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Caspers JPL/OC Astronomers event 7:30-10:30


I was just forwarded this anouncement about a really neat Astronomy event at Caspers. - Jordan Van Durme Forwarded message: Friends, I wanted to let you know that OC Parks & Caspers Wilderness Park is hosting a special event at Caspers on July 17th from 7:30pm-10:30pm. An engineer who worked on the Mars Phoenix Lander program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is giving a presentation on that program. Additionally, there will be another scientist from JPL to give a star talk, OC Astronomers will be out with their telescopes to let visitors check out the stars up close. We will have kids crafts, NASA movie shorts & the Nature Center will be open. You can make reservations by calling the park office 949.923.2210 Mars and Stars - Phoenix Mars Lander Mission 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and OC Astronomers will present an educational program showcasing the Phoenix Mars Lander Mission, which was responsible for confirming the presence of ice beneath the Martian terrain. A JPL engineer will discuss mission highlights and display actual images captures on Mars. A 1/3 scale Phoenix model, depicting the solar arrays and robotic arms will be on display. Event Fee: Free Parking Fee: Free Age: All Ages Caspers Wilderness Park 33401 Ortega Hwy.( P. O. Box 395) San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 949.923.2210 or (949)923-2207 Special Instructions: Reservations Required, contact park office 949.923.2210 or [email protected] Thanks & I hope to see you there! Adam Shuck Park Ranger Caspers Wilderness Park 949.923.2208 [email protected]

10 Things to Pack When Traveling with Your Cat


10 Things to Pack When Traveling with Your Cat When we think of traveling with a pet, we usually picture a dog happily jumping into the car and drooling over his owner's shoulder during the ride. Or we think of a calm, sleeping dog content in his carrier. The thought of a cat traveling to destinations unknown tends to conjure up an image of a scared, neurotic feline hissing through the gate of her carrier. Many dogs are comfortable traveling short and long distances but few cats are so inclined. So knowing what to pack to make your cat's and your trip more palatable is essential. Many cats don't like to travel for several reasons, the main being that they are territorial creatures. Your cat has worked hard to establish his territory in your house and, when you move him from his kingdom, he thinks he is trespassing on another's space. This puts your cat on guard and, at the same time, frightens him because he might have to defend this new territory at any time. Another drawback is the motion of a car, plane or train. A cat is designed to detect motion and the movement of the vehicle both confuses and disorients him. So, how can we make the trip less traumatic for our cats? Packing Well is the Key If you are prepared for your cat's needs and choose the items that you take carefully, you can alleviate a lot of the anxiety for both of you. An unprepared traveler will find that his stress rises as he finds along the way that he does not have the tools to care for the traveling cat. And his stress will affect said feline. What Things to Pack 1. Carrier: Some people opt for a special harness that secures to a seatbelt, but we highly recommend you stick to a hard shell carrier when traveling with your cat. A secured carrier is the safer way for your cat to travel and, if you get her used to it slowly before the trip, she will feel safe and comfortable in it. 2. Harness: Do bring a harness so your cat can stretch his legs at rest stops along the way. Stop every couple of hours at least. 3. Carrier Pad: Use a pad that your cat has been sleeping on at home. Bring additional pads or towels in case your cat has an accident during the ride, which is more than likely to happen. Keeping your cat dry and comfortable is essential to curbing his anxiety. 4. Toys: Many cats will ignore anything you place in their carrier yet familiar toys still seem to help calm kitty. Often cats will just lie on them instead of actually playing, but you might get your cat to play with a dangling toy in the vehicle at a rest stop. 5. Pheromones: Using a feline pheromone mimic collar or spray can help your cat relax on the trip. These pheromones are naturally secreted when a cat rubs his face on something so that, on returning to the spot, he is familiar with the scent and finds it comforting. Feliway spray can be used on your cat's bedding in his carrier or you can try a Good Behavior collar which creates a calming atmosphere for your cat anyplace. 6. Food and Water Supply: Calculate how much food you need to bring based on your cat's daily consumption. Bring enough for the whole trip so you don't possibly have to substitute a different brand at some point. It's better not to feed your cat while you're out on the road as it will likely just result in regurgitated food. Always bring more water than you think you'll need. It'll save you having to make stops just to get more. Offer it to your cat at every rest stop. 7. Bowls: There are many options for bringing along bowls for your cat - many people like the collapsible travel bowls but you can also get some that fit on the door of your cat's carrier. Keep in mind that water will splash as you roll along so only fill it half-way. 8. Treats: Bring several kinds of treats along and offer them to your cat at the rest stops. Don't be discouraged if she turns her nose up at them. After all, why should she trust something coming from the person who is putting her through this indignation? Leave a few in her carrier and she'll probably eventually eat them. 9. Litter Box: For the rest stops it's important to have a good little box system. The easiest place to put one when you stop is the floor of the passenger's seat. Let your cat roam around the car when parked and gently show her the box if needed. Your best bet is to get several disposable boxes with litter already in them so you can toss them after she's used them. 10. Medications and First Aid: It's easy to forget any medications that your cat takes so throw these into your bag early on in packing. Also bring a first aid kit which can be purchased at any large pet store or make one yourself with the following: gauze, medical tape, hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin (or similar product), tweezers, scissors, towels, sterile saline solution. And Don't Forget... Remember to pack your cat's vet records when you travel in case you need to bring her to a clinic during the trip. You should also gather information about vet clinics along your route so you know where to take her if there is an emergency. Check out this website for emergency clinics across the country. Also make sure any hotels you book are cat-friendly well in advance. With a little planning, a trip with your cat can be fun (or, at least, tolerable). And keep in mind that cats tend to recover very quickly once they've reached the destination and re-established their role as ruler of their kingdom.

Do Cat Families Have a Hierarchical Structure?


Do Cat Families Have a Hierarchical Structure? If you have more than one or two cats and are an astute observer of feline behavior, you've noticed that cats do seem to adhere to established feline social structures. One of your cats may have "Alpha Cat" status, with other cats deferring to him. You may find pairs of your cats choosing to relax in proximity to each other to the exclusion of other cats, and each of your cats may have established her own "territory" however small it may be. Traditionally, Cats Were Not Thought To Be A Social Species Until fairly recently, cats were not thought to be a social species. A social species is one whose members form "stable relationships," as dogs do within their packs. For years, scientists considered lions to be the only true social cats with a hierarchical structure within their prides. Later, they discovered that Cheetahs and Bobcats had unique social structures, and more recently, that the domestic cat family (whether feral or house cats) has an established social hierarchy. Although some cats require a solitary lifestyle, others are content to live in small groups, particularly if all of the cats are neutered. Many pet cats thrive in the company of other cats especially if they have grown up among other cats. Though its ancestors may have led asocial lives, the domestic cat has evolved into a far more sociable animal both in a feral and a household setting. As recently as the 1970s, scientists viewed feral colonies as consisting of nothing more than a number of individual cats drawn to a common food supply, generally tolerating other cats in the area. The prevailing theory was that the cats' attraction to food was stronger than the instinct to fight off other cats. Since the cats did not exhibit well-established social behavior in the same way that dogs did, scientists assumed that they were unsociable. Many cat owners knew otherwise. Feral Colonies Exhibit A Complex Matriarchal Hierarchy In the years since those early studies, scientists studying the social behavior of cats have found that domestic cats, like lions, are definitely social cats with established cat social structures including complex matriarchal hierarchies similar to the lion prides. In feral colonies, observers have noted that related females in colonies are sometimes bonded so closely that they will den together when birthing, act as midwives for each other, and nurse each other's kittens, with kittens being raised cooperatively by all of the females. The mothers even join forces to drive off intruders and threats to the colony, including fighting off tomcats seeking to kill kittens so that the females can be brought back into estrus. House Cats Also Follow A Social Hierarchy In multi-cat households, domestic cats also adhere to a hierarchical structure, although it's more complex. In neutered colonies, the feline buddy system is not restricted to closely related cats and there seem to be no gender preferences. Studies over the last 30 years suggest that cats develop complex matriarchal hierarchies and that they have preferred buddies. Even strictly indoor cats have both hierarchy and territories. For example, you may have a cat who rules the couch, and another who favors the love seat, and neither will cross into the other's kingdom unless they are bonded pairs. Upheavals occur when a new cat joins the household and must carve out a new territory for himself. This usually requires that the resident cats adjust their boundaries, sometimes by force. When a cat in the household dies, her old territory will be annexed by another cat, usually the next one down in the hierarchy. Behavior patterns in a household of cats may change when another dies or leaves. A shy cat may assume a higher spot in the hierarchy and adopt behaviors consistent with that higher status. Rubbing Establishes Hierarchy How often does your cat greet you by rubbing her body affectionately against your legs? It's your cat's way of letting you know that you rank higher than her in the household hierarchy. Cats rub against their companions to mingle their scents and reinforce their bond. A cat's social standing can be measured by how often other cats rub against her. Cats higher up the hierarchy are rubbed against a lot, while lower ranking cats do most of the rubbing. So as you observe your own little house lions, take note of the feline social hierarchy within your household. Understanding it can prove useful in resolving behavior issues like inappropriate marking or territorial disputes between your cats. The napping tabby at the end of your couch sees himself as a fierce lion protecting his territory at the north end of the living room. Understanding that role can help you preserve household harmony.

Den Pool Party @Camden Park


星期六下午童軍小隊以"朋友相聚"之名 辦社區游泳池聚會 小男生們見面在游泳池裡特別開心 每家各自認領帶烤雞,沙拉,水果,紙杯盤餐具還有"自家喜歡的飲料" 重點就在"飲料" 因為童軍辦活動不能有"酒精成分"的飲料 所以主辦人與協辦人特別強調這不是一個童軍活動 山寨一家除了山大王外都不太會社交 也幾乎都不喝酒 有一點外行人看熱鬧地參加 帶了水,檸檬汁和可樂 其他好些家都帶啤酒來共襄盛舉 小朋友玩水後吃飽了繼續下水玩 大人聊開了就開始喝啤酒 好些媽媽們開始帶點醉意互相開起玩笑 媽咪抱著玩累了想睡的山大妞坐在涼傘旁聽其他媽媽們打趣黃色笑話 兩個媽咪輪流糗快要生第三個小孩的爸爸 因為那幾個媽咪爸鼻們交情夠 就不怕互相糗著開玩笑 那位平常愛現的爸爸有點惱羞成怒 但是又不好意思真的對開玩笑的媽咪發怒 就笑著警告朋友的媽咪再唱糗他的歌 就把她丟到游泳池 快要生女兒的媽咪見到自己老公當眾表演也不在意 大家都等著看戲 最後這位爸鼻真的就抱起糗他的媽咪跳下水 還好大家都是裡面穿好泳衣的 所以還是繼續胡鬧 不過山寨一家傍晚五點還有約Sears 來修裝錯的洗衣機水管 所以無法繼續和朋友派對先走啦 不過山寨一家走之前 pool opera主演的一家也先走了 媽咪這回才真的見識到老美開池邊派對的瘋狂啦

Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center 2-for-1 all day


After you treat dad to a free day at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center on Sunday, make plans to also spend July 4th at the pool before attending the Aliso Viejo Community Association's holiday fireworks celebration at Grand Park. In honor of our nation's Independence Day, the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center will offer guests 2-for-1 admission all day; low-cost hot dog meals from the Oasis Cafe; and free fun-filled activities throughout the day. Visitors will enjoy hula, egg and sack races; arts and crafts; relay races; water aerobics; water polo scrimmage; and live entertainment by DJ Chill. The resort-style complex at 29 Santa Barbara will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Entrance for Aliso Viejo residents is $5 for adults; and $3 for youth and seniors. Non-residents pay $2 more. The Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center is gearing up for a fun-filled Fourth of July and month of specials catering to people of all ages. In honor of our nation's Independence Day, the Aquatic Center will offer guests 2-for-1 admission all day; low-cost hot dog meals from the Oasis Cafe; and free fun-filled activities throughout the day. Visitors will enjoy hula, egg and sack races; arts and crafts; relay races; water aerobics; water polo scrimmage; and live entertainment by DJ Chill. The resort-style complex at 29 Santa Barbara will be open July 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Entrance for Aliso Viejo residents is $5 for adults; and $3 for youth and seniors. Non-residents pay $2 more. Along with the holiday, visitors can take advantage of "Thirsty Thursday" tomorrow, which includes a free drink when you buy a meal from the Oasis Cafe. On July 6, the center will host 2-for-1 Tuesday. On July 16, make plans for "Family Nite" in which a family of up to five will get in the facility for $5 after 5:00 p.m. The Oasis Cafe will offer 10 percent off its delectable fare on July 21, and teens will enjoy 2-for-1 night on July 27.



今天下午是山大妞舞蹈學校表演日 早上是排演下午三點演出 因為山大妞今天還是要上學到三點 而且舞蹈課第一天我們沒有去 所以錯過量身訂做舞衣 媽咪因為覺得山大妞比較害羞 所以也沒有追加另外安排她個人量身訂做舞衣 山大妞唯一的遺憾就是 見到小朋友都有像百老匯的短澎澎紅舞裙 自己沒有而感到不開心 她倒是不在意沒有上台表演的機會 不過媽咪為了有免費的票參觀 舞蹈學校夏季表演 所以自願當Room Mom 因此今天山大妞不忙 倒是媽咪忙著了解觀察經驗一下 舞蹈學校夏季表演各個細節安排 希望明年山大妞不會錯過下次上台表演的機會 也希望媽咪先幫她了解流程後 下次山大妞第一次正式上台跳舞表演的經驗 對喜歡跳舞的她有正面舞台表演影響 舞蹈學校每年夏季表演都在社區教會的大禮堂 會場鮮花舞衣拍賣佈置得很可愛別緻 媽咪中場休息到家長把孩子都帶走後可以進觀眾席觀賞 但之前要和另外一位Room Mom一起 照顧八位3歲左右的小舞者一個小時半 山大妞班上有八個小女生 媽咪和另外一位Room Mom 上台前下台後輪流帶了六位小女生去上廁所 一位快三歲的小美女上台前掉淚要媽媽 一位在台上跳舞時跌倒下台後很沮喪 媽咪和其他幫忙的Room Mom和老師們 都很努力地幫她們打氣 還好八位小舞者都沒有意外地上台表演了 雖然是長週末前的星期五下午 很多家人應該也需要上班的 令人難以想像的是大概可以坐近千人的會場 賣票在下半場還有85%以上的出席率 媽咪本來想下半場帶山大妞一起看 不過爸鼻說山大妞和山大王都不想來 只好媽咪自己享受學校的下半場夏季舞蹈表演 雖然舞者從三歲不到到老師加大學高中生都有 但是感覺大家都很敬業 也很支持社區非營利的舞蹈學校 很賣力地把表演編排地讓全家人都可以欣賞 是小女生成長中很有意義的經驗 媽咪覺得每個參加的小女生們都在這次經驗中長大了一點點 希望下次輪到山大妞時 媽咪可以有經驗智慧幫山大妞學到正面的舞台經驗 我想獅子座的山大妞 雖然在陌生人面前很害羞 但正在亮麗的舞台上面對黑暗處的觀眾 山大妞一定也可以自信地展現自己



媽咪想換洗衣機已經一陣子了 我們家用了快九年的好事多牌子Top Loader洗衣機 已經被媽咪快操爛了 旋轉快速脫水時就會天搖地動 昨天星期天去Tustin附近的Pacific Sales 吃過In-N-Out又去sears看洗衣機 晚上回家還是掛在網站上看 原本想買Bosch Vision 500 Series 4.4 cu. ft. Front-Load Washing Machine w/ AquaStop (WFVC544) 但見到Electrolux 4.7 cu.ft.在Sears outlet有30% off 今天送了大小兩隻去Summer School 媽咪就殺去Santa Ana Sears Outlet參觀 難得南加今天早上還下毛毛細雨 對媽咪來說是個好天氣 媽咪仔細看outlet要出清的floor sample 詳細記下每個想買機種型號和價錢 不過看到想買的Electrolux IQ 4.7 cu.ft. 不但外觀有刮傷撞痕 還有用過的留下洗衣粉的痕跡 五月退回但是機器是2009二月墨西哥製造 加上新機種外觀設計太炫麗 所以媽咪最後還是屬意Bosch Vision 500 下午接回大小兩隻回家 山大王直說他喜歡玩足球 也很喜歡這個學校 好像在學校馬上就交到一些朋友 還見到母雞生了兩顆蛋 小朋友玩足球時 山大王也見到馬廄在旁邊 他還滾顆地上掉下來的蘋果給馬吃 好幾個老師也都很親切見到媽咪來接山大王 跟媽咪說山大王是個good listeners 跟印象中原來公立學校老師說 山大王要多加強聽話的能力剛好相反 當然山大王喜歡上學最好 媽咪暑假也幫他安排一周是 比較消耗體力的球類運動super sport;下週上瑜珈 山大王很高興說明天他還要去學校 這兩週媽咪都不用煩惱山大王午餐 山大王今天就吃了三大碗義大利麵 回到家還累到需要睡午覺 吃的好睡得好有鍛鍊到身心 媽咪聽到山大王喜歡學校心裡很開心 傍晚媽咪整理好去Outlet看到的資料 發現Sears.com有特價一款媽咪很喜歡的Bosch Vision 500 無煙煤色其實就是灰黑色 全新洗衣機近40% off比拍賣場的Floor Sample要便宜 因為星期四另折扣5% off就要結束 且特價數量有限制 所以媽咪等爸鼻下班吃飽後 就請爸鼻去附近Sears買下來 因為爸鼻開新卡還可以省15元 加上可以申請四種rebate後 大概可以省下定價一半的錢 連爸鼻買好回家心裡都很開心 今天真是運氣不錯的一天

童軍健行 Laguna Wilderness - Laurel Loop-9:30-12:30


爸鼻早上六點不到就出門去新港買魚 雖然家裡只有媽咪愛吃魚 但是其實爸鼻是主要買給家裡兩隻貓吃的喔 所以等爸鼻回來 見到小貓Tippy愛吃魚肝 但大貓Stella卻一點都不愛 媽咪把貴鬆鬆包好的鮮魚先放冰箱 健行回來後再來吃生魚片 這次換媽咪陪山大王去童軍健行 暑假山大王好像開始想要多運動了 雖然早上還是賴床不想起來 這次媽咪跟著山大王及童軍小隊走來回三個小時 是裡面六個男童軍和五位家長中唯一的女生 山大王因為有他的好朋友Alex新加入童軍小隊 所以很開心一直跟他在聊天 完全沒有腳軟 媽咪沿途聽了領隊講解許多拉古納的自然生態也收穫良多 雖然溪水已乾但是走在乾河床旁的小徑 仍然因為空氣在河床流動讓山裡的清香不時撲鼻宜人 因為暑假這次參加的人不多 大夥都顯得輕鬆自在 去程領隊一路講解走走停停 媽咪喜歡認識沿途植物的名稱 - Common Fiddleneck像蝴蝶的毛蟲喜歡吃 - Common Deerweed鹿喜歡吃這有橘紅黃三色合一起的花 - Fuschia-Flowered Gooseberry長的挑高細長的紅色花在樹蔭下特別醒目 - California forever 白色小花聞起來有甜甜的糖汁味道 - Mulefat 早期旅人讓他們的驢子停下吃的植物 但吃太多肚子會沉重驢子會走不動 - Bush/Sticky Monkey Flower - Black Sage 黑色鼠尾草 - Sage 媽咪也很喜歡野生鼠尾草的香氣 以前印地安人把鼠尾草塗抹在身上當古龍水 - Bush Mellow粉白色的小花開滿枝頭 - California Wild Rose都還在開花 More to see: http://picasaweb.google.com/NatureInOrangeCounty 這次小男生還有多學到一些地理自然科學 也在乾枯的瀑布大石頭旁休息喝水吃點零食 大家也都見到唯一還留下的貝殼化石,鬼石 和Turkey vultures土耳其禿鷹 那兩隻小黑色的turkey vultures還不太會飛在巨大石頭上休息 Harvast Ants moving Buckwheats 還有在攻擊外來的黑色的阿根廷螞蟻 黑色的阿根廷螞蟻就是每年夏天山寨家的不速之客



FREE FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL REG’s Free Family Film Festival is Now Showing! We have planned a fun-filled summer of select movies for kids and parents. Regal has proudly offered this free summer fun since 1991. Oh, did we mention that it’s FREE! Selected G or PG movies start at 10:00am every Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival. Tickets and seating are first-come, first-served and are limited to theatre capacity. The Free Family Film Festival is safe, lots of fun and a great way for kids to spend a weekday morning in the summer. Tickets for our 2010 Free Family Film Festival are exclusively available at select theatres’ box office on the day of the show. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aliso Viejo Stadium 20 & IMAX 26701 Aliso Creek Road Aliso Viejo ,CA 92656 949-425-3861 06/29/2010-06/30/2010 Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs - DP (PG) Where The Wilds Things Are - DP (PG) 07/06/2010-07/07/2010 Monsters Vs. Aliens - DP (PG) Paul Blart: Mall Cop - DP (PG) 07/13/2010-07/14/2010 Hotel For Dogs - DP (PG) Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs - DP (PG) 07/20/2010-07/21/2010 Madagascar 2 - DP (PG) The Spiderwick Chronicles - DP (PG) 07/27/2010-07/28/2010 Tale Of Despereaux - DP (G) The Spy Next Door - DP (PG) 08/03/2010-08/04/2010 Pirates Who Don't Do Anything - DP (G) Shorts - DP (PG) 08/10/2010-08/11/2010 Charlotte's Web - DP (G) Imagine That - DP (PG) 08/17/2010-08/18/2010 Kit Kittredge: American Girl - DP (G) Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel- DP (PG) 08/24/2010-08/25/2010 Space Chimps - DP (G) Aliens In The Attic - DP (PG)

FW: The Top Cat Breeds for Apartment Dwellers...etc.


The Top Cat Breeds for Apartment Dwellers The American Pet Products Manufacturers Association's 2009-10 Pet Owners Survey reports that there are approximately 93.6 million cats living in US households, while there are only about 77.5 million dogs. Part of the reason cats have overtaken dogs in the house pet popularity contest is that cats adapt more easily to indoor life and can cope better with their humans' busy lifestyles. However, some cats still make for better apartment housemates than others. The Apartment-Friendly Personality When choosing a feline roommate, look for the following temperament traits: •Adaptable, easygoing disposition •Doesn't need to be highly active to be happy •Soft-spoken •Can tolerate being alone for up to eight hours at a time (particularly if you work or are away a lot during the day) •Sociable •Not overly territorial Be sure to take your lifestyle into account when selecting a cat, too. If you plan to entertain a lot, be sure your cat will be able to tolerate --or even enjoy-- other people and the potential noise and chaos of parties (even a sedate dinner party is chaotic as far as some cats are concerned). Apartment-Friendly Breeds Below is a list of several breeds that are known to be good companions for apartment dwellers. Of course, personalities and temperaments will vary somewhat within each breed, so be sure to talk to your breeder to ensure that your feline friend will be a good fit for your living situation. The British Shorthair is particularly known for its ability to adapt well to apartment life. Quiet and friendly with its owner, this hardy breed is also a good fit for first-time cat owners. If you want a lap cat, this breed is for you. The easygoing and affectionate Persian, with its relatively placid demeanor, is a good fit for apartment life. However, the Persian does need attention and will not thrive in an environment where its owner is away a lot. The Persian requires daily grooming to prevent mats. If you like the Persian personality but would prefer a lower-maintenance coat, check out the Exotic, the short-haired version of the Persian. The Russian Blue is an affectionate but independent cat, well-suited for a life with working singles. They are known to be shy with strangers but very loyal to their favorite person. Their plush blue coat requires very little maintenance. They are moderately active and enjoy playing. The Javanese is playful, affectionate, and vocal. Although the Javanese can tolerate being alone during the day, they do need daily one-on-one time with their owners to be truly happy. This breed is best suited for first-time cat owners and would do best in the household of a retired senior. The Ragdoll is known for its laid-back and gentle temperament. If you're looking for a lap cat that enjoys playtime but isn't especially demanding, a Ragdoll could be your ideal companion. These cats should be kept indoors only and adapt well to apartment life. Other Apartment Cat Options There are lots of mellow, easygoing cats waiting at animal shelters for permanent homes. If you choose to adopt from a rescue organization, look for an adult cat. Once a cat is three years old or so, its personality is fully formed, and the shelter staff can help you find a feline friend that fits your lifestyle. If you can cope with the fact that your cat may not be with you for many years, senior cats tend to be especially calm and would welcome a warm and loving home for their golden years. Consider adopting two cats, either littermates or adult cats with compatible personalities. They can keep each other company and entertain one another while you're away, and you'll get twice as much love and affection when you return home after a long day. Special Considerations Your cat will benefit from having vertical territory. A tall cat tree or a special place on the mantel or bookshelf can give your feline friend the feeling that your apartment is much bigger than it is. This is particularly important if you have more than one cat; the extra space can help to prevent stress-related behavior problems such as fighting or inappropriate elimination. Ultimately, the most important factor in selecting an apartment-friendly cat is not its breed but its personality. Your breeder can help you choose a companion that will suit your living situation and your lifestyle. Be honest about your housing and your lifestyle--including how long you tend to be away from home for work or travel--and if a breeder tells you that a particular breed is not suitable for life in small apartments, take their word for it. Breeders want their cats to have good "forever homes" and will do everything they can to ensure a good match. When you take your time to find the right cat, you and your feline friend can be boon companions for life. Advice from Other Cat Owners The Best Cat for Someone with Allergies Cat allergies come from a protein made in the cat's saliva and skin but not the fur. When the cat sheds those skin cells (dander) are spread around. However there are two types of cats that naturally have lower levels of the protein. They are the Siberian (big with long hair) and the Russian Blue (smaller cat with low shedding short hair). Sometimes a hairless or Rex cat might be tolerable, but only because those breeds require frequent bathing which removes some of the dander. I have family members that are allergic to cats but they have lived with a RB without any problems. ~Kate B., owner of Korat Get more advice » The Least Aggressive Cat Breed Ragdolls (as their name implies) are extremely "laid-back," docile, non-aggressive cats. They tend to relax when held. They are said to possess a non-fighting instinct, which means that if attacked, they do not defend themselves. Because Ragdolls lack the instinct to defend themselves when attacked, they must be kept as indoor pets only. However, they can be easily leash trained so that they can go for walks with you outside. They are very "people" oriented and love to be around others, which often finds them greeting guests and/or following their owners around in a fashion similar to a puppy. They are often quite an attraction in a show ring because of their docile dispositions and acceptance of the judge placing them on their backs, holding them like a baby.