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萬聖節遊尖沙咀(Halloween @ TST)

今日下午同駿駿返香港啦,當然係等佢一早睇完佢鍾意既卡通同溫好習先出發啦.我地先去婆婆公司放底d行李,之後就去行街街.晚上就返太婆屋企食晚飯呢. 今晚表姨都係太婆屋企食晚飯丫,因為今日咁多位姑婆都唔得閒丫,所以表姨就黎陪駿駿去尖沙咀玩啦.不過駿駿知道咁多位姑婆都唔得閒,係有d失望架…但係有得去玩..佢都開心既. 係屋企同佢著好黑武士裝,同表姨影張相,我地就出發去尖沙咀囉…不過表姨好衰架,行得果一陣,9點左右就話要走囉.表姨一走…駿駿就冇癮啦,冇人陪佢行街..話好悶丫…冇晒d姑婆陪佢…所以我地係表姨走左之後,都行番轉頭打算返屋企架啦,不過行到去隧道時,見到一個超型男仔,銀色長髮一身黑衫再加一把大刀…駿駿見到就雙眼發光想同人地影相啦…不過人地哥哥話未裝扮好,要等喎…唯有跟住佢行啦…佢又真係未裝扮好喎…見佢搵個位坐底就拎左隻勁高既靴出黎換,之後重同佢個朋友行埋一邊唔知整乜..最後等到成10點,哥哥先準備好同駿駿影相.影完相,都成10點幾囉,行行下又見到好多東亞運動會既燈飾,影完晒相,最後都係11點先返屋企呢. Go to Hong Kong with Chunchun this afternoon, after he watched his favorite cartoon and finish his study in the morning. We first went to Grandma working place to put down our suitcase, and then we go to shopping around before dinner at great Grandma’s home. Hum, my cousin has dinner with us at great Grandma’s home and then we went to TST around 8pm something. Chunchun was quite disappointed all of my aunties were busy today, but he still happy about going out to TST. Help him to wearing his Dark Varth suit and then let him to take a photo with my cousin before we go to TST. My cousin leave around 9pm and then Chunchun said he felt boring without my cousin and all my aunties. So we decided to leave early tonight, however, just before we want to leave… we found a very nice looking guy with silver long hair and black clothing on him, I guess he is acting some kind of game character. Chunchun really want to take a photo with him, so we follow him and wait until he’s ready to take photo with others. Finally we didn’t leave TST until 10.30pm something. 黑武士ReadyGo一班中國娃鬼全場最形既鬼全場最正既鬼


英文默書(English Dictation)

唔,今朝一早送駿駿返學時,提佢默書時要小心d呢..重係有小息時最好溫習一下…因為星期三就數學測驗,之前一定會有小測既. 下午先去買餸再去接駿駿放學,但係今日真係好黑仔,兜左幾個圈都搵唔到d近少少駿駿學校或者街市既位…搞到我泊到鬼咁遠.要快步去買餸再快步行番上車,渣車去駿駿學校接佢放學呢. 係遲左d去接駿駿放學架,咁岩駿駿今日又難得準時放學喎=_=搞到佢話等左我好耐丫….渣車返屋企途中,駿駿話佢今日英文默書應該岩晒架喎,除左加分題,佢唔明老師要佢地默d乜喎…不過冇所為啦,對我黎講加分題唔係太重要.返到屋企,第一時間當然係最功課同溫習啦,又因為明天冇默書測驗,所以駿駿做完自己d野,可以玩一陣添呢. Hum, took Chunchun to school before 8am this morning, reminded Chunchun to be carefully during dictation, and spend time to study during recess, he should have Math Quiz today, because he have Math test on Wednesday. Went to food market before go to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, sigh~ I couldn’t find a parking space near Chunchun school or foods market, finally I parked very far away… and then hurry to the foods market and hurry back to car to drive to Chunchun’s school. Arrived to school a little bit late today, Chunchun said he been waiting for a long time=_= While we on the way to home, he told me that he was doing great on his dictation, but didn’t sure what to write in bonus part… Hum, back home to do homework immediately, study for a while, and then he can play for a while before dinner.



因為爸爸今朝都幾得閒丫,所以我地中午時同爸爸一齊去左美高梅果邊果間麥記度食午飯,之後再車爸爸返工.車完爸爸返工先係1點鬆d咋,返屋企又唔係,去學習中心又早過頭喎.諗起駿駿成日都話想去西環橋果邊果個公園,今日有時間咪同佢去一陣囉…哈..哈.. 駿駿恨去果個公園好耐架啦,今日終於有時間去啦…去到又發覺果度地方又真係唔錯喎,而且勁少人,我地玩左20分鐘,全程都係得我同駿駿2個人係公園咋.d設備都幾新淨咁..駿駿最開心就係玩到果個成層樓高既滑梯啦,明明見佢打晒筋斗咁滑落黎,佢都話好好玩既. 到2點鬆d就送駿駿返英文班啦,之後我就去超市入貨..今日真係比駿駿激死,唔知做乜放英文班遲左喎,搞到我地要快步行去公文數…到公文數放學呢…佢又遲左放囉..都唔知佢做乜今日做野咁慢..唔知會唔會因為去左公園玩所以累呢? Since Papa was free this morning, we went to the McDonald’s near MGM to have lunch around noontime, and then drove Papa to work. After that, it’s only 1pm something; still have a lot of time before English course. Therefore, I took Chunchun to the park he longing for a long time… haha. Chunchun was super happy that he finally can go to that playground and played the 2 floors height slide, and all other facilities. Hum, I found that’s really a nice park, didn’t have much people around… we played for around 20 minutes, and we didn’t see anyone else in the park. Took Chunchun to English course around 2pm something and then I went to supermarket to buy drinks and stuff. Hum, Chunchun was off late from English course today, and we have to hurry to Kumon centre ~_~ And then Chunchun was off late from Kumon too… sigh~ 依個滑梯好高架爬到最高啦攀石成功攀到繩啦


常識測驗(Common Sense Test)

今日常識測驗丫,唔知駿駿測成點呢,希望佢唔好再失手啦.唔,今日接放學時,駿駿同我講佢唔記得帶普通話書喎,不過佢又話好彩老師冇寫佢手冊..我就奇怪啦,做乜今日要帶普通話書?都冇普通話堂…原來係佢地既興趣班要帶普通話書丫=_=唉~其實我都已經唔多鍾意今年既興趣班冇得揀,全部小朋友都要上普通話唱遊…咁唱歌仔都算啦….但係依家要帶普通話書上..不如話係加多堂普通話堂好過啦~_~唔夠老師教興趣班咪唔好開辦興趣班啦…搞到小朋友上興趣班都上得唔開心..由幼稚園到小一,駿駿一直都好鍾意返學校既興趣班架,因為係佢自己揀既活動黎架嘛,今年…上完第一堂興趣班,駿駿已經話唔鍾意啦.其實普通話班,之前駿駿都有係學習中心度上,人地真係唱歌仔同畫下畫…駿駿都鍾意架..但係學校既佢話唔鍾意喎..咁咪即係好似上堂咁上,駿駿先會唔鍾意啦. 唔,返到屋企,駿駿今日都算乖喎,做功課都幾快,又自己溫習一次..所以佢好快就可以開佢琴日就應該可以開既新玩具呢. Common Sense test today, hope that Chunchun will do great on it. Hum, when I went to pick up Chunchun, he told me that he forgets to bring Mandarin’s book for his extracurricular activity. Sigh, I wonder why they didn’t have choice for extracurricular activity? All students have to attend the same extracurricular activity… and it couldn’t count as interest class, it’s just a extra Mandarin lesson~_~ If they don’t have enough teacher to run the extracurricular activities… why don’t they cancel it=_= Hum, Chunchun was being a good boy today, finished his homework quick and reviewed by himself, so he could open a new toy today (for yesterday English test full mark)



今日4點半就去接駿駿放學啦,不過,等到成4點45分打後,駿駿佢地先出黎呢=_=我問駿駿點解會咁遲架…佢話要等所有同學執齊野先走得喎~_~唉~有冇搞錯丫,如果返自修班都係放5點之嘛..依家唔返果d都放成4點45分…差果15分鐘,我當初為乜寫信話唔返自修班架?點解有自修班既日子,小朋友執書包實係慢d架?返課活動果日唔見佢地遲咁多先放學?冇自修班果日d小朋友執書包又快d? 返屋企途中,駿駿話比我知佢上星期既英文測驗測得好好丫…問我拎貼紙同問我開四驅車玩具得唔得…咁,原本佢成績好,開玩具同獎貼紙當然冇問題啦…只係返到屋企,比我發現佢既數學測驗同中文默書成績都十分之唔理想~_~所以就罰佢今日冇得開玩具,要佢乖乖比心機溫好明天既常識測驗…明天先可以開玩具呢. Went to pick up Chunchun on 4.30pm this afternoon, however, I have to wait until 4.45pm =_= I asked Chunchun why they take so long to come out? He said they need to wait for all students ~_~ Sigh~ if Chunchun attend the self-study lesson, they should be off school on 5pm, and now… whose those didn’t attend the self-study lesson off school on 4.45pm? Then why I have to write letter to refuse to join the self-study lesson? Chunchun told me that he was doing great in his English test last week… however, I found that he was doing a mess on his Math test and Chinese dictation ~_~ Punished him couldn’t open new toy today for his English test, he can open it tomorrow, but today, he need to study hard on his Common Sense test.



星期日一早,又係駿駿自己早起既日子啦,因為佢要睇卡通呢…睇完卡通食過早餐,我地大約11點左右就準備去游水囉.唔,我真係好想快d教識駿駿游水呢…因為佢已經連續3個暑期返香港學游水架啦..但係佢到依家都唔係好識游囉=_= 我地大約游左45分鐘,有一半時間係教駿駿游水,同佢都好合作咁練習…另一半時間就比佢自己玩水,我就自己游水咁囉.12點幾返到屋企,放低d野我地就落街食午飯囉.原本諗住求其搵間茶餐廳食午飯架,點知行左幾間茶餐廳今日都休息喎=_=最後行到去小泉居度食午飯囉,不過駿駿就好開心啦…因為叫左意粉同鹽酥雞…2樣駿駿都好鍾意食呢. 食完午飯,返屋企休息一陣,瞓左個午覺,駿駿又要開始溫習下星期二既常識測驗囉. Chunchun woke up early in the morning to watch his favorite cartoon and then we prepare to go swimming around 11am. Hum, hope that I really can teach Chunchun how to swim myself, because Chunchun been going to swimming course 3 summers, but he still don’t know how to swim=_= We back home around 12pm something, at first we wanted to go to the Chinese Western restaurant to have lunch, however, most of the restaurant were day off today=_= Finally we walked to Café E.S.Kimo to have lunch, ordered a spaghetti and a fried chicken to share for lunch. After lunch, we back home to take a nap and then Chunchun have to study for his Common Sense test on Tuesday. 游完水出街食午飯


中秋節(Mid-Autumn Festival)

今日係中秋節丫,原本依個長周末係打算返香港過架,不過爸爸又話唔知駛唔駛同爺爺食晚飯,所以最後我地都係留左係澳門.唔,不過因為我一早同駿駿請左假唔返英文班,所以下午我地都好得閒…同駿駿行去食麥記,再係公園玩一陣,返屋企瞓埋午覺先去返公文數呢. 晚上,大約9點左右..我又同駿駿落左公園玩燈籠.行到最尾,先發現原來果度有跳舞表演,重有燈謎會添.足足玩左成個鐘先返屋企呢.不過其實睇表演只係睇左一陣..大多數時間都係燈謎會度想搵燈謎紙…可惜d人太唔守規舉啦.工作人員一掛起燈謎紙…就一堆人跑去搶..都唔理自己識唔識答既.最後駿駿眼濕濕咁企係燈謎獎品換領處度,同d姐姐講,佢唔夠人搶紙仔,玩唔到遊戲..佢好想要禮物.人地姐姐見佢好可憐咁,就係收檔前送左個小禮物比駿駿啦… Mid Autumn Festival today, at first I planned to go to Hong Kong with Chunchun, however, Papa was worried that we have to have dinner with my father-in-law… so we stay in Macau. Hum, Chunchun didn’t have to go to English course today, because I take a day off for him a long time ago. We walk to McDonald’s to have lunch and walking around in the park in the afternoon. And then go to Kumon centre around 4pm. At night, I took Chunchun to the park around 9pm something, let him bring his lantern to walk around… and we found that there have Mid-Autumn Festival - dancing program and riddle program. We spent around 1 hour in the park, watching dancing program and trying to find the riddle question paper… however, whenever the staff hang out the riddle question paper, there have a crowd of people running to rod it=_= They don’t care is they know the answer or not, just to rod it… poor Chunchun wanted to cry and told the staff that he could get the riddle question paper. 成條橋都係燈籠丫晚上既燈籠好靚丫頭先依度有表演丫湖面好多靚靚蓮花燈


新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

婆婆今朝一早就走左囉.而我地一家三口就瞓到9點幾先起身呢.唔,今日都冇乜野好做,最後就決定去新八佰伴度食午飯同行陣街啦.中午左右去到新八佰伴,第一時間就係上美食廣場食野呢.駿駿同我決定好食乜後就去搵位,而爸爸就去買野食啦. 食完午飯,當然就去行街街啦.不過其實係八佰伴,我地都只係會行下玩具部架咋,因為其他d衫丫,日用品丫,化粧品丫,我地根本都冇興趣…最多係有時爸爸會睇下鞋咁囉. 今日駿駿就開心囉,睇睇下玩具忽然同我地講,佢上2個星期公文數升左班丫,想買份玩具做獎勵喎…佢問到囉,有真係一個好理由..咪買比佢囉…重答應左佢…以後公文數升班都可以買一份禮物…希望佢以後再比心機d啦. Grandma leave early this morning, and we didn’t wake up until 9am something. Hum, nothing much to do and finally we decided to go to New Yaohan for lunch and shopping around. We arrived New Yaohan around noontime, and hurry go to the foods court first. Chunchun and I look for a table, and Papa go to buy foods. After lunch, we went to the toys section to walk around… actually we didn’t have anywhere else to go, because we didn’t have much interest on clothes and stuff in New Yaohan. Happy Chunchun bought a new toy today, because he said he wanted a prize for his Kumon Math level up to A last 2 weeks, and request to have prize whenever his Kumon Math have level up.


今日好開心丫(Happy Day)

今日係中國既國慶假期,我地瞓到成10點先起身呢,之後就準備過關去珠海行街街囉.過到街第一件事就係搵野食啦..原本我同婆婆係想去味千度食拉麵架..點知駿駿見到KFC就話想食喎…見個兒童餐有小飛俠架…咁唯有係KFC度食午飯囉… 食完午飯,我地就周圍行下啦,婆婆想買對耳環喎..而我呢…其實都冇乜興趣係珠海行街買野囉,因為依家d野都唔平,人民幣又升左好多..d野都唔抵買呢..要買野,我情願返香港返澳門買囉.而駿駿呢,就更加唔會有野想買..佢只係等婆婆行完街,佢就可以去機鋪玩呢. 換左60蚊比駿駿玩,都幾貴丫…60蚊得45個代幣,不過好彩佢好多遊戲都係1個代幣一局既…最後我地都換到唔少禮品呢.有幾架小車仔,一架四驅車,幾舊膠擦,幾個小新既小小公仔咁…都唔錯啦,至少駿駿好開心先啦. 唔,我地大約3點就返到屋企囉…累到死,重諗住即時同駿駿一齊瞓個午覺先既…點知Amy忽然打黎喎,問我地去唔去漁人碼頭喎…因為果度原來有美食節同有免費Wii玩丫. 就係咁,我同駿駿就一齊行去漁人碼頭啦,而婆婆話累就留係屋企休息同準備晚飯.唔,駿駿同Jeannie玩左1個鐘多d,我地就出左去大街度睇舞龍舞獅啦..我地重企左係龍頭度影左相添^^之後買左少少零食就返屋企囉 食完晚飯後,婆婆同我就一齊帶駿駿去睇煙花啦,睇完再行左陣公園就返屋企囉. Today is Chinese National Day holiday, we woke up around 10am and then went to Zhuhai around 11am something. We first have lunch at KFC =_= it’s Chunchun’s request, Grandma and I wanted to go to Japanese Ramen restaurant… sigh~ After lunch, we walking around in the mall, Grandma wanted to buy a pair of ear rings. Hum, I didn’t have much interest on shopping at Zhuhai, because stuff there is not cheap anymore, they are quite expensive… so I rather shopping at HK or Macau more than Zhuhai. And Chunchun, he was waiting to go to the amusement arcade after Grandma shopping. Played RMB60 in the amusement, but we won quite a lot of gifts… a few mini car, eraser, Car from cartoon “Go for Speed” and a few cartoon ”Crayon Shin-chan” mini figure. Not bad, at least Chunchun was very happy about it. Hum, we back home around 3pm something, and I was so sleepy planned to take a nap. However, Amy called and asked us to go to Fisherman’s Wharf, because she found that there was having some kind of food festival, have a lot of food stand and there have a game centre to let people play “Wii” for free. Walk to Fisherman’s Wharf with Chunchun around 4pm and let Chunchun play with Jeannie for around 1 hour, and then we go to watch Dragon dance together. Bought some snack back home before we walk home. At night, after dinner, Grandma and I took Chunchun to watch firework and walk around in the park. 比蛇咬打鼓龍頭丫宋玉生公園的中秋燈飾


中文測驗(Chinese Test)

婆婆琴晚過左黎澳門丫,所以今朝我地一齊送駿駿返學呢…之後返屋企執下屋..下午就去行街街同去街市買餸囉.原本婆婆想今日去珠海架,但係我話等埋駿駿先啦,佢都好耐未去過…駿駿明天都放假囉…同佢去等佢開心下嘛. 唔,今日學校係中文測驗丫…唔知駿駿做成點呢?我就覺得佢今年溫書唔係好落力..好鬼求其啦…不過叫極都佢都唔願再溫..唉~真係唯有望佢真係有好成績啦… 因為今個星期有4日連假,今日既功課都比平日多左好多呢..但係我都要駿駿今日完成架…同佢講明,今日唔快手做晒d功課,明天就未必有得去珠海…未做晒功課..都唔駛諗去其他地方玩呢. Grandma came to Macau last night, and today, we took Chunchun to school together, and then back home to do house work and prepare to go shopping and food market in the afternoon. At first Grandma wanted to go to Zhuhai today, however, I suggested to wait for Chunchun… better go to Zhuhai with Chunchun tomorrow. Hum, Chinese test today, wonder how’s Chunchun doing… I don’t think he had enough study, but he refuse to study longer… sigh~ When we went to pick up Chunchun, he said he was doing great on his test… I hope he really does. Since there is a long weekend, Chunchun have a lot of homework today. Asked him to finish his homework in hurry, otherwise, he may not able to go to Zhuhai tomorrow or go anywhere else until he finishes it all.


數學測驗(Math Test)

因為上星期停課丫,搞到今個星期勁多測驗默書呢..唉~…唔,星期一有數學測驗,星期二有中文默書同英文測驗,星期三係中文測驗…星期四五就係國慶. 一早8點前送駿駿返學,提佢一定要封信比老師…因為今日開始有自修班啦…如果唔寫信話唔上自修班,就要放5點呢..我覺得5點實在太晏啦,所以一定寫信唔返自修班呢..要做功課,我係屋企教唔好=_= 下午4點半去接放學時,見出奇咁多家長係度等放學..重以為點解今年咁多小朋友唔上自修班…原來係冇人記得今日開始放5點..除左我同2,3個家長…其他既全都空手而回=_=有冇搞錯…小朋友返放學時間都可以唔記清楚既… Since school suspended by H1N1 last week, Chunchun have so many test and dictation this week… sigh~ Hum, Math test on Monday, Chinese dictation and English Test on Tuesday, Chinese test on Wednesday… and then Thursday and Friday are holiday. Took Chunchun to school before 8am this morning, and remind Chunchun to give the letter to teacher. Because they will starts the self-study lesson from today on, study will off school on 5pm; I think it’s too late to off school, so I wrote a letter to refuse to join the self-study lesson. When I went to pick up Chunchun around 4.30pm… found so many parents were waiting for their kids too. I was just wondering how come so many study refuse to join the self-study lesson this year… but then, when the teacher come out, I found that most of the parents didn’t remember anything about the self-study lesson=_=