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FW: Here are some guidelines for choosing eggs:


Here are some guidelines for choosing eggs: Organic. Organic chickens eat feed and grains that were not grown with pesticides. The animals are not given hormones or antibiotics, but "organic" on the label does not tell us if the chickens were able to exercise, nor does it tell us what they were fed. Free range vs. Cage free. Free-range chickens usually have a covered shelter and access to an outside scratch yard. They are pasture-fed and can get worms and bugs, which is the ideal feed for health and strong immunity. Cage free chickens do not live in cages but typically live inside a hen house without access to the outdoors. Vegetarian eggs are not necessarily good for you. Chickens need protein to develop properly (that's why bugs are a part of their natural diet) so chickens that are vegetarian may be fed genetically modified soy and other unhealthy grains. White vs. brown eggs. There is no difference between white and brown eggs. Conventional eggs. These eggs come from chickens fed conventional food, which includes GM (genetically modified) grains, GM soy and pesticides. The toxins from pesticides and herbicides are stored in the fat of these chickens and their tightly packed living conditions make exercise difficult. It's no surprise that these chickens are unhealthy and can harbor diseases like salmonella. Antibiotics are often needed to rid conventional chickens of diseases. Conventional eggs have abnormally high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. High levels of omega-6 fatty acids may increase your risk for cancer, obesity and heart disease. Putting it all together: Look for organic, free-range (or pasture-fed) eggs for the most health benefits.



媽咪平常對花錢沒什麼興趣 其實就是對花錢沒什麼研究 所以不太敢花錢買什麼有的沒有的 所有女人喜歡的除了香水和玫瑰外 鞋子皮包化妝品保養品媽咪一律沒預算 一年可以花到其中一項就已經不得了 但是對房子的保養 沒有研究也沒有知識就得花錢 花錢事小但花錯錢事大 媽咪這次才深深體會到 話說山寨一家從台灣回來 發現以前一樓屋板兩道水漬擴大 媽咪和爸鼻覺得得找修水管的人來處理一下 爸鼻同事介紹一位也是台灣來的莊先生 爸鼻和他電話裡聊了一下水漬的情況 這位莊先生說他判斷其中一個水漬可能是馬桶漏水 $150~$250應該可以修得好 之前媽咪問了其他家修水管的價錢 兩家各說來看一次不包括修就要價$75和$95 所以媽咪也不敢找這些公司來看 這位莊先生和爸鼻電話裡說得好像在行 時間又很能配合 媽咪犯了一個大錯誤 就是沒有再繼續找免費估價的修水管公司 就貿然和爸鼻同意請這偽"裝先生"來看 今天早上媽咪覺得昨夜山大妞咳嗽沒睡好 跟爸鼻說讓山大妞在家待一天休息不去上學 9:40AM莊先生到了 媽咪抱著不幸還是感冒的山大妞 領著莊先生查看一樓兩道水漬和樓上廁所 莊先生搖搖馬桶沖水幾次聽聲音 量量廁所位置比對樓下水漬位置 然後又拿出鐵捲尺確實量量馬桶和水漬的相對距離 很忙碌地跟媽咪借梯子去看Attic閣樓情況 然後又跑出大門看看屋頂水管通風口位置 又跑去後院最遠處想看屋頂水管通風口 然後跟媽咪談一談水漬情況 說不太可能是馬桶漏水 有可能是屋頂水管通風口 經過這幾次下(大)雨 (嘿~南加這種雨哪叫大) 通風口年久封口滲水 媽咪說還有一個梯子可以爬上屋頂 莊先生說屋頂呢他可爬不上去 媽咪想好吧馬桶不需要修 那哪口買了好幾年 不知道怎麼裝的water softner總可以裝吧 這時媽咪打了電話留話給爸鼻請他和莊先生談談 裝先生看了看說沒有排鹽水口不能裝 裝先生在車庫裡看到熱水鍋爐的安裝情形 又批評老美水管工人不牢靠做事很不盡心 還有哪年哪個公司散發傳單偽造政府補助的維修騙局 說調整鍋爐符合規定$150市政府會補助$75 裝先生一直批評大公司沒良心搞這騙局 還有在水管材料上偷工減料 要是老美公司他們來看這個水漬 一定先在水漬上挖個大洞然後狠狠地要價一筆錢 媽咪抱著遇見陌生人會很黏媽咪 快10公斤的山大妞快20分鐘了 手都快斷掉了時 爸鼻打電話回來了 媽咪請裝先生描述一下他判斷不能修的狀況 爸鼻客氣地問他那他跑這一趟 可否清主臥室水管塞住的問題 裝先生說那個問題跟這個水漬沒關 到了這時裝先生坦白說跑這一趟解釋快一個小時半要價$75 媽咪心裡暗暗流汗 一來山大妞很重還抱著 二來聽這位好像經驗很老道 但什麼都不修的裝先生不斷地東扯西扯 媽咪腦袋已經開始發昏 媽咪最後沒聽到爸鼻殺他價 爸鼻和媽咪電話裡說好吧$75開支票給他 媽咪故意裝迷糊於事無補地問一下裝先生 是$75還是$70 裝先生狠肯定地敲下是$75啦 媽咪只好抱著山大妞寫下$75支票 媽咪犯下第二個錯誤 頭昏怎麼隨便沒殺價就寫支票 所以這位為裝先生沒修任何東西 也沒裝任何東西 也無法肯定任何漏水原因 也不能推薦任何修理的方式 叫我們再觀察觀察水漬的情形 然後敲竹槓$75 之前電話判斷馬桶漏水錯誤隨便給估價 也沒說白跑一趟沒修的話要要價$75大洋啊 果然花錢事小但花錯錢事大 難怪媽咪現在睡不著了

How to raise an emotionally intelligent child


How to raise an emotionally intelligent child How can you help raise your child's emotional IQ? Gottman teaches a tactic he calls "emotion coaching," a series of steps you can use to teach your child to analyze feelings and handle conflict. Here's how it works: Listen with empathy. Pay close attention to your child when he says how he feels, then mirror what he's shared back to him. If you suspect that your child feels abandoned because you've been spending lots of time with the new baby, for example, ask him if that's what's going on. If he agrees, you can say, "You're right. Mommy's been really busy with the baby." Then, use examples from your own life to show him you understand what he's said. Tell him about how you felt when your own sibling got to go to the amusement park with your father and you didn't, and how your own mom or dad made you feel better. This tells your child that everyone has these feelings, and that they will pass. Help your child name his feelings. With limited vocabulary and rudimentary understanding of cause and effect, toddlers often have trouble describing what they feel. You can encourage your child to build an emotional vocabulary by giving him labels for his feelings. If he's acting disappointed about not being able to go to the park, you might say, "You feel sad about that, don't you?" You can also let him know that it's normal to have conflicting emotions about something — for instance, he may be both excited and scared during his first week at daycare. If your child seems sad or upset for no immediate reason, try looking at the big picture and thinking about what might be troubling him. Have you moved recently? Did you and your spouse have an argument in his presence? If you're not sure what's going on, watch and listen to him while he plays. If he makes the Mommy doll shout a lot, you'll have a pretty good idea what's bothering him. Validate your child's emotions. Instead of saying, "There's no reason to get so upset" when your child gets mad and throws a tantrum because he's unable to put together a puzzle, acknowledge how natural his reaction is. Say, "It's really frustrating when you can't finish a puzzle, isn't it?" Telling him his reactions are inappropriate or excessive will make him feel as if he should muzzle them. Turn tantrums into teaching tools. If your child gets upset when he hears that he has an appointment with the dentist, help him feel in control by preparing for the visit. Talk with him about why he's afraid, what he can expect during the visit, and why he needs to go. Tell him about a time you had stage fright before a recital or were scared to start a new job and one of your friends made you feel better. Talking through emotions works the same way for children as it does for most adults. Use conflicts to teach problem-solving. When your toddler goes head-to-head with you or another child, make his limits clear, then guide him toward a solution. For example, you can say, "I know you're upset with your sister for knocking over your block tower, but you can't hit her. What else can you do if you get mad?" If your child doesn't have any ideas, give him options. Anger management specialist Lynne Namka advises telling your child to first check his tummy, jaw, and fists to see if they're tight, breathe deeply "to blow the mad out," and to feel good about recovering control. Then, Namka says, help your child use a strong voice to talk his anger out, beginning with something like, "I feel mad when you yell like that." Children should know that it's okay to be angry, as long as they don't hurt other people for that reason. Set an example by staying calm. You'll also want to check how you react to your child's display of emotions. It's important not to be verbally harsh when you're angry. Try saying, "It upsets me when you do that," rather than "You make me crazy," so your child understands that the problem is his behavior, not him. Be careful to avoid excessive criticism, which tends to chip away at a child's self-confidence. And above all else, stay in touch with your own feelings. Some parents ignore their own negative emotions, hoping to spare their children discomfort or difficulty. But hiding your real feelings will only confuse your child. By acknowledging that you're displeased without acting upset, for instance, you show your child that even difficult feelings can be managed.

山大王學校Winter Celebration


今天山大王學校的Winter Celebration 媽咪負責帶切片蘋果和沾料 媽咪早上弄了快一個小時順利成功 這個沾料媽咪覺得很好吃 可惜用起司媽咪不能偷吃(太多) 不過不喜歡甜食的爸鼻則覺得太甜 食譜如下: CARAMEL APPLE DIP 8 oz. cream cheese 1/3 c. brown sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. caramel extract Heat the above ingredients to a smooth consistency. Cut up apples and dip into the caramel dip. 山大妞今天穿的是Santa baby裝- 紅白色 媽咪帶山大妞和禮物及蘋果盤辛苦地從後門走到教室 家長都拿著像機和DV在拍小朋友表演耶誕歌曲 老師告訴媽咪錯過了山大王的精采演出 山大妞看到這麼多人也是巴緊媽咪 但是她也很喜歡看小朋友們唱歌跳舞表演 短短一個小時 很多家長都是抽空中午吃飯時間跑來 也有些媽媽活動結束就帶孩子下課 食物餐點佈置都是家長幫忙 山大王草草吃了tortillas chips和水果 而山大妞坐在哥哥旁邊乖乖吃的樣子真讓媽咪感動 媽咪又在想像山大妞在Toddler classroom 也得這樣自己吃東西 今年好像大家都不太送禮物呢 媽咪還是每一個有教山大王的老師助教和教練都送個小禮物 前天媽咪送Coach K Biscotti當聖誕禮物 今天接山大王時Coach K 突然跑來跟媽咪說 媽咪烤的意式咖啡餅乾好好吃喔 問媽咪會不會很難做 在哪看到的食譜 呵呵~讓媽咪很開心呢 因為除了食譜上說的 媽咪也加了自己一點twist 因為不含牛奶奶油起司 山大妞也很喜歡吃 媽咪就常常烤來當點心囉 媽咪等山大王吃過午餐到外面玩時 就帶著山大妞去附近Armstrong Nursery散步 山大妞很喜歡這這散步 摸摸葉子聞聞花香聽聽水聲踩踩石頭 在花圃悠閒地照著山大妞時間度過一小時半 然後去大華超市買菜完再回去接山大王 在超市山大妞除了看魚螃蟹有興趣外 就忍不住老是指媽咪要ㄋㄟㄋㄟ睡 媽咪當她哭時就抱起來秀秀 跟她說這裡沒辦法給ㄋㄟㄋㄟ呢 山大妞小哭一下掛著眼淚 又讓媽咪抱她回汽座睡了 帶山大妞買東西接送哥哥很麻煩 但是也希望山大妞可以慢慢適應以後toddler的上學生活 不要再黏媽媽緊緊的咧 山大妞很喜歡這件衣服,因為上面有狗狗 山大妞在哥哥班上吃午餐 Santa baby拿聖女小番茄 照片上面的薑餅屋是山大王的畫作 和助教Ms Sonorwal合照



媽咪平常不太看新聞 但遇到這種天災不注意看火勢發展也不行 離家半小時車程就有野火 星期天夜晚媽咪也打電話看看住在火災附近的Amy是否需要幫忙 ABCD family都打包好準備有需要時去避難 也不斷用澆花水管灑水讓房屋不被星星之火燎原 這是縱火犯趁聖塔安納風來襲時計畫的火苗蔓延 還好蔓延至今的野火還未造成嚴重的傷亡 不過也是有一間房子被野火燒盡 雖然風有小一點但風向並沒有幫助 30%安定下來的火勢仍然在消防隊的控制下 繼續向希爾瓦多山谷前進...... 媽咪自己帶著大小兩隻在山寨家注意火勢發展 星期一清晨1:47AM因為強風 媽咪下樓把窗戶都關上 原本熟睡的大小兩隻 則是因為媽咪不在樓上 都被強風的咆嘯聲嚇醒 山大王跑到樓梯口哭著喊媽咪 山大妞則是坐在床上哭 除了昨天空氣很差 院子也飄著樹木燒盡白灰 吸進火災灰燼讓媽咪覺得頭痛 最擔心的還是乾燥的空氣與突然的強風 晚上媽咪幫窗門都關著 開一整夜的空氣增濕機和空氣清淨機 但是山大王也是因為乾燥半醒來抓癢 媽咪一直有幫山大妞塗凡士林 她雖然也會醒來抓癢 但是皮膚情況還好 雖然目前家裡附近還未受野火波及 但媽咪也先準備一箱避難所需物品一直放車上 山大王和山大妞跟著媽咪看著電視上新聞的報導 山大妞會指著電視上的畫面會說: fire; burn 山大王看到火災吞噬下房子的餘燼更是問了一些問題 昨天一早加州政府首長就開始散發火災救援所需資源 而直到今天聯邦政府才準備伸出援手 媽咪真的是對布希政府的無能感到羞恥 Homes burning on Santiago Canyon Road Update 3:25 p.m.: About a dozen homes are burning on Santiago Canyon Road between Modjeska Grade Road and Modjeska Canyon Road. Propane tanks can be heard exploding. Firefighters allowed some structures to burn that couldn't be saved. Firefighters from Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Los Angeles are foaming houses that they think can be saved to try to provide protection. "It could be that dozens have burned," said Capt. Stephen Miller of the Orange County Fire Authority. He said numbers haven't been confirmed. UPDATE: Santiago fire area 6:35 p.m.. Tuesday update Acres burned: 18.000 Containment: 30 percent Resources: 492 firefighters, 94 engines/trucks, two hand crews, two dozers, four water tenders Injuries: Four firefighters, minor Structures: Three outbuildings damaged, one destroyed; one double-wide mobile home residence on Santiago Canyon Road at Modjeska Grade Road; two homes in Modjeska Canyon Damage estimates: Santiago Fire damage tops $10 million, according to OCFA spokesman Chris Caswell Evacuations: Mandatory Silverado Canyon: 2,000 homes, 2000 residents Modjeska Canyon: 238 homes, 900 residents Williams Canyon: 23 homes, 80 residents Santiago Canyon: Six homes Joplin Boys Ranch: 63 boys taken to Juvenile Hall in Santa Ana Voluntary Santiago Estates: 76 homes Foothill Ranch Portola Hills

fw:Are Our Kids the Sickest Generation?


The link between environment and child illness is especially evident in conditions such as allergies and asthma. The tie to bipolar disorder and ADHD has been more complex to identify. Most experts in the field of pediatric mental disorders attribute the increase in diagnosis to a better understanding of mental illness, saying it could be that environment plays a small role. ADHD: Up by a whopping 400 percent Increased understanding of mental disorders in children has also led to a rise in the pediatric diagnosis of ADHD, by as much as 400 percent or higher over the last 25 years, according to some estimates. It is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder in childhood, affecting between 3 percent and 5 percent of school-age children in the United States. Worldwide use of prescriptions to treat ADHD in children has increased by 274 percent, with the United States prescribing more medication for ADHD than any other country. “More attention was paid to mental health issues in children during the ’90s when people realized that a lot of conditions that related to the brain start in childhood,” says Dr. Ben Vitiello, a psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health and a leading expert in child and adolescent ADHD. Vitiello says that some of the increase could be due to partial diagnosis of ADHD in children. He discounts the theory that environmental toxins are the cause of the majority of ADHD, though new research has been done examining whether food additives and coloring contribute to ADHD. “The impact of these environmental toxins is very small, if present at all,” he says. Sometimes children with bipolar disorder are misdiagnosed to have ADHD. Children with sleep disorders can present with ADHD symptoms, so sometimes they are diagnosed with the mood disorder as well. Bipolar Disorder: A 40-fold increase among kids Bipolar disorder is another area in which kids have shown more susceptibility in recent years, a phenomenon experts attribute to improved understanding that mental illness affects children as well as adults. A study published in the September 2007 issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry reported a 40-fold increase in a diagnosis of bipolar disorder over the last decade. The study isn’t comprehensive enough to determine the reasons why, but a snapshot view of the trend, says co-author Dr. Gonzalo Laje, an associate clinical investigator at the National Institute of Mental Health. “What this study could be suggesting is that there may be an increased recognition of the disorder and therefore it is being diagnosed more,” says Laje. “It could also mean it is an overdiagnosis, but we can’t in any way categorically say it is or it isn’t. Probably it is a combination of both.” The study of serious mental illness in children and adolescence is more recent. “Twenty-five years ago people would even debate whether the diagnosis [for bipolar disorder in children] existed,” Laje says. “Symptoms of serious mental illness in children and adolescents are now recognized. Today nobody argues that this diagnosis exists.” To identify bipolar disorder in children a physician still relies on an adult model of symptoms, however, so they are still defining how the symptoms manifest in the pediatric population. “We are catching up on our criteria,” says Laje. There is also a noteworthy overlap in the pediatric population between bipolar and ADHD. According to Laje, 30 percent of children with bipolar also have ADHD, and it is an area for further study. Allergies: 40 percent of children now have allergies Dr. Asriani Chiu, associate professor of allergy and immunology at the Medical College of Wisconsin, says more children react today to allergies due to the interplay between genetics and environment. “There are genetic tendencies—we know that allergies run in the family—but [there are] definitely environmental triggers as well,” Chiu says. Chiu says an increase in industrial pollutants, combined with cleaner living conditions, have interfered with the natural function of our immune system, which is meant to be exposed to germs and protect our bodies from illness. “Because we are not exposing ourselves to all of the dirt and the endotoxins that we would have seen, say, if we lived on a farm, our bodies have nothing else to do,” says Chiu. “Then pollutants make our respiratory tract more susceptible,” and our immune system kicks into overdrive—essentially overreacting to foods, or to other allergens, in children already prone to allergies. Allergies are divided into two categories: food allergies and upper respiratory tract allergies. The later type of allergy is less closely associated with food allergies, and more closely associated with asthma (a condition of the lower-respiratory tract). From 1997 to 2002, child food allergies increased from .68 percent to between 2 percent and 4 percent; adult food allergies remained the same slightly more than 1 percent. And Chiu says there has been an increase in upper respiratory tract allergies, now affecting 40 percent of children. Another troubling side effect of allergies is the link to asthma: Two-thirds of patients with allergies affecting their upper respiratory tract also develop symptoms in their lower respiratory tract. Asthma: Up by 160 percent Asthma, an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract that creates coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, is closely linked to allergies and has also been on the rise among children. Chiu says that asthma, like allergies, has increased due to an increase in environmental pollutants that irritate the lungs, making them more susceptible to inflammation and asthma. She also attributes more diagnosis of asthma to an increase in awareness of symptoms. “It could be that we are better at identifying these conditions,” says Chiu. “There are doctors and families and teachers noticing this more.” Asthma rates in children under age 5 increased more than 160 percent from the 1980s to the 1990s. Of people with asthma, 70 percent also have allergies—and children, Chiu says, are more likely than adults to get asthma triggered by an allergic reaction. “More than 70 percent of people with asthma also suffer from allergies, meaning there is an allergic component to their asthma,” says Chiu. “We realize that there is a strong connection between the two.” So much so that an oft-used way to treat asthma is to first treat allergies. “It is the single airway hypothesis,” says Chiu. “If you can gain better control of the upper respiratory symptoms, then you have better control of the lower.” Sleep Disorders: Difficulty Here May Be a Cause or a Symptom Sleep, or rather lack of it, is a favorite topic among parents who incessantly ask each other: Are you getting any? Some childhood sleep troubles are normal. Others, it turns out, could be a red flag. We now know that 25 percent of children have some type of sleep disorder, but data on whether this is an increase is scarce. “We haven’t been keeping statistics on sleep for all that long,” says Dr. Judy Owens, an associate professor of pediatrics at Brown Medical School in Providence, R.I., who runs a pediatric sleep disorder clinic. “The few studies that have looked at prevalence of sleep disorders in general pediatric clinics show higher rates of sleep problems now compared to 30 years ago.” Now that sleep is on the radar, researchers are discovering it plays a key role—both as a precursor to serious childhood disorders and as a side effect. Sleep issues in children have been linked to obesity, asthma, allergies, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. Obesity, asthma and allergies in kids are risk factors for sleep apnea. The misery of allergies and asthma (trouble breathing, itchy skin, some medications) can also disturb a child’s sleep. But the relationship between sleep and ADHD, as well as other mood disorders, is just now beginning to be understood. “There is mounting evidence that sleep problems may be the early sign of psychiatric disorders,” says Owens. “Clearly sleep problems exacerbate mood issues, and mood issues make sleep problems worse.” The link between bipolar disorder and sleep is less understood, except that children in their manic phase need less sleep. “I do see a lot of kids who initially get diagnosed with ADHD and the diagnosis evolves to bipolar, and those kids have tremendous sleep disorders,” says Owens. It’s more common for children with ADHD to have sleep issues, she says, due to issues that often go along with the disorder, such as anxiety, depression, and behavioral problems. A subgroup of kids with ADHD has trouble regulating its sleep, just as it has trouble regulating its attention. But if your child can’t sleep, and is having trouble focusing at school, don’t worry yet. Conversely, Owens says, a child with sleep problems often displays ADHD symptoms, so it’s possible you just need to figure out how to get that kid more ZZZs.

山大王老師抓媽咪公差 --paper origami


山大王老師問媽咪可不可以教小朋友摺紙 大概是老師從其他老師那知道 一次情人節山大王帶紙天鵝去學校當Love Birds發給同學吧 老師說很多小朋友都喜歡摺紙飛機船的 老師自己也很想學如何摺紙鶴 媽咪在山大王還是小北鼻時 摺很多紙鶴當搖籃曲音樂掛飾山大王很愛 最近也摺紙動物頭偶插上鉛筆 就可以玩動物紙袋戲 山大妞和山大王都蠻愛的 但是去學校教媽咪還得帶山大妞隨行 老師說就讓山大妞一起在教室裡吧 媽咪今天比平常早半個小時到 本來將山大妞調整下午睡覺 但是山大妞似乎在車裡已經睡夠 媽咪到學校山大妞就醒來準備要玩了 要如何讓山大妞乖乖地一起上課真是一大挑戰 媽咪帶了一些報紙覺得讓小朋友學摺紙船比較容易 可是老師說她會摺紙船她想學摺紙鶴 好吧~媽咪帶了紙天鵝和紙鶴放在地上讓小朋友看 小朋友很興奮坐在地上一圈 老師很注重班上秩序 一開始就為了Chirstopher愛講話告誡再三 老師發給小朋友紙時也是很龜毛 只發其中白紅黃和粉紅色紙 要很乖才可以先拿到 山大王也因為媽咪到教室很興奮 還要在教室親妹妹 山大妞一開始看到小朋友都看著她 嚇得哭了 媽咪安慰她一下再讓她坐在媽咪旁邊 山大妞還算表現不錯 摺紙鶴對小朋友來說真的是太難 三到五歲的孩子還不會一個摺紙動作看過後跟著做 媽咪給大家看如何一步一步摺之外 還得和老師逐一幫小朋友更正 幫十幾個孩子摺紙天鵝實在有點累 孩子們對山大妞很感興趣 不停地問媽咪baby的事 不過都有盡責地哥哥很熱心雞婆地回答同學問題 還有小女生想要媽咪多認識她一點 會告訴媽咪她除了preschool之外 週末還有上哪些課 Christopher途中還是被老師叫去旁邊坐 山大妞後來也坐不住想隨著媽咪到處爬 山大王更是三兩次要媽咪先幫他忙 其他小朋友也是:I need some help!此起彼落 媽咪還得一面規勸山大王回去坐好 真是一個頭三個大 還好媽咪以前也有教過小朋友 對這樣有點混亂的情況還可以把持得住 不過半個小時過去 老師還沒學會 小朋友的紙天鵝還沒做完 媽咪見山大妞開始要爬出教室 還得分身喊她回來 老師幫媽咪抱山大妞回來 山大妞哪肯乖乖地被抱著 小朋友家長也來接了 媽咪先坐在旁邊小桌子 邊抱山大妞邊幫想要做完紙天鵝的小朋友摺完 一個小時過去了 終於所有小朋友都得到滿意的紙天鵝 媽咪顧不得教室還有art class開始上了 得先ㄋㄟ一下山大妞安慰一下 媽咪覺得很窩心地是 場面雖然熱鬧小混亂 摺紙雖然對他們來說太難 但小朋友都還蠻喜歡學做紙鳥的 Yuki更是在媽咪山大妞和山大王離去時 邊盪鞦韆邊大喊謝謝媽咪去教摺紙 一一跟媽咪山大妞和山大王再見 這樣媽咪就覺得很高興了



July 4th買了媽咪指定的洗碗機SHE44 到現在超過兩個月了 媽咪每晚都要把它裝的飽飽的 讓它開始洗碗媽咪才會安心去睡覺 但是買洗碗機時要付一筆繳給 市政府請人來檢查是否安裝正確的費用 雖然我們住的城市市政府很小 但這筆花費也免不了 終於安裝公司寄來180天會失效的安裝檢查許可證 星期一媽咪也跟市政府申請到府檢查 有一個電話語音信箱要居民留言 要許可證號碼和地址還有是需要上午還是下午的時間 沒想到這個檢查人員也不回電話確認來檢查的日期 隔天星期二就跑來了 9:30AM媽咪大概帶山大妞後院玩花或是出門散步 結果就收到correction notice 媽咪馬上再打電話 不過語音信箱一樣沒人接 媽咪留言希望回電確認來檢查的日期 一樣沒也回電消息 結果星期三早上9:05AM 又錯過了檢查人員來檢查 那時媽咪在樓上陪山大妞ㄋㄟ睡 也沒聽見有人來按電鈴 媽咪只好又打電話留言說星期四早上要在前院等 今天星期四媽咪和山大妞也不敢去花園也不敢出門 媽咪還請爸鼻把小朋友野餐桌擺前院 媽咪早上在前院餵山大妞吃早餐 結果過了十點檢查人員都還沒來 山大妞一早六點起床九點半又在媽咪懷裡睡著了 媽咪實在不想再錯過檢查人員 因為他第三次再錯過我們來開門就得罰錢 戰戰兢兢媽咪抱著睡著的山大妞 等半天手都麻了也不見檢查人員蹤影 媽咪一把山大妞抱上樓 山大妞就醒了要ㄋㄟ然後又精神抖擻了 整個早上媽咪像隻小兔子豎起耳朵怕錯過 總按三次鈴的檢查人員 十一點半山大妞再次不敵周公召喚 又再媽咪懷裡ㄋㄟ睡 媽咪抱著山大妞等到中午 心理真是很討厭這麼不專業的檢查服務 連安排時間也沒有做好 讓媽咪和山大妞的作息大亂 一面心理盤算著去和市政府抱怨 一面把睡了20分鐘的山大妞抱上樓再幫她ㄋㄟ睡一次 可惜這次山大妞也只再睡個15分鐘又醒了 媽咪抱山大妞下樓再現炒梅汁洋蔥豬肉片 和山大妞聽音樂吃午餐 媽咪再次打電話留言下午沒空等檢查人員來 這時1:15pm檢查人員終於按了電鈴 媽咪飛快的衝到門口 先是問候又是疑問為何不確認時間 這位Jim老先生老神在在說 本來就沒有reference說何時會來 媽咪說既然沒有日期那也該按居民選AM或pm時來啊 Jim老先生好像司空見慣不答話 快速熟稔地開始檢查洗碗機的安裝 不到10秒就在安裝檢查許可證上畫F簽名 為了前後30秒的檢查 讓媽咪煩了三天 這檢查服務真是有夠隨興啦 說這位Jim老先生服務夠隨興 但他可沒忘記山寨家腳踏車停在前院花叢欄杆後 一進門就問是不是被偷啦 (呵!這你倒記得......) 是山寨娘娘幫老爺順手牽車回車庫啦 (不是我囉唆,老爺你看自家前院 亂停車就是會被檢查人員唸溜喔......)

FW: No-Sew Costumes: Umbrella Bats


No-Sew Costumes: Umbrella Bats Bat Wing How-To Using a black umbrella, use a bolt cutter to clip metal joints where angled support bars meet spokes; also cut off central rod and handle. Trim all metal as closely as possible; cover any remaining sharp points with black electrical tape. Slit opposite-facing panels midway between spokes, all the way to umbrella top. With pliers, untwist small wire that holds plastic center piece to spokes, and remove both wire and plastic; umbrella should separate into 2 pieces. Discard plastic. To rejoin spokes at top, cut wire in half (or use any similar-gauge wire), and thread a piece through the small holes in spokes of each half; bend in a loop at each end. Secure loose fabric to spokes on each umbrella half: Catch edge of fabric with a 3-inch-long piece of 28-gauge wire, and twist its ends tightly around wire that holds spokes together; trim ends. Harness How-To Cut 2 pieces of 5/8-inch-wide black grosgrain ribbon 21 inches long and 1 piece of 1/4 -inch-wide black elastic 7 inches long. Make each ribbon into a loop by crossing ends so they make a point, and hot-glue. Connect loops with elastic by folding each end of elastic over the point of a loop and stapling to secure; hot-glue a patch of ribbon to cover staple ends and keep staples from pulling out. Place harness on wearer. Locate underarm points; with 2 small safety pins per side, attach harness at underarm point to the small loops on the wire that holds spokes together. To make wrist ties, measure wrist of wearer, add 6 inches, and cut 2 pieces of ribbon to that measurement. Place each ribbon at top edge of wing where wearer's wrist falls, and safety-pin center of ribbon in place. Glue patches of grosgrain ribbon to cover safety pins. Attach bottoms of wings to wearer's clothing with safety pins. Return to 8 No-Sew Costumes First Published: Fall 2000

FW: The 10-Plus Essentials for backpacking trip


The 10-Plus Essentials for backpacking trip The 10 Essentials are all about peace of mind. During a routine backcountry trip you may have no need for several of these items. But if something unexpected occurs, you don't want to be caught without them—they could even save your life. Here are the components of a one-stop emergency-preparedness kit every wilderness traveler should carry, even on short trips: The 10-Plus Essentials Map (in a watertight case) Compass (plus an optional GPS receiver) Extra clothing (men's, women's, kids') Extra food and water First-aid kit Headlamp or flashlight (with extra batteries) Matches (storm proof, or in a watertight container) Fire starter Knife (or multi-use camp tool) Sunglasses Sunscreen Water filter (or other method of water treatment) Whistle Food storage device The original "10 Essentials" list began appearing in mountaineering literature in the 1950s and '60s, but contemporary environmental factors have prompted the addition of sunscreen and a water filter. Our list now also includes a GPS receiver as an option to consider. In recent years GPS units have emerged as worthwhile navigational tools that complement (though do not replace) a map and compass. We have also added a whistle, believing it is a crucial security item to keep handy when exploring unpredictable terrain. If you get in trouble (say you slide into a crevasse or ravine) and need to audibly signal someone, a whistle will last far longer than your vocal chords. Our last item, a food-storage device (such as a bear canister), is now required in some western parks and wilderness areas and is very helpful in any area where animals are known to seek out human food. Tip:Make a printout of this list and stash it with your gear. Use it as a checklist before you head out on any excursion on wild lands. Map A topographic map should accompany you on any trip that involves anything more than an impossible-to-miss footpath or well-populated nature trail. Handout maps, the simplistic kind you pick up at visitor centers or entrance stations, do not show the kind of topographic details necessary for route finding. If you stray off the trail, or need to locate a water source, such one-dimensional maps are just about useless. In such situations, a topographic map is essential. You also need to understand how to interpret the information it presents. For more details, please consult our guide How to Choose a Mapor examine our product selection. Compass It's easy to get disoriented in the backcountry. A compass, combined with map-reading skills, can help you stay on course. Will GPS receivers make compasses obsolete? Not likely. Standard GPS units cannot indicate which direction is north, and while some high-end GPS receivers now include electronic compasses, a traditional compass weighs next to nothing and does not rely on batteries. If you travel regularly in the wilderness, you should seriously consider taking a class to learn navigation techniques in detail. Learn more about compasses in How to Choose a Compassor review REI's selection of compasses and GPS receivers. Extra Clothing Conditions can abruptly turn wet, windy or frigid in the backcountry. It's important to carry an additional layer (or two) of clothing in your pack. If you're lost, extra clothing may get you through the night. A wool or fleece cap weighs little and is a fine heat-retainer on cold nights. Extra socks are a true blessing if your original pair become soaked. Depending on the conditions, consider carrying a fleece jacket or pile sweater, a waterproof shell or even a compressible parka. Cotton items, which become useless when wet, make poor backup items. Another idea: Pack an ultralight space blanket for emergencies. Pick up additional tips in How to Choose the Right Clothing. Extra Food and Water Always pack at least one extra day's worth of food. It can be as simple as a freeze-dried meal, but it's even smarter to include no-cook items: extra energy bars, nuts, dried fruits and jerky. The process of digesting food helps keep your body warm, so on a cold night it's smart to munch some food before bunking down—but never leave animal-attracting leftovers in your tent. First-Aid Kit Pre-assembled first-aid kits take the guesswork out of building a kit on your own, although most people "personalize" such kits to suit individual needs. Any kit should include moleskin (for blisters), adhesive bandages of various sizes, several gauze pads, adhesive tape, disinfecting ointment, over-the-counter pain medication, pen and paper. Latex gloves also deserve consideration. Consult our first-aid supplies How to Choose a First-Aid Kit. Headlamp or Flashlight A good light source is invaluable in the backcountry. Picture yourself trying to hustle off a mountain in dwindling light, or trying to set up camp as the last bit of blue drains from the sky. It's smart to carry replacement bulbs and batteries, even a backup lamp or flashlight. Headlamps allow you to keep your hands free during any activity and are usually a backpacker's first choice for a light source. Keep your light in an easily accessible section of your pack; check it once in a while to see if it has become inadvertently switched on. See what's available in flashlights and headlamps, and check out our guide to flashlights/headlamps. Matches Matches headed into the backcountry should be the waterproof variety, or they should be stored in a waterproof container. Take plenty and make an extra effort to keep them dry. Convenience-store matchbooks are often too flimsy and poorly constructed to be trusted for wilderness use. Save yourself some frustration and tote reliable matches on every trip. Don't rely only on mechanical lighters, which sometimes fail. Fire Starter As the name implies, fire starter is an element that helps you jump-start a fire. The ideal fire starter ignites quickly and sustains heat for more than a few seconds. Possible candidates: dry tinder tucked away in a plastic bag; candles; priming paste; heat "nuggets" are convenient and reliable fire-starting products. Even lint trappings found in a clothes drier can work. Knife or Multi-Tool Knives or multi-tools are handy for gear repair, food preparation, first aid, making kindling or other emergency needs. A basic knife should have at least one foldout blade (more likely two), one or two flathead screwdrivers, a can-opener and (though some people will call this a luxury) a pair of foldout scissors. The more complex your needs (if, for example, you are leading an inexperienced group), the more options you may want in your knife or tool. Read our tips for selecting knives and tools. Sunglasses Indispensable. Some medical studies suggest that sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) rays may play a role in cataract development. Yet protection is so simple: Put on a pair of protective glasses when spending large amounts of time outdoors, particularly above treeline, to reduce your exposure to UV light. Your goal: Select lenses that absorb 97-100% of UVA and UVB radiation. Wraparound lenses keep light from entering the corners of your eyes and are great choices for the high country. Glacier glasses are a must for mountaineers who run the risk of snowblindness on days of bright glare. Find more suggestions in our sunglasses clinic. Sunscreen The Mayo Clinic recommends applying sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher 15 minutes before you go into the sun. The clinic also advises the use of sunscreen-fortified lip balm. If you swim or sweat a lot, use water-resistant sunscreens and reapply every 2 to 3 hours. Don't leave the trailhead without it. Pick up some pointers in our guide to sunscreen. Water Filter/Purifier Rushing streams and alpine lakes appear to contain the clearest, freshest water on earth. Yet sometimes they harbor microscopic pathogens that, if you ingest them, could leave you feeling nauseous for weeks. You have three defensive strategies: boiling, chemical treatment or straining the water through a mechanical filter or purifier. Filters and purifiers do the job with minimal fuss. Read our in-depth coverage of the topic in our choosing a filter or purifier. Whistle The sound of a whistle travels farther than your voice. Plus, blowing a whistle in an emergency won't exhaust your vocal chords. It's smart to attach a lanyard to your whistle, then tie it to a D-ring or some other portion of a shoulder strap on your pack. Thus if you fall (and perhaps pin one of your arms) you won't have to dig far to get it up to your mouth. Bear-Resistant Food Container Black bears in some regions of the western United States, particularly the Sierra Nevada range in California, search out human food with remarkable vigor and persistence. In some areas use of a bear-resistant food container is mandatory. Even in areas where such containers are not required, wildlife managers often still recommend their use. Final Thought You need to bring one other item—knowledge—in order to benefit from the gear on this list. Just having a compass in your pack or a map in your pocket will be of no value to you unless you understand how to use them. As one veteran search-and-rescue leader put it, "People talk about the 10 Essentials, but the most important essential is between your ears."

FW: skateboarding safety


American Academy of Pediatrics In 1998, AAP issued a statement on in-line skating injuries in children and adolescents (www.aap.org/policy/re9739.html). Call AAP at 847-228-5097. Injury Prevention Tips for In-line Skaters and Skateboarders To help your child avoid injuries while in-line skating and skateboarding, follow these safety tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and other sports and health organizations. (Note: Adult skaters should heed this advice, too.) Make sure your child wears all the required safety gear every time he or she skates. All skaters should wear a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards. If your child does tricks or plays roller hockey, make sure he or she wears heavy-duty gear. Check your child's helmet for proper fit. The helmet should be worn flat on the head, with the bottom edge parallel to the ground. It should fit snugly and should not move around in any direction when your child shakes his or her head. Choose in-line skates or a skateboard that best suits your child's ability and skating style. If your child is a novice, choose in-line skates with three or four wheels. Skates with five wheels are only for experienced skaters and people who skate long distances. Choose a skateboard designed for your child's type of riding–slalom, freestyle, or speed. Some boards are rated for the weight of the rider. Find a smooth skating surface for your child; good choices are skating trails and driveways without much slope (but be careful about children skating into traffic). Check for holes, bumps, and debris that could make your child fall. Novice in-line skaters should start out in a skating rink where the surface is smooth and flat and where speed is controlled. Don't let your child skate in areas with high pedestrian or vehicle traffic. Children should not skate in the street or on vehicle parking ramps. Tell your child never to skitch. Skitching is the practice of holding on to a moving vehicle in order to skate very fast. People have died while skitching. If your child is new to in-line skating, lessons from an instructor certified by the International In-line Skating Association may be helpful. These lessons show proper form and teach how to stop. Check with your local parks and recreation department to find a qualified instructor. If your child gets injured while skating, see your doctor. Follow all the doctor's instructions for your childs recovery, and get the doctor's OK before your child starts skating again. The Problem Who Is Affected? Millions of people in the U.S.–the majority of them under age 25–take part in in-line skating and skateboarding as a form of recreation and exercise. But these sports can be dangerous, especially when safety precautions are ignored. Each year, more than 100,000 skaters are injured seriously enough to need medical care in hospital emergency departments, doctors' offices, clinics, and outpatient centers. Most of these injuries occur when skaters lose control, skate over an obstacle, skate too fast, or perform a trick. While most skating injuries are minor or require only outpatient care, 36 fatalities have been reported since 1992. Thirty-one of those skating deaths were from collisions with motor vehicles. Among all age groups, 63 percent of skating injuries are fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, and avulsions (tears). More than one-third of skating injuries are to the wrist area, with two-thirds of these injuries being fractures and dislocations. Approximately 5 percent are head injuries. Safety gear has been shown to be highly effective in preventing injuries among skaters. Pads can reduce wrist and elbow injuries by about 85 percent and knee injuries by 32 percent. Although studies have not determined the degree to which helmets reduce head injuries among skaters, helmets have been shown to be highly protective among bicyclists. Despite the proven safety benefits and relative low cost of helmets and pads, many skaters don't wear them. Nearly two-thirds of injured in-line skaters and skateboarders were not wearing safety gear when they crashed. One study found that one-third of skaters wear no safety gear, and another one-third use only some of the recommended safety equipment. Teens are least likely to wear all the safety gear. Nine out of ten beginning skaters wear all the safety gear, but studies have shown that many skaters shed the helmet and pads as they gain experience.



山大妞常常和哥哥一起玩車車 學了哥哥邊玩車車邊擬火車和賽車的聲音 山大王以前小時候玩什麼她就也玩什麼 除了小熊嘟嘟是特別山大妞睡覺的床伴外 媽咪都沒有另外幫山大妞準備玩具 所以山大王老是說 "妹妹是我的小baby 妹妹在玩我小時候的玩具" 雖然妹妹連哥哥現在在騎的三輪車也都很有興趣 但是媽咪知道山大妞也喜歡有音樂的玩具 像是ㄚ蔚姨送她的動物音樂盒 或是媽咪買的絨布熊 媽咪一直想再買屬於小妞妞很小女生的玩具 想來想去還是手癢想買洋娃娃 大概是媽咪童年失歡吧 記憶中是曾經有一個洋娃娃會閉眼睛 可以幫洋娃娃綁辮子梳頭髮 可是卻一點也記不起來那種 屬於女孩子和洋娃娃的秘密對話啦 雖然媽咪大了再也不想買芭比娃娃 但是卻想幫山大妞買個娃娃 Amazon網路上逛很久 覺得山大妞越看越像洋娃娃 尤其她長長的睫毛 大大晶亮的眼睛 仔細看眼白還是天真淡淡的天藍色 可愛粉嫩玫瑰白的臉頰就像草莓蛋糕女孩一樣 所以媽咪就選了Strawberry shortcake & her friends的娃娃給她啦 山大妞已經開始會拿梳子要梳自己頭髮了 希望她也會喜歡媽咪幫她準備的一歲生日禮物 至於山大王 媽咪也沒忘記答應媽咪主動提出的要求 就是山大王都學會寫英文26"小寫"字母 就要送他skateboard 雖然滑板要五歲可以玩 但是山大王上回和鄰居借個滑板玩一直念念不忘 看到有大哥哥滑滑板也會看得出神 媽咪選了一個starter skateboard 現在就買了先讓他在後院練習好了 山大王看到一定會興奮地跳起來 山大王最近愛現的很可愛 常常要媽咪:"watch this, ok?" 然後表演跳或skip或跳舞給媽咪和爸鼻看 媽咪常唸爸鼻太寵孩子 老是買一大堆玩具 看來媽咪自己也是很享受 買來玩具可以和孩子一起玩的感覺啦



早上十點多媽咪接到Dr. Uchiyama的電話說 山大妞感染原因報告出來了 是細菌MRSA傷口感染 山大妞是得Impetigo complication的一種MRSA Infection 而非UCI 小兒皮膚科醫生說的病毒感染 (媽咪當時問Dr. Matz 山大妞是否得Impetigo時 她很自信地否認) 由於山大王也有初期感染的疹子在手上 雖然Dr. Uchiyama星期五的門診都排滿了 她還是要媽咪今天下午就帶大小兩隻去看她 因為這隻MRSA細菌超級強 很多抗生素都治不了牠 醫生換Septra給大小兩隻吃 媽咪先帶山大妞去學校把山大王接出來 (今天山大王暑期前最後一天上學 之後就放暑假了 老師還依依不捨抱山大王好久 才送媽咪和大小兩隻離去) 然後1:30pm去診所看醫生 看完又去CVS買藥 回到家已經三點了 媽咪打了好幾通電話給爸鼻都沒回 因為媽咪根本不知道 爸鼻今天還招待日本同事去愛德華空軍基地看熱鬧 太空梭不降落佛羅里達 改在Lancaster降落 所以早上十點就翹班不在辦公室了 大小兩隻和媽咪等爸鼻回家 等到九點半才聽見車庫門開的聲音 媽咪獨自擔心地帶生病的兩個孩子 度過與細菌奮戰的一天 七月初爸鼻又要出差 媽咪又要開始獨自帶兩個孩子的全職雙子媽生活了 Understanding MRSA (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) What is it? Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body. It's tougher to treat than most strains of staphylococcus aureus -- or staph -- because it's immune to some commonly used antibiotics. The symptoms of MRSA depend on where you're infected. Most often, it causes mild infections on the skin, causing pimples or boils. But it can also cause more serious skin infections or infect surgical wounds, the bloodstream, the lungs, or the urinary tract. Though most MRSA infections aren't serious, some can be life-threatening. Many public health experts are alarmed by the spread of tough strains of MRSA. Because it's hard to treat, MRSA is sometimes called a "super bug." What causes it? Garden-variety staph are common bacteria that can live on our bodies. Plenty of healthy people carry staph without being infected by it. In fact, 25-30% of us have staph bacteria in our noses. But staph can be a problem if it manages to get into the body, often through a cut. Once there, it can cause an infection. Staph is one of the most common causes of skin infections in the U.S. Usually, these are minor and don't need special treatment. Less often, staph can cause serious problems like infected wounds or pneumonia. Staph can usually be treated with antibiotics. But over the decades, some strains of staph -- like MRSA -- have become resistant to antibiotics that once destroyed it. MRSA was first discovered in 1961. It's now immune to methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, and many other antibiotics. While some antibiotics still work, MRSA is constantly adapting. Researchers developing new antibiotics are having a tough time keeping up. Who gets MRSA? MRSA is spread by contact. So you could get MRSA by touching another person who has it on the skin. Or you could get it by touching objects that have the bacteria on them. MRSA is carried, or "colonized," by about 1% of the population, although most of them aren't infected. Infections are most common among people who have weak immune systems and are living in hospitals, nursing homes, and other heath care centers. Infections can appear around surgical wounds or invasive devices, like catheters or implanted feeding tubes. Rates of infection in hospitals, especially intensive care units, are rising throughout the world. In U.S. hospitals, MRSA causes up to 40%-50% of staph infections. Community-Associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) But MRSA is also showing up in healthy people who have not been living in the hospital. This type of MRSA is called community-associated MRSA, or CA-MRSA. The CDC reports that in 2003, 12% of people with MRSA infections had CA-MRSA. Studies have shown that rates of CA-MRSA infection are growing fast. One study of children in south Texas found that cases of CA-MRSA had a 14-fold increase between 1999 and 2001. CA-MRSA skin infections have been identified among certain populations that share close quarters or experience more skin-to-skin contact. Examples are team athletes, military recruits, and prisoners. However, more and more CA-MRSA infections are being seen in the general community as well, especially in certain geographic regions. It's also infecting much younger people. In a study of Minnesotans published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, the average age of people with MRSA in a hospital or healthcare facility was 68. But the average age of a person with CA-MRSA was only 23.



Dr. Sears Clue: Citrus juices, such as orange juice, often "burn" the sore throat caused by a virus but are usually not painful to strep throat. DIAGNOSING STREP THROAT When you take your child to the doctor, he or she will examine your child's throat and neck glands. If the child fits all the signs of strep, and the throat looks exactly like strep, then your doctor may elect to assume it really is strep and treat with an antibiotic without doing a throat swab test to check for strep. If it looks nothing like strep, and your child is acting fine, your doctor may choose not even to do a test and consider the infection viral. This is a common approach. Another common approach is to rely on a throat swab test to help decide whether or not strep is present. A cotton swab is rubbed against the back of the throat and the tonsils. It can make most children gag. There are two types of throat swab tests: Rapid strep test. This test can be run in your doctor's office, and takes just five minutes. It is about 95% accurate, which means that it will miss about 5% of strep throats. It is therefore very useful if it shows positive – you know for sure your child has strep throat. However, if it shows negative (not strep), then you can only be 95% sure that your child really doesn't have strep throat. Throat culture. This test usually would be run in a lab, using a throat swab collected in the doctor's office. Very few doctor's offices run this test themselves. The lab will place the throat swab in an incubator to see if the strep bacteria grow. This test is about 99% accurate, and therefore less likely to miss strep throat. One drawback is that it takes 24 to 48 hours for the lab to grow strep. Some doctors will rely on only one of these tests. Other doctors will first run a rapid test, and if it does not show strep, send a throat culture to be sure your child does not have strep. The decision of which test to do, and when to do it, is based on what the throat looks like and how sick the child is. There is a trend toward increased use of throat swabs to confirm strep before treating. This is to decrease the unnecessary use of antibiotics and avoid antibiotic resistance. If a throat culture is sent, what do you do for the next 48 hours while waiting for the results? If your child is fairly sick, with fevers and very sore throat, the doctor may elect to start an antibiotic right away. If the culture comes back negative (not strep), then your doctor may advise you to stop the antibiotics. If your child is not very sick, then your doctor may choose to wait the 1 or 2 days without antibiotics pending the results of the strep culture. I am worried that if my child has strep throat he should start antibiotics right away. I don't want him to get sicker while waiting to go in to see the doctor or waiting for a culture result. This is an obvious concern for parents, and is a big reason many parents want to start an antibiotic over the phone on the weekend for a bad sore throat. The truth about strep is that it is safe to wait a couple of days before treatment is started. Studies have shown that delaying treatment does not increase the risk of complications from strep. One study has even shown a beneficial effect if treatment is delayed because the body has a few days to mount an immune response to the infection. The only drawback from delayed treatment is more days of sore throat. If possible we recommend treating strep throat early rather than later. How long is my child contagious from a sore throat? For strep throat treated with antibiotics, your child is no longer contagious after 24 hours of antibiotics (it used to be 48 hours, but was recently changed to 24 hours). For viral sore throat, your child is no longer contagious once he has been fever free for 24 to 48 hours (without any medication to hide the fever). If my child has strep throat, what can I do to prevent it from spreading to family and friends and from re-occurring?Here are some basic instructions to keep the infection contained: Throw away your child's toothbrush. Use a new toothbrush for two days once antibiotics are started, then throw that one away. You can then stick with a new one after that. Clean any dental appliances (retainers, etc.) well every day for the first few days on antibiotics. Any family members or friends who have come in contact with a person with strep throat do not have to be automatically tested for the illness unless they themselves become ill. If a family member becomes ill with obvious symptoms of strep throat, then your doctor may elect to treat that person without testing. COMPLICATIONS OF STREP THROAT Rheumatic fever. Occurs when the body's immune system interacts in an abnormal way with the strep bacteria. This interaction is not well understood, but is thought that the bacteria combine with antibodies. These combined clusters attack the heart valves, joints, skin, and other organs. While this is an extremely rare complication, you should see your doctor right away or go to an ER if your child gets severe chest pain, shortness of breath, joint aches and inflammation and red, blood colored spots on the skin. This usually does not occur until several weeks after a strep infection. Glomerulonephritis. This complicated word simply means inflammation of the kidneys. Through a similar mechanism as rheumatic fever, the bacteria/antibody clusters lodge in the kidneys, causing bleeding into the urine and decreased kidney function. This also does not usually occur for several weeks after a strep infection. You should call your doctor if you see any blood in the urine, dark cola-colored urine, a sharp decrease in urine volume, and swelling of the face, ankles, and feet. These two complications are very, very rare. Treating strep throat with an antibiotic will virtually eliminate the risk of rheumatic fever. Glomerulonephritis, on the other hand, is not prevented by antibiotics. It just occurs randomly, but again, very, very rarely.

FW: Is Nonstick Cookware Safe?


Is Nonstick Cookware Safe? According to a study by the advocacy group, non-stick pots and pans could reach 700 degrees Fahrenheit (370 C) in 3-5 minutes, releasing 15 harmful gases and chemicals, including two carcinogens, two global pollutants, and MFA, a chemical lethal to humans at low doses. Non-stick coatings break down to a chemical warfare agent known as PFIB, and a chemical analog of the WWII nerve gas, phosgene. Is Nonstick Cookware Safe? DuPont acknowledges that the fumes given off by non-stick coatings can also sicken people, in a condition called "polymer fume fever", which can be erroneously diagnosed as the common flu. No one has never studied the incidence of illness among users of the billions of non-stick pots and pans sold around the world, or the long-term effects from the sickness. While DuPont acknowledges that its nonstick coatings begin to deteriorate when the cookware reaches about 500 degrees, it notes that those temperatures are higher than typical cooking heats. And while it admits that birds may be harmed by the fumes, the company maintains that its pans are safe under normal use. Non-stick pans have never been meant for high-heat cooking, as the instructions on any pan label will show. "We recommend cooking using coated non-stick cookware at low to medium heat," says Dupont's Rich Angiullo. "We know (our product) can withstand temperatures up to 500 F, well above any of the recommended temperatures for frying or baking." But recommendations and reality don't always coincide, says Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook. "We're still searching for the person who has never left a pan on a stove top and had it get real hot." Engineers with Underwriters Laboratories say that all UL-certified electric ranges should bring a pan to 475 degrees when the knob is turned to two-thirds high, and that maximum heat would probably exceed 600-650 degrees. It's Everywhere - Major Products And Brands Teflon® has been involved in the U.S. space program since the program's infancy. When astronaut Neil Armstrong took his historic "giant leap for mankind" in 1969, the moon module included numerous applications involving Teflon® resin, including space suits and blankets, heat shields, insulation and cargo hold liners. Teflon® is used in many applications for computer chip manufacture because it is very inert and non-reactive. It's used in filters to keep air clean, in chip carriers, and virtually all tubing and piping in the semiconductor industry. DuPont Teflon® is the dominant brand used in the industry and DuPont has supplied Teflon® to that market since its inception. As a fiber, Teflon® is used to manufacture socks that reduce friction and blisters. Recently approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration., these are especially crucial for diabetics, people with circulatory problems, geriatric needs, obesity and sensitive skin. It's also used in children's clothing, sportswear, bedding, towels, shower curtains and upholstery. It's used in military clothing and uniforms for school children and sports clothing. Major fashion designers and brands that use Teflon® fabric protector include: Hugo Boss, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Nautica, Yeohlee, Kenneth Cole, Woolrich, Pendleton, Koret, The Gap, J. Crew, L.L. Bean, Eddie Bauer, Robert Allen Beacon Hill Fabrics and Lee Jofa Fabrics, among others. Technology based on Teflon® also is used to repel dirt and spills from DuPont StainMaster® carpet. Teflon® is used to coat fiberglass fabrics for permanent architectural structures such as the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan, and the Orange Bowl at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. Teflon® is in the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor as an insulator and lubricator between the copper skin and the stainless steel skeleton. Teflon® in a composite sheet form with graphite is used for bearing pads in the George Washington Bridge in New York State to prevent corrosion of the steel plates. Packaged food and fast food containers are coated with PFCs to keep grease from soaking through the packaging. PFCs are used in a wide variety of containers, including french fry boxes, pizza boxes and microwave popcorn bags. To see more products that use teflon®: http://www.nethorde.com/teflon/ http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/Teflon/Teflon-HistoryDuPont.htm What Can You Do to Minimize Your Exposure? For now, the EPA says it's too early to advise consumers to toss out their nonstick cookware. If you want to take precautions in the meantime, you could set aside your nonstick pots and pans until the EPA has finished its study. If you do use (non-stick) cookware, don't let it sit on the burner for long before adding food. Doing so may permit the temperature to rise high enough to emit chemical fumes. Avoid cooking at high temperatures with nonstick cookware. Use low to medium temperatures instead. And don't forget to keep your pet birds out of the kitchen. Here are some tips from the EWG: Phase out the use of non-stick cookware and other equipment that is heated in your home. If you can afford to replace it now, do so. When heated to high temperatures, Products with PFC coatings emit fumes that can be harmful. Do not use non-stick cookware in your home if you have pet birds. In fact, avoid any kitchen equipment that contains non-stick components that are heated to high temperature during use. Fumes from these materials can quickly kill birds. When you purchase furniture or carpet, decline optional treatments for stain and dirt resistance, and find products that have not been pre-treated with chemicals by questioning the retailers. Most of these chemical treatments contain PFCs that might contaminate your home and family. Avoid buying clothing that bears a label or other indication that it has been coated for water, stain, or dirt repellency. Many of these coatings are PFCs. By buying alternatives you will help shrink the PFC economy and the associated global contamination. Minimize packaged food and greasy fast foods in your diet. These can be held in containers that are coated with PFCs to keep grease from soaking through the packaging. PFCs are used in a wide variety of containers, including french fry boxes, pizza boxes and microwave popcorn bags. Avoid buying cosmetics and other personal care products with the phrase "fluoro" or "perfluoro" on the ingredient list. Among products that might contain PFCs are lotions, pressed powders, nail polish, and shaving cream. Impact Of Teflon On Human Health The EWG review finds that PFCs have contaminated the blood of;virtually every American, the environment and wildlife, and supports EPA's;findings that the associated chemicals presents health risks for women ;and girls. "These chemicals have been in use for 50 years, they've found their;way into the body of every American, and we're just now starting to understand ;the health effects. That means we need a better system for testing industrial;chemicals' health effects -- before we permit their use," said EWG Senior;Scientist Kris Thayer.; Environmental Working Group (EWG) scientists spent the last three years;reviewing 50,000 pages of regulatory studies and government documents;obtained from EPA; internal industry documents disclosed in ongoing;litigation; and a growing body of independent studies on the toxicity and;environmental occurrence of perfluorochemicals (PFCs). The chemical,;abbreviated in scientific literature as PFOA, is also known as C-8 at the;DuPont Company, which manufactures it. A Canadian study in 2001;discovered C8 was one of the chemicals released when Teflon is heated ;repeatedly. The EPA is still collecting data, and it could be several months;before the agency concludes its investigation. "We just don't have answers;right now," says EPA spokesman David Deegan. What's Being Done Elsewhere? Although some exposures to PFCs are unavoidable, there are two differing attitudes about how new technology should be evaluated. Historically in this country we've applied a risk-benefit analysis — do the potential benefits of the technology outweigh the potential risks? Most businesses evaluate their products on this basis. Consumer advocates, environmentalists and the European community, however, are turning toward something called the precautionary principle. This is based on a German legal notion of the Vorsorgeprinzip, literally the "forecaring principle". Iin everyday language: Better safe than sorry. It started in Germany when laws were enacted to save forests by reducing the power plant emissions that cause acid rain. Draft legislation will soon be released by the European Union to require that over the next 11 years all chemicals be treated like new ones and be required to undergo safety testing. Chemicals of highest concern because of their environmental infiltration, reproductive toxicity or carcinogenicity will be treated like drugs, meaning the system will presume they're dangerous and require applications for their use. The rules, if approved, would go into effect in 2005.

FW: Where to Have a Children's Party


Where to Have a Children's Party There are lots of reasons to have your child's birthday party at home. Home parties are generally less expensive, and you can schedule them for whatever time suits you. But they can also throw your home into chaos, plus you're responsible for all of the entertainment, supplies, and food, and there's cleanup to be done before and after. A party away from home can be a special treat for children -- and parents. When the party is off-site, the entertainment is usually built in and someone else does the cleaning. However, these parties are typically more expensive, and the date will depend on when space is available. Before deciding, consider how much time and energy you will have to devote to such tasks. If you opt to have a party away from home, there are many great party places from which to choose. Community centers such as the YMCA, indoor playgrounds, nature centers, petting zoos, and children's museums frequently accommodate birthday parties. Settings such as local pizza parlors or parks are ideal for very young children because they are familiar yet fun. Take school-age kids someplace where they can do activities they enjoy: Gymnastics and dance studios, paint-your-own-pottery places, science centers, miniature-golf courses, batting cages, beauty salons, and laser-tag centers are all good ideas. You can also take a small group of kids to the movies or to sports events. Starting at around age 9, sleepovers are popular -- but they don't have to be at home. Bill Bercow, a father of three in Boulder, Colorado, found that a hotel with a pool was the perfect venue when his second daughter turned 9. "We rented a junior suite, brought in pizza and cake, and the kids swam for hours until the pool closed. They loved it so much, we did it for three years in a row," he says. "Just make sure to get a room near the pool." Many hotels have weekend deals, making this type of party an affordable option. Check out your top choices in person so you can see the layout of the space and, if possible, peek in at a party in progress. If you pick a venue that handles most of the arrangements for you, make sure you know what's included in the price: food? drinks? decorations? favors? gratuities? Ask what activities will be included and what restrictions apply. Also, see if a staff person will lead the activities. Some sites require a minimum number of kids, so check into that as well. If a deposit is required, find out if it's refundable and under what conditions. Last, if the facility does not provide food or decorations, make sure you can bring your own, and ask when you can set up. Schedule any food you've ordered to arrive during the second hour of the party, as many places don't have facilities available for warming or chilling.



台大小兒過敏免疫風溼科 楊曜旭醫師 相信很多人有如下的就診經驗,明明是咳嗽、流鼻水、鼻塞等感冒的症狀,為什麼醫師在問完病史,做完身體檢查後會跟你說:你可能有過敏的問題。 什麼是過敏?簡單的說是人體在與外界某些物質接觸後,引發體內免疫系統高度活化而造成的發炎症狀。這些會引起過敏的物質我們則稱之為過敏原。依照反應機轉及其參與細胞、激素的不同,過敏反應粗分為四類。其中第一型稱之為立即型過敏反應:當過敏原進入體內後,會引發一種叫做IgE抗體的生成,大量的IgE抗體與肥大細胞結合後,會進一步導致肥大細胞中發炎物質、細胞激素的釋出,進而在短時間內造成血管通透性的改變,黏膜腫脹、分泌物增加、平滑肌收縮及發炎細胞大量聚集等發炎現象。我們所熟悉且常見的過敏疾病如氣喘,過敏性鼻炎,蕁麻疹皆屬此種過敏反應。而容易產生這種過敏現象的人,通常即具有「異位性體質」。經過國內外的研究,目前已知異位性體質是會遺傳的,而過敏疾病的發生基本上是體質(遺傳)加上環境因素(過敏原)所共同造成。 要如何診斷是否有過敏,一般可依據下列幾種情形而高度懷疑: (1)有過敏疾病的家族史,例如父母雙方皆有過敏的問題(如氣喘),則小朋友罹患過敏的機率是正常人的好幾倍。 (2)小時候即有異位性皮膚炎,長大後罹患其他過敏疾病的機會大增。 (3)每次感冒皆伴隨喘鳴。 (4)慢性咳嗽,尤其半夜、清晨時症狀特別明顯。 (5)清晨起床後常會連續打噴涕、覺得喉嚨有痰。 (6)時常覺得鼻子癢、鼻塞、眼睛癢,特別在整理物品、衣物時。 (7)運動後或吃了冰冷食物會劇烈咳嗽。 (8)固定的皮膚癢疹,冬天或夏天流汗時感到特別癢。 除了上述的情形及症狀可做為診斷的參考外,目前有幾項實驗室檢查可提供更客觀的証據。(1)嗜依紅性白血球,在正常人身上約佔所有白血球的百分之一到三。但在有過敏或者有寄生蟲感染的時候其比例會上升。 (2) IgE抗體,前面說過第一型過敏反應,當過敏原進入體內後IgE抗體會大量產生,所以偵測血中IgE抗體的量(正常人小於150 KU/L)即可推測是否有過敏的情形。此外,更有一些方法可進一步得知究竟是對什麼東西過敏。傳統檢驗過敏原的方法是皮膚試驗,即俗稱「蓋印章」。將過敏原粹取物直接與皮膚作用,再依照皮膚局部發炎紅腫的情形來判讀。目前比較方便的作法是抽血檢驗血清中過敏原專一之IgE抗體濃度,以此方法一次抽血便可檢測多種過敏原,而且可信度不比皮膚試驗差。 總之,當你懷疑有過敏的情形時,應該尋求過敏專科醫師的幫忙,透過各種檢查便可得知確切的結果。如此才能即早診斷,對症下藥,也才不致延誤了治療的時機。 過敏性紫斑症(Anaphylactoid purpura or Henoch-Schonlein purpura)是一種全身性的血管炎。與一般耳熟能想的過敏疾病如氣喘、過敏性鼻炎、蕁麻疹不同。目前真正的致病機轉仍不清楚。實驗室上的證據顯示,有可能在上呼吸道感染後,身體內產生一些抗體,而這些特定抗體亦同時會攻擊病人的血管內膜而造成血管發炎。因此,基本上此疾病應屬於「自體免疫疾病」。 過敏性紫斑症,根據台大小兒過敏風濕科的研究統計顯示,好發於五至十歲的兒童,男女比例差不多。百分之九十的病症發作於秋冬季節,且大部分的小朋友病發之前都有一上呼吸道感染的病史。典型的症狀包括突起的紫斑散佈於下肢及屁股上,百分之七十至八十的病患會伴隨關節炎、關節痛、及四肢水腫。除此之外,血管炎亦會侵犯內臟器官如腸胃道、腎臟,而造成肚子痛、血便及腎臟發炎(血尿、蛋白尿)等的臨床症狀。 在實驗室方面,我們一直努力於致病機轉的探討及診斷技術的研發。目前已有初步成果。在急性期我們可從病人的血清中測得某些特異性的自體抗體包括IgA抗內皮細胞抗體、IgA抗牛酯心抗體。治療上,以非類固醇之抗發炎藥為主,若有嚴重的腸胃道或者腎臟侵犯則以類固醇治療。少數病人需合併使用免疫抑制劑。預後方面,過敏性紫斑症在經過治療後絕大部分病童皆可痊癒而不留下後遺症。大約百分之十到二十的病人會有復發的情形,不過,症狀皆比前一次輕微且易控制。在國外,百分之三十至四十的病童會發生腎臟炎,其中更有少數的小朋友會進展到慢性腎衰竭。值的慶幸的是在台灣,可能是種族的差異,腎臟侵犯的病例並不多見,且預後良好。 總之,當小朋友有懷疑過敏性紫斑症的症狀時,應該尋求專科醫師的幫忙,作最正確的診斷。並且根據病情給予不同的藥物治療。之後,更需要在門診定期追蹤,以達到完全治癒的目標。 濕 疹 ( 又 名 異 位 性濕 疹 ) [轉貼][/color][/size][/b] 濕 疹 是 一 種 慢 性皮 膚 病 , 與 免 疫 系 統 過 度 敏 感 和 遺 傳 基 因 有 關 。 病 人 或 其 家 族 成 員 許 多 時 合 併 患 有 哮 喘 、 花 粉 熱 和 鼻 敏 感 。 濕 疹 是 十 分 常 見 , 約 5% 兒 童 患 有 此 病 , 但 90% 會 在 發 育 期 前 痊 癒 。 成 人 患 有 濕 疹 也 十 分 普 遍 。 病 徵 : 初 期 , 皮 膚 上 出 現 紅 斑 , 伴 有 皮 膚 乾 燥 及 痕 癢 , 嚴 重 者 皮 膚 會 紅 腫 發 炎 。 時 常 搔 抓 會 使 患 處 滲 出 液 體 和 出 現 乾 醮 , 若 受 到 細 菌 感 染 , 就 會 化 膿 。 久 而 久 之 , 皮 膚 會 變 厚 和 嶙 峋 。 嬰 兒 濕 疹 通 常 始 於 臉 頰 、 腹 部 、 尿 片 部 位 、 下 背 部 和 小 腿 。 當 兒 童 漸 漸 長 大 , 患 處 會 轉 移 到 手 腕 、 手 肘 前 、 膝 背 、 大 腿 、 足 踝 、 小 腿 前 等 。 濕 疹 病 情 時 好 時 壞 , 很 多 時 因 為 接 觸 到 過 敏 原 或 刺 激 物 質 所 引 致 。 誘 發 因 素 : 過 敏 原 因 : 患 者 對 甚 麼 東 西 有 過 敏 反 應 是 因 人 而 異 , 當 知 道 自 己 對 甚 麼 東 西 過 敏 , 就 要 盡 量 避 免 接 觸 。 過 敏 原 可 能 是 : 食 物 ( 如 牛 奶 、 蛋 類 、 蝦 蟹 ) 、 食 品 添 加 劑 ( 著 色 劑 / 防 腐 劑 ) 、 塵 埃 、 花 粉 、 含 香 料 的 香 皂 、 浴 池 發 泡 劑 、 衣 物 上 殘 留 的 洗 潔 劑 、 游 泳 池 中 的 氯 氣 等 。 情 緒 緊 張 太 冷 或 太 熱 的 氣 溫 天 氣 乾 燥 和 空 調 可 使 皮 膚 乾 燥 和 發 癢 。 皮 膚 感 染 : 皮 膚 受 到 細 菌 感 染 ( 如 金 黃 色 葡 萄 球 菌 、 鏈 球 菌 ) 可 令 濕 疹 病 情 加 重 。 如 受 到 泡 疹 病 毒 感 染 , 更 有 可 能 造 成 生 命 危 險 接 觸 到 香 煙 治 療 : 外 用 製 劑 : 皮 質 類 固 醇 ─ ─ 類 固 醇 藥 膏 可 減 輕 發 炎 和 敏 感 的 情 況 。 潤 膚 膏 ─ ─ 改 善 皮 膚 乾 燥 。 口 服 抗 組 織 胺 藥 物 如 trimeperazine : 有 止 癢 、 鎮 靜 作 用 , 可 以 幫 助 睡 眠 。 抗 生 素 : 皮 膚 受 到 細 菌 感 染 就 要 用 抗 生 素 來 殺 滅 細 菌 。 口 服 奧 美 加 3 魚 油 ( Omega 3 oil ) 和 待 宵 草 油 ( Evening primrose oil ) 可 能 有 幫 助 改 善 情 況 。 燕 麥 片 外 搽 劑 和 沐 浴 可 能 有 幫 助 減 輕 徵 狀 。 預 防 和 減 輕 病 情 : 洗 澡 時 避 免 使 用 普 通 肥 皂 , 要 使 用 有 潤 膚 劑 的 濕 疹 肥 皂 ( 如 Oilatum Bar, Q.V. Bar, Alpha Keri Soap ) , 水 溫 要 和 暖 , 可 加 少 許 沐 浴 油 ( 如 Oilatum Emollient/ Shower gel, Q.V. Bath Oil, Pinetarsol Bath Oil, Alpha Keri Oil ) 於 浴 缸 。 沐 浴 後 要 塗 潤 膚 膏 ( 如 Oilatum cream, Q.V. cream ) 。 常 常 ( 每 天 4 次 以 上 ) 使 用 潤 膚 劑 保 持 皮 膚 濕 潤 。 避 免 室 內 空 氣 太 乾 燥 , 如 開 放 冷 暖 氣 時 , 濕 度 降 低 , 應 放 置 一 盆 清 水 以 調 整 室 內 的 濕 度 。 看 護 人 員 或 父 母 要 經 常 洗 手 , 以 防 止 細 菌 傳 播 給 病 人 。 保 持 心 情 開 朗 做 家 務 時 先 帶 上 棉 質 手 套 然 後 才 帶 上 膠 手 套 , 以 免 與 有 刺 激 性的 化 學 物 品 接 觸 。 避 免 搔 抓 皮 膚 , 盡 量 將 指 甲 剪 短 以 減 輕 對 皮 膚 的 損 害 。 給 嬰 兒 戴 上 棉 手 套 可 防 止 搔 抓 。 要 穿 棉 質 衣 物 , 避 免 穿 羊 毛 衣 物 。 經 常 洗 滌 床 上 用 品 , 家 中 要 經 常 吸 塵 , 保 持 空 氣 流 通 , 以 減 少 塵 埃 。 洗 衣 物 時 要 多 洗 水 幾 次 , 以 徹 底 洗 掉 洗 衣 粉 。 曬 太 陽 可 能 對 病 情 有 幫 助 , 但 千 萬 不 能 過 量 , 以 免 曬 傷 皮 膚 。 盡 量 避 免 接 觸 過 敏 原 。