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為了這次初次自己離家和全橘郡的童軍露營 爸鼻媽咪跑了幾次REI和掛在網上幫他準備了 輕又好用的鋁架背包和羽絨睡袋 為了就是讓背在身上的家當總重量 最多可以在40公斤左右還可以健行 星期五晚上五點集合 媽咪很早就準備晚餐讓他吃飽才出門 妹妹也要跟去送哥哥 所以爸鼻帶了大小兩隻去停車場集合 媽咪心裡擔心氣象預報會晚上下雨 本來在考慮買哪個睡袋時就賭南加很少下大雨 所以為了輕暖起見還是買了貴鬆鬆的羽絨睡袋 但也不是買最貴的所以不太防水 果然傍晚起大風半夜還下大雨 是平常不常見的淅瀝嘩啦那種暴雨 好幾個童軍的媽媽們臉書都囉唆擔心起來 怕孩子淋濕在風雨中固定那小小的帳篷 媽媽也睡不著半夜起來關門窗看雨勢 事實上山大王和好友Nico聊天到十二點 Nico先睡著山大王也跟著睡 但他還是聽到風雨交加又濕濕的感覺 可是他們兩個的帳篷沒被風掀起 而且帳篷也是年長的童軍搭好的 看來他是很開心覺得自己又長大些 山大王新加入的小隊只有兩個是幼童軍升上來 其他個級的老軍帶小軍都還過度保護他們 山大王一向不怕生所以我們也不必太擔心 "A big shout out to the Bear Sharks or Sea Bears as they are now calling themselves as they took 2nd place as the Top Patrol in the competition for our District! Congratulations Scouts!!" 天外插句隊長說的山大王這隊“熊鯊”或”海熊“還獲得全區第二名的“尋找營救墜落飛機”比賽 哈哈真是殊有榮焉 只可惜星期六晚上十點就接到營隊來電說 因為營區抽水馬達零件壞掉 全隊為安全起見決定打道回府 請家長午夜十二點到教會停車場接回自家小孩 哇這令人忐忑不安的消息 又是半夜接人 派爸鼻去把小子接回來 山大王雖然累壞了但精神還OK 因為他平常晚睡習慣了 據爸鼻說其他同期小朋友都兩眼渙散快睡著了 山大王還會回到家自己說要洗個“熱水澡” 洗完頭髮也沒吹乾濕濕的就倒頭睡床上了 媽咪又很雞婆地拿吹風機到他房間 幫他把頭吹乾再放他睡去 下個月五年級又要去劍頭湖附近的科學營 媽咪才知道山大王又交了一個今年才從菲律賓轉學來的好朋友 兩個人室友申請第一個就填對方 就這樣開始山大王青少年獨立日記吧



Start: May 31 2013 - 3:00pm End: Jun 2 2013 - 11:00am Location: O’Neill Regional Park / 30892 Trabuco Canyon Road Trabuco Canyon, California 92678 Event Details: Come out and camp as a family with Pack 700. Grad Camp is a fun camp out with the pack, filled with both Den and Pack activities. Saturday night will be our annual graduation ceremony .... You won't want to miss this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scouts - Cub Scouts are free and will receive a free Grad Camp 2013 T-Shirt. Adults & Siblings are $10 each ($10.30 pay pal) and includes Saturday Pack lunch & dinner, plus Sunday breakfast. Note: The fee is a flat $10 per person, whether you stay for the entire weekend or less. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Details: Plan on Friday dinner & Saturday breakfast with your Den. The Pack will provide lunch & dinner on Saturday, plus breakfast on Sunday. Parking is limited. One parking pass per family. You cannot purchase additional passes. You may go in & out. The Pack is paying for the camp site & parking. We have 3 areas with fire pits reserved. Please look for your group and set up accordingly. Plan on arriving between 3:00-5:00pm. Arriving before dark to set up camp is best (no lights). Opening Flag ceremony at 5:30pm. Leaders will pass out Grad Camp T-shirts on Friday at camp. There are full bathrooms with showers. No electricity. What to Bring: Each family to bring one bundle of firewood for the campfire Bring NEW RANK HAT & HANDBOOK for your Scout / New scarf and slide will be provided by the Pack. Bring Current Scout Hat & Class A Uniform Your Camping Gear & Personal Items You may wish to bring snacks and drinks for in-between meals (if needed). What to Wear: Current Scouts Hats (to identify Scouts) Friday: Class B (Pack 700 T-shirt / Hat / Pants or Shorts of your choice) Saturday: Class B (Grad Camp T-shirt / Hat / Pants or Shorts of your choice) Saturday Evening: Class A Closed toed shoes at all times. We will post an agenda closer to Grad Camp date. Look for Bob Stuarts hiking sign-up ... coming soon! Space is limited. Hope to see you there for a fun and exciting weekend.