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New this month: Say it again ... and again


雖然小馨現在還不會發正確的音,不過倒是已經很多話了,下面這篇文章或許有幫助! New this month: Say it again ... and again At 14 months, your toddler understands many more words than she can say. Her spoken vocabulary likely consists of about three to five words, typically "Mama," "Dada," and one other simple word such as "ball" or "dog," but she learns the meanings of new words every day. As she starts to add words to her vocabulary, you'll notice that she looks for opportunities to practice them. Once she can say "dog," for instance, she'll look for dogs everywhere — in books, outside, on videos — just so she can point and say the word over and over again. What you can do Rhymes, jingles, and silly songs are big hits with toddlers. If your 14-month-old is already speaking several words, encourage her willingness to repeat after you by singing silly or repetitive songs, such as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." As she becomes familiar with the refrains she'll chime in one word at a time and before you know it she'll be singing the whole song right along with you. If your 14-month-old isn't speaking many words at this point, you can help her with the other two elements of language acquisition. When talking to your child, vary your tone, facial expressions, and hand gestures, all of which will help her understand the meanings of your words. Maintain eye contact when you talk to her so she learns to listen to you. And don't rush her when she is trying to use words — listen patiently and look her in the eye

When can my baby start learning table manners?


不知道何時才會用到,先轉貼下來備用! When can my baby start learning table manners? Expert Answers The BabyCenter Editorial Team Food play, including throwing food, is something every baby and toddler indulges in to some extent. It's part of learning how to feed oneself. "Babies get a lot of pleasure out of seeing something disappear when they drop it, only to reappear when you pick it up for them," says Lyuba Konopasek, assistant professor of pediatrics at the New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. "This is actually an important developmental skill," she adds. Your child is learning about object permanence — the notion that even though an object is out of sight, it still exists. Food play is also about curiosity. A typical meal is a smorgasbord of textures, temperatures, and colors. Knowing that such antics are educational might make food games tolerable for a few weeks longer than they otherwise would be, but you have every right to set some limits, especially as your child nears her second birthday. At all ages it's appropriate to tolerate accidental messes and small amounts of experimentation, but children shouldn't be allowed to make a big mess for the sake of making a mess. "Civilized table manners have the potential to emerge around 2 years, but they develop gradually, and you'll have to encourage them consistently if you want results," says Konopasek. To help control your child's urge to play with her food, remove it as soon as she's finished eating. If you want her to stay seated at the table while the rest of the family finishes eating, offer her a toy to keep her occupied. "Praise and gentle reminders are also key," adds Konopasek. Remind your child that food is for eating, not throwing, that she should use a spoon, not her fingers, and so on. When she complies with your requests or gets through a meal without a major catastrophe, make sure she knows what a good job she's done. Be as specific as you can: Say, "Thank you for staying in your seat during dinner," or "What a nice job you did eating with your spoon tonight." And don't forget to set a good example yourself. If you want your child to have proper table manners, everyone else at the table should too. If your child can't see what good table manners are, your messages will never get through.

Your 13-month-old: Week 2


At this point you're still your toddler's favorite playmate. But as he gets better at expressing himself through words and gestures, he'll enjoy being around other children. If you take him on playdates or to the park, you may notice that he plays near other children but not really with them. Experts call this "parallel play," and it's perfectly normal for a 13-month-old who still thinks the world revolves around him. Your 13-month-old's social and emotional development: Me first! New this month: Me first! Do you feel as if your whole world still revolves around your baby? So does he! In fact, for much of his second year, your toddler will be self-absorbed. Sharing toys, snacks, and especially your attention may be very difficult. Watch him playing alongside another child, and you'll probably notice that he isn't very interested in actually interacting with her. You're still the most important person in your 13-month-old's life, and he's likely to demand a lot of your attention. But you'll start to see glimpses of his growing independence and confidence. As long as he can keep an eye on you, he may entertain himself in the family room for several minutes while you prepare dinner, interrupt you for a quick reassuring cuddle, and then venture out on his own again. At 13 months, children start to recognize that they have power, and they're learning how to use it. Your toddler may demand that you read to him, push him on a swing, take him for a walk. Even if he doesn't use words, he can make clear, by tugging on you and pointing, exactly what he wants. Other developments: Stranger anxiety and more fears At around 13 months, many toddlers develop stranger anxiety. Yours may become upset when you leave him, even with friends or family members he sees often. A toddler who cries or whimpers, trembles, hides, or tries to run away from "strangers" is simply demonstrating that he can distinguish the difference between people he knows well — his parents and caregivers — and those he doesn't. Even toddlers who are at ease with unfamiliar people will encounter situations that overwhelm them. A 13-month-old has a budding imagination, and things that never seemed to bother him before, such as the vacuum cleaner, bathtime, or a neighbor's pet, may suddenly be very scary. What you can do Remember that trust cannot be forced, so if your child is especially anxious around new faces, be patient and let him keep his distance until he's ready to interact. He'll look to you for guidance, so if you seem at ease around a new babysitter, for instance, he'll take that cue. It may help him become more comfortable around new people if you include him on excursions to the grocery store, or other places where he can watch how you behave around people you don't know. Here are a few ways to soothe him when he's frightened of other things: Loud noises. If the sound of the vacuum cleaner or lawn mower sends your child into a frenzy, let him touch the object (when it's not plugged in or turned on, of course). If sirens bother him, take a walk past your local firehouse so he can see the trucks and ambulances parked quietly. If he's curious about certain objects, let him explore them (if it's safe) and that will help calm his fears. Never force him into an encounter, though, since that will only feed his uneasiness. The bathtub. Going down the drain, soap in the eyes, slipping — there's plenty for a toddler to fear at bathtime. If your toddler starts to resist getting into the tub, even if he used to enjoy the ritual, try giving him a sponge bath for a few days. Allow him to sit in the tub with no water, and use a washcloth rather than a cup of water to rinse his hair. You might even skip the shampoo for a few days until his anxiety eases. After a few days you can leave the water running and the drain open so the water doesn't accumulate too much, and then gradually ease up to a full-fledged bath again. If he fears the drain, demonstrate how his bath toys can't fit down the drain and so neither can he. Animals. Even children who have pets at home are often frightened by other animals. Imagine how you'd feel if you came face-to-face with a 7-foot-tall bear; the neighbor's golden retriever seems just as menacing to your 13-month-old. Never force your child to pet an animal. Instead, do some role-playing with stuffed animals, or read books that feature animals like the ones he's afraid of. And it's very important to teach children to never pet any animal unless they ask the pet's owner first. Even the friendliest dog or cat can bite or scratch when provoked.

Why is my toddler suddenly waking up hysterical at night?


My toddler has always been a good sleeper, but all of a sudden he's waking up and hysterical several times a night. What's going on? Expert Answers Deborah Lin-Dyken, pediatric sleep disorders expert It's very common for even the best of sleepers to suddenly start having sleep problems, whether that means having a hard time falling asleep at bedtime or abruptly waking up during the night. Your toddler may be having night terrors, which are similar to sleepwalking but are more dramatic. Night terrors are often related to being sleep-deprived. When your child "wakes up" with a night terror, go in and check on him but don't speak to him or try to soothe him. Your child will resist being comforted and will appear confused and disoriented. Trying to soothe your child will only extend and intensify the sleep terror — even saying his name can make him more upset. Likewise, don't try to vigorously awaken him. He may think you are attacking him. Instead, just let the night terror run its course, and stand nearby to make sure your toddler doesn't hurt himself. Your little one may also be having bad dreams. Your child's imagination is developing, and that can't help but carry over into his sleeping world. When he wakes up after a nightmare, go in and reassure him. A few moments spent soothing him should do the trick. Stay with him until he falls back to sleep if he asks you to. Don't worry if he doesn't want to talk about the dream. Sometimes nightmares aren't about anything definitive, just a scary feeling. Other common causes of night-waking in previously good sleepers include illness, separation anxiety or a looming developmental leap. In those cases, there are a couple of things to try, aside from treating the fever or throat or ear pain that's making a sick toddler uncomfortable. First, make sure that your child is getting enough sleep in general. It may seem counterintuitive, but the less sleep your child gets, the more likely he is to have trouble settling down at bedtime and staying asleep through the night. So be consistent about putting him to bed for naps during the day and getting him to bed at a reasonable time in the evening. When your toddler wakes up during the night, be soothing and calming, but boring. Let him know that everything is okay, but that it's time to sleep. Keep the conversation to a minimum and the lights dim. It may take a few nights or even a few weeks to get back on track, but the closer you stick to his regular sleep routine, the sooner the problem will be resolved.

Your 13-month-old: Week 1


Whether your toddler's been walking for months or is still happy just cruising, one thing's for sure: She's not about to slow down. With great delight, she'll soon learn that walking frees her hands to unroll reams of toilet paper, knock glasses off coffee tables, and empty your bedside drawers. What to do? Spend lots of time at the park, and notch up your childproofing efforts so your toddler has plenty of space to explore without getting hurt. Your toddler now Evolving eating habits Don't be surprised if your hearty eater's appetite has shrunk. It's typical for kids this age to eat a bit less and suddenly become more picky. This change may seem strange, considering how active your child is now. But because he's growing more slowly, he really doesn't need as much food. Try not to pressure your toddler to eat more. Instead, let his appetite determine how much food he takes in. Of course, even though you can't control how much he eats, you are definitely in charge of what he has to choose from. Keep offering a variety of healthy foods at every meal. Resist the temptation to let him snack on sweets and other not-so-healthy items out of worry that he's not eating enough. As long as he appears to be thriving, he's probably fine. As always, if you have doubts, talk to your doctor. Dreams become a reality Even if your child has been sleeping soundly for months, he may now start waking up again at night. Of course, that can happen at any stage during the baby and toddler years for one reason or another. But one new potential sleep disturbance at this age is dreaming. Between 12 and 14 months, kids start actively dreaming, and a dream can actually startle your child awake. Sticking to routines and creating a beloved bedtime ritual are a huge help in keeping your toddler's sleep on track. Parent tip "My toddler has discovered the joy of screaming. He's not angry – just trying out his voice – but it's so hard on the grownups' ears. One trick I use to stop it is to sing, not too loud, but loud enough for him to hear me. It usually gets his attention and makes him stop." – Kitty



轉貼文章 很多爸媽總為了孩子的情緒管理傷透了腦筋,要怎樣養出好性情,懂事有同理心,較多正向情緒的高EQ寶寶呢?兒童心理及發展專家認為,如果父母能更進一步的了解孩子情緒發展的關鍵期,以及情緒行為背後發生的原因,將有助於孩子發展情緒管理及調整的能力。 0~6 mon 社交情緒增加期 6mon~1歲 意圖行為發展期 1歲左右 分享快樂期 1歲~3歲 負向情緒調節期 3~4歲 學習控制情緒期 4~5歲 感同身受期 6歲~ 混合情緒經驗期 兒童情緒大解密 0~6mon: 新生兒的哭泣不是刻意計畫的,也不帶有特定的訊息,出生後的第二、三個星期,嬰兒對於人的聲音興趣多於對玩具的聲音。 出生後一個月左右,緊張不安的嬰兒會因為有人注視或者對他們說話而平靜下來;當周遭的人離開被獨自留下時,嬰兒也會因此而哭泣,這表示了社交性的增加。六個月左右會對人的面孔和聲音表現出微笑,對照顧者的反應和平常的不同,都可以感覺的出來。 6mon~1歲: 到嬰兒九個月時,他們就已經知道,可以利用不舒服的訊息去獲得安撫,尤其是對父母,這種哭鬧是一種意圖性行為的發展。九個月大小孩的抑制不去觸碰的能力,可預測兩歲時的情緒控制。 1歲: 孩子在1歲左右,認知與動作能力的增加,讓他們對環境事物更加的清楚,喜歡人家用新奇的動作或東西逗他們,並且會哈哈大笑去分享快樂的情緒。這個階段的小朋友情緒,受到照顧者情緒的影響很大,愛哭的原因很大一部分就是來自大人喜怒哀樂的反應,並有沒有適當引導的影響。 1~3歲: 隨著認知與需求的增加,小孩生氣及哭鬧等負面的情緒到了2、3歲時比例大幅增加,常常也是父母親最受不了的發展時期。這個時期的小朋友最會使用哭鬧方式來引起照顧者的注意力,而對他人的回應敏感度增加,除了正向的情緒外,負面的情緒反應程度也會增加。因此,愛哭成為小孩與環境互動與增加學習最好的工具,但兩歲之後仍然太愛哭,將嚴重影響日後的親密感。 3~4歲: 3到4歲的孩子開始能夠控制自己,也開始了解別人期待他們怎麼做,這個年齡層負面愛哭的情緒應該大幅降低,不過還在學習階段,迅速的累積越來越多的不允許的事,可能是造成氣質不佳兒童愛哭的原因。 4~5歲: 這是需要嚴格建立兒童行為規範的時候,也是同理心培養好時機。教師或家長的教育方式,會影響愛哭行為的發生率。 6歲: 這個年齡層的小孩漸漸可以同時感受到照顧者是會關心與憤怒的,隨著學齡的到來,他們了解社會的期待更大,將被比較的事情越來越多,並逐漸培養挫折的忍受度才能控制自我負面情緒的發生。 學齡兒童: 如果到了學齡還很愛哭,那表示兒童的挫折忍受度很不好,將嚴重影響日後團體的關係。 改善孩子愛哭的具體方法 1.觸覺影響情緒,利用觸覺刺激活動對情緒做調整。 2.父母多對小小孩作開心的微笑與傳達肯定的聲音與音調。 3.照顧者的心情要開朗,因為小孩有感染情緒的能力。 4.適當的操作幽默感並增加親子關係。 5.增加孩子與孩子間的情緒分享。 6.對較大小孩做雙向的情緒溝通。 (資料來源:天才領袖全腦健康體適能培育中心 提供)

Your 12-month-old: Week 4


As your child's second year begins, take some time to think about your relationship with your partner. Caring for an infant can wreak havoc on couples. You may find yourselves bickering a lot or just not connecting the way you used to. Don't despair — it takes time to adjust to having another person around. Now that your baby-turned-toddler is becoming less dependent, make a point of getting away to do adult things, just the two of you. Learning more about language Though at this point her vocabulary probably consists of only a couple of words besides "Mama" and "Dada," your 1-year-old can probably babble in what sounds like short sentences, complete with vocal inflections. It's almost as if she's speaking a foreign language. By now, your toddler may also be able to respond to simple questions and commands, especially if you give her some clues with hand gestures. For example, ask her, "Where's your mouth?" and point to it. Or try, "Hand me the cup" and gesture toward the object. Your toddler may answer you in her own way, shaking her head for "no" or using her own gestures. Because she's starting to grasp the meaning of words, it's a good time to begin teaching your toddler the basics of good manners. Explain "please" and "thank you" and model their use as often as you can. Though she probably won't quite get the idea for a while, she might melt your heart with a well-placed "please" when you least expect it. Name that item It's up to you to help your toddler make connections between objects and their names — the more you do, the faster her vocabulary will grow. Keep talking to your toddler, and label things every day. Count stair steps as you climb them, and point out the names and colors of fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Read your toddler a picture book and ask her to point to or name familiar objects. Solicit her opinion once in a while: Ask her if she'd like to wear the red or the blue socks, or if she'd like to play with her blocks or her stacking rings. Even if she doesn't answer, she's learning not just words from you, but the rhythms of social interaction.

My one-year-old!!


Your baby has hit the 1-year mark: Happy birthday! Many view the first birthday as the toddler turning point. Others consider your baby a toddler as soon as he starts walking — or, as the case may be, taking his first tentative steps. However and whenever he crosses the line into toddlerhood, it's a bittersweet transition — you miss your little baby even as you delight in your amazing child. How your toddler's growing Around now, your toddler's play will probably start shifting from mastering fine motor skills (he's got that thumb-and-forefinger grasp down pat) to exercising larger muscles. Some children this age have an attention span of two to five minutes for quiet activities — although your child's favorite games may not be all that quiet. Your child probably thinks it's fun to push, throw, and knock everything down. He'll give you a toy as well as take one, and he likes games in which he can put things in containers and dump them out again. This works well with blocks in buckets or boxes and with small plastic containers, which he can nest inside one another. He'll thrill to the loud sounds of pots and pans banging together, too. baby 終於正式轉成toddler!這種轉變真的是一夕之間,讓人有點措手不及,小馨的發展就像上面敘述的:會走路、會安靜一兩分鐘玩玩具、會丟東西、喜歡將積木放到容器中、喜歡將疊高的積木推倒、會拿東西給馬咪.... 不過也發現小馨的笑容變少了,昨天半夜更是在床上翻來翻去,一直不停莫名的哭泣,整個睡眠品質很差,不知道怎麼了? 情緒變化也很強烈(我倒希望小馨有主見一點,有自己的個性,不過我們會比較累就是了),雖然如此,她也很好安撫:例如外公想要抱她,剛開始她可能不願意,但若外公硬將她抱走,她似乎也不會反抗大哭。 就是這種個性,讓把拔馬麻"so far"還蠻輕鬆的,這也是她讓人疼惜的原因吧!