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Your 2-Year-Old​: Comedy


Comedy, Preschooler Style Is your kid cracking you up? Two-year-olds can be hysterical, especially when they're perfectly serious. The way they interact with the world can be downright slapstick, and their imprecise mastery of English can lead to butchered phrases that rival Dr. Seuss for creativity. The hardest part may be keeping a straight face when you have to discipline your child for doing something wrong when she looked so cute doing it! 兩歲半小孩也會說笑話嗎? Your 2-year-old now Some of the things preschoolers say are quite charming and unintentionally funny. They often blend two words to come up with a creative new one: prettyful, wonderfulous. They also mishear, mispronounce, and misremember words, inadvertently creating new ones that sometimes stick around a family for years: "ungabrella" for "umbrella," or "tummy button." 英語系國家的小孩練習說話時,其實也跟我們一樣,有些字雖然跟著大人發音,不過她還不瞭解意思,慢慢地,她會從大人講話內容中學習到如何說話,這個階段實在很有趣呢! Resist the urge to laugh at these malapropisms and mistakes. They're wonderful evidence that your preschooler is working on mastering speech. Rather than correcting such errors, you might echo back what your child said in the right way but without commenting on the difference. Then go immediately over to a special notebook you keep for these immortal sayings and write them down so you never forget! 對啊!即使小孩用錯字也不能笑他,因為這正是他熟悉語言的開始,那是他進步的佐證。不知道別人如何教導小孩,但我覺得真的不須要刻意糾正他,我反而覺得這樣很可愛,只要他不是故意做出不禮貌或不正確的行為,我都會慢慢等著小孩的進步。 Your life now It can be tough to hang back when your child is struggling. A parent's natural impulse is to swoop in and save the day. But a little bit of adversity is good for your preschooler. Let him grapple with a puzzle piece that just won't fit, or try and try again to figure out how to get his sweater on. Trial and error is how kids learn — and the rush of pleasure they feel when they finally figure something out is a real confidence booster that makes them want to try other new challenges. Do step in at the point when your child is growing so frustrated he can't focus. Even then, see if you can offer a little help without taking over the job completely and doing it for him.

Your 2-Year-Old​: Naked Planet


Naked Planet There's an old saying: "Little potatoes have big eyes." Your 2-year-old is watching everything around her, including details you might have never noticed. And including you. Is it okay to let her see you naked around the house? That's up to you. Experts generally think it's harmless until your child reaches an age where she seems uncomfortable about it — showing she's beginning to understand social rules. 在家裡我們不會刻意不穿衣服,不過有時因為把拔不在家,我會和小馨一起洗澡,但是有時也會將她放在客廳讓她看DORA、巧虎影片,讓自己得以好好洗個澡。 Your 2-year-old now Your preschooler has an incredible eye and ear for details. Because he's learning about so many new things and experiences, he's attuned to sounds, colors, relative sizes, and movements that you probably tune out. Don't be surprised to hear him referring to "the clock that ticks" or "the mailman's blue hat." 長長聽說小孩有不可思議的觀察力,小馨不僅是在視力與聽力方面很強,最近連講話都有趣極了!早上起床帶她到小馬桶尿尿,聽到窗外似乎有聲音,她問我:「那是什麼聲音啊∼∼?」(純然彷彿媽媽講話的口吻),我說應該是小鳥吧!小馨又說:「應該是兩隻小鳥一直飛一直飛,然後就撞在一起了...」聽她一字一句慢慢地說,覺得很好笑也很棒呢! Your child is also drawing relationships between things that share similar characteristics he's noticed: "Hey, Mister McGregor in Peter Rabbit has a beard and Santa Claus has a beard and Grandpa has a beard!" This acute attention to detail explains why preschoolers are quick to observe changes (and often demand you right them to their former state), like rearranged furniture, a new haircut, or a ripped page in a book. Your life now Is it okay to be naked around your 2-year-old? In a word, yes. Families choose to handle nudity in different ways, though. Your child is beginning to understand that his body is his own. If you're comfortable in your birthday suit, your child is likely to develop a similar comfort level about his body. If you prefer to teach that being naked in front of others is not appropriate, that's healthy, too, as it's something he'll learn later in the preschool years. If your child shows any discomfort with your nudity (giggling, shielding his eyes), he's already catching on that wearing clothes is standard practice in public. At that point it's usually a good idea to cover up in front of him, while also explaining that it's okay to not wear clothes in private (say, in his room).

Your 2-Year-Old​: Why Regression Happens


Why Regression Happens The process of learning new skills is often "two steps forward, one step back." Regression is common in 2-year-olds partly because there are just so many new skills to juggle. They're also vulnerable to stresses that make them want to go back to familiar territory (diapers instead of that new potty) because it's more comforting. Be patient with little setbacks and remember that they're not permanent. Your 2-year-old now If only all development happened in a straight line! For all your child's progress, she'll slide a bit backward every now and then. For example, someone who's been sleeping soundly through the night (finally!) for months begins popping up in your bed at 3 a.m. A pacifier is dug up and latched on to. Or a child who was potty-trained early suddenly has a rash of accidents. Regression happens for many reasons. Sometimes a child is working so hard on one kind of skill that she backslides on another. Stress (vacation, a new sitter, Mom returning to work) or fear (of the dark, of separating) may also be a trigger. When your child regresses, provide extra security and comfort without making a big deal over it. It's okay to give in a little, with a limit: "Okay, you can wear your pull-ups today, and we'll go back to your underpants tomorrow." Kids have a drive to go forward and will soon outgrow any "baby" behaviors they revisit. If you're really concerned, mention regressive behaviors to your doctor. Rarely, a physical disorder can cause the loss of previously acquired skills. Your life now You're probably learning which discipline strategies work best for you. But here's one you should never use: Don't take away your child's lovey (favorite teddy, doll, blankie, or other beloved transitional object) as punishment. Don't even threaten to do so. A lovey is a powerful symbol of you and a source of great comfort to your child. No matter how mad you are or what kind of lesson you want to teach, you don't want to mess with something as central to your child's well-being as that.

Your 2-Year-Old: Let's Get Verbal


Let's Get Verbal By 30 months, your child can name a few body parts, some colors, and even a friend or two. Her memory and speaking ability work in tandem. Help out by expanding on what she says. If she says, "Dog sleep," you might say, "Yes, Spot is curled up and fast asleep in his doggie bed." She can't imitate your complex language patterns yet, but her brain is absorbing them. Every time you repeat her words or expand on them, you're giving her memory practice. 兩歲半了!最近教小馨,當別人問她幾歲時,要說兩歲半! 前三天連假在家,發現小馨好會說話了!不過她的話似乎只有我和老公才能理解,但是有時把拔也會聽不懂,哈! Your 2-year-old now What can a 2-year-old remember? More and more every day! He's developing a way of thinking called spatial representation or symbolic thinking. Basically it means he can see things in his mind's eye. As experience and habit create new connections in his brain, he becomes better able to call up these captured images: what a lost teddy looks like, the way to Grandma's house, the ice cream and cake served at the party yesterday. Help your preschooler lay down these memory tracks in the brain by asking questions about things he knows: "Hmmm, what will the bunny say goodnight to next?" Ask him to recall details: "Did you have vanilla ice cream or chocolate?" At night, review your day together: "And then what did we do?" Your life now Bath time can be a time for bonding, relaxing, and play. Bring out a variety of water toys — plastic containers or measuring cups work fine — so your preschooler can dip, pour, and have pretend tea parties. Sometimes happy bathers turn into fearful ones almost overnight. If your preschooler develops a sudden aversion for the bath, you might: Bathe together. You can hold him to help him feel more secure. Try showers. Some preschoolers like standing in the "rain." (Others, though, are frightened.) Introduce bubble bath. The bubbles may distract him and are safe to use in moderation. Buy bath time diversions made for kids. Your local drugstore or toy store may carry soap that squirts from a can, "crayons" that draw on the tub and wash right off, or colored bathwater tints. Use a minimal amount of water. Add more as days go by and your child's comfort level increases.