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家長老師座談會* 放假 *


山大王今年的老師很酷 完全不依賴家長的幫忙 而且不怕回家作業多到家長不爽 現在又要學生在學校就開始寫回家功課 訓練學生為自己負責 山大王剛好被她好好地訓練 說老師很酷就是 與家長老師座談會時 因為我們先到山大妞家長老師座談會 有一點耽誤了 老師就說沒關係我們有一整天 說山大王沒什麼大問題 五年級的功課他都會了 六年級的數學很多小朋友還在學 他已經開始開竅自學了 寫作的用字也很棒 只是個性還是十歲小男生在轉變賀爾蒙失調的關係 她可以理解山大王是個好孩子 所以目前成績都算優等 只是上課專心和同儕相處還待加強 之前我們8:20到山大妞班上 算是第一個與家長老師座談會 老師成績單還沒印出來但要我們先進去 每次我們都是帶孩子去 然後讓他們在教室一角自修 山大王外向的個性讓山大妞的Mrs. V老師印象深刻 V老師一問就知道山大王老師是誰 就知道山大王在資優班 但山大妞今年考試學區還未決定 所以不知道明年山大妞可否有免費資優考試可參加 V老師很讚賞山大妞的上課的表現 老師告知山大妞閱讀程度已經有三年級程度(L631) 數學社會科學和合作參與等都是優等 尤其是寫作是山大妞的強項 老師說她已經有高年級的寫作技巧 只是拼字和文法還在學習中 但是在班上已經算是頂尖的 所以今天家長老師座談會算是十分順利 之前為山大王忐忑不安的心算是放心不少



前天媽咪終於知道蓋手印沒過 校區說要親自回去領資料 覺得校區實在很糟糕 媽咪留了好幾通電話都沒回 每次等到有人接電話都要給全部的SSN 最後問到蓋手印沒過 還是得親自去拿 等到親自去拿居然也沒對身分證就可以領走個人資料 老師等不及了需要家長去幫忙 要山大妞跟媽咪說這星期五請去幫忙弄Homework folders 等到媽咪先把小孩在學校附近讓他們下車走進學校 然後媽咪才去找車位 等到媽咪找到可以不阻礙後面車流停進去的車位 要走兩個block才可以到學校 今日掌管貼紙的是學校護士 媽咪雖然手印還要重蓋 但因為已經在申請教區狗牌了 所以護士兼看門管理員恩准 媽咪我貼可以進教室的橘色貼紙 為什麼說狗牌呢?因為有這個牌子掛在身上很威風 可以自在地悠遊老師們和小孩子間 不怕被懷疑是居心不良人士 而且要進教室就進教室 要待多久就可待多久 當然老師也可以讓戴狗牌的家長免費幫忙 或顧一下一班32個的學生 然後老師可以放心離開教室上廁所 到教室後老師讓我收好小朋友的家庭作業本 到教室間的Pod審核小朋友一周作業 媽咪仔細核對 把有疑問的寫下來分開放跟老師說明後 老師見我還有時間幫忙 立馬把剛剛小朋友考好的拼字考卷十分客氣地 請我幫忙改考卷 一切的一切 都要感謝親愛的老公去上班 讓白吃白住的媽咪我花錢去申請狗牌 如此讓我可以趁機會跟女兒在學校擁抱兩秒 同時了解到她在班上的成績 啊!愛是恆久忍耐又有恩慈!



這篇要寫山大妞 但是標題下的是女孩的決心 因為養女兒總是會看見以前的自己 所以只說山大妞是不公平的 山大妞從小就表現貼心 但是她的隨興和隨意有原則的 七歲半後山大妞不願意再依媽咪的意練芭蕾舞了 七歲後山大妞終於開始和哥哥一樣學鋼琴 雖然她心不情願地答應要學 但是卻很自動自發地每天練琴 而且是無聊就去練 早上六點或五點就自己爬起來練 不過山大妞也因為知道眼淚可穿鐵石心腸 因此到昨夜還可以清晨4點跑來媽咪床上睡 她非常有信心地在黑暗中轉開爸鼻媽咪的房間 靜悄悄到媽咪要她踢被子時才會發現她又來換床睡了 以前喜歡的公主裝現在都不要了 尤其有迪士尼公主的都可以捨棄 對神奇樹屋系列的書還是很喜歡 但是對兒童繪本仍然十分熱衷 而且山大妞還是偏愛動物女生生物科學 和可愛的彼得兔系列書 哥哥在二年級時對故事書已經可以持續看40分鐘到一個小時的書 看了長篇小說短篇小說都輕而易舉 The Secrets of Droon C. S. Lewis的Narnia 哈利波特 希臘神話都喜歡 但是山大妞對小說沒圖案不感興趣 媽咪也只能隨她 有時彈鋼琴她要隨興彈 不讓她隨興彈 她就掉眼淚生氣 聽到哥哥被罵 沒她的事她也會躲起來難過避風頭 見到Hannah the Mermaid和女吸血鬼故事會覺得很酷 尤其看完Dracula仍然想萬聖節裝Lacy或Mina 媽咪知道她很聰明 但女生為"愛"的決心卻是很可怕的 那種可以為盲目的愛犧牲奉獻是女生決心的動力啊 七歲半山大妞媽咪可以感覺未來她會想要甚麼...

偷教一下更有效, stealth schooling strategies


If you'd like to incorporate stealth schooling strategies into your homeschool or afterschool setting, here are some simple ways of so doing. Make materials accessible: Books, art supplies, media, and other materials on topics of interest can be selected for their age appropriateness and made readily accessible for independent exploration. Conversation: While one doesn't want to inundate a child with too much information on a topic, conversation--free-flowing, two-way chat as opposed to a one-way lecture--is a marvelous way to determine what a child knows about the topic already. (You might be surprised!) Show and tell: When it comes to topics like character development or basic life skills, children learn by watching us. So, if your child shows an interest in cooking, get in the kitchen with him or her and collaborate on a project. http://www.cedarlifeacademy.com/blog/2013/my-experience-with-stealth-schooling/ Right in the middle of school-at-home and radical unschooling is an approach that is becoming known as stealth schooling. Goldilocks would probably describe it as “just right!” No school hours, no schoolroom, just learning all the time. It’s conscious on the part of the parent, while the child merrily learns, sometimes oblivious that anything special is happening. Unlike radical unschooling, the parent has more input in what the child learns. Unlike school-at-home, it won’t look like school, because it’s stealthy! A big part of stealth learning is creating a home environment that makes it easy for a child to learn. Activities are planned, field trips are taken, questions are answered, and books are read. There won’t be a designated time to learn because stealth schoolers understand that learning shouldn’t be turned on and off. There are no school hours and no designated recesses because learning is slipped in throughout the day, all year long. There is no need for a vacation from school with stealth learning! Stealth learning probably comes closest to describing the approach I took in homeschooling my son. It wasn’t called stealth schooling then, and I’m glad to see the term being used now. It’s clearly on the unschooling spectrum, but I think it will resonate with more families. A lot of stealth schooling is, well . . . stealthy. We look for opportunities to learn. Instead of a math worksheet, we might deliberately plan to double a cookie recipe and ask a young child to help tell us how much to put in the bowl (always asking for real help and not turning it into a quiz). Many games involve math, so you can learn to add with a timed worksheet, or you can add dice or play dominoes! Before you roll your eyeballs and say this is too simplistic, the same concept applies to advanced math. If you are using math in life, (and that’s the whole point of anyone learning it, right?) involve your child in the process, and he will learn. I was practicing stealth schooling whenever I asked my child to write down something on a shopping list for me. I’d pick a time when I appeared too busy to write something down (usually cooking or doing dishes) and I’d “remember” something we needed and ask my not-yet-spelling child to write it down for me. He started to write, realized he needed help, and asked me how to spell the word, so I told him. He learned how to help me, how to spell that word, and the unspoken message was that learning to spell was useful.Very stealthy! In our family we helped nudge along interests and learning without making assignments. We made it easy for him to find new things! We utilized the library and I regularly brought home books that were just waiting to be discovered. I didn’t require that they be read. They were just there to be found, and usually they were. When he was elementary school aged, we’d talk about things during breakfast, and I’d sometimes ask quiz questions from cards that I found at a thrift store. That was loads of fun because we were playing a game. If he knew the answer, great. If he didn’t, we’d talk about the answer. It was a hodgepodge way of learning that was very stealthy. I’d also put sentences on the white board that needed correcting, and that was another “game” he loved! So I took something a bit schooly but didn’t make it an assignment. He’d discover it on his own and make the corrections. Not school-at-home, but it helped him learn spelling, punctuation, and grammar while giggling at the silly mistakes. Stealthy success! When my husband brought a tall ladder into the family room and proceeded to make a pendulum, he was practicing stealth schooling. My son and his friends had loads of questions and had a lot of fun that day! My husband didn’t wait for our son to ask about pendulums (unschooling) nor did he pull out worksheets (school-at-home). He just provided some memorable information about something he thought would be good to learn about and let the kids in the house do what they wanted with it. Super stealthy! The week I decided to organize the thousands of books in our house (I was losing track of what books we had) was turned into a stealth lesson because I involved my child in what could have otherwise just been a housekeeping project. We talked about a plan, and the books were then sorted by fiction and non-fiction, and then the fiction was alphabetized by author’s last name and the non-fiction by general categories so we could more easily find them. It took a lot of thinking to sort all of those books, so that was the first part of my stealth learning project. The second part was that I hoped he would discover some books to read, and he did. Double score in the stealth learning that week! We had more than just fun in mind when we took our son to places like the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Cal Poly Engineering open houses. Clearly advanced math and skills were needed to do the cool things happening there, and we wanted him exposed to that while having a totally fun day. Some time later, I followed up by mentioning that advanced math was necessary for some of the things he seemed to be interested in, and did he want to start formally learning it? His answer was yes, so I selected several math programs that looked good and let him pick the one he liked best. It was up to him to work on it when he wanted and to correct his own work (I was stealthily encouraging independent skills). So it wasn’t radical unschooling and it wasn’t school-at-home, but a collaborative arrangement on his terms with our guidance and support. We’d helped him reach that point by years of stealth learning and exposing him to things we thought would help him. Kids are amazing learners and they thrive with stealth schooling! I’m definitely on the unschooling spectrum. But I also found ways to nudge learning along by exposing my child to things he might not otherwise have discovered on his own. I didn’t always wait for him to come to me with something to learn, but I also didn’t cram unwanted information in him (well, ok, I tried that when he was 6 and soon learned it wasn’t a great plan). Stealth learning may not always appear orderly (no uniform year-by-year state standards), but it’s natural and it works! It doesn’t have to be used exclusively, but it’s worth trying now and then and seeing how it might work for you and your child. My son is grown now, but I continue to practice stealth learning with other kids (as does my husband) because it’s just so fun and we know it helps them. I now realize that all the fun I had with my grandmother was really her way of stealthily teaching me. I’m not sure if she was ahead of her time, or if we are simply rediscovering one of the best ways to teach kids.

Top 10 Words for Unusual Colors Worth Looking


1. Vermilion Color:Vivid reddish orange About the Word: Spanish painter Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (who painted in the late 1700s and early 1800s) was so fond of this vibrant color that vermilion also became known as goya. The word vermilion traces to the Late Latin vermiculus, meaning "kermes." Kermes are the dried bodies of insects (of the genus Kermes) used to produce this ancient red dye. Full Definition: : a strong red that is deeper than geranium, yellower and deeper than geranium red, and bluer and deeper than average cherry red 2.Verdigris Green Color: Yellowish green About the Word: Verdigris came into English in the 14th century from the Anglo-French vert de Grece, literally, "green of Greece." Ancient Greeks manufactured this pigment by hanging copper plates over hot vinegar in a sealed container. When copper naturally oxidizes, a verdigris green film forms on its surface – as it has, for example, on the Statue of Liberty. Full Definition: : a moderate yellowish green that is greener, lighter, and stronger than tarragon or average almond green and paler and slightly greener than malachite green 3. Titan: Color: Brownish orange About the Word: In the paintings of the great sixteenth-century Italian artist Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian, women often have distinctively brownish-orange hair. Such depictions (including "Madonna and Child," shown here) inspired the color name titian. a brownish orange that is less strong, slightly yellower and lighter than spice, slightly yellower and lighter than prairie brown or Windsor tan, and slightly redder and darker than amber brown or gold pheasant 4. bisque Color:Light grayish brown About the Word: Bisque is probably a shortened and altered form of biscuit (meaning "earthenware or porcelain after the first firing and before glazing"), which comes in turn from the Anglo-French (pain) besquit, "twice-cooked bread." One example of twice-cooked bread, a teething biscuit, can indeed be the color of such earthenware.a light grayish brown especially used in textiles 5. Puce Color: Dark red About the Word: Puce entered English from French, where puce translates as "flea." The relationship between the flea and the color is complicated (and over the centuries has involved "flea" as a sexual metaphor) but almost certainly one connection is the flea's hunger for blood. A dark red that is yellower and less strong than cranberry, paler and slightly yellower than average garnet, bluer, less strong, and slightly lighter than pomegranate, and bluer and paler than average wine 6. Cattleya Color: Medium purple About the Word: This color comes from a kind of orchid named for William Cattley, a patron of botany whose enthusiasm for orchids helped fuel a British craze for the flowers in the 1700s. The most common form of one of Cattley's original orchids (the cattleya labiata) highlights the color cattleya. Full Definition: : a moderate purple that is redder and paler than heliotrope, bluer and paler than average amethyst, and paler and slightly bluer than manganese violet Read more at http://www.merriam-webster.com/top-ten-lists/top-10-words-for-unusual-colors/cattleya.html#6VfvzAQrhi2mjQAf.99 7. Smalt Color: Medium blue About the Word: The color name comes from the blue glass of the same name. Smalt is created by fusing together – melting – potassium carbonate, silica, and cobalt oxide; the word's Germanic ancestor means "to melt." Full Definition: : a moderate blue that is redder and duller than average copen, redder and deeper than azurite blue, Dresden blue, or pompadour, and greener and deeper than luster blue Read more at http://www.merriam-webster.com/top-ten-lists/top-10-words-for-unusual-colors/smalt.html#5AECX3f5gM7dZEZm.99 8. Damask, Grayish red About the Word: It may or may not have originated in Damascus, but the name of the damask rose – a flower that traveled to Europe during the Middle Ages – honors that Syrian city. The hue of the blossom lives on as a color name. Full Definition: : a grayish red that is bluer than bois de rose, bluer, lighter, and stronger than blush rose, and bluer and deeper than Pompeian red or appleblossom Read more at http://www.merriam-webster.com/top-ten-lists/top-10-words-for-unusual-colors/damask.html#spWwLiUBFlBxUfBL.99 9. Jasper Color: Blackish green About the Word: The color name jasper comes from the name of the opaque quartz stone called jasper. The ancient Hebrew word from which jasper comes may have meant something like "glittering" or "polish." Full Definition: : a blackish green that is bluer than cannon Read more at http://www.merriam-webster.com/top-ten-lists/top-10-words-for-unusual-colors/jasper.html#XrXfWKzMdDlyOO2F.99 10. Bittersweet Color: Deep reddish orange About the Word: The oval berries of the European bittersweet plant taste first sweetish, and then bitter. But it was the American plant called "false bittersweet," with its orangey-colored fruits, that inspired the color name bittersweet. Full Definition: : a deep orange that is deeper than bittersweet orange; a dark to deep reddish orange Read more at http://www.merriam-webster.com/top-ten-lists/top-10-words-for-unusual-colors/bittersweet.html#2FyMoRUbMot8xWZb.99



從台灣回來後山大妞跟媽咪睡幾次習慣了 後來要求晚上她到自己房間床上睡著清晨又會自動跑來媽咪床上 媽咪除了她這個壞習慣-清晨就跑來擠媽咪床 還有愛哭停不了,和懶得學新的運動或才藝外 山大妞實在是很乖的女兒 她在學校還蠻聽老師的話 坐最後一排靠門邊 山大妞寫功課不需要一直盯 她功課也不錯 閱讀和數學都還是在Top group 原本身體很好很不容易生病 但是六月開始卻常生病 其實山寨家八月後一直在輪流看醫生 先是六月中媽咪去看醫生 八月山大王健康檢查後沒多久 山大王皮膚起顆粒也去看小兒科醫生 在台灣山大王山大妞和爸鼻各看一次 然後開學沒幾個月山大妞就生病細菌感染 之後好了幾天山大妞又扁桃腺發炎 然後這次是山大妞是腸胃病毒吧 星期四晚上說在自己房間睡不著 一定要來媽咪床上睡 結果半夜磨贈說不舒服 沒多久就起來吐 一吐就停不了 接二連三吐了四五次 到星期五早上九點喝的水全部又都吐出來 吐到最後一次她連水都吐不出來才結束 山大妞只是一次發燒 吐光光後山大妞就睡很多 她只喝水吃優格連土司都吃不太下 沒什麼吃東西沒體力就躺著聽神奇樹屋有聲書 星期六下午開始睡過傍晚到半夜睡醒 媽咪給她上回喝過一點點的巧克力豆奶 她喝光光後說吃不下雞湯烏龍麵 勉強吃幾根麵條 要上去睡覺時又通通吐出來 清潔水槽後媽咪和她又再回去睡覺 到星期天早上她醒來後才不再吐 但是吃東西還是沒什麼胃口

帶大小兩隻staple shopping back-to-school supply


每年暑假都得準備購買新鞋新衣和文具 通常這都是媽的差事 今年媽咪希望大小兩隻可以多一點參與 當然學著買東西並不小孩喜歡的做的事 可是小二其實就要學算買東西的錢如何用 所以這是很生活的科學 數學只是其中一面 學著花錢存錢才是重點 媽咪先要兩隻一起把鋁罐玻璃瓶保特瓶拿去退錢 然後進超市洗手買她們需要和想要的東西 1. Pet Supplies 2. Back-to-school Supplies 2012 1st Grade Inventory check Retail Price 1 3 ring 1 inch Binder x 0.75 4 Boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons 4 X 0.25 1 Red ball point pen 1 X 2 Pink Rectangle Erasers 2 X 1 Pair of Fiskar Pointed Child's Scissors 1 X 0.5 1 Glue Bottle 4 oz. 1 X 0.75 1 Box Crayola "Fat tip" Markers Classic Colors x 0.75 4 Large glue sticks 2 Doz #2 Pencils - Ticonderoga 1 X 1 Highlighter 1 X pink 0.33 2 Reams white copy paper 2 Dry Erase Expo Markers 1 X 1 1 Container Baby Wipes 1 X 4th Grade Inventory check Retail Price 1 Box of 16 Crayola Crayons 1 (24) X 1 Box of 8 Basic Crayola Markers 1x 4 Expo Dry Erase Markers/1 dry eraser 4X 2 Large Glue Sticks/or Bottle of Glue 2 X bottle of Glue 1 Pair Fiskar Scissors 1X 1 Dz Pencils #2 & 1 Dz Color Pencils 1 #2 X + 1 White Board aprox. 9x12 1X 2 Highlighter Pens & 1 - 3 ring binder 1" 2X+1 2 Red Pens & 2 Black Sharpie Pens 2 Red X + 2X 1 Box skinny color markers 1 X 1 Box Crayola skinny markers 2 Pkg. Lined Wide Ruled Notebook Paper 2 X 1 pkg notebook 3-hole lined paper 1 X 1 Pkg. Graph Paper 8"x11" 1X $2 1 ream white and 1 color copy paper 1+1 2011 Walmart+Walgreen+Target+lakeshore learning center+office Max 1K Box of 8 Crayola Classis Markers------------$.97 1G Box of 8 Washable Cryola Markers------------$1.97 1G Pack Crayola Twistables Colored Pencils----$3.87 1K Crayola Watercolor Set----------------------$1.97 (1.5Target) 1K Box of 24 Crayola Crayons-------------------$.40 4K Large Glue Sticks & 3G Glue Stick 4 oz------$1.54*4+$1.97/6 1K Bottle of Elmer's white Glue---------------$.40 2 Pair of Fiskar Pointed Child's Scissors-----$1.47 3 Large Rectangle Erasers--------1K+2G--------$1.97/6 4 Dozen #2 Pencils--------------1K+3G---------$.99~.97 2G Highlighter--------------------------------$ 5 EXPO Dry Erase Marker--------4G+1K---$1.47/2(BLK)+$3.47/4(COL) 3G Pocket Folders-----------------------------$0.50 1 Pencile sharpener with reservoir------------$.30*3 1K--Backpack----------------------------------$9 1G--Lunch Box---------------------------------$7~$8 1G small pencil box----------------------------$.50 2G Boxes of 48 Crayola Crayons-----------------$2.5*2 1K Roll of paper Towels------------------------NA 1G Pack 12X18 Construction paper(Red, green, white, or black)--$1.99 1 Ream white copy + color copy paper-----------------color$8.79 1 Ream color copy paper-----------------------$4.69 3. Old Navy Clothes:

Tippy Cat 感染尿道炎


炎炎夏日除了吃冰外沒好事 家裏的大貓Tippy突然尿道塞住了 噓不出來難過地喵喵叫 山大王心軟說要出錢讓Tippy去看獸醫 很擔心山大妞的貓--Tippy 還把牠抱到自己的床上 說要顧著牠整晚 媽咪查了網路上關於雄貓尿道發炎阻塞的治療法 也讓山大王看這些資料 讓他知道媽咪會想辦法照顧治療牠 Tippy貓會自己舔阻塞的尿道 但是會非常痛苦 山大妞拿了乾淨小毯子讓牠躺 Tippy還是整天喵喵叫痛 然後晚上乖乖地在"Stella窩裏"休養 把牠和Stella窩都弄髒後一個晚上 終於尿道通了 後來到處在硬冷的地板上亂尿尿讓媽咪和爸鼻知道 知道Tippy排尿有困難後 媽咪餵Tippy最喜歡的小魚和少量多餐的乾糧 也增加牠喝水的量和次數 過了一個晚上 Tippy雖然出現血尿 但是尿道通了不會有斃命的危險 媽咪試著用貓咪喜歡的柴魚片混半顆500mg的維他命C加水 知道貓不喜歡柑橘香味還是要試試看 果然Tippy不吃柴魚片維他命C水 爸鼻用treat沾柑橘味維他命C粉Tippy倒願意吃 媽咪隔天快去Walmart買Spring Valley, 100顆一罐無添加味的維他命C, 500mg 磨碎粉狀分兩天混在貓罐頭裏讓Tippy吃 果然血尿立刻改善些 過兩天就沒事了 只是清地毯,清地板,清Tippy弄髒的貓窩花了很大的功夫 接著就要訓練Tippy貓回去貓沙廁所上啦 但是牠不知道是為了不讓我們擔心還是 心中對到貓沙盆上廁所還有畏懼痛苦的記憶 每每要帶牠上樓上廁所牠都不依 就選我們眼睜睜地見牠高舉搖尾巴 對著牆或櫃子撒尿 清了地板還好除臭 但是躺枕或布窩就是洗了還是很難除漬除味 真是讓當初幫孩子爭取養貓的我 啞吧吃黃蓮...... 1. Pain Relief: Among remedies in homeopathic bladder treatment for canines and cats, cantharis is very useful for pain relief. It is very useful for pets who are straining to urinate. Dosages of two to three pellets twice or thrice a day, which will be easily absorbed by the pet’s mucous membranes, will relief pain. Nux Vomica, Chimaphila or Cantahris 2.. Control Infection: There are cranberry juice extracts available that are suitable for use in dogs and cats. This helps controls infection by stopping bacteria from adhering to the surface of the bladder and also acidifies the urine. 3. Increase Body Strength: Vitamin C is natural anti inflammatory and strengthens the lining of the bladder. Depending upon the weight of your pet, you can administer a dose of 250mg to 500mg twice a day. However, vitamin C is known to cause diarrhea and it is important to arrive at the correct dosage by trial and error so that you know how much your pet’s bowels can tolerate. 4. Stick to Chemical Free Diet: Many commercial pet foods contain harmful chemical additives, preservatives, and artificial colors that weaken the pet’s immunity system. Instead, home cooked food is the best to reduce the risk of body imbalances and minimize chance of infection. 5. Fluids: To ensure that the bladder of your cat is emptied regularly in order to flush out bacteria, it is imperative that your pet has sufficient quantity of fluids. However, you cannot force your pet to drink. The better way is to resort to moist foods and dipping dry foods in some water or chicken broth. 6. Clean Water: Chemicals in some drinking waters make animals avoid drinking, which in turn, results in thickening of urine. Thickened urine hinders regular emptying of the bladder. This makes them more prone to developing UTI. Filtered water or spring water will go a log way in encouraging your pet to urinate and reduce the risk of urinary tract infection in cats and dogs. In addition, simple methods like providing your cat adequate opportunities to urinate will ensure that his bladder gets emptied at regular intervals will encourage your pet to urinate that is an integral part of its health. Moreover, females that have been spayed early tend to develop loose tissue that lets urine to pool around the urethra. Female urethra is small and makes it is easier for bacteria to travel up to the bladder quickly. Wiping your cat’s bottom frequently will help in tackling this situation effectively.



辦轟趴是媽咪的工作項目之一 最近用了四年半熱水器點火老是滅掉 用了十年的小烤箱也因保險絲燒壞了所以不能用了 缺了這兩個生活小幫手 媽咪還要兼顧身為班媽忙感謝老師週和畢業典禮的一週 實在忙得頭昏腦脹 今天一早五點醒來 媽咪先上網休息一下 七點半和大小一家子起來準備八點半出門 趕9點到The Great Park幫朋友排位子乘氣球 九點要到因為朋友學姊很想坐橘郡的熱氣球 但他們住洛杉磯很難趕一大早排隊 所以山寨家就先幫他們排以免坐不九點到三點的氣球 還好一大早只要等10分鐘 但是他們一家趕不來 於是我們等他們可以趕來的時間10:45AM 山大妞山大王無聊玩岩石公園 山大妞跳下來時沒平衡好臉頭著地 哭著喊媽媽 媽咪見她沒破皮也沒淤青大概是嚇到為多 還是帶她去櫃檯拿個冰敷袋 The Great Park很小心(怕被告?) 看山大妞躺在媽咪身上哭個不停說要回家 問我要不要請外面待命的消防救護人員看一看 媽咪見到他們有這服務心想請專業人員看看也好 於是沒多久兩位醫護急救人士帶著儀器進來 其中一位醫護生和小妞妞對談問她幾歲哪裡不舒服 摸摸她的頭檢查沒有傷口或淤青 然後接著又來兩位醫護急救人士帶著救護車的車床進來 媽咪覺得他們真的是對The great park防護得很好 另一位醫護急救人士量山大妞手腕脈搏 當然除了嚇得哭個不停外 山大妞一切都好 他們判斷沒事四五分鐘後也就離去了 山大王最了解山大妞 所以分她山大王昨天參加同學好友Mark生日派對送的糖果和口香糖 本來她說無法去11點半上芭蕾的課 沒多久山大妞馬上"不哭,好很多" 其實媽咪很依賴山大王這個哥哥 因為他和媽咪一樣很了解這個膽小愛吃甜的妹妹 媽咪不能停止她哭的時候 就需要哥哥這個小幫手的臨門一腳 幼稚園長大後山大王已經懂得"不要"再讓妹妹了 平常山大王才不分"小氣山大妞"他的玩具和好康哩 這時候山大王缺玩伴山大妞哭個不停時 好哥哥的角色就出現了 果然當爸媽都拿愛哭苞沒輒時 哥哥就是英雄啦!



爸鼻每次看媽咪假日快接近午餐時間還坐下來織毛線或 躲起來沒有出現在廚房 就老大心情不太爽快 於是要大家投票決定一周每天晚上要吃的晚餐 由於爸鼻是主持人不投票 所以家裡有三票 早午餐(便當)由媽咪決定 一周晚餐由大小兩隻開選票各填寫要吃什麼 再投票表決 山大王媽咪蒙著眼睛都知道他都是寫 蔥油餅,雞湯飯,牛肉辣豆醬飯,義大利麵,鍋貼 多半是越是味濃油多鹹下飯的越受老大他歡迎 但是小妞妞不喜歡吃肉 也不喜歡辣,最愛爽翠生鮮的蔬果甜食 所以她要爸鼻寫的是沙拉和小胡蘿蔔,芹菜和大黃瓜,枝豆加鹽 這下可好媽咪都可以左右結果啦 因為大小兩隻喜好剛好互左 媽咪只要投多其中一項就贏了 還好山大妞覺得很麻煩所以有兩天沒寫 選擇權讓給了山大王 但是還是有三天媽咪投給山大妞啦 所以今晚吃的是有機枝豆加鹽 雖然媽咪中午去大華補貨 還在燉紅燒牛肉 但爸鼻規定大家一起決定的菜單不可改 所以山寨家今晚餐吃有機枝豆加鹽 山大妞吃得很開心 一大盆大家吃不夠 山大妞還自己去冷凍庫再拿出一包請媽咪煮 媽咪還燙個波菜加蠔油大蒜粒與醬油膏 愛吃肉的爸鼻也不敢面有菜色 很認命地執行"吃晚餐" 山大王不是不愛吃枝豆加鹽,但他瞧見聞見媽咪的燉鍋傳來肉香 一邊把他的枝豆加醬油再加胡椒; 一面說他晚一點要再吃點那"鍋"不是"晚餐"的牛肉 晚上輪到爸鼻帶山大王去童軍每個月都來一次的 "童軍大會"開完回家才7:40 爸鼻"提醒"媽咪說山大王要吃點宵夜牛肉麵 爸鼻則說他喝點牛肉湯"就好了" 媽咪下陽春麵冷水點好擺好碗公加上蔥花 爸鼻又改主意說他也吃點麵"好了" 紅燒牛肉香味陣陣飄來 連山大妞也點了一小碗牛肉湯麵 爸鼻似乎也挺喜歡燙波菜加上辣牛肉麵 剩下的燙波菜全撥到自己碗公裏 因為媽咪用低鈉醬油也沒再加鹽 爸鼻還幫自己和山大王多加灑了些海鹽 結果小妞妞受不了辣決定讓給吃了兩碗牛肉麵的哥哥吃 哈哈,這民主餐吃得實在太有趣了 不過驚訝的是山大王下午點心 居然沒有吃他以前最喜歡的叉燒肉飯 倒是山大妞很欣賞Honey BBQ 的口味 搶了幾口媽咪碗裏的切小塊叉燒加飯 吃了津津有味... 民主餐倒底是怎樣以民為主啊?