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Vanessa Chiu




Existence of dark matter proved: NASA


Existence of dark matter proved: NASA 美國太空總署:已證明太空黑暗物質的存在 U.S. astronomers last month presented the most solid proof yet of the existence of dark matter, a mysterious substance believed to make up more than a quarter of the universe. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope spotted a ring of dark matter in a galaxy cluster about five billion light-years away from Earth. "This is the first time we have detected dark matter as having a unique structure that is different from the gas and galaxies in the cluster," said James Jee, a member of NASA's team of astronomers. Astronomers have long suspected there must be some substance holding galaxy clusters together, otherwise galaxies would only have the gravity from their visible stars, which would not be enough to keep them from flying apart. U.S. astronomers made their recent discovery when they noticed a ripple in the dark matter within the ZwC10024+1652 cluster. From Earth, this dark-matter structure looks like a ring. Jee then found research suggesting that the cluster under observation had collided with another cluster one to two billion years ago. In a computer simulation of a galaxy clusters collision, dark matter first falls to the center of the combined cluster, then moves outward but begins to slow under the pull of gravity. "Nature is doing an experiment for us that we can't do in a lab, and it agrees with our theoretical models," said Holland Ford, another team member.   Words: 1. mysterious Susan wondered about the mysterious man who kept showing up every time she found herself in an embarrassing situation. 2. to spot We spotted Ted's car approaching when it was still almost a mile away. 3. galaxy Our galaxy is most commonly known as the Milky Way. 4. to detect The warship's sonar detected a submarine in the waters below. 5. visible Although his bald spot wasn't visible underneath his hat, Alan still felt self-conscious. 6. ripple Sarah loved to drop pebbles into the pond and watch the ripples they created in the water. 7. to collide Her car was traveling at 80 miles per hour when it collided with a telephone pole. Phrases: 1. dark matter Up until now, dark matter was something scientists believed in without ever having seen it. 2. to have long suspected Mandy had long suspected that her husband was cheating on her. 3. computer simulation In order to save money, the military has started using computer simulations to train its pilots instead of putting them in actual planes. 單選題 1. It's too ________ to play baseball outside right now. (A) black (B) dark (C) cover (D) night 2. There is no solid _____ showing aliens actually exist. (A) proof (B) provide (C) expense (D) groove 3. Water is one of the key _____ needed to maintain life. (A) transgressions (B) substances (C) modifications (D) protestations 4. Police long _____ that man was the one who committed last week's bank robbery. (A) served (B) digested (C) suspected (D) offended 5. Paul was driving drunk when his car spun out of control and _____ with a tree. (A) neglected (B) finalized (C) improvised (D) collided Answer:BABCD



晚上8點半帶偉偉和綉綉到房間 想說開冷氣在裡面玩 結果把偉偉放在地上在等綉綉走進來 聽見昆蟲飛行撞電燈的聲音 抬頭一看,果然一隻飛天蟑螂在天花板的電燈飛啊飛 天啊!媽媽怕死蟑螂了 而且是隻會飛的蟑螂還了得? 嚇都快嚇死了 趕快抱出偉偉到隔壁去 媽媽實再不知如何是好? 拿了廁所除臭劑噴蟑螂 根本沒有狗屁用嘛!氣死 又衝到樓下拿殺蟲劑 結果再上來蟑螂躲在窗簾後面 那要怎麼打啊? 就拿起除塵拖把用窗簾 用了老半天蟑螂終於飛出來了 還一直飛不停 根本沒用辦法噴DDT 眼看著蟑螂飛去另一邊 只好把門關起來 本來平常10點就進房關燈睡覺 結果蟑螂在裡面沒打死怎敢進去睡? 只好讓偉偉和綉綉一直在隔壁玩 然後打電話叫爸爸快點回來打蟑螂 就一直等等了2個多小時 爸爸終於回來了 媽媽心裡真是高興救星終於回來了 結果卻因為找不到蟑螂而沒有打掉 真是不得了耶! 媽媽今晚也不用睡了 後來連嬰兒床的蚊帳都搬出來用 因為很小一件只能讓媽媽和偉偉躲在裡面 爸爸說媽媽很沒良心耶! 綉綉自己外面 媽媽說:綉綉又不怕蟑螂沒關係啦! 結果還是讓綉綉也躲進來 天啊!3個人躲在這麼小的蚊帳裡是要怎麼睡啦? 媽媽乾脆把球屋也搬來床上給綉綉睡 這樣就不會太擠了! 真是誇張到不行! 媽媽就是這麼怕蟑螂 不過已經比以前強太多了 以前只要是蟑螂進去房間 媽媽3天也不敢踏進房間一步 除非蟑螂被打死 連外公則婆都看不下去媽媽的行徑 現在自己當媽媽了 所謂:為母則強 只要硬著頭皮在房間裡睡 感謝我還有一件嬰兒床蚊帳 等下一定要來網拍買一件大的蚊帳才行 死小強倒底是怎麼跑進房間的?



JUST WHAT the DOCTOR ORDERED 正是所需要的;正符合所需 Many of the times that a doctor orders us to take some medicine or undergo a test, it is an unpleasant experience. After all, no one enjoys staying in a hospital or taking big pills. However, this idiom seldom concerns medical matters. It is almost always used in situations where we are enjoying or about to enjoy something pleasant-a vacation, a hot bath, a new relationship, a glass of beer, for instance. None of these pleasant things involves a doctor, but we still consider them "good medicine" in the sense that they make us feel more cheerful or positive about our lives. And feeling good is also a step toward feeling healthier. Therefore, this idiom is always used in a positive sense to describe anything that makes us feel good. 與 order 相關的習語 1. a tall order A: I think Joey is a fantastic athlete, but qualifying for the Olympics is likely to be difficult to achieve. B: I think Joey is a fantastic athlete, but qualifying for the Olympics is likely to be a tall order. 2. to get your own house in order A: You'd better solve your own problems before you start telling me what I should do with my life. B: You'd better get your own house in order before you start telling me what I should do with my life. 3. pecking order A: Ralph's idea was a good one, but unfortunately the company's rigid way of ranking its employees meant that no one was likely to listen to what he had to say. B: Ralph's idea was a good one, but unfortunately the company's rigid pecking order meant that no one was likely to listen to what he had to say. A: COMMON ENGLISH B: IDIOMATIC ENGLISH