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Coco's food daydream! (M)

Coco reached in her small pink handbag, for a twix bar and a mars bar. 'Mmmm!' Coco thought. Her name was Coco because she loved coconuts and snacks and food. She opened her twix bar and crunched it up. Nothing was left except the chocolate wrapper. 'Yum!' Coco thought, crumpling up the wrapper and throwing it in the bin. She put the mars bar in a cold place and wrote her homework. She reached in her handbag for a green carton with a picture of a coconut and it's milk pouring out of it. Coco licked her lips. She forced the straw into the silver hole and started to sip the coconut milk into her mouth. After she'd finished her homework and snack, she lay back on her white bed for a little nap. That evening, Coco had her short brown hair clipped back. She'd put her handbag away and sat at the table with her hands washed and her head on her hands. "Are you hungry dear?" Coco's mum asked. Coco nodded. She was always hungry. Coco ran into the kitchen and set the table for her mum. She lay the white table cloth on to the wooden table. The napkins were laid out neatly in the places she, her mum and her dad sat, as well as the silver swirly knives and forks. Opening the drawer, Coco's mum took out Coco's red notebook. "Here Coconut." her mum called, handing Coco her notebook. Coco's parents often called her Coconut. Inside, when Coco flipped open to the first page of the book, in food-shaped, orange writing, said the words, 'My food diary' very neatly. Coco smiled and flipped and flipped until she found the next blank page. Coco filled in the date, breakfast lunch or dinner and what they were having for dinner and desert. She set her head on her hands, squinted her eyes before relaxing them and began her dinner daydream! Dinner Daydream Coco washed her hands. She dried them in the kitchen and sat down to eat the food her mum had prepared for her. There were hot dogs, soup, pizza. For dessert, an ice cream sundae, a sweet, cherries and watermelon pieces. It was delicious! All that made Coco full and she sat down for a snooze. Oh dear, poor Coco! She had a dream about eating loads, being full, falling asleep, having a dream and doing the same all over again! Finally, Coco woke up and smiled, she had to eat the stuff on the table again because she was hungry again! Back at the dinner table "Coconut! Wake up! Eat your yummy dinner that your mum has prepared for you." Coco's dad laughed. Coco shook her head and groaned, "No Way! I'm totally full!" "Oh really?" wondered Coco's mum teasingly, "But it's a bit of risotto and a bit lasagne. For desert, ice cream or a slice of watermelon!" "Me?! Full?! No way!" Coco exclaimed happily. They chuckled as Coco tucked into the risotto and laughed, "We thought so!"


First day at Royal Ballet School(11)(M)

Delphie and Rosa were both shivering for different reasons. Rosa was shivering because she was scared and nervous and Delphie was shivering of excitement! Delphie spun round, pirouette after pirouette, excited as a dog! Rosa sat on the bed, her teeth chattering. "Oh Delphie! I think I need to go to the chill out zone! I'm so worried!" "You never seem worried when you and me dance freely at Enchantia!" Delphie laughed. She stopped spinning and combed her chestnut colored hair. She was already ready and just needed to do her hair. Rosa had to chill out, do her hair and put on her normal clothes over her leotard and waistband. Delphie finished her bun and helped Rosa get ready by taking Rosa's clothes to Rosa. While Delphie was picking suitable clothes to give to Rosa when going to the Royal ballet school, Rosa did her hair in a bun. "Teamwork!" Delphie cried happily. After they ate dinner, they had their suitcases ready to go. They were going to un-pack as soon as they got to the Royal ballet school. "Into the car dears." their mum exclaimed happily. "We're going to miss you till you come back at the weekends!" their dad boomed. Mum, dad, Delphie and Rosa got into the car. Their new bright blue car drove away into the distance, in the direction of the Royal Ballet School. After Delphie and Rosa had their first ballet lesson in the school, with the other girls and boys at the same age, they ran upstairs to get unpacked. In their room, Delphie took out the pins and her bobble that make her bun, she shook her hair loose. Rosa took out HER pins and bobble. There was a rap on the door and Delphie and Rosa exchanged panicked glances at each other. 'Were they allowed to take their hair out so soon?!'. "It's me, Blossom." a joyful voice called. Rosa opened the door and in stepped the black strand-y fringe haired girl. SHE also had her black strands of hair loose. She had happy bright blue eyes hiding beneath her strand-y black fringe. They all sat down together and started to chat. The next day, Delphie and Rosa phoned their mum and dad to tell them all about the perfect work-out yesterday and their newly made friend, Blossom.



我們家自從妹妹開始有自己的意見,就常常見到各式各樣的“卡位戰”,兩個姐妹經常互不相讓,當然,姐姐要吃虧一點啦!誰叫姐姐個性溫柔一點,又比較講理一點呢! 話說我們今天在回家的路上,先是搭火車去機場,貝貝坐上位置之後,因為是靠牆的位置,邊上有個插座,我們為了安全起見,就想姐姐和貝貝換個位置,姐姐當然沒問題,還幫我們好言相勸貝貝和她換位置,可惜貝貝是個拿到手絕不輕言放棄的個性,只好就維持這樣的座位一直到機場。 上了飛機,因為妹妹小,媽咪抱著貝貝先進去座位,就順手把貝貝放在位置上,可是姐姐也想要做靠窗的位置,這下子兩個人就吵架了,媽咪把中間的位置讓給姐姐,姐姐還是不滿意,但妹妹是抵死不讓,姐姐就生氣了,就乾脆不看外面,兩個人各自在座位上看著兩邊。過了不久,妹妹想睡了,想要和媽咪坐,卻依然不肯和姐姐換到中間的位置,而姐姐呢,也不肯把中間的位置給媽咪,最後就是妹妹靠著椅子自己睡著了,姐姐也趴在座位餐桌上睡。 看著兩姐妹這麼互不相讓的樣子,爸比媽咪有時候也真的是不知道該怎麼處理才好,要嘛,就只能要姐姐讓,可是也不能總是叫姐姐吃虧,所以,只好自己忍耐,讓姐妹們吵吵,看看能不能兩姐妹自己吵出什麼和平相處的辦法。唉∼∼圓圓貝貝啊,你們還需要多久的“磨合期”啊?



我們家自從妹妹開始有自己的意見,就常常見到各式各樣的“卡位戰”,兩個姐妹經常互不相讓,當然,姐姐要吃虧一點啦!誰叫姐姐個性溫柔一點,又比較講理一點呢! 話說我們今天在回家的路上,先是搭火車去機場,貝貝坐上位置之後,因為是靠牆的位置,邊上有個插座,我們為了安全起見,就想姐姐和貝貝換個位置,姐姐當然沒問題,還幫我們好言相勸貝貝和她換位置,可惜貝貝是個拿到手絕不輕言放棄的個性,只好就維持這樣的座位一直到機場。 上了飛機,因為妹妹小,媽咪抱著貝貝先進去座位,就順手把貝貝放在位置上,可是姐姐也想要做靠窗的位置,這下子兩個人就吵架了,媽咪把中間的位置讓給姐姐,姐姐還是不滿意,但妹妹是抵死不讓,姐姐就生氣了,就乾脆不看外面,兩個人各自在座位上看著兩邊。過了不久,妹妹想睡了,想要和媽咪坐,卻依然不肯和姐姐換到中間的位置,而姐姐呢,也不肯把中間的位置給媽咪,最後就是妹妹靠著椅子自己睡著了,姐姐也趴在座位餐桌上睡。 看著兩姐妹這麼互不相讓的樣子,爸比媽咪有時候也真的是不知道該怎麼處理才好,要嘛,就只能要姐姐讓,可是也不能總是叫姐姐吃虧,所以,只好自己忍耐,讓姐妹們吵吵,看看能不能兩姐妹自己吵出什麼和平相處的辦法。唉∼∼圓圓貝貝啊,你們還需要多久的“磨合期”啊?


cultural shcok--廁所篇

話說這次到了歐洲,媽咪才有再次發現,除了聽不懂看不懂之外,久久沒有出現的cultural shock又再度重現江湖了!! 就說我們早上在火車站排隊買票的時候吧!媽咪想上廁所,順著指標找到了廁所,哇!!只要往裡面走,啊?門口有個男人收錢,錢投進去,門才能開。天啊!媽咪印象中收錢的廁所,只有大概三十年前小時候(剛剛還打成二十年,後來一算,哦!錯了,應該是三十,嗚∼∼∼),風景區的廁所門口坐著一個阿婆,付了錢她就給你兩張衛生紙。但是,隨著時代進步,廁所越來越乾淨,也沒有收錢的阿婆,連衛生紙也不再需要自己準備,媽咪幾乎認為,廁所嘛!就是需要就有的一種設施,在各大百貨車站,還要速食店都會有的啊!只有乾淨程度的區別,從來沒有想過收費多少的差異。 摸摸鼻子,媽咪只好去跟排隊買票的爸比要點零錢,還好我們有點歐元銅板,媽咪終於順利的進入廁所。 洗手的時候,媽咪又再度發現奇怪的地方,原來洗手台貼了標語,說那裡只可以洗手,不可以洗臉和刮鬍子,好啦,洗臉我懂,可是誰在女廁所刮鬍子啊,好奇的媽咪就回頭去看,哇!不得了,剛剛進來的時候還沒發現,只覺得為什麼是男生在門口收錢,後來自己找了藉口說大概是這樣比較安全,不怕被搶劫。但是原來,這個廁所門進來之後,就是一間間的廁所,“男女不分”,哇,這個比收錢更讓媽咪驚訝,因為媽咪還沒有見過不分男女的公廁!(還是小學的時候可能有過?真的不記得了!)難怪媽咪在廁所門口沒有看到“男廁”或是“女廁”的標誌,只有一個“廁所”,而媽咪剛才也沒注意就進來了!還好媽咪前面後面進來的都是女生,不然,媽咪應該更正就受到驚嚇了吧? 後來跟爸比說到這件事,爸比說,很多歐洲廁所真的是不分男女,只是我們在英美待慣了,自然覺得男女有別,所以會不習慣而已。哇!好啊,媽咪這次歐洲行,又長見識了,真是讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路啊!! 嗯∼∼真是有趣的文化差異,不知道,我們接下來的行程,還會給我們多少“驚喜”呢?


cultural shock--廁所篇

話說這次到了歐洲,媽咪才有再次發現,除了聽不懂看不懂之外,久久沒有出現的cultural shock又再度重現江湖了!! 就說我們早上在火車站排隊買票的時候吧!媽咪想上廁所,順著指標找到了廁所,哇!!只要往裡面走,啊?門口有個男人收錢,錢投進去,門才能開。天啊!媽咪印象中收錢的廁所,只有大概三十年前小時候(剛剛還打成二十年,後來一算,哦!錯了,應該是三十,嗚∼∼∼),風景區的廁所門口坐著一個阿婆,付了錢她就給你兩張衛生紙。但是,隨著時代進步,廁所越來越乾淨,也沒有收錢的阿婆,連衛生紙也不再需要自己準備,媽咪幾乎認為,廁所嘛!就是需要就有的一種設施,在各大百貨車站,還要速食店都會有的啊!只有乾淨程度的區別,從來沒有想過收費多少的差異。 摸摸鼻子,媽咪只好去跟排隊買票的爸比要點零錢,還好我們有點歐元銅板,媽咪終於順利的進入廁所。 洗手的時候,媽咪又再度發現奇怪的地方,原來洗手台貼了標語,說那裡只可以洗手,不可以洗臉和刮鬍子,好啦,洗臉我懂,可是誰在女廁所刮鬍子啊,好奇的媽咪就回頭去看,哇!不得了,剛剛進來的時候還沒發現,只覺得為什麼是男生在門口收錢,後來自己找了藉口說大概是這樣比較安全,不怕被搶劫。但是原來,這個廁所門進來之後,就是一間間的廁所,“男女不分”,哇,這個比收錢更讓媽咪驚訝,因為媽咪還沒有見過不分男女的公廁!(還是小學的時候可能有過?真的不記得了!)難怪媽咪在廁所門口沒有看到“男廁”或是“女廁”的標誌,只有一個“廁所”,而媽咪剛才也沒注意就進來了!還好媽咪前面後面進來的都是女生,不然,媽咪應該更正就受到驚嚇了吧? 後來跟爸比說到這件事,爸比說,很多歐洲廁所真的是不分男女,只是我們在英美待慣了,自然覺得男女有別,所以會不習慣而已。哇!好啊,媽咪這次歐洲行,又長見識了,真是讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路啊!! 嗯∼∼真是有趣的文化差異,不知道,我們接下來的行程,還會給我們多少“驚喜”呢?



After the ballet show rehearsal, Delphie took off her blue head band with three blue feathers on. She sat down on the stage and stretched her legs. Rosa ran to Delphie. "You were brilliant! You didn't get any thing wrong at all!" Rosa exclaimed, they lived together nut even so, Rosa loves to compliment Delphie on her wonderful dancing. Madame Zavaroka's ballet class grade 3 was performing a show about how a sea nymph needs to know where a clump of golden sea weed is and a blue bird that is lost on the beach needs to find a golden feather. They get help from each other and while the two have gone, the sea creatures are very sad and the birds are very sad too. Then, when they both get back, the task succeeded, the animals(including the mammals now) all celebrate on the beach and the fish ballerina's stay in the water bit. It's a wonderful show. Just as Delphie had stood up. Sukie dashed past, elbowing Delphie by accident making Delphie sprain her ankle badly. "Ow!" she cried. Delphie tumbled on to the floor. Pain flashed across her face. Sukie stared at Delphie, 'Why is she making such a fuss when I just pushed her by accident?' Sukie wandered. She walked off the stage to get her rabbit ears in case they got lost. 'The show was in a week so if she hurt her tummy by accident, Delphie would recover.'. Rosa didn't just stand there, she ran off the stage to get Madame ZaZa. "What happened Delphie?" Madame ZaZa asked. Delphie didn't get a chance to answer. "Can you move your toes?" she asked. Delphie nodded sullenly. She flexed her toes easily without any pain, but when she tried to move her ankle, pain rushed through. Delphie gasped in pain. "It's just a sprain but you'll have to rest for 2 weeks." "What about the show?!" Delphie cried. "Sukie will have to play the bluebird." Madame ZaZa explained. Delphie's eyes welled up with tears, she knew that Sukie would probably be grinning from ear to ear(Sukie wanted to play either the water nymph or the bluebird because they're the main characters) and she didn't have to look through her wobbly, watery eyesight now because of her tears to know! At home, when the day after tomorrow would be the show, Delphie sat on the sofa watching Cinderella, cuddling her little dolly ballerina. "Rosa! Come watch this bit! I'd enjoy some company!" Delphie called out from downstairs to upstairs. Rosa walked down angrily. "I'm pretty sure Sukie did that on purpose!" she shouted. Delphie nodded sadly. They watched Cinderella before the doorbell rang. "Is dad already home?!" Rosa asked, shocked, It was only three o'clock(Madame ZaZa let them have a day's rest)! "No. It's...Sukie, a friend." their mum called. They looked at each other in confusion when suddenly Sukie walked in. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, it was an accident! I know you thought I did it on purpose and it was very kind of you to not tell Madame ZaZa the not-true-but-looks-like-it idea! I wish your ankle is alright!" Sukie blurted out, "I bought you this!". She opened the pink sparkly box and soft music floated out with a ballerina twirling around in the music box. "A music box!" Delphie cried in delight. The ballerina twinkled and sparkles floated over to her. Cautiously, Delphie wriggled her ankle. "My foot," she began, "It's better!" "Nice try Delphie! But the doctor said you need to rest for two weeks." Mrs Durrand confirmed. "No! Look!" Delphie exclaimed. She stepped forward and spun around in a pirouette, then, she tiptoed out of the sofa-squashed area and sank into a deep curtsy. The others watched in amazement except Delphie and Rosa with a knowing smile dancing and playing around on their lips. "It's a miracle!" Mrs Durrand and Sukie chorused in perfect unison. "No, not a miracle. Ballet magic!" Delphie and Rosa whispered to each other. They smiled.


Totally Lucy! Food Hunt!(3)(M)

Hi girls! I've started this fab journal! BTW,(BTW stands for by the way BTW) I, Lucy, is Lu, Jules is Jul and Tilda is Ti or Tild. At Tilda's, 8:00. We are too squashed up in Tilda's armchair that I can barely ______________________I move! Sorry about that. Jules just elbowed me because we are watching Friends and I'm meant to be watching but instead I'm writing this. Tilda's just asked us this, 'Lu, Jul, I know you haven't have breakfast yet today, so, would you like some here? We can have a cereal bar.' Ha! Ha! We always have cereal or toast but not yucky cereal bar! Still, I had to be kind so I will say this. 'Yes please Ti. You're right. I'm starving!' Jules is saying, 'N.' I only let her say that 'cause that will hurt Ti's feeling so I kicked her foot gently with my low heeled pink and orange boots(her family is terribly kind and so fab they are letting Jules wear red strapped teen stilettos! They will probably dig in to my new cool hippy flower boots!). She was going to say 'No thank you for me! Lu doesn't really want it either Tild. Cereal bars are yuck!'. So now we are squashed up in a sofa, watching Friends and me and Jules are scraping the muesli of the bar and into our mouth to our empty tummy filling it with something at least. Wait I just need to throw the bar into the bin that's next to us. I'll be two secs. 5 seconds later. Sorry I am 3 secs late. I just asked Mr Van Der Zwan for permission to go in the kitchen and nip some chocolate. I didn't REALLY wait for his answer though. So Jules is jealous of my wonderful idea and I told her that as long as she lets me write my journal peacefully and unwrap the chocolate bar, I'll show her where in the kitchen it is. Just let me watch the last bit of Friends and eat my bar. See if she's found anything nicer. Back at home, saving my fruit pastilles for when I'm really hungry. Jules found a bag of fruit pastilles at the very back of the cupboard! Tilda said that she bought it at the shops for her sleepover sneakily with her best friend(when she hadn't met us, brilliant us!) Penny. Jules and Tilda shared half of them and stored the half in a smaller plastic bag. Tilda hardly got any sweets or fruit pastilles to eat so when she offered me some I only accepted 1, no 2, okay 4. I told dad that Jules had been really unfair and I was in a DARK AND STORMY mood with her and was really upset,(not REALLY true) so he pitited me a bit and gave me cruncho nuts to treat me. I knew mum wouldn't really give me a packet of cruncho nuts to cheer me up. Wait, dad is telling me that he has a brilliant idea! I'll just listen for a bit. After a bit, 10:00 p.m., shining my torch on my journal. He said that he is going to do a food hunt and whatever you find in my bedroom, you get to eat. Me, Jul, and Ti love Cruncho Nuts, Cruncho Pops and Mint Chocolate Sprinkle. Mint Chocolate Sprinkle packets are these small chocolate balls with a mint top and choclate sprinkles on the mint top that's on the small chocolate balls. He is going to tell me just before the hunt where the three are. He has hidden 6 things so that he can pretend that he expected us to only get two. Jules also knows this is a competition on if I got 1 and she got 2 I would have to say sorry for being in a mood with her. Basically(just me and Jul)whoever gets the most(if it's even 2-2 we do rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to say sorry for a particular reason) will not be the one to say sorry for the particular reason! Grrrrrrr! Not Jules's friend until I win! Byeeeeee! Got to go to sleep! Just before party. I am dressed very well because I'm going to win so I must look good. The three stuff are hidden in the same place, in my make up box. BTW, talking about make up, I'm going to make myself look hippy. My design of me will be a light shade of pink on my cheeks, Cherry Lipstick and Moondust Sparkle(it's sparkley dust that you put on your fingertip and spread on your bottom lip then, you put your lips together and rub them against each other so that it's fairly spread). I'm going to use Moondust Sparkle again and brush it on my eyes like sparkly skin colored eye shadow. Hunt's startin'! Gotta Go! After the hunt, in the afternoon. The hunt's ended and I looked in my make up box first straight away and found the three. I DID get to eat the three but, I shared it with my friends of course. Jules realized that she'd forgot to say sorry for not sharing with me. AND, she realized it because of MY true friendship and ME sharing. Yes!Yay! Lucy Jessica Hartely See you in my new journal!


Dream come true!(M)

Emily touched the cute fuzzy lamb before walking away to the primates with her mum and dad. When they got there, Emily dragged her mum and dad away with her to the orangutans. Their long orange fur kept Emily from seeing the other monkeys. "You want to see the monkeys doing tricks though don't you?" Mrs Mayar asked, "We'll come to the zoo next time and you can spend a lot of time in the primates wandering and feeding the orangutans. We'll sign up for feeding the monkeys and walking the well trained orangutans. Alright darling?" Emily nodded and walked away, still clutching onto the little toy orangutan she'd won yesterday from a monkey competition. She knew all about primates and monkeys. She loved the orangutan. As soon as they got home, she put down her little toy orangutan and started to write her diary. She wrote all about going to the zoo and seeing the monkeys, the chimps, primates and definitely the orangutan. She adored animals and would love to have 4 pets. Every time Emily asked her mum and dad about having a moshling,(her made up dream animal(she still thinks it's true)that she wants to have) a bunny and a lamb, they always shook their heads and said 'When we get enough money, we'll buy you a bunny. Not a lamb, sorry dear, it's just not a suitable pet!' then Emily would say 'How about a moshling?' her mum would say 'We probably wouldn't have enough money to buy one darling. Besides, there's no such thing as a moshling!'. Emily always insisted that there was but somewhere deep in her heart she knew that there wasn't. That somewhere is just to deep for her to know! A Week Later Emily was sewing peacefully a moshling toy, her cute white lamb snuggled up beside her. All she needed was a toy bunny to complete her dreams. She finished the moshling toy by sewing the ears together, it wasn't as secure as she wanted though. 'I just need to ask mum if it's secure enough.' thought Emily. She tiptoed up the stairs in case she woke the snoring dad that was asleep on the couch. Her mum was sewing something that she wouldn't tell Emily. Emily decided that if she opened the door very quietly, she wouldn't make mum realize that someone was in her bedroom. Emily's mum already realized what Emily was doing because of her brilliant ears that told her absolutely everything! She put the moshling toy that she was sewing under the bed and the plan that Emily had did on how to base the look on her dream moshling. It was like a brown bear with a white-ish pig snout. "Mum! What are you sewing?! I should have known that your too good ears will hear me creeping and dad snoring so you know it's me not dad who is sharing the secret with you! Please! What are you sewing?" Emily begged. Her mum just shook her head mysteriously and said, "Now, what do you need?" "I need you to check if it's stable enough and a need a blue tag with white outlining and a hard white tag stand that will stand up." Mrs Mayar handed it to her from her sewing/craft kit that was a white box with small, faint, red dots. A Week Later Emily mum and dad finally had enough money to buy her a pink bunny rabbit. Her dream had finally come true(Or so she thought!)! A Month Later Just as Emily's mum had said, her not very good copy of her what-my-moshling-will-look-like plan, had fallen apart. It was just the cover and the fluff that exploded out of the to weak threads. That time her mum had finished sewing her secret moshling. Her mum's moshling that she had sewn was better than the drawing and had the tag, tag stand and the red heart drawn on the tag! "What a mess!" Mr Mayar exclaimed after another afternoon nap. Emily's mum hurried downstairs to see the not-very-good moshling cover and the fluff. She put the cotton fluff away in her kit in case Emily wanted to have a go at sewing a cushion with her mum which would be a thousand times easier. Mrs Mayar picked up the cover and ran upstairs to decorate the outside of her sewing/craft kit. Then, she took out the secret moshling she'd been sewing(and finished) and hurried downstairs. "Here dear Emily. That was what I was sewing all along." she announced. Emily cuddled up with the three and placed it in order, her moshling first, then her real live pink bunny, finally, her other toy, the cute, white lamb.


Royal Ballet School (9)(M)

"What if we don't get through?! What if we hurt ourselves and while we're away, people take our space and we don't get in?!" Rosa exclaimed. Rosa and Delphie put on their leotard and their waistband. Delphie was as relaxed as ever while Rosa was rather nervous. "Don't worry Rosa. Relax!" Delphie soothed. "Oh, your like mum!" Rosa exclaimed. She tied her golden hair into a bun and put the yellow clips in to make her bun secure. Delphie patted Rosa on the back, "We'll have a big feast full of chocolates, cakes and sandwiches with many different drinks at the Royal ballet school even if we don't get through, to throw our disappointment away." Delphie continued. She tied her dark hair in a bun with the brown hair clips pushed in just as neat as Rosa. At the Royal Ballet School, Imogen, the helper explained the rules to the young ballet-lovers. There were surprised exclaims like 'We need hairspray?! Only 16 of us can get in, and there are about 40 of us!'. That rose Rosa's nerves even more. Imogen hushed them with a quick clap of her hands. "May I please have the best young ballerinas to take their exam please. The two youngest best ballerinas are Rosa Maitland and Delphie Durrand." Rosa's mum and Delphie's dad were alone so the two married each other. Rosa's middle name was Maitland and they were not allowed to have the same last name in the Royal Ballet School so they used Rosa's middle name. They gasped at the names. They were the youngest best ballerinas? That meant that they would certainly get in! Imogen walked towards them before leading them over to the examination room. Another helper asked the another two ballerinas to the doctors to test if they were healthy enough to join. Then led them to the health test room. Another helper came to ask one ballerina to the interview of the boss, Darcey Bussel. Then, led the girl to the interview room. That evening after everyone had done all three tests, the feast began. Delphie and Rosa ate fruits and veg and sandwiches, only picking out one chocolate and a scoop of ice cream, in case they got a bit too fat for the Ballet School. One person stuffed their mouth with a toffee bar, a spear of chocolate crisp and a yummy-looking chocolate-covered marshmallow bar. Another person swallowed his mouthful of malted milk bar, helped himself to a butterscotch and a bit of ice cream before he started to eat fruit. When the feast was over, everyone filed out happily munching on the last of their food, a bit nervous a well. A Week Later Delphie and Rosa ran back from school. It was the last day of school before half term holidays. "Have you got it?" Rosa asked excitedly. "Has the mail come?" asked Delphie, a bit more specifically. They half expected Mrs Durrand to say 'No'. Instead, she nodded. "Here, you two open it together or decide who will open it." Delphie and Rosa huddled together to decide who would open it. 'Swswswswswswswsws' came from the huddle. "Mum and Dad!" they chorused in perfect unison. "Yes Dears?" Dad/Mr Durrand said. He was dressed in a black suit with a red tie on. He had just came back from work. They explained that they wanted him to open the envelope and mum take it out and they will/Rosa Delphie will read it to themselves with their expressions on to tell them if they got in. Slowly, with a lot of tension, dad opened the golden envelope passed it to mum and mum took it out and passed it to the girls. The girls read it to themselves and when they finished they kept their expressions straight and hid behind the big golden envelope before tears of joy welled up in their eyes and spilled out. They pretended that they were tears of sadness. Delphie burst into a hug with Dad and Rosa with Mum. Mum and Dad were both fooled and tears welled up in mum's eyes, dad's eyes became wet, "Mum, dad......we got in!" they squealed. Mum and dad burst into fresh sobs, this time, tears of joy.


The First Fairy and Madame ZaZa(8)(M)

Delphie finished school early with Rosa and they skipped down the road to their house. They tied their hair up in a bun before slipping on their pointe shoes. It was the day after summer holidays so they began their ballet classes again. Delphie and Rosa took their ballet bags and walked to Madame Zavaroka's(or Madame ZaZa as they've been told to call her)ballet school. They got there at 4:00 sharp and changed in 5 minutes meaning they had 25 mins of warm up time left. "I would suggest we go to Enchantia!" Delphie suggested. She and Rosa searched the shelves for the Bluebird piece of music. "Found it!" Rosa exclaimed. Rosa put it in the CD player and switched it on. Delphie pulled Rosa into the center as the music started. They danced with the music letting the music take over them. Delphie started to disappear and mist covered most of her. Rosa tripped and Delphie began to worry. She ran over and snapped off the CD player, she started to glow and the magic was bringing her to Enchantia, Rosa lifted herself up and ran towards Delphie, "Hold on to me!" Delphie exclaimed as she started to glow. They didn't notice Madame ZaZa at the door. Rosa grabbed on, but did she make it through, we don't know... "Rosa, Delphie! You're back! Oh! Mother, Father! They're back!" A voice exclaimed. Delphie had a panic-striken look on her face while Rosa had her eyes closed in a I-hope-I-got-to-Enchantia face. "Princess Aurelia? King Tristan? Queen Isabella?" they(Delphie and Rosa)chorused, faces turning happy. "Oh! Oh! And us too!" another voice called "Nutmeg! Oh Delphie, and you have your Sugar too!" Rosa exclaimed. "We should celebrate this day where Holly(from the end of her adventure), Rosa and Delphie are back!" King Tristan boomed. While they were having a party, Madame ZaZa noticed the freeze frame. She walked forward about to leap into a Grande jete when a small voice urged in her head to 'Jump out the window! It will be a quicker way to get there and you will not die because you are a friend of Enchantia so you will land in midair and disappear!' Madame ZaZa ignored the voice and jumped into a Grande jete where mist swirled around her and she was transported to Enchantia. At Enchantia the feast began bigger because of adding a new good old friend. "Who was your fairy Madame ZaZa?" asked Rosa as Delphie stumbled through the crowd. "Yes who was she?" Delphie chimed in. "Oh you don't need to know!" Madame ZaZa smiled. The jolly music stopped and the crowd gasped in awe as Madame ZaZa stepped forward and the First Fairy appeared. Back at the studio, Madame ZaZa was still smiling at Holly, Delphie and Rosa, "Your fairy was the First Fairy?!" they asked gawping. "Yes Dears." Madame ZaZa replied. "I thought this was a class day, not a gawping-because-my-fairy-friend-was-the-First Fairy-and-we-found-out-in-Enachantia-day!" Madame ZaZa said quite jokily. They started class glances passed from Holly to Rosa and Rosa to Delphie and Delphie to Madame ZaZa who passed it back to Delphie and it started all over again the opposite way.


Strawberry Time In Sarnio Town!(M)

Hello Kitty Hello Kitty/Me washed up my dishes and skipped outside to meet my best friend bunny called Melody! Melody I waited outside her garden eagerly. It was cherry time in Sarnio Town! Me and Hello Kitty/Kitty loved strawberries! Kitty walked out of her house with a ladder and we climbed on it to reach the yummy juicy red strawberries! "Hello, Hello Kitty! Kitty, I have some ice cream, shall we have some of that with a strawberry on the top before we have our strawberry feast?" I asked her happily. Kitty nodded her head with a smile on her face and we plucked a strawberry each for our ice cream. "Like a strawberries Sundae!" she exclaimed! We laughed and started to scoop out our ice creams. I took some bowls out and we put the ice cream in it with our cherries on the top. Some cute little birds flew over to pick some cherries to eat as well! Kitty giggled, "We're not the only ones who love strawberries..." "Look! They took the strawberries off our bowls as well!"I laughed. We both did! Hello Kitty "Let's go and see Pinocchio the dog. Maybe he'll have his marbles polished and we can go to the bank with him? We might as well see him work and get some money to buy strawberries Sundaes!" I suggested when we finished our strawberries feast and ice cream. Melody smiled and we went to see Pinocchio the dog. Pinocchio was finishing polishing his last marble that was a multi-colored one. He put it down and smiled as he waved at us. When he'd finished with the multi-colored marble we went to the bank and I saw it was very busy! I told Melody all the names as she wrote them whizzing through. She has a natural talent for typing and writing! When we'd finished there was a smaller crowd now and we were able to get our money for buying the strawberries. We waited for the crowd to go away and we chorused in perfect unison, "That was busy!" and went out to Sarnio a supermarket's name(as well as our town name!). When we got out we saw the huge busy crowd again, bustling towards Sarnio! They were the exact same animals that were in the bank! They charged down the road as soon as it was safe to cross! We walked back to my house and ate our strawberries there! I think we would prefer quiet and not too crowded places!


Found on Birthday!(2)(M)

Ava scanned the table for her new book called 'Marietta's dress shop'. Milly and Billy stood there with their hands open. "Tilly?" she asked, knowing her younger sister Milly wouldn't have it and her younger brother Billy wouldn't either, but Tilly definitely was adventurous and would probably find it in the book's hiding place. You see, Ava hid the book in her bedroom's secret doorway to the attic. Next time she would have to make it clear that noone could go in her bedroom unless there is company of her or her to supervise. They should knock and maybe she should put a sign in her secret bedroom in the attic. They had lots of secret rooms that were shared except one that they had privately to themselves. It was there secret attic bedrooms. Tilly smiled sweetly as she did something behind her back like putting something small in her jean pockets. She reached out and laid her hands on the table. "What were you doing Tilly?" Billy asked. "You know if your hiding the small novel called Marietta whatever, you're getting us all grounded." "And! We didn't do anything! Please just hand it to Ava and everything is sorted. Just don't go in her private bedroom where she hid it!" Milly pleaded. In the attic, Ava sat there sobbing. She'd read The Fire bird but it didn't cheer her up. The next month on her birthday Ava still hadn't found it. The sweet smile had slipped off Tilly's face. She didn't have it really, she just wanted to know if she acted she did would they get fooled? They did! But now she explained it to the others, they didn't. Birthday Time Ava climbed in the attic and went through all the secret passages until she came to her bedroom one. She sat in her bed, praying for it to be found. The door flung open and Milly, Billy and Tilly burst in happily chorusing, "Happy Birthday!" very breathlessly. Seeing them all that happy, "Did you find 'Marietta's dress shop'?!" They all nodded panting. Hooray! Found on Birthday!


New girl(M)(chapter book!)

Chapter 1 Dream Amy prodded at her dinner with her fork. She wasn't hungry at all, because of all the excitement, of the news from the teacher, that a new girl was coming to school tomorrow! "You have to eat something Amy," her mother exclaimed. "Alright. I'll eat my peas and a bit of rice. Then, I'm going to do my homework," Amy answered, already finishing off what she promised to eat. Amy dealt with her homework and went to sleep. That night, she had a wonderful dream that it was a very normal girl gold shiny hair that she left loose everyday. Tomorrow was Mufti Day so the girl would have been phoned to tell her to wear her own clothes. She(in her dream) wore a blue top with red, orange, yellow and green stripes in the middle. The new girl also wore jeans with butterflies on it. She had natural pink lips and misty blue eyes. Her name was called Freya. Chapter 2 New girl Amy brushed her short gold hair and smoothened her short dress with a beautiful ribbon tied on her waist. The ribbon was sky blue and the dress was a gorgeous lilac. She tied it in a ponytail with a red ribbon. She wished she could be best friends with her so much. She forgot it was a dream and the new girl might not look like that! At school, Amy and all the other children were all in impressing home clothes, even Sukie had made an effort! Sukie was a girl that thought she was the best. She often tries to be kind but sometimes (because she's rich) she boasts and goes 'I'm am so going to be better than you' or 'Look at my clothes! They are prettier than your's!'. "Thank you for making an effort to make the girl know are school is kind, good and impressive. We learn quick so hope the girl does too! Her name is Anna. She will come in a minute so we have to be quick to prepare. Sit facing the door please Year 3. The girl is......here!" Miss Yates announced. The class clapped as Anna(the new girl) came through the door! Chapter 3 Dinner "Mum! Dad!Annaisgorgeousandshehasbrownhairuptohershoulderandthe bottombitisniceandcurlyand..." Amy began, all excited about telling her parents about the new girl Anna. "Whoa! Steady Anna! Your like a horse eager to pounce on the jump courses of the race without the flag waving! Slow down!" Dad exclaimed, picking back up his knife and fork to have a forkful of peas. "Whoops! Sorry Dad! Sorry Mum! She is just beautiful. She has brown hair up to her shoulder and the bottom bit is nice and curly. Today she wore a pink vest inside with a strap t-shirt outside. It had little diamond and circle shapes cut out. A pink ribbon was tied just below her chest. Then, Anna wore a...a... how can I describe it. Let's see. Okay! She wore a plain white flow-y dress. Oh! She's gorgeous!" Chapter 4 Bad Luck Amy! The next day was Wednesday. Amy put on her school clothes and had her breakfast. She practically skipped out to school. When she was at school, she saw Anna dressed in school uniform, still pretty! Her hair was tied in to 2 plaits. Her hair also still looked beautiful. Amy decided that she should ask Anna where she lived so she could walk to school with her as well as walking to school with her friends. A week later Amy's heart filled with jealousy. Why did her friends only talk to Anna?! Why weren't they walking to school with her anymore?! Why were they going to school with Anna everyday even though Anna knew the way?! Why didn't they let Anna talk to Amy or let her answer Amy's questions?! Why were they being unfair to everyone in the class?! This had to stop! 'If only I had a chance to talk to the teacher Privately! I'd tell her everything!'. Chapter 5 Caught out! On Tuesday, at school, Amy couldn't bear it any longer and tiptoed into class at playtime away from her mean selfish friends and kind caring Anna who's trying to make friends with Amy and everyone else, to Miss Yates who can solve this. Miss Yates was sitting there marking some work quietly. Sorry to interrupt you Miss Yates. I just have a problem at play and at class and lessons. As well as promises made by my best friends and normal friends." "Yes Amy?" "Well, it's like this." Amy began to explain. She told the teacher about the broken promises, ignoring, no answers allowed, lies and her friends standing guard to Anna not letting anyone play with her or let her say anything to anyone or let anyone touch her like holding hands or shaking hands! When the friends were told, Anna had her freedom! Epilogue: Friends? Best of all, Everyone was friends with everyone now!


Not very fun day(not fair)Totally Lucy! (M)(2)

Hi girls! I've started an absolutely normal journal because my mum insisted that I let Tilda and Jules see my journal. So, my mum decided to buy me a fab journal for my birthday(which is this normal one, that is red and white with a drawing of one friend sitting on a chair holding this journal, with two other friends standing on either side of the chair smiling and leaning on the friend)which she insisted I start it now instead of choosing one I've bought already! Trickster! Saturday a.m., eating my breakfast, about to go to Tilda's to eat! Slurp! Sorry you have to se(e)(sorry) patches of milk but that's cos I'm eating cereal. In my pocket I have some OJ I can bring to Tilda's for a drink(like Fanta). It always helps me think what journal I want next so it could help. I've bought some Wot-sits for a sneaky treat and Tild's favorite bacon flavored crisps! Wait, I need to put my bowl away and take a spare pen in case my fluffy feather pen gets confiscated by Tilda. See you in a few secs! you see my news first! Lucy been naughty and no play board game with me! Not Fair! ’︿ ’ ^ When I've done my things. ^ ^ So sorry about that thing. Well, I need to study my homework at Tild's as well so, I'm just gonna let Tilda help me and then I'll write the working out and answer! Hopefully not much! At Tild's reading my book. The homework was to read about a birthday surprise book. I'm just flicking through and reading it. Oh no! I know the homework and I'm now writing in here? I'm in trouI_________________________ 5 min later, crunching crisps, drinking OJ. She was just hungry. IT's a not very fun day!



所有的肉類中,貝貝算是比較能接受雞肉,媽咪覺得,大概是因為雞肉纖維比較容易咬斷,不像豬肉牛肉那麼難嚼。 昨天傍晚,因為天氣不錯,我們就醃了一些肉,在外面BBQ當晚餐,不知道是因為邊吃邊玩就吃多了,還是烤雞對了貝貝的胃口,貝貝竟然吃掉了大半個雞腿,不是只有雞腿哦!還有大腿的那種“大雞腿”,我們的小貝貝就這樣吃一口,把叉子給媽咪,再叉一塊,一口接一口的吃掉幾乎一隻大雞腿,讓爸比媽咪都又驚又喜(當然,驚的是貝貝的食量竟然也可以如此之大,喜的是終於找到如此對貝貝胃口的食物)。 今天中午,我們把昨天剩下的醃肉繼續烤來當午餐,而貝貝沒有等到午餐時間就睡著了。 貝貝醒來後,看到我們在吃東西,一向都會故意視而不見的貝貝,不知道是不是想起了昨天的烤雞,跑來跟媽咪要東西吃。可惜貝貝起得太晚,肉全部被吃完了(貝貝啊,不要怪我們啊,我們之前可是留過幾百次給你,但是你都不賞臉,害我們不知道浪費多少美味的食物),只剩下一些蔬菜,媽咪給貝貝一塊,貝貝一嘗,哦哦,不是,還給媽咪。又不停地指媽咪的盤子,媽咪知道貝貝是想吃肉,可是就沒有了啊!只好給貝貝自己看,貝貝看了一下,發現有咖啡色的東西,比較像昨天的烤肉,可惜是沾醬,貝貝在證實真的沒有烤雞之後,終於絕望地接受媽咪的建議,烤兩塊小fish finger吃。 哈哈,貝貝啊,你也會有想吃卻吃不到的時候啊?好可憐啊!不過,有點這樣的經驗,會不會讓你以後比較有食慾啊?那媽咪可是很期待哦!!


The magical toothbrushes(3)(M)

______________________________________________________________________ May 7th Saturday. Dear Buttercup, I'm having great fun, only, I don't know how to come to your land without needing you to be in trouble. I wish I could have fun times like parties, instead of all the trouble King Rat cause. I wish I could come to visit you everyday! May xxx(in my fancy writing!) ______________________________________________________________________ May picked up her pink bag, clipped on her pink clip, dressed in her blue dress and white socks. 'I'm all ready.' she told herself. She put the inky yellow letter to Buttercup in her pink bag. "Mum! Can I brush my teeth?" called May, clutching her bag nervously. If she went through, it meant King Rat was up to his tricks again. But then, she desperately wanted to visit them and have more adventures as well. "Sure dear!" mum called from the kitchen. May held the tooth brush for ten seconds... "Oh wow! She's back!" a happy voice exclaimed. "Well! That's brilliant! We need her help again! May! So sorry we called you again! We're in big trouble again!" a familiar voice called. "Wait! Buttercup and...?" May called. "Me? Oh I'm Daisy." the joyful fairy called. In the happy daisy fairy's voice was a tense bit and a sad bit AND a scared and nervous bit. Back at the palace, the King and Queen told us about Princess Aurelia going to give King Rat a lesson, and getting caught. "Oh dear!" May cried. She stayed at their palace for the night. Sleeping not very peacefully. She decided after the bad experience at King Rat's spooky dark castle that she could be brave. She flew over and crept in the castle. She used her magic to magic Princess Aurelia out. The whispers Aurelia had whispered to her when she was out woke King Rat as well as the bluebell smell! "Oh no!" whispered! they hid until he went and they were safe once again!


Totally Lucy!Sewin Surprise!(2) (M)

Hi girls! I've started my very own knew journal that has a secret key so Alex won't come and read and write in my journal! Phew! I'm 13!(not for real but in the book!) Saturday the 7th of May, sitting in the toilets, avoiding the queen of bore. I just can't decide whether to go out and sneak away in case Mr Cain(school uniform police)is still out there waiting to undo my fab make up. Really sorry I am writing this on toilet paper. Bang! What on fashion moon is that?! Oh my goodness, I'm leaning on the toilet door and a girl(obviously) is pushing the door. Sorry but I have to go________________ 3mins later in the toilet It was Jules(Julietta Garcia Perez Benedicionatorio, out of breath! Like (breath!) supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (breath again!)) Oh Wow! I've stayed in the toilets for 5 min and didn't notice that it's home time! Anyway, what Tilda(Matilda-Jane)told Jules and Jules told me, is way more important! She told me that th__________ At Jule's after school, My fluffy pen confiscated, using a borrowed black Biro pen to write to you. :( The news was, the denim miniskirt with a fab yellow top I sewed was brilliant to them and they decided that I could design new styles and clothes and sew the more easy ones! That earning more money for me to save up and buy a gorge couple of expensive denim(or even sew on zips!)fabric and buy lots of brilliant journals! Back at home 6:00 p.m., eating dinner and playing with peas and carrots designing my new style after telling mum the news! I've just had some brilliant designs and is just mucking about with my peas and carrots. Oh, well, I guess I should stop getting addicted to playing with peas and carrots and just get upstairs, draw my gorge designs, send them off and start sewing some simple designs or socks NOW! 12:00 at midnight, a week later, Tuesday! I need to go to sleep now because I spent the week sewing a black top with silver zips on and a denim miniskirt and a white vest and a baby pj AND a kids blue top and skirt! I need to put my lock away______________ i know where lucys key is!i write on her jornal anytime i want now! Oh dear maybe life as a designer won't make me push away my Max worries! :( :( :( Not Fair!:( :( :( Byeeee! I'll have to talk to you in my brand new journal now!