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Vanessa Chiu




Worried that family business will go south


本篇被點閱次數: Worried that family business will go south 擔心家族事業經營不善 Dear Annie: My husband and I opened a restaurant seven years ago. We love what we do. We have put every penny we earn back into the business, plus money from my wonderful in-laws. Still, I'm tired of not making ends meet and worrying about the next bill or the next catastrophe. I'm tired of wearing worn-out clothes and going two years between haircuts so we have money for emergencies. I don't want to give up the business. My customers are like family. I take pride in knowing we have made it this far. But if the business goes under, we'll be out on the streets. I know I am extremely depressed right now, but there's no money for counseling, either. I don't expect you to have the cure. I guess I just want someone to say it's OK to be scared.- Sayre, Pa. Dear Sayre: Of course it's OK. The restaurant business is notoriously difficult, but if you love what you do and can manage to keep your head above water, you're actually ahead of the game. And you CAN afford counseling. Your clergyperson is a good person to talk to, or check the local hospitals and university psychology graduate departments. Groups like Recovery Inc. also provide free programs for helping to deal with stress. Good luck.   Words & Phrases 1. in-laws 2. to make ends meet 3. catastrophe 4. worn-out 5. to go under 6. cure 7. notoriously 8. to be ahead of the game 9. clergyperson 10. stress 單選題 1. Currently, there are no known ___C____ for AIDS. (A) fills (B) wore (C) cures (D) shares 2. Taiwanese students are under a lot of ____B____ because they have to take so many tests. (A) pass (B) press (C) stress (D) class 3. Your hair has grown too long; you need to get a ____A____. (A) haircut (B) mow (C) confession (D) labor 4. Global warming may lead to a climate ____D____ if all the countries in the world don't work together to stop it. (A) ammonite (B) stridulate (C) transparent (D) catastrophe 5. That criminal is ____D___ known for the violent crimes he committed. (A) conversely (B) notoriously (C) resolvedly (D) graphology



晚上和綉綉偉偉在樓上玩 綉綉就和媽媽說有蟑螂在球池裡 不知是真的假的? 媽媽就開始疑神疑鬼的用除塵拖把翻攪球池 根本沒有嘛! 媽媽又問綉綉:是真的假的啦? 綉綉:假的(被打敗...) 媽媽:倒底有沒有? 綉綉:有啊! 媽媽:那是蟑螂還是壁虎? 綉綉:壁虎(快暈倒...) 媽媽:倒底有沒有蟑螂啦? 綉綉:有啦! 綉綉就跑去把球池抬起來說在底下 看了看根本沒有嘛! 後來就放心的在隔壁玩 之後媽媽去樓下拿一杯豆漿要給綉綉喝 綉綉沒喝完放在書櫃上 還吩咐綉綉要顧好豆漿別被偉偉打翻 玩了很久又說要吃果涷 媽媽想去房間找湯匙 結果看見蟑螂從玩具間門口準備跑進房間 果然是真的有蟑螂 不是綉綉亂講的 媽媽怕蟑螂跑進房間,今晚又不用睡了 就用拖鞋丟小強 想說牠會往樓梯跑去 結果就真的跑進房間 媽媽拿起除塵拖把追著打 實再很害怕(想起來還在發抖) 硬著頭皮打小強 結果沒打著跑掉了 媽媽快衝去1樓拿DDT 往小強躲的方向噴 怕小強溜走,媽媽還在房間等小強出來 等了好一會兒,小強受不了DDT跑了出來 媽媽一手拿除塵拖把,一手拿DDT 用DDT噴小強,竟噴不死還不直跑 跑出房外又跑出來 後來是在牆角被媽媽用除塵拖把壓死 就把牠壓在除塵拖把下,等爸爸回來在處理 後來拿拖把把剛才噴過DDT的地方擦一擦 更慘的事來了... 果然被媽媽料中 偉偉把豆漿用的滿地都是 連全身都是還在那邊爬來爬去玩豆漿 媽媽差點發瘋 趕快拿抹布擦一擦再把偉偉沖一沖 真的是快氣死 好不容易擦好地板 偉偉又不知什麼時候把果涷咬破 在地上吃起果涷來 弄得滿手滿腳嘴巴通通都是果涷 連衣服也有 媽媽真的快要打人了... 這個偉偉實再太皮了 後來先把偉偉抓去洗一洗再擦地板 一個晚上被小強和偉偉搞瘋了 弄得滿身大汗又生氣