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相較於這幾日,今日算是放鬆的一日,今天天氣依然很好 也許這個月都在忙爺爺的事,有很多時候都獨自出門去了 今天承在讀書會很黏 中午時,承想回家大便喝奶睡覺,想想就把他帶了回去 想要好好的聽老師談我們的孩子,也好好的做一下記錄 今天收穫很多 但自己心情也許仍是紛亂,問出來的東西没組織就算了 說的話竟和原本想的完全不一樣(和實際狀況也有出入) 不知為何總是在權威面前無法好好表達真實的自己和想法 因為談論到自己的孩子,聽到別人的表達(也許是比較直接且有小情緒), 有些不可置信的瞪大了眼好好的聽著 自己也生出些小情緒,但還算ok 盡量希望自己能更開放的接受大家的觀點 也想要藉由別人的眼睛去更了解自己的孩子進而支持他 或引導其往更好的方向調整 但老師對孩子的理解與評價就相當的客觀 並且也非常認同老師以理解孩子的狀態下 (原來由圖畫中可以看出好多孩子的狀態) 非常温暖的去談論我們的孩子 回家後想著, 如果是我要表達對某一孩子的觀察 在顧及孩子家長的心情下,我會如何表達呢 我能不能有更好的方式呢 我表達出來的是真的想支持孩子或是真正能支持孩子 還是想要展現在這件事情上,我的處理是比較好的 我表達的這個孩子的狀況是真的客觀的描述他的狀態 還是以我的情緒以及喜惡去表達 很好的思考方向,要好好想一想 另外更值得思考的是,如何以實際的作法和內在準備去和孩子一起工作 並帶著充足的愛與温暖



為了建立新的架構--老系統必須先傾倒,而第一步就是曝露出它們‘不平衡的地方’! First comes the breakdown.首先‘分崩潰塌” 會先發生! (1月到4月) 不管你身體的那個地方有阻塞-你都會經驗尖鋭的刺痛.不論是以太體或是生物體都被加速了!包含你肉身載體的那個靈魂體- 是在你心輪的後方的習慣性交會點與你肉身連接! (這一個多禮拜,頸部至右肩後十分刺痛,但在山上做法會拜佛時比較不會痛,剛好看到這個訊息) 當靈魂體穿透過以太體時也會啟動‘軸離子循環系統’.這會讓你覺得好像電流流過皮膚的癢癢的感覺. SECOND FOUR MONTHS 第二階段的四個月(5月到8月) 隨着‘神聖計劃’開始穿透你們的銀河系- 重大突破會發生! 由‘靈性高層’的迴轉揚升大師們領導着- 祂們會為大家帶來神聖計劃’ 的信息- 來協助大家覺醒! 有許多銀河星系都與你們共同合作着來創造這些改變與突破!你們許多人也聽過一些來自這些星系的通靈訊息– 透過Robert Baker在去秘魯的路上傳達給你們過. 而靈魂的穿透就是為了從第七脈輪來透過身體帶入能量進入! (第三隻眼) 在耳朵上面有水晶體可以下載這些能量.你可能會有頭痛,頭後方有壓力感以及額頭兩邊的壓力感. 要多按摩來舒解阻塞- 讓新能量可以流動.在兩個眉毛上方也有兩個水晶體 - 可以將能量帶入松果體, 然後到腦下垂體,然後到對胸腺體。 對胸腺體的能量可以啟動‘潛意識’!所以你可以覺醒入‘神聖計劃’完美的適合你的地方.隨着這新能量進入你DNA的細胞中- DNA的分子也會被啟動! (待續)

(3-3)佛祖開示: 融入 ‘合一’


(3-3)佛祖開示:融入‘合一’!20130227 Master the Powers of Nature 掌握自然的力量 Love. Light. Abundance. Knowledge. Happy Family Relationships. Nutrients For The Body. Beauty. Purity. Fertility. 愛.光.富裕.知識.快樂的家庭關係.身體的養分. 美麗.純潔.豐盛. Acknowledge any problem facing you. Then you can forget about it. Dwelling on lack in any form will manifest more lack. Ask your Guides to show you the solution. Be willing to allow the solution to come to you in ripe timing. Resist the urge to make the problem larger by discussing it and analyzing it endlessly. All Power comes from Source. Once you understand how to keep the channel open, all of the above will flow in without end. 承認任何困擾你的問題.然後你就可以把它給忘記! 把心思專注在‘缺乏’上會‘顯化’出更多‘缺乏’.請求你們的‘指導靈’來告訴你‘解決方法’!並要願意容許‘答案’在成熟的時間來到你面前!所有力量都來自源頭.一但你理解了如何去保持管道的敞開,以上所提到的全部都會無止境的流盡來! Master Abundance 掌握豐盛 About ninety percent of everything that happens to you is created by you. About ten percent is not in your control. There is a lot in your control. It is your responsibility to keep up with those requirements of living on Earth. The societies we live in require us to keep up with taxes, registrations, upkeep on property, deadlines for work and other routine regulations we all agree to in this Illusion. 大約90%發生在你身上的事是你自己創造的.大約有10%不在你的控制之內.所以你控制的很多.這是你生存在地球上的職責去跟從地球的要求而生活在這裡.我們所生存的社會要求我們繳稅,執照,管理好自己財物,工作期限,以及其它常態性的規定-- 這是我們同意的幻象. You have to decide if you will keep the channel open to abundance by keeping your nose clean, your house in order and the requirements for you and those you are responsible for organized and completed. Neglecting any aspect of this blocks abundance. One must be constantly vigilant because your environments change everyday. 你必須決定是否你要向‘豐盛’敞開- 透過保持你的鼻子乾淨,你的房子整潔有序,以及遵守法律,並對你需要負責的人事有組織性的完成任務.對任何這些方面的疏忽都會障礙‘豐盛’.一個人必須持續的維持警覺性- 因為你們的環境每天都在變化! Master Your Relationships 掌握你們的人際關係 Many of you are very lonely. You are aware that your Twin Flame is out there and feel it is painful to think about them. Often One feels abandoned since they cannot be with their TF right now. They tend to blame this on their TF and feel angry toward them while at the same time longing for them and the pain is intense. There is an ongoing unhappiness relating to your TF that blocks you from developing a relationship with the other half of Yourself. 你們很多人很孤單.你們很清楚你們的‘雙生光靈魂’就在那裡,而且感覺到痛苦- 只要想到到他們. 往往,一個人覺得被拋棄了- 因為他們現在無法與他們的‘雙生光靈魂’在一起.他們往往會怪他們的‘雙生光靈魂’並且會對他們生氣,可是同時又渴望着他們- 而這痛苦是深刻而強烈的!有一個與你們的‘雙生光靈魂’有關的,持續性的不快樂, 障礙了你們與另一半的自我發展出一個(良好的)關係來. Many of you have a relationship with pornography. This fills that empty hole where the pain of longing for your perfect partner exists. Realize that as you attach these images to your sexual energy you are creating karma with those in the images. 你們許多人與‘色情’多有接觸.這填補了你們渴望你們完美的對象的存在的空白.要明白當你這樣做時- 你吸附了這些影像到你的性能量裡去- 而你也跟這些影像創造了業障. This can have a deleterious effect on your spirit. When you are focusing on an image of a person, a performer, you are attaching your energy not only to them, but to every person they have ever been with. This is a very negative low energy and unknown to you holds you in darkness. 這對你的靈性是有害的.當你專注在一個人的影像上,一個表演者,你就是把自己的能量附予給不止是他們,還包括了與他們在一起過的所有人.這是一個非常負面的低能量,而且你不懂 - 它會把你控制在黑暗中. Invite your Twin Flame into your life. Focus on releasing the powerlessness, hurt, pain, longing and change your relationship with them. Have fun with them. Meditate with them. Invite your TF into every aspect of your life – making life more meaningful right now. 邀請你們的‘雙生光靈魂’到你的生命中來!釋放掉那個‘無力感’,痛苦,傷害,渴望,並改變你們與他們的關係.與他們歡樂在一起.與他們一起冥想. 邀請你們的‘雙生光靈魂’到你們生活的每個層面去- 現在就讓你們的人生更具有意義! One meditation you may do is to become small – the size of a blood cell. Jump into your TFʻs heart chambers. Meditate on hearing their heartbeat – swoosh, swoosh. 你們可以做一個冥想來讓自己更小一些- 像一個血液細胞那麼小.跳入你們‘雙生光靈魂’的心間. 聽著他們的心跳做冥想- swoosh, swoosh. Play recordings of natal heartbeats set to music as you focus on this. Allow the sensation that you are being rocked to float into your meditation. Feel completely surrounded by the love of your TF. This will feel like floating in the ocean, or rocking in a hammock. Swinging on a swing bedecked in flowers next to your love. Come into Bliss being there. Try doing this meditation for 2 minutes or 5 minutes. Do it at your desk. Do it watching tv. Do it at a party with others around and reconnect with the Oneness with your TF throughout the day. 你們可以放孕婦嬰兒的心跳做為音樂來做這個冥想.允許搖晃你的感覺讓你漂浮入你的冥想之中. 感覺自己被你的‘雙生光靈魂’的愛所圍繞!這會讓你覺得好像自己漂浮在海洋裡面,或是躺在吊床上搖晃.就好像坐在一個裝飾滿了花朵的鞦韆上面, 坐在你愛人的身邊搖盪.走進這樣的祝福裡面吧! 試着做2到5分鐘的這樣的冥想.在你的書桌前做. 看電視時做.在宴會中,當一堆人圍繞着你的時候做.一整天都與‘合一體’的,與你的‘雙生光靈魂’重新連接在一起. Master Ourselves 掌握我們自己 Be Happy No Matter What It Looks Like. 不管情況看起來如何- 要快樂! Consciousness of Absolute Purity 對‘絶對純粹\純潔’的覺知 As you continue to participate in higher and higher experiences you will crave purity. 隨着你持續的參與更高又更高的經驗- 你會渴求 ‘純粹\純潔’! Savitri is the name of the Light Source within each One. It is the Light from the Spiritual Sun and the Light from our Sun. It is the all pervading Oneness in all things. It is a great powerful energy you draw on more and more as you purify your vessel. Doing the preparation is absolutely required to understand greater teachings. If you are wondering around with questions about everything – keep asking and it will come to you. 我們每個人心中都有一個‘光源’ 叫做 Savitri . 那是來自靈性太陽的光,以及我們太陽的光. 這就是瀰漫在所有東西里的‘合一之光’. 這是一個強力的能量- 你會一直不斷的使用這能量來‘潔淨’你的人身載具.若想要能‘理解’更高深的偉大教導- ‘準備好自己’是絶對需要的工作!如果你對任何事有問題的話,繼續問問題- 而答案自己會來找你! Discipleship is The Path to Atmic Wisdom 做個好門徒是得到‘Atma靈魂智慧’的道路 Complete devotion to the Supreme Being is something to contemplate. Balancing your life and attracting abundance, fulfilling your responsibilities for your duty, exploring your special purpose, fulfilling positive ambitions and desires bring complete liberation. Doing these things with the intension of watching the Planet flourish while enjoying every moment ~ fulfills your purpose of harnessing the power of pure love. This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, February 27, 2013 © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org 你們需要思考一下對‘無上造物主’絶對的忠誠這件事- 平衡一下你們的生活,去吸引‘豐盛’,完成你對你自己的責任與職責,研究一下你的個人使命, 完成正面的事業與雄心壯志,帶給自己完全的解脫. - 而且當你做這些事時,帶著期望地球更好的心意 - 同時享受每個時刻~ 完成你‘使用純粹的愛的力量’的使命! 這是‘佛祖’透過 Elizabeth Trutwin指導

(3-2)佛祖開示: 融入 ‘合一’


(3-2)佛祖開示: 融入 ‘合一’! 20130227 Atmic Wisdom is the knowledge which is held within your Eternal Wisdom. It is that which remembers who you are since the time of creation. It remembers its connection with the Angels and Galactics. It knows the answer to every question. It never forgot who it is. It never forgot what is what. 在“永恆的智慧”裡包涵着你的‘靈魂智慧’.那是你從被創造以來的所有記憶.而它也記得它與所有天使與銀河人事的連接.它知道所有問題的答案. 它從不會忘記它是誰.它從沒有忘記過所有的事. Everywhere you look you see the Path back to Atmic Wisdom. The sparkle in a childʻs eye when they laugh. The peace in the expression on a horsesʻ face. The burgundy and green on a leaf. The sparkle of sunshine on the sea. The Sun coming up over the horizon. Delight in these things, remain focused on these and you have a straight Path back home. 不論你往那裡看,你都看到回覆到‘Atma靈魂智慧’的路.當孩子們笑的時候,你在他們眼睛裡看到那閃光.你可以在一隻馬平靜的臉部表情裡看到. 你可以在一片葉子暗紅色與綠色的地方看到.在海浪閃耀的陽光光影中看到.以及日出時分看到.享受這些事物,專注在這些事物之上,你就會找到回家之路最直接的距離. We Become A Receptacle of Bliss Due To Control of Mind 當我們能控制住自己的心智時我們就變成了‘祝福的接收器’ Many times in life you find you missed an opportunity which life offered you. Because you cannot see the potential of any new given opportunity, you do not quite understand – and you miss the chance. You have your mind occupied with fear in the news, the bills you do not have money for, rehashing what the neighbor said which was so wrong. You constantly fix your focus on the Illusion. You must first learn to discipline your thoughts and control your mind. 許多次,你們發現自己錯過了人生所提供給你的機會.因為你看不到任何新機會的潛力,你無法理解 - 所以你就錯過了這機會.你讓自己心中充滿了對這個消息的恐懼,你看到了你可能付不起的賬單,對自己老調重彈鄰居會有的批評- 這是多麼錯誤的行為.你一直持續的專注於幻象上!你首先需要學習紀律你自己的思想並控制自己的心智! Until you become aware of your special purpose you should learn and follow the law of life which is to enjoy every minute, every day, every week and every year of your life. It is not to wait and do nothing until you figure out your special purpose. It will come to you when you have prepared yourself. It will be staring you right in the eyes. 直到你能夠覺知到你自己特殊的使命- 你應該要學習並跟隨生命的法則- 而那就是去享受每一分鐘, 每一天,每個禮拜,和你人生的每一年.而不是去等待,然後什麼也不做,直到你搞清楚你的特殊使命為止.那 ‘了悟’會來- 當你把自己給準備好的時候.而且你會發現‘它’其實就一直在你眼前(盯着你眼睛看著你呢)! When we give up duality nature of feeling happy or sad, hot or cold, angry or cheerful – when we have control of our senses – our body becomes filled with joy as it has merged with Oneness. 當我們不再掉入二元陷阱的高興或傷心,冷或熱, 生氣或是歡樂之中時, 當我們能夠控制我們的感覺的時候- 我們的身體就會被愉悅所充滿- 因為它與 ‘合一體’已經融合了. Correct Eating and Right Thinking 正確的飲食與正確的思考 Everything in the Cosmos is a Vibration. The food you eat is a vibration. Eating meat which is cultivated in crowded conditions, killed and butchered for the masses carries that vibration. The Animal Kingdom is ascending with Humanity and Earth and they are asking Humanity change their ways. As your body becomes more crystalline it requires food filled with light. Green foods. Fruits. There is karma attached to everything you eat. 宇宙中每樣東西都是一個頻率.你吃的食物是個頻率.你吃的肉- 那個在擁擠狀況下養大的肉,經過宰殺切割來喂給大眾吃的肉- 也攜帶著‘頻率’.動物界現在也跟着人類與地球一起在揚升中,而且他們要求人類做出改變.隨着你們的身體變得更‘水晶化’它需要充滿光的食物.綠色的食物.水果.在你吃的每樣東西中都有一個業障吸附着. Physical disease is directly linked to what you eat. Toxins in the food cripple the organs and immune system and over time there is a breakdown leading to disease. 身體的疾病是直接與你吃的食物相關.食物中的毒素削弱了你的內臟與免疫系統,而一段時間之後就毀壞成疾病了. Mental disease is directly linked to what you allow in your mind. Correct Eating and Right Thinking allow Atmic Wisdom to flow through your body. Preparing yourself this way makes you a great vessel for wisdom. Ignoring these blocks any higher thoughts from coming through and it is a lonely journey of constant pain and constant searching for answers. Eventually, Death. 心理疾病則直接與你放在心上的事情有關.正確的飲食與正確的思考讓‘Atma靈魂智慧’流經你的身體.以這種方式來準備你自己,就可以讓自己成為 ‘智慧的載具’!如果罔顧這些事情會障礙了更高的思考能量穿越過來,而苦海人生旅程那持續的痛苦與追尋答案的過程是非常孤獨的.直到- 死亡! Our Forms Are Also Formless 我們的形式就也是‘沒有形態體’ We are wearing our Outer personality-self body. Our non-physical subtle bodies are formless. When we have prepared we are able to consciously be form and formless at the same time. We are not the body. This insight, this perspective makes almost everything else very unimportant. 我們目前是穿著我們外面的個性化的自我身體.我們幾個非物質性的細微身體都是沒有形態的.當我們準備好的時候,我們就能有覺知的同時又有形體又同時不具形體.我們並不是那個身體.這個‘洞見’這個 ‘觀點’就幾乎讓所有的其它事都非常的不重要! We each have the ability to acquire the Atmic Wisdom for levitation, telepathy, activation of the third eye and many other gifts. Meditation and Contemplation are necessary to advance to this level. If you say you donʻt meditate because you are unable to still that chatter inside then you are imprisoning yourself in a body doomed to eventually die. You will start all over again from the beginning in the next life. It may be in your best interest to be courageous and learn to quiet the chatter. Music works well for this. It is not difficult. Try the Solfeggio Harmonics, for an example, or chanting. These are free on youtube. Even fifteen minutes a day to begin will change your life. 我們每一個人都有能力去得到‘Atma靈魂智慧’來做到‘人體漂浮’,‘心電感應’,‘啟動第三隻眼’,以及許多其它天賦.‘冥想’與‘深度思考’ 是‘進階’‘必需的程序’! 如果你說你無法安靜下你心中喋喋不休的思緒- 那你就是把自己監禁在身體牢獄裡- 命中注定走向死亡.然後在下一世從頭重新開始一遍.所以如果你現在勇敢的學習去安靜下那些喋喋不休- 可能是你能為自己所做的最有利的事.‘音樂’ 對‘冥想’很有幫助!並不困難! 舉例而言, (Solfeggio Harmonics)視唱練耳諧波,以及 ‘唱誦’.網絡上很多而且免費.即使每天開始十五分鐘的冥想也會開始改變你的一生. 待續

(3-1)佛祖開示:融入 ‘合一’


問候大家!這是佛祖.我們現在生活在很有趣的時間階段. We now take full responsibility for the reflection of our thoughts, words and deeds made in this world. How we consciously express our energy in 5D reflects the Oneness of all life. There is a major shift in co-creating New Earth. Everything happens BECAUSE of you. You ARE the Creator. You think it. You become it. If you want something like Disclosure and Landings then you must make it more than a passing thought. Believe it. Bring It. No Sequester. Gun Control. World Peace. Enactment of NESARA. Become it. 我們現在必須為我們在這個人世間的思想,所說出的話,所做出的事負起完全的責任.我們在五維世界的‘覺知意識’所發射出的能量都會反映到所有生命的‘合一體’上.現在我們有一個主要的改變 - 創造‘新地球’的重要改變在發生當中.每一件事情“都是因為你”而發生.你就是這個創造者.你思考的東西,你就變成它.如果你想要“外星大揭露”以及“外星人降落”那你必須讓這思想(成為你主要的思想)而不是一個偶爾為之的想法!相信這件事會發生,(用思想)讓事情顯化出來!不要指望着別人去替你做. 論是‘槍械管製法案’‘世界和平’ 還是‘NESARA法案的施行’等等-你要‘用思想能力’去變成它! (注- 讓它顯化出來之意.) As long as you are thinking WHEN? When can never come. Plan it into your day and there it is. Make it so. Pay Attention to Plans Laid for Disclosure. This is true for all the changes. They will not be brought forward until the Conscious Collective are awake and together changing their outer world. It is necessary for the Souls on Earth now to work together for change. There are a few things One may integrate into their lives on the Path to Awakening from the long sleep. Doing these things burns off old karma and frees one up to better understand and discern truth. Then One cannot be fooled by that which is false. When integrated they alleviate fear and suffering completely. 只要你想的是 - 何時會發生呢? 那“那個‘何時’就永遠不會來.”把這件事計劃入你的日程中 - 然後它就發生了!就這樣做吧!注意為‘大揭露’ 所設定的日期.對所有的改變來說- 這樣做都是必要的!這些事不會發生- 除非‘集體意識’已經覺醒,並且團結一致的來改變這外在的世界.地球上的靈魂現在必須集體合作來完全改變一切.有一些事情是每個人從這麼長的睡眠中醒來後可以整合入自己的覺醒之途的事.而做這些事可以燒掉舊的業障, 解放自己,讓自己可以自由並且更好的去理解與分析真理的能力.這樣一來,他就不會被假知識所愚弄 - 而當一個人‘有能力’‘整合’真理時,‘恐懼’與 ‘痛苦’ 就完全被減輕了. Self-Wisdom vs. Eternal Wisdom 自我智慧 對應 永恆的智慧 Self-Wisdom. Know Thyself. One must take a personal inventory to flush out all the old habits and illusions still being perpetrated by your ego mind. This is a prison you have constructed for yourself. When you take a personal inventory it is important that you be courageous and honest about your downfalls. You MUST face up to who you really are. 自我智慧.瞭解你自己.一個人必須仔細檢視自己才能沖刷出所有老舊的習慣與幻覺- 那些你 ‘膨脹的小我心智’(ego mind)所製造出來的東西.這是你為自己所構築的監獄.而當你做‘自我檢視’ 時, 你必須能夠勇敢而且誠實的面對自我的缺點. 你必須面對你真實的自己! Not some mask or charade you put on for your lover or children, but the REAL you. If you are lacking in any area of your life, and if it is a chronic problem, then there is a part of you which requires correction. Course Correction. You are off the Path in that area. You must stop repeating the same mistakes again and again. Self-Wisdom is knowing that true happiness and fulfillment come from knowing Oneʻs purpose in life. This WILL come to you, but you must prepare. Each person expresses individually independently. Some travel the world visiting psychics, going to workshops and visiting healers. Your purpose will be revealed to YOU from YOU when you have done the inner preparation work in knowing Yourself. No one knows when the time will come and all One can do between now and then is prepare. Stop denying yourself this Divine Truth. 而不是那些你為你的愛人或是孩子們所戴上的面具,或是‘看手勢猜字謎的遊戲’,而是要給出 ‘真實的自己’!如果你人生的某些部份有‘缺乏\貧乏’ 的話,而且如果長期以來都如此,那麼部份的你就確定需要‘矯正’了!“方向要調整正確了!”你在那個路徑上的方向顯然偏離了.你必須停止一而再,再而三的重複同樣的錯誤.“自我智慧”就是去認清楚“人生的快樂與意義來自於‘對自己生命的目的的瞭解’!”而這個智慧‘會來找你’ - 但你必須先準備好自己!每個人在自己生命意義的表達上都不同.有些人或許旅行全世界拜訪‘通靈人’,去參加‘靈性工作室’,以及拜訪‘靈療者’.你的人生的目的會顯露給你- 從你自己身上 - 當你已經做了足夠的‘心靈自我探索工作’來瞭解自己時!沒有人知道這時間何時會來,而所有人在眼前能夠做的- 也只是‘準備好自己’而已!請停止對自己否認這個神聖真理!(意即,欺騙自己說 - 自己的生命沒有意義.) Eternal Wisdom. There is a Divine Spark of Source inside of you. You are God. You are Goddess. You are Mother-Father God. There is nothing you cannot create. Now that you are in the 5th Dimension it is very important to look at instant manifestation and begin experimenting with it. New doors have been open to you which were not available before. Eternal Wisdom is available to you from many sources. Following it takes you to higher and higher knowledge. 永恆的智慧.在你的心中有一束來自源頭的火花. 你就是上帝.你就是女神.你就是父母神.沒有什麼是你無法創造的.你現在在五維世界裡- 非常重要的是- 你開始研究‘立即顯化’並且開始‘實驗’!過去不存在的機會,現在新的機會之門已經為你打開了!“永恆的智慧”已經從許多方面 提出了給你.只要跟隨它- 就可以將你帶入更高又更高的知識之中. A Kindergartener cannot be expected to handle College Coursework? Spirit will not reveal Higher Truths to you until you have presented mastery over the Coursework which precedes each step on the Path. Reading multiple website researching ʻwhatʻs newʻ is a big dead end. It will take you no where. You will be headed eventually for death without any progress made. Many have passed on this year. They chose not to go on at New Earth. This is a very individual choice. It would be in your best interest to match the steps you take in your own life to those needed to achieve Eternal Wisdom through Self-Discovery preparing yourself for the higher work. 幼兒園生是無法理解大學教授的課程的,是吧?靈性世界不會提供更高的真理知識給你- 除非你能證明你已經通過了前面的課程- 那是每進一階必定有的步驟.而閲讀多個網站,研究時事與新鮮事- 是個大大的死巷.你那裡也去不了.你最後會死掉- 而且不會完成任何‘進階’!許多人今年已經走了!他們選擇不要進入新地球.這是一個非常個人化的決定! 所以,你所能做到的最好的事- 就是開始去配合你自己人生中所需要做的‘步驟’那些與“永恆的智慧”相應的功課,而透過‘自我檢視’去準備好自己以便完成隨之而來的‘更高課程’而可以到達 “永恆的智慧”的功課! The Light Shines Everywhere Lighting the Path to Atmic Wisdom 無處不在的光點亮了到達‘靈魂智慧’的道路 The Atma is the Highest Form of You. Imagine standing on Earth and a silver cord connects you from your crown chakra all the way back to Source Energy. As you stand in the descendant body you inhabit on Earth then you can look back up to Source and you will see all of your Avatara bodies living simultaneously in other Dimensions, layers and levels as this life now. Your Atma is the name of your Highest Self. (Atma)靈魂是最高形式的你.想像你自己站立在地球上,而有一條銀色的管線連接了你,從你的頂輪與源頭能量連接在一起.如果你從你‘下降到’地球上的人身往源頭望過去,你會看到你所有的‘神聖體自我表達’同時存在於其它的維度裡,其它的層次裡,階層裡,就像你現在看到此生的自己.你的(Atma)靈魂就是最高形式的你.



盡可能地花些時間,每天大聲地地祈禱,分享並接收這些禮物 雖然你此刻還沒有特別感受到那祝福的能量。我發現通過這種方式,我慢慢開始感受到它,在同一時刻它們都匯聚而來,直到我感受到祝福的豐足,而且不久這種祝福或祈禱的能量會勢不可擋。通過這樣做,我總是可以非常快地把恐懼移除,幫助我返回到生命之流的流動中。我在懷疑是不是這種不斷通過祝福祈禱的做法能夠吸引越來越多的豐盛到我的生活中來,看起來應當是這樣。 做自己喜歡做的事,而且要每天。 試一試,看它是否適合你。先從回憶一下你喜歡的事物開始,大聲地給它們命名。比如我愛我的女兒們、我喜歡旅遊、益友、品味美妙的咖啡、欣賞偉大的音樂、唱歌跳舞、瑜珈冥想、我的指導靈、上一些課程、散步、作為一個學生學習新的事物、通過接觸他人的靈體來支持他們信賴自己的直覺、開心大笑、寧心靜坐還有更多。我還可以繼續下去,但你們已經明白我的意思了。記得命名那些你喜愛的事物可以把你帶到自己的中心,你的真我以及你真實的目的上,帶上喜悅之路。至少它對我來說是這樣的。 一旦你說了你喜愛的事物,請每天都投入於其中,把它放在你每日計劃表的首位,優先的而不是最後,作為你忙碌的每日必須要擠出時間做的事,但要在完成你必須要做的事之後。比如,我喜歡瑜珈,每天早上起來第一件事就如此。如果某日早上我感覺到疲憊,我關掉鬧鍾繼續睡覺,之後在某個時間再做瑜珈,雖然我總是非常忙而從沒有完成這個心願。那些天我屈服於這個阻力把它擱置了,我覺得好像欺騙了對自己的靈性來說非常重要的東西,我不喜歡這種感覺。因為這種討厭的感受,我才會在早上非常快移除掉這種抵抗,在給自己理由繼續睡懶覺之前,我從床上迅速爬起來,伸展身體。每天早上幾分鐘的瑜珈會讓我集中精力並感到快樂。因為它真的讓我快樂,讓我感受到對當天我要做的事物更多的愛。 另一個提升途徑就是如果你感覺到沮喪或迷惑,那麼去請示一下你的直覺引導而不要去一直思索解決辦法。 如果你不確定直覺告訴你的東西,就直接問它,並大聲回答出來。比如我會問我的直覺能否接受在某處授課的約定。之後我會把我的手放到心上,回答我的問題:“我的精神告訴我……”,在我的頭腦回答這個問題前,我會快速填滿了這個空白,大聲而且快速把答案說來。當我回答時,我停住並呼吸,並關注流經我體內的能量。如果答案真從心中而出,我會持續感覺到和平與滿足。我相信我表達的就是真實可靠的指導,因為它在我體內感覺是如此的真實。如果我的意識溜進來想假冒直覺,我總會收到通告因為我會感到不太滿意和焦躁不安,與安寧與滿足截然相反。如果這樣,我會把所有我的大腦讓我做的都列出來。比如,我可能說“這是個重要的機會來傳播我的工作,”或者“這是個非常好玩的地方”,或者“非常重要去邀請我的地方”,或其它的各種可能。一旦我知道沒有別的答案了,我會再重新回歸到直覺上,請求它的指導。第二次我會問,如果只有一個答案,我會立刻非常清楚這個指導。這就是調頻到你的直覺非常管用的工具,任何時間都可以做,它非常可靠。



【去世的親人現在是否安好?】 這是我經常被問到的問題。人們會問的理由很簡單:害怕去世親人處於某種【地獄】或如【地獄般】的地方。但是在我的解讀發現,百分之九十的去世親人過得都好,他們唯一的不適是與你我有關,尤其是當我們被悲傷所圍繞和達到情緒癱瘓的程度。其實,他們繼續他們的生命,也希望你能如此。如果你因為悲傷而阻礙你的靈性進展或快樂,那些已逝的人也以相似的方式退縮。實際上,大部分在天堂的人,唯一的問題是——我們!如果我們繼續活出快樂和充實的生活,去世的親人會快樂的唱歌跳舞慶祝。 在彼岸,靈魂會感到身體的美好。所有的疾病、受傷和殘缺都隨著身體離開而消失。靈魂完整無缺處於完美的健康狀態。每個人感到像他自己,沒有像在人世限制的沉重和痛苦。在天堂,靈魂感覺到情緒的平和。所有的財務和時間限制都消失,也不再有壓力或擔憂(除非我們極度地悲傷,並在情緒上讓我們去世的鍾愛之人感到低落)。在天堂的人可以自由的實現任何情況和條件,例如環遊世界、一幢美麗的房屋、擔任義工、和(活著和已逝的)家人與朋友共處。 【但是如果去世的親人還生我們的氣呢?】 我時常被問到。人們擔心去世的朋友和家人仍對他們憤怒,因為他們:·在死去的人臨終時,或他們呼出最後一口氣時沒在他們身旁。·與停止人工生命維持系統的決定有關。·認為去世的親朋好友不贊同他們選擇的生活方式。·與家族成員為遺產而爭。·擔心他們應該可以防止這死亡,但卻沒有,或是因其他原因而感到自責。·在被殺害或意外事件中的兇手,或需要負責的人,尚未找到或尚未得到公義。·在死者去世前不久與他們有爭吵。 然而,在我所有的成千上百件的解讀中,從未遇見一位去世的人會因以上的事情感到生氣。在天堂,你釋放在地區令你感到沉重的許多擔憂。你對於人們的真實動機較清楚,所以,你去世的鍾愛之人,對於你過去為何以某些方式行事(或現在仍是如此)會有更深度的了解。他們不會批判你,反而是慈悲的看待你。只有當你的生活方式(例如上癮)正殘害你,或妨礙你實現你的生命目的時,他們才介入你的行為。不必擔心你去世的爺爺看到你在洗澡或做愛。這些靈魂並非窺視狂。 事實上,有些證實指出,指導靈不是看見在地球上我們的身體,反而是感知我們的能量和光體。所以在每個情況下,他們只了解你真實的想法和感受。因為指導靈感知到你真實的感覺和想法,所以不需向他們隱藏你的擔憂。假如你對於父親的死有矛盾的感情。對於父親不停地抽煙和喝酒而導致他的早逝,令你感到憤怒是【不對】的。 你的父親知道你的感受,因為他自天堂的較佳位置可以讀到你的想法和心。你去世的親愛之人請你和他們坦誠以對——對於你尚存憤怒、恐懼、愧疚和擔憂,有一個心對心的對話。你可以寫一封信給去世的人,或是在心中想著你想傳達的想法,或是大聲說出,用這些方式來進行這場對話。你能隨時隨地與已逝的親愛之人溝通。 他們的靈魂並不只是在基地:他們可以自由地在宇宙中穿梭,無需擔心打擾他們的平靜。每個人,不論是活著或死去的,都想療愈關係中未完成的事件,所以,已逝的親人和你一樣,感到高興且有意願與你進行對話。 摘自《如何聆聽天使的訊息》朵琳博士