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傳承午餐會 ancestor lunch


山大王班上的傳承午餐會 媽咪和他商量決定帶手工牛肉水餃鍋貼60顆去請大家嚐 為了把水餃皮和牛絞肉留下來做鍋貼 山大王忍了快一個星期不能吃他最愛的鍋貼 媽咪兩天前去買新鮮包心菜和蔥薑 一天前開始包好六十顆水餃 傳承午餐會當天早上六點起床 開始將前一天凍起來的水餃下滾水 再一一排生鐵平底鍋煎到焦黃噴香 還是有點來不及山大王7:25出門 山大王到學校晚了五分鐘 校長見他一邊拉著書包;一邊背著大保溫包 還跟他走去教室 可惜等到中午吃傳承午餐時 60顆煎餃還是冷了 山大王提醒老師每個同學可以有兩顆 但是不是每個同學都拿兩顆 有些只拿了一顆 不過還有些參加的家長和校長也有機會嚐嚐 帶瑞士火腿牛角麵包的媽媽 也應山大王邀請吃了兩顆 還特地FB告訴媽咪說她覺得好好吃喔 剩下沒吃完的老師還特地冰冰箱 媽咪隔天去班上幫忙時 剛好讓媽咪帶回家 最後一天上課老師還看著菜單卡片 一一在教室的大地圖上尋找各個不同餐點代表的國家 老師介紹中國後要找台灣也是迷惘的找不到 媽咪因為剛好在場就幫忙指點出台灣的位置 還有老師還在非洲那找菲律賓 真是讓媽咪驚訝....:O 山大王回家後媽咪給他剩下的牛肉鍋貼當點心 山大王也是吃得很開心 媽咪很喜歡這樣的活動 真是開了眼界 美國班上小朋友真的來自各個不同文化傳承的家庭 即便很多媽媽也是在美國出生長大 但是對自己成長含有文化傳承的食物也是很熱心介紹給孩子的班上 Hello Parents, We just wanted to send out a reminder that our class ancestor lunch is this Thursday from 11:40-12:50. Thank you to everyone who has sent in their green slips with what you will be bringing. Below is a recap of what we have received so far. We will be making signs for each dish and just want to confirm that we have everything that has been turned in and that it is correct. Please let us know if there are any changes, additions or corrections by Wednesday morning. Thanks. Manisha: India -- Aloo Chaat (deep fried potatoes with garbanzo beans) Gina: still trying to figure it out Dawne Both: Phillipines and Hungary (German descent) -- Filipino (appetizer) and German (dessert) Verena: Switzerland -- Swiss appetizer (ham croissants: schinkengipfeli) Isabelle: Taiwan/China -- Beef Dumplings/pot Stickers Denese: Italy -- Biscotti Stephanie: Mexico -- Sicama or Gicama (?) Oscar Sandoval: Mexico -- Pan Dulce Julie Ecklund: Spain -- probably Spanish Bouinas Robin Pohl: Germany -- Spaetzl Patience: Ireland -- Irish Soda Bread Yvonne: Sierra Leone -- Akara Lillian Francisco: Philippines -- Polvoron and other treats from the Phillipines Linda Simmons: Ireland -- Irish Blackberry Sorbet Seonghye Park (Eric's Mom): Korea -- Bulgogi Mandy Jacobs: Poland -- Kalochki cookies Lynn Gregorio: Phillippines -- Lumpia (egg rolls) Jenifer Rhoades: Kringlas (Swedish cookies) Tracy Wynn: US -- Corn bread If your dish will need a serving utensil, please include it when you bring in your dish. All dishes should be brought in on Thursday morning or by set up, which will be from 11-11:40. Anyone who would like to help with setup is welcome to join us. In addition, all parents are invited to join us for the activity. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us. Thanks in advance for helping to make this a great activity for our kids!