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FW: Middle class living on the edge?


Middle class living on the edge? Could your family absorb the financial strain of a job loss or medical emergency? A Democrat-funded think tank says most families' economic risks are growing. By Debora Vrana The middle class today is less prepared for an economic emergency, such as losing a job or visiting an emergency room, than at any time since the late 1970s, concludes a new study from a political think tank in Washington, D.C., that's funded by Democrats. "Middle Class in Turmoil," produced by the Center for American Progress and the Service Employees International Union, mines data from the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, census records and other sources to paint a picture of increasing peril for those in the middle 60% of income distribution, about $18,000 to $88,000. Despite a growing economy, a rising stock market and stronger corporate earnings that are helping the rich get richer, the middle class in America is caught in an unprecedented squeeze that makes it increasingly unstable, the study's authors say. The financial declines each year since 2001 have been dramatic, they report: Income for middle-class families has remained stagnant or flat since 2001. Prices for big-ticket items -- housing, health care, college education and transportation -- have skyrocketed, leaving families unable to save. Middle-class families are borrowing record amounts of money to pay their monthly bills. "Families are being forced to live beyond their means, just to pay for the basics, such as housing and health care," said Christian Weller, a senior economist for the Center for American Progress, which is headed by John Podesta, a former Clinton-administration chief of staff. "They are not only spending their current income but all their future income." Researchers frame their conclusions in terms of risk: Would you be able to keep your home for even three months if the family breadwinner became unemployed? Just 28.8% of middle-class families could sustain themselves through a spell of joblessness in 2004, the most recent year for data, compared with 39.2% in 2001, the study says. Do you have the cash reserves to pay for a medical emergency? With double-digit increases in health-insurance costs for most of this decade, it's no surprise that the number of Americans without insurance rose by 1.3 million last year, up to 46.6 million people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The cost of family health insurance is up nearly 90% since 2000, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit organization. The study says only 22.3% of middle-class families could cope with the $3,013 average cost of a small medical emergency, such as treatment for a broken ankle. That's down from the nearly 35% that could handle such an expense in 2001. Do you have three months of income put away for a rainy day? Just 18.3% of middle-class families -- those with dual incomes earning from $18,500 to $88,030 -- in 2004 had accumulated wealth equal to three months' worth of income, a drop from the nearly 29% who had such savings in 2001. The number is expected to be even lower now. "People are incredibly anxious, and families are stressed out. We're seeing too many families passing like ships in the nights in the driveway," said Andy Stern, the head of the Service Employees International Union, the largest and fastest-growing union in the United States. "The rising tide is not raising all boats -- only luxury liners. It's not building the kind of America that any of us want." To maintain day-to-day consumption, Americans are taking on record amounts of consumer debt, researchers say -- $5.2 trillion since 2001. In June 2006, families took on debt equivalent to 129% of their disposable incomes, a big increase from the 96% in March 2001. Many homeowners are tapping into the equity in their homes, assuming more debt to pay for escalating energy and health-care costs. Falling home prices could force many of these middle-class families into foreclosure or back into apartments. Middle-class families are also struggling with the ballooning costs of higher education. The total cost of tuition, fees, and room and board at four-year public colleges has increased 44% in the past four years. A political football Expect the financial condition of the middle class to become a critical issue in the November elections, say Democrats, even though Republicans have assailed the new study, arguing the concern is overblown. "Let's not kid ourselves. The data say we're wealthy. And we're one of the wealthiest nations on Earth," said Tim Kane, a director at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C. "You can make a case that there is increased inequality, with the rich getting richer, but I don't think there is increased poverty." But some economists and others, such as Lou Dobbs, a CNN commentator, are increasingly calling for public-policy action to alleviate financial stresses on the middle class. Dobbs has made the subject a key focus of his on-air commentary, calling the slipping condition of this group nothing less than "class warfare." One family feeling the pinch is the Andrew Miller family in Charleston, S.C. With a combined income of just less than $100,000 a year, Miller and his wife say they work harder than ever but are no better off than five years ago. They keep a tight rein on spending, but tiny raises that don't match inflation and escalating health costs are leaving them feeling like they are treading water. "The (medical) co-pays have jumped to $25 for each visit," said Miller, who has two daughters, ages 10 and 8. "Luckily, we have pretty healthy kids. But our premiums are also going up. We're just getting squeezed here." Middle-class security indicators 1. Year Have 3 months' income set aside 2. Can cover jobless spell 3. Can cover medical emergency 1989 21.2% 35.0% Not available 1992 16.7% 25.3% Not available 1995 24.5% 36.0% 32.4% 1998 22.6% 33.1% 29.2% 2001 28.8% 39.2% 34.8% 2004 18.3% 28.8% 22.3% Sources: Center for American Progress and Service Employees International Union

2007 媽咪玫瑰熱


雖然生活忙 但也不忘追求生活的樂趣 以下是媽咪種的玫瑰 每年十月玫瑰的目錄就出爐 媽咪就又開始感染玫瑰熱 到聖誕節前後就開始逛園藝店找尋今年要種的玫瑰 每一年都買幾株 媽咪分析自己每年買的原因 想要種的顏色香味及品種 還有設計她們在花園的位置 以下是目前山寨花園有的玫瑰 十月玫瑰還是盛開 媽咪喜歡剪來瓶插 山大妞看到瓶花也會伸手"打花"喔 "Double Delight" "Secret" "Angle Face"; "Regatta" "Honor" AARS 1980. Extra-large, pure white blooms are held atop large, vigorous plants. One of the finest white roses available today. The flowers have up to 25 petals with a sweet, tea fragrance. Good disease resistance. "Blue Girl" "Fragrant keepsake" 還有不知品種的黃玫瑰樹, 及猜是"Just Joey" Gemini 今年初種的;像是爸鼻媽咪結婚時用的玫瑰 AARS 2000. Well-shaped, cream-colored buds will blush to a lovely coral pink as the flowers slowly unfurl. No twins here as each flower is uniquely colored. The flowers have up to 30 petals with a light sweet fragrance. Good disease resistance. Chrysler Imperial 今年初種的 AARS 1953. Deep, rich velvety red flowers are combined with a rich hypnotic perfume that has made this rose one of the all-time greats. The flowers have up to 50 petals with a very strong rose fragrance. Good disease resistance. Tropicana 今年初種的 AARS 1963. A rose with a world-renowned reputation. Well-formed blossoms of a bright coral orange. The flowers have up to 35 petals with a sweet, fruity fragrance. Fair disease resistance. Mary Magdalene (2007年要試種David Austin) Growing to 16 ft. tall with a 3-foot spead. Sumptuous soft ivory-pink that seems to glow in the garden. The old-fashioned bloosoms consist of very silky petals that surround a button of many smaller petals. The flowers have up to 100 petals with s strong tea fragrance. Good disease resistance. Named after the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Albrighton, England. Jardins de Bagatelle (Les Jardins de Bagatelle) The creamy-pink flowers are tipped with deeper pink markings. The flowers are so fragrant that one plant can perfume a whole garden. The foliage is a deep, lush green and blossoms with up to 40 petals. Fair disease resistance. Melody Parfumee Deep plum buds open to blooms of rich lavender which soften as the flower ages to delicate silvery hues. Plants are tall and clothed in lush green foliage. The flowers have up to 30 petals with an intense, old-rose fragrance. Good disease resistance. Wed



公司因為媽咪懷孕後就立刻發佈"產期離職警報" 已從去年到現在加了四個人; 其中三人各負責媽咪部分工作 包括兩個經理級職務 和兩位實際業務執行 媽咪真是懷疑自己以前是如何一人兼四人工作的 不過總算鬆了一口氣 在六月下旬所有代職人都陸續補齊了 剩三個星期的交接也夠了 希望坐月子時不要再接到公司急call 也不需像上次生山大王那次 進產房當天早上還上班到中午 生產只休自己三週vacation 根本沒有所謂的產假 坐月子還未滿一個月就回公司上班 可憐山大王三週大就得去褓姆那 媽咪一天還要抽空關起辦公室三四次 做山大王ㄋㄟㄋㄟ便當好隔天帶去給褓姆餵 希望這次好好調養身體; 照顧小小北鼻全母奶帶大 也多些時間和山大王一起過寒暑假 等到2008一月再找新工作 今天行程也是半天 媽咪早上睡到7:30來不及 在山大王和爸鼻出門前做愛心午餐 可憐山大王爹兩包泡麵就可解決 但媽咪中午前可以做好山大王愛心午餐 去公司前順便送到山大王學校 這真是最豪華的熱騰騰愛心午餐了 媽咪今日豪華熱騰騰愛心午餐有 1. 白油桃一顆去籽切片 結果: 山大王自己去皮全部吃光光 2. 白花椰蛋花波菜湯麵 結果: 媽咪可是用四隻全蝦和雞湯塊煮出豪華湯 再加營養的波菜麵,白花椰,及蛋花 想說特地送去可以加山大王喜歡的"蛋花湯" 不料山大王說不喜歡"綠綠"麵 又沒把媽咪精心準備的主菜吃光了@___@ 3. 清燙甜蝦小黃瓜沙拉: 全蝦川燙後剝殼去頭 小黃瓜刨絲浸甜蝦汁 結果: 山大王吃3/4 媽咪滿意程度: 70分



雖然離小小北鼻預產期還有兩個半月 但爸鼻說他有nesting的感覺已經超過一個月呢 我們開玩笑說下次產檢時也要問問OB 爸鼻也有噗噗不順和nesting的症狀如何解決... 不過媽咪選在離職前兩個月的育兒心情 倒不是擔心爸鼻啦 而是要回應自己決定當全職媽媽至少18個月的心情 簡單來說就是發發牢騷咩~ 一方面對workplace對媽咪的福利不足感到不平 另一方面對於未來理財計畫也感到茫然 儘管對公司HR制度不健全 經營管理的方式微詞不斷 對於一個在公司呆了四年要離職的人來說 這些抱怨最好自己碎碎唸就好 反正公司也不是我開的 反倒媽咪決定要開始買這本書來看 "Work Less, Live More: The New Way to Retire Early" 希望能真正開始好好經營自己生活 當下第一要務就是為 兩個孩子及將來老夫老妻的生活學理財 首先就是將match少得可憐的Simple IRA 存到一年最滿的極限 這樣剩下的幾次薪水大概繳不了多少稅 也進不了口袋啦 再來得為新生兒的裏裏扣扣大小花費而做計畫 雖然是第二胎但相隔三年半 很多山大王用過的東西也不適合再用個兩年 困難是我們還不知道小小北鼻的性別 真是很難去選購顏色呢 不過就算小小北鼻是女生的話 媽咪也早已經接收一年前 和小小北鼻差不多時間出生的 Adele她第一年的衣服囉 媽咪在生山大王前計畫了一張清單 除了衣服絕對有恩典牌可穿之外 寶寶也會自己帶來母奶喔 而且媽咪也買好哺乳衣 ㄚ蔚姨會幫媽咪買束腹帶 pump in style擠奶器, 兩條揹巾應該還可以用 剩下就是考慮小北鼻睡哪啦 比較麻煩是山大王和爸鼻媽咪 一起同睡兩張大床的習慣 常常山大王一晚從king爬到queen 半夜再從queen滾到king 現在若是分開睡真是擔心山大王跌到床下 山大王從小就是只有睡放在地上的床墊 晚上睡覺練功是屬於"多兒滾派"的 常常到現在睡覺還是會踢到爸鼻媽咪 但若不買小北鼻床 恐怕粗魯的三歲哥哥 不小心傷到新生幼兒可就慘囉 還有幫寶寶加入健保及申請護照也是一項重要的事 健保這就交給爸鼻辦囉 護照也得取好名字再說 還希望生產前可以全家一起去旅行一下 每次媽咪計畫都被爸鼻推翻 一想到無名火就上來 所以也推給爸鼻去計畫囉 到懷孕第三期又開始常常睡不好 還有生產計劃媽咪都還沒開始想 拉拉雜雜碎碎唸一推 不外花錢存錢和如何開源節流 一個人腦袋真是裝不下 這陣子偶有頭痛生氣的情形 總是一見到山大王天使般的快樂天真 頭痛生氣就雲消霧散 要是山大王當時也不乖 媽咪可是會擺出撲克皇后臉喔 可憐爸鼻只好多擔當囉



第二胎懷孕 媽咪不像第一胎那麼小心 從第二孕期轉第三孕期 媽咪的好胃口逐漸因為吃ㄧ點就會很脹 而無法多吃 但是還是放棄不了 早晨一杯咖啡 媽咪最喜歡幫爸鼻泡早上的咖啡 幫山大王準備營養早餐 其實山大王一家喝咖啡可以說 只有一點點小挑剔 雖然我們並不十分酗咖啡 但真的要戒咖啡也是登天一件難事 去外面爸鼻媽咪很少點咖啡 連以前還沒有山大王時 兩人開車去旅行都要自備咖啡壺、咖啡豆、磨豆機 除了杯子帶著旅行易碎我們並不講究之外 其他和咖啡有關的奶精糖和水 我們也帶著上路 平常我們都是喝Costco買的阿拉伯香草薰咖啡 但咖啡裏很少加調味糖漿 媽咪也不時趁超市特價時 選購$5.99一磅的不同產地的咖啡 除了榛果,夏威夷果, 巧克力或英國太妃調味的咖啡外 衣索比亞, 牙買加, 哥倫比亞三個不同產地的咖啡 常常也讓嚐慣阿拉伯咖啡的我們有不同的香氣驚喜 山大王都知道爸鼻媽咪喝咖啡 他喝果汁或香草有機豆漿(有時是巧克力豆漿) 這就是山大王一家除了水之外慣有的飲料 山大王會跟著媽咪說的 "我還太小不能喝咖啡" "這是爸鼻的咖啡" "我要幫爸鼻磨咖啡" 山大王一家開車經過路口的Starbucks 山大王不是大喊咖啡 他是說"ice cream!" 因為山大王一家在山大王出生後 只有在starbucks 拿過免費咖啡冰淇淋 山大王以為那是吃冰淇淋的地方 早餐有了現磨沖泡的咖啡 再油膩的培根蛋餅或 奶油裹上的越式法國麵包 或是加上甜膩果醬的吐司 都變得滑膩順口 有咖啡香氣瀰漫的早餐 讓焦躁的星期一早上可以 循序漸進準時出門 這就是媽咪懷孕時還難以戒咖啡的原因吧

Disposable American vs Birth Tourism from Asia


最近媽咪常在想自己到底是保守派還是自由派 兩則最近的新聞讓媽咪思考其中的相關性 Disposable American: 摘錄 Americans Idle reviewed by Brad DeLong, a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and a former deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at the Treasury Department. THE DISPOSABLE AMERICAN: Layoffs and Their Consequences.By Louis Uchitelle. There are numerous costs associated with layoffs that are not measured by their effects on the corporation's bottom line: it's not only workers who get a great deal of the cash flow from a highly efficient productive operation; so do national, state and local governments, as well as businesses in the region that live off the purchases of the workers who are about to be laid off. Uchitelle does not want to forbid all mass layoffs. "Some," he writes, "are inevitable as American companies adjust to the growing competition from abroad." His real wish is for managers to treat their workers as partners and fellow human beings, rather than as potentially obsolete and disposable parts in the corporate money-making machine. But when demand and industrial structure are shifting rapidly, there is a great deal of money to be made by treating workers as disposable parts rather than as partners. Birth Tourism from Asia: 摘錄from Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement The federation is especially critical of what it calls anchor babies, whom mothers arrange to have in the United States with the hope that the child will later help the entire family immigrate. Under the law, a U.S. citizen cannot sponsor anyone for immigration purposes until the would-be immigrant reaches the age of 21, but according to Martin, the long wait is not a deterrent. Under South Korean law, children can have both Korean and U.S. citizenship, but they must choose between them when they turn 18. But that could change. American births have become so popular among the privileged that Koreans are starting to complain that soon only the children of the poor will serve in the army. Having U.S. citizens in the family has also become something of a political liability for public figures. 移民美國小孩的問題 Anchor babies是父母用旅遊簽證到美國生他成為美國公民 以逃避自己國家的:軍役,過重的升學壓力, 想等以後小孩大了到18歲後 可以送到美國來受教育, 順便幫一家人申請親屬移民 以南韓,台灣,香港來美生產坐月子的媽咪居多 Parachuted kids是所謂以旅遊簽證 非法過期居留的小留學生 父母可能托親友照顧或 兩地跑讓孩子受美國教育



本來去年感恩節前後想和鄰居想合起一起修牆的 媽咪本來想把北邊圍牆和南邊圍牆修好 冬末春初就可以一株果樹一株玫瑰地種起來 但鄰居們一戶接一戶牆牆相連大家都想修牆 又年末大家休假出遊不易聚在一起討論 還要申請HOA同意 再加上媽咪也懷孕了 於是就無止盡地拖延下去囉 但是從十月到二月這段時間 是媽咪發玫瑰燒的季節 不是真的生病啦 只是這是選新種的淨根玫瑰最好季節 媽咪瘋迷玫瑰香; 愛戀玫瑰色 就像Spring Fever 中的 Rose fever呢 媽咪拿著型錄癡癡地研讀每種玫瑰的特色 到網路上查看每種玫瑰的照片 十二月底一月中就會跑各處的花圃比價看他們新進的貨 今天秋冬媽咪都沒空花心思整理院子種新的植物 後院薰衣草茂盛了兩年 就在今年夏末秋初枯萎 媽咪也還沒有親自幫玫瑰好好修撿 但是還是不免想要尋求新的dream rose 就像山大王老是喜歡"New engine" (新的引擎/火車)一樣 然後很快樂又高興地說: "我有Spencer; 我有Emily; 我有Toby; 我有Thomas; 我有Percy; 我有Gorden; 還有Terence!" 媽咪也有 "Double Delight" "Secret" "Angle Face"; "Regatta" "Honor" "Blue Girl" "Fragrant keepsake" 還有不知品種的黃玫瑰樹, 及猜是"Honey Perfume" 還有豔粉紅; 和紅色的玫瑰樹 當然重點是2006媽咪的玫瑰熱有以下在shopping list上: 選以下顏色各一種玫瑰: 1. 珊瑚紅提名的有: Tropicana: Fluorescent Orange-red, Non-fading, fluorescent orange-red blooms. Long stems. Fragrance of raspberry and lime. Tropicana Gemini: This sublime 2000 AARS winner boasts excellent flower form, luscious color and strong vigor. As blossoms mature, the lovely coral intensifies, adding to the beauty of this trouble-free rose. Spellbound Like its popular parents (Ingrid Bergman and Pristine), this outstanding flower makes a fine exhibition rose. Mesmerizing in deep coral to coral pink, the high-centered graceful blossoms are a gardener's dream both in the landscape and in the vase. With excellent form and substance — you'll find this hearty, disease-resistant marvel irresistible. Exceptional performance all season long! Light Spicy! 2. 豔粉紅色提名的有: Aromatherapy: Perfect pink buds and blossoms sweeten the air with a powerful aroma – and an upright, well-branched bush produces them in abundance. Extremely long-lasting in fresh-cut bouquets. Strong Fruity! Sheila's Perfume: Fabulous fragrance combined with spectacular color will make this rose a must for every garden. The bright yellow petals are highlighted with a deep pink edging. Flowers are presented singly on long straight stems suitable for cutting. The flowers have up to 25 petals with a strong, rose and fruit fragrance. Good disease resistance. Sweet Surrender: AARS 1983. You will surrender willingly once you have sampled her delicious fragrance and gazed upon her classic form. Icy-pink blooms are produced in abundance on long stems. The flowers have up to 45 petals with a strong, rose fragrance. Good disease resistance. 2. 紫色提名的有: Intrigue: One of the best for bouquets – exotic color, lovely form, intense fragrance, and long stems. Heirloom: Richly fragrant blooms are borne singly and in clusters. Magenta lightens to lilac. Sweet-rose scent always commands a second whiff.