernard Zaritzky 譜寫的歌已經流傳半個世紀了. 從 Burl Ive 1970 年代到 Danny Kaye 到最近的 Raffi 都錄唱過這首歌呢! There’s a little white duck sitting in the water A little white duck doing what he oughter. He took a bite of the lilly pad Flapped his wings and he said “I’m glad I’m a little white duck sitting in the water Quack! Quack! Quack!” There’s a little green frog swimming in the water A little green frog doing what she oughter She(*He) jumped right off of the lily pad That the little duck bit and she (he) said, “I’m glad I’m a little green frog swimming in the water Glug! Glug! Glug!” There’s a little black bug floating on the water A little black bug doing what he oughter He tickled the frog on the lily pad That the little duck bit and he said “I’m glad I’m a little black bug floating on the water Bzz! Buzz! Bzz!(Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!)* There’s a little red snake playing in the water A little red snake doing what he oughter He frightened the duck and the frog so bad He ate the little bug and he said “I’m glad I’m a little red snake floating (laying)in the water Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!” (Wriggle! Wriggle! Wriggle!) Now there’s nobody left sitting in the water Nobody left doing what he ougher There’s nothing left but the lily pad The duck and the frog ran away --I'm sad Cause there’s nobody left sitting in the water. Boo! Hoo! Hoo! *: 括號內的歌詞是以下聽到的版本. Enjoy the song!