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Women are complex creatures


Women Are Complex Creatures If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman If you don''t, you are not a man If you praise her, she thinks you are lying If you don''t, you are good for nothing If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp If you don''t, you are not understanding If you visit her often, she thinks you are boring If you don''t, she accuses you of double-crossing If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy If you don''t, you are a dull boy If you are jealous, she says it''s bad If you don''t, she thinks you do not love her If you attempt a romance, she says you didn''t respect her If you don''t, she thinks you do not like her If you are a minute late, she complains it''s hard to wait If she is late, she says that''s a girl''s way If you visit another man, you''re not putting in "quality time" If she is visited by another woman, "oh it''s natural, we are girls" If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold If you kiss her often, she yells that you are taking advantage If you fail to help her in crossing the street, you lack ethics If you do, she thinks it''s just one of men''s tactics for seduction If you stare at another woman, she accuses you of flirting If she is stared by other men, she says that they are just admiring If you talk, she wants you to listen If you listen, she wants you to talk In short: So simple, yet so complex So weak, yet so powerful So confusing, yet so desirable So damning, yet so wonderful... ....WOMEN!



中華民國消費者文教基金會(消基會)在近日以一般消費者身份查訪臺灣9家電子商務網站的購物流程,在退貨部分,發現除了東森購物網路商城和PChome Online線上購物是由業者派員取件退貨外,其他(約70%以上)皆須消費者自行負擔運費,對此,行政院消費者保護委員會消保官吳政學表示,依據消保法第十九條規定,消費者對於收受商品不願買受時,無須負擔任何費用或價款,這當然也包括運費。 吳政學指出,如果廠商堅持一定要消費者負擔運費,消費者可以向消保會或消基會申訴,或向消保官檢舉。消保官得依消保法第三十三條進行調查,若調查屬實得依三十六條、五十七條進行處罰。所以建議消費者一定要有消保意識,面對不合理的狀況,一定要懂得爭取。 消基會此次調查的電子商務網站包括PChome Online線上購物、So-net Plaza線上購物、Unimall統一購物便、Yahoo!奇摩購物2、金石堂網路書店、東森購物網路商城、頂好Wellcome E-Shop購物中心、博客來網路書店、蕃薯藤購物等9個網站。 消基會的調查涵蓋網站首頁的資訊揭露,發現全部的業者除了提供明確的公司名稱之外,在首頁皆未陳列完整的公司資訊,包括電話及住址,必須透過其他連結才能找到,部分業者甚至完全沒有提供地址。 而消基會也以嘗試以電話連絡業者,發現YAHOO!奇摩購物2、PChome Online線上購物找不到業者的聯絡方式,而YAHOO!奇摩購物2的電話,詢問查號台也無法取得。 透過電子郵件連繫部分,除了Yahoo!奇摩購物2和頂好Wellcome E-Shop購物中心2家業者並未回覆外,其他業者在信件寄出的隔天即收到回覆。 此外,在上述各家業者所公布的7天鑑賞期,吳政學則說明,依據民法第一百二十條第二項「以日、星期、月或年定期間者,起始日不算入。」,所以7天鑑賞期應以消費者收到商品的次日為第1天,但調查結果顯示,9家業者都以收到商品當日為第1天,不符合本項規定。 文章出處連結

vickey mama~~12個訣竅,讓你養育出一個快樂的孩子


研究發現,快樂的孩子擁有一些共同的特質,包括:較有自信、樂觀、有自制力。 我們整合專家意見,提供12個訣竅,讓你養育出一個快樂的孩子。 1. 給孩子隨性玩耍的時間: 美國兒童教育學者湯姆斯.阿姆斯壯指出, 自由玩耍比有計劃性的活動,對學齡前的孩子來說更為健康有益。 父母要避免將孩子的時間塞滿各種活動、課程。 所有的孩子都需要有一些無所事事,隨性玩耍的時間。 唯有這樣才能讓他們的想像力無拘無束的發揮, 讓他們可以悠閒的看蜘蛛織網、研究螢火蟲如何發光……, 以他們自然的速度去探索他們所好奇的世界。 也許,有時你也該放慢你的腳步,拋開你的行程表, 跟著孩子的節奏享受生活。 2. 教導他關懷別人: 快樂的孩子需要能感受到自己與別人有某些有意義的連結, 了解到他對別人的意義。要發展這種感覺,可以幫助孩子多與他人接觸。 你可以和孩子一起整理一些舊玩具,和他一起捐給慈善團體, 幫助無家可歸的孩子。也可以鼓勵孩子在學校參與一些義工活動。 專家指出,即使在很小的年齡,都能從幫助他人的過程中, 獲得快樂。並養成喜歡助人的習慣。 3. 鼓勵他多運動: 陪你的孩子玩球、騎腳踏車、游泳……, 多運動不但可以鍛鍊孩子的體能,也會讓他變得更開朗。 保持動態生活可以適度紓解孩子的壓力與情緒, 並且讓孩子喜歡自己,擁有較正面的身體形象, 並從運動中發現樂趣與成就感。 4. 笑口常開: 常和孩子說說笑話、一起編些好笑的歌,和你的孩子一起開懷大笑, 對你和孩子都有益處。光是大笑,就是很好的運動。 5. 有創意的讚美: 當孩子表現很好時,不要只是說:「很好。」 讚美要具體一些,說出細節,指出有哪些地方讓人印象深刻, 或是比上次表現更好, 例如,「你今天有主動跟警衛伯伯說早安,真的很有禮貌。」 不過,讚美時也要注意,不要養成孩子錯誤的期待。 有些父母會用禮物或金錢獎賞孩子, 讓孩子把重點都放在可以獲得哪些報酬上,而不是良好的行為上。 父母應該讓孩子自己發現,完成一件事情所帶來的滿足與成就感, 而不是用物質報酬來獎賞他。 6. 確保孩子吃得健康: 健康的飲食,不僅讓孩子身體健康,也能讓孩子的情緒較穩定。 不論是正餐或點心,儘量遵循健康原則, 例如:低脂、低糖、新鮮、均衡的飲食。 7. 激發他內在的藝術天份: 雖然科學家已證實沒有所謂的「莫札特效應」, 但是多讓孩子接觸音樂、美術、舞蹈等活動,依然可以豐富孩子的內心世界。專家發現,當孩子隨音樂舞動、或是拿著畫筆塗鴉, 其實都是孩子在抒發他內在世界、表達情感的方法。 孩子喜歡畫畫、跳舞或彈奏音樂,也會對自己感到比較滿意。 8. 常常擁抱: 輕輕一個擁抱,傳達的是無限的關懷,是無聲的「我愛你」。 研究發現溫柔的撫觸擁抱,可以讓早產兒變得較健康、較活潑, 情緒也較穩定。對於大人而言,擁抱也能讓人減輕壓力,撫平不安的情緒。 9. 用心聆聽: 沒有什麼比用心聆聽更能讓孩子感受到被關心。 想要當個更好的傾聽者嗎? 不要只用一隻耳朵聽,當孩子對你說話時, 儘量停下你手邊正在做的事情,專心聽他講話。 要耐心聽孩子說完話, 不要中途打斷、急著幫他表達或是要他快快把話說完, 即使他所說的內容你已經聽過許多遍了。 陪孩子去上學途中或哄孩子上床睡覺時,是最佳的傾聽時刻。 10. 放棄完美主義: 我們都期望孩子展現出他最好的一面, 可是有時候太過急切糾正或改善他們的表現, 例如,嫌棄他們沒把桌子擦乾淨,乾脆自己再擦一遍; 或是糾正他們一定要把東西擺到一定位置。事事要求完美, 會減弱孩子的自信心與不怕犯錯的勇氣。 下次當你忍不住想要參一腳,急著幫孩子把事情做的更好時, 不妨先想想看:「這件事跟健康或安全有關嗎?」 「想像10年之後,這件事還有這麼嚴重嗎?」 如果答案是No,那麼就放手讓孩子去做吧。 11. 教導他解決問題: 從學會繫鞋帶到自己過馬路,每一步都是孩子邁向更獨立的里程碑。 當孩子發現他有能力解決面對的問題,就能帶給他們快樂與成就感。 當他遇到阻礙時, 例如:被玩伴嘲笑或是無法拼好一塊拼圖時, 你可有幾個步驟來幫助他: 1.確認他的問題。 2.讓他描述他想到的解決方式。 3.找出解決問題的步驟。 4.決定讓他自己解決這個問題或提供一些幫助。 5.確定他能獲得需要的協助。 12. 給他表演的舞台: 每個孩子都有特有的天賦,何不給他們機會表現一下? 如果他們喜歡說故事,鼓勵他多說故事給你聽。 如果他對數字很擅長,帶著他去逛街,讓他幫你挑選價格便宜的東西。 當你能欣賞孩子的才能,並表現出你的熱情時,孩子自然會更有自信心

Fei~~~The Husband Store


Husband Store > >A store that sells husbands has just opened where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men. The store is composed of 6 floors, and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building. So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband. > >On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs. The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that''s better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what''s further up?" So up she goes. > >The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids. The woman remarks to herself, "That''s great, but I wonder what''s further up?" And up she goes again. > >The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking. "Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what''s upstairs?" > >The fourth floor sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework. "Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more further up!" And again she heads up another flight. > >The fifth floor sign reads: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak. Oh, mercy me! But just think..what must be awaiting me further on?" > >So up to the sixth floor she goes. The sixth floor sign reads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 3,456,789,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at Husband Mart and have a nice day! >

Fei~~ Please read what I have Read


Helpful advice for strengthening your relationships, right here: 1. Learn how to empathize. Most people refuse to empathize. This is not a gender issue; women are just as prone to this problem as you most likely are. I can''t tell you how many people I''ve heard saying, "If I show empathy, doesn''t that mean I agree with what my partner is saying? And I don''t! They''re wrong!" Empathizing does not mean you agree. It just means you care enough to listen and hear what your partner is saying. If empathizing as a communication skill were taught in every elementary school, our world would be a less violent place. Start at home. Now. Allow your partner to speak her heart. Listen without judgment. Then mirror back what you think you''ve heard until you get it right. 2. Stop trying to be an emotional Mr. Fix-It. Empathy is not about charging in to make it all better. Most of us get all bolluxed up thinking our partner wants us to solve the problem for us. It isn''t true. We just want someone to say, "Wow, that must really hurt. That must feel really hard," to say it with deep concern and love and mean it. Just put yourself in your wife''s place--even for a moment--and feel her pain. That''s it. It can be very, very difficult when you''re in emotional reaction to what she is saying. But that''s the key to all of it--not only to happier marriages but to happier relationships in general. Think of it this way: your wife''s issues are hers, and part of the learning and growing work she needs to do in this life. You don''t want to take that soul-strengthening process away from her. But you also don''t want to continually re-wound her in her hurt places. You need to be her cheerleader, as she is yours. 3. Own your stuff. We all have emotional baggage and issues. Deal with yours and encourage your wife to do the same with hers. Chances are you chose each other because your issues dovetail neatly and you bring them up in each other. Commit to loving yourself and all your flaws, and to gaining a deeper level of self-acceptance. Then simply Be There as your wife struggles to do the same. Do what you can to encourage and help with the process. But if your issues are the Marriage-Killing variety, you may need some outside help in dealing with them. Please, please do not fall into the predictable and all-too-common male trap of refusing to get professional help. If you want to kill your marriage dead, this will do it. You show yourself to be a finer, stronger man when you admit that your stuff could use a little assistance. 4. Speak your heart. Your wife might need some help here, too, because this is truly a tricky one. Most of us allow the poison of judgment and blame to creep in when speaking to our significant others. This is counterproductive. Speaking from the heart means going deep to the feeling place and saying what you know to be deeply true FOR YOU--in other words, make "I" statements rather than "you" statements. Not "You''re thoughtless and selfish because you forgot my birthday," but "I felt so hurt and not cared for when you forgot my birthday." Nobody can argue with an "I" statement. Your feelings are your feelings. Most people get caught in the trap of "I must make them get it! I must make them understand!" You can''t legislate whether or not your partner will really hear you, or how they will react to you if they do. But it is a true balm for the spirit''s wounds for your own deep self to hear you speaking your truest truth, whether the Other hears you or not. 5. Avoid being judgmental. It might help to keep this little maxim in mind: Where there is judgment, there is fear. If you''re feeling massively judgmental of your partner, take it as a golden opportunity to look more deeply to see what''s really eating at you. What triggered you? What old feelings does this situation bring up? Nobody wants to self-expose and show their vulnerability to someone who will shame them for it. Most shamers and blamers are overcompensating for feelings of inferiority, trying to make themselves look better at their partner''s expense. It is far better to face the fact that you are both flawed and messed-up human beings, but capable of self-acceptance. If you have chosen a partner you truly do not respect in an attempt to work out old childhood stuff, this is a Marriage Killer; refer to # 3 above. 6. Be generous and fair. While gender equality in the workplace has made great strides, it is still more than likely that you have more earning power than your female spouse. Do not expect her to pay half of everything if she is earning less than you: make your contributions to shared living expenses proportional to your different incomes. Be as giving as you can be without feeling resentful or put-upon. Take steps to leave her provided for in case anything should happen to you, especially if you are planning to have children. If you have financial worries, share them with your wife. Work together to make your lives as secure as possible. If you do not trust your wife with finances, or if you want to keep what you work for all to yourself, these are potential Marriage-Killing issues that you need to address with a counselor, either individually or as a couple. 7. Think like part of a team. If there is a problem, assume your wife is on your side and wants to work with you to figure out a solution. Your wife is not the enemy. You can work together to problem-solve creatively, and to have more of your legitimate needs met. Nothing warms a woman''s heart like hearing the word "we." Use it often. 8. Be affectionate. While men seem to think women just want hot sex (and we do, make no mistake), it''s actually tenderness and affection we crave even more. Men are often so focused on their own performance that they lose sight of their wife''s need for cuddling and closeness. While an aerobic romp between the sheets can be great, if it is followed by indifference or coldness, any benefits to the system or the partnership are cancelled out in a major way. Sex without vulnerability and closeness is just friction. If you truly do not feel affectionate toward your partner, this is a Marriage-Killing issue you need to look at, and get some professional help with. 9. Own up when you''ve messed up. It takes largeness of heart and spirit to admit when you''ve been in the wrong, to apologize, and to mean it. It is also just about the only thing that helps to heal the hurt you may have unwittingly caused. If you can empathize with what your partner is feeling because of something you have done (or have left undone), and can express your sorrow for it, you will be forgiven. I guarantee. 10. Care about her well-being. People usually get married hoping to get their needs met. In other words, most marriages start out with a selfish desire for one''s own well-being. But somewhere along the way, things need to undergo a radical shift. You need to start caring as much about your wife''s welfare as you do about your own. You must be thoughtful of her health, even when this conflicts with your own personal desires. (An example is the ban on actual sex after childbirth. Good husbands put aside their own needs for their wife''s safety.) Ideally, you begin to think as much about her happiness as you do about your own. I think that stress makes us act bad so baby cant we just get along. I love you and you mean the world to me. I love you sweet heart. this is the website i have been reading http://www.care2.com/channels/lifestyle/bms



小珍珠真是個乖孩子 BBQ結束之後大家作鳥獸散 剩下把拔馬迷和小珍珠三個人 把拔忙著打電動 馬迷忙著整理環境 小珍珠忙著把馬迷整理好的地方弄亂 認真的掃~~~小珍珠長大也要這麼勤勞唷^^忙亂間媽咪聽到小珍珠銀鈴般的笑聲 配合著鏗鈴匡啷東西被摔落在地的聲音 原來 小珍珠模仿著媽咪 一手拿著掃把另一手持笨斗 有模有樣的掃起地來了呢 怕她在剛拖過的地上滑倒 媽咪趕緊搶救小珍珠 把她抱到椅子上並把掃除工具收起來 沒想到大小姐她沒掃過癮 驚聲尖叫著扭動身子溜下長椅又去搶奪掃把組 哎哎 小珍珠 聽說妳媽小的時候也是醬子耶 隨意拿起掃把在地上拖著假裝在掃地 不過長大一點就不願意掃了 (外婆 ="=) 其實很怕被噴到眼睛媽咪只好拿水槍跟她交換試圖轉移注意力 只見她熟練的把水槍反過來拿 毫不猶豫的扣下板機 眼睛眨巴眨巴的 應該是怕被噴到水吧 真是可愛 把拔在一邊得意的說:嘿嘿厲害吧 喔原來把拔早就教過她怎麼玩了啦 見她盡情的玩水槍 甚至還把槍口對準自己的嘴巴 猛力按了下去 呵~~~還好媽咪已經把裡面的水換成飲用水啦 不過小珍珠妳也真誇張耶 裝在水杯裡頭的水不喝 喜歡用這種怪方法喝阿 ~"~ 不管了 反正天氣熱 等下換個衣服就好嘛 媽咪趁機趕緊把工作完成 好不容易坐下來歇歇腿 也把小珍珠溼透的衣服脫下來 她又被衛生紙吸引了注意力 一張一張的抽了出來 一點一點的撕成碎片 哈哈 小珍珠 妳還真會玩哪 她在玩啥 he loves me... he loves me not... he loves me...he loves me not...



在幫B牌的talc powder作廣告嗎媽咪說母奶很棒 有豐富的營養與抗體 可以讓我健健康康 省錢又環保 更可以增進我們母女倆的感情 真是百益而無害呀 所以媽咪一直很堅持餵母奶 果然我從出生到現在 只有莫名奇妙發燒過一次 連生病症狀都沒有就退燒了 映證了母奶真的給寶寶好體質唷 peek a boo我小小隻的時候媽咪都抱著餵躺著餵 到我會翻身會爬爬走時 就自己爬到媽咪身上趴著吸奶 任何角度任何方向都可以吸唷 滿周歲自己會走路後 就自己掀開媽咪的衣服找奶喝 所以媽咪就算睡到昏倒也不怕我餓著 最近我ㄚ 更厲害了 如果媽咪是趴睡壓到ㄋㄟㄋㄟ的話 我還會推她把她翻到正面再進攻唷 出生到週歲左右的我都是胖嘟嘟 豬腳圈都長出來啦 (臉臉胖胖啦,身體是正常尺寸) 出門人家被問是怎麼養的ㄚ 媽咪會驕傲的說 呵~~~我們小珍珠是全母奶寶寶 健康又不癡肥唷 my fair lady雖然健康~~~我不愛吃飯的結果是越來越瘦 於是 爸爸親戚看到我的第一句話就是:阿怎麼又變瘦了 雖然還會再補上一句好可愛 但是已經讓媽媽小難過了 於是 我越來越瘦的謠言漸漸傳到奶奶外婆的耳裡 她們一直對媽咪洗腦 哎唷~~~母奶已經沒營養啦 這個年齡要斷奶啦 吃正常飯菜啦 (胡說!世衛建議餵哺母乳到四歲呢!妳瞧瞧這裡 ) 是的 媽咪有些不爽 但是不爽歸不爽 我食慾不好卻是事實 身高體重也吊在生長曲線圖的車尾也沒錯 好吧 為了我好媽咪還是忍痛決定斷奶啦 看著我瘦不拉基的排骨 軟軟扁扁的肚皮 媽其實覺得不甚滿意啦 動物園從今天開始 剛睡醒的那次母奶要取消 其實老早就在做啦 只是都沒有貫徹執行 我只要委屈的哭哭配合在地上或床上耍賴的翻滾 媽咪就會屈服了 一邊餵奶一邊愛憐的應我的要求抓腳腳 都不知道我的心裡在偷笑 呵~~~我真的比較愛媽咪的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ嘛 不過到確實斷奶可能需要兩週以上的時間吧 可憐的把拔還有可能被趕到其他地方睡覺 因為習慣要夜奶的我一定會哭哭的 我喜歡玩的遊戲 1. 吸奶的時候我喜歡看著媽咪 我會笑瞇瞇的眨一下眼睛 媽咪也會對我眨一下眼睛 我再眨 媽咪也眨 不過她比較厲害會眨單眼 我只會傻笑 2. 抓腳腳抓奶奶 我喜歡媽咪抓我的腳丫丫 輕摳我的腳底指縫 好舒服哪 我說""腳腳""媽咪就懂了 趁著媽咪幫我抓腳腳的機會 偷捏她的乳頭 媽咪說這叫調虎離山計 有點小變態呢 >__



小珍珠第一次去動物園唷 本來還高高興興的看動物 沒想到中午過後就變成給動物看了 真是沒動逃 ~"~ 三個人都曬黑了不少唷 很多動物的柵欄外都掛著個牌子 愛牠,請不要餵牠 呵呵 明天回阿祖家 我也弄個這樣的牌子掛在小珍珠身上吧 一樣米養百種人 天天都有這樣的領悟 懷著小珍珠時跟把拔兩個人去動物園 到了媽咪興奮的夜行性動物館時 有對夫妻帶個坐在推車上的小男孩 那爸爸猛拍玻璃 一直拍 一直用力拍唷~~~ 還跟孩子大聲碎碎念:XX你看,這是某某某動物耶~~~ 真的很討厭 不僅打擾動物 也令人側目 媽咪的雞婆個性又跑出來了 跟他說"先生,請不要拍打玻璃" 這不是媽咪說的 是玻璃上的標語耶 怕他沒看到跟他講而已吧 呵~~~他們一家人裝著沒事快步離開了 事隔一年半 還是有怪咖 我們推著歪腳的推車 就已經很難推心裡在不爽了 沒想到輪子還剛好卡進水溝蓋上的縫 旁邊有個男人笑的很大聲很誇張 媽咪眼角餘光瞄到是一家子大大小小 那男人應該是爸爸的腳色 算了不跟他計較吧 好脾氣的把拔奮力的把推車拉回正路 沒想到才剛起步卻又卡了進去 那男人笑的更大聲更誇張 平常脾氣就很爛的媽咪轉頭問他:很好笑吼?? 有個女人邊笑邊回答:還不錯笑啦! 真是~~~不敢相信耶 就這樣一搭一唱 他們是這樣教小孩的嗎 夫妻倆都是台灣人 在孩子面前卻是如此的作為 反觀當天看到好多外籍新娘 或抱或牽著自己的孩子 一邊問丈夫這是啥麼動物 默唸著一邊學習 更一邊向孩子介紹 他們看起來雖然像再平凡不過的小家庭 整個氣氛卻正常多了 哎~~~說啥麼以後台灣社會變成"新台灣之子"的社會 其實我覺得 如果父母都能像這樣一直陪小朋友 親子間的關係一定很棒 應該也不會有那麼多社會問題吧 外籍新娘又如何 真正糟糕的是只會生不會教也不養的人吧 這次的事件 又是發生在夜行性動物館外 哎 夜行性動物館 你是帶賽嗎 一路上我們看著動物 唔 正確說法是 "陪把拔看動物" 研究牠們的體態 外觀 移動方式 叫聲 其實還挺有趣的耶 把拔的心得:難怪動物圓沒有老人 嘻~~~ 一整天下來其實腿還挺痠的哪 謝謝把拔帶我們去深坑吃豆腐唷 ^0^