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Inland California Fuschia (Zauchneria catalina)


The Catalina form of California fuchsia is a fairly large upright flowering perennial. Very showy in late summer and fall when covered with 1-2 inch fuchsia flowers. But the primary reason to plant it is for the hummingbirds that park in mass in the garden when this California fuchsia is in flower. Catalina fuchsia will grow in full sun to part shade but it prefers good drainage with a little extra water. A couple of feet off of a lawn or behind an english garden is about right. After it's established Catalina fuchsia and most of the California fuchsia become very drought tolerant. It will live through water rationing when the lawn and English garden die. About three plants per hummingbird. This California fuchsia doesn't have as much nectar as some of the other species, but Catalina holds it's flowers longer and still has considerable more 'hummingbird power' than most of the fuchsias in the trade, and is a great deal hardier. (Syn Epilobium canum, 'Catalina') More California Fuchsia, Zauschneria or Epilobium Zauschneria californica Catalina tolerates sand, clay, serpentine and seasonal flooding. Zauschneria californica Catalina is great for a bird garden and a butterfly garden. Zauschneria californica Catalina's foliage color is gray and type is stressdeciduous. Zauschneria californica Catalina's flower color is red. Communities for Zauschneria californica Catalina:Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, Mixed-evergreen Forest, Riparian (rivers & creeks), Southern Oak Woodland and Central Oak Woodland. ph: 5.00 to 8.00 usda: 7 to 10 height[m]: 0.50 to 1.00 width[m]: 0.50 to 1.00 rainfall[cm]: 60.00 to 300.00



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1. 哥哥彈給阿公聽的威利旺卡歡迎曲 哥哥彈奏電影巧克力冒險工廠的"威利旺卡歡迎曲" (Wily Wonka Welcome Song) from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/movieinfo_main.html/id=1333 妹妹幫忙翻琴譜 故事是從童書作家羅爾德達爾的經典小說《巧克力工廠的秘密》來的,故事的主角是古怪的巧克力製造商威利旺卡(強尼戴普飾演),以及活在旺卡工廠陰影下的貧窮又善良的小男孩查理巴格特(弗瑞迪海摩爾飾演)。 查理在積雪的街道上撿到錢,拿去最近的店裡買了旺卡的一流開心牛奶巧克力軟糖,一心只想著自己有多餓,還有巧克力糖的美味,結果打開包裝紙卻找到了一張金獎券,也就是最後一張,查理可以進工廠參觀了!他的爺爺喬瑟夫(大衛凱利飾演)聽到消息之後,興奮得從床上跳了起來,好像突然年輕了好幾歲似的,想起了他在威利旺卡關閉工廠大門之前,在工廠裡上班的快樂時光。全家人決定由喬爺爺,陪著查理踏上這次千載難逢的冒險之旅。 一旦進了工廠,各種奇景看得查理眼花撩亂, 旺卡發明了各式各樣可以吃的不同甜食,還有許多快樂的奧柏倫柏人,在巧克力瀑布旁邊挖軟糖礦,或者是坐在透明硬糖做成的龍頭船上,沿著巧克力河航行,經過扭曲的甘蔗樹和可以吃的薄荷糖草,灌木上都長著成熟又甜美的櫻桃棉花糖奶油,另一個地方則有上百隻受過訓練的松鼠,坐在小凳子上剝核桃殼,速度比機器還要快,旺卡也親自操控透明電梯,可以飛快地側著移動、斜著移動,要往哪個方向移動都可以。 最吸引人的莫過於威利旺卡本人,他滿腦子都只有糖果而已,偶爾會突然想起很久以前的事,可是他不能告訴任何人。據說旺卡已經好幾年沒離開過工廠了,他到底是什麼樣的人物,又為什麼要奉獻畢生製作甜食,查理也不得而知。 這時候,其他幾個小朋友都太不安份了,一心只想到自己,不懂得欣賞旺卡創造出來的奇蹟,於是他們貪婪、被寵壞、心胸狹隘或自以為是的個性,都一一地顯露出來,惹了很多的麻煩,結果他們都無法走完全程。 最後只剩下小查理巴格特了的時候,威利旺卡揭露了一個秘密,也就是最終的大獎:這家工廠的鑰匙。旺卡和自己的家人已經疏離很久了,他覺得現在該替自己找個繼承人,接管他的糖果帝國,而且是要他能信任的人,可以將他畢生的心血交託給這個人,所以他才想出這個方法挑選一個特別的小孩。 他沒想到這個慷慨的舉止,可能讓他得到價值更高的回報。 http://youtu.be/oDaJDZk3hv4 2. 老蘇格蘭曲風"康寶要來了" 老蘇格蘭曲風 http://youtu.be/4bzqftCLXTI 希望阿公聽了健步如飛 曲名是康寶來了(你也可以說安東尼來了,這樣小甜甜會心花怒放) 想像蘇格蘭穿格裙吹派笛行進吧! 3. 練習學校才藝表演: Sonatina in G major (G大調小奏鳴曲, Thomas Attwood)

Back to school shopping


2011 Walmart+Walgreen+Target+lakeshore learning center+office Max 1K Box of 8 Crayola Classis Markers------------$.97 1G Box of 8 Washable Cryola Markers------------$1.97 1G Pack Crayola Twistables Colored Pencils----$3.87 1K Crayola Watercolor Set----------------------$1.97 (1.5Target) 1K Box of 24 Crayola Crayons-------------------$.40 4K Large Glue Sticks & 3G Glue Stick 4 oz------$1.54*4+$1.97/6 1K Bottle of Elmer's white Glue---------------$.40 2 Pair of Fiskar Pointed Child's Scissors-----$1.47 3 Large Rectangle Erasers--------1K+2G--------$1.97/6 4 Dozen #2 Pencils--------------1K+3G---------$.99~.97 2G Highlighter--------------------------------$ 5 EXPO Dry Erase Marker--------4G+1K---$1.47/2(BLK)+$3.47/4(COL) 3G Pocket Folders-----------------------------$0.50 1 Pencile sharpener with reservoir------------$.30*3 1K--Backpack----------------------------------$9 1G--Lunch Box---------------------------------$7~$8 1G small pencil box----------------------------$.50 2G Boxes of 48 Crayola Crayons-----------------$2.5*2 1K Roll of paper Towels------------------------NA 1G Pack 12X18 Construction paper(Red, green, white, or black)--$1.99 1 Ream white copy + color copy paper-----------------color$8.79 1 Ream color copy paper-----------------------$4.69 Back to school supply list of 1st Grade Price Based on Walmart, Laguna Niguel 7/9/09 1 Box 10 Crayola Classic "Fat Tip" Markers----$1 1 Box Crayola "Skinny Tip" Markeers-----------$1 1 Box of 24 Assorted Crayola Color Pencils----$2.84 1 Crayola Watercolor Set----------------------$1 4 Box of 24 Crayola Crayons-------------------$.25*4=$1 4 Large Glue Sticks & 1 Glue Bottle 4 oz------$.25/2*2+$.25=.75 1 Pair of Fiskar Pointed Child's Scissors-----$1.5 2 Pink Rectangle Erasers----------------------$1 2 Dozen #2 Pencils----------------------------$.84*2=$1.68 1 Highlighter---------------------------------$1/2=$.50 1 Red Ball Point Pen--------------------------$.8 1 1" 3-Ring Binder----------------------------$2 1 Box Baby Wipes------------------------------N/A 1 Box Kleenex---------------------------------N/A Total: $15.07---------2009

Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center 2-for-1 all day


After you treat dad to a free day at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center on Sunday, make plans to also spend July 4th at the pool before attending the Aliso Viejo Community Association's holiday fireworks celebration at Grand Park. In honor of our nation's Independence Day, the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center will offer guests 2-for-1 admission all day; low-cost hot dog meals from the Oasis Cafe; and free fun-filled activities throughout the day. Visitors will enjoy hula, egg and sack races; arts and crafts; relay races; water aerobics; water polo scrimmage; and live entertainment by DJ Chill. The resort-style complex at 29 Santa Barbara will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Entrance for Aliso Viejo residents is $5 for adults; and $3 for youth and seniors. Non-residents pay $2 more. The Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center is gearing up for a fun-filled Fourth of July and month of specials catering to people of all ages. In honor of our nation's Independence Day, the Aquatic Center will offer guests 2-for-1 admission all day; low-cost hot dog meals from the Oasis Cafe; and free fun-filled activities throughout the day. Visitors will enjoy hula, egg and sack races; arts and crafts; relay races; water aerobics; water polo scrimmage; and live entertainment by DJ Chill. The resort-style complex at 29 Santa Barbara will be open July 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Entrance for Aliso Viejo residents is $5 for adults; and $3 for youth and seniors. Non-residents pay $2 more. Along with the holiday, visitors can take advantage of "Thirsty Thursday" tomorrow, which includes a free drink when you buy a meal from the Oasis Cafe. On July 6, the center will host 2-for-1 Tuesday. On July 16, make plans for "Family Nite" in which a family of up to five will get in the facility for $5 after 5:00 p.m. The Oasis Cafe will offer 10 percent off its delectable fare on July 21, and teens will enjoy 2-for-1 night on July 27.