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爸鼻帶山大王去參加 ************** Canyon Vista Park. The agenda is below, but I wanted to remind our Scouts of their Achievement 3 assignment from last month. I would like the Scouts who completed this assignment to bring their Health Chart with them to the meeting. We also have a couple of new Scouts to welcome to our Pack / Den... Matthew and Johann will be joining us so be sure to introduce yourself and your Scout. Location: Canyon Vista Park (end of Canyon View - Please be aware of No Parking areas) Time: Gathering - 6:30pm Meeting: 6:45pm - 8:00pm - Start Promptly! Theme: Responsibility Agenda: Gathering: Playground Obstacle Course - Led by Den Chief Jacob Opening: Flag Ceremony - Led by Den Chief Jacob and Denner Seiji (Seiji - Lead Pledge, Chandler - US Flag, Parker - Den Flag) Business Items: Welcomes (new Scouts - Matthew and Johann), Keeping your body healthy review & charts (Achievement 3) - Basic First Aid Demo and Scout's discussion, Review of the Den 5 Dragons "Code of Conduct" Scout's Time: Open for presentations by Scouts Activities: Discussion/Achievement 9 (Be Safe at Home and On the Street), Practice our Den Cheer, Electives 11a and b, and possibly a toad hunt (if they are present) or long distance kicking contest Closing: Achievement & Activity reminders, Sept Pack meeting reminder, Home Assignments (Achievement 4a-f and 9) Taken from Wikipedia: Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September (September 6 in 2010). The first Labor Day in the United States was celebrated on September 5, 1882 in New York City. It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority. Fearing further conflict, legislation making Labor Day a national holiday was rushed through Congress unanimously and signed into law a mere six days after the end of the strike. The September date was chosen as Cleveland was concerned that aligning an American labor holiday with existing international May Day celebrations would stir up negative emotions linked to the Haymarket Affair. All 50 U.S. states have made Labor Day a state holiday.



果然暑假回台灣是無法事先計畫的 還好原本回台灣前想在墾丁度假訂民宿没真的訂交訂金 不然就剛好遇到颱風了 從嘉義回來台北天就開始下大雨 也好第一個星期剛回來先被蚊子叮到飽 還有高溫高濕的寶島艷陽烤個夠 當然還有重溫兩次小地震 終於輪到颱風天了 孩子在南港家裡窩兩三天 等到大雨不下 爸鼻也得去新店處理照顧爺爺看護交接的事宜 媽咪就帶大小兩隻去北投逛逛 新北投捷運觀光車站很悠閒 捷運車廂裡的溫泉木桶螢幕 到新北投後媽咪先帶大小兩隻爬溫泉路 去找阿枝同學推薦的滿來拉麵 果然是外來客啊 往溫泉路的小巷走很陡又像迷宮樣 山大王走到汗如大豆大雨從額頭冒出 山大妞也走到又睏又累 還好爸鼻沒來媽咪才不會被罵到臭頭 邊問邊找邊爬山路 終於來到滿來拉麵就在光明路旁的溫泉路上 山大王說他只要喝水不要吃東西 山大妞比較合作吃了媽咪點的味增拉麵 就倒在媽咪座位身後午睡起來 山大王開始只喝舒跑 不願意吃媽咪幫他點的塩燒拉麵 在媽咪使軟誘導下才開始吃起來 喜歡麵食的山大王熱天也吃不太下 最後媽咪在沒有冷氣的小店努力地吃兩大碗拉麵 還是剩一小碗吃不完 北投溪 在滿來拉麵吃過猶如洗了三溫暖 走下山頭去北投公園輕而易舉 天氣也由剛到新北投的好天氣開始陰涼起來 因為三個颱風不知道怎麼走的 媽咪只好隨機由老天爺安排遊北投 陰天涼爽的天氣適合夏天泡溫泉 媽咪泳衣從美國帶來放在阿嬤家没帶 還有颱風天河流湍急也無法下去玩水 大小兩隻學台灣人拍照都要比勝利手勢 女巫嬉遊河 于右任故居--梅園 可愛的虎頭鞋 溫泉博物館--真希望有溫泉美術館 溫暖人心的北投圖書館 剛好去躲雨 山大王在北投博物館看到許多美國也有的英文書 尤其是一本第一集的野貓冒險小說 剛好從美國出發前他看了三集裡的二三集 沒有看完這本第一集山大王不願意離開北投圖書館 媽咪唸了幾本英文繪本給山大妞聽 山大王還沒看完 山大妞無聊到繼續趴在媽咪身上睡 外面也滴答地下起颱風雨來 快要天黑我們終於趕上6點那場 18分鐘的噴泉表演 媽咪繼續帶大小兩隻去北投車站那吃晚餐 吃了雪花冰和台式披薩熱狗麵包 才回南港家去



山大妞和山大王暑假換一位兒童牙醫 新的兒童牙醫宣布兩個人都有蛀牙 需要填補牙齒 而且山大王有三顆乳牙需要矯正 山寨家的牙齒保險洗牙一毛都不需花 但補蛀牙要先自費100大洋後自費20% 保險估價下來一筆天價 媽咪只好硬著頭皮趁回台灣時順便讓孩子回去補牙 問阿嬤推薦南港家裡附近的牙醫夫婦 阿蔚姨星期四也幫媽咪記下牙診所說可以安排自費的價錢和時間 這牙醫診所真是超有效率的 颱風來臨時也開到晚上 爸鼻和媽咪拎著大小兩隻冒著風雨去補蛀牙 媽咪還穿著雨衣去 不過雨勢還好不大 原先只準備先看山大王的蛀牙 在美國看山大王原本兩個蛀牙 台北的牙醫請助手拍了一張X光 說只需補一顆而且蛀不深很快就可以處理好 還有時間處理妹妹的蛀牙 山大妞旁觀哥哥躺太師椅上也沒哀叫 很快就補好牙了 山大妞也就上場了 山大妞蛀牙的時間比較長 門牙蛀四顆牙醫說先處理兩顆 明天再補兩顆 雖然補山大妞的蛀牙比較貴 但比起美國牙醫的估價 又要用笑氣麻醉不然就用雷射治療 台灣大學牙醫系畢業的牙醫太太 說要妹妹忍一下馬上就好 這樣就省了一筆麻醉的費用$90大洋 山大妞也就在可以拿到牙醫助手給的心型的氣球下 扭捏地完成兩顆補牙 隔天媽咪再帶山大妞去完成另外兩顆蛀牙的補牙 就了了媽咪心頭一件大事了 修理了大小兩隻的蛀牙 只花台幣三千比起美國貴鬆鬆繁複的補牙手續 實在是太太划算了 ^___^ 回南加後媽咪等開學後也得去洗牙 這回換了一位洗牙的牙醫助手 檢查之後說媽咪沒有蛀牙 比起之前半年前另一位助手說媽咪有兩顆蛀牙要補 相形之下感覺口袋失而復得$588大洋



【「娃娃愛說畫」親子藝術繪本導賞活動】 「娃娃愛說畫」親子藝術繪本導賞 活動網址: http://www.tfam.museum/04_Programs/List.aspx?EduID=1474 總共舉辦四場,尚有 8/8 8/22 兩場 前50名可以拿到市價250元的藝術繪本一本. 後50名只能進去聽,不能參加親子活動,也沒有繪本. 8/22是最後一場,也不限參加人數了,有興趣的爸媽可以參考! 活動教室(209室)地點路徑: 北美館進去往右直直走,上手扶梯或樓梯(要搶快走樓梯比較好)到二樓後右轉就到了. 活動 起始日期: 2010/8/22 結束日期: 2010/8/22 活動時間: 10:00 ~ 11:30 活動地點: 視聽室 聯絡人: 承辦人:陳倖靜(女士) 電話:25957656#223 E-mail:[email protected] 簡介: 臺北市立美術館「馬內到畢卡索-費城美術館經典展」 「娃娃愛說畫」 親子藝術繪本導賞活動 活動名稱:「娃娃愛說畫」親子藝術繪本導賞活動 活動目的:本活動為啟發兒童對現代藝術的興趣及對藝術欣賞的養成,專對8歲以下之兒童所設計,活動以輕鬆說故事的方式進行,希望藉由繪本人物來貼近孩子的異想世界。 活動內容: (一)聽故事;本活動以說故事的方式進行,藉由本展專為兒童製作的「娃娃愛說畫」藝術繪本內容,並由主角人物WAWA親自帶領小朋友一起來欣賞「馬內到畢卡索-費城美術館經典展」展出作品。 (二)親子遊戲;爸爸媽媽,您了解孩子有多少,孩子的創意在8歲以前,要了解孩子是否還保留那份純真,讓孩子好好的欣賞最親愛的您,並為您畫一張畫像吧! 師資:兒童繪本插畫家劉瑞琪WAWA 適用參加對象:3-8歲兒童、親子 每場人數限制:250人 活動日期:8/22(日) 活動時間:上午10:00~11:30 報名方式:現場報名(活動當天9:30~10:00以前至本館視聽室報名) 收費方式:免費 活動地點:地下樓視聽室 主辦單位:臺北市立美術館 活動洽詢: 臺北市立美術館(臺北市中山區中山北路三段181號) 電話(02)2595-7656分機223陳倖靜 傳真(02)2585-1041 年齡限制: 幼兒 , 幼稚園大班 , 國小一、二年級 可參加人數: 250 參加資格: 一般民眾 親子觀眾 收費: 免收費 臺北市立美術館 地址 : 臺北市10461中山北路三段181號 電話 : +886 2 25957656 傳真 : + 886 2 25944104 電子郵件 : [email protected] 特展開放時間: 高堤耶與蕭畢諾舞台服裝展開放期間 2010.5/29~2010.8/15 馬內到畢卡索-費城美術館經典展開放期間 2010.6/26~2010.9/26 週一∼週日:上午9:30至下午17:30 週六:上午9:30至晚間20:30 開放時間: 週一:休館(特展照常開放) 週二∼週日:上午9:30至下午17:30 週六:上午9:30至晚間20:30 建議轉乘免費接駁公車 原圓山捷運站出口由酒泉街至中山北路三段間之人行路道,將於7月17日封閉。建議觀眾由圓山站公車迴轉道東側,轉乘往大直內湖方向21、紅2號公車,至美術館門口下車。或於迴轉道西側,轉乘「圓山站—美術館」免費接駁公車,中途不另設站停靠,下車及返程往圓山站站點皆於美術館中山北路廣場旁候車亭。 公車 搭21、40、42、126、203、208、213、218、220、247、260、277、279、287、308、310、612、677、紅2、中山線、博愛公車、台北-金山、台北-三芝 至臺北市立美術館站下車。 自2010/7/17起新生北路道路封閉,行經相關路線的公車行駛情況將改道行駛,但公車站仍會維持現況不受影響。唯有影響的是市民小巴9路公車,會調整返程路線,並取消返程的新生公園、新生民族路口、林安泰古厝3個公車站。 「美術館免費接駁車」營運時間: 頭末班時間:每日 6:00~24:00(捷運營業時間)| 班次間距:尖峰 8-10 分鐘一班、離峰 15 分鐘一班 一般日之尖峰時段:7:00~9:00、17:00~19:00 | 例假日之尖峰時段:9:00~11:00、15:30~17:30



開館時間︰AM 10:00-PM 5:00﹝周一休館﹞ 聯絡電話︰(02) 25289553 傳真號碼︰(02) 25289556 偶館網址︰http://www.pact.org.tw 羅伯特先生馬戲團—機關偶特展』 館  址︰臺北市松山區105市民大道五段99號2樓﹝京華城百貨旁﹞ 全票:每人50元 優待票(皆需憑證):每人40元 A. 學生、軍警、榮民、公教退休人員 B. 松山區區民 C. 團體票(20人以上之團體) 免費參觀(皆需憑證): A. 未滿三歲之兒童 B. 六十五歲以上長者 C. 低收入戶 D. 身心障礙者 ※ 二十人以上團體參觀,請於預定參觀日兩週前電洽預約,台北偶戲館將提供專人導覽服務。 館內自費項目: 1. DIY教學課程:每人酌收材料費100元 2. 劇團演出:滿50人團體可預約,每人150元 滿20人團體可預約,每人80元 ※ 自費活動不定期特惠,請密切注意網站訊息公佈,亦可來電洽詢。 捷運「忠孝復興站」: 於5號出口處之「土地銀行」前,搭乘京華城生活巴士,於京華城站下車。 行車時間: 週日至週四 10:35 - 22:30 週五至週六 10:35 - 23:00 行車班距: PM12:00 – 21:30 (10-20分鐘 / 班) 捷運「國父紀念館站」: 由5號出口離站,沿光復南路往市民大道五段方向前進,過紅綠燈後右轉。步行約10-15分。 市區公車: 202 / 203 / 205 / 257 / 276 / 605 / 667 / 669 ﹝京華城﹞下車 204 / 266 / 278 / 282 / 288 / 672 ﹝監理處﹞下車

FW: 13 Flat-Belly Foods to Beat the Bloat


13 Flat-Belly Foods to Beat the Bloat Skip the salt and load up on these hydration-boosting fruits, veggies, and spices. By Kate Schweitzer, Marie Claire More than 10 million Americans regularly complain about being bloated. That uncomfortable sensation — the result of air passing through your intestines — is often caused by a tempting culprit: salty and fatty foods. So, what's safe to eat to keep women from unbuttoning those skinny jeans? We researched the top fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices that will save any stomach from an uncomfortable expansion. Oranges and Watermelons Because water flushes waste and excess water out of your system, enjoying water-rich foods is ideal. Watermelons, as their name suggests, are almost all water — 92 percent. Oranges too are approximately 80 to 90 percent water. Yogurt Not only does yogurt have a high water content, but it promotes the growth of good bacteria in the stomach. This bacteria is responsible for the reduction of excess gas that accumulates in the organ over time. Garlic This plant helps reduce the levels of fat in the liver, whose main functions include detoxification and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion — major aspects of the prevention of bloating. Bran Cereal and Oatmeal Fiber helps relieve constipation, which is an all-too frequent cause of bloating. By adding bulk in the form of certain cold or hot cereals, everything moves through the intestines more quickly. Because women need at least 25 grams of fiber daily, eating a bran cereal with at least five grams of fiber per serving helps reach that goal. Just be certain to not add too much fiber to your diet too fast, or worsened bloating can occur. Strawberries and Blueberries Fiber also takes the form of certain delicious fruits and berries. Snacking on high-fiber foods such as strawberries and blueberries, as well as dried apricots and dried plums, can help clean out one's system regularly. Grapefruit Like other fruits with high water content, grapefruit is nearly 90 percent water. An added benefit of snacking on this pink treat: It's high in fat-burning enzymes. Broth-Based Soup Soups based on broth — not chowders, purees, or cream soups that are high in saturated fat — have an extremely high water content yet can be filling. Plus, the sodium levels should not be high as long as the soups are made with natural ingredients and don't come from a can. Canned soups often have as much as 1,000 milligrams of sodium, which is half of the daily recommended limit, in a single serving. Lettuce and Spinach These green leaves, in addition to kale and chard, require ample chewing and provide a healthy dose of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also help with acid indigestion, constipation, and urinary tract infections. Peppermint and Ginger Carminative herbs, which include peppermint as well as chamomile and ginger, are gas reducers and can be enjoyed in tea form. In addition to these herbs, bitter herbs, despite their taste, are effective at stimulating the digestive tract as well as the flow of saliva. Chili Peppers Not just a spice to heat up a meal, these peppers reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Capsaicin, an active ingredient found in the peppers, can also increase metabolism and curb food cravings, especially for sweets. Broccoli and Cauliflower Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, break down harmful forms of estrogen for safe elimination from the body. Still, they do contain sugars that are sometimes difficult to digest and thus should be eaten in moderation (a half-cup serving at a time). Cucumbers This veggie may not have much nutritional value, but it serves as a natural diuretic, helping to increase urination and the flushing out of toxins from the body. Cucumbers are rich in sulfur and silicon to stimulate the kidneys into better removal of uric acid. Because cukes are low in both sodium and calories, they're also a favored vegetable in most diet plans. Pineapples This tropical fruit, which is approximately 85 percent water, also contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, promotes good digestion, and helps to eradicate some stomach problems. Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc. URL: http://health.msn.com/nutrition/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100261589>1=31036



TARGET® SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES It's the perfect way to end a lazy summer day: Pacific Symphony's 2010 Target Symphony in the Cities free concerts, which soon head out to three Orange County communities for "An Evening of Song and Dance"—full of joyful tunes and toe-tapping favorites! For the sixth year in a row, Target returns as the title sponsor for this popular event, which attracts thousands of people each summer, many of whom arrive with picnics and lawn chairs and make it a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable summer experience. Featuring high-quality family entertainment in the great outdoors, this year's program features special guest artists: soprano Joni Fukada-Prado and baritone Sean Ghazi, and much-loved classical and pops music by Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Dvorak, Strauss Jr., Bizet, Berlin, Loewe and Porter—plus a few favorite patriotic tunes! "The first thing that came into my mind when planning this year's Target Symphony in the Cities concerts were the words: 'I could have danced all night,'" says Maestro St.Clair. "The program then began to take shape and to include famous songs and, of course, music about dance-every kind of dance that makes people's toes tap!" This year's first free concert of the series takes place in Mission Viejo on July 31, 7 p.m., at the Village Green in Oso Viejo Park; (with the city's Prelude in the Park activities beginning at 4 p.m., during which a community mural featuring musicians is to be unveiled). The final two concerts are scheduled for Irvine's Heritage Park on Aug. 1 and Lake Forest's Pittsford Park on Aug.15, both starting at 7 p.m. As always, a "Musical Playground," with many interactive and hands-on activities for children, begins at 5:30 p.m. in all three cities, and includes making an instrument, playing a drum, meeting a musician and a conducting clinic with Maestro St.Clair.