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媽咪咪∼要∼尖∼叫∼啦!! 最近真的有偏財運! 之前買康乃馨寶貝天使尿布,抽中500元icash卡! 剛剛用銀行的「集點行樂」活動,抽中礁溪老爺平日一泊二食住宿券一張! Oh!My God!該去買樂透了∼∼ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 親愛的客戶,您好: 您本次兌換的贈品內容如下: 點數 贈品 兌換數量 5點 【小點立大功。點數下殺50% OFF 】 宜蘭礁溪老爺溫泉住宿酒店平日住宿套票一泊二食 1組 提醒您: 本贈品之中獎人須下載並填寫「中獎回覆函」,於2012/01/31前(以郵戳為憑)寄回XX銀行,才 算完成兌獎流程,詳情請見本活動注意事項說明。 禮券內容: _洋式山景套房住宿乙夜(兩人一室) _每房提供雲天自助早餐兩客 _每房提供雲天自助晚餐或岩波庭晚間套餐兩客(擇其一) _每房養生茶包/手工茶點/個人專屬精緻盥洗包 _礁溪火車站至飯店間定時巴士往返接送乙次 _每日報紙及礁溪火車站定點定時來回接送或 免費停車使用注意事項: 1.本券不得使用於團體訂房,農曆春節期間不得使用。 2.房型更換所產生之費用由房客退房前結清。 3.本券自發券日起一年內可憑原購買價格入住洋式山景套房一晚,逾期使用每張加收800 元。 4.本券使用規定如有變動,以飯店公告為準。



今天又發生慘事!(;_;) 上完美術課,本來媽咪咪跟翔翔已經進了電梯按了一樓準備要下樓 突然一個媽媽叫媽咪咪 媽咪咪跟翔翔說那我們先出來 結果我出電梯了,翔翔卻讓電梯載下樓。 當媽咪咪聽到翔在電梯裡哭叫,心想完了,怎麼會這樣? 趕緊大聲告訴翔翔不要怕,媽媽會趕快下樓找他。 媽咪咪請那個媽媽在十樓看著,萬一翔翔再上樓請他下樓,媽媽在一樓等他 可是等媽咪咪搭另一部電梯下樓,卻沒看到翔翔 媽咪咪快嚇死了,趕緊大聲叫翔翔 聽到翔翔的聲音.....終於在二樓的樓梯找到他。 媽咪咪緊緊的抱著翔說對不起,嚇到你了,寶貝。 媽媽最近真的很糟糕,老是沒保護好你••••••( ; _ ; )/~~~ 後來問翔翔才知道,他那時亂按按鈕,所以電梯在六樓停了,他就出來。 走樓梯到一樓沒看到媽咪咪,他覺得電梯太慢,想走樓梯上樓找媽咪咪 所以媽咪咪喊翔翔名字時,才會聽到他的聲音從樓梯間傳出來...... 這件事又給媽咪咪一個經驗,無論在怎麼耳提面命 碰到事情,翔翔還是會害怕,也忘了平常媽咪咪的交代。 只好再一次跟他說,萬一下次跟爸媽走散,千萬不要亂走,要待在原地等。要找旁邊可以信任的大人幫忙打電話,但是不要隨便跟別人走...... 下一次,萬一不幸還是遇到類似的事情,希望翔翔冷靜處理,記得平常爸媽的叮嚀。



100 12 16 Rita(三)24-17 課程重點(Topics): 1. 8 songs 2.Phonogram Cards 3.Phonogram Booklets 4.Word Search (尋字遊戲) *Homework: 1.Write: 完成兩張 Word Search 2.Read : Songs 1.*Baa, baa, black sheep Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full. One for my master, One for my dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. 2.*Jimmy crack corn and I don't care Jimmy crack corn and I don't care, Jimmy crack corn and I don't care, Jimmy crack corn and I don't care, My master's gone away. 3.*Five Little Fish Five little fishes swimming in a pool. First one said,"The pool is cool." Second one said,"The pool is deep." Third one said,"I want to sleep." Fourth one said,"Let's dive and dip." Fifth one said,"I spy a ship." Fisherman's boat comes, line goes ker-splash. Away the five little fishies dash! 4.*Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after. 5.*Mary Had a Little Lamb Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb , little lamb , Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. 6.*The merry-go-round The merry-go-round goes round and round, The children laughed and laughed and laughed, So many were going round and round, That the merry-go-round collapsed. 7.*The Muffin Man Oh, do you know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, do you know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane? Oh, yes, we know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, yes, we know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. 8.*Hey diddle diddle Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon, The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon. 。 。 。 。 。