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從台灣回來就開學了 孩子都蠻獨立的 功課不需要盯了 當然媽咪爸鼻還是有關心一下 只是上學時就趕快寫完功課的女兒 有次很酷週末忘了要家長簽名 怕被老師罰就自己來 爸鼻簽名超工整 所以小女就工整地抄一遍 現在回到家媽咪一定問她功課寫完一定要我簽喔 山大王哥哥上了中學 功課變重不但每天有功課還有一周小考成績 由於每天四點出爐功課表和成績單 所以都讓家長很清楚孩子的狀況 山大王除了男生粗獷的個性 簡答題就真的用“簡單”的方式回答不夠詳細被扣分外 其他剛開學會忘東忘西的習慣已經改善很多 中學的家長返校日模擬孩子每堂換教室的方式 每十分鐘一個老師 六七堂課濃縮在一個小時半結束 中學和小學上下課時間不同 很多同學都走路上下學 媽咪讓他有次要上鋼琴課那天下課時走路到指定路口接他 第一次他沒有找到路口 跟路過男生借電話打到一半就得還別人手機了 因為站錯路口不知道媽媽會不會找到他 過了40分還不見媽媽這小子還急著哭了 我又心急又生氣他遺失給他的地圖 接到他再開回去要他到的指定路口 再三交代就是這裡 他才真正清楚 所以原本看電腦印地圖給他都不可靠 給超有自信的中學生就是要他實地經驗一次才行 路名知道但找不到也是會出錯 昨天開始山大王也都拿到分用保存箱所以運動服和重物可以放學校 每天如果放學山大王要走回家就輕鬆多了 這幾天爸鼻媽咪也都在天氣沒有爆熱的星期五同意 讓他走45分鐘的上下坡回家 雖然會掛心 但是還是得讓孩子學習獨立 山大王週末早上醒來也想去走路上坡 下坡來回一小時自己走路 因為週末他堅持自己一個人走 路口遇到同學家長老師還被關心了一下 接下來又是小學家長返校日了 媽咪得準備去申請狗牌 這樣當義工時學校老師都比較放心吧 希望炎熱的天氣快快過去 等不及迎接秋天的高爽日子來臨了

FW: Communicating With Your Cat


Communicating With Your Cat Communicating with your cat is not simply a parlor trick you can perform to amuse your dinner guests. It's an important part of training your cat and reinforcing your bond with her. Teaching your cat simple commands like "DOWN" and "NO!" will make her a better pet, while words like "Treats!" and "Dinner!" will help her associate you with something pleasurable. Cats rarely vocalize with other cats (other than to hiss and growl at trespassers); they reserve verbal interaction for humans. Feline language is a complex mix of facial expression, tail position, ear position and other forms of body language in addition to scent and sound. Cats learn to make demands of us by observing which of their sounds cause which human responses. Understanding Your Cat Some cats (like the Oriental breeds) are vocal and have extensive vocabularies. Other cats scarcely "speak" at all, or have a one-size-fits-all yowl that covers all the bases. Whether your cat is vocal or not, she will be fluent in body language, a key component of her interactions with you and other animals. By tuning in to both her body and her voice, you can learn to differentiate between "Feed me" and "HELP! Timmy's in the well!" The following vocalizations are fairly common to most cats: Short meow: "Hey, how ya doin'?" Multiple meows: "I'm so happy to see you! Where've you been? I missed you!" Mid-pitch meow: A plea for something, usually dinner, treats, or to be let outside. Drawn-out mrrraaaaaoooow: "Did you forget to feed me, you idiot? I want dinner NOW!" or similar demand. Low pitched mraaooww: "You are so lame. The service around here sucks," or similar complaint. High-pitch RRRROWW!: "OUCH!!! YOU STEPPED ON MY TAIL YOU IMBECILE!" Purr: Most often a sign of contentedness, but can also be used when in pain or afraid -- an instinctual response to hide weakness from predators. Hiss: "Steer clear. I'm angry and I'm not afraid to draw blood." Clicking sounds: Cats who are tracking prey will make a distinctive clicking sound. Most Cats Use the Following Gestures to Communicate: The Tail: Tail straight up or straight up with a curl at the end: Happy. Tail twitching: Excited or anxious. Tail vibrating: Very excited to see you. Tail fur sticks straight up while the tail curls in the shape of an N: Extreme aggression. Tail fur sticks straight up but the tail is held low: Aggression or frightened. Tail held low and tucked under the rear: Frightened. Eyes: Dilated pupils: Very playful or excited. It can also indicate aggression. Slowly blinking eyes: Affection, the equivalent of blowing a kiss. Head: Ears pinned back: Fear, anxiety, aggression Tongue flicking: Worry, apprehension Rubbing head, flank and tail against a person or animal: Greeting ritual, ownership claim Head-butting: Friendliness, affection Face sniffing: Confirming identity Wet nose kiss: Affection Licking: The penultimate sign of affection. Or an indication that you need to clean up after a sardine snack. Helping Your Cat Understand You As you communicate with your cat, the words you use are less important than how you say them and the body language that accompanies them. If you say "DOWN!" or "NO!" in the same tone you use for, "Good Kitty! Here's a treat," you'll confuse your cat and she'll misinterpret what you're saying. Consistency is the key to successful communication with your cat. To correct behavior, use a loud, firm, authoritative voice, and use this same tone consistently in conjunction with body language. For example, when ordering your cat "down," make a stern face, and use one of your hands to point down. For praise, or when calling your cat to dinner or offering treats, use a higher-pitched "happy" voice, smile, and beckon with your hand. If your cat is begging for attention when you are trying to work or accomplish some other task, you will need to say "NO!" firmly, and gently push the cat away without showing affection. Cats don't have much respect for the human's personal space and will try repeatedly to invade it, so you may need to repeat the NO-push combination several times before Fluffy gives up and leaves you alone. If you say "no" and pet your cat instead of pushing her away, she will interpret your actions as a welcome signal. Most cats will also respond to a sharp hissing or spitting sound as a "no" command when they are doing something seriously wrong and need to be stopped. If you consistently use the same voice, facial expressions and hand gestures, most cats will have no trouble understanding what you say. The more you communicate with your cat, the better the two of you will become at understanding each other.



在乾晴的南加州住久也會很開心迎接難得的秋天雨 前兩個星期難得下雨天讓我想到台北灰濛濛濕漉漉的冬天 下過雨天空深透藍裡飄著白灰色大片大片的雲 很適合愛作夢的人揮霍時間 可惜時間對我來說總是很零碎 這零碎的時間可能得用來折衣服 說一本繪本給女兒 把米淘洗放下去煮 把地上被山大妞說:"I mess up"的食物碎屑掃起來 泡一壺咖啡給爸鼻和自己 或是拿昨天郵差就送到的信 還有把小包垃圾拿去大垃圾桶丟 很想作的夢希望留在沒有失眠的夜晚 就是20分鐘也很夠 事實上每天我應該有三小時可以自由揮霍 但是莫名的焦慮總是讓時間沒收了心靈的自由 十月中時後山坡終於修好了 現在山大妞午睡可以安心地睡 (除了星期三下午垃圾車還會來 發出令山大妞作噩夢了怪聲) 不怕之前推土機不時聒噪地工作 吵醒山大妞好夢 最近天氣變很涼 雖然到週末天氣又要變超熱 不過這幾天晚上都很冷 爸鼻電風扇都清乾淨準備收起來了 山大妞今天去學校回來 沒多久就要ㄋㄟㄋㄟ睡 她睡了一小時醒來哭 媽咪抱她下樓 山大王跑到他自己的房間 用小樂高組恐龍化石 還有海盜船,盆栽,和鹿 媽咪抱著山大妞在沙發上再午睡十分鐘 抱著熱呼呼的小妞妞午睡 雖然只有十分鐘但也休息到了 沒有山大王在旁邊吵鬧嘻笑 媽咪看著後院天晴風輕 也很享受山大妞趴在媽咪身上睡的重量 想著在半年山大妞就沒這麼小北鼻似的可愛了 安靜的午後很睏的母女倆躺著小憩 啊! 天涼秋好眠啦



山大妞每每等到爸鼻載哥哥到幼稚園後 就會在車上一直問哥哥呢 中午媽咪接到山大王後就趕緊去接山大妞 山大王每次都迫不及待跑去擁抱 在老師懷裡等待媽咪接她的山大妞 今天媽咪卻找不到山大妞坐在老師懷裡開心地等著 老師說媽咪經過辦公室沒看見生病的山大妞嗎 原來11點多時山大妞在學校花園玩時 嘴唇被黃蜂蜇到了 媽咪和哥哥趕緊回到辦公室 看到山大妞嘴唇腫起來正被抱在Kim懷裡睡著 媽咪詳細問了事情發生的經過和處理的過程 媽咪實在沒有經驗 被Wasp(黃蜂)螫到要該如何處理 Kim說山大妞在塗小蘇打粉再嘴唇上時 (中和黃蜂螫的毒)有哭一下 之前喝了很多的水但也有吐一次 後來好像吃東西時吃不太下 但不知道山大妞是否對黃蜂毒過敏 最好問問她的醫生 媽咪把睡夢中的妹妹抱起來 遇到Dylan媽咪說Dylan幾週前 也被黃蜂蛰在臉頰上腫起來但沒有吐 媽咪之後抱著山大妞去教室拿她的袋子 帶小朋友午睡後的Vicky老師趕緊給媽咪受傷通知單 說山大妞被螫後也沒大鬧大哭 只是眼淚流下來讓老師們很心疼 給她吃冰棒消腫她也不想吃 哥哥聽到看到妹妹意外發生的經過情形 很擔心心疼妹妹也流下眼淚 還提醒媽咪要打電話給醫生 山大妞睡起來精神還不錯 跟媽咪說"I feel better" 在車上還和哥哥談笑生風 吃小魚乾喝水都沒有問題 似乎毒性漸漸消退中 回到家也吃午餐胃口也還不錯 和哥哥也可以胡鬧吵嘴了 還好傍晚山大妞bee-stung lips就消腫看不太出來了 不知道是不是跟妹妹今天穿了 白底花花裙招惹了黃蜂 還好一個小時左右山大妞就沒事了 What is the treatment of insect bites and stings? If the reaction is mild, insect stings should be treated by first removing the stinger. This is necessary as the stinger continues to pump venom from its sack until it is empty or removed. The stinger should be removed by using a firm edge such a knife or credit card that is placed against your skin next to the embedded stinger. Apply constant firm pressure and scrape across the skin surface to remove the stinger. This is preferred to using tweezers or fingers, which can accidentally squeeze more venom into the patient. The site should be cleaned with a disinfectant and an ice or cold pack applied to reduce pain and swelling. Topical steroid cream or calamine lotion may be applied several times a day until symptoms subside. If necessary, oral antihistamines can also be taken. If an insect sting causes a severe reaction or anaphylaxis, urgent medical attention should be sought. If a patient is known to have an allergy to insect stings they may carry with them an allergy kit containing adrenaline (epinephrine). This can be used in such circumstances and may prove to be life saving. A medic alert tag is a wise precaution for those at risk from anaphylaxis. The main treatment aim of insect bites is to prevent itching. Topical and oral antihistamines, calamine lotion, and topical local anaesthetic agents may provide relief. As generally only brief treatment is required moderate potency topical steroids may also be used to provide a longer effect. Bites from insects carrying disease usually require specific antimicrobial therapy to treat the disease. Can insect stings and bites be prevented? The following simple measures can prevent insect stings and bites: Avoid perfume and bright-coloured clothing to reduce the risk of bee stings Control odours at picnics, garbage areas etc that can attract insects Destroy or relocate hives or nests close to your home Don't leave pools of stagnating water as these attract mosquitoes Electrical insect repelling devices and lit coils may be effective Cover all parts of the body with clothing, hats, socks, and gloves if going into areas where there is a high likelihood of getting bitten or stung Maintain good personal and household hygiene De-flea cats, dogs and other household pets regularly Use insect repellents, which are readily available from pharmacies or supermarkets. Those containing D.E.E.T (diethyltoluamide) are the most effective. Permethrin can be applied to clothing to give protection for two weeks, through two washings. It can also be applied directly to exposed skin keeping the insects away for a few days. Thiamine (vitamin B1) can be used as a systemic insect repellent (the skin has a characteristic smell) From: Derm NZ

學校淪為市場 fw: commercialism in education; Corporate Involvement In Schools:


By the mid 1990s, direct marketing, promotions, and sponsorships actually accounted for 80 percent of marketing dollars. To entice kids into shilling products to their peers, marketers dangle cash rewards, product samples, or the opportunity to be part of an undercover, trendsetting club. They pitch it as a form of empowerment, telling children “You have a voice that will be heard,” and, “You get cool information before your friends receive it. Kanner sees advertising as a prime culprit: “Advertising is a massive, multi-million dollar project that’s having an enormous impact on child development.”The result is not only an epidemic of materialistic values among children, but also a “narcissistic wounding” whereby children have become convinced that they’re inferior if they don’t have an endless array of new products. Author and Boston College Sociology Professor Juliet Schor finds links between immersion in consumer culture and depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and conflicts with parents.44 The American Academy of Pediatrics sees a causal connection between increased displays of aggressive behavior and ads aimed at kids for movies, games, and music rife with violent imagery However, marketers go too far when they use the “parental responsibility”argument to imply that they themselves should not be held accountable for egregious intrusions into children’s lives. Furthermore, marketers are increasingly going out of their way to circumvent parents, seeking out children in venues where parents aren’t present. Alex Molnar is professor and director of the Center for the Analysis of Commercialism in Education (CACE) at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. The Center’s website can be found at www.uwm.edu/Dept/CACE. • Does the board have a policy on commercializing activities in the schools? If not, should one be developed? • What criteria should be applied to assess whether a marketing activity is allowed in schools? • What impact does marketing in schools have on academic standards? • Are corporate-sponsored educational materials subject to the same review as other instructional materials such as text books? Should they be? • What is the cost of accepting marketing and advertising in the schools in terms of teacher time, use of facilities, etc.? • Have the public costs of for-profit management schemes been thoroughly and objectively calculated? • What are the respective roles of state boards of education and local school boards in addressing these questions? Within the realm of public education, the translation of citizens into consumers and students into a commercial resource to be harvested for the benefit of private interests would alter the character of not only America’s schools but American civic culture as well. Whether a transformation this profound is to be embraced or rejected is a subject worthy of a farreaching and vigorous public debate. State board members should be key people in discussing and deciding these issues.



生活太方便常常不知道什麼叫磨練 早上媽咪到車庫看到一攤水原來是熱水爐漏水 媽咪把瓦斯火關掉 爸鼻忙了一個早上查看 這個才換四年不到的大熱鍋漏水可麻煩了 冰箱罷工修好才沒多久 沒想到鍋爐也跟著鬧情緒 爸鼻把冷水入水口關掉 卻發現另一個浴室水龍頭也壞掉 然後爸鼻把家裡的水總開關關起來 再把鍋爐的水都排掉 然後趕緊去買個水龍頭鎖把進鍋爐的水栓鎖住 媽咪打電話給Sears安排修鍋爐的人來看 因為是六年保用期間 如果修鍋爐的人覺得無法修好 就會免費換新的鍋爐 但免不了又要花查看費$65+安裝費+市政府檢查費 就這樣展開沒有自來熱水的日子 首先的不方便就是每天要用熱水洗碗機也得罷工 沒有熱水洗碗機也洗不了 星期六下午媽咪罰站一個下午洗碗 星期日下午爸鼻也罰站一個下午洗碗 因為漏出來的水把鍋爐下的木板箱墊浸濕 爸鼻把車子開出車庫用風扇吹乾木板箱墊 順便爸鼻媽咪就把車庫整理一下 最樂的是大小兩隻 看到原本停車擁擠的車庫一下變寬敞了 媽咪帶山大妞到車庫打籃球 山大王看到媽咪把爸鼻媽咪的腳踏車拿出來擦 也把他的五歲生日禮物新腳踏車拿來車庫騎 山大妞當然也要騎她的腳踏車 大小兩隻就樂得在車庫"賽車" 修鍋爐的人星期二才要來查看 查看後又不知道多久才會修好 要是換新的鍋爐說不定又要等等等 一個週末後又有兩籃衣服要洗 連山大王洗澡都得用瓦斯爐燒熱水 燒了兩大鍋水還不夠 看來磨難才開始捏



每天為了山大王的三餐爸鼻媽咪臉上都得添不少三條線 山大王不但偏食喜歡吃肉不吃菜 每天每餐吃什麼還要看他心情 相對的山大妞吃的要健康多了 午餐便當帶少了吃不夠 帶多了吃不完 要是讓他自己選菜單 吃小餐包說要夾烤雞片 烤了烤雞片夾小餐包 他說要像In-n-Out那樣的漢堡煎肉 煎了漢堡肉他說要吃棒棒雞 辛辛苦苦弄了一頓他指定的午餐 還是會有很多理由說他吃不下 媽咪到超市都會特別留意 買山大王喜歡吃的健康食材 馬鈴薯, 青花菜, 和紅蘿蔔是 山大王比較不會拒絕的三大蔬菜 可是山大王對這三樣蔬菜怎麼吃也是有規定的 煮錯方法這小子馬上盤子一推面有難色 像是烤馬鈴薯要剝皮才能上他的盤子 青花菜只吃花不吃梗 紅蘿蔔要煮得甜爛才開胃 以前橄欖要切片現在他說要吃整顆的 以前吃三明治都要夾片起司 現在他說吃起司會癢癢 到超市看到優格吵著要 買回家又說不需要吃優格 不過美食家山大王吃幾樣東西是不怕麻煩的 山大王不但會幫媽咪把餐具放好到餐桌上 遇到喜歡吃的海鮮: 鹹酥蝦山大王會自己撥殼 煎黃花魚他會自己去骨去刺還會挑肉餵妹妹 最近還說他已經五歲了 吃熱騰騰的麵線他不怕燙 前一陣子妹妹開始喜歡玩食物 喜歡自己拿湯匙叉子自己餵食 弄得桌面很髒 反之山大王吃完飯還會主動把餐盤叉子放到洗碗機 媽咪大大地讚美他一番 可惜最近山大王常沒吃完 擺在桌上一餐一碗的機率還是高於 吃光光後餐盤叉子放到洗碗機的時候 現在反而是山大妞自己用叉子可以吃完碗裡所有食物 然後把盤子或碗高舉告訴媽咪"all done!" 讓媽咪欣喜不已 媽咪出狠招說山大王午餐沒吃完不可以看電視 山大王生氣躲到自己小房間 晚餐沒吃完要帶著碗到後院罰站山大王就一把眼淚 聽到媽咪說山大王吃飯不坐好吃完去煩妹妹要去罰站 山大妞會敲邊鼓大叫"TIME-OUT, 快!" 接到大小兩隻時媽咪會給他們點心 山大王吃到喜歡的喊吃不夠 吃到不喜歡的一口後就要遞給還在開車的媽咪 山寨家真的是三餐加點心都充滿生氣呀

買回一顆白雪皇后白璠桃 Green Thumb Christmas Open House


早上到媽咪最喜愛的花圃Green Thumb 今天是他們聖誕節sale open house 耶誕吊飾裝扮花圃金碧輝煌 除了買回一顆白雪皇后白璠桃外 山大王和山大妞還去看聖誕老公公和老婆婆 可是這兩隻居然比較感興趣是 免費供應的餅乾和熱蘋果汁 下週要來種果樹囉 開心啦 下午山大妞睡了後 媽咪帶山大王去剪頭髮 又是剪短短的小平頭喔 媽咪很喜歡山大王這種一休和尚的打扮 總是大大地稱讚他很帥 回程媽咪打電話和爸鼻"報告" 剪完了還要和山大王順道去買點菜和水果 山大王聽媽咪和爸鼻說話 還要提醒媽咪記得跟爸鼻說 "有剪得很帥喔" 這小子真是帥"呆"啦...... 估計一年下來 山大王只剪2~3次頭髮就可以 實在山寨家父母倆又懶又愛省$$ 可見一般啊~ The predominant white nectarines of today have all been developed in the past 30 years. ‘Snow Queen’ (Armstrong-1975), a low chill white nectarine (2-300 hours) with the most satisfying sweet flavor of any nectarine to date. Sweet, juicy, early season white freestone. Late June harvest in Central CA., 2-3 weeks ahead of Babcock peach. Estimated chilling: 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful. ZONE 24. Marine-dominated Southern California Coast Growing season: all year, but periodic freezes have dramatic effects (record lows are 33 degrees to 20 degrees F/1 degree to -7 degrees C). Climate here is oceanic (but warmer than oceanic Zone 17), with cool summers, mild winters. Subtropical plants thrive. Fruit trees Bring a home-grown harvest and incomparable beauty to your garden Planting and caring for fruit trees Training and pruning fruit trees Thinning fruit trees There's more than one reason to plant fruit trees. Besides giving you a home-grown harvest of incomparable flavor, they bring interest and beauty to the garden. A sampler of fruit trees • Apple trees • Apricot trees • Cherry trees • Citrus trees • Peach and nectarine trees • Pear trees • Plum and prune trees Selecting fruit trees Which fruit trees are best for you? To answer that question, you'll need to take several factors into account. First, decide how much room you have available. A standard (full-size) apple or cherry tree can reach 40 feet high and 30 to 40 feet wide--too large for many gardens. But a number of choices are available to fit a more limited space. Most kinds of fruit trees are sold not only as standard-size plants but also in semidwarf or dwarf forms, made by grafting a standard type onto a dwarfing rootstock. Semidwarf sorts typically reach one-half to three-fourths normal height; dwarfs grow only 5 to 10 feet tall, depending on the species. Some fruit trees are also available as genetic dwarfs--plants bred to be naturally small (just 4 to 10 feet high). These are well adapted to container culture. Multiple-variety trees offer another way to grow fruit trees in a limited area. Such trees have three to five varieties of the same or a closely related species grafted onto a single trunk and rootstock. When choosing fruit trees, also think about your climate. To grow and bloom well, many kinds need a certain amount of cold weather each year; this is known as the chill requirement and is measured in hours needed at temperatures below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C. If you live in a mild-winter region, it's important to choose varieties with a low chill requirement. Cold tolerance is a third factor to consider. Though varieties differ in hardiness, many kinds of apples, sour cherries, and hardy hybrid plums can withstand temperatures as low as -30 degrees F/-34 degrees C, while pears, sweet cherries, and Japanese and European plums tolerate temperatures to -20 degrees F/-29 degrees C. Peaches and apricots may be injured at -15 degrees F/-26 degrees C; most citrus trees are damaged if the temperature falls below 32 degrees F/0 degrees C for any length of time. By taking advantage of your garden's microclimates, however, you may be able to grow fruit trees beyond their normal hardiness range. Siting trees away from frost pockets can also minimize damage inflicted on blossoms by spring frosts. Many kinds of fruit trees require cross-pollination for good fruit set. If you live in an area where there are few other fruit trees, check the pollination requirements of those you want to grow. If cross-pollination is needed, you don't necessarily have to plant another tree: you may be able to graft a pollenizer branch onto the chosen tree or even place a bouquet of flowers from another variety in a bucket of water at its base. Planting and caring for fruit trees Follow these guidelines to keep trees healthy and productive Fruit trees Fruit trees need full sun to thrive. Most also must have well-drained soil, though apples, pears, and plums are somewhat more tolerant of less-than-ideal conditions. If poor drainage is a serious problem, plant your trees in raised beds. Deciduous fruit trees are sold bare-root during the dormant season and containerized throughout the growing season. Plant bare-root trees as soon as possible after purchase. For step-by-step instructions for planting both bare-root and containerized plants, see Planting basics. Though fruit trees often prosper with only minimal care, paying attention to their needs will reward you with a larger, more flavorful crop. Watering Water newly planted trees whenever the top 2 inches of soil are dry. As the plants develop more extensive root systems, you can water less often--but keep in mind that, to produce a juicy crop, all fruit trees must have periodic deep soaking (provided either by rain or by you). Drip systems are well suited to fruit tree culture. Mulching helps conserve moisture. Fertilizing Though commercial growers fertilize regularly, many home growers find that their trees require only minimal feeding. It's best to base your fertilizing schedule on the growth of the tree. If it's growing satisfactorily, its nutrient needs are being met. If its performance is subpar, though, apply a high-nitrogen fertilizer in early spring. Continued poor growth after fertilizing may indicate that your soil is deficient in nutrients other than nitrogen; have a professional soil test done, then follow the laboratory's recommendations. Managing pests and diseases A number of pests and diseases can afflict fruit trees. On deciduous fruit trees, using a dormant oil spray during winter prevents many pest problems; the oil smothers the pests as well as any overwintering eggs. For more detailed information on identifying and controlling fruit tree pests and diseases, consult a local nursery or your Cooperative Extension Office. Published: January 1999 Training and pruning fruit trees Train trees when young, and prune when matured Fruit trees While they are young, fruit trees need some initial training to establish a strong, well-balanced framework of branches that will be able to support future crops. Click on the links below for explanations of the three main training methods. Training fruit trees to a central leader Training fruit trees to an open center Training fruit trees to a modified central leader Once they mature, the trees benefit from yearly pruning during dormancy. Preferred training methods for young trees and pruning advice for mature ones are given for each tree in the sampler. Regardless of the training method used, initial pruning is the same. If you've planted a 1-year-old unbranched tree (whip), you'll have to force it to develop branches at the desired level — usually fairly close to the ground for easy picking. Heading back the trunk will stimulate lateral buds to grow into branches; cutting back to about 2 to 3 feet high is usually advised. The topmost shoot that develops will become the leader (the central, upward-growing stem). If you're starting with a branched 2-year-old tree, it may already have a satisfactory leader and scaffold (primary) branches. These branches should be well spaced along the trunk and should radiate in different directions so they don't shade each other. If they're poorly placed, head back the tree as you would a whip and wait for new shoots to develop. http://www.sunset.com/sunset/garden/article/0,20633,703933,00.html Thinning fruit trees Encourage a healthier harvest of larger fruits Fruit trees Many kinds of trees set too much fruit. If you allow all of it to ripen, the fruits will be small and poor in quality. They'll also be more likely to suffer from pests such as codling moth, since closely set fruit provides a hiding place for undesirables. Certain diseases (apple scab, for example) may be more prevalent as well, due to decreased air circulation. To encourage a healthier harvest of larger fruits (and to prevent overloaded branches from breaking), thin the crop when the developing fruits are about an inch in diameter. To avoid damaging branches, twist fruit off gently rather than pulling it. Thin apples to 6 to 8 inches apart, apricots to 2 to 3 inches, peaches and nectarines to 6 to 10 inches, and Japanese plums to 4 to 6 inches. Other kinds of plums, prunes, cherries, citrus, and pears usually do not need thinning.

爸鼻回去看奶奶 (Sun~Thurs)


山寨家奶奶長期糖尿病洗腎 因為細菌感染得截肢 從上個星期從爺爺那知道消息 就一直很令人擔憂 尤其恢復的狀況一直不明朗 截肢下肢還分好幾次手術 奶奶也很想念爸鼻 爸鼻和媽咪討論回去探望的時間 本來爸鼻這星期都因公司需要該在馬里蘭出差 最後因為擔心手術後恢復的情況 不敢再拖延回去的時間 爸鼻取消出差的機票旅館和租車 上星期五趕快定回台灣的機票 在星期天晚上出發回去探望奶奶 也剛好南加野火由星期六日間清晨開始蔓延 星期日晚上開始南加野火失去控制十處四處蔓延 不過很幸運山寨家沒有在這次野火風暴中失去家園 媽咪星期日和星期一時的確很擔憂 設想一個人帶大小兩隻如果山寨家遭到野火吞噬 除了帶山大妞和山大王逃命外 實在很難多準備一點抵抗野火的事 星期一送山大王上學後 媽咪才有空趁山大妞小睡時準備避難所需物品 星期四大火燒到至今已經第五天了 媽咪帶大小兩隻準備就寢前 爸鼻終於回家了 山大王也很關心奶奶 當爸鼻坐飛機降落機場時來電 山大王就問爸鼻:"奶奶有沒有好一點" 還好爸鼻回去看奶奶 奶奶現在情況也漸漸恢復穩定中 今天半夜溼度終於到勉強到30% 山大王晚上睡覺還有一點小癢 山大妞還是很癢皮膚很乾 不過幸好有爸鼻可以接手抱抱山大妞按摩睡了 爸鼻回家看到年邁雙親心理當然十分唏噓 但探望過奶奶也知道情況好一些 回到山寨家一家團圓 同時野火的威脅也減少很多 還是值得安慰的

縱火引起的野火第四天: 50%撲滅: 山寨一切安好


風小空降滅火出動 新加入消防員接手火勢 火勢50%撲滅;但野火仍往東南蔓延 已燒到Trabuco and Live Oak Canyon Road. 再往西南就是Rancho Santa Margarita 阿諾首長到El Toro避難現場探視一小時 明天布希要去聖地牙哥災區看視 作官的果然不會作秀是不行的...... 山寨家離野火處有一段距離一切安好 山大妞和山大王一起拖地 清飄進家的樹木灰燼 山大王睡覺前說他還是有聞到BBQ的味道 是不是電視新聞上看到那隻被主人遺留在後的小豬已經被BBQ了呢 星期二晚上山大王和山大妞都比平常癢癢 星期三早上 空氣仍然悶熱灰塵遮蓋天際 清晨月亮是紅古銅色;太陽則像鹹鴨蛋黃般的橙紅 回家的路上 媽咪問山大王看到四周山都有濃煙或灰燼的雲霧覺得如何呢 山大王很肯定的回答媽咪 那些一定都是火山啊 所以山上才會有火啊 如果你問山大王雪和火從哪裡來 山大王可釋會很認真地解釋給你聽他認為的邏輯 都是從山上來的 媽咪好幾次想要好好解釋雪不是只有山上才有 無奈都被山大王大聲反駁說不是 說來也不能怪他 旅行時山大王所知道的名火山Mt. Fuji; Mt. Rainier都是休火山 他也只有去日本Yamagata和大熊湖才看過雪 難怪他自認為雪是從山上來的...... Air tankers, calmer winds give firefighters hope Santiago fire reported to be 50% contained. Weather forecasters expect Orange County conditions to ease as new firefighters and equipment arrive. By DOUG IRVING, SAL HERNANDEZ, MICHAEL MELLO, AMY TAXIN, VIK JOLLY, RYAN HAMMILL and FRED SWEGLES THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER A fourth smoky day dawned in Orange County with some reason for hope: fresh firefighters on the lines, new air tankers roaring overhead, a forecast that no longer included gale-force winds. But thousands of morning commuters learned the hard way that the threat of wildfire was still a long way from easing. Flames from a new fire bridged the I-5 freeway near Camp Pendleton overnight, bringing traffic there to a standstill and paralyzing train service. The freeway was a sea of brake lights and idling cars clear into San Clemente before the morning rush hour had even begun in earnest. The southbound lanes reopened shortly after 7 a.m., but traffic was being funneled through a single lane farther south. In the canyons of Orange County, some 600 firefighters were still struggling to bring the Santiago fire under control. In the air, four helicopters and four air tankers were backing them up, after two days of pleas from local fire officials for more resources. At about 9:45 a.m., firefighters said the Santiago fire was 50 percent contained. For several days, containment had been at 30 percent. Gov. Schwarzenegger will join CAL FIRE Director Ruben Grijalva, California State Fire Marshal Kate Dargan and Assemblymember Spitzer for a tour of El Toro High School evacuation center. Immediately after the tour, the governor will hold a news conference to discuss the fires across the state and the emergency relief efforts throughout Southern California. The fire has destroyed at least six homes, damaged eight others and burned 20 outbuildings, according to the Orange County Fire Authority. The locations of those homes were not immediately available, although at least three were in Modjeska Canyon. The fire had burned so fiercely there Tuesday afternoon that, at times, firefighters and even helicopters had to pull back. Thousands of people had been ordered to leave the canyon communities as the fire blustered toward them on unpredictable Santa Ana winds. Forced evacuations were still in place this morning for several of the canyon areas, including Modjeska Canyon, Silverado Canyon and Trabuco Canyon. The fire swerved in the night and was moving east and southeast into the foothills and canyons off Santiago Canyon Road. It was on a path this morning toward the fuel-rich Cleveland National Forest, and county fire officials had begun synchronizing their efforts with those of the U.S. Forest Service. The National Weather Service was forecasting another day of "critical fire weather" today, with winds gusting to 40 mph and dust-dry conditions. But its morning update ended on a more optimistic note: winds easing in the afternoon, and a cooler sea breeze pushing in from the coast. The fire has swept through 19,200 acres since it started Sunday, apparently with three separate ignition points set intentionally and calculated to provoke maximum damage. The fire’s toll was obvious along the rolling hills south of Modjeska Canyon, where flames had left behind little but scorched, skeletal trees and singed cactuses. Wires dangled from burned telephone and electrical poles. "Unbelievable," said J.P. Deguay after he returned to the home he helped build on Modjeska Canyon Road. His home survived; a few yards away, though, his neighbor’s home had burned to the ground. A few hundred people were still without power, after fierce winds and fire tore through some electrical lines. But Southern California Edison was keeping a close eye on the high-voltage transmission lines at the San Onofre Nuclear Generator Station as the Camp Pendleton fire raged nearby. Those lines were San Diego County’s last link to imported energy, after fires destroyed the other high-tension lines it relies upon. Contact the writer: 714-704-3777 or [email protected]

FW: 骨質疏鬆症


骨質疏鬆症 每次討論到骨頭脊椎方面的問題, 一定會被詢問到骨質疏鬆的相關問題. 其實在台灣, 大家都聽過骨質疏鬆, 也有補充鈣質的觀念. 可是, 骨質疏鬆到底是什麼, 鈣該怎麼補充, 如果真的被醫師診斷有骨質疏鬆又該怎麼辦 什麼是骨質疏鬆症 骨質疏鬆顧名思義, 是當骨頭本身的密度不夠, 骨質變得脆弱而發生容易斷裂的情形. 首先, 我們要知道骨頭在人體內是擔任很重要的角色, 它除了做為人體脊柱的支撐, 保護身體裡的內臟, 它還要儲存人體裡的鈣質, 以維持骨質的密度和力量 但是生活作息, 飲食和運動習慣, 每個人骨頭的形狀和密度都會有所差異. , 人在三十歲以前身體會自然的吸收和保存應該有的骨質密度, 若可以在三十歲以前有良好的習慣, 身體裡有足夠的鈣質, 則可以減少20%未來發生骨質疏鬆的機會. 當然, 年輕就是本錢, 一般年輕人的骨質密度應該都相差不遠 可是隨著年齡的增加, 人體的新陳代謝會漸漸讓身體留不住鈣質. 這個時候, 如果生活習慣飲食等等因素不正常, 就會很容易讓身體的鈣質長期流失而不足. 誰是高危險群 估計, 在美國所有超過50歲的人口中, 有55%的人患有骨質疏鬆症, 相當於四千四百萬人. 而所有患有骨質疏鬆的病患中, 有80%為女性. 在種族分類的大原則裡, 東方人和白人兩者都屬於高危險群. 不過如果在細分這兩種族群, 東方人在飲食文化上又佔了些許的優勢, 所以比較下又較白人得到骨質疏鬆的比例些微來得小一點 特別值得注意的是, 高危險群主要為下列幾項因素: 1. 停經婦女 女性在更年期開始的五至七年內就可能流失掉體內20%的鈣, 這是因為當女性還尚未停經前, 每個月身體裡釋放出的雌激素能夠保留身體裡的鈣. 可是更年期開始後, 頓時下降的雌激素無法維持身體裡需要的鈣, 所以在短期內可能流失掉大量的鈣質的 2. 過瘦或骨架小的女性 一般來說, 過瘦的女性, 和中等身材或甚至過胖的女性做比較時, 過瘦的女性比較容易得到骨質疏鬆. 原因很簡單, 就是營養不足而導致的. 而骨架小的女性則是因為骨頭本身的質量較小, 所以相對的在骨質的維持上, 先天上就比骨架大的人來得吃虧 3. 高齡 人漸漸邁入中年或老年後, 鈣質的吸收能力會變差. 身體的代謝作用無法完整的攝取足夠的鈣質, 這個時候飲食和生活習慣變得格外重要. 年紀大的長輩平時在鈣質的吸收上需要特別注意 4. 家族病史 遺傳基因在發生骨質疏鬆的比例上佔了80%. 這樣的比例是非常驚人的. 所以家中若有長輩的骨質密度是在不正常的範圍內, 家裡的成員則需要特別小心, 定期接受骨質密度的檢測和追蹤 5. 長期使用類固醇或接受化療的病患 使用類固醇會造成骨質流失, 骨頭會變得脆弱而容易斷裂, 這類的病患特別要在生活起居上注意避免跌倒, 因為跌倒後發生骨折現象, 在這類病患中十分常見. 又因為長期服用類固醇的病患本身的抵抗力較為虛弱, 所以在預防跌倒骨折上十分重要的 6. 長期缺乏鈣質和維他命D 鈣質的吸收需要仰賴維他命D.而維他命D的製造需要仰賴一定程度的陽光. 一天10-15分鐘, 一週2-3次的陽光照射應該對大多數的人來說就足夠了. 如果長期缺乏鈣質的補充和陽光的作用, 人體的骨頭裡便無法維持足夠的鈣質. 鈣質的攝取量, 原則上來說, 18歲以前和50歲以後, 人一天需要的鈣大約為1200毫克, 而18歲到50歲之間, 一天需要的鈣大約為1000毫克. 7. 運動量過少 鈣質在人體的吸收和作用與人的活動量有很密切的關聯. 尤其在重量訓練上, 肌肉和肌腱的收縮對骨頭的刺激, 可以增加鈣質在骨頭裡的保存, 對於在避免鈣質的流失上有很大的幫助 8. 喝酒和抽煙 抽煙喝酒這些習慣會增加人體的自由基, 無謂的造成了身體的負擔而干擾人體吸收和攝取鈣質的作用. 所以習慣抽煙和喝酒的族群是被視為骨質疏鬆的高危險群 鈣可以怎麼補充 人體裡除了骨頭需要鈣質, 細胞也需要鈣質來傳達神經的訊息. 鈣質的攝取, 從食物裡取得是最容易也最適當的. 傳統的觀念, 主要會是從乳類製品裡補充鈣質, 像是牛奶, 起士, 優酪乳等. 但是因為現在的乳類製品含有的人工荷爾蒙多半過多, 反而造成了更多身體的負擔, 所以新的觀念裡很多人是不推薦乳類製品的. 像豆類製品, 豆漿, 豆腐, 豆芽等裡其實都含有豐富的鈣質. 核果類像是杏仁也是很好的鈣的來源. 深色蔬菜, 像是綠色的花椰菜也含有很豐富而且適合人體吸收的鈣質. 其他像是魚類, 燕麥, 新鮮水果也都可以補充人體內需要的鈣質. 如果發覺自己的食物攝取不夠的時候, 很多人會藉由鈣片來填補鈣質的不足. 選擇鈣片的時候, 需要仔細閱讀罐上的說明. 比較有信譽的廠牌會比較有保障. 鈣片的溶解對於吸收有很大的影響. 一般來講, 液狀或可嚼食的鈣片會比較容易被分解. 如果還是對於自己買的鈣片有所懷疑, 可以做一個很簡單的實驗測試鈣片溶解的情況. 將鈣片放入溫水中約三十分鐘, 不時的攪拌, 如果過了三十分鐘後, 鈣片還是沒有溶解, 那他的純度可能有問題, 也代表他在人的身體裡也可能不會被分解 吃鈣片的時候, 每次的份量最好控制在500毫克以下身體較容易吸收. 補充的鈣片若是屬於碳酸鈣, 最好是跟食物一起食用比較好. 如果是檸檬酸鈣, 則是跟鐵質或維他命C一起補充才不會造成身體吸收時的干擾. 對於平時有吃西藥的病患, 補充鈣片或任何的營養品, 都應該先詢問專業醫師, 以免影響身體裡養分的吸收. 避免骨質疏鬆症 骨質疏鬆症原則上來說是不痛沒有症狀的. 常常發現是因為有骨折的現象而才被重視. 骨質疏鬆的病患, 最令人擔心的是摔倒造成大腿, 脊椎或手腕的骨折, 這樣的病患則一定要手術和術後復健才可以再恢復健康. 預防勝於治療, 造成骨質疏鬆是需要很長的時間. 只要能有正常的生活作息和飲食習慣, 適度運動和陽光, 避免食用過多含有咖啡因的飲料, 改掉抽煙喝酒的習慣, 就能遠離骨質疏鬆, 記得趁著年輕趕緊存好骨本..

Parenting quality


The Kids Are Alright What the latest day-care study really found. By Emily Bazelon Posted Wednesday, March 28, 2007, at 5:21 PM ET "Parenting quality significantly predicted all the developmental outcomes and much more strongly than did any of the child-care predictors," "Teachers reported more problem behaviors for children who spent more time in centers." This effect also held steady over time. And as the New York Times put it, "the finding held up regardless of the child's sex or family income, and regardless of the quality of the day care center." As in, Beware of Day Care. No matter how good you think your kid's is, it's making him unruly and disruptive, two favorite media adjectives for kids who cause trouble at school. Stop. When I reached the study's author, Margaret Burchinal, yesterday, she asked if she could explain something she feared had been missed. "I'm not sure we communicated this, but the kids who had one to two years of daycare by age 4½—which was typical for our sample—had exactly the level of problem behavior you'd expect for kids of their age. Most people use center care for one or two years, and for those kids we're not seeing anything problematic." the higher-than-average incidence of bad behavior showed up only among kids who spent three or four years in day care before the age of 4½. the kids with more reported behavior problems in elementary school were the ones who spent three or four years in day care and whose care was, on average, of lower quality. Day care for infants and toddlers is the hardest to do well. And lower-quality care, coupled with three or four years spent at a center, doesn't appear to serve kids quite as well as other arrangements (though the difference in slight).