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Your 9-month-old: Week 3

You're probably noticing that your blossoming baby is learning different ways to express himself emotionally. He's also becoming more social day by day. A few of his favorite new tricks may be clapping, especially when pleased; waving bye-bye; pointing to indicate what he wants or when he sees something new and interesting; shrieking loudly to attract your attention; laughing at silly sounds and expressions; and crying in a specific tone to convey a particular "request." How your baby's growing: The torrent of words your baby has been hearing since birth is beginning to work its magic, although his understanding of words far outpaces his ability to use them. His babbling has turned to jabber and is probably starting to sound a little like real words, phrases, and sentences. Your baby thinks he's saying something, so respond as if he really is! Your baby still comprehends more from your tone than from your actual words. He can understand when you're pleased. The more you talk to your baby — either directly or while doing other things, such as preparing dinner, driving, or getting dressed — the more he learns about communication. 小馨愈來愈可愛了,因為她真的會做「揮揮手、舉手再見」的動作,雖然她不見得明白其中的含意,我們教她的動作她似乎都在學習中,也讓把拔馬麻好驚喜! babycenter.com建議要多跟寶寶說話,我想寶寶真的一點一滴在學習語言,常常聽到她自言自語地babbling,雖然還是一個小小人兒,還是難讓人ignore她的存在,情緒與喜怒哀樂也表達地愈來愈好,期待她每一階段的變化!



10種遊戲克服感覺統合障礙 資料來源�育兒生活雜誌 台灣社會高度都市化的結果,剝奪小朋友「玩」的空間及機會,進而使不少小孩都有感覺統合失調的困擾。所幸,要增進寶寶的感覺統合能力並不難,只要花點時間,陪寶寶玩點小遊戲,很容易就可以達到目的,而且邊玩,還可以邊促進親子關係喔! 您的寶寶很「龜毛」,不喜歡別人碰觸?還是個性孤僻,很難交到朋友?抑或是平衡感很差,經常跌倒?那麼您得提高警覺,趕緊動手開發寶寶的感覺統合能力,否則待寶寶長大後,想後悔,可來不及囉! Part1.感覺統合啟蒙 營造和諧人生 臨床上有些潔癖的媽媽,經常讓寶寶處於極完美的環境,寶寶不能在地上爬、身上不容許一點小污垢、不准旁人抱等,這些看似對寶寶有益的環境,反而是造成寶寶感覺統合失調的主因。親愛的媽咪,偶爾讓寶寶接觸一些「不太完美」的事物吧!玩些無傷大雅的小豆子、小砂子,反而可以創造出感覺很「完美」的寶寶! 何謂感覺統合? 爸比、媽咪來上課囉!身為現代寶寶的家長,您不能不知道什麼是感覺統合,否則擔誤寶寶啟蒙的黃金時期,可就糟了!何謂感覺統合?適健復健科診所職能治療組長張旭鎧說明,感覺統合就是神經發展的過程。簡單來說,即人類受到感官刺激,經由大腦統合,最後做出反應的歷程。其發展程序包含:聽覺、前庭覺、本體感覺、觸覺及視覺等部分。 千萬不要小看感覺統合的重要性!倘若寶寶這項能力發展不全,可能會在集中注意力、組織、自制力、學業學習、抽象思考、身體與大腦的單側專業化,與理解等能力,及自尊心、自信心等出現障礙,並影響往後的課業成就及人際發展。為了讓家長有更深一層的認知,將各種感覺失調可能造成的影響列於下: 1.聽覺 聽力對寶寶有重要的影響力!倘若寶寶的聽覺發展不完全,可能影響大腦的接受能力,進而影響孩子的語言發展及注意力等。舉例來說,當您叫喚寶寶,但寶寶卻時常沒反應,就有可能是聽覺受損。 2.前庭覺 前庭主宰人類的身體平衡感,與重力安全感,如果前庭不夠敏銳,可能會影響身體的感覺、身體雙側協調及手眼協調,進而產生容易暈車,或是為了滿足大腦的需求,不斷地跳躍,卻不會感到疲累等反應。 3.本體感覺 本體感覺影響人的肌肉張力及姿勢,與人的動作計劃能力有絕對的關係。缺乏時,孩子可能會懶的動,例如坐著時,會用手支撐頭部;爬樓梯時,會有執行困難,不知該先抬那隻腳等。 4.觸覺 觸覺發展主要是藉由吸吮、吃等,母嬰親情及觸覺快感,來獲得滿足。寶寶如果觸覺發展有困難,可能會在活動度、注意力、情緒穩定上出現困難,呈現的表徵有:挑剔衣服、不喜歡人碰觸、不敢接近人群等。有些嚴重的寶寶可能會產生觸覺防禦,假設您輕碰,寶寶也會覺得痛而反抗。 5.視覺、嗅覺、味覺 喜歡用聞的來辨識東西、對味道有特別的偏好的孩子。 感覺統合發展重點 「七坐八爬」是耳熟能詳的幼兒發展階段口訣,而「八爬」正是感覺統合發展的重點。許多家長擔心寶寶在地上爬會弄髒身體或受傷,所以直接省略這個步驟,但您可能不知道,爬對寶寶手腳的觸覺刺激很有幫助。 張旭鎧表示,人的大腦會針對爬行時所接收到的刺激,做整體的比較、整理,進而促進腦部的發展。所以聰明的父母,在寶寶不斷學習新事物的同時,應給予其充份的刺激,給其大腦足夠的學習機會,才能培養出聰明的寶寶! 至於家長何時才會發現寶寶有問題?大體來說,從寶寶八個月至一歲起,是其大動作發展的主要階段;到了三歲起,主要發展重點則為轉為精細動作、小肌肉及認知等。而一般父母大約會在寶寶二歲左右,與其他寶寶接觸較頻繁時,才會發現寶寶有感覺統合失調的問題。 感覺統合失調 原因大剖析 寶寶為什麼會感覺統合失調,張旭鎧分析原因有二:一為遺傳,二為環境。首先來談遺傳因素,先天性的輕微腦部受傷,也可能造成感覺統合失調。所幸,人類的神經具有可塑性,所以70%的患者,可經由早期發現、早期治療來改善。 其次,現代父母較為繁忙,沒有足夠的時間陪伴小朋友,但為了安全因素又必須將小孩侷限於一處,使其失去探索世界的先機,進而有感覺統合失調的問題。此外,不少新生代的父母對小孩過度保護,也是原因之一。家長因擔心小孩在地上爬會割傷,爬高、倒吊會跌倒、摔傷,其實只要環境許可,且確定在安全範圍,就不需刻意阻止小孩玩,讓小朋友自由發揮,反而才是對的喔!要知道小孩也有玩的權力! Part2.玩出好人緣 來玩遊囉!想訓練寶寶,玩遊戲是最好的方式!從遊戲中悄悄地訓練各種技巧,寶寶反而會樂在其中,想培養感覺統合能力,一點都不難,只要運用身邊一些垂手可得的小工具,六個月後,就可以明顯看出成效! 1.擺盪遊戲:(0∼1歲起) 從寶寶出生起,就得開始訓練寶寶的感覺統合能力!只要由家裡的長輩將孩子抱在懷裡輕輕地搖晃,就可以達到刺激前庭、改善平衡反應、增加肌肉張力的效果。等到寶寶一歲大左右,就可以找一條大毛巾,並將孩子置於毛巾中間,由爸爸、媽媽各拉住毛巾的一邊,輕輕搖晃。 2.丟接球:(1∼3歲起) 寶寶一歲時,可將直徑約20公分的橡皮球,放在孩子的面前,並鼓勵孩子主動伸手拿球;待寶寶二歲後,就可以玩進階遊戲,即使用20∼30公分的橡皮球,然後與孩子間隔約2公尺,分別坐於地上,用滾球的方式與寶寶玩傳球遊戲。寶寶三歲就可以完高階遊戲,將您與寶寶的距離拉長至3∼5公尺,並改以彈跳的方式傳球。如此一來,可以改善寶寶的手眼、雙側,及視覺追蹤的協調性。 3.地面探險:(1∼2歲起) 僅需不同材質的拼裝地毯,就可以提供寶寶觸覺及本體覺刺激,有助於改善其動作計劃能力。玩法很簡單,寶寶一歲時,就可以在家裡佈置各式不同材質的地毯,讓寶寶在地毯上爬或走,或從事任何遊戲,讓寶貝接受不同材質的刺激。等到寶寶二歲起,媽咪就可以做難度稍高的設計,將地毯高度任意變化,讓寶寶在不同高度的地毯上,從事各種遊戲。 4.鏡子遊戲:(2歲起) 從寶寶二歲起,就可以開始玩模仿遊戲。藉由孩子模仿父母動作的過程中,可藉機讓寶寶認識自己的身體,及區辨左右方向,這對寶寶的觀察,與動作計劃能力有長足的進步。不過,一開始不要太難,應從一隻手開始,再進展到全身,以免動作太複雜,寶寶一時記不清,而產生挫折。 5.疊積木:(2∼3歲起) 自寶寶二歲起,就可以開始著手進行精細動作訓練,工具是約5公分立方的積木,讓寶寶嚐試用一手或兩手將積木疊高即可。待寶寶長大些,到了三歲,就必須換小一些的積木,約3公分立方來訓練,讓寶寶試著使用積木,進行疊高或創作遊戲,有助於改善手眼協調,並可順道訓練寶寶的創造力,及注意力,一舉數得。 6.跳格子:(3歲起) 現代都市寸土寸金,孩子遊戲的空間大大縮減,想玩跳格子遊戲,似乎不是容易的一件事。不過,也有變通的方式,不能在戶外玩,換個地點在家裡也可行,只要運用家裡的拼圖地墊,就可以享受童年。玩法很容易,將每塊地墊放置於地,並固定,注意喔!每塊的間距需為20∼30公分,然後就可以讓寶寶用跳的方式踩地墊,很有趣吧!這對baby的空間概念訓練,及本體覺刺激,都相當有幫助,不妨多進行。 7.打鼓遊戲:(3歲起) 使用最簡單的工具──手,也可以玩出興味!在不同材質上拍打,然後請孩子模仿。遊戲進行時,可配合節奏,先在某一器材上連續拍打一次或二次,接著再換拍另一項材質製品。有順序地進行,可一併訓練寶寶的記憶力、動作計劃能力,此外,因使用的材質不同,也可增加寶寶的觸覺刺激。 8.沙箱:(3歲起) 動手製作沙箱或豆豆箱,並不如想像中困難,裝放家電用品的小箱子就很好用。為了吸引寶寶的注意力,可發揮美術創造力,將空箱子的外表好好裝飾一番,愈有想像力愈佳,或者可讓寶寶自由發揮,自己試著替箱子穿衣服。準備完成後,在小箱子中,藏放筆、鑰匙、小豆子等,讓小朋友閉著眼睛,以手找出東西,並猜猜看是什麼?在尋找及觸摸的過程中,可增加寶寶的觸覺刺激,增進觸辨覺能力,及注意力。 9.黏土創作:(3歲起) 讓寶寶親自動手,製作屬於自己的小玩意。買一包黏土,含各種色,讓寶寶發揮觀察力及想像力,用黏士捏製動物,或其他感興趣的小東西。製作時需靈活運用手部動作,對寶寶的觀察力、精細動作及雙側協調,都有不錯的幫助。 10.手指畫:(4歲起) 寶寶的手偶爾弄髒了,先不要急著罵人,其實這也是訓練寶寶觸覺刺激的一種方式。找一天晴朗的好天氣,不管身上的顏料有多難洗,盡情地和寶寶一起玩一場色彩遊戲。拿些水彩顏料,沾在手指上,就這樣輕鬆地畫一幅美麗的畫作吧!除了觸覺刺激外,空間概念及注意力也一併訓練完成,絕對值得。


Your 9-month-old: Week 2

A baby who has discovered cruising will "walk" around a room while supporting herself with furniture and other surfaces. To encourage walking, hold your baby's hands when she's standing facing you and see whether she can step toward you. Some 9-month-olds are ready to practice walking with a stable push toy. One prop not to use is a walker, as they are associated with serious injuries and can impede normal development, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. How your baby's growing: By this week, your baby will start to remember more specific information, such as where her toys are in your home. She'll also be able to imitate actions she's seen as long as a week before. These skills indicate that she has recall memory — the ability to remember some details of a specific experience for a short time — though she still doesn't remember most of her experiences. Long-lasting conscious memory of specific events won't develop until your child is 2 or 3 years old, when real language emerges. 小馨的確愛扶著東西站著,這幾天發現她會扶著橫向走幾步路,移動了一下,也許一歲前就會走了,不過還是希望她能多爬。 牙齒長得還真慢,已經一個多月了一顆牙還是長不完整,不知道是否缺鈣....? 最近也比較黏人愛人抱,在她累的時候媽媽的抱抱很有用,也聽得懂要喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ的意思,會等媽咪將衣服拉下來再吸ㄋㄟㄋㄟ。 p.s. 小馨的發展狀況和babycenter.com 描述的還真一致,每個星期都很期待收到babycenter.com 的信哩。


Your 9-month-old: Week 1

Your baby may be the most sociable young creature around — until somebody unfamiliar comes near. Many babies this age have begun to show signs of fear or shyness around strangers. Some even start withdrawing from familiar relatives and friends, and want to be close to no one but you. This phase can be so brief you barely notice it, or it may last for months, depending on your child's temperament. How your baby's growing: Because of separation anxiety, this can be a tough time to be away from your baby for any length of time. But it may also be hard to travel with your baby right now. He's become used to his surroundings and familiar faces, and he likes predictability. So being on the road can disrupt his sense of security and routine, especially when visiting a new place or meeting lots of strangers. At this age he doesn't grasp the concept of travel, but he'll realize he's in an unfamiliar place. Be ready for some cranky, clingy behavior and prepare plenty of distractions — picture books, noise-making toys, nesting blocks, hand puppets, and definitely his lovey, if he has one. Schedule plenty of downtime away from all the strangers to let him decompress. 的確,就像上述文字寫的一樣,可以感受到小馨最近有小小的分離焦慮,特別黏馬麻,連把拔都感受到了:有時小睡一覺起來看不到馬麻,竟然會哭哭,如果馬麻沒有馬上在身邊安撫,就會哭得更厲害。不過老師在聯絡簿上寫道,園所內任何老師呼喊小馨的名字,她都會笑得很開心,所以在園內人緣很好,我想這也是因為那是她熟悉的環境才會這樣吧。



多年前看到有人介紹這本繪本,現在有了小孩,更能感受到這份感動... 以下是從網路上搜尋的簡介.. ************************************************************** 生命之書  「我們都會死嗎?」葉子弗雷迪問。「是的,」老葉子丹尼爾說。「任何東西都會死,不論是大是小、是強是弱。我們先做完該做的是。我們體驗太陽和月亮、學會歡笑,然後我們就要死了。」「我不要死!」弗雷迪斬釘截鐵地說。「你會死嗎?丹尼爾?」「嗯,」丹尼爾回答,「時候到了,我就死了。」「那是什麼時候?」弗雷迪問。「沒有人知道會在哪一天。」丹尼爾回答˙˙˙  「我們死了會到哪兒去呢?」「沒有人知道,這是個大秘密!」「春天的時候我們能再回來嗎?」「我們可能不會再回來了,但是生命會回來!」「那麼這一切有什麼意思呢?」弗雷迪繼續問。「如果我們反正是要掉落、死亡,那為什麼還要來這裡呢?」丹尼爾用他「本來就是這樣」的口吻回答:「是為了太陽和月亮,是為了大家在一起時的快樂時光,是為了樹蔭和老人與小孩子,是為了秋天的色彩,是為了四季˙˙˙難道,這些還不夠嗎?」作者簡介 李奧•巴斯卡力美國南加州大學教學教授,是美國著名的教育家與演說家,巴斯卡力一生致力於推展廣義的「愛」,曾有五本書同時登上紐約時報暢銷書排行榜的記錄,他的著作已被譯為十七種語言,發行量超過一千八百萬冊,其中的『愛•生活與學習』曾在台灣掀起熱潮。   李奧•巴斯卡力於一九九八年六月十二日因心藏病去世,『一片葉子落下來』是他唯一的繪本作品。


Your 8-month-old: Week 3

One day you'll walk into your baby's room and find that little person standing up, grinning at you. Many 8-month-olds are strong enough to pull themselves onto their feet and stay there by holding on to you or a piece of furniture. A somewhat comical aspect of this wonderful development is that some babies know how to get up -- but not back down again. They will stand and stand as long as they can hold on, and finally either tumble down or cry to be "rescued." How your baby's growing: Your baby's vision — previously about 20/40 at best — is now almost adult-like in its clarity and depth perception. Though your baby's short-range sight is still best, his long-range vision is good enough to recognize people and objects across a room. He may see a toy on the other side of the room and try to crawl toward it. His eyes are also probably close to their final color, although you may see subtle changes later. 小馨的確已經會站了,會站了之後,好像邁入一個新境界,只要站著,就會開心地笑個不停,不過她也會慢慢地往下往後坐著,似乎比較少要我們去rescure her. 至於視力方面,的確眼力變好了,她在客廳玩耍也能看到在廚房工作的我,還對我嘻嘻笑,也會皺起鼻頭笑,好像做鬼臉一般。 So far, 小馨一直很乖很好帶,脾氣也不錯,不會隨便哭哭,也可以自己一個人在playground 玩玩,讓我們這兩個新手爸媽不致於手忙腳亂,Thanks God!!



我們一直感到很困擾,三不五時小馨就會咳嗽,讓我們很心慌,不知道是不是又感冒了還是過敏,最近天氣變涼,小馨半夜又咳了,這次還有一些痰,希望不是感冒啊!! 3 questions about: Coughs How can I tell whether my baby's cough is a symptom of an illness more serious than a cold? Even healthy babies cough every day, and a cough can actually help your baby breathe better by clearing secretions from the airway. Coughs often linger after other symptoms of a virus have passed, but not all of them sound alike. Some examples: • If your baby wheezes or gasps for air, he may have bronchiolitis, which is caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). • If his cough is deep and sounds like a bark, he may have croup. • If your baby seems to have a long-lasting cold and a chronic nighttime cough, he may actually have allergies or sinusitis. • If it's a sudden, persistent cough without other cold symptoms, it could mean your baby has asthma or has inhaled an object. • If a persistent cough is accompanied by difficulty breathing, fever, and chills, he may have pneumonia. • If your baby has 20- to 30-second spells of nonstop coughing, and between spells makes an unusual, bird-like "whooping" sound as he tries to take a deep breath, it's likely whooping cough (also called pertussis). • If your baby coughs constantly with a thick mucus that causes difficulty breathing, have him checked for cystic fibrosis. Can I give my baby cough syrup or other medicine or do anything else to help? Don't give an over-the-counter cough suppressant, decongestant, or antihistamine without consulting your baby's doctor first. You might first try to thin any secretions by giving your baby extra fluids and using a vaporizer in his room at night. Holding your baby in a steamy bathroom can also be calming and help him breathe better. If you suspect that allergens in his room might be the cause of a chronic cough, remove stuffed animals and other fluffy bedding, keep the room as dust-free as possible, and keep any pets out of the room. Make sure your baby isn't exposed to cigarette smoke in the house or car. When should I call my baby's doctor? If a cough is keeping your baby from eating or sleeping well, then it deserves attention. Call the doctor immediately if your baby is coughing up blood, having trouble breathing, or showing other symptoms of a serious illness, such as fever, increased heart rate, lethargy, or vomiting. Also call if your baby swallowed or inhaled an object but seems otherwise okay. If your baby can't breathe or loses consciousness, begin rescue breathing or CPR and have someone dial 911 right away. Because allergies, foreign bodies, or asthma can cause a chronic cough, call the doctor if a standard cough persists for more than a week.


Your 8-month-old: Week 2

... And they're off! The stages of crawling usually go something like this: from a sitting position to all fours, to rocking back and forth, to finally pushing off with the knees -- and then starting to move forward (or back). But there are plenty of variations on this progression. Many babies never crawl. Others develop a crawling style that looks more like soldiers bellying through the underbrush or monkeys poised on fingertips and tiptoes. How your baby's growing: Your baby's now exploring objects by shaking them, banging them, dropping them, and throwing them before falling back on the tried-and-true method of gumming them. The idea that you do something with an object is beginning to emerge (using a comb to tidy hair), so an activity center with lots of things your baby can bang, poke, twist, squeeze, shake, drop, and open will fascinate. Your baby will also be mesmerized by toys that have specific functions, such as phones. If she can't hold it up to her ear herself, do it for her and pretend to have a conversation. Over the next few months, she'll start to use objects for their intended purposes — brushing her hair, drinking from a cup, and babbling on her play phone. 最近因為天冷,晚上都跟小馨一起睡覺;不過睡到半夜,她有時會哭哭啼啼地醒來,有時則是閉上眼睛但嗚嗚地哭,搞得大人沒睡好覺,查了網路才知道可能是長牙引起的不舒服,平常白天因為有活動所以不明顯,但睡著時長牙的不適症狀常無法一覺到天亮,連帶媽咪也被迫中段睡眠。 奶量真的愈來愈少了,現在只剩下白天擠一次奶,約有240cc,也不會漲奶,也許真的無法全母奶到一歲了吧!