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Your 6-Year-Old: Seeing well


Seeing well Your child is entering the phase when most kids who wear glasses receive them, ages 6 to 12. Difficulty seeing things far away is the most common vision problem of this age. Nearsightedness is easily confirmed with an eye exam by an optometrist (an eye specialist who studied refractive errors) or ophthalmologist (a physician who specializes in the eye). 讀卻已經到了要擔心她視力問題的時候了,小馨已經會使用iphone、ipad及任何電子產品,不只是小馨,其實她的同學也都會使用,常聽她分享xxx會玩xxx遊戲,而且只要是上餐館,還沒正式上菜前,她就會想玩手機打發時間,真的讓人擔心用眼過度,加上媽媽懷孕時無法常帶她出去玩,只能悶在家裡,因此也難免啦! Your 6-year-old now Often the early school years are when vision problems first surface. Doctors screen for vision health during pre-school checkups. Teachers also tend to notice when their students have difficulty seeing the board or participating in class activities. 目前在橘子樹健康檢查的結果,小馨的牙齒及視力都是正常的,我想梓熏應該也插不多是這個時候發現近視的吧! Among the things to watch out for: Complaining about being able to read signs or other words at distances A lack of interest in reading Holding a book very close to the nose Lots of eye rubbing Squinting Chronic eye tearing (which can indicate a blocked duct) Abnormal eye alignment (such as a wandering eye or crossed eyes) Sensitivity to light An eye exam will check both your child's visual acuity and general eye health. Nearsightedness (myopia) is the most common vision problem for kids of school age. Fortunately, today's glasses are sturdy and, because they're not actually made of glass, less liable to break than specs of a generation ago. Contact lenses aren't advised until adolescence. Your life now A tip for teaching a child to ride a bike: Hold on to his shoulders rather than the seat as you run alongside. This allows him to correct his balance, not you. 教小孩騎腳踏車!哈!我們已經好久沒有練習騎車了!最近不知道小馨的意願如何?至少她的肢體活動比起2年前還要靈活,最近因為我們都沒有時間才無法陪她練習,這個夏天應該可以讓她再恢復練習騎車。 Note that some kids pick riding up in a jiffy; others will need patience and lots of practice. Try to curb your own frustration if your child takes a while to catch on. You'll only make him feel worse. Save the hair pulling for ten years later—when you hand over the car keys and take him for his first driving lesson.



醫院要我們6點到二樓產房報到,我們硬是拖到6點半才到,入院後一堆手續,然後開始躺在床上測胎心音,一測就是2個多小時... 期間公婆不到8點就來了,他們太早來也沒用,小馨執意要黏在我們身邊,因此要他們回家等待就好。 約莫9點,前幾個手術(應該是做abortion)的病人陸續離開,然後小玫醫師過來告訴我差不多換我囉... 果然9點多就有兩個護士及麻醉科醫師來跟我確認身分,然後帶我進入手術房,先戴手術帽,然後躺在手術床麻醉,醫師一步一步告訴我即將做的動作及程序,讓我安心不少,後來聽到楊醫師及小玫醫師的講話聲,隔著消毒布,我看不到他們,但他們說要再摸一下肚子確認胎位,不過好像說肚子很緊,應該不會變了。 接下來...就是一陣空白沒記憶,應該就是開始動刀了,不過約5-10分鐘後,我的大腦突然有意識,聽到兩位醫師及麻醉科醫生在對話....那種聲音很遙遠,很不真切,好像身在仙境,期間一度覺得很難呼吸,好像不屬於人間,但又傳來寶寶的哭聲,我的大腦一時會意不過來,這種有意識但無法言語的狀態持續了約20多分鐘吧,手術終於結束。 被推出去時先聽到老公及小馨講話的聲音,然後我就不自主地哭了,我知道我應該回到凡間了,後來麻醉科醫師輕輕跟我說話,可以醒來了....我躺在床上聽著護士跟老公說寶寶狀況,小馨也去看著寶寶....我才悠悠醒過來。 醒來後說好痛,麻醉科醫生說這是宮縮的痛,不是手術痛... 正好婆婆也出現了,他們忙著照寶寶,傳line給親朋好友,老公也打了電話給爸爸報了平安,一切都很順利。 在觀察室待了2小時後,就回到3樓病房,展開4天4夜住院的生活。 寶寶體重:3397G 身高:50.5cm 出生時間:7/4 9:42am baby name:暫時叫"小米"吧!是姊姊取的名字!

Your 6-Year-Old: Bedtime battles


Bedtime battles Resisting bedtime is a problem that sometimes crops up now because your thinking, feeling, inquisitive child has so much on her mind. It can be hard to let go and surrender to the sandman. Adequate physical activity to help tucker her out and a soothing bedtime routine can help. 說得對極了!小馨長到6歲後,的確愈來愈晚睡,特別是為了看電視---復仇者聯盟而不願意睡覺,總是要拖到11點多甚至還到12點多才睡覺,真難想像2個月後就要開學,到時睡眠不足要怎麼辦啊? Your 6-year-old now Even once-reliable sleepers sometimes have trouble going to bed and staying there. All the anxieties of the day can surface the minute your child's head hits the pillow. Should she go to the sleepover even if she's scared to? What will her brother do when he finds out she lost his baseball? Couple this anxiety with her growing body and busy day. 白天的活動會影響她的睡眠嗎?她的小小腦袋到底在想些甚麼?擔心些甚麼?這些都會讓她不願意入睡。不過小馨一向不主動說白天的活動,唯一就是在洗澡與睡覺時會主動跟媽媽說,但一說完就可以入睡,有次卻擔心害怕有鬼,而睡不著;有次因為有心事,而睡不著...看來6歲小孩的腦袋也是很忙碌的! If your child is resisting bedtime, ask her why it's become a problem. She may identify another reason: Maybe she's not tired or is afraid of the dark. More physical activity, cutting out caffeine, or soothing her fears may help. Most kids still respond well to a strict bedtime routine. Let your child have some control over the process of shaping it. Curb TV watching, computer play, and vigorous activity an hour or so before bedtime as these things tend to jazz kids up instead of calm them down. 將家裡環境布置成要睡覺的模式,要趕快幫她洗澡、催促她趕緊上床才是正道,話說這幾個月來,因為媽媽懷孕的關係無法幫小馨洗澡,都由把拔代勞,因此洗澡時間延後,未來應該會好一些,希望能回到2歲時9點就洗澡,10點前睡覺的規律生活。(補記於7/9) Your child may prefer being read to after a bath, or just snuggling to chat. A talk is a great way to catch up and the perfect time for her to unburden herself of those worries that may be keeping her awake. Your life now Looking for more family time? Some families hold a weekly Family Night where outside engagements are verboten. Others hold regular pizza-and-movie dinners. Or you might consider the modern twist: The Unplugged Night, where computers, TV, Blackberries, iPhones, and all manner of electronic gizmos are shut off for a fixed amount of time while you all play board games or take a family walk.

Your 6-Year-Old: Power plays


Power plays You say yes, he says no. You say stop, he says go. Power struggles are no fun. The natural impulse is to insist on winning, because usually you're the one in the right. Plus, you feel you have to remain in charge. But given a 6-year-old's tenacity, a better way is to sidestep a struggle in the first place. Your 6-year-old now Getting snared in a power struggle with a 6-year-old can be tough to avoid. He wants control, and he'll fight for it valiantly. Engaging in these tussles with your child is a losing proposition, though. He'll continue to defy, dawdle, ignore, argue – whatever it takes to grab back some control. The more you insist and get upset, the more power he feels. He now knows just what to do to get a rise out of you. The trick is to give your child power without surrendering yours. That means choosing your battles. Let him make choices over things appropriate for his age – what to wear, what friend to have over. Give him options whenever you can. "Would you like turkey or ham for dinner?" And when he truly has no choice, be firm and in control. "You must wear your helmet." Don't debate, and give swift, appropriate consequences if he disobeys or argues with you. "You wear it, or you won't ride your bike the rest of the day." Your life now As your child grows more confident about bike riding, be sure you've gone over basic safety rules with him. Wearing a helmet each and every ride is foremost. Make clear that he should stick to the sidewalks, not the street, and stop at each corner to look both ways before crossing. Point out that piles of wet leaves or sand, dirt, and pebbles can be hazards that lead to wipeouts, so he should keep an eye on the terrain as he rides. And never mind that "Look Ma, no hands!" business; teach him to keep both hands on the handlebars.

Your 6-Year-Old: Expanding your library


Expanding your library You may have amassed a collection of picture books and board books from your child's earlier days. As reading skills begin to take off, it's time to think about starting a broader home library to supplement trips to the public library. Having favorite beginning-reader books at home helps your child practice and builds confidence. She's apt to read them often enough that they're worth the small investment. Your 6-year-old now What books should be in a good first library? Here are some guidelines: Foremost, look for books your child can read comfortably. The general rule: Kids should be able to read a page with no more than five errors. Simple readers that repeat words and phrases or that have lots of rhyming words and predictable plots all build confidence. (Example: Dr. Seuss's Beginner Books series.) Consider your child's interests. Choose tales that relate to experiences in her life, like going to the dentist or making the soccer team. If she likes a certain author or illustrator, look for more titles by that person. Aim for variety. Don't forget poetry and nonfiction titles. Include some books with only illustrations. As your child looks at the pictures and tells the story in her own words, she builds storytelling skills. She's also learning that pictures provide clues to what the story is about, a skill that will help her figure out unfamiliar words in books with print. Pick up a few books that are beyond her reading ability, too. These are for you to read aloud together. Her auditory comprehension (understanding what she hears) is still way ahead of her reading comprehension (understanding what she reads). Being read to expands a child's vocabulary. Your life now Paging the tooth fairy! While some children begin to lose teeth as early as 4 or 5, age 6 is the average age for the first tooth to come out. Think about how you will commemorate this big event. Will your child put the tooth under her pillow and hope the tooth fairy will exchange it for cash? If so, how much? Some families wrap the tooth in tissue, while others use a fancy box. Given that your child has a mouthful to lose in the coming years, pick a routine you'll be happy to repeat. (Giving a big gift for each lost tooth, for example, can add up.)

Your 6-Year-Old: Soothing routines


Soothing routines When your child heads off to elementary school, every day there's something new to master — new friends to be made, new lessons to be learned, a new body to grow into. It can be overwhelming for a 6-year-old. That's why kids cling to routines more than ever. Your 6-year-old now Structure makes children feel safe. They have something to hold onto amid all the anxiety and know what to expect. "When I get home, I know I'll have a snack, do my homework, and then walk the dog." You'll also notice how much less fighting there is if you stick with the routines. Kids will understand what needs to get done and when. Enough said. And they feel proud when they pack their own backpacks and finish their chores. That's not to say you have to be a zealot. There are times – like birthdays or meteor showers – when it's okay to veer off schedule and get to bed a tad late. If kids catch on to routines now and learn good habits, they can handle larger changes down the road. Let's face it, if they can't brush their teeth and do their homework now, how will they ever pay the bills and get to work on time when they grow up? Your life now Now that your child is entering the homework years, it's a good time to plan how to handle it. Set up a place for your child to work. Many kids do well with a desk or table in their bedroom, but some younger kids prefer to do the work near a parent – maybe at the kitchen table. Have your child do his assignments at a consistent time, such as right after school or right after dinner. Should you help? Be available to answer questions, but most teachers feel it's best if you don't give answers or actually do the work. The point isn't that the work gets finished correctly but that your child understands the underlying concepts.

Your 6-Year-Old: The endless


The endless "Why?" Six-year-olds ask lots of questions — they're the fruits of her growing abstract reasoning and the keen observations she's constantly making. Some of these why-is-the-sky-blue queries can be tough to answer, especially when they catch you off guard. But the fact that she asked means she's exploring her world, just the way she's supposed to do. Your 6-year-old now Do you find yourself playing Dr. Phil to your increasingly curious child, fielding questions about tough topics like whether God exists or why some people are fat? Your child is not only curious about abstract issues, she can now articulate such thoughts better. When you feel put on the spot, it's okay to stall for time, so long as you do follow-up: "That's a good question. We're almost to school now, but let's talk about it more when you come home." Never get upset at a child for raising any topic. She needs to know she can come to you with anything. Keep explanations simple. While preschoolers can ask abstract questions, they can't understand abstract answers. They're still literal, concrete thinkers for the most part. Use their questions as a springboard for some of those difficult topics you'll have to deal with eventually anyway. For example, questions about why those people outside the shelter always look so dirty can lead to a meaningful conversation – at his level – about people who may not have as much as he does. Do be careful about relating these conversations to other adults in your child's presence, no matter how poignant or funny they are. You don't want to make him feel self-conscious or silly for coming to you. Kids want to be taken seriously. Your life now Many kids don't drink enough water during the day. To encourage staying hydrated, get your child a water bottle, such as a sports bottle or one made for hiking. (Discount stores offer many types decorated with popular characters or sports teams.) Put his name on it and let him carry it with him to school and around the house. (Be sure to wash it every day.) Doing the same yourself can help set a good example. Bonus: Your child gets in the habit of swigging plain H2O rather than soda or juice.

Your 6-Year-Old: Unattractive habits


Unattractive habits Even happy-go-lucky 6-year-olds sometimes engage in irksome(令人側目的) personal habits, like hair gnawing or scab picking. These are usually an unconscious way of dealing with stressors — not necessarily hugely stressful events, but the accumulation of little things that can be challenging, like trying to be good all day long. Fortunately these common quirks(怪癖) go away on their own, especially if your reaction is downplayed. 哇!!這篇文章真是說中我心聲了!小馨最近出現的怪癖很難不去正視,例如她最常咬指甲,上星期六圍棋比賽後,老師正在頒獎,就看她一直咬指甲,平常我雖然沒看到她上課的樣子,但我想應該也是這樣,還有會一直搖頭...種種都是上面文字敘述的,屬於壓力的一種表現,而這種壓力來自於想要表現好的一種累積表現,而且是不自覺的動作....我深深覺得太有道理了! Your 6-year-old now Hair twisting, nail biting, nose picking, and shirt gnawing are just a few of the annoying habits 6-year-olds develop. Your child isn't out to irk you. Such habits are a way of coping with stress. Nagging to stop is actually counterproductive. It only draws negative attention to the habit, making your child more nervous and attached to it. 用手指頭捲頭髮、咬指甲、挖鼻孔、咬衣服....都是很常見6歲小孩的動作,這些動作都是一種應付壓力的方式,如果去嘮叨這種行為,反而容易適得其反,哈哈!媽媽我就是這樣,常常叮囑她不要咬指甲。Instead, talk about it in a more casual way. Identify the habit and offer rational reasons for stopping, ones that are clear and understandable to a 6-year-old. "Picking your nails can give you an infection that could hurt." Or "You've been growing out your hair for a long time now. But if you keep chewing on it, we may have to cut it because it's not a polite thing to do." Enlist your child's help in coming up with ways to stop. Suggest a secret wink or hand motion to signal him when he's chewing on his shirt, for example. Offer positive reinforcement: If he can keep his shirt out of his mouth for a month, you'll buy him that sports jersey he's been begging for. 要用方式制止她不再咬指甲,上述文字是建議可以鼓勵(獎勵)方式,但我覺得這個方式對小馨似乎沒有多大作用.... Most of these unpleasant habits disappear as kids get older and learn other ways to handle anxiety. Peer pressure will help, too. Not too many kids let their classmates get away with picking their noses. 或許當小孩漸漸長大,有了同儕壓力後就會擺脫掉這些壞習慣。 Your life now Your child's longer attention span allows him to extend a play theme over a few days or across multiple playdates now. Try to set aside a place in your house for your child to leave out things he's working on, such as art projects, forts or playhouses, or block cities.

Your 6-Year-Old: Picky eaters


Picky eaters Finicky eaters test the patience of even the most even-keeled parents: "Euuww. This yogurt has chunks in it." Or, "The corn touched my chicken. I'm not eating it now." While it's easy for experts to say not to make a battle out of mealtime, it's hard not to freak out when your daughter's consuming nothing but crackers week after week. Your 6-year-old now Handling picky eater issues requires the same matter-of-fact, low-pressure strategy that's effective for other behavioral challenges like power struggles and defiance. No arguing, no raised voices. Put the food on the table – healthy options, of course – without dwelling on it. Try to have at least one thing you think your child will eat, and then let her choose what, and how much, to eat. If it's only bread, so be it. Your child won't starve or die of malnutrition. The goal is to avoid introducing a lot of emotion surrounding food. There's also a legitimate scientific reason for kids' dietary fussiness. They have more taste buds than we do (taste buds die as we age), so flavors are more intense. That may be why your child turns up her nose at spicy flavors and vegetables like broccoli. (And some people – supertasters – have more sensitive taste buds than others.) Try serving veggies steamed or cooked with a little sauce or butter. Sweeter options like red peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots may be more popular than chard or broccoli. Know, too, that kids who eat with their families instead of alone have been shown to eat more healthfully. Your life now Feeling like you have no time for your own interests? Try this exercise: Make a list of 50 things you love to do. Keep at it till you complete the whole list of 50. Look for patterns among the items: Crafts? Reading? Sports? Pick one activity in one of your top categories and decide you'll spend time at it this month. Read a best-selling novel? Take a tai chi class? A baby step of just couple of hours a month is a small time commitment – but a big step toward reclaiming a bit of your old self.

Your 6-Year-Old: Your social butterfly


Your social butterfly Six is a social year. Your child is making friends at school and in the neighborhood. An improved ability to create storylines together during play and to improvise with props or toys takes playtime to an exciting new level. One catch: Not all play goes smoothly, because social skills are still evolving. 6歲是是社交生活的一年!其實苡馨的社交圈有限,幾乎就是她幼兒園的同學們,她跟這些同學已經很熟了,幾乎都相處了兩年以上,甚至從baby時期就開始朝夕相處,因此很難看出她社交能力的拓展。不過我想她剛開始在陌生環境中,其實還是會害羞的,不會主動與人攀談,這點還蠻像我小時候...呵呵 Your 6-year-old now Six-year-olds become quite social in their play, drawing friends into their dramas and concocting more elaborate story lines. They're more creative about finding and using props around the house; for example, using blankets to build forts and towels to make capes. It's a good idea to provide lots of prop possibilities and be generous about sharing household items when you can. An interest in rules makes its way into playtime, too. Kid this age love to be the director. "Run into the room and say, 'Boo!'" they may order a friend. Often kids will take turns directing the play. But if you have two or more assertive types, the bossiness can lead to fights. Let them try to hash it out themselves, but be prepared to step in to help them resolve serious conflicts.若是兩個比較有鮮明領導個性的人在一起玩,可能會有衝突出現,我就曾經發現小馨與雅雅妹妹一起玩,小馨習慣用大姊的身份告訴妹妹怎麼做、怎麼做,但妹妹有自己的方式,因此有時兩方會玩不起來、甚至會鬧得不愉快... 觀察小孩子們的互動是一件很有趣的事情,我很喜歡看自己小孩的反應,藉此瞭解她在團體中的表現,終於苡馨的妹妹要出生了,雖然相差6歲,遲到的禮物還是到了! Your life now It seems to be a modern maxim that the bigger kids get, somehow the messier the house becomes. A few little tricks can help you from getting dragged down by clutter, which organizational experts know is a major stressor to busy parents. For example: •Try the "ten-minute" rule. Set a timer and spend just ten minutes whittling away the clutter you see. Then stop. This keeps the job from becoming overwhelming – but yields visible results. •Teach your child to clean up one game or play zone before embarking on a new one. •Hang some pegs inside a closet or just inside a doorway that your child can reach. It can be easier for little hands to hang a jacket on a peg than a hanger.

Your 6-Year-Old: Now we are 6


Now we are 6 Now your child is 6! A.A. Milne, who wrote Winnie the Pooh and Friends, also wrote a book of children's poetry by the name Now We Are Six. Although it was written back in 1927, it's still a perfect summary description of 6-year-olds today: fanciful(撒嬌), adventuresome, silly, comforted by familiar things, and boldly curious about the new. Your 6-year-old now Now We Are Six is a book of children's poetry by A.A. Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh. The title alone makes it a fun book to have on your birthday child's shelf. But this kind of book illustrates some other interesting points about 6-year-olds: 竟然有這本書,還是Winnie the Pooh 的作者寫的!是否應該買來拜讀一下?! •Sixes love poems because of the word play and repetition. •They also enjoy nonsense words and onomatopoeia (words that sound like the thing they describe, such as "hiss" or "buzz"). •Kids this age are working to understand more about what "big people" do -- discoveries that make them feel both confident and confused. The poems reflect a child's increasingly complex world. •Sixes have vivid imaginations. The characters in such poems include knights, teddy bears, and all kinds of fanciful creatures and situations. The familiar inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood are also here. Children this age cling to the comfortingly familiar as well as looking eagerly to new things. •Six-year-olds still love being read to, even as they begin to master books all on their own. Your life now Strive to find a balance between thinking of your child as a "big kid" (which he is) and a "little one" (which he also still is, in many ways). Grant him more responsibility to make choices, get himself dressed, and the like. At the same time, recognize that he's not mature enough yet to be a master at things like self-discipline and self-control. He's still learning the ropes, and he will slip up.

Your 5-Year-Old: Try, try again


Try, try again Perseverance is a key ingredient for success in life. If your child can develop stick-to-it-iveness, she's more likely to work harder at learning and feel better about herself when she accomplishes something new or figures something out. Encourage your child to try her best through your actions, your attitudes, and your words. 我也覺得從小可以看出小孩子對事情的堅持,藉以瞭解以後她做事情、做功課的態度,梓熏很明顯不是這樣的個性,庭琳就比姐姐有耐心許多,學業表現也比較好(或說穩定),至於小馨呢?應該不像梓熏姐姐這樣散漫的個性,應該也是屬於能夠自律、會自動自發的,但是我覺得她還小,很多事情還看不出來,總之,還值得觀察就是。 Your 5-year-old now We all want to raise independent, resilient children with healthy self-esteem. We need to praise and encourage them — but within reason. If we're complimenting their every action, the words of praise soon sound hollow and meaningless. Likewise, if you protect your child from every challenge, she won't develop the skills to solve problems or think for herself. 基本上美國人的教育還是屬於以「鼓勵」為主,放手讓小孩子去做,以培養他們的獨立性,這個過程是養成小孩變成獨立個體很重要的關鍵因素, Experts believe that children are healthier emotionally and learn more when they face obstacles and overcome them.專家相信若能讓小孩子學習面對挫折,他們將會更健康地成長及學習,我也同意要讓小孩子嘗試自己解決問題,不要總是幫她做好一切的事情。 There's a sweet emotional boost that comes when they succeed after they've failed. In fact, perseverance may be more important to future success than intelligence or talent.「堅持」比天分更為重要,凡事堅持下去就能成功,這句話到了我不惑之年,才能有所體會,只是對小孩而言還是很難啊!! So as your 5-year-old ventures out and tries new things, from tying her own shoes to making new friends on the playground, don't step in to help at the first sign of frustration. It's okay to let her figure it out herself. She wants — and needs — to try new challenges. When she does succeed, she'll feel so much better about it. 我想我需要給小馨時間,很多時候因為我急躁,而幫她做好事情,不如放手讓他自己完成一些小事,例如穿鞋子、收拾玩具....其實這些事情她都已經會了,我應該給她更多時間、更大空間讓她獨立完成。 Try these phrases to encourage perseverance in your child: •"I know you can do it!" •"Hang in there." •"Keep trying." •"Don't give up yet." Your life now As your life with a 5-year-old winds down, give yourself a moment to review how far you've come as a parent. Your helpless baby is now a sturdy, curious, amazing little person who can walk, talk, draw, and maybe even read and write. As you marvel, remember, too, that for as big as she's become, she's still a little kid. She still needs slack occasionally — and plenty of hugs. 沒錯!即使小馨這個月已經滿6足歲了,我還是覺得她像個小baby,很多時候她會過來跟我撒嬌、要我抱抱,我還是覺得她肉肉嫩嫩地好可愛~我不能太苛責於她,因為她目前真的只是個孩子!