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Tostadas with all the fixings’ Fresh fruit Tostada (pronounced /tɒˈstɑːdə/ or /toʊˈstɑːdə/) is a Spanish word translating to "toasted" in English and, in Latin American cuisine, in Mexico refers to a flat or bowl shaped (like a bread bowl) tortilla that is toasted or deep fried. It also refers to the finished dish using a tostada. Corn tortillas are used more than ones made of wheat flour for this purpose. The tostada was created when tortillas went stale but were still fresh enough to eat. Not wanting to waste old tortillas, which was one of the staple foods of the Mexican people, beans, rice, meat, cheese and vegetables were spread onto the tortillas like an "open faced" taco. This invention became very popular and people soon began to fry fresh tortillas to recreate the dish. A tostada is often served as an appetizer typically topped with a thin layer of refried black bean paste (frijoles refritos), chicken or beef strips or other kinds of animal products. These are usually topped with thinly chopped lettuce strips, sour cream, chopped onion, salsa and guacamole or sliced avocados. As a general rule, due to the flat construction of the tostada, the main topping (i.e. bean paste or meat) must be sticky or pasty enough to stay on the tostada. This helps prevent the other toppings or garnishes from falling off while it's being eaten. In addition to items typically used as taco fillings, tostadas are also popular topped with seafood, such as tuna, shrimp, and ceviche. A tostada vegetariana (pronounced /tɒˈstɑːdə ˈvɛdʒɨtæriˈɑːnə/) is only topped with vegetables. In Tex-Mex cuisine, tostadas are often referred to as tortilla chips and are also served as an appetizer or meal, without toppings, but with sauce or salsa for dipping. In Cuban Cuisine, tostada refers to Cuban bread, cut lengthwise, buttered, and pressed. Typically tostada is served as a breakfast food and can be dipped in cafe con leche. A slice of bread becomes a tostada (Spanish sense). French toast is known in Spain as torrija or torrada.In Puerto Rico, it can mean a slice of toasted bread or a French toast, typical of Easter, consisting in milk-soaked bread, battered in egg and fried. In the Mariana Islands, owing to their years as a Spanish colony, there is a uncommon tradition of the "tostada de agua," literally, "tostada from the water." This dish is made of a fried tortilla topped with minced seaweed, peppers, and meat (generally chopped shrimp, though many varieties exist). Anecdotally, the entire dish was wrapped like a burrito, dunked in sea water briefly (to add salt, offsetting the intensity of the peppers), and then unrolled and cooked until the tortilla had hardened. It was then topped with cheese. In Colombia, tostada refers to a green, unripe plantain which has been cut into sections, fried, flattened, fried again, and salted. These are also known as tostones in other parts of Latin America.



第五次書蟲俱樂部在Jayden家舉辦 媽咪抄了地址在紙條上卻找不到紙條 雖然就在家附近 但是記不住門牌還是沒用 媽咪頭腦真的開始生鏽了 後來還是得回到車上 開車在Jayden家的社區繞了繞 看見Alex家的車子停在附近 試了一家門鈴沒人應門想是錯了 然後又瞧見一雙小孩flip flop拖鞋在門口 從大門窗戶見到熟悉的面孔 才趕快按門鈴進去 第五次書蟲俱樂部大家都很專心 輪流聽小一生唸書 因為等會要回答每個人帶來 寫好在紙條上關於書中的問題 小一生的妹妹弟弟則在另一邊的餐桌上唸他們帶來的書 媽咪幫山大妞選了Towny Scrany Lion 最後媽咪幫山大妞唸給preschoolers聽 媽咪很喜歡小朋友專心的眼神盯著媽咪手上的書 聆聽媽咪唸其中的故事 媽咪也不時問一兩個問題 確定小朋友都跟上聽懂故事裡的情節 山大妞是preschooler唯一的女孩子也最害羞 其他小男生都很外向健談 Jakie說他最喜歡Towny Scrany Lion Rylan說他喜歡Michael帶來的唐老鴨偵探找偷花生米賊的故事 山大王最後一個唸他帶來American Revolution的書 他唸得很有興趣還秀大家他照書畫的美國國旗演進 還直和Anthony媽咪聊美國總統 後來Miss Denese就在晚上童軍開會時 送山大王一個美國歷屆總統圖像的餐桌墊 媽咪真的是體會到孩子是整個社區教育出來的 媽咪希望山大王從童軍和書蟲俱樂部中交到許多好朋友 大家一起成長



上星期山大王第一顆成人齒露頭了 下顎門牙小乳齒搖搖欲墜 大概快一個星期了 他吃東西就不敢貪快 早上起床和傍晚都會牙痛 雖然一年級同學們 早的都已經換好上下四顆門牙了 山大王現在才開始要換牙 媽咪怎樣鼓勵他要自己一個人睡小房間自己的床 這樣換牙仙子才會來拜訪他 換一顆牙就有一塊錢會出現在他枕頭下 他就是因為會怕不肯自己一個人睡 媽咪星期五跟Alex's Mom, Sandra提到這件事時 Sandra還特地幫媽咪鼓吹山大王 換牙自己睡才會見到換牙仙子喔 他的好朋友Alex換第四顆牙時 在枕頭下拿到$20大洋捏 山大王平常寫數學49題就可以拿到Star星星 1個星星可以換零用錢$1 媽咪讓他在鋼琴老師那表現的好時也可以拿到star 還有在學校拿回每天填的Golden Reward表回來時 也可以拿到Star 山大王把他辛辛苦苦賺來的零用錢都貢獻給 Walmart和小樂高去了 好不容易存到$16大洋 星期六他就一直吵著要花他的16顆星星 山大王昨天健行完 媽咪就帶他和妹妹去Walmart選他要的小樂高 山大王也曾埋怨為什麼Alex就不需要"賺"就有好多小樂高 媽咪不喜歡他一天到晚買小樂高 讓他有不勞而獲的壞習慣 山大王花錢買了$10的小樂高Rock Monster 剩$5也想買另外的小樂高$5多 拿了creative吉普車系列的小樂高後 看一看又放回去 媽咪知道他其實沒有那麼喜歡小樂高creative系列 問他要不要送禮物給山大妞 山大王馬上很慷慨地說好啊 山大妞其實坐在購物推車上 並沒有要買東西(或是沒有見到她喜歡的玩具) 但是山大妞上回幫媽咪一起包給 她朋友Siena四歲生日禮物時 很喜歡彩虹小馬 媽咪就帶山大王去選"彩虹小馬"送給山大妞了 媽咪實在很歡喜山大王真的是很有愛心的哥哥



Pasta e fagioli (cannellini beans) Garden salad Fresh fruit ***************************** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasta_fagioli Pasta fagioli or pasta e fagioli, meaning "pasta and beans", is a traditional meatless Italian dish. Like many other Italian favorites including pizza and polenta, the dish started as a peasant dish, due to cheaply available beans and pasta. Today it can be widely found, even in restaurants that do not feature Italian cuisine. It is also called pasta fazool or pastafazool in Italian-American slang.[1] Pasta fagioli is made using cannellini beans or borlotti beans and some type of small pasta such as elbow macaroni or ditalini. The base is generally olive oil, garlic, minced onion, and spices, along with stewed tomatoes or tomato paste, or traditionally, in home recipes, the leftover sauce from Sunday marinara. Some variations do not include tomatoes at all, and are made from a broth. The consistency of the dish can vary, as some renditions fall clearly in the soup category, usually because the tomato was left out, while others are much thicker. The word for "beans" is different in different Italian dialects, e.g. fagioli ([faˈdʒoːli]) in standard Italian, [faˈzuːl] in Neapolitan, and [vaˈzuːl] in Sicilian. The American slang spelling "fazool" probably came from the Neapolitan word. A 1927 song by Van and Schenck capitalizes on this latter pronunciation in the rhyme, "Don't be a fool, eat pasta fazool."[2] (The Italian adjective fasullo/fasulla/fasulli/fasulle, meaning "fake" or "bogus", has a very similar pronuciation; but its connection to "fazool" is unclear.)



同學Shae早上掉了第四顆乳牙 山大王不甘示弱中午吃飯時 也把他還在搖晃的第一顆乳牙拔下 媽咪和山大妞去接他回家時 山大王還在教室隊伍後面沒出來 同學Kenndy和Evelyn先看到媽咪 連忙告訴媽咪山大王掉了牙齒了 山大王說到Health Office 可以拿裝牙齒的項鍊盒 所以媽咪就帶他去health office拿 護士也告誡他說要自己一個人睡 換牙仙子才會送錢來換你的掉牙喔 又跟媽咪透露她十歲兒子 到現在還是喜歡和她睡 然後護士還恭喜山大王換了第一顆新牙 還送他一把牙刷 山大王把乳牙項鍊盒掛好帶在脖子上 山大王看到Shae還趕快跑上前報馬說 可以去拿牙齒項鍊盒 回家的路上 山大王透露班上都在說換牙仙子的電影 他說"Tooth Fairy"是男的 他也想要看這部電影 終於掉了第一顆乳牙了 山大王掙扎了很久 為了讓換牙仙子拿他的牙齒換錢 最後自己願意在小房間睡到天亮 不過還是要媽咪在旁邊唸書陪他到睡著 媽咪和山大王一起在山大王的小床上唸書 山大妞睡前也硬要來湊熱鬧 沒有睡午覺山大妞聽著媽咪唸 "Sabertooths and the ice age" 一下下就睡著了 媽咪把她抱去她的小床睡 然後再陪山大王睡 半夜山大妞醒來 又抱著她的小兔子跑來找媽咪睡 到早上快七點 媽咪才趕緊去拿一塊美金 上樓時山大王已經醒來只有見到自己乳牙項鍊盒還在 但找不到換牙仙子給的錢 難過地眼框淚水在那打轉 媽咪很快地變魔術 要他再仔細找一下 找到一塊美金他終於開心起來 還說他半夜有聽到空隆空隆的聲音 一定是換牙仙子來 山大妞聽到很羨慕 說她也有睡自己的小房間啊...... 媽咪和爸鼻都有一種 孩子長大了 換大人齒的欣慰 不過這兩個傻孩子還想靠換牙賺錢 真是難為換牙仙子啊...



山大妞沒有哥哥喜歡說中文 但是她也會努力配合我們對她:"妳的中文說的很好"的讚美 然後盡力回答我們的中文問題 也會很得意地說:"我說中文" 山大妞雖然上學兩年了 但是還是遇到陌生環境或人就害羞的很 但是遇到熟人在熟悉的環境且她很開心時就很願意說話 星期六開始學跳舞了 山大妞很開心她會哥哥不會的舞蹈 常常問我們會不會她的隨意跳擺創作: "Can you do this? Can you do that?" "Now I will show you how to do this!" 她也很喜歡惡人先告狀 山大王現在很知道這位妹妹愛欺善良的哥哥 所以也很粗魯地以牙還牙 不時裝怪獸嚇阻膽小鬼大的山大妞 山大妞不講理時就愛撒嬌 知道我們會因為她年紀小不會跟她過不去 媽咪見到兩個人吵架互相破壞對方的作品 就會生氣要兩個人一個到前門罰站; 一個到後院門罰站 兩個人不能一起玩至少會平息一下戰火 不能一起玩無聊就願意相互道歉好好地玩 媽咪覺得山大妞已經到三歲半 該解釋的道理都說過了 哥哥也已經讓夠妹妹了 所以遇到山大妞不講理時 媽咪就得好好訓話一下 山大妞馬上就會出招"淚眼汪汪要抱抱" 媽咪除非她是因為累了開始歡 不然也不輕易抱抱 問她為什麼理虧要這樣那樣做 她就會嬌滴滴地說:"是因為啊..." 好像這就足夠解釋千言萬語 唉... 面對山大妞公主式的回答 媽咪出招皇后式的回答也不行 山大妞會說:"You are not a princess. You are the Mom!" (妳不是公主妳是媽咪耶) 不然就說她生氣是因為 "因為妳沒有listen to 我!" 媽咪以前讓山大王唸書給山大妞聽他還願意 現在山大王比較喜歡自己"看書" 不喜歡唸書給山大妞聽 媽咪只好唸書給山大妞聽就無法盯山大王做功課了 山大妞其實很喜歡和哥哥一起玩 山大王下課後媽咪比較盯著山大王做功課彈琴 山大妞沒事閒晃想打攪哥哥做功課 媽咪一次管不兩兩個就會大發脾氣 比較成熟的山大王會勸媽咪: "Mommy, I don't like you screaming." 媽咪沒好氣跟大小兩隻說 "好好說你們都不聽 要媽咪大喊生氣你們才會做 你們不聽話要媽咪生氣生病才高興嗎?" 山大王雖貪玩但是還算貼心 媽咪抱怨他也會記得 提醒妹妹一起趕快收東西 山大王會照媽咪規定做 山大妞會答應要照媽咪規定做 但是總是不會照實做 媽咪在大小兩隻在時 就要指揮他們收拾自己玩具紙屑 每天都要指揮號誌要求大小三隻收拾的道理 真是會老的比較快



三天假期後媽咪趕快整理打掃家裡 清除垃圾還修剪玫瑰後 中午開始下雨 越下越大媽咪也取消原本計畫去Costco 出門接了山大妞雨已經可以算是蠻大了 接山大妞時她在看一本兒童繪書:Kiss Kiss 山大妞學校就圍繞著小溪 大門口已經一大攤水 還好進出車子都沒事 但是雨越來越大真的是傾盆地下 連媽咪都快看不見雨刷拼命掃的車窗了 快到家時媽咪擔心山大王等一下下課可麻煩了 到車庫前媽咪問山大妞要不要先去接哥哥 所以又前往山大王學校去排車隊等待山大王30分鐘後下課 20分鐘前只有大雨現在又加上打雷 居然冷天打雷下傾盆大雨也無法阻止瞌睡蟲拜訪山大妞 山大妞就在車上睡著了 媽咪乾脆就讓山大妞小睡一下 等看看雷電交加的黑雲離去 再抱山大妞去接山大王 雨還是一盆接一盆地傾倒 媽咪見停車場很快地成了小池塘 車門周圍開始績高泥水 媽咪擔心再不去接山大王 車子就要淹水走不出去了 而且等一下所有走路來接孩子的家長 都因為下大雨會改開車來接學校車道又積水一定更混亂 媽咪見雷電已經停歇 趕緊冒著大雨撐著傘開車門 在淹到腳踝的水中滑行撐著傘抱著剛被媽咪叫醒的山大妞出來 山大妞的外套沒有加帽子 媽咪撐著傘抱著山大妞在大雨中跑真的很像逃難 抱不動了只好在辦公室前放山大妞下來 山大妞很勇敢就和媽咪在大雨中繼續跑到山大王教室 小一生正在看電視 下大雨的下課時間老師只好讓他們看電視 而且囑咐學生打雷下雨不可撐傘出去 山大妞和媽咪落湯雞般的出現在教室 有些比較警醒的小朋友書包已經抓在手邊 準備家長一來就離開學校 但大部分的孩子都還沉浸在電視卡通裡 找到山大王老師和她招呼過 我們就早十分鐘先下課離開 沒想到開車離開學校後天氣就開始晴朗 到家後居然太陽就出來 這是什麼跟什麼呀 晚上山大妞學校就打電話來說 這個星期二到五都因為學校淹水要停課啦 這又是什麼跟什麼呀 今天下午第四次書蟲俱樂部主題是"冒險奇遇" 主辦媽咪說照常舉辦 很多小朋友都帶神奇樹屋來 但是都是不同的故事 晚上還有童軍pack meeting. 媽咪已經沒力了 只好攎給爸鼻帶山大王去參加

山大王童軍模型賽車The Pinewood Derby Race最佳形狀獎


今天媽咪和爸鼻分頭帶大小兩隻 爸鼻一早7:30就帶山大王出發去參加童軍賽車活動 因為山寨老爺志在參加不在得獎 山大王的Rally Red再速度上得最後一名 但是拿到安慰獎最佳形狀獎 WHO: Pack 700 & Pack 702 Scouts, Family Members/Siblings & Friends P/D Event Coordinator (Crew Chief): Scott Watt, [email protected] Scouts/Leaders: Full BSA Uniform – aka Class “A” Spectators: Pack 700/702 T-shirts, etc. – aka Class “B” (Show your Scout Spirit!!!) WHAT: Pack 700/702’s Annual “Pinewood Derby” Car Show, Race Event & BBQ Bring Your Completed Pinewood Derby Cars & Lets Race!!! There will be food, music & lots of race-time fun!!! WHERE: Corpus Christi Church, Aliso Viejo – Lower Hall 27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 www.avcatholics.org WHEN: Friday - January, 15TH, 2010: - “Daytona Beach BBQ” Dinner from 5:30–7:00pm SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – ALL PROCEEDS HELP PAY FOR THE EVENT!!! $5.00/Dinner Plate: "Wheelie Burger" OR "Dragster Dog" – Includes 2 Side-Dish Items & Soda/H20 À La Carte: $2.00/Grill Item - $1.00/Side Item (“Specialty Items” per request) - “Hot Rod Alley, Practice & Check-In” from 6:30-8:00pm $5.00/Car Entrance Fee is required at check-in! (provides for our awards budget) Check-In Will Close Promptly At 8:00pm for Judging!!! Note: This is a time for fine-tuning your car, testing it on the track & checking-in for your race. Racers MUST present their own cars for inspection (see rules below) & provide a name for their car. Racers MUST take a Driver’s Test & receive their Driver’s License. After passing the above, cars shall be given a Group Race #, photographed & “Impounded” for race day. Cars may ONLY be handled by the Pit Crew once they have been Impounded – no more adjustments! Saturday - January, 16TH, 2010: - “Daytona Beach BBQ” Coffee/Donuts from 7:00-8:30am; BBQ Lunch from 10:30am-12:30pm SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – ALL PROCEEDS HELP PAY FOR THE EVENT!!! Coffee/Donuts: $1.00/”Turbo Coffee” - $1.00/”Victory Donuts” $5.00/Lunch Plate: "Wheelie Burger" OR "Dragster Dog" – Includes 2 Side-Dish Items & Soda/H20 À La Carte: $2.00/Grill Item - $1.00/Side Item (“Specialty Items” per request) - “Pack 700 Car Show” from 7:00am-8:00am: - “Pack 702 Car Show” from 11:00am-12:00pm: Come check-out all the hard work our Scouts put into their cars, and see what Judgment Awards they won!!! Judgment Award Categories/Each “Scout Group” Only (“Open Groups” NOT Judged) Best Design, Best Shape, Best Sanding, Best Paint, Best Workmanship, Best Detail, Best Theme, Best Imagination, Most Colorful, Most Artistic, Most Original, Most Creative, Most Realistic, Most Unique, Most Humorous, Most Aerodynamic, Cubmaster's Choice & Crew Chief's Choice. - “Group Race Events” from 7:45am to 3:00pm: (±:30 Min./Group Race – Award Ceremonies Will Conclude Each Group Race): PACK 700 Scout Pinewood Derby Race OPENING CEREMONY: 7:45-8:00am (Flag Ceremony, National Anthem, Prayer – ALL Pack 700 Scouts) Tiger Cub Group: 8:00-8:30am (1st–6th Place/±12 Racers) Wolf Group: 8:30-9:00am (1st–6th/±17 Racers) Bear Group: 9:00-9:30am (1st–6th Place/±12 Racers) Webelos II Group: 9:30-10:00am (1st–6th Place/±15 Racers) Webelos I Group: 10:00-10:30am (1st–6th Place/±14 Racers) Pack FINAL Group: 10:30-11:00am (1st-3rd Place/+15 Racers: Top 3 from each “Scout Group.”) Pack 700 & 702 Open Pinewood Race** (Time Permitting) Diva Darlings 11:00-11:45am Den Chief Rally Outlaw Victor Vengeance PACK 702 Scout Pinewood Derby Race OPENING CEREMONY: 11:45am-12:00pm (Flag Ceremony, National Anthem, Prayer – ALL Pack 702 Scouts) Tiger Cub Group: 12:00-12:30pm (1st–6th Place/±8 Racers) Wolf Group: 12:30-1:00pm (1st–6th/±11 Racers) Bear Group: 1:00-1:30pm (1st–6th Place/±7 Racers) Webelos II Group: 1:30-2:00pm (1st–6th Place/±8 Racers) Webelos I Group: (No Webelos II) (1st–6th Place/±0 Racers) Pack FINAL Group: 2:00am-2:30pm (1st-3rd Place/+15 Racers: Top 3 from each “Scout Group.”) **Note: The “Pack 700 & Pack 702 Pinewood Derby Race” above, is for the following qualifying racers: (rules apply below…) · Diva Darlings: “All-Girl” race for Moms, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers, etc. with old or new cars… · Den Chief Rally: For All Boy Scout Helpers & “Den Chiefs” with old or new cars… · Outlaw: For Scouts & Family Members with old or new cars having non-BSA wheels, axels & body wood… · Victor Vengeance: For Scouts & their old cars who’ve advanced to a previous year’s “Pack Final” & want to race in a re-match…(Year & Placement Required) HOW: Pack 700 & 702 Pinewood Derby Rules – “BE PREPARED:” Please Consult the Official BSA Rules & Instructions in the BSA P/D kit, which shall include, but is not limited to the following: · Car Design: The Pack 700 & 702 Cardinal-Rule: ONLY Official BSA wheels, axels & body wood provided in the Official BSA P/D kit are permitted!!! All cars will be inspected at “Check-In” for compliance - PineCar® & other Non-BSA wheels, axels & pre-cut body wood are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. However, BSA & Non-BSA P/D car accessories, decals & paint may be used; and there will be a variety of Judgment Awards given at the “Pack 700 & 702 Car Show” – BE CREATIVE!!! All cars MUST be “newly built” within the same year as the Pinewood Derby event, and built by the competing Scout with Adult/Akela supervision. Racers MUST build & complete their cars before the event; however, there will be an opportunity to “fine-tune” cars, and add/remove weight & lubrication at the “Hot Rod Alley” on Friday night. Please insure plenty of “dry-time” for glue & paint before “Check-In.” It’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to protect your car(s) in a box container/toolbox, and to also bring extra weight, superglue, graphite/Teflon® lube & repair tools to the event. Safety Tip: Always wear eye protection & gloves when using tools. Power tools require Adult/Akela assistance at ALL times! Painting & Gluing MUST be done in a well-ventilated area. · Wheels & Axels: Do NOT alter wheel size/shape or remove BSA lettering. Wheel mass may be reduced, NOT increased, on the INSIDE of the wheel ONLY. Wheel covers/paint/decals may be permitted at the discretion of Race Officials – Official BSA P/D kit wheels & axels MUST be identifiable by Race Officials! Filing, lathing, sanding & polishing the “burrs” from the BSA axels & wheels is permitted & HIGHLY recommended to reduce friction. The pre-cut axel groves on the body wood in your BSA P/D kit are NOT required to be used. All four wheels MUST make full “flat” contact with the track surface. ALL accessories/decorative attachments MUST be securely glued to the car, and the car MUST reside within the specified BSA dimensional limits; thereby, avoiding wheel or body rub on the track lane & interference with other cars. Maximum BSA Pinewood Derby Car Dimensions: Width: ≤2¾”, Length: ≤7”, Width Between Wheels: =1¾”, Bottom Clearance: ≥3/8” All cars MUST fit within the Official Measurement Box at “Check-In” to qualify for the race. Lastly, it is recommended that wheels & axels are aligned as straight as possible, insuring that the car doesn’t “ride along the rail” & that all wheels spin as freely as possible. Once wheel & axel alignment has been achieved, axels should be secured to the body of the car with glue. Speed Tip: The more you can do to reduce friction the better! · Lubrication: ONLY dry-powder graphite/Teflon® may be used to lubricate wheels/axels – NO washers, bearings, bushings, axel grease, WD-40®, 3-In-1 Oil®, etc. Dry-powder graphite/Teflon® is VERY MESSY & will stain anything it comes in contact with. At the event, Oil Pans provided at “Hot Rod Alley” MUST be used to apply lubrication, including any last-minute filing, sanding or drilling!!! It is HIGHLY recommended to avoid contact with the dry-powder graphite/Teflon® to painted surfaces on your car, clothing, table, floor, etc! Speed Tip: Don’t paint where the wheel touches the body – paint & graphite together creates drag. Add additional lubricant just before “Check-In,” spinning the wheels as it is applied. · Weight: All cars MUST weigh 5.00 Ounces or less at “Check-In” to qualify for the race. Gravity is the ONLY force allowed to move your car down the track; therefore, having all 5.00 Ounces is critical, but not required. The BSA P/D kit alone will NOT be enough weight by itself & additional weight should be added to your car, in order to bring it up to the desired 5.00 Ounces; such as lead, tungsten, coins, etc. Weight placement is at your own discretion, as long as your car meets the BSA dimension requirements above. At the event, Pack 700 scales shall be provided at “Hot Rod Alley” for Adult/Akela use ONLY – Scouts should NOT use scales unless they are supervised. Before the event, these same scales are available to your Den Leader to borrow for Den meetings; or if available, one may use a kitchen or postal scale. (Another source is to take your car to the Post Office, Mail Boxes Etc., or UPS Store & use their scales.) Safety Tip: Do NOT sand/file lead weight—lead is poisonous! Please wash hands THOROUGHLY after handling lead weight, and after using graphite/Teflon®, glue, paint, etc. Speed Tip: Place as much of the car’s mass as low & as far back as possible for maximum push, while maintaining the car’s center of gravity at about ¾” to 1¼” in front of the rear axle to stabilize the front end & keep the car from “popping-off” the track. · Check-In: All cars MUST be checked-in Friday night by 8:00pm to qualify for the race. This includes a “Driver’s License Test,” where each Scout/racer earns their P/D Driver’s License, and a full “Car Inspection” by Race Officials. Once a Scout/racer passes both tests, they are asked to provide a name for their car; it’s then given a race number, photographed, and impounded until race day in “Mater’s Impound Yard.” All cars are released after each group race. VERY IMPORTANT: Once a car has been impounded, it may NOT be touched for any reason, accept by Race Officials, or as directed by the TrackMaster or Crew Chief for emergency repairs during a race, until the car is released back to the Scout at the awards ceremony! After “Check-In,” get a good night’s sleep!!! · Racing: The Pack 700 & Pack 702 Pinewood Derby is a FUN event for the whole family – the usual mode of “good sportsmanship” is expected, just as it is at any Scout function. Please do NOT bring pets, “Heelys,” gum/candy, or other distractions that will reduce the quality of the Pinewood Derby experience. Parents are expected to supervise their own children – room, facility & equipment use is a PRIVILEGE & may be revoked by Corpus Christi Church or Race Officials at any time. All Scouts & spectators MUST remain behind the race pennant-line & off the track. The Pinewood Derby race track, including Friday night Practice Racing & all Race Heats on Saturday are at the complete control of the TrackMaster, Crew Chief & Race Officials – Scouts & spectators may NOT place or remove P/D cars on the race track!!! During the race, if a car jumps it’s lane, interferes with another car, looses a wheel or doesn’t make it across the finish-line for any reason, the Race Heat may be repeated, at the discretion of the TrackMaster or Crew Chief. The number of Race Heats for each Group Race shall be determined by the number of P/D cars entered & the number of track lanes in use; using a computer algorithm within our race software that provides for equal lane usage & the best possible head-to-head competition. During each Group Race, each Race Heat is scored: 1st Place = 1 Point, 2nd Place = 2 Points, 3rd Place = 3 Points, etc. At the end of a “Scout Group Race,” the points for all Race Heats are added together, which determines the 1st through 6th Place winners to be recognized, including ties, who’ve accumulated the least amount of points. The option of a “total time” method may be used in place of a point system. In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place winners, a “Sudden Death” Race Heat shall be conducted to break the tie; however, each Scout/racer shall receive an award – lane choice may be determined via coin toss. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place winners, including Scouts/racers who tied, shall advance to the “Pack Final.” Note: Additional Construction Ideas, Detailed Speed Tips & a Huge Variety of Accessories Available On-Line – Just Search: “Pinewood Derby” WHY: Because time with your Scout is PRICELESS!!!

山大妞朋友Siena 4 yrs old B-day party


山大王和爸鼻在媽咪帶山大妞去舞蹈課前就回來了 不過因為山大王的鋼琴老師今天請假出城去 所以山大王也不需要再出門上鋼琴課 媽咪帶山大妞去上第二次的舞蹈課 這次和第一次的老師不一樣 而且少了一位同學 老師Miss Kathryn很年輕 帶兩位小女生一起上課似乎還可以 不像上次爸鼻說的老師有點無法掌握三個小女生狀況 山大妞一向在老師面前都很聽話很少胡鬧 表情嚴肅很認真 雖然不像另一位同學裝備都很齊全 但是山大妞都很專注做老師帶的動作 媽咪和另一位同學的媽咪Sara聊的蠻投緣的 聽說踢踏舞鞋就要$30媽咪覺得真的蠻貴的 學校剛好沒有山大妞腳尺寸的踢踏舞鞋 媽咪以前小學時學的韻律鞋還在 但對山大妞來說也是太大了 山大妞今天穿學校8號半的韻律鞋 下次媽咪得幫山大妞去買兩種舞鞋了 下了課媽咪就趕緊帶山大妞去她最要好朋友的生日派對 這是山大妞第三次參加的同學生日派對 可是還是十分害羞黏在媽咪旁邊 Siena的四歲派對在家裡辦 一頭捲髮像小天使的Siena喜歡Hello Kitty Princess, Tinker Bell和Dora 上次Siena全家也都來參加山大妞三歲的生日派對 山大妞常說Siena是她最好的朋友 Siena的媽咪還記得山大妞生日時也是黏在媽咪旁邊 所以看到這次山大妞還是很害羞 不敢和朋友玩只和媽咪玩 也就見怪不怪了 媽咪和Courtney的媽咪及Sierra的媽咪 聊很多小孩學語言的狀況 山大妞邊聽媽咪聊天邊吃媽咪幫她處理過的pizza 山大妞雖然Pizza吃的很少也沒有吃小杯蛋糕 但是倒是吃蠻多小橘子的 山大妞對Bouncing house不是很有興趣 玩一下下就下來 倒是對許多可以坐的玩具車很感興趣 想每個都坐坐看 媽咪倒覺得最有趣的是看Siena拆禮物 媽咪幫山大妞挑了四樣小禮物送 山大妞幫忙做小卡片也幫忙包禮物 每一樣禮物山大妞都也很想要 媽咪拍了幾張Siena拆禮物的樣子 真的是好可愛喔 到下午一點山大妞就昏昏欲睡 而且Siena下午還有家族一起參加的生日派對 所以媽咪就帶山大妞回家囉 才上車沒多久山大妞就睡著了