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Den meeting 6:30pm to 8pm in the AV Library conference room


Good evening, Wolf Parents. Next month’s Den Meeting is going to be on April 5th at the Public Library in Aliso Viejo. We are scheduled from 6:30pm to 8pm in the conference room. The theme this month will be books. We will be working towards three Wolf electives; 6b, 6c, and 14c. If your child has a library card, you may want to bring it along. Also, please bring a role of Scotch Tape along with you for the book covering activity. Obviously the setting will require us to be very respectful and quiet. I will discuss this with the boys before we begin, but please reinforce this rule with them before you arrive. Hopefully the outdoor conditions will be such in May that we can return to our outdoor meetings and everyone can go nuts. In effort to focus on the activities month and keep the announcements to a minimum, I would like to mention a few things in this email… Scout-O-Rama ticket sales are currently underway. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Hendricks at [email protected]. There is no Pack Meeting in April. The Space Derby will be May 7th (check in and registration on May 6th). The entry fee this year is $10. If your son has not already entered the race, let me know and I can arrange to get you a rocket. Please note that this event needs many adult volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time to help make this a fun and memorable experience for our boys. We also need volunteers to work the Scout-O-Rama booth on May 14th. The shifts are one hour a piece. This is a great time with many fun activities. Please contact Jennifer Hendricks to schedule a shift and then enjoy the rest of the day at the event. The Cub Scout Day Camp will be June 27th thru July 1st. It is hosted at Camp Pendleton and the fee is $135 (can be reduce with early registration). It runs each day that week from 10am to 3:30pm. From what I hear, this is one of the most fun events of the year and each attendee will have the opportunity to earn multiple awards. Carpooling is highly suggested. We will also need one adult present on site for every four of our boys. Bergen will most likely be attending this year so if any of you that would like to coordinate days for driving and attending please let me know. Please let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks to Denese Berardesco for reserving the room at the library for us. Matt Aliso Viejo Library 1 Journey Aliso Viejo

Oso Lake Boy Scout Camp 15-17


Oso Lake, 21131 Los Alisos, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 $35+10=$45 FOR TWO DAYS ARCHERY, BB GUNS Crafts Games Dear Scouts and Scouters: Welcome to our Partner & Pal Campout on October 8-10, 2010 at Oso Lake. We will have plenty of activities to keep you busy! This event will happen rain or shine, and there will not be any refunds due to rain. You and your son may arrive any time between 3:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. for check-in located at the Pavilion. Our first activity will be beginning at 7:30 p.m. Plan to arrive early so you have time to look around and set up your campsite. Here is a list of items to bring with you to make your stay more comfortable: Sleeping Bags Cub Scout Uniform & Hat Tent Changes of clothes Sun screen Jackets or sweaters Extra shoes or boots Toiletry Articles Flashlights Personal water bottle Insect repellent Spending money for treats/souvenirs Also, check the weather and plan accordingly. The meal that is included in the fees is lunch on Saturday only. All the rest are on your own. Activity sessions will begin Saturday with opening ceremonies at 8 a.m. and conclude Sunday after “Scout’s Own” services. A schedule will be available at camp. There are plenty of restroom facilities for our guests, but not any showers. REFUND POLICY: Most of the fees for an event are actually spent prior to your arrival at camp. (Food is already ordered, staff secured, and program supplies are all purchased based upon your commitment.) When you cancel, even for great reasons, the costs we have already spent for your attendance and the cost to write a check for a refund has to be paid for by someone. For these reasons, we have adopted the following refund policy: All cancellations must be made in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. All refunds are subject to a cancellation fee of 15%. For emergencies only, the camp telephone number is (562) 508-2510. The staff is looking forward to your participation and to an exciting adventure at Oso Lake. We are sure that your will enjoy yourselves. Toni Klemm Camping Department Directions to Upper Oso Reservoir (Oso Lake) Address: 21131 Los Alisos Blvd. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-3242

"Den 5 Game Day!” 2-4pm


On the morning of Sunday October 3rd, we are going to conduct the first ever “Den 5 Game Day!” The event will run from 10am to noon. The location is to be determined, but will likely be a nearby neighborhood park. The inspiration is to help the boys work on their BSA “100 Years of Scouting” Celebration Award. Requirement #5 under the “Leadership” award reads… “5. With the approval of your den leader, plan and lead a den activity.” The idea for “Den 5 Game Day!” is this; each boy who participates comes prepared with a game that they can teach and play with the rest of the Den. He will have five minutes to teach the game to everyone and ten minutes to play it. This will give each boy fifteen total minutes in the spotlight where he can finely tune his leadership skills, which should easily satisfy this requirement. Here are a few thoughts and guidelines… Suggest to your boy that he not pick a game that is too complicated. They will have to teach, start, and finish within the allotted timeframe (fifteen minutes). Siblings are fine to attend as long as they are old enough to take and follow instruction (they will not need to lead a game). Props or equipment are ok, but please provide enough for everyone (we could have as many as fifteen Cubs playing plus siblings; attendee list to follow). The boys do not need to be working on the award to participate. If they just want to come and play games with their friends, that’s fine too. You can come late and/or leave early. We will try to accommodate everyone’s schedule as best as possible, but I’d really like to be done at around noon. Remember water, sunscreen, snacks, and proper attire (class B uniforms). Remember that this is only one option of five for the Leadership ribbon, so there is still ample opportunity to earn this award if you are unable to attend. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get a good idea of how many people to prepare for. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions (this is the first time we have held an event like this, so I’m totally open to suggestions).



5/15媽咪帶大小兩隻一起到超市門口 感受賣壓沉重的叫賣生活 還有4/23去教會前面和其他兩位童軍一起賣園遊會票 還好童軍大隊有將山大王賣園遊會票的成績記下來 暑假過後就是開始就開始準備要賣童軍爆米花 去年爸鼻和山大王有賣一次 但是覺得和別的童軍一起賣吃力不討好 雖然有成績但是未達到目標 還是要交一筆童軍活動年費 見到同小隊的夥伴有三位不需要繳年費 媽咪自嘆不如啊 這次因為已經有賣園遊會票的成績 再累積上三倍的成績就可以不須繳年費了 激勵爸鼻媽咪奮發向上 努力帶山大王去幫童軍大隊賣爆玉米花 童軍大對開會時媽咪先報名兩個不同地點不同時段 和爸鼻分別帶山大王去 第一次爸鼻帶山大王去State Brother超市前賣 那邊的超市多半是老先生老太太去的 媽咪幫山大王每次都登記第一格 希望不需要和別人一起賣爆玉米花 這樣累積成績不需和別人分半比較公平 爸鼻帶山大王賣了一個小時半回來覺得成績不是很好 說因為老先生老太太都擔心自己的健康 不愛吃爆玉米花 隔周換媽咪帶山大王去Trader Joe's賣 這次和Adam及他的媽咪一起賣 Adam媽咪因為腳受傷帶了椅子坐在旁邊 但是她是上屆Popcorn Kernel 她雖然坐著也能和認識的朋友鄰居聊幾句 她說目前來說Vons和State Brother比較好賣 山大王和Adam分兩邊的門一進一出站崗 剛開始都是小量捐款 越到後來買氣越旺 但是兩個分效果就減半了 結束時山大王還是很高興和Adam擊掌慶賀一下 因為昨天累計後的結果山大王離媽咪的目標還差$80 所以媽咪回家馬上又連絡登記 今天一早就和山大王去Henry's Market 但這裡的顧客也多半不會願意買爆玉米花 開始一包也沒賣出去 但是多是捐款 然後到快結尾就有些以前孩子也參加童軍的老太太 陸續幫山大王買一些 總結今天賣/捐了$108 加起來4.5小時山大王終於賣超過$314.05 加上園遊會票$123.33總共賣了$431.38 可以不需要交2010童軍年費了 但是山大王卻越賣越high! 可是山大王停不下來還說要賣到兩倍的目標 真是殘念



爸鼻帶山大王去參加 ************** Canyon Vista Park. The agenda is below, but I wanted to remind our Scouts of their Achievement 3 assignment from last month. I would like the Scouts who completed this assignment to bring their Health Chart with them to the meeting. We also have a couple of new Scouts to welcome to our Pack / Den... Matthew and Johann will be joining us so be sure to introduce yourself and your Scout. Location: Canyon Vista Park (end of Canyon View - Please be aware of No Parking areas) Time: Gathering - 6:30pm Meeting: 6:45pm - 8:00pm - Start Promptly! Theme: Responsibility Agenda: Gathering: Playground Obstacle Course - Led by Den Chief Jacob Opening: Flag Ceremony - Led by Den Chief Jacob and Denner Seiji (Seiji - Lead Pledge, Chandler - US Flag, Parker - Den Flag) Business Items: Welcomes (new Scouts - Matthew and Johann), Keeping your body healthy review & charts (Achievement 3) - Basic First Aid Demo and Scout's discussion, Review of the Den 5 Dragons "Code of Conduct" Scout's Time: Open for presentations by Scouts Activities: Discussion/Achievement 9 (Be Safe at Home and On the Street), Practice our Den Cheer, Electives 11a and b, and possibly a toad hunt (if they are present) or long distance kicking contest Closing: Achievement & Activity reminders, Sept Pack meeting reminder, Home Assignments (Achievement 4a-f and 9) Taken from Wikipedia: Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September (September 6 in 2010). The first Labor Day in the United States was celebrated on September 5, 1882 in New York City. It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority. Fearing further conflict, legislation making Labor Day a national holiday was rushed through Congress unanimously and signed into law a mere six days after the end of the strike. The September date was chosen as Cleveland was concerned that aligning an American labor holiday with existing international May Day celebrations would stir up negative emotions linked to the Haymarket Affair. All 50 U.S. states have made Labor Day a state holiday.

Den Pool Party @Camden Park


星期六下午童軍小隊以"朋友相聚"之名 辦社區游泳池聚會 小男生們見面在游泳池裡特別開心 每家各自認領帶烤雞,沙拉,水果,紙杯盤餐具還有"自家喜歡的飲料" 重點就在"飲料" 因為童軍辦活動不能有"酒精成分"的飲料 所以主辦人與協辦人特別強調這不是一個童軍活動 山寨一家除了山大王外都不太會社交 也幾乎都不喝酒 有一點外行人看熱鬧地參加 帶了水,檸檬汁和可樂 其他好些家都帶啤酒來共襄盛舉 小朋友玩水後吃飽了繼續下水玩 大人聊開了就開始喝啤酒 好些媽媽們開始帶點醉意互相開起玩笑 媽咪抱著玩累了想睡的山大妞坐在涼傘旁聽其他媽媽們打趣黃色笑話 兩個媽咪輪流糗快要生第三個小孩的爸爸 因為那幾個媽咪爸鼻們交情夠 就不怕互相糗著開玩笑 那位平常愛現的爸爸有點惱羞成怒 但是又不好意思真的對開玩笑的媽咪發怒 就笑著警告朋友的媽咪再唱糗他的歌 就把她丟到游泳池 快要生女兒的媽咪見到自己老公當眾表演也不在意 大家都等著看戲 最後這位爸鼻真的就抱起糗他的媽咪跳下水 還好大家都是裡面穿好泳衣的 所以還是繼續胡鬧 不過山寨一家傍晚五點還有約Sears 來修裝錯的洗衣機水管 所以無法繼續和朋友派對先走啦 不過山寨一家走之前 pool opera主演的一家也先走了 媽咪這回才真的見識到老美開池邊派對的瘋狂啦

童軍健行 Laguna Wilderness - Laurel Loop-9:30-12:30


爸鼻早上六點不到就出門去新港買魚 雖然家裡只有媽咪愛吃魚 但是其實爸鼻是主要買給家裡兩隻貓吃的喔 所以等爸鼻回來 見到小貓Tippy愛吃魚肝 但大貓Stella卻一點都不愛 媽咪把貴鬆鬆包好的鮮魚先放冰箱 健行回來後再來吃生魚片 這次換媽咪陪山大王去童軍健行 暑假山大王好像開始想要多運動了 雖然早上還是賴床不想起來 這次媽咪跟著山大王及童軍小隊走來回三個小時 是裡面六個男童軍和五位家長中唯一的女生 山大王因為有他的好朋友Alex新加入童軍小隊 所以很開心一直跟他在聊天 完全沒有腳軟 媽咪沿途聽了領隊講解許多拉古納的自然生態也收穫良多 雖然溪水已乾但是走在乾河床旁的小徑 仍然因為空氣在河床流動讓山裡的清香不時撲鼻宜人 因為暑假這次參加的人不多 大夥都顯得輕鬆自在 去程領隊一路講解走走停停 媽咪喜歡認識沿途植物的名稱 - Common Fiddleneck像蝴蝶的毛蟲喜歡吃 - Common Deerweed鹿喜歡吃這有橘紅黃三色合一起的花 - Fuschia-Flowered Gooseberry長的挑高細長的紅色花在樹蔭下特別醒目 - California forever 白色小花聞起來有甜甜的糖汁味道 - Mulefat 早期旅人讓他們的驢子停下吃的植物 但吃太多肚子會沉重驢子會走不動 - Bush/Sticky Monkey Flower - Black Sage 黑色鼠尾草 - Sage 媽咪也很喜歡野生鼠尾草的香氣 以前印地安人把鼠尾草塗抹在身上當古龍水 - Bush Mellow粉白色的小花開滿枝頭 - California Wild Rose都還在開花 More to see: http://picasaweb.google.com/NatureInOrangeCounty 這次小男生還有多學到一些地理自然科學 也在乾枯的瀑布大石頭旁休息喝水吃點零食 大家也都見到唯一還留下的貝殼化石,鬼石 和Turkey vultures土耳其禿鷹 那兩隻小黑色的turkey vultures還不太會飛在巨大石頭上休息 Harvast Ants moving Buckwheats 還有在攻擊外來的黑色的阿根廷螞蟻 黑色的阿根廷螞蟻就是每年夏天山寨家的不速之客