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同婆婆行街(Shopping With Grandma)


駿駿同我琴日下午就返左澳門啦,而婆婆就係晚上先黎到既.今日既早上,對駿駿黎講係遲來既Boxing Day丫,因為聖誕我地返左香港,駿駿唔可以係正日拆禮物啦.開心駿駿,打開所有禮物都好岩佢心水喎…樣樣都好鍾意…搞到佢都唔知開邊份玩具出黎玩先好呢. 下午,我地就一齊去新八佰伴行街同食午飯啦.唔,原本姑婆叫我地,如果係澳門見到駿駿想要果份禮物呢,就代佢買比駿駿先,之後比番錢我地喎.不過當我地搵到份玩具打比姑婆時,姑婆話佢明天應該會黎澳門丫…咁最後,我同婆婆就決定等姑婆黎澳門時先自己買比駿駿啦. 雖然,駿駿有少少失望唔可以今日買禮物,不過佢都覺得…份禮物係姑婆答應送既,應該等姑婆親自買比佢既.大約4點鬆d返屋企,就由得佢自己玩下玩具先啦. Chunchun and I back to Macau yesterday afternoon, and Grandma come to Macau last night. This morning is a very late Boxing Day for Chunchun, haha, because we were in Hong Kong during Christmas, Chunchun couldn’t open all his gift on boxing day. Happy Chunchun loves all the gift he gets, and couldn’t decide play which one first. In the afternoon, we went to New Yaohan together to have lunch and walking around. Hum, my aunt asked us to buy the gift to Chunchun for her first if we find it in Macau… however, when we found what Chunchun wanted, I call my aunt and she said she may come to Macau tomorrow… therefore, I told Chunchun to wait until my aunt coming and let her buy it to him herself. Chunchun was a bit disappointed, but he accepts our suggestion, because that is the gift from my aunt, it’s better to let her buy it for Chunchun herself. Back home around 4pm something, and let play with his new toys that opened this morning. 遲來的BoxingDay

返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


本來今日計劃好下午6點時同婆婆一齊返澳門架.點知爸爸打黎叫我同駿駿要早d返澳門喎..因為爺爺叫一齊食晚飯丫.所以我同駿駿就快手快腳執好d野就出發去碼頭囉.坐到2點半船,4點就行到返屋企囉.第一時間叫駿駿瞓一陣,等佢同爺爺食晚飯時精神d呢.可憐爸爸病左幾日丫,佢話佢依幾日都成日燒下又退下燒咁,日日都要去睇一次醫生呢=.= 駿駿瞓緊午覺時,我就煲定粥比爸爸做晚飯啦…因為佢病緊..所以今晚只有我同駿駿去同爺爺食晚飯呢..我重打左比婆婆話比婆婆知佢黎到我同駿駿就出左去食飯啦,但係爸爸病會係屋企,屋企重煲左粥,叫佢幫手睇住爸爸咁啦. 大約6點幾我地就去到酒樓囉…食到成9點先散場呢..所以都幾怕同爺爺食晚飯…真係食好耐,好累呢…食完晚飯返到屋企都9點幾囉..不過重未可以休息呢…執下野到10點鬆d..又要去卡啦OK同爺爺一齊倒數丫.. 今日丫…最開心既係駿駿呢..今次係佢第二次去卡啦OK咋..不過佢好鍾意去呢..因為去到佢唔駛早瞓覺,又有得同佢堂弟玩嘛 Planned to back to Macau with Grandma this evening around 6pm. However, Papa called and asked Chunchun and I to back to Macau earlier, because my father in law may want to have dinner with us. Hurry to go to the ferry terminal and got on the 2.30pm ferry. And then walk back home around 4pm, let Chunchun take a nap before we go out for dinner. Poor Papa was having flu these few days, he said his temperature were very unstable… having high fever all the time, and he already go to the doctor 3 times =.= While Chunchun sleeping, I prepare porridge for Papa dinner and called Grandma to told her that Chunchun and I will have dinner with my father in law, but Papa was sick, he will stay home… asked Grandma to take care Papa when she arrive. Go to Chinese Restaurant around 6pm something, and we finished dinner around 9pm=.= Long dinner time, so sleepy after we back home dinner… however, we only can rest for last than an hour… because we have to prepare to go to Karaoke to count down with Grandpa. Well, Chunchun was super happy about it, this is his second time to go to Karaoke, but he really like it a lot… not because he like singing, it’s because he don’t have to go to bed early and he can play with his cousin… 澳門港澳碼頭澳門富豪酒店去卡啦OK倒數丫卡啦OK有機打喎

海運 & 黃埔 (Harbour City & WhamPoa)


今朝約左姑婆11點半係地鐵站等,之後一齊搭地鐵去尖沙咀呢.我地先去茶樓飲茶,之後就行去海威,海運度影相啦...聽講今年海威係Miffy做主題呢,我都幾鍾意Miffy架,而駿駿都係..所以去到我地都影得好開心呢..不過今年最靚既..都係德福. 真係有太多Miffy,成個走廊都係,影唔晒呢...而捐錢果度,d Miffy公仔都好得意,駿駿影完相重想攬走隻Miffy公仔添. 影完相之後就行左去海運果邊既玩具反斗城同冒險樂園啦...因為姑婆答應左買生日及聖誕禮物比駿駿架.點知周圍都搵唔到駿駿想要既禮物喎...最後唯有決定去黃埔果度睇下有冇啦. 海運門口有好多得意小天使呢 大約4點鬆d就去到黃埔啦,我地都冇周圍行丫,第一時間就去冒險樂園同玩具反斗城睇下先...可惜原來駿駿想要既玩具周圍缺貨丫...不過姑婆話,答應左一定會買喎.係冒險樂園度玩左陣,大約6點我地就返屋企囉. 係黃埔既佈置都幾靚架^^ Met my aunt at MTR Station around 11.30am and then we take MTR to TST station together. Went to have lunch in a Chinese restaurant and then walk to Harbour City to take photo^^ I knew that there theme is Miffy, I like it and Chunchun like it too. However, it’s not the most lovely decoration…TelFord is the best of this year. So many cute Miffy to take Photo, Chunchun wished to take one home. Walked to the other mall of Harbour City to the Toys ‘r’ Us and Jumpin Gym USA. My Aunt promised Chunchun to buy him birthday and Christmas gift. However, we couldn’t found what Chunchun want at Toys ‘r’ Us or Jumpin Gym USA. Finally we decided to go to WhamPoa the next. Cute little angel decoration Arrived to WhamPoa around 4pm something and we go to Jumpin Gym USA and Toys ‘r’ Us immediately. Sigh, the toy that Chunchun like is out of stock recently. Well, no gift today, but my Aunt promised she will buy it later. Played at Jumpin Gym USA for a while and then we back home around 6pm something. The decoration at WhamPoa is not bad^^

德福 & 又一城 (TelFord Plaza & Festival Walk)


今日下午帶左駿駿去德福影相呢,之前就一直聽人講話果度既聖誕佈置好靚好可愛...今日去到,真係好靚好可愛呢,周圍都有野影..真係唔會令人失望丫..我覺得今年最靚既聖誕佈置..真係佢至得丫^^ 係德福商場度周圍行,周圍影相,臨走前駿駿記得Ikea Cafe入面既肉丸,佢好鍾意食呢..事實佢又真係好好味..所以走左都行番上去同駿駿食個肉丸下午茶先走呢...哈哈. 因為我唔想咁早返太婆屋企,所以就同駿駿去又一城影下相,行個圈先啦.唔,又一城既佈置靚就靚啦..不過我覺得唔係咁有聖誕氣紛囉...我同駿駿都麻麻地鍾意 影完相之後呢,我同駿駿就去左Logon行一陣街啦.駿駿發現左d好得意既擦膠丫,有d好似Lego積木咁架,又有d好似車仔咁既.駿駿用自己既零用錢買左積木形既擦膠,而我就買左車仔擦膠,留番第二時佢默書測驗有100分時可以獎比佢呢^^ 大約5點鬆d我地就行番屋企啦,經過公園時又比駿駿玩一陣咁啦^^ Took Chunchun to TelFord Plaza this afternoon to take photos, heard that the Christmas’s decoration there is very nice and cute. And it’s really cute, a lot of bears, I think it’s the most lovely Christmas’s decoration of this year^^ Walking around in TelFord Plaza and we have tea at Ikea café, haha, Chunchun love the meatball there, and it’s really yummy. I didn’t want to back to great Grandma’s home too early, so I took Chunchun to Festival Walk afterward. Hum, the decoration there is nice, very fantasy… but not cute and Chunchun and I didn’t like it actually. After taking the photos, we went to logon to shop around before we walk back home. Happy Chunchun found some very cute eraser… some like Lego and some like car. Chunchun bought the Lego shape eraser himself, and I bought the car shape eraser to reward him when he have full mark on his test or dictation next time^^ Walk back to great Grandma’s home around 5pm something, and let Chunchun play in the playground for a while^^

朗豪坊 & 新世紀廣場(Langham Place & Grand Century Place)


今日中午左右就同駿駿一齊行出去旺角啦,目的地係朗豪坊,約左Wendy姨姨飲下午茶嘛,順便經過公園又比駿駿玩一陣咁啦.其實駿駿開頭都唔係好想行架,佢想搭車呢...不過我話佢知我地會經過媽媽想佢出年讀果間小學,同會經過公園...佢就好有興趣同我一齊行啦^^ 係公園玩 大約2點左右我地就去到朗豪坊啦,重有成30分鐘先到我同Wendy既約定時間..因為我地約左2點半一齊下午茶呢.因為真係冇野做,我同駿駿就先上4樓度影下聖誕佈置先啦.唔,佢地既主題係一隻日本畫家畫既達洋貓.講真,佢係幾得意既..不過我真係興趣不太…同駿駿影完相,都重有成10幾分鐘先到2點半,所以我同駿駿就慢慢去睇下去邊下午茶好啦. 最後駿駿話要去鈴木咖啡廊喎.搵左位就打比Wendy叫佢上黎搵我地啦.傾下計食下野,我地都食左個幾鐘下午茶呢.再慢慢係最頂果幾頂行左一陣,臨走前就一齊去西武買護膚品啦^^ 晚上,食完晚飯後舅父就帶駿駿去旺角買玩具啦...駿駿買左隻高達丫...而且駿駿今日重唔止買玩具咁少,舅父重同佢去埋新世紀廣場上面既冒險樂園添...又有禮物又有得玩,今晚真係開心死駿駿囉 Walk to Mong Kok with Chunchun around noontime, haha, let him play in a playground for a while and then walk to Langham Place to have tea with Wendy. Hum, Chunchun didn’t want to walk actually, but when I told him we will pass through the Primary School that I want him to apply and we will pass though a playground… haha, he feel interesting immediately and he was happy walking with me^^ Playing in the playground Arrived to Langham Place around 2pm, still have around 30 minutes free... Wendy and I arranged our tea gathering on 2.30pm. Therefore Chunchun and I went to the 4/F to the Christmas decoration to take photo first. Hum, their theme is Wachifield Dayan, it’s a cat character… it’s cute but I didn’t have much interest on it. Anyway, took photo with Chunchun and then go seek for nice café to have tea with Wendy. Finally Chunchun decided to go to Suzuki Café. We spent over 1 hours there and then we walk around in the upper floor and go to HK Seibu to buy skin care before we leave^^ At night, after dinner my brother took Chunchun to Mong Kok again, and he bought a new toy – Gundam for Chunchun. Happy Chunchun not only bought a new toy, my brother take him to Jumpin Gym USA too… haha, Chunchun was so happy tonight.

青衣城&愉景新城&荷里活廣場(Maritime Square & Discovery Park & Plaza Hollywood)


今日婆婆放假丫,我地計劃左好多節目,先係去青衣城...如果有時間再去第二個商場.晚上係太婆屋企食完飯就打算去荷里活廣場去冒險樂園玩呢^^ 唔,我地大約中午12點先出門口,1點前都去到青衣城啦.去到第一時間就係周圍行下睇下有乜好食啦.本來駿駿話想食Pizza或KFC架,不過婆婆唔係咁鍾意.最後我地去左UCC Cafe度食午飯.因為果度有兒童餐呢...開心駿駿一叫完兒童餐之後,待應重有玩具比佢添^^ 終於黎到青衣城啦 好靚既走廊(係UCC Cafe入面架) 食完飯,排隊排左成個鐘先入到Sanrio Village 因為每節得10分鐘,一入到去就即時周圍同d公仔影相囉.好彩每節只係入30人,所以都唔會話太多人影唔晒d公仔. 駿駿最後重有時間玩下場內既一個小遊戲添 係青衣城行左一陣,大約4點左右我地就去左荃灣囉,打算去愉影新城睇下有乜影.不過我地一去到荃灣地鐵站,就見到係綠楊坊果邊有個好大個既充氣彈彈床呢.開心駿駿當然想玩啦,結果我同婆婆就係綠楊坊買左100蚊野,等佢可以玩彈彈床啦,玩完彈彈床...我地就行去愉景新城囉 係愉景新城都幾失望,因為佢地既主題係迪士尼公主丫,唔係咁岩我,更加唔係駿駿鍾意既野啦.隨便咁影左幾張相,比駿駿係玩具反斗城玩一陣,我地就返太婆屋企囉. 食完晚飯,我也就同駿駿去荷里活廣場行陣街同去冒險樂園啦. Grandma’s holiday, we planned to go to Maritime Square for the Sanrio Village today, and at night we planned to go to Plaza Hollywood to the Jumpin Gym^^ Hum, leave home around noontime and arrived to Maritime Square before 1pm. We were walking around to seek for a nice restaurant to have lunch first and then go to Sanrio Village to take photos. At first Chunchun wanted to have pizza or KFC, however, Grandma didn’t want it. Finally we go to UCC café to have lunch, happy Chunchun found kid’s meal there and have free toy when we ordered kid’s meal for him. Arrived to Maritime Square Very nice hallway (inside UCC café) After lunch, we spent almost an hour to queue up for the Sanrio Village. Once we get in the Sanrio Village, we hurry to take photos with all the character since we only have 10 minutes stay inside of the Sanrio Village. At the end, Chunchun have time to play the TV game inside the Sanrio Village. We walk around in the Maritime Square for a while, and then go to Tsuen Wan around 4pm to the Discovery Park. Once we arrived to the Tsuen Wan, we saw a very big inflatable game in front of the Luk Yeung Galleria. Haha, bought something from the Luk Yeung Galleria to let Chunchun play the inflatable game, and then we walk to Discovery Park afterward. Quite disappointed about Discovery Park, because their theme is Disney Princess… Not my cup of tea and surely not Chunchun’s favorite… We just take a few photos there and then let Chunchun play in Jumpin Gym USA for a while. At night, we went to Plaza Hollywood to shop around and go to Jumpin Gym USA with Chunchun.