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Country Story-Friendship

Friendship Points Recommendations -You can only get 10 FP for each friend each day, so don't send more than you need to. (The day restarts the same time Pet Society does, 0:00 GMT) -Only send gifts to people you trust will send them back. (Unless you're loaded and don't mind losing items) -Remember to put a note with your gift. There has been a glitch in the past that lets the system "lose" a gift without a note. I usually put something like "Working on Friendship points, please send these back to me " Not only does it ensure that the gift will get to its recipient, but it reminds the friend that you want the gift back, it's not for them to keep. -Send what you have the most of first. If you just harvested 25 crops worth of green peppers, send those first. If you don't have many sticks or stones, don't worry about sending them, just use the crops you have the most of. -Because flowers, trees, fences, and garden "accessories" are so expensive, I recommend not sending them. Just send crops and sticks and stones. The List! Materials 100 sticks 100 stones Crops 1000 chicken wheat 500 white radish 250 carrots 200 green peppers 150 corn 167 purple radish 167 yellow peppers 167 red peppers Food 5 Milk 5 Bread 4 Cake (white dish) 4 Pie 2 Turkeys 2 Fish *Notice* I have taken the advice of the contributors to this thread, I do not necessarily know that all of these increments are correct. The following is a list of the bare minimum increments required for 10 fp. It was researched by andwan0 94 sticks - 10 FP 93 sticks - 9 FP 100 stones - 10 FP 99 stones - 9 FP 956 chicken wheat - 10 FP 955 chicken wheat - 9 FP 491 white radish - 10 FP 490 white radish - 9 FP 246 carrots - 10 FP 245 carrots - 9 FP 192 green peppers - 10 FP 191 green peppers - 9 FP 141 corn - 10 FP 140 corn - 9 FP 191 purple radish - 10 FP 190 purple radish - 9 FP 184 yellow peppers - 10 FP 183 yellow peppers - 9 FP Purple orchid - 10 FP Pink orchid - 9 FP



《島田由佳》包姆與凱羅四冊套書,限時特價189!! 優惠期限:2009 年 12 月 31 日止 島田由佳圖畫書共4冊,包含: 1.包姆與凱羅的星期天 2.包姆與凱羅購物記 3.包姆與凱羅的天空之旅 4.包姆與凱羅的冬日早晨 日本繪本雜誌Moe專題介紹插畫家島田由佳創作繪本, 中文版,全套共4冊。島田由佳的繪畫風格細膩有趣, 可增加孩子視野,是美感訓練的最佳教材本。 ★孩子的第一套潛能啟發精緻繪本 ★日本銷售破500萬冊 ★榮登2006年誠品書店兒童圖書暢銷排行榜 ★公共電視運輸機13號節目熱情推薦 ★日本繪本雜誌Moe專題介紹插畫家島田由佳創作包姆與凱羅中文版 ★注音版 ★適讀年齡:3-8歲 可愛的凱羅與小班是好朋友,愛撒嬌又愛搗蛋,包姆與凱羅、小班會發生怎樣的趣事…? 包姆與凱羅系列繪本線條簡單,然處處可見作者的細膩用心,每頁插畫皆讓人翻了再翻,每次都會有新的發現! 1.包姆和凱羅的星期天: 下雨的星期天不能外出只好待在家。包姆打算將屋子打掃整理乾淨,再來好好讀本書。才打掃到一半,凱羅便全身髒兮兮地從外面回來,將地板弄髒。幫凱羅洗好澡,在凱羅一點忙也沒幫上的情況下再次打掃好房屋,然後一起做了小點心,再到閣樓上拿本書。但是卻發現,飛蛾、老鼠和蟲蟲佔據了整個閣樓。包姆到底該怎麼樣才能悠閒看書呢? 2.包姆和凱羅購物記: 愛睡懶覺的凱羅起了個大早,原來今天是一月一次的上街購物日。包姆、凱羅、小班大夥兒一起坐車前往市場。市場?有各式各樣的攤位,好不熱鬧呀!一開始,先幫凱羅買了做外套的布料,然後又買了蔬菜水果,之後他們又發現了哪些有趣的店呢? 3.包姆和凱羅的天空之旅: 正在吃早餐時,包姆和凱羅收到爺爺寄來堆得像小山一樣的包裹,還附帶了一張慶祝爺爺生日的生日邀請函。乘著從包裹拆出組合好的小飛機,包姆和凱羅出發了! 沿途上首先看得到的是,不戴上護目鏡就會眼淚流個不停的洋蔥山脈。接著,他們又通過一座蟲蟲鑽動的蘋果山,還有南瓜火山、大海蛇,連吸血蝙蝠都來湊熱鬧,一場天空之旅驚險連連,最後他們能否平安抵達爺爺家呢? 4.包姆與凱羅的冬日早晨: 冬日早晨,包姆和凱羅一起去結冰的池塘溜冰,結果發現凍結在冰上的鴨子小班,於是將他帶回家解凍。凱羅很喜歡小班,和小班一起玩得不亦樂乎,但是第二天早上醒來,小班不見了!