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1. 哥哥彈給阿公聽的威利旺卡歡迎曲 哥哥彈奏電影巧克力冒險工廠的"威利旺卡歡迎曲" (Wily Wonka Welcome Song) from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/movieinfo_main.html/id=1333 妹妹幫忙翻琴譜 故事是從童書作家羅爾德達爾的經典小說《巧克力工廠的秘密》來的,故事的主角是古怪的巧克力製造商威利旺卡(強尼戴普飾演),以及活在旺卡工廠陰影下的貧窮又善良的小男孩查理巴格特(弗瑞迪海摩爾飾演)。 查理在積雪的街道上撿到錢,拿去最近的店裡買了旺卡的一流開心牛奶巧克力軟糖,一心只想著自己有多餓,還有巧克力糖的美味,結果打開包裝紙卻找到了一張金獎券,也就是最後一張,查理可以進工廠參觀了!他的爺爺喬瑟夫(大衛凱利飾演)聽到消息之後,興奮得從床上跳了起來,好像突然年輕了好幾歲似的,想起了他在威利旺卡關閉工廠大門之前,在工廠裡上班的快樂時光。全家人決定由喬爺爺,陪著查理踏上這次千載難逢的冒險之旅。 一旦進了工廠,各種奇景看得查理眼花撩亂, 旺卡發明了各式各樣可以吃的不同甜食,還有許多快樂的奧柏倫柏人,在巧克力瀑布旁邊挖軟糖礦,或者是坐在透明硬糖做成的龍頭船上,沿著巧克力河航行,經過扭曲的甘蔗樹和可以吃的薄荷糖草,灌木上都長著成熟又甜美的櫻桃棉花糖奶油,另一個地方則有上百隻受過訓練的松鼠,坐在小凳子上剝核桃殼,速度比機器還要快,旺卡也親自操控透明電梯,可以飛快地側著移動、斜著移動,要往哪個方向移動都可以。 最吸引人的莫過於威利旺卡本人,他滿腦子都只有糖果而已,偶爾會突然想起很久以前的事,可是他不能告訴任何人。據說旺卡已經好幾年沒離開過工廠了,他到底是什麼樣的人物,又為什麼要奉獻畢生製作甜食,查理也不得而知。 這時候,其他幾個小朋友都太不安份了,一心只想到自己,不懂得欣賞旺卡創造出來的奇蹟,於是他們貪婪、被寵壞、心胸狹隘或自以為是的個性,都一一地顯露出來,惹了很多的麻煩,結果他們都無法走完全程。 最後只剩下小查理巴格特了的時候,威利旺卡揭露了一個秘密,也就是最終的大獎:這家工廠的鑰匙。旺卡和自己的家人已經疏離很久了,他覺得現在該替自己找個繼承人,接管他的糖果帝國,而且是要他能信任的人,可以將他畢生的心血交託給這個人,所以他才想出這個方法挑選一個特別的小孩。 他沒想到這個慷慨的舉止,可能讓他得到價值更高的回報。 http://youtu.be/oDaJDZk3hv4 2. 老蘇格蘭曲風"康寶要來了" 老蘇格蘭曲風 http://youtu.be/4bzqftCLXTI 希望阿公聽了健步如飛 曲名是康寶來了(你也可以說安東尼來了,這樣小甜甜會心花怒放) 想像蘇格蘭穿格裙吹派笛行進吧! 3. 練習學校才藝表演: Sonatina in G major (G大調小奏鳴曲, Thomas Attwood)



膽囊及膽道疾病的預防 參考資料 肝病防治學術基金會 膽道系統最常見的疾病就是慢性膽囊炎、膽結石以及膽管炎,而膽道疾病亦可能源自於慢性肝炎(尤其肝硬化),進而容易衍生「膽紅素性膽結石」。由於膽道發炎的病原體絕大部分是來自於腸道的有害細菌(如大腸桿菌);而「便祕」使得細菌在腸道內容易滋長繁殖,亦可引發潛伏的膽道感染症的合併症;因此,為了避免膽道疾病的發生,以下是幾點值得注意的事項: 1.早餐一定要吃 基本上,「飲食規範」在膽結石形成的預防上,扮演著極其重要的角色。在日常生活中,個體一定要養成「吃早餐」的習慣。不吃早餐會使得上午空腹的時間延長;由於膽汁分泌減少,膽汁成分也發生變化(膽汁中的膽汁酸含量降低,但膽固醇含量不變),以致使得膽固醇沈析出來而增加結石的發生率;此外,膽囊長時間處於舒張狀態(進食才會收縮),膽汁在膽囊內儲存時間長,會過度濃縮,這也是結石衍生的重要因素。因此,「定時進食早餐」絕對可以預防膽結石的形成。 2.勿過量攝取高脂肪、高蛋白、高膽固醇與高糖類食物 膽固醇性膽結石的產生與飲食有一定的關係,因為膽固醇性膽結石的形成必然有一定的條件;換言之,能造成膽囊膽汁中膽固醇含量過度飽和狀態的因素,都有可能形成「膽固醇性膽結石」;而過量攝取高脂肪、高蛋白質、高膽固醇甚至高糖類食物,也會明顯增加膽汁中膽固醇的飽和度;再者,大量膽固醇的攝取也會促進肝臟合成更多的膽固醇,因而形成膽固醇性膽結石的機會也較高。事實上,目前國人飲食習慣已逐漸轉為精緻食物,其中少不了大魚大肉等高蛋白及高脂肪食物,也使得民眾較易導致肥胖、冠心病甚至膽結石的衍生;因此營養的適度、適量以及均衡攝取也就顯得額外重要了。 3.攝取足夠的蛋白質 膽色素性膽結石亦與飲食有密切關係。有些個體因長期蛋白質攝取不足,較易形成膽色素性膽結石。蛋白質缺乏會使得膽道黏膜上皮細胞合成及分泌IgA(一種「免疫球蛋白」,有參與膽道黏膜修復的作用)的功能減少,而影響膽道正常的防衛功能,進一步容易衍生膽道感染以及繼發性的肝功能異常;再者,膽道感染會併發膽道狹窄,使得膽汁流暢不順,亦是促進膽管膽色素性膽結石的成因。因此,飲食中攝取足夠的蛋白質(也不能過量),絕對有助於避免膽色素性膽結石的產生。 4.規律的飲食習慣,避免禁食 基本上,一日三餐有規律地進食是預防結石的不二法門。由於禁食時膽囊中的膽汁水分會逐漸被膽囊本身黏膜吸收,使膽汁變得濃稠,最後即形成所謂的「膽泥」;而一旦在進食時,膽囊收縮會使膽汁排入腸道內,可避免膽汁長期淤滯在膽囊內,抑制結石的形成。 再者,定時保持膽囊收縮也是很重要的。個體罹患慢性膽囊炎時,其膽囊壁必然增厚,不僅使得膽囊本身收縮的功能減退,也使得餐後膽囊完全排空不易,此時亦可服用「膽囊收縮藥物」,來輔助促進膽囊的排空。 5.增加飲食中的纖維成分 儘量避免高脂肪、高蛋白的飲食習慣,增加飲食中的纖維成分;由於纖維可以增加膽汁中「鵝去氧膽酸」的含量,間接降低膽固醇的飽和度,不僅增加膽汁本身溶解膽固醇的能力,也可促進膽固醇的排泄,以防止結石的形成。 6. 養成良好的排便習慣 可避免腸內不良細菌大量滋長,降低胃腸內細菌沿著膽道上行感染,造成膽囊炎的機會。 反覆發作 最好手術治療 膽結石一旦形成,不會自行溶解消失,治療取決有無症狀及合併症,如急性膽囊炎、急性胰臟炎等。無症狀膽結石,傾向不積極治療,如果結石較鬆散如膽砂,可服用溶解膽結石藥物,讓膽汁循環變好;部分膽固醇結石患者可以降血脂藥物改善,但膽結石反覆發作或發生併發症,建議手術治療。 膽結石根本治療方法就是需要將膽結石連膽囊一併摘除,而腹腔鏡膽囊切除術與傳統腹式膽囊手術一樣將膽囊連同膽結石一併去除,其治療效果應是毋庸置疑,且腹腔鏡膽囊切除術優點甚多,可說是小傷口大手術應是膽囊切除術的最佳選擇。這種手術方式是利用腹部的3到4個小傷口,甚至集中在肚臍附近的一個小切口,將手術內視鏡及器械伸入腹腔完成膽囊的切除。病人恢復時間較傳統手術大為縮短,不僅傷口小、感染機會低,術後1∼2天即可出院,一周後即可正常生活。 在正常生理下,膽囊的主要作用,是儲存膽汁,以及依生理狀況,將膽汁送到腸道,幫助消化吸收。膽汁是肝臟分泌的,所以切除膽囊不會影響肝功能,也不至於沒有膽汁。相反的,將有病的膽囊切除,還可以避免膽結石的一些併發症,造成肝損害。不過,有些患者在失去膽囊儲存及濃縮膽汁的功能後,脂肪類的食物等較油膩飲食會不易消化,因此有些人在手術之後,前幾個月容易拉肚子,但通常一段時間後就會適應了。此外,膽囊切除以後,膽管會稍微擴大,以替代膽囊的部份功能,這種情形,一般來說,並無大礙。 總而言之,膽囊切除受後,並不會影響到肝臟功能,也不會影響到膽汁分泌。手術之後,若無併發症,也不會影響日常生活,但較油膩的飲食,有可能拉肚子。所以,膽囊切除,實際上並不用過於擔心。









從台灣回來後山大妞跟媽咪睡幾次習慣了 後來要求晚上她到自己房間床上睡著清晨又會自動跑來媽咪床上 媽咪除了她這個壞習慣-清晨就跑來擠媽咪床 還有愛哭停不了,和懶得學新的運動或才藝外 山大妞實在是很乖的女兒 她在學校還蠻聽老師的話 坐最後一排靠門邊 山大妞寫功課不需要一直盯 她功課也不錯 閱讀和數學都還是在Top group 原本身體很好很不容易生病 但是六月開始卻常生病 其實山寨家八月後一直在輪流看醫生 先是六月中媽咪去看醫生 八月山大王健康檢查後沒多久 山大王皮膚起顆粒也去看小兒科醫生 在台灣山大王山大妞和爸鼻各看一次 然後開學沒幾個月山大妞就生病細菌感染 之後好了幾天山大妞又扁桃腺發炎 然後這次是山大妞是腸胃病毒吧 星期四晚上說在自己房間睡不著 一定要來媽咪床上睡 結果半夜磨贈說不舒服 沒多久就起來吐 一吐就停不了 接二連三吐了四五次 到星期五早上九點喝的水全部又都吐出來 吐到最後一次她連水都吐不出來才結束 山大妞只是一次發燒 吐光光後山大妞就睡很多 她只喝水吃優格連土司都吃不太下 沒什麼吃東西沒體力就躺著聽神奇樹屋有聲書 星期六下午開始睡過傍晚到半夜睡醒 媽咪給她上回喝過一點點的巧克力豆奶 她喝光光後說吃不下雞湯烏龍麵 勉強吃幾根麵條 要上去睡覺時又通通吐出來 清潔水槽後媽咪和她又再回去睡覺 到星期天早上她醒來後才不再吐 但是吃東西還是沒什麼胃口


新標準讓媽咪覺得被留級了Back-to-School Night: Common Core Standard

今天爸鼻去接機場附近日本同事去CVS附設的便利診所參觀 媽咪剛好上星期六才帶山大妞看過診 有份詳細的資料可以借同事參考 但是回來時間很難趕在5:30到家 媽咪得要至少5:40出發才能找到停車位去參加 大小兩隻小學的父母返校參觀夜 那只好硬著頭皮要爸鼻可以趕就快趕回來 媽咪交代好大小兩隻要做的事 就趕去找地方停車了 媽咪先去山大妞班上幫她寫THE LOVE NOTE和五項守則小手 填好11月參加老師家長座談的時間 然後就趕去山大王班上聽今年四年級的老師的介紹 雖然這年有八個Gate錄取的學生在班上 但是還是有很多層次不齊的學生一起湊到35個學生一班 學生可分為四個程度 學校今年是最後一次參加Star測驗 因為要換Common Core的全國評量標準 把加州的課業程度降下來 所以數學5個units抽掉 明年換語言部份降級 (還說語文程度測驗此學校算是學區排名比較差的) 聽了媽咪真是涼半截心 老師說要以學生為主導的教學 培養學生解決思考問題的能力 而非填鴨式教學和考試 真的教改全面在實行 不只是台灣 新標準讓媽咪覺得孩子被留級了 山大王雖然平常4分鐘測驗只錯1~2題 但題目都是非常的簡單 加減乘的基本題 四年級很多都是回歸教基本概念 媽咪也被弄糊塗了 這到底是怎樣 班上人數這麼多如何分四級教學 還要"引導"每個35不同思考方式的小朋友"解決問題的能力? 真的只能搖頭


剪貼: 路易氏體相關失智症

http://www.helpguide.org/elder/lewy_body_disease.htm What is Lewy Body Dementia? Lewy bodies are abnormal microscopic protein deposits in the brain that disrupt the brain's normal functioning causing it to slowly deteriorate. The effects include a degradation of cognitive functioning, similar to Alzheimer's disease, or a degradation of motor control, similar to Parkinson's disease. Lewy bodies are named after Frederick Lewy who first observed their effects Lewy Body Dementia can start differently in people. Sometimes those with LBD initially have a movement disorder that looks like Parkinson's but later they also develop dementia symptoms. Others have a memory disorder that looks like Alzheimer's but they later develop hallucinations and other behavior problems. Over time most people with LBD develop a spectrum of problems that include great variations in attention and alertness from day to day, recurrent visual hallucinations, shuffling gait, tremors, and blank expression, along with various sleep disorders. Signs and symptoms of Lewy Body Dementia The symptoms of Lewy Body Dementia will worsen over time. In general, LBD progresses at about the same rate as Alzheimer's disease, typically over several years. Many of the symptoms of the disorder bear a striking resemblance to Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. Despite the overlaps, however, there are symptoms that indicate the disorder is indeed LBD and not other dementias and the difference is important. Signs of Lewy Body Dementia Mental decline. Lewy Body patients may experience reduced alertness and lowered attention span. Recurrent visual hallucinations or depression. Hallucinations, usually related to people or animals, occur in most LBD patients. Depression is also common. Increasing problems handling the tasks of daily living. Tasks that used to be simple may become difficult for a person with Lewy Body Dementia. Repeated falls and sleep disturbances. This includes insomnia and acting out dreams. Fluctuations in autonomic processes. This includes blood pressure, body temperature, urinary difficulties, constipation, and difficulty swallowing. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body Dementia Since Lewy Body Dementia is commonly misdiagnosed for both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, it is helpful to understand how these diseases overlap. Some of the motor symptoms found in both Parkinson’s and Lewy Body Disease's patients include: 帕金森式症與路易式體失智症共同動作上的病態: 震顫; 顫抖(tremors ) 小碎步步態(shuffling gait) 駝背的姿態 (stooped posture) 肌肉僵硬(muscle stiffness) 平衡困難(difficulties with balance) 動作緩慢(slow movements) 腿部不安症候群(restless leg syndrome) ***************************************** Some of the cognitive symptoms found in both Alzheimer's and Lewy Body's patients include: behavioral changes decreased judgment confusion and temporal/spatial disorientation difficulty following directions decreased ability to communicate dandruff right above eyebrows Restless sleep or daytime fatigue A soft voice or slurred speech Parkinson's disease dementia, PDD: Difficulty swallowing Memory problems, confusion, or dementia Oily skin and dandruff Constipation Rigidity occurs when the muscles stay stiff and don't relax. For example, the arms may not swing when a person is walking. There may be cramping or pain in the muscles. Most people with Parkinson's experience some rigidity. The Hoehn and Yahr Scale is one common tool that looks at the severity of symptoms.The Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale evaluates mental clarity and function, behavior and mood, activities of daily living, and motor functions. Staging can help determine the best treatment. Treatment: Levodopa Levodopa (L-dopa) is an amino acid that the brain converts into dopamine. It's been used since the 1970s and is still the most effective Parkinson's medication. It reduces bradykinesia and rigidity, helping people to move more easily. Eventually, levodopa may wear off quickly. It should not be taken with a high-protein diet. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness. Hallucinations, paranoia and involuntary movements (dyskinesias) may occur with long-term use. Dopamine Agonists Drugs that mimic dopamine, called dopamine agonists, may be used to delay the movement-related symptoms of Parkinson's. They include Apokyn, Mirapex, Parlodel, and Requip. Apokyn, an injectable, may be used when the effects of levodopa begin to wear off. Side effects may include nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, fluid retention, and psychosis. Comtan and Tasmar can improve the effectiveness of levodopa, with a possible side effect of diarrhea. Patients on Tasmar need regular monitoring of their liver function. Stalevo combines levodopa, carbidopa, and entacapone (the drug in Comtan). Azilect, Eldepryl, and Zelapar, which inhibit the breakdown of dopamine, may be prescribed early in the disease or used along with levodopa. They should not be used with certain antidepressants. Surgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Electrodes can be implanted into one of three areas of the brain -- the globus pallidus, the thalamus, or the subthalamic nucleus -- on one or both sides. A pulse generator goes in the chest near the collarbone. Electric pulses stimulate the brain to help reduce a patient's rigidity, tremors, and bradykinesia. It doesn’t stop the progression of PD or affect other symptoms. Not everyone is a good candidate for this surgery. Surgery: Pallidotomy and Thalamotomy These surgical procedures use radio-frequency energy to permanently destroy a pea-sized area in the globus pallidus or the thalamus. These areas are associated with tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia, so movement generally improves after surgery with less reliance on levodopa. However, because these surgeries are irreversible, they have become less common than deep brain stimulation. Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing 路易氏體相關失智症(Lewy body-related dementias)包括了巴金森氏症失智症(Parkinson's disease dementia, PDD),以及失智症合併路易氏體(dementia with Lewy bodies, DLB),是除了阿滋海默氏症(Alzheimer's disease, AD)以外,最為常見的失智症候群。臨床表現除了智能退化,還合併了動作障礙,治療上選擇不多且相當困難。對於智能的退化,先前的研究顯示rivastigmine對於PDD以及DLB能夠提供症狀上的改善。汲取自治療AD的經驗,memantine可能在這類疾病的治療可能有效,而這篇雙盲、安慰劑控制、多中心的臨床試驗證實了這個想法,雖然研究的規模不大,但已為這樣的患者帶來治療的一線曙光。(臨床醫學 2009; 64: 387-8) 關鍵詞: 巴金森氏症失智症(Parkinson's disease dementia, PDD)、失智症合併路易氏體(dementia with Lewy bodies, DLB)、memantine http://homepage.vghtpe.gov.tw/~clinmed/abst98/abst9811p387.htm BPSD (Behaviorial and Psychological Sympatons of Dementia): 憂鬱妄想認錯幻覺 長庚家醫科:張可臻, 陳昭源, 林忠順 http://www.tafm.org.tw/Data/011/526/230602.pdf Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) DLB is a brain disease that causes progressive changes with movement or thinking. In DLB, abnormal structures called Lewy bodies form in certain areas of the brain. Sometimes the symptoms of DLB resemble those of Parkinson’s disease-such as a shuffling gait, tremor, and problems with movement. In other cases, symptoms of DLB (such as confusion and memory loss) may mimic the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Often a combination of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s symptoms appear together. These symptoms may occur in DLB because the structures in the brain affected by DLB are similar to those affected by Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. Some experts think that DLB may be a form of Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. The progression of DLB is slow. Although there is no cure for DLB, treatment is available to reduce symptoms of the disease. http://www.webmd.com/parkinsons-disease/tc/parkinson-plus-syndromes-topic-overview?page=2 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Important It is possible that the main title of the report Progressive Supranuclear Palsy is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. Synonyms PSP nuchal dystonia dementia syndrome Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome Disorder Subdivisions None General Discussion Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a rare degenerative neurological disorder characterized by loss of balance and impaired walking; loss of control of voluntary eye movement, especially in the downward direction; abnormal muscle tone (rigidity); speech difficulties (dysarthria); and problems related to swallowing and eating (dysphagia). Affected individuals frequently experience personality changes and cognitive impairment. Symptoms typically begin after age 60 but can begin earlier. The exact cause of progressive supranuclear palsy is unknown. PSP is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, or other neurodegenerative disorders. Resources WE MOVE (Worldwide Education and Awareness for Movement Disorders) 5731 Mosholu Avenue Bronx, NY 10471 USA Tel: (347)843-6132 Fax: (718)601-5112 Email: [email protected] Internet: http://www.wemove.org CurePSP: Foundation for PSP l CBD & Related Brain Diseases 30 E. Padonia Road, Suite 201 Timonium, MD 21093 Tel: (410)785-7004 Fax: (410)785-7009 Tel: (800)457-4777 Email: [email protected] Internet: http://www.curepsp.org