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星期六是早上去山谷景小公園的 10點多去玩一個鐘頭半山大王很盡興 乖乖地和媽咪回家去 星期天下午山大王下午醒來已經4:30 本來想帶他去買東西 但山大王自己玩火車也會快樂 還到院子玩石頭 看著他一個人玩有時也會想找伴玩 一次山大王和爸拔媽麻玩木製三片動物拼圖 媽麻把"Good night"上動物都跑出來遊行再 一個一個領回動物園睡覺的故事 編成玩動物拼圖的配樂 山大王很樂每次都要找爸拔媽咪和他一起 玩動物繞著咖啡桌遊行 再回去到拼圖版上擺好睡覺 雖然山大王現在已經習慣自己一個人玩想像火車的遊戲 各式會轉動移動的小車小火車排一排 就開始演起Thomas & friends的故事 他會壓低嗓門裝Gorden說James "show off" 也會提高八度用細細的童音裝Emily說教的語言 生活裏好像有了這些想像的朋友 山大王就可以很快樂地自己玩起來 但有時見爸拔媽麻忙 他又玩得很無聊無趣時 臉上就會出現成熟落寞的表情 知道開廚櫃會找罵 拉扯防他打開的廚櫃門時 他會轉移媽咪注意力地要求用橡皮筋在手心上弄出Star 或用兩條橡皮筋在兩手間弄出"big star" 兩歲的山大王忙著爬上爬下 忙著探索世界看beetle(甲殼蟲)看火車要採花 忙著試探爸拔媽麻底線忙著被罵 兩歲的山大王也有寂寞的時候 趴在窗戶上發呆 如果車上只有媽麻開車他坐後面安全汽座 每次在午睡時間經過133公路必睡著 聽著山大王均勻的呼吸聲 媽麻心裏真的覺得兩歲也有寂寞的時候啊 有個手足真的比較有伴吧

BrainWonders: 24-36 months


Movement: Fine Motor & Gross Motor How are the movements of 2-3 year-olds influenced by changes in their brains at this age? From 2 to 3 years of age, the brain''s pathways - including the motor pathways - continue to be influenced by myelination. Myelin is a dense, fatty substance that helps neurons send and receive messages faster and more clearly. This helps motor circuits in the brain gradually gain better control and coordination over fine movements such as, manipulating puzzle pieces, using a spoon and fork, buttoning or zipping, and gross movements such as, jumping, skipping, hopping, and climbing. As toddlers practice these emerging skills, their movement reinforces the growth of brain cells and the developing connections between them. As a care provider you can foster toddlers'' motor development by providing lots of space and opportunity for them to engage in fine and gross motor activities. By doing this, you will support both the development of these skills and the growth of the brain. Between 2-3 years of age you can expect that toddlers will become better and more precise at tasks such as dressing, feeding themselves, getting a drink, washing their hands, stringing beads, handling paint brushes/scissors/crayons, throwing and kicking a ball, hopping on one foot, pedaling a tricycle, and climbing up and down a small slide. As toddlers master these many fine and gross motor skills, you will notice they are also developing a preference for one or the other hand - favoring use of the right or left hand for holding an object, throwing a ball, waving good-bye, etc., along with an emerging preference in leg use when they are hopping on one foot or kicking a ball. Researchers cannot say for sure what causes hand preference - both genes and experience seem to play a role. We do know it takes several years for handedness to become fully expressed in the brain. Typically, a child may switch back and forth several times before settling on a preferred hand - no need to worry about this. This switching behavior may actually be quite useful. It may be a way of making sure that both hands master the basic manipulative skills while the brain is still in its most intensive wiring period. At 18 months, about 50% of all toddlers show a stable hand preference. This number increases to 90% by age four, but some will not settle on a hand preference until seven years. Whenever they settle, children often continue to experiment with both hands, typically alternating between periods of ambidexterity - using both hands equally well - and single-hand preference until fairly late in childhood. What you can do: Provide toddlers with lots of opportunity to exercise fine motor skills by encouraging them in self-help tasks such as pouring their own milk at snack time, using utensils to eat, putting on their shoes and coat, letting them button and zip, and washing their own hands. They may need some help getting started, but allow them the time to work on each task on their own. Provide toys and activities that increase their opportunities to use these fine motor skills. Finger painting, painting with brushes, playing with play-dough, drawing with crayons, markers or pencils, manipulating puzzle pieces, building with blocks, pressing buttons on telephones, stringing beads, playing musical instruments, and dress-up activities are some examples. Provide plenty of opportunities, space and time for toddlers to use their gross motor skills both indoors and out. Allow time for dancing, running, jumping, hopping, climbing, and carrying objects. http://www.zerotothree.org/brainwonders/caregivers.html兩歲全家福



要是在台北過年 越冷越濕去擠菜市場反而是越有過年的氣氛 臘梅橘子春聯和南北貨年菜 迎春喜氣讓人為之振奮 而山大王一家關掉播台灣新聞的電視後 就一點也聞不出"年要來了"的喜氣 這週末又開始要下起雨來 雨不大不小要窩在家裏睡覺太浪費 出去購物又很麻煩 可是山大王昨晚吃媽麻費心炒的芝麻波菜 就懷念起媽麻前一陣子常給他吃的波菜烤雞餐 於是一直炒著要吃"chicken" 且山大王最喜歡吃的"軋勾"餅乾-honey maid也吃光了 這樣山大王一家在爸拔補眠到11點後 出發往costco補貨 帶著爸鼻的gadgets-無線對講機 順利地辦好日常生活所須的菜 還讓山大王試吃strawberry cream及葡萄汁 回到家中午就吃costco烤雞和烤Rib 山大王今天可吃了不少烤雞、酸辣蛋花水餃湯及 白葡萄柚和果汁 除了吃的多之外也看了不少電視 還在看Thomas & his friends時爺爺來電了 不免要山大王用電話拜早年一下 山大王會說"恭喜"了 又拿著電話給爺爺唱了Thomas & his friends的主題曲 好不容易說好說歹山大王同意關掉電視了 山大王一家上樓後媽麻想到 也要打電話給阿嬤阿公阿蔚姨拜早年 匆匆下樓忘了和山大王打聲招呼 山大王見到媽麻突然離開便panic attack地大哭 今天起來到現在山大王跌打損傷哭笑交錯 讓媽麻已經無力阻止山大王要得任何要求了 山大王聽到媽麻要打電話給ㄚ蔚姨 馬上親切地喊起ㄚ蔚姨sticker(貼紙) 和ㄚ蔚姨閒話家常又唱了幾次 Thomas & his friends的主題曲 但ㄚ蔚姨哼起可魯主題曲 讓山大王想起今天尚未看"狗溝--可魯" 於是又跟ㄚ嬤邊拜年邊看可魯 邊哼可魯主題曲給ㄚ嬤聽 恭喜是說了但看可魯看呆了 ㄚ嬤都沒有喊捏 ㄚ嬤除夕再補拜年喔 媽麻真的是教導無方捏 敗給可魯了爸拔教我輕功楊志摩吟詩



山大王看過Amtrack好幾次停站再開 也有看過Amtrack匆匆飛快的來去 媽麻公司附近有鐵道經過 但多是貨櫃的火車而非通勤的Amtrack 媽麻在公司時以前對火車的笛鳴都是聽而不聞的 為了兒子愛看火車的嗜好 為了讓山大王看又慢又長的貨櫃火車 耳朵突然靈光了起來 聽到火車嘟嘟沙啞的長鳴兩聲 就趕緊打開筆記本記下火車經過的時間 等到週末再和爸拔與山大王一起來追火車吧 山大王已經非常上道了 只要週末出門山大王就知道不是上褓姆那 爸拔媽麻又要帶他看choochoo train囉 家裏有這麼一個火車迷 真是讓爸拔媽麻週末也不太需要計畫了 反正出門到哪一定要先想到 哪裏有車站鐵道火車何時經過 其他買菜購物得看過火車後再說 但是週末貨櫃火車經過的時間 和一般週間經過的時間會不會一樣呢 爸拔媽麻一點把握也沒有 到鐵道旁的加油站問問吧 零售店員週末還在上班 一臉很悲苦的表情 媽麻抱著山大王進去問 是否知道這時候火車經過的時間 零售店員一面遞樂透彩卷給顧客一面回答不知 好像媽麻問了一句"何不食肉糜的話"似的表情 媽麻和先前信心滿滿地對爸拔說 鐵道旁店員一定知道火車經過的時間的 不問怎麼知道 現在媽麻碰了一鼻子的灰 才知道自己天真過了頭 最後在晚了記錄時間10分鐘後 爸拔開車中聽到平交道叮叮叮叮的聲音 趕緊開到等待右轉要過平交道的車道 車窗搖下讓山大王看到亮晶晶的火車頭車燈 緩緩地駛過我們旁邊的鐵道 山大王很專注地看著一節又一節 沉重緩慢駛過的貨櫃箱車 完成山大王看載貨櫃的Choochoo的經驗啦