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悠閒的高爾夫球島洞灘 Golf Island Cove


媽咪一直想找到Laguna Beach的金銀島 可惜一直因為停車位難找 所以還沒付諸行動 今天托嘿熊熊一家的福 找到去金銀島附近海邊停車的方法 不過我們去的是高爾夫球島洞灘 剛好下午天氣難得也超晴朗 山寨一家就開心地出發了 穿過度假村大片茵綠的草地 因為度假村的景觀管理 整個海岸風景看起來更加怡人 很多家庭就在草地或在野餐桌那悠閒地下午茶 下了木階梯到了高爾夫球島洞灘 山大王和嘿熊熊開心地踏浪玩水 還觀賞了好些沖到沙灘形狀可愛的海帶 山大妞一開始和小米熊各分兩邊玩沙 熊家爸拔還特地去灘邊岩島那抓了隻螃蟹 讓小米熊和山大妞觀賞 玩沙一會兒後來山大妞也忍不住要去踏浪 媽咪牽著她躲浪追浪踏浪 山大妞開心地不得了 後來更放大膽離開媽咪跟著哥哥一起 沒想到兩三下就站不住浪花坐了下來 山大妞跌坐在山大王旁邊 浪一來山大妞就嚇到吃到水 山大王撐扶山大妞一把 媽咪趕緊拉山大妞站起來 吃了幾口海水山大妞大哭起來 媽咪趕緊抱她到海灘巾那坐著幫她擦乾臉 山大妞還是不住啜泣冷得發抖 熊家爸拔帶孩子玩很有一套 又拿了哈密瓜給山大妞吃 山大妞吃著就忘了哭了 一會兒山大妞又願意試試看去踩浪 不過還是冷得發抖沒法盡興玩 已經到六點多了大人孩子們都依依不捨離開海灘 今天雖然是父親節 不過大家卻都沒有慶祝 兩位偉大的爸鼻們更是辛苦地 扛下帶海邊各種用具上下階梯 換得全家開心悠閒的週日海灘遊

Sperling Preserve, Goleta, CA


Ellwood Mesa's sperling Preserve: Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA Ellwood Mesa Protection Celebrated (CA) Contacts: Debra Geiler 415/307-1657 (cell) Mary Menees 415/608-2645 (cell) Carla Frisk 805/350-3811 (cell) City of Goleta Media Contact:805/961-7501 GOLETA, SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, 3/4/05--CA. The Trust for Public Land (TPL), the City of Goleta, and Friends of the Ellwood Coast, along with federal, state, and local elected officials, government agencies, philanthropists, community members and local schoolchildren, will gather on Ellwood Mesa today, March 4 to celebrate the public protection of the 137-acre Ellwood Mesa property. The celebration marks the successful completion of the 30-year effort to protect the much-loved mesa. The City of Goleta assumed official public ownership of the property on February 4. The property has been officially renamed The Sperling Preserve. The Trust for Public Land will designate the Ellwood West grove of the new Sperling Preserve "The California Grove" in honor of Hannah-Beth Jackson's inspired leadership and unwavering dedication to preserving Ellwood Mesa as a living legacy for the people of California. "This day represents the culmination of an heroic effort by this community, the generosity of private donors from all over California and a strong commitment to coastal protection at the local, state and federal government levels," stated Reed Holderman, Executive Director of TPL-CA. "As we celebrate, TPL is continuing to work with our partners to protect other properties along the Gaviota Coast-Southern California's last large undeveloped coastline." In early January, TPL announced that it had reached its $20.4 million goal when an anonymous donor closed the gap by donating the final $307,000. Less than two weeks later, the California Coastal Commission approved the land swap portion of the acquisition and the Comstock Homes development plan. On January 29, 2003, TPL and its local partner, Friends of the Ellwood Coast (FOTEC), launched a private fundraising drive with an initial challenge grant from the Goleta Valley Land Trust of $500,000, followed by an additional $500,000 later that year. A $1 million grant from the Wendy P. McCaw Foundation was announced in May 2003, followed by a $5 million pledge from Peter and Stephanie Sperling in June 2003. All told, nearly $9 million from individuals and foundation had been raised by the community. "My wife Stephanie and I are delighted to have this opportunity to help preserve Ellwood Mesa as open space for future generations," stated Mr. Sperling. "We believe the preservation of Ellwood Mesa's sensitive habitats and open space is essential, and my family is pleased to do our part to help protect this unique portion of the coast from development." Mr. And Mrs. Sperling expressed that they were honored to make this gift because of the thousands of people who have contributed to this effort and the many people who have fought for decades to defend the mesa from development. In December of 2003, the County of Santa Barbara stepped up to the plate and awarded the project a $368,000 Coastal Resource Enhancement Fund grant, which would later be followed by an additional $400,000 grant. In addition, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and U.S. Congresswoman Lois Capps helped to secure nearly $800,000 in federal Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program Funds. "Congratulations to the Trust for Public Land, the Friends of the Ellwood Coast and the City of Goleta for their successful efforts to preserve the beautiful 137-acre property of the Ellwood Mesa," said U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). These lands have such rich plant and wildlife, including some 60,000 migratory butterflies, and now Ellwood Mesa and its scenic coast will be preserved for many generations to come." "As a community, we have a sacred duty to make sure our spectacular and rare natural resources are maintained for generations to come. The acquisition of Ellwood Mesa will guarantee that this environmental and scenic jewel remains available for our residents and tourists to walk, jog, or bird watch for years to come," Congresswoman Capps said. "This project truly represents a federal partnership with both the private sector and state and local governments as we celebrate reaching our goal of preserving and protecting this magnificent property." In 2004, with the strong leadership of then-Assembly Member Hannah-Beth Jackson, the California Wildlife Conservation Board, the State Coastal Conservancy and Caltrans cumulatively contributed $10.5 million to ensure the success of the project. "The protection of Ellwood Mesa stands as a model public-private conservation partnership. The community knew what it wanted and put its money on the table," stated Al Wright, Executive Director of the Wildlife Conservation Board. "The assemblage of several plant communities and habitats for many wildlife species, including the butterfly, made this a worthwhile project." "The Conservancy is proud to partner with all the local residents who gave millions of dollars to make this happen," stated Sam Schuchat, the Conservancy's Executive Officer. "This was a terrific opportunity to add nearly a mile to the California Coastal Trail and preserve a glorious piece of our coast." Ellwood Mesa is located at the eastern gateway to the Gaviota Coast, one of the most significant biological transition zones in the world. This property maintains numerous environmentally sensitive coastal resources onsite, including monarch butterfly habitat, vernal pools and native grasslands. In addition, it is a cherished community asset and is used by local residents to walk, jog, bike, horseback ride, and bird watch and to gain access to the beach. TPL is a national land conservation organization dedicated to conserving land for people as parks, greenways, wilderness areas and natural, historic and cultural resources for future generations. Founded in 1972, TPL has protected more than 1.9 million acres nationwide. The public can find more information about TPL and the Ellwood Mesa property and campaign on-line, at www.tpl.org/cal. Central Coast Program Photo: Rich Reid The Trust for Public Land's Central Coast Program works to protect the irreplaceable resources of the California Coast in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties, encompassing almost 400 miles of coastline. Since 1985, TPL has protected more than 35,000 acres throughout these counties, including landscapes along both the historic Big Sur Coast and the biologically rich Gaviota Coast in Santa Barbara County. The unrivaled beauty, scenic vistas, and agricultural heritage of the Central Coast define the region's character. But in many places, these open spaces, working farms and ranches, and critical habitat are rapidly disappearing. Protection of these critical natural areas is more important than ever, both for coastal communities and for California as a whole. A Vision for California's Central Coast TPL's vision for California's spectacular coastal heritage includes protected, unspoiled beaches and far-reaching coastal trails; bountiful farms and ranches; free flowing streams and rivers that are home to native Coho and steelhead; protected habitat corridors stretching from the mountains to the sea; easy access to open space for every community; and protected cultural and historic landmarks. The Trust for Public Land's Central Coast Program works to protect the irreplaceable resources of the California Coast in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties, encompassing almost 400 miles of coastline. Since 1985, TPL has protected more than 35,000 acres throughout these counties, including landscapes along both the historic Big Sur Coast and the biologically rich Gaviota Coast in Santa Barbara County. The unrivaled beauty, scenic vistas, and agricultural heritage of the Central Coast define the region's character. But in many places, these open spaces, working farms and ranches, and critical habitat are rapidly disappearing. Protection of these critical natural areas is more important than ever, both for coastal communities and for California as a whole. A Vision for California's Central Coast TPL's vision for California's spectacular coastal heritage includes protected, unspoiled beaches and far-reaching coastal trails; bountiful farms and ranches; free flowing streams and rivers that are home to native Coho and steelhead; protected habitat corridors stretching from the mountains to the sea; easy access to open space for every community; and protected cultural and historic landmarks.



今天朋友約在池邊烤肉派對 慶祝好朋友的baby shower 山大王和山大妞也曾經去過這裡的playground 這是一個很新社區 因為朋友的朋友住這 所以我們很幸運可以到這個新社區游泳池邊烤肉 朋友們很辛苦地從家裡搬來一堆 沙拉水果果汁冰塊和BBQ醃好的肉 山寨一家在山大妞春季表演完 回家休息一下才過來 就又可以大快朵頤 很謝謝兩位烤肉的Uncles 山大王和山大妞頗喜歡這裡的遊戲場 這裡的景觀整理的很優雅 山大王尤其愛跑來跑去 玩轉圈圈的單槓 爸鼻特別準備一台遙控吉普車讓小男生玩 山大妞則因為有好些她從來沒見過的大人 所以一直巴著媽咪的裙子不敢讓媽咪離開她的視線 山大王和Eric玩得很起勁 媽咪帶山大妞回停車場到車上換衣服時 山大王為了追落入游泳池的遙控吉普車 居然不顧自己不會游泳 想把遙控吉普車拉回結果跌入游泳池成為落湯雞 這個6'9"深的游泳池 連媽咪都會碰不到底 爸鼻當時沒注意到落水的山大王 還好Eric爸拔就在旁邊 趕緊伸出援手把還沒沉水的山大王拉上岸 撿回小命一條 媽咪幫山大妞換好衣服 正要準備離開車上 看見爸鼻領著落湯雞山大王來換衣服 才知道意外發生 Eric家和Linda都把他們備用的衣服借給山大王 真是謝謝大家的幫忙 讓這場意外沒有釀成悲劇 也讓媽咪決定山大王這暑假非得學游泳 還有到有游泳池的地方如果不能緊盯著小孩 還是不要帶遙控吉普車吧



2001 長在側院的六棵龐得羅莎樹伸展得十分翠綠 不但碰到山寨家屋子的牆壁 也碰到隔壁鄰居屋子的牆壁 好幾次爸鼻媽咪問鄰居要不要修長過圍牆那邊的樹 鄰居都很不在意說 其實他們蠻喜歡這幾棵樹伸展過去的 但是每每焚風聖塔安娜秋冬發作時 樹枝末摩擦窗戶牆壁發出聒聒沙沙聲 還有樹幹隨風大搖大擺時 山寨老爺就不得不擔心 強壯的樹幹弄壞圍牆或玻璃 也擔心樹根亂竄破壞屋子地下的水管 2009 今天山寨老爺了了個心願 把兩棵長了有八、、九年的龐得羅莎樹砍倒 其實這兩棵樹是最後還沒被砍過的兩棵 以前媽咪都很不喜歡爸鼻說要修樹 因為媽咪主張修樹但爸鼻覺得每年修樹很麻煩 乾脆砍掉乾淨 山寨老爺覺得本來側院窄就不該樹種那麼密 但是前任屋主賣房前才種的樹苗 過了三、四年每棵都亭亭玉立 綠樹蔭濃不但遮住半邊側院 讓和鄰居家的圍牆邊多了清風樹影的遮蔭 也帶來鳥兒鳴唱 媽咪每次聽到爸鼻說要砍樹心裡都一陣憂愁 但是媽咪也不得不承認樹大招風的隱憂 媽咪找來修樹的園丁估價也都要上百美金的工作 媽咪自己也不懂得修樹 只好有勞爸鼻週末花時間鋸樹修樹 前年和去年爸鼻就砍斷三四棵樹 都是那種讓媽咪心痛的大斬腰 粗重的主幹曬乾還當過木材 在天冷時放進屋子火爐燒過一次 但是樹的靭性也真的蠻強的 不但到春天又長出嫩芽樹幹樹枝 也從旁邊地表又長出緊靠的小小的兄弟樹 所以這次爸鼻砍樹媽咪雖然還是很心疼但是就比較釋懷 大小兩隻見到爸鼻把鋸子電鋸繩子都拿出來 好像大事要發生了也很興奮 山大王平常很喜歡攀著樹枝玩猴戲跳著玩 山大妞和哥哥兩個都喜歡剪樹的小枝葉玩 樹蔭下更曾是山大王和山大妞最愛玩沙的地方 媽咪還和山大王還曾一起用紙箱紙板 加上這顆樹的小樹枝做了個木紙鳥窩 掛垂在樹幹間 可惜從未有小鳥傾睞搬進來過 冬天下大雨把木紙鳥窩浸濕後 媽咪就把這個空屋出讓給垃圾桶了 爸鼻爬上梯子用鋸刀手鋸花嘩啦嘎吱嘎啦地 切開三分之一然後又用電鋸切入至三分之二深 就在樹幹間綁了長繩後到水泥地上使勁地拉 粗大的樹頂濃密的枝葉就嘩啦應聲倒地 山大王原本很反對鋸樹的抱怨現在也興奮起來 看著倒在草地上的樹堆連忙鑽去叢林中 說很像至身在亞馬遜雨林裏 還說他看到Leprechaun從樹間跑走了 山大妞也開心地跟著哥哥在樹幹間彈跳爬來爬去 整個下午大小兩隻都忙著撿小樹枝 山大王拿了塑膠盒子裝起來 和妹妹辛苦收集來的小樹枝 山大王說要四月底參加Family twilight camp用的 兩個人在草地上的樹枝節間 曬紅了臉頰開心地邊說唱邊玩 媽咪喚他們進來都不肯 偶爾進來上個廁所 順便喝水吃點心當午餐後 又連忙躲進樹叢間玩 到下午山大妞都不願意去午睡 爸鼻媽咪最後決定趕緊趁山大妞沒電前 帶孩子去吃crazy chicken-El Pollo Loco 最後山大妞還是撐到七點半才入睡 願她夢裡變成樹仙子在神奇樹堆間夢遊仙境

“Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish. How many pieces do you wish?”


How to Play the Bubble Gum Counting Game By JustSew, eHow Editor Children use this simple counting game in order to choose a player who is “it” for a game such as tag, or to determine who goes first in a group game. The bubble gum counting game can be fun for children, and it can help them practice basic counting skills. To play the bubble gum counting game, the players first have to pick one person to do the counting. The same player may do the counting throughout the game, or the players may take turns doing the counting. Instructions Difficulty: Easy Step 1 Choose one player to be the counter. Step 2 Have all the players sit in a circle and hold out both hands in the shape of fists. As the counter, you hold out only one fist. Step 3 Tap each player’s hand while reciting, “Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish. How many pieces do you wish?” As you work your way around the circle, you may tap a hand for each word or each syllable, or whatever rhythm seems to flow comfortably with the phrase. You should also tap your own free hand, and you may tap the place where your other hand would be if you were not counting. Step 4 Have the player whose hand you tapped during the word “wish” choose a number. You may want to limit the wisher’s selection to numbers between 1 and 10, or numbers that you can reasonably count. Step 5 Tap the hands again, following the same order, the number of times chosen by the wisher. Tap one hand for each number. Step 6 Have the player whose hand is tapped during the last number take his or her hand out of the circle. This player’s hand is “out” and cannot be it. Step 7 Repeat the game until only one hand is left in the circle. This player is the winner, and gets to be “it” or first during the game. Tips & Warnings Counting games like the bubble gum game work best with children who are too young to calculate how it will turn out, based on the numbers they choose. If the children have difficulty choosing one player to start the counting, you may want to use a different choosing game, such as pick a number or drawing straws, to get them started. They can then use the bubble gum game to continue their selection. Remind the children that they should be gently tapping, not hitting, each other’s hands.

Halloween Night! 萬聖節之夜


今年山大王仍然想當蝙蝠 媽咪只要把以前做的蝙蝠配件縫在新的衣帽上即可 幫山大妞買了花仙子的服裝 也幫山大妞縫了一個trick-or-treat的袋子 山大妞喜歡橘色可是 花仙子的服裝特價時沒有山大妞的尺寸 所以媽咪想自己買大改小試試看 最後因為這週很忙沒時間就作罷 山大王上幼稚園後萬聖節慶祝 似乎變成很多很多的小小活動 不過山大王這週在學校表現不佳 爸鼻媽咪不讓他去學校的Boo Bash 也不讓他去參觀妹妹學校的萬聖節遊行 不過逛南瓜田和萬聖節當天晚上的活動可都沒有錯過 學校這週因為家長和老師秋季面談 所以只有三天上課其中兩天還少上半小時 媽咪也省得這週到學校幫忙 但是每天上課山大王都會帶回萬聖節相關的糖果小玩具 其實除了鉛筆外媽咪不是很喜歡這些 品質很不好大陸生產的小玩具 偏偏小朋友拿到都會很開心 老師家長也因為這些便宜買來"送"小朋友玩 每次山大妞山大王玩一玩就丟在地上 這些小玩具又很容易壞 也沒什麼教育價值 養成孩子不懂珍惜玩具或玩具自己做的壞習慣 因小失大 每次萬聖節晚上媽咪都特別忙 要先準備晚餐早一點餵飽大小兩隻 還要準備萬聖節糖果燈火 請爸鼻早點回家 可是往年媽咪都很開心的為孩子準備這些 今年媽咪卻提不起勁來 像去年帶山大王繞完整個街裝滿他的糖果桶 只有請爸鼻代勞帶大小兩隻去要糖 等到六點半還沒有小小孩來爸鼻 就先帶蝙蝠山大王及花仙子山大妞出門 今年媽咪拿了黃色的清潔橡皮手套 上面滴了鮮紅的蠟燭油捧著糖果盒在家應門小鬼要糖 還做了巫婆手指起司餅乾和巧克力椰絲稻草堆 等大小兩隻要糖回來爸鼻去洗澡 山大王和山大妞繼續和媽咪一起應門 之間媽咪還唸完一本Magic Tree House- Pirate of Caribbean給山大王聽 撐到八點半才關燈結束萬聖節之夜 Witches fingers 巫婆手指起司餅乾 Coconut Chocolate Haystacks 巧克力椰絲稻草堆 杏仁豆腐