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Den Meeting - May 4th @ 6:30pm - Corpus Christi Church


Den Meeting - May 4th @ 6:30pm - Corpus Christi Church The Den #5 monthly meeting will be at Corpus Christi Church this month at 6:30pm. I have provided our proposed agenda below for your review. Our meeting theme will center around the upcoming Space Derby, which I am proud to announce that we have 100% participation from our Den, and great support from the Den Parents who have volunteered to help out with the event. This is Pack 700's first Space Derby in over 5 years, and our Co-Leader Matt Haugo has put together a great event, so thanks for showing you support! Request - The Scouts will be creating Posters for the Space Derby. If anyone wishes to donate/provide any materials please let me know. We are looking for poster sized paper board, glue, glitter, stickers or art/photos (space themed), letters etc. for the Poster Craft. Please copy the group on what you can bring. We also have a number of announcements to make on upcoming events and will be sending those out via the monthly email "newsletter" so stayed tuned for information on Grad Camp, Scout-O-Rama, and the Rain-gutter Regatta. We have some summer Pack activities and as always some special Den 5 events as well. Achievement Reports will be out later this week for your update, and submission at the Den meeting. Den 5 Meeting Agenda - May 4th Gathering - Meet and Greet Start - Pledge of Allegiance / Scout Standards Practice Share - Awards, Achievements and Stories - Hike Report & Scout Activity Presentations Discover - Space Exploration History and Space Derby Posters Search - Game - Who am I? (Scouts will be given a mystery animal and the others will have to guess which animal it is) Closing - Scout Parents Discussion, upcoming event information and Handbook sign offs and Achievement Report submissions.

FW: Communicating With Your Cat


Communicating With Your Cat Communicating with your cat is not simply a parlor trick you can perform to amuse your dinner guests. It's an important part of training your cat and reinforcing your bond with her. Teaching your cat simple commands like "DOWN" and "NO!" will make her a better pet, while words like "Treats!" and "Dinner!" will help her associate you with something pleasurable. Cats rarely vocalize with other cats (other than to hiss and growl at trespassers); they reserve verbal interaction for humans. Feline language is a complex mix of facial expression, tail position, ear position and other forms of body language in addition to scent and sound. Cats learn to make demands of us by observing which of their sounds cause which human responses. Understanding Your Cat Some cats (like the Oriental breeds) are vocal and have extensive vocabularies. Other cats scarcely "speak" at all, or have a one-size-fits-all yowl that covers all the bases. Whether your cat is vocal or not, she will be fluent in body language, a key component of her interactions with you and other animals. By tuning in to both her body and her voice, you can learn to differentiate between "Feed me" and "HELP! Timmy's in the well!" The following vocalizations are fairly common to most cats: Short meow: "Hey, how ya doin'?" Multiple meows: "I'm so happy to see you! Where've you been? I missed you!" Mid-pitch meow: A plea for something, usually dinner, treats, or to be let outside. Drawn-out mrrraaaaaoooow: "Did you forget to feed me, you idiot? I want dinner NOW!" or similar demand. Low pitched mraaooww: "You are so lame. The service around here sucks," or similar complaint. High-pitch RRRROWW!: "OUCH!!! YOU STEPPED ON MY TAIL YOU IMBECILE!" Purr: Most often a sign of contentedness, but can also be used when in pain or afraid -- an instinctual response to hide weakness from predators. Hiss: "Steer clear. I'm angry and I'm not afraid to draw blood." Clicking sounds: Cats who are tracking prey will make a distinctive clicking sound. Most Cats Use the Following Gestures to Communicate: The Tail: Tail straight up or straight up with a curl at the end: Happy. Tail twitching: Excited or anxious. Tail vibrating: Very excited to see you. Tail fur sticks straight up while the tail curls in the shape of an N: Extreme aggression. Tail fur sticks straight up but the tail is held low: Aggression or frightened. Tail held low and tucked under the rear: Frightened. Eyes: Dilated pupils: Very playful or excited. It can also indicate aggression. Slowly blinking eyes: Affection, the equivalent of blowing a kiss. Head: Ears pinned back: Fear, anxiety, aggression Tongue flicking: Worry, apprehension Rubbing head, flank and tail against a person or animal: Greeting ritual, ownership claim Head-butting: Friendliness, affection Face sniffing: Confirming identity Wet nose kiss: Affection Licking: The penultimate sign of affection. Or an indication that you need to clean up after a sardine snack. Helping Your Cat Understand You As you communicate with your cat, the words you use are less important than how you say them and the body language that accompanies them. If you say "DOWN!" or "NO!" in the same tone you use for, "Good Kitty! Here's a treat," you'll confuse your cat and she'll misinterpret what you're saying. Consistency is the key to successful communication with your cat. To correct behavior, use a loud, firm, authoritative voice, and use this same tone consistently in conjunction with body language. For example, when ordering your cat "down," make a stern face, and use one of your hands to point down. For praise, or when calling your cat to dinner or offering treats, use a higher-pitched "happy" voice, smile, and beckon with your hand. If your cat is begging for attention when you are trying to work or accomplish some other task, you will need to say "NO!" firmly, and gently push the cat away without showing affection. Cats don't have much respect for the human's personal space and will try repeatedly to invade it, so you may need to repeat the NO-push combination several times before Fluffy gives up and leaves you alone. If you say "no" and pet your cat instead of pushing her away, she will interpret your actions as a welcome signal. Most cats will also respond to a sharp hissing or spitting sound as a "no" command when they are doing something seriously wrong and need to be stopped. If you consistently use the same voice, facial expressions and hand gestures, most cats will have no trouble understanding what you say. The more you communicate with your cat, the better the two of you will become at understanding each other.



這次山大王的小小讀書會在圖書館舉辦 果然如媽咪所料 山大王見到朋友就人來瘋 很難安靜下來看書 不過還是很難得讓小朋友學習自己找書 看大家相互交流好書哪裡找 是件好事 媽咪常帶大小兩隻去圖書館 山大王最近在迷Narnia 自從看了圖書館借來的電影DVD迪士尼版的Narnia 媽咪就把上次暑假前在學校買的Narna456集拿出來 山大王更喜歡是聽從圖書館網路上下載的的有聲書-narnia 書蟲俱樂部活動結束後 媽咪要回到車上前才想到應該要把Narnia123集借出來 媽咪也很喜歡這個以孩子和會說話的動物王國的小說故事 除了小說之外山大王也因為養貓的關係 看了不少貓的自然科學和人文書 媽咪請山大王唸"Kitten care and Critters, too!"給山大妞聽 山大王要山大妞遇到"critters, too!"要換她唸出來 兄妹倆一搭一唱真是可愛 媽咪覺得這是最可貴的手足一起長大的紀念 可惜沒有錄下來 其他幾本書"I am your kitten"; "Cats in from the Wild"; "Why do cats have whiskers?" 媽咪和山大王看了也覺得不錯 好笑的是媽咪一直在看圖書館借來的"Cats for Dummies" 山大王偶爾也會看一下 因為這新手蠢蛋系列的書封面都一樣 山大王以為媽咪很喜歡這一系列的書 一天去書架把生山大王後懷妹妹前朋友給的一本書 "Pregnancy for Dummies"拿出來放在媽咪看書的桌上 說要給媽咪看 實在生活有這大小兩隻已經夠開心快樂疲累了 媽咪這本書可以送人了 不想要再複習"給懷孕新手蠢蛋"這本書了 XD

老師們罷課通知 4/22~4/26


Dear DJAES Parents: We were officially notified for a strike to begin on Thursday, April 22 (tomorrow,) of this week and to last possibly through Monday. It’s been widely advertised in the news, by CUEA reps and on the CUEA website. It is now time to put the school’s plan in place. The information in this email will help answer many questions and concerns, and will begin to address the plan for the next few days. I want you to know that with all the uncertainty looming around us, there are certain things that will remain constant at DJAES. The school will be open and students can attend. Unless further notified the school day times will remain unchanged during the work stoppage. Furthermore visit the CUSD web site (http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com) throughout the day for updated information about the strike. I will be updating the DJAES Community at the end of the day. Quick points of information specific to DJAES: *School will be open during our normal school hours: THURSDAY TIMES WILL REMAIN – DISMISSAL AT 12:50 for grades (1st-5th) Kindergarten (AM 7:45-11:15 / PM 9:30 – 1:00) M, T, W, F schedule is 7:45 a.m. to 2:05 p.m. Kindergarten (AM 7:45 – 11:45) (PM 10:30 – 2:30) *Lunch will continue to be available for purchase *Bus transportation: At this time, we are anticipating the bus drivers to honor the CUEA pick lines. An update will come from the transportation department. Parents are encouraged to plan for alternative means to transport their child during the strike. You are highly encouraged to check the CUSD website for up-to-date information. *After school community education classes will be cancelled on a daily basis. *YMCA will remain open Principal & Office Staff: As you can imagine, this will be a very busy morning for all. Please understand the office personnel and the principal’s main focus for the morning is your children. They will be focusing on setting up the classrooms and activities for the day. Please understand this means, it is important for parents to check for updates on the web sites, school emails and phone messages. The office will communicate with parents through those resources. Morning Drop Off and Pick Up: The morning drop and pick up procedures will remain the same. The district is providing unarmed security guards to assist with traffic. Start of School: Student can arrive at 7:30 and they are to go directly to their classroom. District approved parent volunteers that want to help can check in at the office and wait in the library to be assigned to a classroom. Class Sizes - One major question is how many students will be assigned to a classroom and a teacher during a strike. This will be determined by the number of students that come to school during this event. There is a group of substitutes that has been assigned to DJAES. Therefore, I will not know how many students per class until the morning of a strike when the students are at school. Students may be grouped together with different classes. Curriculum - No matter what is happening outside the school grounds during a strike, the children will be actively engage. The curriculum focus for the days will be English Language Arts, math, science, and the students will continue to have PE. Safety - Every day, the #1 priority is your children, their safety and their learning. The school will continue to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of your children. There will be unarmed security guards to ensure parents who are bringing their children to school during a strike will have access to and from the school’s parking lot. The security guards will also monitor our school perimeter and ensure a closed campus. Personal Decision - No matter where you stand on this situation, we must continue to be respectful of one another and we must be respectful of each other’s personal decision with regards to the work stoppage or attending school. Up to this point, we have all worked together in a cohesive, positive, and professional manner. I am hopeful that we will all continue to work in this manner during and after a strike. Sincerely, Shawn M. Lohman Principal Don Juan Avila Elementary Capistrano Unified School District This communication and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it constitute an electronic communication within the scope of the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, 18 USCA 2510. This communication may contain non-public, confidential, or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited under 18 USCA 2511 and any applicable laws.



連著兩週爸鼻都得出差 再加上這周學校老師從星期四到下星期一都要罷課 媽咪忙著孩子各種上課下課課外活動 還得計畫山大王的暑假課程 所以日記就缺少內容了 多半以照片畫面取代 自從開始養寵物後 媽咪就開始注意關於貓的柴鹽油米醬醋茶的特價 之前養魚是因為爸鼻同事給了除了魚之外的完整水族箱 雖然用過但是狀況都很好 魚也吃不多一小罐飼料就可以養好久 只有換水清魚缸比較麻煩 何況爸鼻都會照顧換水清魚缸的工作 媽咪除了清水缸裡的擺飾外 很少有照顧寵物的感覺 養了貓後 每天的工作就增加很多了 除了教大小兩隻待貓之道 還要清貓砂清貓餐具和貓窩及小毯子 同時得留心Petco和Petsmart各種促銷活動 當然最重要是有空要陪貓貓曬太陽摸摸牠 雖然說貓咪是送給山大王七歲生日禮物 但是山大王還沒有養成照顧牠的習慣 多半是跟貓貓玩 山大王很怕妹妹去"寵貓" 因為貓也很怕山大妞 但在山大妞勾住牠脖子壓著牠摸時 貓咪一點都不敢反抗 面對太熱情的山大妞 貓咪見到就跑 跑不掉只好乖乖就範 山大妞一次把貓咪放在她玩具寵物袋裡 貓咪一直貓貓叫引起山大王注意 山大王見到山大妞為了不讓貓咪跑掉 就把牠當玩具寵物關起來 山大王很生氣大叫媽咪幫忙 因為山大妞每次因為哥哥不讓她抱貓 也會"獸"性大發踢抓山大王 山大王很心疼山大妞把貓咪關起來 還難過地哭起來 果然快四歲的山大妞還是不太懂得待貓之道 教她好幾遍要讓貓來去自如 不要抱牠或把貓關在房間裡 山大妞都覺得貓每次都躲她自尊受傷 就跟媽咪說他生日也要一隻貓 但是要可以抱著的lap cat 要讓小孩可以抱著寵的貓就是布偶貓-ragdoll 但是Ragdoll很依賴很黏主人 就怕到時候幫她找到布偶貓 最後還是黏到媽咪身上就慘了 現在Stella二樓隻懶貓已經不躲床下了 喜歡伺機跳到溫暖的床上撒嬌 她是隻很聰明安靜的貓 雖然我們都不讓她待床上 她也會睡覺時間到了就乖乖走出我們臥室 去躺在臥室門前牠的pet bed 不過偶爾走進房間還是會見她窩床上 媽咪覺得養貓比養小孩要容易好幾百倍呢 雖然Stella很獨立但見到山大妞哭時 不管時白天晚上貓都會很關心地跑來看山大妞怎麼了 然後乖乖讓大小姐摸摸牠 已經習慣我們一家人作息的貓咪 也會喜歡在大家在的起居室活動 媽咪最新的目標就是幫她弄個cat tree 讓她有高的地方可以爬 提升她在家的地位啦



這個月的童軍小隊開會因春假 改週日上午去健行 昨天爸鼻回家從傍晚吃過飯就睡到早上八點半 媽咪極力推爸鼻帶山大王去童軍小隊健行 爸鼻雖然很想出差後一早洗個澡後睡個三天三夜 但是還是被媽咪趕鴨子上架 山大王也是百般不想去爬山健行 媽咪雖然很想去看走走看野花 但獨自帶著兩個孩子一整個星期 除了累還是累 送爸鼻和山大王去Dilley Preserve停車場回到家後 媽咪還是帶著吵著要和哥哥去健行的山大妞到附近小公園騎腳踏車 Den #5 - Den Meeting and Hike @ Dilley Preserve - April 18th - 10am Message: Tiger Cub Den Meeting and Hike In leu of this month's Den Meeting (due to Spring Break schedules) this month's Den Meeting will be a local hike starting from the Dilley Preserve located on Laguna Canyon Road (details to be sent out separately). Our hike will be approximately 3 miles long and will focus on wildflowers, which are beginning to bloom and how plants were used by the Native Americans. Due to the rocky nature of this trail it is not recommended for younger siblings. Please Register/RSVP for this event by clicking the "Register" button on the Calendar entry (April 18th @ 10am) Please be at the Dilley Preserve parking area by 9:45 for a pre-hike check and talk. Things to bring: Good shoes for hiking (we will be climbing a rocky section on this hike), sunscreen, water and snacks, appropriate attire.

山大妞春季表演 Spring Show


這一周爸鼻都在日本出差 媽咪一人獨撐大局 接送過完春假的孩子上下學 這星期社區在重鋪柏油路 所以得要注意接送時繞道 星期一: 帶大小兩隻去溜冰刀和上課 星期二和四早上:帶山大妞去上芭蕾和補春假時的課 之後帶山大妞去購物買菜 星期三早上去山大王學校幫忙 星期四:帶大小兩隻去鋼琴課及晚上的Social skill課 星期五:媽咪送過小孩去上學後,接著去買山大王喜歡的綠葡萄 送鋼琴老師支票後終於可以在家休息打掃一下 之後又趕著去Old Navy趁打折買山大王褲子 星期六:終於到了山大妞學校年度春季表演 媽咪和孩子保證春季表演後 爸鼻就會從機場回到家等我們了 媽咪非常期待山大妞的怯場可以一次比一次進步 山大妞還是答應媽咪她不會上台哭囉 可以她還是會"保持安靜不想唱歌" 還好每次媽咪去接山大妞回家途中 山大妞開心時都會唱學校教的歌給媽咪聽 不然媽咪每次都沒看過山大妞在學校表演時唱歌 山大王除了坐校車很興奮外 一樣爲山大妞上台緊張 媽咪陪著山大妞在等待上台的長凳子坐著 山大王也很焦急坐不住在旁邊等著 直到山大妞好朋友Siena坐山大妞旁邊時 山大妞才不需要緊緊拉住媽咪的手 媽咪是星期三從鄰居那聽說 山大妞班上春季表演要表演彩帶舞 不然山大妞從來也不提她有練習彩帶舞 山大妞上台比較喜歡表演跳舞 不喜歡開口和小朋友一起"喊"歌 山大妞在台上就是一直盯著媽咪看 這樣她就不會怯場在台上哭 媽咪和哥哥一直對她比手勢 說她很棒臉上要掛著微笑 很棒的是山大妞這次表演彩帶舞很大方 連我們不認識的家長 表演後看到山大妞和我們在遊戲場等接送校車時 都說山大妞跳得很棒 雖然山大妞依舊不開口唱歌 但是媽咪看到山大妞上台表演有進步就很開心了 山大王看到妹妹在台上沒有開口唱一直很著急 媽咪看山大妞沒哭就很高興了 還一直安撫在旁邊碎碎唸有老大情結的山大王 "妹妹沒開口唱沒關係啦" 表演結束媽咪還耐心讓大小兩隻都吃飽 學校免費供應的德式自助餐再回家 回到家見到爸鼻已經在家 大小兩隻都笑開懷了

Dyed-Hair Myths Revealed


Deep, rich hues like auburn, cocoa brown and golden blonde look fantastic against medium and olive skin. The deepest shades of brown and black work best for dark skin tones. “The right color will liven up your skin tone so you’ll need less makeup,” says Joel Warren. John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze (available in five other shades too, so one’s bound to work for you, $9.99; CVS.com). Garnier Fructis Color Shield Fortifying Deep Conditioner 3 Minute Masque ($5.99; at drugstores). Rinse with chamomile tea to cut brassiness out of blonde hair and enhance shine. True: Chamomile tea is a natural lightener that’s gentle on color-treated hair, according to Philip Pelusi. It has a calming effect on the scalp and conditions hair for a softer, shinier look. Here’s how to use it: Twice a month, brew a large cup of tea and let it sit until it’s room temperature. Pour it lightly onto damp hair and massage in. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and style as you normally would. We like the dual performance from Nexxus Dualiste Color- Protection + Intense Hydration Shampoo ($12; at drugstores). It stops color from fading quickly and keeps strands moisturized. Between salon visits you can conceal your roots with an athome kit. Today’s formulas are better than ever,” says Backe. Clairol Nice ’n Easy Root Touch-Up ($6.99; drugstore.com) has an easy-to-use brush, which makes for speedy application. The best way to get even coverage: Separate hair into sections, dividing it down the center toward the back of your neck, then breaking down the two large sections into three smaller ones. Twist each section into a bun and pin. Paint color onto exposed roots. no matter what the season, sun can fade your color,” says Dorram-Krause. Harmful UV rays any time of the year can make color fade and can also dehydrate hair. Use a product that contains UV protectors to guard and moisturize your hair every day. You’ll also get a mix of vitamins A, C and E to restore and prevent future damage with got2b Styltini 24 Hour Strengthener ($5.99; drugstore.com). If you’re outside for a long time with the sun beating down, wear a hat to provide extra protection. starting in the shower by using a shampoo and conditioner formulated for dry, damaged hair. This boosts vibrancy that may have been lost during coloring. On damp hair, apply a leave-in conditioner or hair serum like Umberto Beverly Hills Roman Oil Serum ($9.99; at Target) to smooth and condition hair. It’ll also protect from heat damage caused by blow-drying. For extra shine, pamper your hair once a week with a (pre-shower) deep-conditioning treatment. Apply to damp hair and comb through from roots to tips. Next, wrap hair into a bun and pin into place. Leave the treatment on for 30 minutes, rinse, then shampoo. You’ll be left with silky, soft hair

和老師討論山大王學習表現 7:20AM


雖然春季老師家長討論會是自由選參加不參加的 但是為了放心我們還是決定參加 Mrs. Barham特別讓媽咪在教室幫忙時 先選好面談時間 媽咪考慮爸鼻還要上班 但也希望爸鼻也有機會參加 就照老師建議7:20AM 山大王表現都很優秀 老師說他因為貪快所以 segments words into sounds分數有些退步 但是那是因為他閱讀很快 老師認為整體成績還是很傑出 一般一年級大概測驗時可以念到60個字 但是山大王大概是兩倍快 寫作山大王也有進步 其他數學科學常識都是傑出 但是自我控制和聽話專注的程度都不太夠 也不喜歡自我挑戰做比較困難的數學習題 老師的評語是 Seiji has made excellent progress in all areas of study. He is a very fluent reader and is well above the target goal on the Dibels reading assessment. However, Seiji focuses on getting his work done quickly. He needs to slow down and improve his listening skills. Please continue the fine support you give Seiji at home. 全家要進車子裡出發去學校前 媽咪問他怎麼沒帶背包 他回答對耶!他沒帶背包 一如往常山大王沒把媽咪提醒他的話聽進去 自己去拿背包 所以今天山大王就必須嚐到 他自己不負責任的後果 今天在學校就沒有點心和午餐啦 這已經是第二次他忘了帶背包 上回媽咪幫他送去學校 這回就不再幫忙了 不然他永遠不知自己負責照顧好自己



全家都搶著寵貓 媽咪一早就被貓抓門聲吵醒 開始看貓昨晚吃得如何 有沒有乖乖上廁所 幫她送早餐換水 然後幫她清litter box 山寨老爺半夜醒來都會照應一下貓 摸摸她跟她玩一下 我想全家貓最喜愛的人 就是山寨老爺了 因為她最聽山寨老爺的話 要是大小兩隻搶著摸她 她躲在床下不出來時 如果媽咪也叫不動她時 就得請山寨老爺要她出來 山大王費心找出貓喜歡的玩具 他不但發現這隻貓喜歡坐在紙上 還用數字字母拼地做山洞遊戲屋給貓玩 媽咪很開心山大王尋找方法 讓貓有個開心的遊戲場 山大妞雖然很喜歡貓 但是她卻是貓全家裡最想要逃避的人 大概貓發現山大妞其實也是很像一隻貓 除了害羞之外小心翼翼因該是比較適合 形容山大妞和這隻貓的個性 每次山大妞因為貓躲她就會很傷心 要是爸鼻媽咪還要她和貓保持距離 才不會嚇到貓 山大妞更是會傷心大哭 山大妞白天雖然很愛和貓玩 但是睡覺時她和媽咪一樣 不喜歡和貓共處一室 媽咪一次快睡著時 貓跳到媽咪枕頭邊 讓媽咪從昏昏欲睡中全然醒來 把貓抱下床趕她出臥室 後來孩子睡覺時間到 媽咪呼喚貓從床下出來 貓就自己知道媽咪趕牠出臥室了 爸鼻對貓很客氣 除了彬彬有禮外也會等貓躺下要爸鼻按摩時 給貓咪舒服的抓抓 所以爸鼻輕輕拍他座位旁 貓就會主動跳過去坐好 但是爸鼻也因為過於容忍貓到臥室 一次山大王已經在爸鼻旁邊睡著 貓一躍到坐在床上看筆記型電腦的爸鼻旁 爸鼻沒趕貓下床 貓索性走到山大王旁邊 用尾巴掃過山大王的臉 爸鼻才抱貓出臥室 不過山大王對貓很和氣 也不在意在睡夢中貓尾巴掃過他 但是貓睡覺時 山大王還是很想跟他玩 還想辦法把床沿塞住 不想讓貓躲到床下睡 We are lucky that our adopted cat is well-behaved so far. We love playing with her during the day although she always wants to play at night when we shut the bedroom door to sleep. But she is also just contented to gaze into the fish tank at night. This catnip toy she held in the video is a gift from her foster Mom. She also likes to chase ball and laser beam light.



這星期為了貓和小孩很忙 這幾天老爺賜給貓新綽號 俄羅斯藍貓=二樓之懶貓 因為這隻貓不敢造次 也很少下樓 媽咪只好把她的餐盤端去二樓樓梯口 也許是因為她身上的短毛夠厚 這隻貓不怕冷 也不喜歡躺在pet bed上 家裡加上貓褓母送的cat tunnle tent 及hammock house一共有三個貓窩 但是她除非是山大妞老是要追著摸她和她玩 不然她很少躲進三窩 多半喜歡在我們床下睡 冷暗靜的地方最得她的心 晚上媽咪不喜歡她待在我們睡覺的地方 趕二樓之懶貓到走道 她也只能無奈地貓貓數聲 半夜早上我們一開門她就在門口迎接我們 想到我們床上去 上廁所她到現在還不願意用 有加蓋的Cleavercat 媽咪只好把樓下最簡單 的開放式litter pan 拿上去讓她用 第二天中午她雖然不喜歡媽咪用了pan liner 但是還是上了廁所 還好她蓋貓沙還蠻斯文的 沒有到處都是貓沙 媽咪遷就她就讓她在二樓洗手間解決 她現在已經用corn+ wheat + pine litter得蠻習慣了 早上起來都可以見到乾糧吃光了;貓沙用了 到目前為止 媽咪覺得薰衣草這名字還是不適合她 乾脆沿用山寨老爺賜給她的名字 二樓之懶貓好了 目前她和山大王相處還好 但是她雖然很關心山大妞 可是見到山大妞展開熱情的關心 就想要夾著尾巴跑走躲起來 等到山大妞睡著時才敢在床沿偷偷去看她 她最大的娛樂就是站在魚缸上看魚