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謝謝小圓媽告訴我這個名詞 很久前看她寫過 但我都是過目即忘. 何況是英文..... 今天查一下Hyperlexia JUSTIN真的好多部分符合下面寫的 現在學說長句子時若寫在白板讓他看字唸.他就很容易記起來 所以昨天評估的語言師教執行教學的老師在某些情況用文字取代圖片教JUSTIN說話.(有的小孩要看圖片才能理解說話內容) 其實JUSTIN不會特別愛看書.好玩的東西太多了.他對研究物品或機械構造比較有興趣. 但若他在[揮]或無聊搗蛋的時候.跟他說[我們來讀書]他就很高興地[變乖了] [文字]可以安撫他的情緒. 對單字記憶也很強.我大多教他包裝跟周圍出現的字. 他很輕易就記住了. 還會指給我看. 出去玩會幫我找廁所(Restroom).電梯. 對不認識的字也會自己Sound Words(有時候還是會唸錯啦.因為他是心血來潮才開口秀一下.沒常練). 其實我覺得現在很多小孩都有這種能力 因為卡通/DVD/兒童節目都有教 JUSTIN一歲多就展現sound words能力.可惜後來退化成無口語.兩歲時不愛看電視及DVD. 到三歲多重新接受兒童節目後才又將認字能力帶出來. 在別的網站還看到挑食也是這類小孩常見特質! 這星期JUSTIN每天晚餐指定要吃白麵條.晚餐只吃白麵條.(牛肉麵那種哦. 他只吃日式拉麵麵條或粗的牛肉麵麵條.比較Q) http://www.k12academics.com/disorders-disabilities/hyperlexia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlexia http://www.autismkey.com/hyperlexia/ Hyperlexia has many characteristics similar to autism and some consider it to be an autism spectrum disorder. Because of its close association with autism, hyperlexia is often misdiagnosed. The main characteristics of hyperlexia are an above normal ability to read coupled with a below normal ability to understand spoken language. Many of the social difficulties seen in hyperlexic individuals are similar to those found in autism. Often, hyperlexic children will learn to speak only by rote memory and heavy repetition. They may also have difficulty learning the rules of language from examples or from trial and error. Some people assert that hyperlexia is autism, whereas others assert hyperlexia is a completely different condition. Hyperlexia Symptoms The severity, frequency, and grouping of the following symptoms will determine an actual diagnosis • A precocious ability to read words far above what would be expected at a child’s age • Child may appear gifted in some areas and extremely deficient in others • Significant difficulty in understanding verbal language • Difficulty in socializing and interacting appropriately with people • Abnormal and awkward social skills • Specific or unusual fears • Fixation with letters or numbers • Echolalia (Repetition or echoing of a word or phrase just spoken by another person) • Memorization of sentence structures without understanding the meaning • An intense need to keep routines, difficulty with transitions, ritualistic behavior Additional Symptoms: • Normal development until 18-24 months, then regression • Listens selectively / appears to be deaf • Strong auditory and visual memory • Self-stimulatory behavior (hand flapping, rocking, jumping up and down) • Think in concrete and literal terms, difficulty with abstract concepts • Auditory, olfactory and / or tactile sensitivity • Difficulty answering "Wh–" questions, such as "what," "where," "who," and "why"