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星期三媽咪帶著大小兩知到supermarket前 把六本童軍園遊會Scout-O-Rama的票賣光 媽咪帶著童軍制服在車上 山大王下課後媽咪就直接要他換上制服 在超市前賣折價卷票真是個經驗 雖然只站了一個小時半可是學到不少 之前媽咪也讓山大王問鄰居買了一本 問山大妞同學兩位雙胞胎姊妹花的媽咪也買一本 還有山大王好朋友Alex的媽咪也主動買一本 另外山寨家自己也買一本 所以十本全賣完可以交差啦 媽咪天生對這種面對面hard sale很不在行 只能鼓勵懶惰但是天生不怕生的山大王 上前去兜售去超市買菜的顧客 雖然區區十元美金 會買童軍園遊會Scout-O-Rama的票 除了一個family外 通常不是為了裡面的折價卷 而是看在山大王賣票的態度 而且穿著越講究的顧客越可能買 更證明銷售員要賣產品前要先賣自己 而且好的銷售員要有判斷顧客的直覺 不會判斷是不是客戶的銷售員就得要有毅力 這些都是對山大王很好的訓練 賣光童軍園遊會票 媽咪隨後就去童軍負責票務的家前交款 但是今天媽咪卻搞了個烏龍 全家要出發去童軍園遊會前 媽咪卻找不到山寨家自己的票 山大妞和山大王在車子乾等 最後小妞妞還睡著了 媽咪只好讓爸鼻在家陪睡著的小妞妞 改帶山大王去petsmart和待領養的貓咪玩啦 回來後爸鼻告訴媽咪他在山大王鋼琴課袋子裡發現 童軍園遊會Scout-O-Rama票 媽咪才想起來自己的確又犯了記憶不行的毛病 真的是成也蕭何,敗也蕭何啊



這次媽咪怎麼催爸鼻幫山大王做火箭都沒用 老爺除了幫貓做cat tree外 就是不動手做火箭 眼看星期五週末就要比賽了 老爺星期四花時間看製作簡介 覺得一天做不完就放棄 山大王也是當時就輕易放棄 星期五到學校要放學時和童軍朋友Chandler聊 下課媽咪接到他後他才說他要自己做火箭不要輕易放棄 媽咪對山大王願意挑戰自己很替他高興 自己回家就拿起kit想辦法弄 所以媽咪就幫起他來 但是媽咪對木工和這種玩具一點也不感興趣 所以兩個臭皮匠就拼湊起來 少了這個那個也渾然不知 爸鼻回到家也是一副我很累不想做的模樣 媽咪見山大王很失望 媽咪弄玩晚餐還沒吃 就拿起砂紙開始幫山大王 在後院磨木頭火箭 磨出火箭頭部的樣子 山大王幫忙磨邊邊 但是當然是不夠力 媽咪在後院磨到天黑 一邊還要招呼吃飯很麻煩的山大妞 天要黑了才弄完火箭頭 火箭身體部分還適長方的原狀 時間來不及了 只好跟山大王一起上顏色 大小兩隻就跟著媽咪坐勞作 哥哥戴手套漆童軍要比賽的$12火箭 山大妞就漆Michale聖誕折扣買來不到$2的木頭火車 等紅色漆乾媽咪再塗sparking glue 山大王在一旁看書 媽咪招呼他要幫忙弄他的火箭 山大王又幫忙黏好火箭身體 這時童軍早就該把火箭拿去比賽場地測試 母子倆星期五晚上弄到10:30才去睡 山大王睡了媽咪還要收拾餐桌 陪睡過午覺很有精力的山大妞唸書 今天早上又是最早起 好不容易爸鼻起床了 一看火箭說了幾個部位不對 爸鼻趕緊拿工具幫忙修正 又推媽咪帶山大王去比賽 爸鼻不要去 拖拖拉拉媽咪還是硬著頭皮帶山大王去比賽 交去檢查時發現爸鼻把 螺旋槳裝反了這樣火箭只能倒著飛 媽咪只好又拿起會場的工具 把鐵絲再凹直重新裝好螺旋槳 好不容易比賽開始 山大王很晚交火箭排十號 媽咪鬆了一口氣 一次比四台火箭 第一回Chandler和Bergan的火箭又撞到終點 大伙都在幫他們歡呼 山大王的火箭第二回比 山大王很難過自己火箭飛得不夠遠 沮喪地等自己的火箭再比一次 還是飛不遠就掉起眼淚 媽咪對山大王這種輸不起的態度 也只能安慰他有參加就很好了 山大王還沒比完就歡要走了 媽咪拉他坐遠一點的桌子 要他要有運動家精神 不要輸了就氣餒 好幾個童軍家長也問山大王怎麼了 媽咪邊和一位Bear童軍的媽媽聊 一面看山大王的火箭最後一回比 這次四台火箭山大王是第二遠的 但是依舊沒有達到終點 山大王很彆扭生氣 媽咪跟他說參加都有獎 但山大王拿不到前三名的獎盃 就不願拿參加獎 媽咪坳不過他只好去領回他的火箭帶他回家了 開回家的路上 媽咪很生氣跟他說比賽是公平的 他自己沒有付出相當的努力怎麼會得名 其實這些童軍都是家長(爸爸們)主導幫忙孩子一起作 爸爸們以前有參加過童軍的 通常孩子的火箭都可以飛得遠 咱家老爺不幫忙弄 媽咪盡力也只能讓山大王學到個失敗經驗 不過沒有經歷失敗怎麼會知道成功的可貴呢 下次比賽的是7/24的木船 剛好遇到山大妞生日的週六 我真不知道老爺要如何打算 其實要早點做好星期五交火箭 都有其他名堂的獎項 不過媽咪臨時幫山大王燒香 得到這樣參加的經驗已經不錯啦

Den Meeting - May 4th @ 6:30pm - Corpus Christi Church


Den Meeting - May 4th @ 6:30pm - Corpus Christi Church The Den #5 monthly meeting will be at Corpus Christi Church this month at 6:30pm. I have provided our proposed agenda below for your review. Our meeting theme will center around the upcoming Space Derby, which I am proud to announce that we have 100% participation from our Den, and great support from the Den Parents who have volunteered to help out with the event. This is Pack 700's first Space Derby in over 5 years, and our Co-Leader Matt Haugo has put together a great event, so thanks for showing you support! Request - The Scouts will be creating Posters for the Space Derby. If anyone wishes to donate/provide any materials please let me know. We are looking for poster sized paper board, glue, glitter, stickers or art/photos (space themed), letters etc. for the Poster Craft. Please copy the group on what you can bring. We also have a number of announcements to make on upcoming events and will be sending those out via the monthly email "newsletter" so stayed tuned for information on Grad Camp, Scout-O-Rama, and the Rain-gutter Regatta. We have some summer Pack activities and as always some special Den 5 events as well. Achievement Reports will be out later this week for your update, and submission at the Den meeting. Den 5 Meeting Agenda - May 4th Gathering - Meet and Greet Start - Pledge of Allegiance / Scout Standards Practice Share - Awards, Achievements and Stories - Hike Report & Scout Activity Presentations Discover - Space Exploration History and Space Derby Posters Search - Game - Who am I? (Scouts will be given a mystery animal and the others will have to guess which animal it is) Closing - Scout Parents Discussion, upcoming event information and Handbook sign offs and Achievement Report submissions.



這個月的童軍小隊開會因春假 改週日上午去健行 昨天爸鼻回家從傍晚吃過飯就睡到早上八點半 媽咪極力推爸鼻帶山大王去童軍小隊健行 爸鼻雖然很想出差後一早洗個澡後睡個三天三夜 但是還是被媽咪趕鴨子上架 山大王也是百般不想去爬山健行 媽咪雖然很想去看走走看野花 但獨自帶著兩個孩子一整個星期 除了累還是累 送爸鼻和山大王去Dilley Preserve停車場回到家後 媽咪還是帶著吵著要和哥哥去健行的山大妞到附近小公園騎腳踏車 Den #5 - Den Meeting and Hike @ Dilley Preserve - April 18th - 10am Message: Tiger Cub Den Meeting and Hike In leu of this month's Den Meeting (due to Spring Break schedules) this month's Den Meeting will be a local hike starting from the Dilley Preserve located on Laguna Canyon Road (details to be sent out separately). Our hike will be approximately 3 miles long and will focus on wildflowers, which are beginning to bloom and how plants were used by the Native Americans. Due to the rocky nature of this trail it is not recommended for younger siblings. Please Register/RSVP for this event by clicking the "Register" button on the Calendar entry (April 18th @ 10am) Please be at the Dilley Preserve parking area by 9:45 for a pre-hike check and talk. Things to bring: Good shoes for hiking (we will be climbing a rocky section on this hike), sunscreen, water and snacks, appropriate attire.

John Wayne Airport Tour - March 17th @ 3:30pm


John Wayne Airport Tour - March 17th @ 3:30pm Where to meet We will begin our tour at the John Wayne statute for photos which is located inside the lower level between Terminals A&B across from the rental cars. What to bring Bring your cameras and have questions ready for our tour guide and a pilot if we are lucky to run into one before or after their flight. You may want to layer clothing as the tour ends on the roof of the A1 parking structure (which may be cool at the end of the day) so that we can get a view of the airplanes landing and taking off. RSVP's Required We currently have a reservation for 12. Please RSVP to Denese ASAP so that there is time to change the number of attendees if necessary. Siblings are welcome. Special Airport Request While they are able to accommodate our group, they have requested that we "Do Our Best" to keep our voices down and use our best manners during the tour so that we do not interrupt their normal course of business. Carpooling Anyone interested in carpooling can meet our the Berardesco house at 6 Azalea, Aliso Viejo, Ca. The car pool caravan will leave promptly at 2:30 pm. Let Denese know via your RSVP if you wish to car pool. Airport Parking It was suggested for us to park in the parking lot on Main Street which is two blocks from the airport and has a free shuttle every 15 minutes. Parking is $2/hour. You can also try to park in the A1 parking structure, however, the lot will probably be full that time of the day. Directions to John Wayne (OC) Airport from Aliso Viejo Take the 405 North to MacArthur Blvd Exit MacArthur Blvd and turn Right onto MacArthur - move to the Left lane Make a Left onto Main Street and proceed approx 1000 ft (1/5 of a mile) - Entry to Main Street Parking is on the Left. Airport Info: Check out www.OCAIR.COM for airport and map information. Please contact Denese Berardesco (690-3438) with any questions.



媽咪下午先帶大小兩隻的腳踏車和滑板車 帶了山大妞接了山大王後 就往另一個小公園出發 等山大王幼稚園的同學Mark 2:30 playdate 山大王玩了一下滑板車 看到這個小公園的沙坑有玩具怪手 馬上丟下滑板車不玩 吆喝妹妹一起來玩沙 山大妞騎著四輪車在媽咪旁邊猶豫半天 先要媽咪推她玩躺式的盪鞦韆 最後決定加入山大王 玩了一會兒Mark和他的哥哥弟弟及媽咪終於來了 山大王又和騎腳踏車的Mark一起繞一圈 媽咪則看著山大妞在遊戲場玩 帶著三個男孩的Penny真的很辛苦 還好她的大兒子Matthew很貼心 多少幫她看著小兒子Max 媽咪和Penny聊不到一會兒 山大王就得去童軍活動參觀腳踏車店 媽咪停好車走了一會才找到腳踏車店 這間腳踏車店店面蠻大的 完全不像媽咪以前印象台灣的腳踏車店 裡面高級的越野腳踏車一輛價錢 就差不多可買媽咪到美國來買的第一輛二手車了 山大王其實喜歡騎腳踏車大於喜歡玩滑板車 也許媽咪應該要問問 一般車子如何外載架子架越野腳踏車 這樣去外面露營或野外玩就可以有 輕便的交通工具去探險了 山大妞玩過小公園已經很累了 雖然她沒有跟著小男生們跑跑跳跳 但是今天這快下雨的天氣 也讓山大妞昏昏欲睡 媽咪只好抱著山大妞站著看 腳踏車店工讀生跟童軍小男生們 解釋如何照顧保養越野腳踏車 抱著山大妞站個十分鐘 媽咪只好先請童軍小隊其他家長 幫忙看著山大王 自己先到店口的座位坐一下 不然手真的一直抱山大妞站著快廢掉了 山大妞一直睡到活動結束 媽咪抱她到快到車上才醒來 山大王下課後又是playdate又是bike shop 還好媽咪準備蒸熟的甜地瓜 讓他在車上填肚子 真是奇怪孩子在學校都沒吃飽 每次接到他們就喊餓 媽咪都要飯先煮好等著 她們隨時餓熱一下飯菜就有得吃 不然山大王總是要罐頭-- 新英格蘭口味的clam chowder(蛤蜊馬鈴薯濃湯) 最近山寨家改吃胚芽米 胚芽米飯配蛤蜊馬鈴薯濃湯 山大王和山大妞都可以吃上一大碗 希望在換牙的山大王 多吃健康的食物有健康的身體

山大王童軍模型賽車The Pinewood Derby Race最佳形狀獎


今天媽咪和爸鼻分頭帶大小兩隻 爸鼻一早7:30就帶山大王出發去參加童軍賽車活動 因為山寨老爺志在參加不在得獎 山大王的Rally Red再速度上得最後一名 但是拿到安慰獎最佳形狀獎 WHO: Pack 700 & Pack 702 Scouts, Family Members/Siblings & Friends P/D Event Coordinator (Crew Chief): Scott Watt, [email protected] Scouts/Leaders: Full BSA Uniform – aka Class “A” Spectators: Pack 700/702 T-shirts, etc. – aka Class “B” (Show your Scout Spirit!!!) WHAT: Pack 700/702’s Annual “Pinewood Derby” Car Show, Race Event & BBQ Bring Your Completed Pinewood Derby Cars & Lets Race!!! There will be food, music & lots of race-time fun!!! WHERE: Corpus Christi Church, Aliso Viejo – Lower Hall 27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 www.avcatholics.org WHEN: Friday - January, 15TH, 2010: - “Daytona Beach BBQ” Dinner from 5:30–7:00pm SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – ALL PROCEEDS HELP PAY FOR THE EVENT!!! $5.00/Dinner Plate: "Wheelie Burger" OR "Dragster Dog" – Includes 2 Side-Dish Items & Soda/H20 À La Carte: $2.00/Grill Item - $1.00/Side Item (“Specialty Items” per request) - “Hot Rod Alley, Practice & Check-In” from 6:30-8:00pm $5.00/Car Entrance Fee is required at check-in! (provides for our awards budget) Check-In Will Close Promptly At 8:00pm for Judging!!! Note: This is a time for fine-tuning your car, testing it on the track & checking-in for your race. Racers MUST present their own cars for inspection (see rules below) & provide a name for their car. Racers MUST take a Driver’s Test & receive their Driver’s License. After passing the above, cars shall be given a Group Race #, photographed & “Impounded” for race day. Cars may ONLY be handled by the Pit Crew once they have been Impounded – no more adjustments! Saturday - January, 16TH, 2010: - “Daytona Beach BBQ” Coffee/Donuts from 7:00-8:30am; BBQ Lunch from 10:30am-12:30pm SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – ALL PROCEEDS HELP PAY FOR THE EVENT!!! Coffee/Donuts: $1.00/”Turbo Coffee” - $1.00/”Victory Donuts” $5.00/Lunch Plate: "Wheelie Burger" OR "Dragster Dog" – Includes 2 Side-Dish Items & Soda/H20 À La Carte: $2.00/Grill Item - $1.00/Side Item (“Specialty Items” per request) - “Pack 700 Car Show” from 7:00am-8:00am: - “Pack 702 Car Show” from 11:00am-12:00pm: Come check-out all the hard work our Scouts put into their cars, and see what Judgment Awards they won!!! Judgment Award Categories/Each “Scout Group” Only (“Open Groups” NOT Judged) Best Design, Best Shape, Best Sanding, Best Paint, Best Workmanship, Best Detail, Best Theme, Best Imagination, Most Colorful, Most Artistic, Most Original, Most Creative, Most Realistic, Most Unique, Most Humorous, Most Aerodynamic, Cubmaster's Choice & Crew Chief's Choice. - “Group Race Events” from 7:45am to 3:00pm: (±:30 Min./Group Race – Award Ceremonies Will Conclude Each Group Race): PACK 700 Scout Pinewood Derby Race OPENING CEREMONY: 7:45-8:00am (Flag Ceremony, National Anthem, Prayer – ALL Pack 700 Scouts) Tiger Cub Group: 8:00-8:30am (1st–6th Place/±12 Racers) Wolf Group: 8:30-9:00am (1st–6th/±17 Racers) Bear Group: 9:00-9:30am (1st–6th Place/±12 Racers) Webelos II Group: 9:30-10:00am (1st–6th Place/±15 Racers) Webelos I Group: 10:00-10:30am (1st–6th Place/±14 Racers) Pack FINAL Group: 10:30-11:00am (1st-3rd Place/+15 Racers: Top 3 from each “Scout Group.”) Pack 700 & 702 Open Pinewood Race** (Time Permitting) Diva Darlings 11:00-11:45am Den Chief Rally Outlaw Victor Vengeance PACK 702 Scout Pinewood Derby Race OPENING CEREMONY: 11:45am-12:00pm (Flag Ceremony, National Anthem, Prayer – ALL Pack 702 Scouts) Tiger Cub Group: 12:00-12:30pm (1st–6th Place/±8 Racers) Wolf Group: 12:30-1:00pm (1st–6th/±11 Racers) Bear Group: 1:00-1:30pm (1st–6th Place/±7 Racers) Webelos II Group: 1:30-2:00pm (1st–6th Place/±8 Racers) Webelos I Group: (No Webelos II) (1st–6th Place/±0 Racers) Pack FINAL Group: 2:00am-2:30pm (1st-3rd Place/+15 Racers: Top 3 from each “Scout Group.”) **Note: The “Pack 700 & Pack 702 Pinewood Derby Race” above, is for the following qualifying racers: (rules apply below…) · Diva Darlings: “All-Girl” race for Moms, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers, etc. with old or new cars… · Den Chief Rally: For All Boy Scout Helpers & “Den Chiefs” with old or new cars… · Outlaw: For Scouts & Family Members with old or new cars having non-BSA wheels, axels & body wood… · Victor Vengeance: For Scouts & their old cars who’ve advanced to a previous year’s “Pack Final” & want to race in a re-match…(Year & Placement Required) HOW: Pack 700 & 702 Pinewood Derby Rules – “BE PREPARED:” Please Consult the Official BSA Rules & Instructions in the BSA P/D kit, which shall include, but is not limited to the following: · Car Design: The Pack 700 & 702 Cardinal-Rule: ONLY Official BSA wheels, axels & body wood provided in the Official BSA P/D kit are permitted!!! All cars will be inspected at “Check-In” for compliance - PineCar® & other Non-BSA wheels, axels & pre-cut body wood are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. However, BSA & Non-BSA P/D car accessories, decals & paint may be used; and there will be a variety of Judgment Awards given at the “Pack 700 & 702 Car Show” – BE CREATIVE!!! All cars MUST be “newly built” within the same year as the Pinewood Derby event, and built by the competing Scout with Adult/Akela supervision. Racers MUST build & complete their cars before the event; however, there will be an opportunity to “fine-tune” cars, and add/remove weight & lubrication at the “Hot Rod Alley” on Friday night. Please insure plenty of “dry-time” for glue & paint before “Check-In.” It’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to protect your car(s) in a box container/toolbox, and to also bring extra weight, superglue, graphite/Teflon® lube & repair tools to the event. Safety Tip: Always wear eye protection & gloves when using tools. Power tools require Adult/Akela assistance at ALL times! Painting & Gluing MUST be done in a well-ventilated area. · Wheels & Axels: Do NOT alter wheel size/shape or remove BSA lettering. Wheel mass may be reduced, NOT increased, on the INSIDE of the wheel ONLY. Wheel covers/paint/decals may be permitted at the discretion of Race Officials – Official BSA P/D kit wheels & axels MUST be identifiable by Race Officials! Filing, lathing, sanding & polishing the “burrs” from the BSA axels & wheels is permitted & HIGHLY recommended to reduce friction. The pre-cut axel groves on the body wood in your BSA P/D kit are NOT required to be used. All four wheels MUST make full “flat” contact with the track surface. ALL accessories/decorative attachments MUST be securely glued to the car, and the car MUST reside within the specified BSA dimensional limits; thereby, avoiding wheel or body rub on the track lane & interference with other cars. Maximum BSA Pinewood Derby Car Dimensions: Width: ≤2¾”, Length: ≤7”, Width Between Wheels: =1¾”, Bottom Clearance: ≥3/8” All cars MUST fit within the Official Measurement Box at “Check-In” to qualify for the race. Lastly, it is recommended that wheels & axels are aligned as straight as possible, insuring that the car doesn’t “ride along the rail” & that all wheels spin as freely as possible. Once wheel & axel alignment has been achieved, axels should be secured to the body of the car with glue. Speed Tip: The more you can do to reduce friction the better! · Lubrication: ONLY dry-powder graphite/Teflon® may be used to lubricate wheels/axels – NO washers, bearings, bushings, axel grease, WD-40®, 3-In-1 Oil®, etc. Dry-powder graphite/Teflon® is VERY MESSY & will stain anything it comes in contact with. At the event, Oil Pans provided at “Hot Rod Alley” MUST be used to apply lubrication, including any last-minute filing, sanding or drilling!!! It is HIGHLY recommended to avoid contact with the dry-powder graphite/Teflon® to painted surfaces on your car, clothing, table, floor, etc! Speed Tip: Don’t paint where the wheel touches the body – paint & graphite together creates drag. Add additional lubricant just before “Check-In,” spinning the wheels as it is applied. · Weight: All cars MUST weigh 5.00 Ounces or less at “Check-In” to qualify for the race. Gravity is the ONLY force allowed to move your car down the track; therefore, having all 5.00 Ounces is critical, but not required. The BSA P/D kit alone will NOT be enough weight by itself & additional weight should be added to your car, in order to bring it up to the desired 5.00 Ounces; such as lead, tungsten, coins, etc. Weight placement is at your own discretion, as long as your car meets the BSA dimension requirements above. At the event, Pack 700 scales shall be provided at “Hot Rod Alley” for Adult/Akela use ONLY – Scouts should NOT use scales unless they are supervised. Before the event, these same scales are available to your Den Leader to borrow for Den meetings; or if available, one may use a kitchen or postal scale. (Another source is to take your car to the Post Office, Mail Boxes Etc., or UPS Store & use their scales.) Safety Tip: Do NOT sand/file lead weight—lead is poisonous! Please wash hands THOROUGHLY after handling lead weight, and after using graphite/Teflon®, glue, paint, etc. Speed Tip: Place as much of the car’s mass as low & as far back as possible for maximum push, while maintaining the car’s center of gravity at about ¾” to 1¼” in front of the rear axle to stabilize the front end & keep the car from “popping-off” the track. · Check-In: All cars MUST be checked-in Friday night by 8:00pm to qualify for the race. This includes a “Driver’s License Test,” where each Scout/racer earns their P/D Driver’s License, and a full “Car Inspection” by Race Officials. Once a Scout/racer passes both tests, they are asked to provide a name for their car; it’s then given a race number, photographed, and impounded until race day in “Mater’s Impound Yard.” All cars are released after each group race. VERY IMPORTANT: Once a car has been impounded, it may NOT be touched for any reason, accept by Race Officials, or as directed by the TrackMaster or Crew Chief for emergency repairs during a race, until the car is released back to the Scout at the awards ceremony! After “Check-In,” get a good night’s sleep!!! · Racing: The Pack 700 & Pack 702 Pinewood Derby is a FUN event for the whole family – the usual mode of “good sportsmanship” is expected, just as it is at any Scout function. Please do NOT bring pets, “Heelys,” gum/candy, or other distractions that will reduce the quality of the Pinewood Derby experience. Parents are expected to supervise their own children – room, facility & equipment use is a PRIVILEGE & may be revoked by Corpus Christi Church or Race Officials at any time. All Scouts & spectators MUST remain behind the race pennant-line & off the track. The Pinewood Derby race track, including Friday night Practice Racing & all Race Heats on Saturday are at the complete control of the TrackMaster, Crew Chief & Race Officials – Scouts & spectators may NOT place or remove P/D cars on the race track!!! During the race, if a car jumps it’s lane, interferes with another car, looses a wheel or doesn’t make it across the finish-line for any reason, the Race Heat may be repeated, at the discretion of the TrackMaster or Crew Chief. The number of Race Heats for each Group Race shall be determined by the number of P/D cars entered & the number of track lanes in use; using a computer algorithm within our race software that provides for equal lane usage & the best possible head-to-head competition. During each Group Race, each Race Heat is scored: 1st Place = 1 Point, 2nd Place = 2 Points, 3rd Place = 3 Points, etc. At the end of a “Scout Group Race,” the points for all Race Heats are added together, which determines the 1st through 6th Place winners to be recognized, including ties, who’ve accumulated the least amount of points. The option of a “total time” method may be used in place of a point system. In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place winners, a “Sudden Death” Race Heat shall be conducted to break the tie; however, each Scout/racer shall receive an award – lane choice may be determined via coin toss. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place winners, including Scouts/racers who tied, shall advance to the “Pack Final.” Note: Additional Construction Ideas, Detailed Speed Tips & a Huge Variety of Accessories Available On-Line – Just Search: “Pinewood Derby” WHY: Because time with your Scout is PRICELESS!!!

FW: Mixed News for the Hawaiian Monk Seal


Mixed News for the Hawaiian Monk Seal by T. David Schofield Question: What is the most critically endangered marine mammal whose entire range lies within the United States? Answer: The Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi). This “living fossil” is documented in the scientific literature as the most ancient of all pinniped (fin-footed animal) species. Originating 14 to 15 million years ago, this species is older than some of the Hawaiian Islands it now inhabits. The bad news is that only about 1,100 Hawaiian monk seals remain. Ninety percent of them live in the Refuge and Monument systems of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) in the Midway Atoll and Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuges, which are managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and at the very tip of the state’s Kure Atoll Seabird Sanctuary. The NWHI population is declining by 4 percent per year. The somewhat good news is that the remaining 10 percent—estimated at 100 individuals found throughout the eight main Hawaiian Islands—are increasing. Problems such as poor female juvenile survival, entanglement in fishing gear and other marine debris, shark predation, diminishing beach habitat due to sea level rise, and reduced prey availability (which is due to people fishing and other top predator animals) are recognized as causes for the recent decline in the NWHI. Historical causes included pressure from military use of the islands and an intensive sealing and exploration expedition in the mid-1850s. However, the seal population in the main Hawaiian Islands appears to be on the rebound. Although the carrying capacity for monk seals in the main islands is unknown, 88 individuals are routinely sighted, a number that is based on such mark-recapture methods as identifying markings, flipper tags, and tracking by telemetry equipment. The Recovery Plan for the Hawaiian Monk Seal established a range-wide population goal of maintaining 2,900 individuals for 20 years before the seal can be removed from Endangered Species Act protection. Projections suggest that the main Hawaiian Islands would have to sustain 500 of the seals. Currently, seals there appear to be thriving; the adults appear to be larger than those in the NWHI, mothers appear to be very healthy prior to giving birth, births are increasing, and pups are larger and healthier in comparison to the NWHI pups. While the monk seal population growth in the main islands is encouraging, these animals face complex and unique impacts that were not previously observed in the larger NWHI population. Non-fatal hookings during recreational fishing, fatal entanglements, dog attacks, and conditioning to humans are among the threats that may be disastrous for the population in the main islands. For example, “R042,” a female monk seal born on a popular beach on the Big Island of Hawai‘i, quickly became desensitized to humans. As a result, she began to exhibit friendly behaviors and interactions with people that led to swimming together, tactile petting, and feeding. This seal was first adopted by the local community, but she was soon admonished after becoming too playful and occasionally aggressive. After she jumped onto kayaks and surfboards, it was clear that these behaviors could become a nuisance to people, and the seal had to be relocated to another island. This is the third monk seal that required removal from its island of origin due to negative interactive behavior. In 2003, another monk seal from the Big Island was moved to the island of Kaho‘olawe and eventually moved farther away to Johnston Atoll. A second seal was removed from Kaua‘i and sent to Ni‘ihau. Moving seals away from their island of origin is not a preferred management practice. It demonstrates the need for increased public education about the problems caused by conditioning monk seals to interact with people. With the decline of the NWHI population, the future of the Hawaiian monk seal may depend on the survival of the increasing population in the main islands. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Pacific Islands Regional Office has developed a network of dedicated community members to foster public involvement in monk seal conservation. During the past three years, several island coordinators and a large cadre of volunteers throughout the state have enlisted in the effort. The volunteer network includes approximately 300 members from diverse backgrounds. On a daily basis, they respond to reports of seal haul-outs (literally, seals hauling themselves onto the beach), educate local citizens and tourists, record information, and provide the NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center with images that are used to identify and monitor the seals. Outreach programs include a statewide Hawaiian Monk Seal Count every April and October, and school programs have been developed by volunteer teachers. These tools have proven useful in fostering the concept that recovering the monk seal will require efforts by all of us. Learning from the growing public awareness of the humpback whale following its designation as the official Hawaii State Marine Mammal, monk seal response volunteers lobbied to appoint the seal as the official Hawaii State Mammal. This process helped to inform the Hawaii State Legislature on the critical status of the monk seal while elevating public awareness. It is imperative that the public understand the plight of the Hawaiian monk seal and support efforts to prevent its continued decline. This year, one of the world’s three species of monk seal was declared extinct (see the following article on the Caribbean monk seal). We all need to work to avoid such a fate for the Hawaiian monk seal—a unique natural treasure. T. David Schofield, Interim Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Coordinator and Marine Mammal Response Network Coordinator in the NMFS Honolulu, Hawaii, office, can be reached at David. [email protected] or 808-944-2269.

每日英雄 -- Everyday Hero


這晚童軍5:30就要開大會 很多家長都要先提早離開工作 媽咪跟爸鼻提醒要5:20分到家 爸鼻也很為難 爸鼻5:00才開完會打電話回家 媽咪只好自己拎著大小兩隻去開童軍大會 還好三點媽咪就開始準備披薩 從揉麵發酵到排上面的料熱烤箱 終於5:10時烤好了 山大王山大妞還沒吃完 就被媽咪趕上車到場地5:35pm 啊~怎麼才小貓兩三隻 原來童軍大會搞烏龍5:30可以開始拍照 媽咪還以為要拍團體照 結果是一個個上去拍 兩個小時的會 媽咪一樣得抱著山大妞 想辦法讓沒睡午覺的小妞妞有事情做 皮包裏的In-N-out拼圖貼紙真是媽咪的救星 童軍基本測驗 童軍大會今天頒發"每日英雄"徽章 小男生都很樂突然可以多一個獎牌 "每日英雄"就是鼓勵大家 眼睛看到可以幫忙的事 就該不計回報去做 不怕麻煩幫忙需要的人真的很難得 這種美德是成就一個偉人心靈的種子 山大王有把大會主持人唸稿的"每日英雄"真意記下 回家會幫忙收拾"不是他弄髒的地板" 也會幫忙媽咪讓"沒睡午覺很難搞"的妹妹破涕為笑 這就是參加童軍的好處 這麼多人以身作則一起 教導這些精力過剩的小男生們各種健康有意義的活動 讓孩子知道做一個人基本禮儀及美德 童軍手冊裏不但鼓勵小男生動手做勞作走出戶外接近自然 運動保持身體健康和家庭重要的價值也要孩子學習榮譽的行為 更重要是教父母們一些常忽略該教孩子的生活知識 雖然今天還要繳年費--很貴$96大洋 爸鼻媽咪還是很樂意讓山大王再參加一年 山大王背童軍守則 排隊領取"每日英雄"獎牌 小隊旗 小隊團體照



媽咪自願和山大王一起幫忙童軍大隊開會前賣熱狗 想讓山大王了解賺錢辛苦 爸鼻倒楣得要趕回家讓媽咪可以5:30出門 爸鼻累得半死想回家好好休息 媽咪要爸鼻帶妹妹在家"休息" 無奈妹妹大哭說要跟著媽咪 媽咪哪有辦法邊賣熱狗邊帶很怕生的山大妞 媽咪只好問爸鼻要和山大王一起去賣熱狗 還是幫忙帶山大妞一起到大隊開會處 爸鼻只好坐上車全家一起去賣熱狗 Kim & Lisa固定每個月都幫童軍大隊開會前 和她們兒子女兒一起幫忙 賣熱狗和棉花糖幫忙pack 700賺會費用 媽咪真是眼界大開 熱狗餐$5包括洋芋片,巧克力餅乾,熱狗和飲料 但是如果單買其中一項只要$1 大家幾乎都是下班拎著兒子趕來開會先買熱狗餐填肚子 雖然也有人單買熱狗或加買多一點熱狗 但似乎大家都不太在乎用多花一元買單點共只要$4的四樣東西 還有童軍大隊的長輩們甚至是花$5但只要四項裏其中三項 這樣定價也是因為好找錢 就連Kim & Lisa給在幫忙的兒子女兒買餐點 也是花一樣價錢買熱狗餐完全沒有"員工價" 可見大家向心力很強 也有朋友買給朋友熱狗 真的是吃東西事小捐給童軍大隊意義重大 對於花錢一向精打細算的媽咪爸鼻來說 覺得老美在捐錢給自己所屬團體方面非常慷慨大方 爸鼻等山大王和媽咪洗手好 了解狀況後就放妹妹黏著媽咪說要回家休息了 可見爸鼻真的是很"顧家"的男人 媽咪負責收錢找錢招呼買熱狗餐的家長忙的不亦樂乎 雖然是義務幫忙賣也忙得很開心 有另外一位女孩幫忙媽咪給巧克力餅乾 所有食物均來自Costco 山大王和另一位8歲三年級的童軍一起幫忙捲熱狗 山大妞則黏在媽咪腿邊當小跟班 媽咪比較不忙時就抱她到檯面上看店面 兩個客人以上點三四份熱狗餐時 媽咪就完全忘記妹妹在腿邊 不時晃來晃去絆到山大妞 山大妞也很機伶地緊跟媽咪前後左右 並沒有被眼睛黏在鈔票上的媽咪絆倒 山大王雖然在家就吃過牛肉飯 但是幫忙捲熱狗讓山大王又開始餓起來了 Lisa很照顧"童工"說山大王隨時可以"開溜"去吃熱狗餐 但媽咪希望山大王可以幫忙時 要專業一點不要只想吃~~~ 而且媽咪錢包放車上被爸鼻開回家了 身上並沒有錢幫孩子買晚餐*___* 山大王三兩回頻頻詢問媽咪可不可以 照Lisa阿姨說的"先吃再說(之後再交錢)" 媽咪怕被人家說虐待小孩只好讓山大王吃整套熱狗餐 山大王開始吃一陣子買餐點的人潮也退了 媽咪就帶山大妞過去跟山大王"分食" 山大王一直被媽咪催快吃完要開會了 媽咪抱著山大妞在腿上看山大王跟他小隊一起參加開童軍大會 還好因為山大妞很害羞所以耐得住無奈 帶著Hello Kitty小掛飾日本玩偶和一小張Hannah Montana的便條紙 就可以讓山大妞消磨無聊的童軍大會開會一小時半的時光 開完會Kim繼續特賣"單點餐"一律半價50Cents 爸鼻說7:10來接我們時皮夾只有四元現金 被媽咪差遣回車上拿媽咪皮包湊足五大洋給Lisa 就這樣結束山大王和媽咪妹妹一起賣熱狗"花"了五大洋的事件

童軍爬山健行活動 8:00-12:00 Hiking; Scout Den "Go see it"


爸鼻這幾週週末一直覺得沒有休息到 很想讓媽咪帶山大王去參加童軍爬山健行活動 沒想到媽咪生病咳嗽很嚴重 爸鼻只好摸摸鼻子一大早挖山大王起床7:40AM出發 山大王跟童軍小隊的領隊娘說 他很期待這次童軍爬山健行活動 領隊爹是當童軍長大的 也是有考照過的naturalist 健行地點就在家對面的山谷 可是山寨家從來沒有機會去一探究竟 雖然沿途可以看到一百呎的瀑布 但目前並沒有水流 也不會遇到山獅或熊等危險野生動物 但是爸鼻說前一陣子內陸一點的山裡有 山獅突擊咬成人頭顱獵食的意外 領隊爹要父母不要離小孩觸手可及之外的距離 不過如果可以見到小山貓Bobcat 那就很幸運了 不過山大王說連蛇都沒見到 倒是有見到蛇蛻的皮和貝殼化石 小男生聚在一起都很容易興奮 媽咪前天晚上才陪山大王一起看 領隊爹提醒的注意事項和需帶的東西 但是山大王還是不住要踢沙撿石頭和同學追逐 當然不免被山寨老爺訓斥 山大王還是第一個率先跌倒 後來陸續有幾個小男生也跌倒 爬山健行原本是放鬆頭腦強健體力的休閒活動 但是每個爸鼻要顧著小男生走走停停也頗費精神 領隊爹不但談到這片自然生態保護的歷史 十幾年前本來要蓋成商場 因為熱愛自然人士牽手沿公路133圍起抗議 最後不斷與Irvine Company協商角力才留下這片美好的野生生態 媽咪知道最後山大王和爸鼻 居然和童軍小隊走了4英哩的山路很意外 超過山寨家健行短短的2~3英哩路程 爸鼻開玩笑說這些小男生還是飼料雞 最後都拖著雙腳在地上滑行 還好山大妞沒有硬要跟去 爸鼻說不然他真的就垮在哪裡了XD 從登山山谷的停車場到家裏才不到15分鐘 山大王就在車裏睡了起來 爸鼻吃過午餐也趕緊去午睡補眠去 可見真的有操到:D

幼童軍小組小公園開會 Scout Den Meeting


6:30pm幼童軍小組小公園開會 這是開學日最後一個活動 媽咪下午忙的不可開交 一面耳提面命山大王Scout Promise/Law of Pack... 一面油煎BBQ雞腿趕晚餐上桌 一面縫最後一個山大王童軍制服的繡徽章 爸鼻回到家也很累 媽咪只好再帶山大王走路去社區小公園參加小組開會 山大妞也很想去小公園玩 爸鼻拗不過她隨後懶得走路開車去小公園 天氣漸涼開學後大家都結束度假全部到齊 Den leader問誰知道Boy Scout Law of Pack 一位同學舉手但答不出來 山大王接著背出來 家長和小朋友給予熱烈掌聲 開完會媽媽們聊開學第一天經驗和分班心得 媽咪和爸鼻則趕緊帶大小兩隻在天黑前回家 回到家媽咪還要填寫明天學校要收的學生資料卡 但媽咪沒有忘記Den Leader說 傍晚7:45pm可以看見繞地球的太空站和太空衛星 從西邊橫越天際到東邊 我們一家準時看到三分鐘兩個亮點快速飛越夜空 可惜我們望遠鏡看不見Den Leader說的太陽能板 山大王很開心說可以看到rocky ship 其實是Space Station 山寨家雖然沒有天文狂熱夜夜看星空 但是也是對宇宙的知識十分關切 上回PBS節目介紹天文學家 終於觀測到我們的銀河系也有黑洞吸食太陽(不是我們的太陽系)現象 讓爸鼻媽咪也很興奮天文又向前邁進一步 這比山大王在迷的star war要有趣多了