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Your 8-month-old: Week 1

Your baby is starting to grasp what it means when someone can no longer be seen, the result of a growing understanding of what's called object permanence. An exciting demonstration of this comes the first time your baby tries to imitate a goodbye wave by twisting a wrist or flapping a hand. Not all 8-month-olds can wave bye-bye, but it's a fun new feat to anticipate. It takes a certain amount of fine-motor coordination to wave in the style of the Queen (or Mom and Dad). How your baby's growing: Your baby's newfound mobility means that he's now entering the land of bumps and falls. These are an inevitable part of childhood, and although your heart may occasionally skip a beat or two, try to enjoy watching your baby explore his surroundings and discover his limits. Restraining your innate desire to protect your baby allows him to grow and learn for himself. However, do make every effort to make your home baby-safe. A good way to do this is to get down to his level to find the possible danger zones. Secure fragile objects so they won't topple, for example, and keep rickety furniture in rooms that are off-limits. 小馨進入八個月,副食品也愈吃愈多,往往才餵第一口,她就已經破不急待等著第二口食物,如果晚點送進嘴裡,還會哇哇叫以示抗議! 雙腿也很有力,喜歡站著,甚至扶著東西站起來;有時一個人在客廳玩,還會發出咿咿嗚嗚聲音,好像在自言自語說話,真好玩! 喜歡跟把拔玩,對把拔笑,但是餓了或想睡時,會找馬麻,已經會伸手向大人索抱,但是還不會揮手說bye-bye。





Your 7-month-old: Week 4

As your baby's muscles are becoming stronger, she's apt to lunge forward onto all fours from a sitting position. She may go into a "precrawl" exercise, rocking back and forth on hands and knees with her trunk parallel to the floor. Most babies begin to crawl between 7 and 10 months. A few never crawl at all and bide their time until they're ready to walk! How your baby's growing: Your baby's emotions are becoming more obvious. Over the next few months, she may learn to assess and imitate moods and might show the first stirrings of empathy. For instance, if she hears someone crying, she may start crying too. And even though your baby's just beginning to learn about her emotions, she's picking things up from you. Over the many months (and years) to come, your child will likely copy the way she sees you treat people. By now,小馨已經會爬了,爬行速度很快,而且扶著欄杆想要站起來,腳愈來愈有力了! 情緒表現也很明顯:若只有和媽咪在家,也許知道媽咪不會離開她,因此鮮少聽到她哭泣,但若到陌生環境或有不熟悉的人接近她,就會放聲大哭,而且一哭不可收拾。 半夜淺眠時醒來,跟她說吸馬麻ㄋㄟㄋㄟ,似乎也聽得懂,吸一吸後會睡著。 這次回外婆家和兩個小表姊玩,會興奮地ㄎㄎㄎ笑出聲,而且她最近的笑聲就是這樣,實在很滑稽。 應該要跟她互動一起看書了,她的認知能力也變強了,一聽到什麼聲音,會停下來看看,狗叫聲、下雨聲、大人講話....都讓她好奇不已。 副食品也愈來愈多樣,有時懶得準備,就跟著大人吃便當,不過腹部脹氣變嚴重了,肚子鼓鼓的,也許豆腐類的黃豆食品要減少。 氣管也不好(也許跟馬咪喜歡吃冰有關),回南投一趟又咳了起來,半夜還會咳醒,讓外婆很心疼,凌晨還幫小馨在客廳"收驚"。


Your 7-month-old: Week 3

Your baby is beginning to understand a lot about how things in his world work. One example is "object permanence" — understanding that an object continues to exist even after it disappears from sight. That's why peekaboo is a favorite game. Similarly, if your baby drops a toy or his pacifier out of his crib or highchair, he may look for it, whereas in the past he cried for the object because it had gone missing. How your baby's growing: Teething can start as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months, but most babies sprout their first white caps (typically the two middle teeth on the bottom) between 4 and 7 months of age. Don't be alarmed if your baby has gaps between those pearly whites. Teeth often come up through the gums at odd angles, and spaces commonly disappear by age 3, after all 20 baby teeth have broken through. Once your baby starts teething, you can expect more drooling and experimenting with sounds — you'd do it too, if you had to adjust to having strange new things in your mouth. 小馨在客廳的活動範圍愈來愈大,昨晚幫她組了球池,想不到她還是愛往冰涼的地板爬去,拿到拖鞋時會異常興奮地笑,似乎知道這是她平常碰不到的東西;如果將拖鞋拿開,也不會生氣,會另尋下一個目標。 睡覺姿勢也愈來愈多,不再是之前大字型的睡法了,會趴睡、側睡、手壓在臉頰下睡著,似乎也會做惡夢,睡夢中醒來會哭泣,怎麼安撫都沒用,只好抱起來拍拍...大概這樣才能從夢中真正醒來。 還是沒看到小白牙的出現,小馨也不喜歡讓人碰她的嘴唇,真傷腦筋!



從沒看小馨這樣淒慘的哭,而且哭的時間超長... 晚上婆婆照例到家中來幫我看小馨,讓我可以吃飯、洗澡和做一些家事。 剛開始都很好,只有婆婆抱她時小小哭泣,反正媽咪都在身邊,小馨也很認份地被阿嬤抱著。 後來小馨想睡了,我抱她進房間,這次想睡卻睡不著,我又抱她出來,但交到阿嬤手上就不得了了,一哭就停不下來,加上這中間我去洗澡,一直看不到媽咪的小馨死命地哭泣,而且哭聲中還夾雜用叫的,似乎在生氣... 我在浴室也沒辦法,以前發生這種事,老公還可以抱著小馨到浴室來看我洗澡,現在根本不行,我在浴室聽到婆婆哄她,用其他東西分散她注意力,似乎也沒效,只是引來更多抗議的哭聲。 終於,洗完澡後立刻抱起她,原以為這樣哭聲就可以停止,想不到等婆婆回家後,小馨又哭了快半小時,哭到我都要懷疑她是不是哪裡不舒服,而覺得有點心慌... 終於終於,小馨漸漸在我懷裡睡著了,我坐在客廳沙發,不敢移動,深怕又吵醒她,抱了有半個多小時之久,我也覺得累了,才將她放回床上。 仔細想來,小馨應該是看不到媽咪沒有安全感才會哭成這樣,這也怪我,為了可以趕快洗澡讓婆婆回家,沒讓小馨有足夠時間反應,讓她還在嗚咽哭泣時媽咪就消失了.... 小馨∼乖∼媽咪愛你,不會離開妳喔!


Should I discipline my baby?

Should I discipline my baby? Now that my baby is crawling around and getting into everything, how should I discipline her? Expert Answers Sandy Bailey, certified family life educator Your job right now is to keep your baby safe, secure, and stimulated. A crawling baby may be old enough to make mischief, but she's not old enough to learn the difference between right and wrong. Real discipline — the kind that teaches lessons and changes behaviors — will have to wait. Even though your baby can't grasp discipline, this is a great time to start practicing techniques that will work in the months and years to come. When she pulls on a lamp cord or sucks on a stereo knob, firmly tell her "no" and quickly redirect her to a safer activity. With her short attention span, she'll quickly forget about causing trouble. No matter what your baby does, spanking, swatting, and yelling are never appropriate responses. Harsh discipline will only scare her and can even cause an injury. Shaking a baby can cause life-long brain damage or death. If you feel angry, put your baby down in a safe place, like her crib or play yard, and give yourself a short break to calm down. You can head off many problems by giving your baby a safe place to explore. Babyproofing your home — covering up outlets, putting dangerous things out of reach, blocking "off-limit" places with baby gates, and so on — is the best way to ensure good behavior. Instead of looking for discipline opportunities at this point, try to enjoy and appreciate your baby's fascination with her world.