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shin 愛看ipad

明明這個ipad是買給我用的,可是小馨卻一直說是她的,而且只要我想用ipad,她就會跑來說要看巧虎... 現在她已經很會操作了,令人擔心的是她總是很靠近螢幕,就像看電腦一樣,會對眼睛不好,嗯.....傷腦筋啊! How can I tell if there's a problem with my preschooler's vision? Kids this age probably won't realize they have a vision problem, so you'll want to be vigilant about noticing signs of potential trouble. Contact his doctor if your child: •needs you to hold books very close when you read to him •squints often •tilts his head to see better (while looking at a picture or the television, for example) •rubs his eyes when he's not sleepy •seems to tear excessively •closes one eye to see better (while looking at a book or watching television, for example) •avoids close, near-vision activity, like coloring or board games •avoids distance-vision activities, like playing catch •has recurrent headaches •complains of tired eyes •seems overly sensitive to light •appears to be cross-eyed, or his eyes don't seem to work in unison •has redness in his eyes that doesn't go away in a few days, sometimes accompanied by pain or sensitivity to light •complains of double vision •has a persistent, unusual spot in his eyes in photos taken with a flash (instead of the common red-eye, for example, there's a white spot) •has a droopy eyelid that won't ever fully open •has white, grayish-white, or yellow-colored material in the pupil of his eye •has bulging eyes •has pus or crust in either eye •has any other change in the appearance of his eyes •complains of eye pain or discomfort


Leftie or Rightie?

Leftie or Rightie? By now your child's eye color and hair color are probably fixed (and may be different from what they were at birth). Left- or right-handedness is a trait that takes a bit longer to figure out, but you'll get plenty of clues this year. Watch which hand your child uses to pick up a spoon at meals or a ball on the playground. She's beginning to favor her dominant hand, left or right, this year. 很早就發現小馨其實慣用右手,早期一歲前雙手都會使用,當時還看不出來,可是一歲多後就發現她還是用右手,而且我們都沒有刻意告訴她用哪一隻手吃飯、拿湯匙喔(那討人厭的阿公有時在小馨用左手吃飯時,還會糾正她,真是多此一舉)。 Your 2-year-old now During the past year, you may have noticed your toddler beginning to favor one hand over another for things like eating or reaching. (Babies tend to use their hands interchangeably.) This coming year, use of the dominant hand will become more consistent and you'll probably know for sure whether your child is left-handed or right-handed. Not sure yet? Try this: Hold out a toy and see which hand she uses to reach for it. Watch which hand she picks up her spoon with at meals. The dominant hand is usually stronger and has more dexterity, so it's the one she'll be likely to use. A minority of kids remain ambidextrous, meaning they use both hands equally, until kindergarten. Some children use a dominant hand for eating and writing but the other hand for throwing a ball. Handedness is largely genetic. Only about one in 10 people are left-handed, but if both parents are lefties there's a 50 percent chance their child will be, too. Don't try to change your child's inborn preference. Forcing a child to use the nondominant hand can create a lot of frustration and expend energy that could be going toward improving skills and learning. 對嘛∼美國人都是採用尊重小孩的偏好,不會強迫小孩去使用右手,只有部分傳統的老人家才會這樣做,討厭啊討厭!!哼!別老是用過時的舊觀念來影響我的小孩,請記住:她是我的小孩,然後才是你的孫子,請你清楚認知! Your life now As your preschooler grows bigger and faster, take a tour of your home from her point of view. Hazards to a super-curious, super-mobile explorer include standing pails of water (a drowning risk) and drawers that could pinch fingers or that contain sharp objects (consider a new, higher round of drawer locks). Remove cleansers and poisons from reach, and put the poison control phone numbers on your phone or fridge. Accidents may increase because busy preschoolers focus more on where they're going than what's in their way. Keep floors clear of throw rugs, toys, and other tripping hazards. Be sure you're well-stocked with bandages, antibiotic ointment, and kisses for treating those inevitable scratches and scrapes.


How to tell if your preschooler is gifted

"Did you hear what he just said?" Many parents see every word their child utters or every squiggle he draws as evidence of his being gifted. Though most children aren't identified as gifted until they begin formal school, some show signs of being gifted at a very early age. Gifted child Ben Hellerstein of Larchmont, N.Y., for instance, was actually reading nonfiction books and memorizing facts by the age of 4. His mother wishes she had realized that he was academically advanced at that time. "If I had," she says wistfully, "he could have gotten the help he needed in school earlier than he did, and his first year of school wouldn't have been so unhappy." Signs of giftedness in a preschooler Your 2- to 4-year-old may be gifted if he: •Has a specific talent, such as artistic ability or an unusual facility for numbers. For example, children who draw unusually realistic pictures or who can manipulate numbers in their head may be gifted. •Reaches developmental milestones well ahead of peers. •Has advanced language development, such as an extensive vocabulary or the ability to speak in sentences much earlier than other children his age. •Is relentlessly curious and never seems to stop asking questions. •Is unusually active, though not hyperactive. While hyperactive children often have a short attention span, gifted children can concentrate on one task for long periods of time and are passionate about their interests. •Has a vivid imagination. Gifted children often create a vast and intricate network of imaginary friends with whom they become very involved. •Is able to memorize facts easily and can recall arcane information that he learns from television shows, movies, or books. Other signs of giftedness may be a little harder to discern. By age 3 or 4, for example, some gifted children begin to realize that they are "different" from their peers. This can make them feel isolated and withdrawn; it may also make them likely targets for bullying. They may begin to experience intense frustration because they can think more rapidly than they can express themselves, verbally or physically. If your child appears unusually angry or frustrated, you may want to consult a mental health professional. Testing your preschooler for giftedness Though you may want to know if your preschooler is gifted, most children don't need to be tested for giftedness before entering elementary school. However, consultations with a mental health professional may be appropriate if your preschooler appears to be unusually bored in school or shows any signs of emotional or social problems. If your child is enrolled in preschool, speak to the teacher or school director to find out if the school is affiliated with any mental health professionals who specialize in working with gifted children. If your child is not in school or the school isn't being receptive to your concerns, ask your pediatrician to refer you to a child psychologist who conducts tests for giftedness. Keep in mind that that although private testing is often expensive (testing and follow-up consultation can run as high as $1,000), your insurance plan may cover the cost. Children as young as 3 can be given IQ and ability tests, but experts believe that IQ test results obtained before the age of 5 are unstable — that is, if a child is retested, his scores can fluctuate significantly until this age. Years ago, children whose IQ scores were over 130 were considered gifted (the range for average intelligence is 85 to 115); today, however, IQ is one factor among many that need to be evaluated before a child is identified as gifted. Often parents and teachers will be asked to write their impressions of a child, and these subjective measures are considered along with test data.


Shin 昨晚嘟著嘴巴,悶悶不樂

"How to tell if your preschoole​r is happy" What do you do when your child's in a slump? We asked BabyCenter parents, who shared their favorite tried-and-true tips to chase away the blues and bring a smile to their child's face. 今天收到babycenter的信,標題正好是這個,不由得讓我有點好奇。 1 The power of praise Whenever Chloe gets stuck in a crying jag, I try to find something to praise her for. It can be any little move she makes toward calming herself, like going to get herself a tissue or taking a deep breath. She can't help smiling when I do this. Then the meltdown is over and she's able to move on with her day. — Kate, mother of Chloe, San Francisco 2 Get your ya-yas out I have a very physical, "spirited" child. It took me forever to realize that whenever Ben was really grumpy or frustrated, what he needed most was to get outside and play or simply run around the house for a few minutes. Even if I'm busy and trying to get ready for dinner, I stop and announce to Ben that it's time for him to "get his ya-yas out." Now he even uses that term when he's feeling out of sorts. Getting his ya-yas out always cheers him up. — Colleen, mother of Ben, Atlanta, Georgia 帶她出去走走,或許是個good idea! 不過馬麻有點懶,因為現在天氣炎熱,一出去就流汗,況且shin在家裡也可以cheer up,這就讓我更懶得出門了。 3 Take a good mood car wash One day when my daughter was in a funk, I got the idea of putting her through a car wash that would wash her bad mood away. I have her push an invisible button to enter the "good mood car wash," and then I twirl her around, tickle her, and make silly sounds. She's falling over laughing by the time we're done. — Sheila, mother of Charlotte, Westport, Connecticut 帶她去洗車?這會不會讓她反而更害怕呢?這恐怕不是立刻解決問題的好方法。 4 Stop and listen When my older son, age 8, is feeling upset, sometimes he just needs me to listen to him. With kids, we're often in a rush to try to find an answer to their problems or a cure to whatever is bothering them. But I think it's often more helpful to stop everything and be in the moment and simply ask him what's wrong. If he's not ready to talk about it right then, I give him individual attention, play with him, and make sure I'm just there for him. — Elisse, mother of Noah and Aidan, Berkeley, California 這點倒是很受用!不論小孩幾歲,隨時都可以給她一個時間靜靜地聽小孩說話,隨時把自己置於小孩的高度與心理狀態,給予更多的同理心,知道小孩在想什麼、擔憂什麼...。警惕我自己不要忘了現在的允諾。 5 Foster a social butterfly My two sons always seem happier when they're surrounded by a group of family and friends. Some of the times I've seen them happiest are at large family gatherings, when they've had a chance to interact with a lot of people they know and love. For that reason, we include our sons as often as possible in social outings. I also like that it teaches my sons about the joy and skills of interacting with many different kinds of people. — Jim, father of Chris and Alec, San Francisco 我實在不確定自己的小孩是不是個social 的孩子?將她置於一個熱鬧的環境,會不會讓她更不安?等她再長大一點再來觀察看看! 6 Make a pizza I use the same trick as the dad in William Steig's book Pete's a Pizza. When my daughter's grumpy, I say, "Okay, time to make you into a pizza." I pick her up and knead the dough and toss her in the air, which is really just tickling and gentle roughhousing. Then I sprinkle her with make-believe cheese, tomato sauce, and pepperoni — another good chance for tickling! Then I plop her in a pretend oven (the couch) and presto, her bad mood is over! — Fred, father of Hazel, Burlington, Vermont 帶她做pizza?也許不只是pizza,煮飯、在廚房忙也是一種方法,只怪自己不是廚房好手,一直想煮菜、想讓shin記住「媽媽的味道」,這是我未來要努力的! 7 Let the air out When we're driving in the car and my daughter is feeling upset, we roll the windows down all the way, even if it's freezing out and snowing, and then we blow all the "bad" air out of our bodies. She always feels better afterward and so do I! — Chandler, mother of Lily, Monterey, Massachusetts 哈哈!這點大概行不通吧!台灣的父母總是擔心太多,若真的下雪天也開窗讓bad air out,恐怕把拔這關就過不了!


Your 2-Year-Old​: Ask Me Anything

"Why, Mommy?" "Why?" "Why?" Questions are probably your preschooler's new favorite form of speech. And there's a reason for that: Asking is a good way of finding out, and your child is constantly coming across new situations he wants to know more about. Although endless questions can get wearisome — especially if you have a tenacious, super-curious child — answering them simply and patiently encourages your child to keep asking and learning. 呵呵∼還沒還沒....shin還沒開始問「為什麼」,只有問過「這是什麼啊∼?」 有時候她會指著我身上睡衣的花紋問「這是什麼啊?」,我也答不出來,若給她隨便一個答案,她會一直問一直問,直到講了一個名詞後,她會復述那個詞,感覺上得到答案了才放棄繼續問下去! Your 2-year-old now Your little one's a budding conversationalist, even if you're the one doing most of the talking. He's beginning to ask lots of questions, a development that fills two needs for him: It's a way of finding out about things, and it's also a way of keeping the interchange with you going. That lets him engage with you longer and pick up even more words. Early favorite questions include "Why?" and "What's that?" (Or simply, "Dat? Dat?") As his language skills grow more sophisticated, so will his questions: "What's making that sound?" "What if the car went off the road?" "Why don't the birds fall down?" Try to answer his questions as quickly as you can, in simple, full sentences. "Birds have wings that keep them up in the air." Being responsive encourages future questions, and your answers help him learn from your example how to put sentences together. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know." Find a book on the subject to share. Your preschooler loves to answer questions as much as ask them. When you're reading books, ask about the pictures or the story: "Where is the brown doggie?" "What do you think he likes to eat?" "What will happen next?" Your life now Preschoolers don't always move on the same timetable as grown-ups. They get easily distracted on their way to the dinner table. They insist on putting on socks "by self" regardless of how long it takes. Even the most patient parents can feel sorely tested, especially if they're running late! 哈哈!這點沒錯!每次出門前若遇到shin說想要自己穿鞋,我就受不了,因為上班時間已經很趕,她自己穿鞋的速度又很慢,這時都會令人抓狂啊!! Instead of coaxing your 2-year-old to hurry, stop and ask yourself if you can spare the time to let your child do things at his own pace. Do you really need to go to the park right now? It can help to take some deep breaths, exhaled sloooowly. Or count to ten to try to slow yourself down. When you're really in a rush, it's okay to jump in and move your child along, especially if you give him the benefit of his own preschooler timetable on less-busy days. 我想生養小孩的確是須要耐心的!我瞭解自己個性較急,小孩有她自己堅持的步驟:吃飯、睡覺、洗澡、穿衣穿鞋....都急不得,只能提醒自己早點準備好,早點起床,才不至於在門口對她動怒,小小孩是無辜的!!