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S7 jumping fun


Dates for students/parents to meet up Dear everyone We have decided that a trip to Jumping Fun one weekend afternoon will be fun for students and parents alike. If there are at least 10 children jumping, they can jump for 85 kr. for one hour and they will need special non-slip socks that must be purchased at the venue for 20 kr. (can be used again on future visits). It's 95 kr. for one hour otherwise. Under the venue's rules, jumping is at own risk. We can bring our own refreshments (or there is a cafe with a limited menu). We have chosen some dates for the event: Sat 7/10; Sun 8/10; Sat 14/10; or Sun 5/11. Please let me know via intra. or sms (21379077) by 24 Sept if you would like to join in and which date/s you can make it. Best regards, Tina (Mathilde's mother) and Fenella (Felix's mother). ------------------------------------------ Dear Fenella and Tina, My two kids Tim and his sister Joanne (@P4)would like to join And the appropriate date for us is Sat 7/10 Thanks for your arrangement All the best, Ching-Yu -------------------------------------------- Dear everyone The most popular date to meet up at Jumping Fun is 7 October. We will be meeting inside the entrance to Jumping Fun at 14:30.(Edisonsvej 9-11, Odense C) The children will be using the trampolines between 15:00 and 16:00, which means they need to be ready to watch a safety video at 14:45 (or they will not be able to jump for the full hour). Celena (+1) Ali (+2) Linus (+1) Meng-Joon (+1) Tim (+1) Bjarke Luca Irina Alissa Silas Felix (+1) (Please remember the children have to be 6 and over to jump.) Anyone else who wants to join us are welcome to send me an email in the next couple of days. We are looking forward to a fun afternoon next Saturday. :) Best wishes, Fenella

The Viking


http://nypost.com/2017/09/08/viking-skeletons-dna-test-proves-historians-wrong/ Viking skeleton’s DNA test proves historians wrong By Natalie O'Neill September 8, 2017 | 4:32pm | Updated The remains of a powerful Viking — long thought to be a man — was in fact a real-life Xena Warrior Princess, a study released Friday reveals. The lady war boss was buried in the mid-10th century along with deadly weapons and two horses, leading archaeologists and historians to assume she was a man, according to the findings published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Wrong. “It’s actually a woman, somewhere over the age of 30 and fairly tall, too, measuring around [5 feet 6 inches] tall,” archaeologist Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson of Uppsala University, who conducted the study, told The Local. And she was likely in charge. “Aside from the complete warrior equipment buried along with her — a sword, an ax, a spear, armor-piercing arrows, a battle knife, shields, and two horses — she had a board game in her lap, or more of a war-planning game used to try out battle tactics and strategies, which indicates she was a powerful military leader,” Hedenstierna-Jonson said. “She’s most likely planned, led and taken part in battles.” The discovery marks the first genetic proof that women were Viking warriors, according to science publication Phys.org. The Viking grave was first found and excavated by Swedish archaeologist Hjalmar Stolpe in the late 1800s. But a few years ago, osteologist Anna Kjellström of Stockholm University noticed its skeleton had fine cheekbones and feminine hip bones, researches said. They conducted DNA analysis and confirmed it was a female. “This image of the male warrior in a patriarchal society was reinforced by research traditions and contemporary preconceptions. Hence, the biological sex of the individual was taken for granted,” Hedenstierna-Jonson and other researchers wrote in the report. The research was led by the Stockholm and Uppsala universities.

17.00-19.30 workshop@OIS


21st September 17.00-19.30 at Odense International School We are pleased to announce a great offer for new arrivals and international families in collaboration with International Community Odense. The Resilient Expat Family – how do they do it? The well being of couple and family relationships has been well documented as having a key role in the success of international assignments. The inability of the family to adjust is the second most cited reason for international assignment failure. Expat life carries with it some inherent challenges that can be difficult for couples and families to overcome. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by these challenges, but these times of struggle actually offer a great opportunity to find new resources within yourself and to develop new patterns of interaction to strengthen relationships and develop resilience to tackle future significant life events together. During the seminar we will identify some of the common difficulties couples and families encounter during their expatriate experience. We will also discuss factors which enable families to create strong relationships during their international journey so they can respond to each challenge with greater resilience and optimism. You will learn about: · Common challenges · Stages of emotional adjustment for the whole family · Family roles and expectations · Risks, resilience and resource · Strategies to help you thrive The workshop you will be invited to share some of your experiences as internationals and to learn both from me and from each other.

MOT programme


Please open the attachment for information about our MOT programme (wellbeing strategy) starting soon in S7-S11. ----------------------------------------- Regarding MOT (=COURAGE) at Odense International School Dear students and parents in S7-S11, As we have forecasted in our summer letter and on parents’ night, we are implementing a wellbeing programme (MOT) for our oldest students. Grade 7-9 at Henriette Hørlücks and S7-S11 at OIS will receive MOT workshops 3-6 times annually. Each workshop will last 3-4 lessons and involve the students in practical exercises, stories, games, dialogue and roleplay. The aim is to support the development of mindful young people with ‘grit’. MOT was established in Norway by top athletes who wanted to leave a mark as role models for the younger generation. The programme is now implemented in more than 300 schools in Norway. Denmark joined the programme in 2013 and 50 schools have now implemented the programme as part of their wellbeing strategy. On our campus we have sent 4 members of staff off to receive MOT coach training. They will be visiting and working with our classes. At OIS Johanne Skaanes-Allo (the head) will be working with S7/8 and Henriette Johnsen will be following up S9 and S10/11. S7/8 will be involved in MOT workshops six times this year, while S9 and S10/11 will only receive three visits. MOT is based on exploring the following three principles: COURAGE to live COURAGE to say no COURAGE to care The workshops will take place: S7/8: Thursday 14th September lesson 1-3 Friday 22nd September lesson 2-4 Tuesday 7th November lesson 1-3 Monday 22nd January lesson 1-3 Thursday 8th March lesson 1-3 Thursday 12th April lesson 5-7 S9: Tuesday 24th October lesson 3-6 Friday 8th December lesson 3-6 Tuesday 20th March lesson 3-6 S10/11: Friday 27th October lesson 3-6 Tuesday 5th December lesson 3-6 Friday 6th April lesson 3-6 We have added some links to videos about MOT and the MOT website for your information. Unfortunately, some of the material is only available in Danish. However, you are very welcome to contact us should you have any questions. Best Regards The MOT Team Rikke Sonne, Henriette Johnsen, Johanne Skaanes-Allo and Stine Malling Vårdal https://mot.global https://motdanmark.dk/ https://motdanmark.dk/om-mot/kort-om-mot/ (video) https://motdanmark.dk/ambassador/

DISNAC Primary Cross Country


Dear OIS parents, On Thursday the 7th of September our school will be hosting the 2017 DISNAC(Danish International Schools Network Cross Country) Primary School Cross Country at Odense Atletik Stadion. Our P1/P2/P3/P4/P5 and P6 students will be participating in the 6 races that are on the programme for the day. It is a tradition at our school that all teachers and older students cater for the younger ones on this particular day. Therefore all our secondary school students will be helping with various tasks during the event. However, we would like to invite parents who have the time and opportunity to be part of this popular community event to join us and help with the timing of our young athletes. You can contact me on intra or by phone on 53380311 if you are interested in joining us for the day. It also goes without saying that all parents have access to the stadium as spectators. ------------------------------------------------------ P4 Dear Parents, It is the Danish International Schools Network Cross Country run this week on Thursday 7th September. School will start at the usual time of 8:10am. We will walk from school in our classes with p3,4,5 and 6. The children will need to be prepared for a day outdoors. They will need their sports clothes including a warm sweatshirt or hoodie. Please wear your OIS sports top if you have one. They will also need a rainproof jacket. A pair of running shoes and a pair of waterproof shoes might be a good idea for the walk there and back. Please send your child to school with rainproof trousers if you have them. The children will also need a good packed lunch and a water bottle. The time table looks like this: 10:30 Welcome from Johanne/Chris 10:45 Warm-up for all (loud music with the Fortuna coach (Kristen) and players leading exercises) 11:00 U7 girls 11:30 U7 boys 12:00 U9 girls 12:30 U9 boys 13:00 U11 girls 13:30 U11 boys 14:00 Awards ceremony 14:30 Good bye. Safe Journey. There will be a small cake stall at the event so the children can bring 30kr for a sweet treat after their efforts. P3/4/5/6 will be walking to and from the stadium. The SFO after school programme will be available when we return to school (if your child is in SFO). If you plan to collect your child from the stadium, please let the class teacher know be text or email before the event. We are all looking forward to a great day. You are welcome to come and spectate. Please bring sunshine and your cheering chants and voices with you. Go OIS!! Warm Regards The OIS Primary Team -------------------------------------------- S7 On Thursday (7th Sept.) OIS is hosting a cross country run for International Primary Schools and the whole of Secondary school will be there to help. We have to help tidy up after the event and then walk back to school. I expect we'll up back around 15.30. You're welcome to pick your child from the venue. The address is: Odense Atletikstadion, Højstrupvej 5, 5200 Odense V.

8-10pm International show


International show: Life's a fairytale (In English) (A magical show of theatre, dancing, 3D animation and music for all ages.) Odeon - Store Sal Odeons Kvarter 1, 5000 Odense C 22/8, 20:00-22:00 Ticket: From 80 kr. Bemærk: Denne forestilling foregår på engelsk. De øvrige forestillinger foregår på dansk. Hans Christian Andersen’s world-famous fairytales are brought to life in a whole new way as superstars from the world of dance, stand-out international performers, original digital scenography and a solid soundtrack come together in a whirlwind of a performance. Featuring both classic and street dancers, performers who make the impossible possible and music that captures the vision and drama behind the works of Hans Christian Andersen, ‘H.C. Andersen - Life’s a Fairytale’ has received critical-acclaim. A brand-new version of this spectacular show will open during this year’s H.C. Andersen Festivals in Odense, Denmark. The show is directed by Steen Koerner, who is known for his innovative interpretations of classic works. With ‘H.C. Andersen - Life’s a Fairytale’, Hans Christian Andersen’s classic stories of ‘The Little Match Girl’, ‘Clumsy Hans’, ‘The Nightingale’, ‘Princess and the Pea’, ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, ‘The Ugly Duckling’, and ‘The Top and the Ball (Sweethearts)’ find new life and bring new magic to the stage. The performance is presented at ODEON, Odense’s new performing arts centre, and Denmark’s largest concert hall. Director: Steen Koerner – Steen Koerner Studio Composer and producer: Jesper Mechlenburg Scenography and video: Din Mor Costume design: Astrid Lynge Ottesen Lighting design: Sune Munk Schou Virtual narrator: Nikolaj Lie Kaas Vocalists: Coco, Søren Huss and Daniel Muschinsky Songwriters: Kristian Leth and Jesper Mechlenburg with Steen Koerner Script: Jokum Rohde Tickets: Adults: Category A+: 650 kr. Category A: 540 kr. Category B: 340 kr. Category C: 215 kr. Category D: 135 kr. Children 12 years and younger: Category A+: 390 kr. Category A: 325 kr. Category B: 200 kr. Category C: 130 kr. Category D: 80 kr. Students and persons over 65 years: Category A+: 585 kr. Category A: 485 kr. Category B: 300 kr. Category C: 195 kr. Category D: 120 kr. Please notice that seats in category C and D are placed in the back of the hall, so view may be limited



本週的當務之急就是盡快找到可以長期居住的房子 才能申請CPR(Civil Personal Registration)...才能去銀行開戶跟辦手機 透過一位台灣爸爸跟一位新加坡爸爸,跟立棠阿姨的教學 我們才知道這裡找房子的管道 有兩個主要的網站: Boligsurf和BoligPortal 先看看有沒有喜歡的,有的話再付費註冊(前者四天19元、後者四天29元)才能取得連絡資訊 (找到房子之後要記得去關掉帳號,不然會從信用卡每四天自動扣款) 一開始我們沒有覺得很難,8/12先註冊了Boligsurf比較便宜 後來發現裡面資訊較少,更新不多,直到星期一晚上都沒什麼進展 8/14晚上再註冊BoligPortal 原來,這個時間點在Odense市區找房子超難...因為SDU等學校九月一日開學,大部分的人都提早一個月來找XDD 網站上的租屋資訊有兩種連絡方式 一種只有留email....通常寫了自我介紹信去都石沉大海(據說他們大多看到英文信就直接淘汰)...至少留言了超過四十筆...收到回覆三四個,都是說已經租出去了XD....唯一回覆可以讓我們看房子的是今天下午六點,唯一! 另一種有留電話的,我們就會記下來,可能一天2-4個資訊,每天早上媽咪就巴著Penny姊姊幫我用丹麥語打電話約 打電話的結果,有接的大多是租出去了,沒接的留言也沒有人回電過 或者是早上說今天下午四點可以看,中午又打電話來說租出去了QQ 出租人也有分兩種,一種是personal,一種是company Penny姊姊說company的比較有制度比較好,不會有很怪不合理的合約(合約都是丹麥文,到時候她也會幫我們review) 目前為止,答應讓我們看屋的全部都是company的 1.8/14(Mon)3pm: 房仲不讓我們進去,說他們公司規定四個人要找四房 (之後看屋我們就故意不帶小孩了...好像偷生的XD) 2.8/15(Tue)3pm: 房仲已經在裡面等,好多組人馬來看,看完覺得OK,每個人填一張單子,說會帶回去給房東篩選...目前為止也沒有回應 3.8/17(Tur)11am: 很喜歡這個地點,安靜,離OIS超近,騎腳踏車應該五到七分鐘就可以到,裡面家電都很新,附近還有一個籃球場走路可到。不過這也是我們看得最貴的一間,房租每月7150再加1050的månedlig aconto forbrug (類似台灣的管理費,其他公寓大約收5-7百) 4.8/17(Tur)6am: 我們帶著JO淋大雨,又溼又冷來回騎腳踏車一個多小時(因為先去哥哥的營地再繞過去,沿途都下大雨),等了四十分鐘...房仲都沒有出現(可以確定我們沒找錯地址,還有別人也在等)嗚..... 目前約了四個、看到只有2和3 很喜歡3這一個 這都要感謝Penny姊姊,她真的是我們的lucky star 在網站上找資訊時,原本我們跳過這一個,因為它沒有房屋內部照片,外觀上也看不出什麼,房租又比較高.. 是Penny姊姊瞥了一眼,說她有朋友住在這裡,裡面的設備很好,這個社區的環境非常好,附近還有個大草坪可以barbecue,小孩一定會很喜歡 所以她要我們試試看這間,主動幫我們打電話約的 她一直說非常希望我們能住在這裡,所以主動說要陪我們一起去看屋 然後她用丹麥語跟房仲聊天,幫我們說好話,這也有加分吧! 不然先前我們自己去的都沒人理啊 這個租屋資訊是8/9貼的,可以入住日期是8/15之後 中午看完我們立刻衝回家寫一封長長又噁心的介紹信給房東 (內容先介紹爸爸在SDU念PhD,媽媽也是PhD,很重視小孩品格,我們家小孩很乖,跟目前房東相處融洽,一起作丹麥料理很開心,再說我們有多愛乾淨,每天都會幫忙打掃,現在的房東很喜歡我們,今天才會陪我們一起去看屋...最後就是狗腿這裡的環境有多好,離小孩學校超近,大小也剛剛好是我們要的,真是個lovely apartment....我們真想立刻搬進去住XDDD) 出乎意料的,過一個小時就收到回信,要我們明天早上打電話過去,似乎是願意跟我們簽合約....爸爸也盡快回覆了我們的基本資訊讓房仲公司去撰寫合約 晚上睡覺前發現,這個資訊已經改寫"已出租" 希望是已經為我們保留了的意思 如果是真的,又是個很感謝上帝的見證:) -------------------------------------------------------- http://www.odensebolig.dk/property/brummers-plads-20-st-lejl-nr-2-5000-odense-c/ 76 m2Overtagelsesdato: 15/08/2017 Indskud: 43.050 kr. Dejlig lejlighed i centrum af Odense Brummers Plads 20, st., lejl. nr. 2, 5000 Odense C Luksus lejlighed i Odense C Dejlig 2- værelses lejlighed beliggende i centrum af Odense. Der er kort til indkøbsmuligheder, gågaden, grønne områder mv. Lejligheden indeholder alt i hvidevarer, incl. vaskemaskine & tørretumbler. Udover huslejen betales til udlejer for følgende: vand og varme. Beløbet kan ses under aconto forbrug. El og tv/internet opkræves direkte fra forsyningsselskabet Der er adgang til følgende: – Fælles gårdanlæg – Cykelparkering – Elevator Information om lejemålet: 2 værelses lejlighed A conto forbrug: 1.050 kr. Depositum: 21.525 kr. Elevator: Ja Familiebolig: Ja Forudbetalt leje: 21.525 kr. Husdyr: Nej Husleje: 7.175 kr. Overtagelsesdato: 15/08/2017 Note: Depositum(Deposit)通常收三個月,要有心理準備很難全部收回來。這是房東要租給下一個房客之前用來修繕的費用,通常都會挑東挑西扣許多錢,也許用來全部粉刷或換新家電...我們也不會知道這些錢用到哪裡去。大家都說自保之道,就是剛入住前兩週瘋狂拍照,把房子裡面覺得有小瑕疵的地方全部拍起來留作證據,這樣之後或許可以少被扣一點錢 Forudbetalt leje(Prepaid rent)通常收二或三個月,這間是收三個月。表示當房客要退租前要提早三個月告知房東,這樣最後三個月的租金可以從這裡扣掉不用再繳



今天放學接小孩時,兩個小孩都有提到,被叫去上基礎的ESL英文課 JO是利用在上丹麥語課程的時間 哥哥是兩點下課後上到兩點五十,他看功課表內有就自己去,但後來發現都沒有同學在那邊,而且又是上很基礎的英文(A~Z怎麼發音之類的) 就紅著眼眶說不要去 晚上寫信跟JO的老師詢問 (從學校網頁上有一個親師溝通的ParentIntra,帳號密碼登入,公告也會貼在上面,會每天進去check) Hi, teacher Cathy, I heard Joanne mentioned that she went to the English class today during the Danish class. I am curious about the English class in details like agenda. Is it a reinforcement learning for ESL student ? Because she mentioned she was brought out for the special class, I explained to her which there should have special reason and you should do you best even you know the class content today. Thus, just to know more details to explain to her further. Thanks. 隔天下午老師很快就回應了 I did try to explain to Joanne, however I am aware communication is a little difficult at the moment. I am glad you asked. I have arranged for Joanne to be part of the ESL program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These lessons happen to collide with Danish lessons on a Tuesday. I spoke with Johanne our principal, and we agreed that intensive English at a basic level is of more benefit for Joanne at the moment. Later as she becomes more confident in English she will move back into normal lessons. The ESL lessons will take place in a smaller group with other children who are just starting out with English. They will take place on Tuesday in lesson 3 and 4 and on Thursdays in Lesson 4 and 5. The ESL teacher will of course vary the content according to ability, however at first she will need to assess what Joanne can do in English. She is very quiet at the moment so we are still trying to ascertain her knowledge of English. The ESL lessons are aimed at providing the children with intensive English training. It will help them to develop a wider basic vocabulary to be able to function, communicate and engage in their own class environment more successfully. If you have any other questions or would like to sit down and talk in more detail about the program, please let me know and we can arrange a time to meet. Best wishes, Cathy ------------------------------------------------ 至於哥哥,我們是鼓勵他去上免費的"課後輔導" 可以有更多機會跟別人用英語對話,practice makes perfect!! ------------------------------------------------ 感覺是,丹麥應該是很重視教育 OIS會關心學生的個別狀況,他們有盡快讓學生適應英語環境的方法 對於家長的疑問 老師都很重視,立即回覆與溝通 聽Penny姊姊跟她的朋友們都說,OIS是很好的學校,high student quality,管理學生嚴格、不會有霸凌 他們朋友也有人一直念那邊,不念當地中小學...直到大學 OIS校地超大,很多棟大樓上不同課程(例如科學課要走路去別棟大樓),連PE課都有室內球場 活動也很多,哥哥這週四五就要出去露營,JO十月也會去哥本哈根遊樂園玩 學校會帶學生搭火車去歐洲不同國家玩,冬天還去挪威滑雪 學費每月第一人2950、第二人2750、第三人免費(政府補助) 跟台灣小小的米羅或莉蒂亞(學費每個月將近兩萬) 這裡的教育費更值得投資 現在考慮讓米鳩繼續在OIS念三年...所以生活支出得要從房租縮減囉(希望能順利找到便宜一點的房子....or 媽咪能在這裡找到工作XD) 感謝上帝,爸爸亂選也找到好學校:P