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FW: 13 Flat-Belly Foods to Beat the Bloat

13 Flat-Belly Foods to Beat the Bloat Skip the salt and load up on these hydration-boosting fruits, veggies, and spices. By Kate Schweitzer, Marie Claire More than 10 million Americans regularly complain about being bloated. That uncomfortable sensation — the result of air passing through your intestines — is often caused by a tempting culprit: salty and fatty foods. So, what's safe to eat to keep women from unbuttoning those skinny jeans? We researched the top fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices that will save any stomach from an uncomfortable expansion. Oranges and Watermelons Because water flushes waste and excess water out of your system, enjoying water-rich foods is ideal. Watermelons, as their name suggests, are almost all water — 92 percent. Oranges too are approximately 80 to 90 percent water. Yogurt Not only does yogurt have a high water content, but it promotes the growth of good bacteria in the stomach. This bacteria is responsible for the reduction of excess gas that accumulates in the organ over time. Garlic This plant helps reduce the levels of fat in the liver, whose main functions include detoxification and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion — major aspects of the prevention of bloating. Bran Cereal and Oatmeal Fiber helps relieve constipation, which is an all-too frequent cause of bloating. By adding bulk in the form of certain cold or hot cereals, everything moves through the intestines more quickly. Because women need at least 25 grams of fiber daily, eating a bran cereal with at least five grams of fiber per serving helps reach that goal. Just be certain to not add too much fiber to your diet too fast, or worsened bloating can occur. Strawberries and Blueberries Fiber also takes the form of certain delicious fruits and berries. Snacking on high-fiber foods such as strawberries and blueberries, as well as dried apricots and dried plums, can help clean out one's system regularly. Grapefruit Like other fruits with high water content, grapefruit is nearly 90 percent water. An added benefit of snacking on this pink treat: It's high in fat-burning enzymes. Broth-Based Soup Soups based on broth — not chowders, purees, or cream soups that are high in saturated fat — have an extremely high water content yet can be filling. Plus, the sodium levels should not be high as long as the soups are made with natural ingredients and don't come from a can. Canned soups often have as much as 1,000 milligrams of sodium, which is half of the daily recommended limit, in a single serving. Lettuce and Spinach These green leaves, in addition to kale and chard, require ample chewing and provide a healthy dose of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also help with acid indigestion, constipation, and urinary tract infections. Peppermint and Ginger Carminative herbs, which include peppermint as well as chamomile and ginger, are gas reducers and can be enjoyed in tea form. In addition to these herbs, bitter herbs, despite their taste, are effective at stimulating the digestive tract as well as the flow of saliva. Chili Peppers Not just a spice to heat up a meal, these peppers reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Capsaicin, an active ingredient found in the peppers, can also increase metabolism and curb food cravings, especially for sweets. Broccoli and Cauliflower Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, break down harmful forms of estrogen for safe elimination from the body. Still, they do contain sugars that are sometimes difficult to digest and thus should be eaten in moderation (a half-cup serving at a time). Cucumbers This veggie may not have much nutritional value, but it serves as a natural diuretic, helping to increase urination and the flushing out of toxins from the body. Cucumbers are rich in sulfur and silicon to stimulate the kidneys into better removal of uric acid. Because cukes are low in both sodium and calories, they're also a favored vegetable in most diet plans. Pineapples This tropical fruit, which is approximately 85 percent water, also contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, promotes good digestion, and helps to eradicate some stomach problems. Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc. URL: http://health.msn.com/nutrition/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100261589>1=31036





Tostadas with all the fixings’ Fresh fruit Tostada (pronounced /tɒˈstɑːdə/ or /toʊˈstɑːdə/) is a Spanish word translating to "toasted" in English and, in Latin American cuisine, in Mexico refers to a flat or bowl shaped (like a bread bowl) tortilla that is toasted or deep fried. It also refers to the finished dish using a tostada. Corn tortillas are used more than ones made of wheat flour for this purpose. The tostada was created when tortillas went stale but were still fresh enough to eat. Not wanting to waste old tortillas, which was one of the staple foods of the Mexican people, beans, rice, meat, cheese and vegetables were spread onto the tortillas like an "open faced" taco. This invention became very popular and people soon began to fry fresh tortillas to recreate the dish. A tostada is often served as an appetizer typically topped with a thin layer of refried black bean paste (frijoles refritos), chicken or beef strips or other kinds of animal products. These are usually topped with thinly chopped lettuce strips, sour cream, chopped onion, salsa and guacamole or sliced avocados. As a general rule, due to the flat construction of the tostada, the main topping (i.e. bean paste or meat) must be sticky or pasty enough to stay on the tostada. This helps prevent the other toppings or garnishes from falling off while it's being eaten. In addition to items typically used as taco fillings, tostadas are also popular topped with seafood, such as tuna, shrimp, and ceviche. A tostada vegetariana (pronounced /tɒˈstɑːdə ˈvɛdʒɨtæriˈɑːnə/) is only topped with vegetables. In Tex-Mex cuisine, tostadas are often referred to as tortilla chips and are also served as an appetizer or meal, without toppings, but with sauce or salsa for dipping. In Cuban Cuisine, tostada refers to Cuban bread, cut lengthwise, buttered, and pressed. Typically tostada is served as a breakfast food and can be dipped in cafe con leche. A slice of bread becomes a tostada (Spanish sense). French toast is known in Spain as torrija or torrada.In Puerto Rico, it can mean a slice of toasted bread or a French toast, typical of Easter, consisting in milk-soaked bread, battered in egg and fried. In the Mariana Islands, owing to their years as a Spanish colony, there is a uncommon tradition of the "tostada de agua," literally, "tostada from the water." This dish is made of a fried tortilla topped with minced seaweed, peppers, and meat (generally chopped shrimp, though many varieties exist). Anecdotally, the entire dish was wrapped like a burrito, dunked in sea water briefly (to add salt, offsetting the intensity of the peppers), and then unrolled and cooked until the tortilla had hardened. It was then topped with cheese. In Colombia, tostada refers to a green, unripe plantain which has been cut into sections, fried, flattened, fried again, and salted. These are also known as tostones in other parts of Latin America.



Pasta e fagioli (cannellini beans) Garden salad Fresh fruit ***************************** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasta_fagioli Pasta fagioli or pasta e fagioli, meaning "pasta and beans", is a traditional meatless Italian dish. Like many other Italian favorites including pizza and polenta, the dish started as a peasant dish, due to cheaply available beans and pasta. Today it can be widely found, even in restaurants that do not feature Italian cuisine. It is also called pasta fazool or pastafazool in Italian-American slang.[1] Pasta fagioli is made using cannellini beans or borlotti beans and some type of small pasta such as elbow macaroni or ditalini. The base is generally olive oil, garlic, minced onion, and spices, along with stewed tomatoes or tomato paste, or traditionally, in home recipes, the leftover sauce from Sunday marinara. Some variations do not include tomatoes at all, and are made from a broth. The consistency of the dish can vary, as some renditions fall clearly in the soup category, usually because the tomato was left out, while others are much thicker. The word for "beans" is different in different Italian dialects, e.g. fagioli ([faˈdʒoːli]) in standard Italian, [faˈzuːl] in Neapolitan, and [vaˈzuːl] in Sicilian. The American slang spelling "fazool" probably came from the Neapolitan word. A 1927 song by Van and Schenck capitalizes on this latter pronunciation in the rhyme, "Don't be a fool, eat pasta fazool."[2] (The Italian adjective fasullo/fasulla/fasulli/fasulle, meaning "fake" or "bogus", has a very similar pronuciation; but its connection to "fazool" is unclear.)


FW: 增強人體免疫6食品

增強人體免疫6食品 綠茶雞湯都上榜 更新日期:2009/11/07 06:50 (中央社記者顏伶如波特蘭6日專電)流感季節如何增強免疫力?美國暢銷作家兼電視主持人「廚師醫生」拉普馬指出,蘋果和洋蔥等蔬果、雞湯、綠茶、鮭魚、優格、辣椒這六項食品有助提升人體免疫力。 具有醫師學位、曾接受內科醫師訓練的拉普馬(John La Puma)素有「廚師醫生」(Chef MD)封號,除了出版教導民眾如何吃得健康的烹飪書籍,也在美國電視頻道主持節目,分享如何在家料理健康飲食的撇步。 流行性感冒盛行的季節要如何利用飲食提升人體免疫力?拉普馬整理出六大項食品,他建議民眾在流感季節日常三餐飲食多吃這些食物。 首先便是含有豐富槲皮素(Quercetin)的蘋果、洋蔥、花椰菜以及番茄等蔬果。 拉普馬指出,老鼠實驗顯示,過度疲勞的運動會增加流感的罹患率,槲皮素剛好可以消除這種負面影響,因此具有提高免疫力的效果。 再來則是雞湯。在美國,感冒時喝點雞湯減輕身體不適症狀,本來就屬於流傳已久的「老祖母偏方」。拉普馬指出,研究顯示,熱騰騰的雞湯在化痰、止咳方面的功效,遠遠超過熱開水。 拉普馬建議,民眾最好是自己動手做雞湯,並且加一些蔬菜一起煮以增加營養,而不是去店裏購買現成的高湯。 在亞洲具有悠久歷史的綠茶,也在拉普馬的六大類食品中。 他指出,許多醫學研究早就證明綠茶有很多優點,如果單從對抗流感的角度來看,綠茶具有對抗流感病毒的良好效果。綠茶中的兒茶素含量比紅茶高,而兒茶素正是具備抗病毒效果的重要成分。 接下來則是擁有豐富維他命D的食物,包括鮭魚、鮪魚、沙丁魚、牛奶以及穀類早餐麥片。 拉普馬說,早在1940年代的老鼠實驗就發現,維他命D攝取量較低的老鼠跟攝取足夠維他命D的老鼠相比,較容易感染實驗性的豬流感。 雖然相同的實驗結果並沒有在人類身上進行,但他指出,足夠維他命D確實有助於防止H1N1新型流感,因為許多醫學專家都認為,維他命D有助於人類身體製造出具有抗微生物效果的物質。 含有活菌的優格及發酵乳「克菲爾」(kefir)也在拉普馬的推薦名單上。 拉普馬指出,醫學實驗顯示優格中的益生菌不僅能減輕感冒症狀,還可降低3到5歲幼童出現發燒、咳嗽、流鼻水的機率,或讓這些症狀盡快痊癒。 最後則是辣椒。被拉普馬點名的是Serrano辣椒、Jalapeno辣椒以及Poblano辣椒。他指出,辣椒含有大量的維他命C,在A型流感實驗中顯示,維他命C可以降低流感引起肺炎的併發率。 對於不敢吃辣的民眾,拉普馬建議改吃青椒或紅椒,或者草莓、番石榴、奇異果、柳橙、木瓜、甜瓜等,這些蔬果也都含有豐富的維他命C。981106


FW:Mom's Best Bite-Size Meatballs

Mom's Best Bite-Size Meatballs Prep Time: 20 min Total Time: 36 min Makes: 25 servings, 2 meatballs each What You Need! 2 lb. lean ground beef 1 pkg. (6 oz.) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for Chicken 1 cup water 2 eggs 1 bottle (16 oz.) KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce 1 can (16 oz.) whole berry cranberry sauce Make It! HEAT oven to 400ºF. LINE 2 (15x10x1-inch) pans with foil; spray with cooking spray. Mix meat, stuffing mix, water and eggs until blended. Shape into 50 (1-1/2-inch) meatballs; place in prepared pans. BAKE 16 min. or until done (160ºF). Meanwhile, bring barbecue sauce and cranberry sauce to boil in large saucepan on medium heat, stirring occasionally. ADD meatballs to sauce; stir to evenly coat. Prep Time: 20 min Total Time: 36 min Makes: 25 servings, 2 meatballs each What You Need! 2 lb. lean ground beef 1 pkg. (6 oz.) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for Chicken 1 cup water 2 eggs 1 bottle (16 oz.) KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce 1 can (16 oz.) whole berry cranberry sauce Make It! HEAT oven to 400ºF. LINE 2 (15x10x1-inch) pans with foil; spray with cooking spray. Mix meat, stuffing mix, water and eggs until blended. Shape into 50 (1-1/2-inch) meatballs; place in prepared pans. BAKE 16 min. or until done (160ºF). Meanwhile, bring barbecue sauce and cranberry sauce to boil in large saucepan on medium heat, stirring occasionally. ADD meatballs to sauce; stir to evenly coat. Kraft Kitchens Tips Serving Suggestion Meatballs in sauce can also be served in a slow cooker set on LOW. Note If you don't have 2 (15x10x1-inch) pans, use any other shallow baking pans instead. Just make sure the meatballs are spread into a single layer in each pan. How to Freeze Meatballs Loosely pack cooled meatballs in freezer-weight resealable plastic bags. Lay bags flat in freezer so meatballs will freeze individually. Store in freezer up to 3 months. Thaw in refrigerator several hours or overnight before using as desired. (2) Nutrition Information Calories 140 Total fat 3.5 g Saturated fat 1.5 g Cholesterol 40 mg Sodium 360 mg Carbohydrate 19 g Dietary fiber 0 g Sugars 13 g Protein 9 g Vitamin A 0 %DV Vitamin C 0 %DV Calcium 0 %DV Iron 8 %DV http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/recipes/moms-best-bite-size-meatballs-114680.aspx?cm_mmc=eml-_-rbe-_-new_hldy_rcps-_-nm


Häagen-Dazs Free Cone Day!

今天下午四點到八點到 Häagen-Dazs 就可以享受一球免費的 Vanilla Honey Bee 冰淇淋哦!^.^ Come in for a FREE scoop of any Bee-built ice cream flavor at participating Häagen-Dazs® Shops between 4-8 pm. 媽咪本來想山大妞不能嚐有牛奶的冰淇淋 為了避免山大妞傷感 媽咪接了山大王就直接帶他去 可是忘了時間是下午四點才開始於是白跑一趟 不過山大王在乾瞪眼選他喜歡的草莓冰時 媽咪想到Häagen-Dazs® Sobert是山大妞可以吃的 所以就決定下午等山大妞睡醒再一起帶大小兩隻來吧 順便也告訴山大妞學校老師Häagen-Dazs® FREE scoop of any Bee-built ice cream Day. 山大王千辛萬苦想要先哄山大妞午睡 但是山大妞聽哥哥的話躺在床上玩她的布偶 越玩精神越好 果然如媽咪想的 到了快四點準備出發剛好山大妞在車上睡著 媽咪說那妹妹睡著就回家好了 當然山大王可失望 於是又把妹妹吵醒 到了店裡人潮還沒開始 但也有三四個人等著 媽咪前面一位媽媽也是帶著哥哥和妹妹一起來拿三球 山大王選冰淇淋總是喜歡選色彩鮮豔的 四種Sorbet裡他選了草莓艷紅Sorbet 媽咪幫山大妞選她最喜歡的橘色Orange Sorbet 媽咪自己隨便挑了薄荷巧克力 因為咖啡口味沒有加蜂蜜沒有免費 山大妞舔冰淇淋超級慢條斯理 其實是母子女三人坐在店裡吃 但是山大妞那神情好像在賽納河橋上邊逛邊吃一邊 舔一口要兩秒 這一口和下一口之間她會發表一些感言 媽咪其實在家也有做過巧克力冰慕斯當冰淇淋給家人吃 不過用的巧克力太濃沒有放牛奶調和 大小兩隻不喜歡媽咪做的巧克力冰慕斯 果然外食免費冰淇淋比較美味啦 這家Häagen-Dazs® FREE scoop給的份量很小 但是大小兩隻用甜筒吃的很開心 不過山大妞不喜歡吃甜筒(那甜筒真的沒什麼味道) 剩下的脆皮筒就給虎視眈眈的山大王接收了 山大王在學校The last art lesson畫的: palm tree 媽咪一直很喜歡冰淇淋 每年有三四家辦免費冰淇淋日的四五月 總會想辦法共襄盛舉 不過今年媽咪買到最便宜的冰淇淋是 State Brother自家牌子quart size; $1.99 媽咪覺得它的Vanilla Bean真的蠻香濃的 配上自家烤的杏仁蛋白餅當冰淇淋三明治 媽咪自己覺得真的是美味 開心的吃完免費冰淇淋 回家前山大王和山大妞兩人就在車上睡著了


Ganache Glaze or Frosting 1.5~1.75 CUPS

Pour it warm for a beautiful glaze, or cool it and slather it like a frosting. 8 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped into small pieces 3/4 cup heavy cream, plus 1/4 cup extra (optional) Make the ganache with the extra cream for frosting rather than glaze, because spreading cool ganche makes it much harder after it sets. Place the chopped chocolate in a medium bowl. Bring the cream to a simmer and immediately pour it over the chocolate. Stir briskly until the chocolate is melted and smooth. For a pouring glaze, let the ganache cool (between 90* and 100*F). Got frosting, let the ganache cool without stirring, until it looks thick enough to spread. To reheat, set the bowl in a pan of barely simmering water until the ganache is partly melted, then stir gently to the desired consistency of the glaze or frosting can be adjusted with more hot cream as necessary. Chocolate notes: You can use standard bittersweet or semisweet chocolate (w/o a percentage on the label), or any marked 50%to 60%. Because it has plenty of cream, you can adjust the sweetness of the ganache after you make and taste it. To use chocolate marked 61% to 66% instead of standard bittersweet: Increase the cream to 1.25 cups. Pour only half of the cream over the chocolate and stir well before adding the rest. To use chocolate marked 70% to 72% instead of standard bittersweet: Increase the cream to 1 cup, and reduce the chocolate to 7 ounces. Pour only half of the cream over the chocolate and stir well before adding the rest. Add about 1 tablespoon sugar to the cream before heating it. You can always taste and add more later. As the chocolate liquor percentage increases, ganache becomes less stable. It may separate or curdle, especially when reheated. If this happens, try whisking in a few drops of cream or water. Or, try the mayonnaise trick as follows: Pour a tablespoon of hot cream into a medium bowl. Dribble a little of the lukewarm curdled ganache intot the cream and whisk it briskly until perfectly smooth. Gradually whisk in the remainder of the curdled ganache.


本週點心: 餡餅, 冬瓜茶凍, 漢堡