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昨天晚上約了今天下午去看可以領養的貓 嘿熊熊一家也說要去看Aaron家快生的兔子和三隻小兔 敲定4點後可以去看寄養家的貓 下午三點去先去Aaron家看貓,兔子和果樹 小朋友那天和兔子玩的很開心 我們家大小兩隻在Aaron家沒和貓玩到 那隻貓(Richard)下午就出門泡妞去了 要到晚上吃飯才回來 挺忙的 和Aaron媽媽Sammi請教如何養兔子貓和果樹番茄等 真是受益非淺 後來Foster Home約從四點改到七點 謝謝Sammi留我們吃晚飯 還有William辛苦去買烤雞餐 晚上帶大小兩隻到Foster home家又跟眾貓們又玩到瘋 Foster Home有十多隻貓 那家foster home 她不收費用,你可以當場選可以認養的貓走 也不需要填表格 但要全家一起去看 她們要確定一家人都可以和領養的貓處得來 我們本來看的是Daisy是隻混種暹邏貓 可是她很喜歡狗吃過貓食還跟狗分狗食所以已經長胖了 這時另一隻站在衣櫃高高在上的Stella吸引媽咪的注意 因為Russian Blue在陌生的環境適應比較慢 她並不像其他貓兒和山大王山大妞在地上瘋狂地玩著 媽咪和Stella打過招呼和Foster Mom聊了一下她 就蹲在地上和另一隻貓打招呼 Foster Mom忙著一邊撫摸Stella 一邊解釋每隻貓的個性和背景 Stella猶豫一會就跳到媽咪身旁撒嬌 然後一溜煙躲起來旁觀 山大妞和山大王繼續逗貓流連忘返 媽咪最後無法決定領養哪隻貓 孩子睡覺時間到了 只好先告別可愛的貓窩

FW: Pros and cons of full-day kindergarten


January 21, 2007 Pros and cons of full-day kindergarten Source: Goldwater report The Cons SHORT-TERM EFFECTS: Full-day kindergarten can have meaningful short-term effects, but the positive effects routinely disappear after children leave the program. This phenomenon is called "fade out." Source: Goldwater Institute report on full-day kindergarten. NOT NECESSARY: For mainstream children, there is little evidence formal preschool and kindergarten are necessary for later academic achievement. LATER TESTS REMAIN FLAT: Fourth-grade reading, math, and science scores have remained flat over the decades despite the long-term historical expansion of preschool and kindergarten attendance. Source: Nevada Policy Research Institute PROBLEM IS MIDDLE, HIGH SCHOOLS: "The problem isn't in early childhood education. It is in our middle and high schools. American fourth-graders are "A" students in international comparisons, dropping to "C" students by the 8th grade, and "D" students in the 12th grade. The longer American students are in the public school system, the worse they compare to other countries." Source: Joe Enge, Carson City School District trustee and conservative education activist. The Pros INCREASED READINESS: Full-day kindergarten contributes to increased school readiness, leads to higher academic achievement, improves attendance, benefits children socially and emotionally, and decreases the costs of remediation. Source: WestEd study HELPS ESL CHILDREN: Full-day kindergarten especially helps children whose parents do not speak English as a first language at home. Non English-speaking students need a full year of full-day kindergarten to help learn English and the social skills necessary to begin first grade. Source: Washoe County School District elementary principals CLOSES MINORITY ACHIEVEMENT GAP: Full-day kindergarten increases achievement and closes the achievement gap for minority students. Sixty percent of Hispanic students in full-day classes met established reading benchmarks, as compared to 48 percent of Hispanic students in half-day classes. Source: Montgomery County School District in Maryland LESS ABSENTEEISM: Students who go to full-day kindergarten miss less school time in later grades, which leads to more learning time. Source: West Ed study



這個春天種的小番茄夏天陸續成熟 因為土壤沒加過肥料 只是給它很多的compost和蔬果皮及咖啡渣 所以吃起來很安心 每一兩天就可以摘個三四個成熟的小番茄當山大妞零食 山大妞喜歡含在嘴裡 然後玩一玩不吃就用嘴嘟給媽咪 味道其實還可以 覺得皮厚了一點就是了 暑假也常常去圖書館 雖然山大王不喜歡作數學 卻酷愛唸書從巴著爸鼻媽咪唸到自己唸都有 山大妞也喜歡學著哥哥看著書胡亂唸一通 山大王除了迷恐龍外還有小美人魚 剛好山大王坐車時看到公車看版廣告 小美人魚Airel's Beginning DVD 8/26 出 兄妹倆(加上媽咪)十分期待 (媽咪暗自想...可以換其他的歌聽了嗎) 山大王和山大妞常常唱著小美人魚的歌 背裡面的台詞 去外面吃東西時 山大王也是盡情地大喊: "You poor unfortunate soul, go ahead, make your choice!" 像個活在under the sea 戲裡的瘋子 妹妹也跟著哥哥大叫"Airel~~" 標準小美人魚迷的傻子 除了圖書館山大王和山大妞也酷愛去小公園 媽咪希望山大王運動一下 所以都讓他騎腳踏車去小公園 常常他騎得滿頭大汗 公園裡常常見到幾位熟面孔的媽媽或保母們 帶著小朋友來遊戲區玩 山大妞喜歡蹺蹺板但總是要媽咪和她一起玩 有位帶兩個小女生的媽咪對山大妞印象深刻 說她記得山大妞 可惜山大妞還不敢和其他小朋友玩 對媽咪來說山大妞暑假的壞習慣 莫過於隨時要ㄋㄟ 因為媽咪隨伺在側 山大妞暑假前白天除了週末午睡和醒來喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ外 其他時間不會像現在一樣 巴著ㄋㄟㄋㄟ不放 山大妞喜歡說"我自己來啦" 因此生氣沮喪疲倦無聊不開心時都要ㄋㄟㄋㄟ一下轉換心情 媽咪有時會覺得很煩山大妞不停地討ㄋㄟ 山大王有時就會斥喝妹妹不要再喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ了 跟他一起去小房間聽小馬哥說故事讓媽咪休息一下 媽咪這時真是覺得哥哥很懂事 幫了媽咪一個大忙 這樣媽咪才能繼續掛在電腦上寫日記啦 呵呵...



山大王開始發懶 不願意繼續每天20題的加減法練習了 媽咪很希望他自動自發作習題 不要媽咪鞭策他的"大腦運動" 但每天出題目;檢查;陪算數學的督導工作也讓媽咪疲乏 (當然發懶的不只山大王啦...媽咪也是懶...) 還有一個月的暑假 媽咪和大小兩隻開始出現彈性疲乏 要每天正常作息已經是遙不可及了 才打發山大王和山大妞各相隔兩個小時的早餐 又該到準備午餐的時候 可是大小兩隻才吃過早餐不久 哪有胃口吃午餐 這週媽咪幾乎是無法振作帶著大小兩隻出門買菜 不然就是夢想查看哪裡露營去哪裡度假好 想到野外露營用罐頭乾糧餐廳和野炊打發三餐 夢想歸夢想山大妞要喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ時 媽咪還是得乖乖就範 好不容易哄山大妞睡午覺 陪山大王做完習題 媽咪又得想辦法變出晚餐了 煮晚餐煮到一半 午餐吃不多的大小兩隻又開始餓了 媽咪只好罐頭橄欖,小魚干或現醃漬的紅蘿蔔或小黃瓜 趕快送給山大妞當開味前菜 不像剛開始放暑假的第一個月 媽咪餐餐有新花樣的菜色 每天準備三餐外還讓山大王和山大妞有不同的"work"可以玩 媽咪也開始疲憊望著食譜不知如何下廚 不過訓練久了的媽咪一開冰箱 一個小時內又可以開飯了...... 直得欣慰的是山大妞如廁訓練還是持續進步中 大概90%成功 因為都待在家;三餐在家吃的話 山大妞對自己廁所時該要做哪些事一點都不陌生 而山大王更是媽咪妹妹的好幫手 媽咪要是剛好不在山大妞喊:"(要)噓下去囉"的事發現場時 山大王會帶妹妹去坐小馬桶;幫妹妹拿衛生紙;幫妹妹擦屁屁; 還會幫忙把妹妹的"勝利成果"拿去馬桶沖掉 最後還會和媽咪一樣給妹妹 大大的稱讚鼓勵一番 媽咪帶山大王和山大妞暑假慵懶過生活 雖然沒有去上任何才藝課或夏令營 但是還是會去圖書館和參加一點圖書館辦的活動 只要是山大王和山大妞不是在媽咪做三餐時找媽咪唸故事書時 媽咪都會很樂意唸書給大小兩隻聽 這夏天在後院大小兩隻也觀察了 鳥窩, 蛇,蚱蜢,毛毛蟲,蜂鳥,小鹿,蜜蜂蒼蠅,新生小鳥的蹤影 每天帶著山大妞澆小番茄採收小番茄 也算是很好的認識動物植物方法 慵懶過暑假照媽咪懶人的說法 其實就是享受生活本身 媽咪不想逼山大王學東西 但山大王觀察主動要學的生活項目也不少 像是他在媽咪的提醒下願意/自動 整理書架 自己的小房間 把勞作的桌子收拾擦乾淨 學會摺襪子 用完餐把餐盤放到洗碗機 這些過生活的禮儀 媽咪也不堅持他每天做到 能夠媽咪提醒他就願意做那就很棒了 但是晚上上床睡覺前 山大王一定得自己換上乾淨的睡衣 才能爬上床 這樣慵懶過暑假大概為數不多了 但願山大王和山大妞會記得 這個暑假他倆做了些什麼

Poor Unfortunate Souls


The Little Mermaid Song: Poor Unfortunate Souls Complimentary “Poor Unfortunate Souls” Ringtone URSULA The only way to get what you want is to become a human yourself. ARIEL Can you do that? URSULA My dear, sweet child. That's what I do. It's what I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to. I admit that in the past I've been a nasty They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch But you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways Repented, seen the light, and made a switch To this And I fortunately know a little magic It's a talent that I always have possessed And dear lady, please don't laugh I use it on behalf Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (pathetic) Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed Those poor unfortunate souls So sad, so true They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them! Yes I do Now it's happened once or twice Someone couldn't pay the price And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals Yes I've had the odd complaint But on the whole I've been a saint To those poor unfortunate souls Have we got a deal? ARIEL If I become human, I'll never be with my father or sisters again. URSULA But you'll have your man, heh heh. Life's full of tough choices, isn't it? Heh heh. Oh, and there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment. ARIEL But I don't have- URSULA I'm not asking much, just a token really, a trifle! What I want from you is - your voice. ARIEL But without my voice, how can I- URSULA You'll have your looks, your pretty face. And don't underestimate the importance of body language, ha! The men up there don't like a lot of blabber They think a girl who gossips is a bore! Yet on land it's much prefered for ladies not to say a word And after all dear, what is idle babble for? Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation True gentlemen avoid it when they can But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who's withdrawn It's she who holds her tongue who get's a man Come on you poor unfortunate soul Go ahead! Make your choice! I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day It won't cost much Just your voice! You poor unfortunate soul It's sad but true If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet You've got the pay the toll Take a gulp and take a breath And go ahead and sign the scroll Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys The boss is on a roll This poor unfortunate soul Beluga sevruga Come winds of the Caspian Sea Larengix glaucitis Et max laryngitis La voce to me Now, sing! ARIEL Aah... Keep singing!

FW: Light and Crispy Belgian Waffles


Makes 8 (7-inch) round waffles Replacing the butter with vegetable oil reduced the moisture in the batter and swapping some of the flour for cornstarch made for crisper waffles, but it was the surprising addition of Rice Krispies to the batter that delivered an extra-crisp and light texture. The cereal imparted a malty, slightly sweeter flavor, and each puffed grain of rice produced a tiny pocket of air in the waffles. For single waffle makers, use 2/3 cup batter per waffle. For double waffle makers, use 1 1/3 cups batter in total. If you don't use enough batter, the Rice Krispies can scorch. Serve with syrup. 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup Rice Krispies 3/4 cup cornstarch 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon table salt 2 large eggs, separated 1 1/2 cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup vegetable oil Preheat traditional waffle iron to medium. Meanwhile, stir flour, Rice Krispies, cornstarch, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in large bowl. Whisk egg yolks, milk, vanilla, and oil together in medium bowl. With electric mixer or balloon whisk, beat egg whites in bowl to soft peaks. Pour milk mixture over dry ingredients and whisk until combined. Whisk in beaten whites until just combined. Do not overmix; a few streaks of whites should be visible. Pour 2/3 cup batter (see note above) into center of preheated waffle iron and use back of dinner spoon to spread batter toward outer edges (batter should reach about 1/2 inch from edges of iron before closing lid). Close lid and cook until deep golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Serve immediately.

夏夜日落後的謬思 Evening star: Venus in Summer


大概半年前山大王開始對太陽系有進一步的認識 學校每次班上小朋友生日 都會讓壽星捧著地球(儀) 繞太陽(蠟燭)轉她/他生日的次數 山大王三歲和四歲生日時各"複習"過一次 四歲生日時山大王已經很清楚知道他繞的路線 就是模擬地球繞太陽叫"orbit" 山大王還是小北鼻時 我們買了Star的小百科 有時山大王會拿來要我們跟他一起看 他也帶去學校請老師分享給大家裡面的內容 就這樣他學會八大行星的名稱 媽咪爸鼻也常和他討論哪顆行星最大(Jupiter) 他最喜歡哪顆行星(Uranus) 還有哪顆不能成為行星了(Pluto) 媽咪也跟他說Saturn的第五顆月亮就是妹妹的名字啊 還有最近天氣熱太陽下山後 媽咪和兩隻在陽台乘涼時 一起欣賞天上最亮的星星:金星(Venus) 火熱閃亮的金星點燃夏夜日落後的謬思 以下就是StarDate對最近夏日星空的介紹摘要: July 12, 2007 As twilight fades, spot Venus, the "evening star," low in the west. Look just above it for much fainter Regulus, the brightest star of Leo, the lion. The planet Saturn is farther to the right of Venus. Venus, the dazzling morning or evening star, outshines all the other stars and planets in the night sky. It begins the year in the evening sky, low in the west shortly after sunset. It will move a little higher during spring and early summer, before dropping back and disappearing from view in early August. It will quickly scoot over to the morning sky, where it will reappear in late August. It will spend the rest of the year as the morning star. July 13, 2007 Venus, Saturn, and Regulus, the brightest star of Leo, the lion, congregate low in the west the next few evenings. They drop lower in the sky each night. This is the view about 45 minutes after sunset. [Tim Jones] Venus, Saturn, and Regulus II Fifty years can make a big difference in our understanding of the universe -- even of our own little bit of it, the solar system. Consider the planet Venus, which highlights the western evening sky this month. The planet is swaddled in thick clouds. A half-century ago, no one knew what was below the clouds, so the concepts of Venus were way off. Scientists didn't even know how fast the planet spins on its axis, so they didn't know the length of Venus's day. They found out when radio telescopes bounced signals off the planet's surface in the early 1960s. The radio waves acted like a radar gun, telling us that a day on Venus lasts about eight Earth months. Scientists knew that Venus was hot, but they didn't know how hot. Some still envisioned a steamy world of giant oceans. Others expected to find oceans of hydrocarbons. Since then, however, spacecraft have probed Venus's atmosphere and found that it's dense and toxic, with temperatures that top 850 degrees Fahrenheit. And they’ve used radar to peer through the clouds and map Venus's surface. They found that the surface is covered with thousands of volcanoes -- but no liquid of any kind. Look for Venus low in the west as darkness falls. It's the bright "evening star." The true star Regulus is just to its upper right this evening, with the planet Saturn a little farther to their right. The whole lineup will remain in view for several more evenings. Script by Damond Benningfield, Copyright 2007

Legoland: Modle Mom Club


Legoland: Modle Mom Club Our Model Mom Club Membership is a one-year pass to LEGOLAND valid on Thursdays only and is available for just $57. Moms, Dads, Grandparents and caregivers with children 4-years of age and under qualify to purchase a Model Mom Pass. Proof of child’s age is necessary in the form of a copy of an official birth certificate at the time of purchase. Our weekly activity group meets every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. and includes Stroller StridesTM Fitness Walks (1st Thursday of the month), LEGO Explore Play Groups (2nd and 4th Thursday of the month), and Specialist Visits (3rd Thursday of the month). Model Mom Club activities are open to all LEGOLAND guests with a child under 4-years of age. The Model Mom Club Pass is intended for caregivers only and is limited to one Model Mom Pass per family. Children ages 3 and 4 will need a Membership, Membership PLUS or Ambassador pass or one-day ticket for admission. Children 2 and under get in free to LEGOLAND California every day the park is open. Admission to LEGOLAND on Thursdays only Free parking included on Thursdays only 20% discount at all restaurants (does not include snack carts) on Thursdays only Special discounts and invitations to Park events on Thursdays only Free subscription to LEGOLAND newsletter. (One subscription per household) Free subscription to LEGO Magazine for Child members. (One subscription per household) Model Mom Club Memberships are not available online and must be purchased at the Park on Thursdays only. For more information on this program, please call (760) 438-LEGO.

FW: 12 Foods to Buy Organic


12 Foods to Buy Organic More Americans than ever are worried about carcinogens from pesticides and fertilizer in their food, and they are adding organic foods to their food carts. When the FDA and USDA ran tests on more than 100,000 samples of food, they found pesticides known to cause cancer, damage to the brain and nervous system, and birth defects. But if you don’t have a lot of money to add to your food budget, but still want to expose your family to as few chemicals as possible, where should you put your valuable food dollars? Here’s a list of the most contaminated food products: Meat. Beef, poultry and pork have higher residual levels of pesticides than any plant food. Chemicals accumulate in the animal’s fatty tissue and go straight to the dinner table. Milk, Butter, and Cheese. Pesticides are concentrated in milk. In addition, growth hormones and antibiotics are also found in non-organic milk, butter and cheese. Strawberries, Raspberries and Cherries. Strawberries receive the most pesticides of any crop grown in America. Thirty-six pesticides are applied to strawberries and 90 percent of berries tested have pesticide contamination above levels considered safe. Raspberries and cherries don’t rate much better. Apples and Pears. The FDA detected 36 chemicals in apples. Half are neurotoxins which cause brain damage. Tomatoes. A tomato’s thin skin allows the more than 30 pesticides used on conventionally-grown crops to seep through the entire tomato. Potatoes. Heavily contaminated with both pesticides and fungicides, the FDA found that 79 percent of potatoes had levels of several pesticides that were deemed unsafe. Spinach. Spinach is the vegetable most often contaminated with the most powerful pesticides used on food. The FDA found that 83 percent of spinach had dangerous levels of pesticides. Other greens are also heavily contaminated. Coffee. The pesticides that are so dangerous they’re not allowed to be used in this country are shipped overseas where they’re used on crops and shipped back in our foods. Coffee is one of the worst. Peaches and Nectarines. 95 percent of peaches and 97 percent of nectarines tested were contaminated from the forty-five pesticides used in conventional orchards. Don’t think you can avoid the pesticides by peeling; their thin skin allows the pesticides to soak deep into the fruit. Grapes. Thirty-five different chemicals sprayed on grapes are showered on several times during their growth. Testing found 86 percent of grapes were contaminated with pesticides. Imported grapes have even more pesticides, with those from Chile having the most. Celery. 94 percent of celery was found to have dangerous levels of pesticides. Red and Green Bell Peppers. Bell peppers, doused with 39 pesticides, also have high levels of chemical residues. In addition, peppers are often coated with unhealthy wax.



小小北鼻35週要進入36周了 媽咪也達到110.9磅和懷山大王36週時差不多 覺得小北鼻躺的位置好像變了一點 山大王會問"我可以摸摸小北鼻嘛?" "我可以和小北鼻hi-five嗎?" 和小北鼻hi-five 就是摸摸媽咪肚子的左側 小北鼻手軸最常凸出來的地方 媽咪常誇山大王會是好哥哥 山大王也説:"我和Nathan都是哥哥" Nathan(藍)和Dylan(橘)是兄弟 Nathan是山大王現在的同學+學長 Dylan會是山大王以後的同學+玩伴 山大王喜歡Nathan 他說因為Nathan很Nice 媽咪問山大王比較喜歡和Yuki還是Nathan玩 山大王說"Yuki, 可是Nathan比較nice" 穿橘色衣服是排行老二的Yuki; 穿藍色衣服是很有禮貌的老大Ryosuke 其實山大王比較喜歡和老二弟弟們玩 因為這些大山大王兩三歲的排行老二的小男生們 比較不像排行老大的同學那麼拘謹 會跟山大王玩得比較瘋 但是說同窗學習來說 排行老大的Nathan或一些小姊姊們 反倒比較會照顧教導山大王 今日山大王午餐菜單 1. 西瓜 結果: 雖然昨天山大王挑了他喜歡的白油桃 可惜昨晚吃了不甜;媽咪還是給他西瓜消暑 可是沒吃幾口耶 2. 培根蛋炒飯 結果: 現在媽咪發現主菜通常放最大的盒子 不管以前山大王喜不喜歡吃這道? 最大盒子裡的東西一定會剩下 量多可能是一個原因 今晚再來觀察觀察 下次便當最大的盒子放水果看會如何 果然今晚查看一點也沒碰 3. 1/4巧克力Muffin 結果: 吃1/2而已 今天便當幾乎沒吃;讓媽咪十分失望 回家胃口也不好 媽咪滿意程度:20 分 *___*