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想了很久幫山大王課後找同學來玩終於兌現了 主要是擔心山大王在學校交不到知心朋友 老師建議幾位同學課後都還留學校 最後媽咪綜合老師和山大王的意見 和也喜歡小樂高的Mark開始星期四的play date 山大王和Mark都蠻興奮他們的課後play date 因為星期四提早下課媽咪建議 讓Mark先到山寨家玩順便吃午餐 等媽咪要接山大妞時再送山大王和Mark到Mark家玩 Mark媽咪也建議她一起從學校接山大王和Mark到山大王家 下午她要去接Mark哥哥時再送山大王回來 這樣兩個人兩家都有玩到 媽咪早上送過山大妞就去買雞腿 中午烤好小雞腿也準備漢堡麵包和草莓慕斯及沙拉 山大王和Mark到家後很興奮就要衝上樓去山大王房間玩 媽咪先請他們下來洗手吃午餐 但是Mark很好奇山寨家唯一存活的金魚 好像很多東西可以玩他忙到沒有時間想吃午餐 倒是山大王難得吃光光沙拉 兩個人玩小樂高,水球,滑板還種花種子鏟土澆水玩 到了媽咪接山大妞時間 媽咪就載兩個小男生去Mark家玩 再去接山大妞 山大妞回來和媽咪玩一會兒想睡了 哥哥也由Mark媽咪送回來了 山大王的第一次playdate算蠻順利的 媽咪本來一直不放心山大王自己去朋友家玩時媽咪不在旁邊 經過這一次也許是對媽咪一次很好的訓練 Helping Your Child Make Friends Preschoolers make friends quickly and intensely. To your three-year-old, a "friend" is anyone who is willing to play with her the way she wants to play at the moment. It could be someone she sees every day in the neighborhood or at day care. But it could just as well be someone she meets just once while playing in the park or playground or children's museum. (Even if she never sees that child again, your three-year-old may continue to refer to the child as "my friend.") Your preschooler's friends are just as likely to be boys as girls, because most three-year-olds play with either sex equally well and seldom have a preference for one or the other. Because your three-year-old probably makes friends quickly, her relationships with other children are not necessarily long-term friendships. Your preschooler may move easily from friend to friend with each passing month (or week). You might hear her say that she has a "best friend," but the identity of this best friend may change monthly (or even daily). Although preserving a long-term special status for one friend comes more frequently at age five or six, your child may nonetheless develop a special relationship with one or two other children. (Holding hands and hugging are common among friends of this age.) Friendships, no matter how fleeting, are important to preschoolers. Early childhood isolation—whether self-imposed, created by parental inattention, or caused by the rejection of other children—will not only be painful in the present, but may lead to emotional problems in the future as well. So encourage your child to form friendships. Because most three-year-olds make friends so easily, you may not need to do that much to help other than offering her the opportunity to meet other children. Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Q-tip At this age, you'd do well to give your preschooler the opportunity to make friends not just with children his own age, but with adults, too—in your presence of course. Your child will feel more comfortable dealing with adults in future situations if he has the chance to become friendly now with parents of friends, friends of parents, teachers, and so on. It's important for your child to have friends who live in the same neighborhood and this importance will only grow as your child gets older. If your child has friends in the neighborhood, he can visit them on a moment's notice without needing a driver—perhaps without even needing to cross the street. So if other preschoolers live in your neighborhood, try to begin with them. Try to find other kids who are roughly the same age as your child. Get to know the parents of other preschoolers in your neighborhood and then arrange some playdates or special outings that will bring your child and other three- or four-year-olds together. (Playdates will also give you the opportunity to spend time and share experiences with other adults.)