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哥哥又生病了,從星期四開始就無法上課,又積了一大堆功課。 現在他的體中過輕,身體又超沒抵抗力,有甚麼流行都跟上了! ________________________________________________________________ Low weight older children Older children (age 6-12) are still growing, which means they need a lot of energy for their size. If your child is underweight, it's possible that they aren't getting enough calories from their food and drink. If you're concerned that your child is underweight or not growing normally, consult your GP. Low weight can occur for a number of reasons. The GP will weigh and measure your child, and talk to you about what your child is eating. If there is a possible problem with your child's diet, your GP can provide nutritional advice that will help bring them up to a healthy weight. Paediatric dietitian Jacqui Lowden, from the Manchester Children's Hospital, explains basic child nutrition and what to do if your child is underweight. A healthy, balanced diet All children need the energy (calories) and nutrients that come from a varied and balanced diet. If your child is underweight, it might seem tempting to fill them up with high calorie but unhealthy food such as sweets, cake, chocolate and fried fatty foods. If he or she is to gain weight in a healthy way, it has to be done through a balanced diet. Once they reach age five, you can start to make your child's diet similar to that of a healthy, balanced adult diet. (Children under five need a diet higher in fat and lower in fibre.) That means three meals a day and healthy snacks. A balanced diet means: • Starchy carbohydrates such as pasta, rice and potatoes should form the basis of every meal. • Lean proteins such as lean meat, fish, pulses, beans and eggs. • Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. • A low intake of saturated fats (found in biscuits, cakes and pies). • A low intake of animal fats (found in processed meats such as sausages and bacon). • Grill or bake instead of frying. • Don't give them fizzy drinks. Give diluted juice instead or simply water. • Give chocolate, sweets and cake only occasionally. It's best to give them at the end of meals, to help avoid tooth decay. Meals at home “This is a good time to sit down and think about how your family eats,” says Lowden. “Do you take time for proper meals or do you rely on snack meals and quick fixes? If so, that might be part of the reason your child isn't consuming enough calories.” Make time for a proper breakfast and dinner and eat together as a family. Make mealtime a fun part of the day. When possible, cook for yourself instead of using ready meals. That way you know exactly what is in your food. To help your child gain weight, increase their servings of healthy carbohydrates such as brown rice, wholemeal pasta and potatoes. Lunch During the week, your child will eat lunch at school. It's impossible to monitor exactly what your child eats away from home, but you can help your child make healthy choices. • Talk to your child about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. • Give your child a packed lunch or pre-paid school dinners, instead of giving money that your child can spend on food. • Talk to your school to find out what its healthy eating policy is. Packed lunches are a great way to provide a nutritionally balanced lunch. A good packed lunch should include carbohydrates, protein, calcium and a portion of fruit and vegetables. • Sandwiches with a filling of lean meat, tuna, eggs, or cheese provide carbohydrates and protein. • A quiche or pasta salad are tasty alternatives to sandwiches. • A milkshake, yoghurt or piece of cheese will provide a serving of calcium. • Cut vegetables into small segments to make them easier to eat. Dried fruit counts as one portion of fruit. • Don't forget a drink: water, milk or fruit juice is best. Snacks If your child isn't consuming enough calories, you can help to boost their daily intake by providing healthy snacks. Younger children in particular will need snacks between meals because their stomachs are not large enough to allow them to consume all the calories they need in three meals. On school days, you can provide a healthy snack for your child to eat at morning break. Great snack ideas include: • Dried fruit. • Small sandwiches with a protein filling, such as cheese or eggs. • Cheese and crackers, or cheese on wholemeal or brown bread. • Yoghurt, as it contains protein and calcium. • Breakfast cereal with milk is a great bedtime snack. • Other energy-dense foods such as bananas and avocados. Be active Physical activity burns calories your child has consumed. But even if your child is underweight, it's still important that they're physically active. Physical activity helps them develop strong, healthy bones and muscles. It's a crucial part of the way they learn about themselves and the world. And best of all, it's great fun. Children over five should do at least 60 minutes of at least moderate intensity physical activity each day. But the amount of physical activity your child should undertake may be different if your child is underweight. Your GP, practice nurse or school health visitor can advise you on this. For more information, read Getting active with your child (see Useful links). Monitor progress If you provide a healthy diet using these guidelines, you should see your child's weight and growth improve.Make sure to go back to your GP to check that weight gain is happening as it should. Last reviewed: 03/09/2008 Next review due: 03/09/2010



我最希望的,感到最幸福的時候,是Q爸能每天跟孩子一起運動。 孩子若是每天一個小時的運動對身體有很大的幫助。 男孩的榜樣是自己的父親,如果父親有自覺能陪著孩子這一個小時的時間。 我覺得才算得上是理想老公。 Get active with your kids • Physical activity is a crucial part of childhood: it helps children develop strong bones and muscles, maintain a healthy weight, and discover more about the world around them. And best of all, it's great fun. Watch a video about getting active with your kids. All children should be active for at least one hour a day. You can help by encouraging your child to find activities they enjoy, and by building physical activity into family life. For most children, simply running around a park or playing in a playground is a real joy. One reason that physical activity in childhood is so important is the maintenance of a healthy weight. If we don't address the rising obesity epidemic, by 2050 half of British children will be obese. On average, kids now spend four hours per day in front of their TV or games console: that's time that could be spent exercising outdoors, either with friends or the family. But that's not the only reason. Physical activity is a part of the way children discover the world, and themselves. It helps to build strong muscles and healthy bones, and build self-confidence, too. Bristol University's professor of exercise and health sciences, Ken Fox, has 10 suggestions that can make exercise fun for all the family. Ten top tips 1. Walk or cycle to and from school with the kids as often as possible. 2. Build a den or treehouse with them in the school holidays. Or, under supervision, encourage them to climb a tree or two. 3. Go roller skating, roller blading or skateboarding, indoor or out. In winter, go ice skating. Kids also love scooters. 4. Do an activity challenge together, such as working towards a fun run or a walk for charity. 5. Take the dog for a walk. If you don't have one of your own, ask to borrow a neighbour's or friend's dog and take it for a walk. 6. Support your kids in sports, clubs or any other activities that may interest them. Joining a weekend club sport ensures commitment to a team and regular exercise. You can find all kinds of sporting facilities in your area at the Active Places website simply by entering your postcode. 7. Find time every weekend to do something active with your children. Play frisbee or football in the park, go trampolining or try indoor rock climbing. 8. Fly a kite. The Kite Society of Great Britain's website lists a number of groups that regularly meet for special flying days with experienced members who offer advice and assistance. Some also run kite-making workshops. Go to the website of the Kite Society for more information. 9. Try a beach holiday. When they hit the sand, children find a multitude of ways to exercise, including games, swimming, and plenty of running around. Or try an activity-based holiday. 10. The National Parks website has lists of events such as guided walks and children's fun days, for fresh ideas for active days out .



我們家兩個孩子,只要有女生朋友來訪,就會表演穿襪子滑倒、從高處往下跳等一大堆蠢事,原來如此阿~~~ ___________________________________________________________________ 是真的! 研究:男人一見美女就做蠢事 更新日期:2010/03/04 20:35 (中央社記者張之晴雪梨4日專電)澳洲學者對於研究兩性關係似乎特別有興趣,先有數學教授發表公式,教人計算適婚年齡,現在則有心理學家證實,有美女在旁,男人的確比較容易做蠢事。 根據昆士蘭當地媒體「快遞郵報」(Couriermail)報導,昆士蘭大學(The University of Queensland)心理系教授希普爾(Bill von Hippel)與博士研究生一起調查年輕男子的冒險行為與周遭是否有美女出現之間的關係。 希普爾表示,自古以來,男性就會互相競爭,以獲得和女性交合的機會。競爭中的贏家就可以和女子一起創造下一代,延續其基因。因此冒險對於男性而言,就是一種贏得競爭的方式。 他們在附近的滑板運動公園進行觀察,發現年輕男子滑板玩家在美女出現在周遭時,更容易做出危險的舉動。 這項研究也檢驗這些年輕男子的唾液,發現當女性出現時,睪丸素也跟著上升。 希普爾也表示,儘管從事冒險活動的男子在演化過程中較佔優勢,容易吸引女性目光,不過這些行為卻也可能會影響男性的生存機會。「年輕男子常表現的其他危險且易造成傷亡的行為,如開快車,可能也是因為身邊出現了美女,而導致男性做出這些危險舉動」。 因此玩滑板的年輕男子雖然想耍帥博得美女的注意,不過可惜很多時候也會摔跤,反而在美女面前出醜。990304



Q哥有一個很神奇的狀況,就是 但他認定的事物,怎麼教他就是會在他認定的節點上卡住。這點我早有感受,今天透過一張歡樂頌樂譜,讓Q哥自己也認清了自己的問題點。 青天高高 白雲飄飄 太陽當空在微笑 枝頭小鳥 吱吱在叫 魚兒水面任跳躍 花兒盛開 草兒彎腰 好像歡迎客人到 我們心中 充滿歡喜 人人快樂又逍遙 我們休息 在小山上 眺望美景真快樂 口中高唱 歡喜之歌 清風流水在應和 盡情遊玩 及時行樂 大好時光別放過 你也歡喜 我也歡喜 人人歡樂快樂多 花兒盛開的"兒",Q哥硬是唱兩個音,他看譜也知道是一個音,就是唱時就會唱兩個音。跟他說唱錯了,重唱時,他還是唱兩個音,一而在、再而三的重複在這個點上錯了!一般人大概就已經花瘋了吧! 經過這八九年來的鍛鍊,我已經不是一般人了。還是很心平氣和的跟他說,你看吧!這就是你的學習死穴,若能改變,才會脫胎換骨。Q哥也很驚訝他自己怎麼會卡在那個他自己都已經知道錯的點上, 又跟他說,你看: "花兒盛開"他們還是在踏步走,"草兒彎腰 好像歡迎" 那個"兒"和"像"就有一點小跳躍,像你有時心情很好會用小跳躍走路一樣。 用一點畫面的聯想,這樣說了之後,他就可以唱出對的音,只是前前後後折騰一個小時!難怪作業要寫那麼久....



國語言競賽,要選一個演講的題目,Q爸對我原來以英文自備稿演講的想法有意見,我也樂得他堅持幫Q哥勾了台語演唱,那就交給他負責此項寒假作業。 Q爸自行幫Q哥決定曲目,還運用專長幫Q哥下載KTV伴唱、手機音樂、MP3音樂,結果今天教Q哥洪榮弘的"一隻小雨傘",教得火氣很大。可憐的Q哥哭了好幾次。 其實,知子莫若母,Q哥一定不喜歡這種調調的音樂,在同學面前顯得好老氣! Q爸未經討論,就擅自決定,打從心裡就是一個不願意。學習動機就差。 可是對自己台語沒有自新的Q哥不會說"不",因為他不知道對的做法是甚麼。對於台語音調必須強記,還要背下歌詞,在家上對於歌詞意涵根本無法理解,一整天下來,只有讓大人覺得挫折,而他自己更是痛苦。 連我自己要記下"一隻小雨傘"這些歌詞都常忘記,因為前後句的所能聯想的影像實在太接近難以分辨順序,對於只能用圖像思考來引導記憶的Q哥而言,根本是不可能的任務。 Q哥其實心裡有自己想要唱的台語歌,我在傍晚時終於忍不住出面自己下海了。 我跟Q哥說:「不需要去爭代表比賽,只需開心逗樂同學就好。」 選了台語課本的「電器」,利用視覺引導教他記住歌詞,再配上動作。 電器、電器,真敖變把戲, (Q哥正經的唱) 洗衣機,洗衫省工袂費氣, (看同學身體上的衣服想到洗衣機) 電視機,精彩節目滿滿是, (看同學眼睛,想到電視機) 冷氣機,熱天嘛變佮冷吱吱, (看同學鼻子,聯想冷氣機) 電冰箱,好食物冰佮鮮鮮鮮。 (看同學嘴巴,想到電冰箱) 依照身體、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的順序,Q哥可以記住歌詞順序。 剩下的是動作調整,去掉一些害羞的小動作,加上酷的、Q哥本性中的帥勁。 可惜時間不夠用,不然這樣一個小小作業,Q哥若能把咬字發音、唱歌聲調、表情動作好好的著墨,能收獲的還真不少。



很有意思的一個構想,但是我還沒有把他的書買來細讀。 中年生活重心轉移的困頓其實也是一個值得花時間思考的議題。 中年的問題在於意識到凋零的必然性,從日漸老花的眼,彎不直的腰,跪不下的膝,更遑論每況愈下的皮膚狀態。 中年在眾多關係中所扮演承擔責任的角色,孩子的父母、年邁雙親的子女。 在社會上又是被期待功成名就的年紀。 凋零、壓力猶如蠟燭兩頭燒,或許大部份的中年人並不那麼快樂! 抽離(retreat)、修復(repair)、重拾(retrieve)、重組(regroup)、再生(regenerate)、重返(return) 這個流程在我每次生命陷入僵局時,一試再試。 目的是讓身體抽離現有環境去釋放心靈的枷鎖。 長時間的放逐,有時是一種心靈的解藥。 ____________________________________________________________________ 瓊•安德森(Joan Anderson) 畢業於耶魯大學,是資深新聞工作者,也是《紐約時報》暢銷書作家,著有三本非小說類的女性書籍:《海邊的一年》(A Year by the Sea)、《未完成的婚姻》(An Unfinished Marriage)和《漫步在海邊》(A Walk on the Beach)。她也寫兒童讀物,如《1787:第一次感恩節大餐》(1787: The First Thanksgiving Feast)、《美國家庭農場》(The American Family Farm)等,以及備受讚譽的專題著作《戒除看電視習慣》(Bearking the TV Habit)。 瓊曾因漠然的婚姻關係陷入停滯,同時面臨中年生活重心轉移的困頓,她毅然離開家庭,前往麻州鱈角的海邊小鎮獨自生活了一年,繼而在海濱生活中探索到新的力量和轉機。瓊在深刻體驗了女性的凋零和重新綻放的生命後,開始藉著寫作與更多的女性分享她的心路歷程,進而針對女性議題,和媒體角色發表演說,同時主持「海邊週末營」講座,與學員分享她在海邊獨居一年的學習成果,探索簡樸生活的要素以及如何活在當下的藝術。 瓊曾應邀上「歐普拉脫口秀」等多個知名電視及廣播節目,與觀眾談論她的暢銷書。瓊目前與丈夫定居鱈角,持續經由寫作和更多女性分享心路歷程,並幫助更多背負傳統包袱的女性重新認識自我。 在為家庭、為所愛的人忙碌多年之後,妳是否早已遺忘夢想與自我? 只要妳願意,即使只有短短一個週末的時間,也可以透過本書,瞬間改變妳的人生! 全美暢銷作家瓊.安德森在本書中運用自己的人生經驗,以及她在工作坊中的所見所聞,讓女性朋友明白如何脫離自己在眾多關係中所扮演的角色,並恢復自己的真實本性。依循本書的實例與導引,讀者將可培養自己長期被忽略的才能,不再需要屈就自己,進而重獲新生、改頭換面、為自己而活。 安德森提出了抽離(retreat)、修復(repair)、重拾(retrieve)、重組(regroup)、再生(regenerate)、重返(return)等六個探索自我的階段,以及詳細的自我設問和實作清單,簡明易於操作。她條理清晰、循序漸進地引領所有女性讀者按照自己的步調,踩著書中寶貴的經歷前進。這個可以帶來持續改變的旅程,時間不需要多,只要短短一個週末,就夠了。《好女人,蹺家去》將瓊.安德森的自我探索技巧帶到世界各地,不僅探討眾多女性為了完全發揮潛力而做出的奮鬥,也揭示出更多令人驚奇的成分,幫助女性重新發現自己,讓自我夢想再現生機。



我覺得以下的要件,我最需要◎ 培養耐心,◎ 洞察時機 ________________________________________________________________ 世界級心靈領袖達賴喇嘛,與知名國際管理顧問穆增伯格聯手執筆, 首度針對未來的商業發展之路,以宏觀前瞻的角度、啟發人心的實例, 提供具體且關鍵的解答—— ◎ 培養耐心:唯有培養耐心,才能讓自己準備好面對敵意、批評或失望。面對怒氣,最重要的不是能夠壓制怒氣的能力,而是保持冷靜的能力。 ◎ 抱持熱情:擁有無窮精力的人,也可以激起他人的熱情。能夠鼓勵他人擁有同樣的熱情,是領導者的關鍵特質。 ◎ 熱中學習:領導者瞭解自己的能力和德行,也能夠修正、改進自己。他們能體認自己對公司運作的知識是有限的,而公司的一切行為都會影響到許多利害關係人,因此必須熱中學習。 ◎ 洞察時機:領導者很清楚什麼時候該以什麼樣的方式做什麼事,這包括善於規劃與利用自己的時間,看出輕重緩急,專心做最重要的事。 ◎ 因應改變:每一個目標,都像是一個移動的標靶,若不隨時因應情勢改變,目標就不可能永遠維持在理想的狀態。企業應該不斷尋找積極正面的方法,來應付各種變化。 ◎ 多元角度:領悟到一切都是相互依存的狀態,會讓人發自內心覺得謙卑,在做決定之前從各種不同的角度來分析;接受無常的概念,也會加強領導者監督決策執行狀況的決心。 ◎ 言行一致:領導者必須言行一致,才能真正受到尊敬。若領導者言行不一,人們會遵循的將是他的行為,而不是他所說的話。 ◎ 對最多數有利:決策的結果必須有利於組織及所有受影響的人,而且一定要避免傷害。任何決策都可能對某些人有利,卻不利於其他人,這時就要選擇對最多數人有利的決定。 ◎ 正確意圖:不論領導者多能幹、他的心受過多少訓練,沒有任何人能預期行動所帶來的全部後果。但秉持正確的意圖,徹底考慮過各種後果的領導者,所犯的錯誤會比較少。 ◎ 以身作則:向內修心的領導者不會只告訴組織成員「該怎麼做」,他會「起而行」,跟屬下一起努力。身為領導者,要把握機會,展現修練的心和平衡的生活型態,讓員工看到你很滿意自己的生活。