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Your 2-Year-Old​: Tracking Growth

Tracking Growth記錄生長曲線 Too tall? Too short? Too chubby? Too thin? As your preschooler grows and changes, it's natural to wonder how she compares. Try not to worry too much. Your child's doctor tracks this. Most 2-year-olds retain a little chubbiness because they haven't reached the proportions of an older child. Now's a great time to start tracking height at home; every few months, mark your child's height on a wall or buy a paper growth chart. Children love to see how they've grown! 小馨快要三歲了,她還是很高,也許跟她愛喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ有關,至於多高,我們並沒有固定時間幫她量,上面文字建議說,可以每段時間幫她量身高,並做個日期註記,嗯∼也許這是個好方法! Your 2-year-old now As they head toward 3, most preschoolers' torsos have elongated and their bodies are shedding the baby fat. How can you tell if your child is the proper weight? Your pediatrician tracks growth and can show you how your child's numbers (height and weight) compare with statistical averages for her age. Two is usually too early to worry about fat. Even if your child is still chubby, growth and lots of active playtime are likely to change this. Chubby preschoolers are not necessarily destined to become chubby adults. 幾天前看到小馨只有三四個月的樣子,真難想像當時她怎麼會這麼胖嘟嘟,肥肥嫩嫩的模樣和她現在的樣子一點都不像,小馨慢慢變得比較小女生,雖然我不希望她這麼快就脫離嬰兒肥,現在大多數時候我不會抱她,不過在床上、在家裡玩得時候,我還是會抱她,不過身高已經很高,一點也不是小寶寶了! Given the rampant child obesity rates, however, it's a reasonable question to ask. Pediatricians are growing increasingly proactive about identifying 2-year-olds at high risk and then tracking suggested lifestyle changes. A common reason preschoolers are truly overweight is because they're allowed unrestricted access to bottles of milk or juice. Limit milk (served in a cup) to 16 ounces per day and juice to 4 ounces per day, and avoid soda. (Serve water or diluted juice with snacks; most kids don't notice if you dilute it gradually to half water, half juice.) Never restrict a preschooler's diet without medical advice, however. What your child's body needs most of all right now is a healthy mix of nutrients in order to fuel the big growth demands her brain and body face now and in the coming years. Your life now Three can be more than a crowd when your preschooler wanders in on your lovemaking. Although it can be embarrassing, it's usually no big deal. Especially at night, your preschooler is likely to be too sleepy to even notice any unusual behavior, let alone remember it. If she does ask what you were doing, you can simply say that you were loving and hugging one another and divert her attention with the offer of a cup of water or a backrub. It's possible that the sounds you were making during sex, or right after when she startled you, were frightening. So if she looks upset, simply reassure her that you were surprised to see her and help her fall back asleep.


Your 34-month-old: Preschooler humor

Your 2-year-old now Not only is your tyke saying and doing funnier things every day, but she responds to humor in a big way, too. Her preferred mode of humor isn't wry jokes or irony, but more along the lines of slapstick, strange sounds, and funny faces. Use humor to your advantage to cajole a reluctant child into getting dressed: "Where does the sock go? On your nose?" ("No! On my feet!") Your child gets a rush out of feeling smarter than Mom or Dad. If you sense you're heading into a power struggle, start to talk in a silly baby voice or quack every other word. Using silly voices when you read or tell stories makes book time more fun. Your life now Now that your 2-year-old seems so big, should you buy her some age-appropriate software? It depends on how you use it and why you're doing it. Although older preschoolers can manipulate a mouse with ease, you needn't worry that they'll fall behind if they don't learn how to use one now. (That will never be a concern for any child born this century.) Nor will computer games give your child an academic head start. Kids this age learn best through hands-on explorations with three-dimensional objects. A flat screen, no matter how many bells and whistles it has, can't compete. It's not clear whether any harm can come from computer play at very young ages. Use software for kids sparingly if you do — the time your child spends at a computer count toward the total "screen time" he should have in a day, including TV. (Most experts on children and media recommend an hour or two at most total screen time per day.) Never place a TV, DVD player, or computer in a young child's bedroom; it leads to excessive viewing and creates a habit that's very hard to break. When and if you do use computer games, pick educational programs made for 2-year-olds. Ideally, play together so you can help interpret what's happening.


Your 2-Year-Old​: What Temperamen​t Means

What Temperament Means Your child's temperament may have been clear to you back in infancy, and now that he's a preschooler, those early impressions are becoming clearer. Temperament is a person's inborn nature or disposition, and you're probably beginning to see how yours complements or clashes with your child's. Viewing your relationship with your child through the lens of temperament can give you insights into how to act with him to best avoid power struggles. 是在說「天性」嗎?小馨的天性或氣質真的愈來愈明顯,基本上她是可以講理的小孩,只要不要太離譜,她通常可以忍受,如果真的番到不行,就表是她想睡了,或者...我還搞不清楚她到底要什麼? Your 2-year-old now Hey, who's the boss around here? Along with better language skills can come an annoying new personality trait: bossiness. "Put my coat on." "Come here, Mommy!" "Sit there, Daddy." Your child sees herself as the center of the universe, so she finds it only natural to believe that everyone revolves around her. Although you can't argue with that perception developmentally, you can coach her to be a little nicer about it. Encourage the use of "please" and a "nice voice" when she wants something. 兩歲多的小孩儼然是世界的中心,「馬麻過來∼∼」、「我還要...」,小馨已經快三歲了,之前還覺得苦日子快結束了,想不到老師說要到兩歲半才會好一點,天啊!最近的她很會哭、demanding也很強,意見很多,不想穿這件衣服、那件衣服....,最近更擾人的是,飯常常含在嘴裡不吞下去,吃飯通常要稿很久,不僅如此,更常常爬上爬下、不乖乖坐好...總之,我的抱怨一籮筐啦! Sometimes bossiness is a bid for your attention. She may make imperious demands because she really wants you to listen to her or play with her right this minute. Again, teach her to ask nicely. Let her know that you can't always comply with her wishes just then and help her to learn patience by responding to her as soon as you can. 對了!下次當她要求強烈時,我應該要給她機會教育,告訴她把拔馬麻不是每次都可以乖乖聽妳說話、把拔馬麻正在忙,應該要有耐心一點...希望小馨能聽得進去。 Your life now You might be starting to see more and more of your personality in your child. (Or Grandpa's personality, or funny Uncle Bob's.) Sometimes children inherit their parents' temperaments and sometimes parent-child temperaments clash like polka dots and stripes. If you were shy and your child lives in the limelight, it can feel harder to relate to her. Your personality can also influence how you treat your child. For example, if you were a star athlete you might feel driven to provide your child with lots of sports opportunities, even if she'd rather be playing with dolls. The main thing is to respect and nurture the child you have for who she is and not veer too far into projecting anybody else onto her. 當然,小馨是我帶的,我的偏好、好惡會影響她,我盡量讓她保持她的本性,不受到我影響,不過這很難。我也深知父母的作為會影響小孩的一切,小孩都在觀察父母的一言一行,有時我彷彿看到自己的行為、言語、聲調、語氣在小馨身上出現,我覺得很好玩,原來有自己的小孩就是自己的copy版,這麼有趣啊!!


Your 2-Year-Old​: Word of the Day

Word of the Day If you've been making a list of your 2-year-old's vocabulary, you might now be finding it impossible to keep up. The typical young preschooler picks up new words every single day and will soon be able to string them together in sentences from two to four words long. Speech development occurs at different paces, which can lead parents of slow talkers to worry. Surprisingly, not all speech milestones involve talking. 小馨過了兩歲半後「說話」方面似乎開竅了,每天都有不同的進步,而且還會說出令人哭笑不得的話,十足好玩! Your 2-year-old now Look for reassuring signs that your child's language skills are on track by watching his behavior as well as listening to his words. Among the language-related skills expected between 24 and 36 months: •Listens to a story with pictures (staying engaged as you discuss them). •Plays pretend games. •Enjoys looking at picture books, turning pages, and naming what he sees. •Can answer questions with "yes" or "no." •Can follow a simple request. •Learns new words quickly. •Copies words parent speaks. •Names common foods and objects he has regular contact with. •Identifies body parts. •Refers to self by name and knows last name. •Knows about 200 words by 24 months and 450 words by 30 months. •Uses two words together by 24 months and three- to four-word sentences by 36 months. •Sings songs and knows a nursery rhyme or two. If you feel your child is not on schedule with speech or has suddenly stopped progressing or regressed, tell your doctor. An audiology screen and evaluation by a speech-language pathologist can determine if there's something wrong (such as hearing loss) and design an early-intervention plan to help. Your life now Many parents think about having another child when the first one is winding down the preschooler months. There's no ideal spacing, but an advantage to a two- to three-year difference is that the children can be playmates as they grow. It's not a good idea to tell your firstborn about an expected baby until the first trimester has safely passed (so you won't have to explain miscarriage, since that's when the risk is greatest). Although it's fine to share the news in the second trimester, you may want to wait until you're 8 or 9 months along — when you're visibly changed and the wait won't be too long — to talk up the impending arrival.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Teething's Last Gasp

Teething's Last Gasp It can seem like there's no end to the things that wake a child up at night. Cutting molars is a common cause this year. It doesn't last long, but it can really hurt. Offer something she can bite down on, like a cold wet washcloth. (Make sure it's something big enough not to be a choking hazard. Frozen bagels, a popular remedy, aren't great because large pieces can come off that a preschooler could choke on. Your 2-year-old now Your child's last baby teeth, four "second molars," usually appear between 20 and 33 months. (Some kids are still cutting their other teeth during the third year.) Molars tend to be especially painful since they are large. Sometimes they're accompanied by mild fever. They may even cause your good sleeper to wake up crying in the night. Fortunately the pain doesn't last more than a day or two per tooth. Let your child gnaw on toys, his hands, or a frozen or very warm (not hot) wet washcloth if he's inclined until the discomfort passes. Many physicians recommend against topical oral medications because they can lead a child to suck or gnaw the gum long enough to create a sore. Your life now Nighttime bed-wetting can suddenly disrupt those solid-sleep nights you've come to cherish. It's not clear why some kids can't make it through the night without urinating, though it's certainly common, especially among boys and the recently potty-trained. Theories include ultra-deep sleep from which a child doesn't awaken in time, a small bladder, and slow development of the central nervous system. Bed-wetting may be genetic; it tends to run in families. Don't blame or shame a bed wetter; he just can't help it. Use the potty as part of your bedtime wind-down; some parents find it helpful to go easy on liquids after dinner. The best defense, though, is a good offense: Continue to use pull-ups until your child is able to stay dry night after night. Cover the mattress in a rubber sheet. When he does wet (or leak) in the night, have fresh sheets and pajamas handy so that you can make up a fresh bed with minimal disruption to everybody's rest. The majority of nocturnal wetters stop by age 5 or 6 on their own.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Numbers Game

If your child can count to ten or higher already, is he a budding genius? Well, he certainly has a good working memory. Two-year-olds are just beginning to gain an understanding of numbers; they often learn to count by reciting the names of numbers from memory long before they understand the relative quantity of three or nine. Basically they start knowing the difference between "one" and "anything more than one." But hey, it's an important start! Your 2-year-old now "One, two, three!" An ability to count begins as your child heads toward 3, at least in a primitive way. First a child is able to identify when there is one, and more than one (though not whether it's two or six). By age 2, a child can count to two ("one, two"), and by 3, he can count to three, but if he can make it all the way up to 10, he's probably reciting from rote memory. Kids this age don't yet actually understand, and can't identify, the quantities they're naming. The best way to set your child up for later math skills is not to coach him in counting and adding but to weave numerical references into his day. Reading lots of books helps develop pre-reading, the understanding that certain symbols on the page stand for something else. (Identifying the golden arches that form an "M" on a hamburger restaurant as "McDonald's" is an example of pre-reading.) Count steps when you walk or blocks as you play. Provide puzzles whose pieces are in different shapes (circle, square, triangle); identifying these shapes is another kind of pre-reading. Your life now Of course you love your little one more than ever — so what's up when she shuns your hugs and kisses? Sometimes very active preschoolers simply don't like to sit still, not even for cuddles, unless they're very tired. For others, spurning a snuggle is a way of separating. Think of it as another version of "You're not the boss of me!" Don't feel rejected — and don't force the matter. When your tot needs comforting, she'll still come running to you. Meantime you can also go running to her in a silly kiss-resister "chase" game that ends in a loving bear hug.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Taming Fears

Taming Fears Most preschoolers go through a fearful phase. Sometimes fears are short-lived — for example, a new loud vacuum. Other fears seem to spring from nowhere and stick around. And some children have temperaments that make them more prone to fears than others. The general rule is to treat the fear respectfully. After all, it's very real to your child. Then look for child-centered ways (as opposed to adult-level logic) to provide reassurance. 說到「馴服恐懼」,小馨真的是被我嚇大的!每晚睡前我都跟她說有虎姑婆、大野狼,她就會乖乖閉起眼睛睡覺,過年期間,也跟她說有「年獸」,才讓她乖乖穿上紅色的衣服,鞭炮則是嚇跑年獸的東西....這小妞對於媽咪說的話深信不疑。 Your 2-year-old now A lively imagination often gives temporary birth to monsters, dragons, ghosts, and other mysterious creatures of the dark. Fear of the dark is common as a child's mind becomes capable of inventing its own stories. (You can actually think of night fears — the result of an overactive imagination — as a sophisticated cognitive development.) To help calm your child: •Take the fear seriously. Never belittle it or make fun of your child's fantasy. •Skip the logic. A patient explanation that there's no way a monster could live in the closet but only at night won't wash. •Look at the room from your child's viewpoint. Maybe there's a weird shadow that really does look like a spiderweb. •Try some light. The reassuring glow of a nightlight or a light in the hallway has vanquished many a scary creature. •Give a little extra TLC. Often fears reflect some other anxiety in your child's life; she might just want some hugs and snuggles. A happy and secure bedtime routine before your child is tucked in is important, too. Your life now Getting bored serving the same old snacks? Jazz up old standbys by cutting sliced cheese into shapes with cookie cutters or spreading peanut butter on a tortilla instead of bread and rolling it up. Serve pint-size versions of grown-up favorites, such as fruit smoothies made with yogurt and served with a sippy straw. Or go cold: Mash up berries and mix in a little water, then freeze in ice-pop molds.