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上星期四媽媽同我去過中央圖書館, book唔到玩具圖書館, 預約左今日三點再去. 我家附近有102隧巴往高士威道, 半個鐘車程直達圖書館, 非常方便. 入場前媽媽先同我briefing, 叫我要守秩序, 唔好同小朋友爭玩具, 夠鐘就要走. 我係第一個入場, 第一時間朝著超級市場玩具衝去, 但媽媽問我要唔要借玩具, 我先知原來d職員哥哥姐姐收埋好多玩具. 每位小朋友可以借兩件. 我借左一套thomas過山車玩具, 呢套野我在玩具店見過好多次, 知道媽媽唔會買, 次次都睇一大餐, 今日終於有得玩下(但其實我家有一套小熊維尼玩法係一樣的). 然後我又再借另一套波子競賽玩具, 玩到差不多尾聲, 就讓比兩個比我年紀少的男孩子玩. 我拿拿聲去玩下其他人的玩具, 四十五分鐘到了, 我合作地離開, 但心情十分依依不捨. 離開玩具室, 我見到好多小朋友在梳化等候下一節入場, 我好想再玩一次, 同媽媽講:"我守秩序呀!" 然後手擺後面端正地坐底, 以為守秩序, 乖的小朋友就可以再玩. 媽媽讚我今日好乖, 但每個小朋友只可以玩一次, 乖的小朋友下次可以再玩, 但我唔制, 堅持要坐在梳化等, 最後媽媽話帶我去食雪糕, 我先肯走. 我地搭左幾個站電車去麥當勞食麥旋風(OREO味)和麥樂雞, 原來麥樂雞今日買一送一, 食飽之後途經商場有lion dancing, 媽媽抱我去睇, 見到兩頭紅色獅子在梅花樁上面跳來跳去, 十分驚險, 獅子仲食菜菜, 拋老虎公仔比觀眾, 我伸手叫獅子比一個我啦, 最後誤打誤撞得到一隻!



今日雖然係閒日, 要返學, 但我有好繁忙的行程, 放學後先去畫畫, 我的特別作品"虎年的新衣"已經完成, 畫得不錯, 陳老師話下星期有畫展, 叫媽媽帶我去觀摩一下. 2:30要去瑪嘉烈覆診, 吸收左之前等到發霉的經驗, 我地決定3:30後先出現, 果然暢通無阻, 四點多少少已搞掂. 今次覆診的原因係十二月照左腦部磁力共振, 但護士竟然book錯左我去普通兒科覆診, 於是今日的醫生莫名其妙, 佢唔係腦科專科, 唔知同爸爸媽媽講乜好, 唯有三個月後再來. 離開醫院後馬上搭地鐵入迪士尼酒店, 爸爸媽媽book左迪士尼樂園酒店的自助餐, 補賀結婚唔知幾多週年, 食野前我可以玩下迷宮, 我同一個年齡相若的男孩子捉迷藏, 又到草坪飛奔, 玩到癲晒. 我地第一次幫襯迪士尼的自助餐, 因為太貴, 平時無諗過會來食, 但原來匯豐信用卡每位大人可減$100! 我認為隨左mickey和minnie, 應該會見到winnie the pooh, 點知pooh pooh今晚無返工, tigger和piglet就有. 每當有卡通人物走來同我影相, 我就尷尷尬尬, 有點怕醜, 和以前熱情的反應唔一樣了, 可能我真係大個左, 但我依然好喜歡佢地, 我仲請mickey食朱古力, 但佢話唔食了, 摸住肚仔示意好飽, 然後我又擁抱tigger, 和錫錫minnie. 自助餐的食物係好有水準, 適合大人和小朋友, 炸魚出奇地好味, 蟹腳亦好受歡迎, 我仲自己整左一個ice-cream cone, 非常滿足.

文章分享: Teach Your Preschooler to Read


Teach Your Preschooler to Read Simple Pre-Reading Activities Jul 27, 2007 Tequitia Andrews Simple and easy methods any parent can use to get their preschooler on the right track to reading. Reading is essential to a child’s development. Parents can prepare their child to be a successful reader before they began any type of formal education. Here are some activities that parents can do to help their children become readers: Read to them daily. Parents should invest in collecting great children’s literature for their personal home library. If this isn’t possible financially, parents can take advantage of their public library. Experts recommend that parents read to their child at least 30 minutes daily. This will not only create a love of reading in children but will introduce them to the world of words. While reading parents should point to the words in the book and read the dialogue with expression. Point out words all around. Parents can read the cereal box with their child at breakfast. They can also point out signs while driving in the car. As a game, parents can get their child to name objects around the house. Take a blank index card to write down the names of those objects. Examples include: door, table, television, mirror, etc. Use the cards to label the objects. This activity can help build a child’s sight word vocabulary. Teach alphabet sounds. Usually children this age are drilled in learning the alphabet song which teaches a child the letter names. However, it would be more beneficial for parents to teach their children the alphabet sounds. This will give them their first introduction to phonics, which is an important ingredient in learning to read. Parents can begin by teaching their child one to two letter sounds a week. Once learned, parents can then introduce blending two sounds together. For example: am, it, on, up, etc. Then move on to simple three-letter blends such as, sat, hot, met, sip. Read as an example. Young children love to imitate the actions of adults. Parents who love to read can produce children who love to read. Parents should allow their children to see them reading. It could be a newspaper, magazine, or book. When children see their parents having fun reading, then they are more likely to find joy from it as well.



今日媽媽返幼稚園幫我攞成績表, 媽媽係最後一個家長, 同Miss Ngai傾左較耐, 功課方面基本上我無乜問題, 全部科目和操行都是A和A-, 但紀律和獨立性是B+, 有改善空間, 得到一個禮貌獎, 下星期六會有頒獎典禮, 爸爸媽媽又有得同我一齊返學校了. 今早媽媽和爸爸是各有各忙的, 爸爸負責帶我返little gym, 係今個學期最後一堂, 爸爸可以入去一齊睇, 爸爸話我進步左好多, 紀律和投入性亦加強了, 十分滿意. 放學後爸爸馬上飛的士同我去九龍仔公園踢足球, 落到場我亦有用我的小足球練習腳法, 但我比較喜歡玩地下的黑色膠粒, 亦有好多叔叔哥哥同我玩, 我笑到卡卡聲, 踢完波仲有得食譚仔記米線. 豐富行程仲未結束, 媽媽話帶我再去摘士多啤利, 要我回家訓一兩個鐘, 我訓醒已4:00, 有點晏, 但唔影響我地郊遊的心情, 因為搭西鐵去錦田真係話咁快就到, 五點多已到鄉村俱樂部, 太陽公公準備落山, 光線柔和好舒服, 影相亦靚. 媽媽愛玩happy farm, 見到好多椰菜, 大大棵好得意, 分外有親切感, 就豪氣地買左一個, 農夫叔叔摘左一棵比我地影相, 真係好大好大個菜! 影完相叫叔叔批左外面的葉, 要$43, 真係貴. 士多啤梨亦好大好靚, 我決定今日只摘十粒, 攞住個籃和較剪落田揀, 摘左20蚊, 爸爸媽媽即場食, 我唔食, 我食寶儀姨姨送的thomas popcorn. 星期六日錦上路西鐡站對開有flea market, 都幾熱鬧, 我地幫襯食左好多燒賣, 香腸等junk food, 飲熱維他奶, 我仲玩左十蚊波波機, 買左一盒泥膠玩具, 滿載而歸, 開開心心返屋企玩泥膠